#i know the pokemon company is a little hated atm
lilbit-of-kizzy · 1 year
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The culprit
I'm not crying you're crying 😭
The fact that Pokémon is still so beloved will always get to me 🥺
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mikamink · 3 years
What are your pokemon headcanons for some of the characters teams lol
I've figured out some fitting pokemon for most characters but I like to try to find a neat theme and setup to go with the choices. I don't have all of them set in stone but I'll share the choices I'm the happy with atm.
Some of the descriptions will be a bit long. Characters included are Rasiel, Fran, Belphegor, Chrome, Ryohei, and Bianchi. (With very slight mention of Haru and Kyoko)
Rasiel- I’ll just get him out of the way first. Due to his status and traumatic childhood Rasiel’s preference in pokemon revolves around high class ghost types. Vain status symbols and testaments to his ability to overcome death. His team is comprised of pokemon like Cofagrigus, Chandelure, and (Authentic)Polteageist. His most notable pokemon is Cofagrigus.
Not long after the “incident” that left him terribly injured and ill, employees around the castle noticed the presence of a distressed yamask pacing the outskirts of the castle grounds. Some noted the unsettling resemblance between the young prince and the mask the pokemon carried. At some point during his recovery, the Yamask found it’s way into the castle and rushed straight to Siel. It’s presence didn’t scare the prince, it was oddly comforting and the stray pokemon offered him some small bit of company while he remained isolated.
The consensus between his caretakers was that the Yamask had mistakenly taken the likeness of the prince during the moments he was buried after his brush with death. Rasiel miraculously surviving and Yamask retaining his likeness made the pokemon confused and curiously drawn to him. And it wasn’t just Yamask. Rasiel’s near death experience and the recent flood of negative energy throughout the castle grounds turned it into a beacon for ghost type pokemon. Overtime Rasiel developed a fascination with death and the afterlife and became as drawn to ghost types as they were to him. Not once did he have to go out of his way to catch his own pokemon, all of his partners eagerly sought out their new prince of their own accord.
Rasiel’s main partner Cofagrigus is a very unsettling and dangerous pokemon and most are surprised by how docile it is in his presence. Not only is his connection to Cofagrigus deeply personal, his family is wealthy enough to satiate it’s appetite for gold and his status as future king makes him a perfect match for that particular pokemon based on it’s history. -“There are many depictions of Cofagrigus decorating ancient tombs. They're symbols of the wealth that kings of bygone eras had.”
Fran- Fran has a very notable lack of motivation when it comes to most things, being a trainer included. He doesn’t really have a preference and his team is made up of pokemon he obtained through odd circumstances. Notable pokemon in Frans possession are Espurr, Zorua, Mimikyu, Appletun, and Hatterene.
A tiny apple-less applin became infatuated with Fran’s hat and was determined to make it it’s new home. Though Fran tried many times to shoo the pokemon away or lock it out of his house, it always found its way to him again. Eventually he grew tired of constantly dealing with it and just let it take up residence in his hat. It’s delighted little eyes always poking out of the top. Fran eventually evolved it not long after he acquired a new hat.
Though I don’t have an idea for how he acquired Mimikyu and I do have the hc that Fran is for some unknown reason is the only known person capable of looking under Mimikyu’s disguise without it having any negative affect on him. Not even Belphegor or Mukuro are willing to personally test their luck in that regard.
Hatterene are scary and near impossible for the average person to approach without provoking. However Fran’s monotonous disposition and overall lack of outward emotion made him unintentionally cross paths with one. Though he had no desire to catch or battle it he noticed it had intently started following him. It had never encountered a human that didn’t instantly agitate it and that made it curious.(She also just liked his big silly hat) He didn’t particularly like the idea of having such an aggressive and volatile pokemon in his possession but he also didn’t want it following him through places filled with people that could potentially provoke it, not that he was concerned it might attack other people, he just didn't want it to attack him. So he made a compromise to take it with him while in the safety of a ball, and it surprisingly obliged.
There is ONE perk though. Hatterene HATES Belphegor. He’s loud and hostile and his vibes are terrible. He is everything Hatterenes hate in a human. If Fran tries to use Hatterene in battle while Bel is nearby it will turn it’s focus straight to him. Sometimes Fran does it on purpose because honestly Bel deserves it majority of the time. Her Fairy typing also directly counters Bel’s favored dark type.
