#i just deleted all of my hoarded urls
Does tumblr still do that thing of deleting your main when you try to delete a side blog
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omegapeeta · 2 years
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neriumxoleander · 3 months
If you could explain, I'm only learning this now! What's going on with Gato? I've only seen vague posts but I know all social media is gone (because by god fucking twitter apparently) I've seen from the fake gatobob account post about recent events and I'm soo confused. Could you please shed some more light on this? If you are as clueless as I am, you don't need to respond. - @your-very-own-anon (mod speaking)
Sorry for the late response, I've been trying to retag some things while I'm focused on this account for once. I'll try to be brief? please don't take me as the authority on this, I just happened to get into the tags while it was unfolding earlier today. still going under a read more though. i suppose a tw for mentions of racism and xenophobia are warranted. And please do not interact if you are a minor or have no age listed on your blog, I will block you.
Gato deleted her social media accounts this morning (tumblr, twitter, pillowfort) and explained on patreon it was for her mental health and safety (which... safety? hm) and someone here immediately claimed the gatobob url. which happens, it's tumblr. but this person is using it basically as a callout center.
the callout seems to be about an incident that happened in the patreon exclusive discord server before it got shut down a couple months ago. tldr according to this person, someone (a mod?) made a racist comment towards someone, and gato apparently handled the situation poorly and neither her or the mods apology were really that great. I was in the server as a lurker more than anything, but I don't remember being there when this happened.
other people sending in asks to this new gatobob account have also been calling her out for xenophobia, but I have a feeling that's looking a little bit too much into statements she's made about her games being redistributed in Russia and Spain specifically if i recall correctly.
this new blog is demanding gato and the aforementioned mod properly apologize for their behaviour, but in my opinion, this is a really weird and bad way to go about it. Smart to use her url as a way to boost the problem, but... I haven't seen any solid evidence besides some very vague screenshots, none of them including the racist remarks (the screenshots they've posted so far definitely aren't good responses or apologies if they ARE linked to this incident, and it should have been taken seriously) And the victim from the racism incident is NOT the person running the new gatobob account, so it feels very weird to me that this person is taking it upon themselves to stir everyone up and demand things from gato and the mod.
as far as I can tell, gato hasn't said anything about this on patreon, although she's likely taking her separation from social media very seriously. If she is aware (and I'm sure she's getting plenty of DMs about this on patreon), she'll likely make a post there addressing it in the next couple days, but that's just speculation.
I'm keeping a mostly neutral stance in this whole thing, but I'm encouraging people to not interact with this new gatobob account. There's nothing we can really do; they aren't impersonating her, posting anything against ToS as far as Im aware, and people have been hoarding urls for years. Just... listen and learn, I think is all I can suggest. Form your own opinions, but don't go on a witch hunt about it, if that makes any sense.
I'll try to answer other questions, but I'm just one guy on the internet who doesn't usually get tangled with things like this. Please be patient.
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pseudophan · 18 days
Hey Nora
I've been thinking about creating a phan blog (after almost 10 years of lurking) but cannot come up with a cool username for the life of me. Any ideas? Thx
honestly i'm probably the wrong person to ask cause i chose my username at 16 and all i did was go down a list of words starting with p cause i wanted (written) alliteration and then i was like... ok pseudophan is very funny cause its like Fake Fan/Fake Phannie/Not A Phannie/But Like I Am Obviously/He He Clever/Whatever
no but i feel like my brain is still stuck in the 2014 era of urls. like i want to recommend you [adjective][phan/dan/phil/howell/lester/etc] shit. but that's probably not the vibe anymore. you could go the classic route of just some random thing they've said at some point i guess?
although! actually. one thing about urls. if you want your url to be memorable i do recommend choosing something very specific. like doing smth like one of their names with a couple of letters changed is cool cause it looks like you've got an almost "canon" url, but it doesn't make you very memorable to people. "dqnhowell" looks cool but most people won't remember it as You. but you might not even want that so that's not necessarily an issue, just something you might want to think about
i'd offer you one of my saved urls but tumblr made me delete most of them a couple of years ago so all i've got now are phannibal, vday and interactiveintroverts. if anyone wants phannibal you can have it but i'm keeping the other two, vday cause its just way too funny to me and the ii one cause lola gave it to me cause she didn't want to hoard it herself and it doesn't rly feel like it's my url to give out. i feel like i should use it for something important one day though like that's kind of a ridiculous url to just let sit there
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wickedts4finds · 7 months
Equiliberty Transphobia and Censorship - Jocelyn and company react to my departure
Thrilling followup of Jocelyn/Moe/Crownhill EC/cathcc/cath-creative-corner/bambisimmer responding to the farewell message I had to post as a screenshot because she blocked the word 'transphobe' from the server to keep people from talking about her revolting behavior and bigotry.