Belphegor- Gonna be honest, I’ve tried to put a lot of thought into Bel for this AU but he is incredibly difficult to work with. It’s hard for me to assign him pokemon because I just can’t seem to find any that are good enough to fit his vibes. Or in his case bad enough. The main thing I decided for him was that he would have a focus on dark types and two of his pokemon would be a shiny Absol and the exception to his preference, Gengar. Alolan Persian, Deino, Weavile, and Skuntank are pretty solid contenders but i’m not 100% on all of them yet. Tho I do like the idea of both of the twins having meowth, Bel ending up with alolan persian and Rasiel ending up with Kantonian Persian.
Absol’s are considered bad omens, bringers of disaster and death, and that is exactly what comes to those whose paths are crossed by this crimson visage. It’s presence is a warning that it’s master is near. Bel has had this fearsome partner since he was a child, it’s first appearance before him marking the “death” of his brother. Since then Bel has been a beacon for disaster, anywhere he goes he happily brings death with him, and that is why Absol is never far from his side. Always there to be a warning, or a threat, to those who venture too close or are unfortunate enough to have Bel’s sights set on them.
The exception to his preference in dark types is Gengar. He liked it’s vibe and got it as a direct response to Fran’s Hatterene being a constant pain. Though head-to-head it does come down more to skill than typing since both have disadvantage and weakness against the other. Generally they tend to be pretty even in power.(when you don’t consider the fact that Fran doesn’t really put much effort into battles.)
Chrome- Chrome isn’t one for battle when it comes to pokemon and doesn’t really have a preference. For Chrome her pokemon are therapeutic and a source of comfort in her day to day. Her pokemon are Musharna, Sylveon, Togetic, Shiny Audino, Kirlia, and Gothorita. Pokemon that specialize in soothing the fears and anxiety of their trainers, and bringing them happiness. Her very first partner was a Munna.
It isn’t uncommon for doctors to use pokemon as assistants for a variety of medical treatments. Though they were not exclusive to that ward, munna were often found in the pediatric ward at night. They provided assurance and comfort to recovering children, soothing their dreams and eating away the nightmares. Though there was little hope she would survive, Chrome had one assigned to her bedside. A small comfort during what would likely be her last few nights. Her moments of consciousness were short and scarce, so her dreams were all she had left.
Up until Mukuro’s odd intervention, Munna remained snug by her side. It would sometimes visit her in her dreams, providing some company within her peaceful, yet lonely world. After all what company could she dream of if everyone had abandoned her? When she awakened and had miraculously stabilized due to Mukuro’s aid she just so happened to take the Munna with her on her way out of the hospital.
Ryohei- While not one I tend to think too much on and I dont have a full party thought out for him, I recently decided I like the idea of him having Mega-Lopunny. I know that seems like an odd choice, because it is, everyone thinks it's an odd pokemon for him to have, including himself, but under no circumstances would he ever consider removing it from his team because it was a gift.
When his little sister Kyoko became a trainer the first thing she did was try to find a pokemon she could give to her big brother as a gift, as a way of showing him she was capable of catching pokemon on her own and to thank him for helping her get to that point. At the time Buneary felt like a good fit in her eyes because it was cute and its ears seemed to pack the kinda punch Ryohei liked his pokemon to have.
Ryohei was overjoyed by the gift and didnt question in the slightest why she would give him a normal type when he specialized in fighting types, he was just proud of his sister. His synergy with Lopunny is surprisingly solid as it makes for a good pseudo fighting type, and in it's mega form it not only becomes a proper fighting type it also gains the ability to PUNCH GHOSTS which is cool as hell!
Once Kyoko is a little older she feels kind of embarrassed about her choice given Ryoheis type preference but he insists Lopunny is amazing and gladly shows off it's power to anyone when given the chance, making sure everyone knows it's because of his little sister he has such a powerful partner. This does not help ease her embarrassment. Ryohei eventually returned the favor by gifting her a stufful. Something that suited her that was cute and strong, and also because Haru had one and he knew how much Kyoko loved it.
Bianchi- Instead of going full poison types like I originally planned to, I started liking the idea of her having food themed pokemon that are just kinda wrong. She's the only char I have considered taking some liberties with the canon designs and typing of her pokemon. At the moment I hc her having Alcremie, Vanilluxe, and Tsareena. All "shiny" though people are sure Bianchi's pokemon were not always those sickly off-colors. Their designs would be more warped/melted with tsareena being an exception as she seemed to have a better response to it's trainer-inflicted poison typing. (A G-maxed Alcremie in her possession would be a horrific sight)
Bianchi herself isn't doing this intentionally to her pokemon and also doesn't seem to notice their differences. Her love for her pokemon and the care she provides for them are genuine, they just somehow always end up “wrong”. Their sickly appearances haven't hindered their ability to function in battle and they actually seem to be unusually stronger than their average counterparts.