Red mark-out indicates her complicit (at BEST) mods - people who are morally okay with working along someone who believes pronouns are "political", loudly argues that there are only two genders, misgenders people (even calling one trans person it), comes onto posts about respectfully playing Native American characters complaining about cultural sensitivity, and more!
You'll notice Jocelyn's typical victim complex behavior here and emotional immaturity - she is being attacked, she is being bullied, not the transgender people she's treating like dogshit.
Jocelyn, I want you to know that there's not a damn thing that's going to deliver you from the community's wrath on this one.
There's nowhere you can run to get away from your choices. You can change your url or the name of the server or delete channels over and over again as many times as you want, but this community has a long-ass memory. Make a new account! Change your username again! We're going to find you. There are eyes on you in that server. There are eyes on you frankly most places you post. I want you to know it's not safe to vomit up your hateful "opinions" anywhere on god's green earth without it ending up in another public post, and honestly, you're going to be exceptionally lucky if youtube's simmers don't pick up on this one for views from the controversy. You had an okayish rep as a creator back in TS3's equine community and you, nobody but you, threw that all away why? To hurt other people who did nothing to you.
Most of us are LGBT+ in some way and those who aren't are almost always allies, not fellow bigots.
Without further ado! Here's my post in the 2 minutes before Jocelyn deleted it (after saying to me specifically 10-15mins prior she was going to stop deleting posts she just didn't agree with).
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Sooo much here.
"when people aren't older" This is deranged behavior from someone who's allegedly not a minor.
"If it causes drama, hurts someone or the like it should go to be honest." I guess the exception is if it hurts trans people, right, Mod?
"I didn't call the person an it on purpose" 1) oops accidentally fell on my keyboard, hit the I and T keys in the correct order followed by space, then finished my sentence & 2) the way she avoids saying "them" EVEN NOW by saying "the person" instead lmfao
"What I'm upset about is people painting me bad, when I'm not" Girl you are a bad person. You are not kind to people who are already oppressed. You're immature, incapable of leadership at 30something years old, desperately clinging to a failing server which you imploded with YOUR OWN hateful diatribes against people who did NOTHING to you, trying to jealously hoard members and talking about "poaching". You had to create an entire server because you were not welcome elsewhere simply because of your personality before you even started spewing hate speech!!!! Honestly when I joined the discord I kind of anticipated a fall of Rome scenario given who was at the helm, just tried to not interact with her, etc, but nah man. Nah.
"and try ruining my rep" You already ruined it.
But my favorite of all, from the mouth of the bully herself, is this:
It's not okay to post, I'm being attacked. Can't you see how wrong that is?
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myfriendskickass · 2 months
the thing about tumblr's moderation is that
yes they have transphobic enforcement of the rules
some people regardless of marginalized status are breaking the rules because harassment is against the rules
a lot of the time when you report harassment you get told its not actually harassment. what you're supposed to do is FOLLOW UP TO THAT EMAIL with a screencap/link of the thing you're reporting coupled with the specific rule they are breaking
no tumblr doesn't tell you this and that's bad
tumblr's communication is bad actually
and that is because the moderation is largely all bots due to how big tumblr is as a website with how small the staff is, and always has been, relative to how big the website is
and the problem is that even if your case gets seen by a human, none of those humans have moderation TRAINING
this is relevant because what the scum mass reporting people (for spam or otherwise) have learned to do is send hate that juuuuust skirts under the line of the rules so that when you report them, technically they AREN'T breaking the rules
their goal is to provoke you into losing your cool so that you snap and say something against the rules
and then an untrained moderator who is severely underpaid looks at it (if they ever do) and the only guideline they have is pattern matching to the TOU/Community Guidelines
This is why people were getting terminated for talking about their own experiences. (IYKYK) because TECHNICALLY, since it's autobiographical, it is a real person. and TECHNICALLY that is against the rules. But untrained moderators/bots do not have the ability/time to like...use common sense.
I genuinely believe that tumblr support staff is at least trying their best, at least 50% of the time. It's just that the site is so big that they don't have the mod team to do it. They have to rely on bots that can be manipulated by spam, and the few humans they do have aren't trained to know how to spot these types of "you are being provoked into lashing out" type situations or the common sense to know "autobiographies are not the same thing as the content we're trying to prevent" because they are overworked and underpaid. This is also probably why it takes them ages to get back to you and why the communication is so bad.
The real solution is hire more humans and actually train them and stop relying on bots.
My experience with tumblr support is that aside from trying to report harassment that one time that I didn't follow up on because I didn't know you had to do that (and I know it's like why am I doing their jobs for them but with a team this small and overworked, it actually IS helpful to include the thing you're reporting again in a follow up email so that you CAN sway an actual human being) support has almost always responded to all of my bug reports extremely quickly.
They've also responded to reports of my trans friends who are publically out on this website extremely quickly too.
On the same side, they have also banned and then reinstated another trans friend 15 times for talking in detail about their transition experiences. (all text no images) Which we can all agree is fucked up. Same issue with the autobiographical experience fiasco. There was also somebody I followed who reported a bug and then tumblr noticed they had a bunch of sideblogs that were basically empty and deleted their account because of url squatting and it took them a whole week to get it back, at the cost of having to give up sideblog projects they really did intend to get to before their health took a nosedive. (Which, the thing is, TECHNICALLY, that IS url squatting! And yes, a reasonable mod team with training would be able to suss that out, but at the same time, if they let one person hoard urls to "get to eventually", even if they are sincere, how are they going to reasonably distinguish that from somebody who IS trying to exploit things? This is an unfortunate use case.)
On ANOTHER side, a lot of the people (but not all, obviously!) who get banned (popular bloggers esp) actually DID say some really vile things that most people don't know about that violates TOS/CG and the thing is is that when tumblr bans you, EVERY IMAGE from your blog, including old reblog chains, gets removed too. That's how innocuous stuff ends up getting the "this violates guidelines" picture - OP got banned for something you probably didn't see because not everybody sees every post by ever user ever, and tumblr removed all their content.
This happens to Nazis and TERFS a lot, actually, because they're very good at keeping the real heinous shit they say to their own circles. These two groups, btw, do in fact get banned a LOT and they are constantly remaking. (Tumblr is actually extremely chill about ban evasion. Due to how the moderation is, that's a good thing, but on any other website, you can in fact get banned permanently. Those websites have better moderation though.)
Overall, the problem with tumblr moderation is inconsistency. Everything is a random crapshoot to how you get treated and it's really easy to spin this as "staff is deliberately hurting XYZ" but I think the real problem under the hood is that there's simply too few humans (causing a backlog of response time/communication) + over reliance on bots (making it easy to spam report people into getting their blogs banned) + the few humans they do have are untrained and underpaid (making them want to close cases as quickly as possible to move on to the next one/being unsure of how to make moderation decisions so they rely on strict interpretations of the rules.)
Basically, tumblr is not actively malicious (with the exception of that one transphobic moderator they since fired apparently), they are randomly incompetent. And the randomness is what makes this truly awful.
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crumb · 7 days
So just out of curiosity, and I know it's been a while 😅, but exactly how many side blogs did you have before Tumblr shadow banned you? Asking for reasons 👀
LOL oh uh, many. I don't remember the exact number, but a lot. I've been using tumblr since like 2008 (though this is like my third acct) and had been just collecting urls from every fandom I moved through. Some I used, which is fine. But not using a considerable amount of sideblogs is considered hoarding urls which... yeah that's fair lol. So if you have a bunch like that there's always a chance tumblr will strike you down. Though to be clear, they first shadowbanned me wrongfully, which they admitted. It was some security algorithm that like automatically flagged my account and suppressed it for some reason. And then when I reached out for help, they almost fully nuked my account because they saw how many sideblogs I had lmaooo. I never even really thought about it because most were ones I made literally like 5+ years ago. and then it was another whole ordeal deleting all the unused sideblogs and then reaching out to support again and again trying to get them to fix my blog. Which they eventually did, thank god. If you're going through the same thing I would suggest getting rid of urls you don't really want or need, to be safe. if support has explicitly told you that's why your account has been nuked, they will tell you that you need to delete every single sideblog you have that doesnt already have a post(s) made on it. And you can't add a post to a sideblog at that point to try to save it from their wrath/radar. So yeah 🥲 Good luck!
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✨ : what’s the funniest reason you know you’ve been blocked for?
I’m actually not sure, because most people don’t give a reason for blocking. They just do it lol
There was one time, however, over a year ago, when I was debating with someone. They kept making all kinds of wrong assumptions about me and acting like they were Hard Facts, and when I clarified that no, I did not support x or live an x lifestyle, they responded with “oh, so you are a republican” and then they blocked me. Aksgaksgkagsi
(I’m not a republican. I share a lot of those views but I wouldn’t classify myself as that)
It was very frustrating at the time, but looking back on it I think it’s kinda funny XD
❔: what’s the weirdest ask you’ve ever gotten?