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smash-chu · 5 years
All of the fantasy asks!!
Fairy- What is something that you get excited about?
A lot of things, it’d be hard to list everything but i get excited about things in games i like, seeing people i care for being excited, and whatnot! I also get excited about drawing something really well and also knowing it will be liked
Mermaid- What are you looking forward to?
Uhhhh, that thingy with you whenever that happens :3 And i guess seeing where life takes me, as well as looking forward to more summers, i love summer
Elf- What are you proud of?
That i decided to keep on drawing! 
Dragon- Sexuality?
Ace, probably, haven’t really bothered to figure that stuff out
Griffin- Gender?
I’ve gone with female for as long as i have known, so i s’pose that
Unicorn- Who do you look up to?
My friends! I don’t have any particular people that i look up to per say, some artists can be inspiring though sometimes
Spirit- Have you ever been in love?
No idea :b Maybe? I honestly don’t know for sure
Ghost- Favorite song?
Hard to pick!! I love plenty of songs, i’ve been listening to this a lot tho recently because it’s nostalgic and makes me happy
Poltergeist- Favorite song lyric?
This entire song, it’s so pretty it sometimes makes me cry, it’s an innocent, sweet song that just overwhelms my soul with a feeling of hearth
Ghoul- Who is someone that makes you laugh easily/who’s company you enjoy most of, if not all of, the time?
You, you goof :b As in the person sending this ask
Goblin- What makes you happy?  
Seeing people i like being happy
Dwarf- Favorite tv show?
Hah! I don’t watch tv! Nor shows these days! Luckily i can just say the moomins cause reasons~ Oh and Pokemon, but i stopped watching that after the gen 5 season came out cause that was also when it took a major halt in being released in Sweden :b
Vampire- Are you currently reading any books? If so, what book(s)?
I don’t read many books, mostly cause i know little to no good books and spend so much time drawing and doing other things! I do read a webcomic atm :3c Which i should keep on reading..
Werewolf- Who is your family? Who do you live with?  
My family is my straight parents n my three younger siblings, they are a silly bunch! I currently live with no one but there are plans for that to change :3
Siren- Favorite color?
This beautiful thing! I love a lot of colors tho
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Hobgoblin- Do you like anyone?
Wraith- Any scars?
Yeah i have scars on one of my eye lids from a big lump i had growing on it when i was young, it went away but it left it’s mark! Fun fact, it happened on both, but only one left a scar. There’s also a very faint and barely visible scar from when i hit my chin against a rock when i was younger. I also have stretch marks, but i dunno if those count.
Specter- Have you ever been in love?
Bitch this is the same question as the one earlier, the fuck
Chimera- Will you/do you want to get married?
Oh i wonder what the answer to that is UwU 
Changeling- Do you want children?
No idea, based on the fact that i’m scared of pregnancy and already hate my uterus to oblivion i will never bear a child myself that’s for sure, but if given the time, resources and motivation, i would maybe consider adoption later in life
Oracle- Do you like children?
Yes and no, they can be incredibly annoying, but also funny and carefree. I do respect them though and won’t be a jerk to a child, but i in general avoid having anything to do with them if i can.
King- Describe your ideal day.
My ideal day is one where everything is chill, there’s no chore that needs to be done, i have no commissions or schoolwork, literally anything is within my reach and i can hang with my best friend.
Queen- Age?
Princess- What is your relationship with your parents like?
Chill, they owe me stuff and i tend to help them out a lot more than they would like, but hey good on them raising a child who saves up a shit ton of money when given the chance :b I like them but they also feel hard to talk to, too, there’s still that thing in me that doesn’t like facing them despite me being an adult and they treating me as such.
Prince- Birthday?
The 17th of February!
Necromancer- If you could spend a week with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?
My best friend, the sender of this ask :3
Castle- What is something that not a lot of people know about you?
I work towards goals other people would not expect nor think would be a thing, oh and i also like never ever brush my hair because i’ve given up on trying to tame my wild mane of curls - i am at it’s mercy
Tower- What is (at least one thing) something that you’re afraid of?