So, months ago, a new ask showed up in my inbox, and when I clicked on it, it was an anonymous message that said something along the lines of: I’m white but my friend is Asian and why do people think I’m racist to Asian people I don’t get it can you help me
Like. Alsvaksvaksv I don’t know why they sent that, and I didn’t want to respond, so I just deleted it lol
I also got one ask that I love so so much and it said this: are you… y’know… 🏳️‍🌈?
I GUESS I GIVE OFF LGBT VIBES??? APPARENTLY??? ANYWAY it was random and funny :)
💣 : have you ever received anon hate?
Yes, actually :0
Not many times. Really, only… twice? Since I’ve had tumblr?
One of the asks I published, and it was a death threat. It only said “kill yourself” though, so it wasn’t all that intimidating.
But the other one I got was much more scary, and I deleted it after only reading a few lines. It was another death threat, but it went into… more detail, than the other ask.
It freaked me out, honestly. I got over it fairly quickly, and I don’t really think about it anymore, and when I do it’s not super upsetting—but it was still an awful ask.
Other than those two, I’ve had a few anons who’ve been annoyed or upset or kinda mean, but I wouldn’t classify those as hate. They were just grumpy lol
🥀 : do you hoard urls/save urls?
I don’t think so? I’m not entirely sure what this means alsgaksgkagsi
✉️ : do certain mutuals in your notifs make you smile?
Yeah :D There’s a bunch of people in my notifs that make me really happy, though not all of them are mutuals.
@kanerallels @sisterdragonwithfeathers @biathediamond @brown-little-robin @thatfriendlyanon are all the Happy People <3
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huiranghaes · 1 year
Hello everyone! I know some of you know what happened to my account and why it dissapeared and some of you guys just accepted that my acc died lol, but essentially im here to give you a short tldr and also to announce that I will no longer be using this account, nor any of the ones i have not deleted.
So to start, on Jan 11th tumblr decided to terminate my account, i thought i would get it back in two weeks max bc most of my moots have gone through something similar and gotten theirs back in no time but alas, 3 months go by and i FINALLY get an email stating that the reason my blog was terminated was because i was "hoarding too many urls" and i had to delete all of them to get my account back. I did do as ghey said and now here i am.
Yes, i did create a backup account that was called huiranghaes-backup for a brief moment and within two weeks 100 of you guys found me! And i have since turned that blog into my new main and ateez blog, you can go follow @userwoosan !!!! I will officially be moving to that account as I got impatient and decided to rebuild my account.
As for this account, i have 1.2k followers on here and I know all of you have followed me for my writing, but unfortunately I have decided to delete all posts on this account, and I have already moved my main fics to a new blog called @choism if you would like to follow me there. I wont delete everything immediately, but I will be honest and say I have not been hally with my writing for a while, and I think restarting is the best thing for me. I know a lot of you guys read for seventeen and ateez and those are the groups I mainly write for now as well, and I have plenty of projects coming up on my new blog!
For those who stayed, waiting for me to come back, thank you so much. I love all of you and this is not the end! I really encourage you all to follow my new writing blog @choism and I hope you all follow me to my new blogs
As for my side blogs, I left hourlyjun and yes Im sure you all new but I had left svthub a while ago, it was just time to move on to better things for me and I wish them the best. My gif sideblogs will stay up as I am happy with those blogs, you can check ghem out @woosaan and @mingified I will also pin posts stating which blog I moved to.
Thank you for understanding everyone <3
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testosteronefag · 5 months
ok well i just got access back to my account so i can finally make this post
yesterday i got an email from tumblr saying they suspended my blog bc i had too many saved urls. i had to delete all my unused url sideblogs in order to get my account back
so if y'all have any saved urls, especially a decent amount, it might be time to get rid of them or else you might get suspended. which is fucked up bc this is the site of url hoarding
the email i got looked like spam and i didn't even realize anything had happened until i tried to use my tumblr app. and ofc they didn't reinstate my account until this morning. super fucked up
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oceanflowerrs · 1 year
im never gonna use these urls ive been hoarding so have them for free.
first come first serve. as in literally i just deleted all of them so whoever grabs them first wins. dont judge me for these i honest to god thought these were really cool canon urls when i was like 16.
psychohelmetcult-official (mp100 url) hagane-no-renkinjutsushi (fma url) shunkansentimental (fmab 4th ed) nightshark115 (stanley parable url) trans-miku (self-explanatory past url) anata-to-watashi-de-rendezvous (vocaloid lyrics) castle-crashers ispentabillionmobiums (honest to god canon robotnik aosth url) sneakydeviousunderhandedscheme (also robotnik url) hedgehog-stew (that one ytpmv) trans-susie (also past url) umjammertranny (i dont have to explain myself) headsosof (pill bottle in the tmbg dr worm music video lol) sbinbox (strong bad ask blog i tried to make but gave up immediately. im sorry.) verysadsack (tmbg song, was going to make this a strong sad blog to accompany sbinbox but obviously that didnt go anywhere) trans-madeline (also past url)
do not dm me asking for these they are already out of my hands just grab them. if you want to give me money my links are in my description
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userwoosan · 1 year
hey guys I finally got an email from tumblr as to why my original account got terminated
essentially, i was "hoarding" too many urls and someone flagged my account, instead of dming for the url so tumblr was like "lmao fuck u" and instead of warning me, they just deleted my blog with telling me the reason for 3 months. They said in order to gain my account back fully all I had to do was delete every single url which was rly hard bc i had some good ass urls in there but now they are all gone
I should have full access to all of my old blogs soon depending on if they take their sweet ass time replying again, and here is what Im going to do once I get them back.
First, Im going to keep this account, and only use it from now on. Ive given up going back to my old blog because honestly its pointless and tbh, i dont rly vibe with some of those blogs anymore and i think starting fresh is best for me. Im gonna keep huiranghaes but im going to delete everything on it, its my main so i have to keep it to preserve my side blogs. Im going to keep all of woosaan and essentially archive it, i will make a post on there that says ive moved to here and im gonna pin it, i will also keep mingified
as for the others, i have left the networks i was in and i have already deleted woommy, that wasnt a successful blog anyway
i think this whole situation sucks and i really wish tumblr handled it better, and i wont lie and say it hasnt stressed me out. But I will continue putting out content for you all here and on my side blogs <3
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Nooo omg I was so worried for a sec I thought you blocked me 😭 But then I was like no wait you probably just got another acc lol, phew
they termed my main for "url hoarding" apparently i had 80 sideblogs and only 35 were in use oops! but i am supposed to get it back once i delete all the blank blogs which i did but i'm still waiting to get it back. also i followed you from my back up main @notabotbutabackup tho but since i have access to my dashboard on my main i just can't actually interact with posts it's easier to blog to this sideblog instead eh but no i wld never block you you provide enrichmence to the dash and i like seeing you around genuinely <3
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rveisure · 1 year
today i was trying to look at all my old rp blogs and apparently @staff deleted them and gave the urls to other people who are just url hoarding..... i saved all those blogs for memories.... thanks for ruining all my hardwork and everything i had built....
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hgduo · 1 year
47 side blogs??? How active are you on them?
I'm pretty much only active on this one and my main, I want to use my mcyt art sideblog more and I do have a KH one that I'll probably use more when the new games drop and my hyperfix kicks back up again. Nevadaz is the longest and most often I have ever used a sideblog!
Most of my other urls are ( or were I've since deleted most of them ) old memes, fandom urls, or other various little ideas I had but never ended up doing anything with like a nuzlocke sideblog. (In fact this blog was one of the meme urls I had that I really liked until I changed it to something more fitting!)
Some of my other ones were used for 'aesthetic blogs' but I stopped keeping up with them and just rbed stuff I like to my main instead, I really only used them since I felt bad for hoarding urls and not using them but liked them too much to just delete them lol. Others are old roleplay blogs that I don't use anymore ( and if you want to get super technical I actually have more then 47 urls saved because for some reason I used to make whole separate accounts for each of my roleplay blogs but usually I ended up forgetting the password or got bored and abandoned them... yes I made emails for all of them 💀)
I've deleted most of the ones I never used but I like to save the ones I did use even if it was just for a small while, like the fandom ones I actually used, the rp ones, my old art blog that I mostly used to collect art tutorials, as well as the few now inactive group blogs I was apart of.
Sorry that was a long ramble lol!
Long story short: No I don't use most of them, pretty much just this one and my main!
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reformedfaerie · 1 year
We went to Tumblr jail for URL hoarding back in 2021 (we had 50 or more saved too) and we ended up having to delete all of them, except for 5 that we really wanted and made them appear as if they were being used. We responded to Tumblr and it wasn't until two or so days later that they responded and later un-suspended our account. They said you can have as many sideblogs as you want but they have to be updated periodically. This post helped us: https://www.tumblr.com/scottlangs/177243379396/dont-get-terminated-by-url-hoarding-psa
Thank you! I’ll definitely look into it.
I’ve sent a few emails but don’t want to get in trouble for spamming them so I’m just waiting now. I deleted all the empty blogs and I’ve been using my side log regularly for years so those should be fine.
I just want them to reply to me.
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