Talking to my parents about stuff that involve saying no to something they want. Falling down my stupid stairs on accident. Hurting people i love on accident. I also have a strange fear of construction machines which i can’t explain.
Magic- Describe your crush without saying their name.
The fuck is a crush lmao, i can give my info on things like appearance vise! Tall, long hair, freckles, glasses, chubby and friendly looking! Both of my best friends i’ve had over the years had those features, so that might be why i like those things
Enchanted Forest- Height?
4′11″ i’m always the shortest in any squad i am in and i contribute by making people feel tall for once, never expect me to successfully get anything off a high shelf unless you wish to see me go on a dangerous climbing quest
Magic Healer- Any pets? If so, what are they?
Don’t got no pets of my own, but my family owns a lil doggo named Zigge! Unless one counts the spiders in my house, in which case i have a big cellar spider named Sanic (cause she fast) and a occasionally visiting jumping Spider named Stripey.
Potions- Relationship status?
Single, duh
Potion Making- Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I don’t even remember who i last gave a kiss to in the flesh, so i dunno
Divination- What do you think about yourself?
I’m certainly a person! I love my own sense of humor cause i often amuse myself and like how creative i am, it makes life so much more enjoyable. As much fun as it is making fun of my smallness and being a grump about it, i like that too honestly. I wish i had freckles though. And also was better at comforting people. I kinda suck at that a lot
Visions- Do you miss anyone?
Hmmmmmmmmmmm, i dunno maybe my bestie
Curses- How do you show affection?
I throw gifts towards a person, often art, and i also do it via constantly wanting to listen to what they say and want to hear whatever they are up to. I also tend to pick up the interests of people i like so i can relate and talk to them about it, it also makes me understand, and i value that a lot. Catering and trying to make either a fun or comfy atmosphere for the person is also something. Physical affection i am less certain about, mostly cause i don’t have anyone nearby to do that with yet :’3 Hugs are wonderful tho!
Charms- Are you religious?
Never have, never will. It doesn’t interest me, i love myths and stuff like that, but dedicating myself to a religion? Nah
Hexes- What’s your favorite smell?
Baking bread, sitting in the oven.... ahh.. 
Jinxes- If you could be anywhere, where would you want to be?
I like being in my home :3 I personally would not be anywhere else, but if i could bring another person here the obvious pick would be my bestie, of course ;3 And if i have to pick?? I guess at their place, though that’s far away and i don’t like America cause it kinda sucks and is scary for a little swede like me who has at most traveled to Germany and Denmark which are like right around the corner
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lunalxa · 6 years
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( ❀ — her father ; hc.20 )
NOTE: there will be the mention of death in this post, as such I will tag it accordingly and put it under a read more. But that being said, I will give some info about Moon’s father before going into detail about what happened to him.
- Moon’s father was a really good person and tried really hard for a single father. - He lived mainly in both the Kanto and Johto regions. That being said he has visited/lived in the following regions: Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos.  - He preferred Johto traditions, but was inevitably forced to move back to Kanto due to the job opportunities he was given. - He attempted to date after the divorce -- but found that he couldn’t. - It wasn’t that Moon’s father did not have money, rather his wife and other family members stole from him and he gave to those in need.  - He was extremely bright and intelligent. - He looked like your average Joe, but he was a nerd who really liked nature. (Though he was a nerd with a lot of other thing, he just REALLY liked nature the most) - Moon’s father was not at all materialistic but was a man of culture and tradition 
Alright everything else will but under a read more. But only because there is a mention of death.
So Moon’s father was something that you honestly want to see as a good human being. You know all that stereotypical good father and a good man sort of thing. No, he wasn’t religious but hell, he was very spiritual in many ways. He may not have understood a lot of the emotional roller-coaster that Moon went though at times, he did know how to raise a kid, to the best of his ability on his own.
Now, as Moon got older, and her father’s work needed him more. As I have said before, he was a very bright man. Super damn smart. As such, Silph Co, the company he worked for needed him more often. Now let me tell you about Silph Co. specifically for a moment.
If the timeline falls right, (well compared to Moon’s age atm), Silph Co was not yet controlled by Team Rocket yet when Moon’s father started working there. It isn’t until a little later that Rocket does actually begin to control the company, causing worker there to either be dropped, forced to work, and/or have no knowledge of who actually controlled the company. 
Since Moon’s father was bright, he caught on right away -- however he continued to work there for a variety of reasons. 1) his pay was raised -- he was classified as a higher and valued individual on Silph Co.’s part. 2) he needed the money to help Moon. 3) he was promised that nothing would happen to his daughter if he just continued to work. 
He hated working there under the control of Team Rocket, but he didn’t really have much of a choice. Aside from that, he was also part of a special, private team that worked on classified projects. He was actually able to hide a lot of information from Rocket due to his security clearance and his capability to complete other tasks to satisfy the the hunger of Rocket’s needs. But through Moon’s life there, Team rocket had come and gone -- and her father was able to hide a lot of really good information from Rocket, essentially preventing them from becoming like “demi-gods.”
So yes, Team rocket came, and Team Rocket went. While Moon lived in Kanto. Sounds god right? Moving on about what else Moon’s dad did at Silph Co.
No, Moon’s father was not part of the team that created the Master Ball. He did give input on it, but he was working on the more medical side of Silph Co. Essentially, he was trying to mess around with formulas and medicine that could do some of the following: ~ understand the pokemon language, ~ help Aura users with the manipulation of Aura ( as well as stregthen their abilties) ~ And yes, he was involved with a medicine that helped people who had gotten “sick” from dimension travelling. 
(since many legendary pokemon were capable to travelling between dimensions, humans sometimes got caught in those travel “episodes.” This included time travel as well. Consider it kind of like this: some people have jet lag -- some get sick from flying and travelling -- Moon’s dad was trying to find something to help with those people who got sick/tired)
In other words, he was helping to find a medicine/cure for essentially fallers. 
Now, he never told Moon anything that he was doing. And if he did, it was through some game or metaphor. He did teach her about the carrying effects of plants and berries, including the more “rare” ones, and he did tell her little tips about mixing together specific plants to help modify/help/enhance the human body and it’s wonders (aura/telekinesis/supernatural senses). The reason why he did it was because he did catch on that his own daughter may have had her own capabilities of having something  that a most normal human didn’t -- understand/hear (and possibly interact in some other way with) the unnatural. He never found out what his daughter had, but he did try to study and look for something for her because he genuinely loved and cared about her and didn’t want her to be afraid (because if what she had something that gave her negative effects like headache, or at the worst, deterioration of her body, he wanted to protect and save her from possible death).
Well before Moon left for Alola, Moon’s father disappeared right? Well, Moon doesn’t know what happened to him. For her, he simply just didn’t come home from work. No she legit doesn’t know what happened, but let me just get straight to the point.
Moon’s father “died.”
Well I mean, his body was destroyed, but his soul is bound to earth. For Silph Co. they just consider is a tragic accident. Essentially what happened though was that an older member of rocket found out what Moon’s father had done, and attempted to assassinate him. Whether or not they were successful is a mystery, but he did grow rather paranoid after Rocket left the company. In addition to that, the pressures of finding cures and medicines really started to take a toll on him.
Let’s just say that his own pokemon began to notice and sought help from actually legendary pokemon for help. Moon and her father do follow a form of Arceism, so the legendary pokemon were aware that they were followers of them. But what really caught their eye with Moon’s father was that while he believed in them, and was trying to create stuff to help get closer to them, he never actually saw them as something that he personally wanted to become. Or rather, he kind of saw them as beings that held higher powers than himself, but respected them not because of where they sat on the hierarchy scale but rather he respected them because that was what he genuinely wanted to do. All he ever wanted was to just be loved and respected back for trying to be a good person.
Yea, so while he never called for the mythical pokemon, his own pokemon did, and so the legendary pokemon did answer in response. But they answered in a way you wouldn’t expect.
They came and actually helped create the medicine that Moon’s father desperately wanted to make. No deals were made, but he was blessed in a way that not many people were blessed. So if something tragic happened, his soul would be preserved -- regardless of what happened to his own body.
Well when the Silph Co. found out about the medicine Moon’s father “created,” They wanted to mass produce and make profit off of it. Essentially it all boiled down to money. He didn’t want that. He didn’t want to make a profit, he didn’t want some people to suffer while the rich people were better off. This didn’t really make him a favoured man.
So essentially, Team Rocket had a bone to pick with him because he prevented them from becoming mini gods to terrorise the people.
Part of Silph Co. had also become corrupt enough and wanted to get rid of Moon’s Father. Firing him wasn’t something they wanted to do though, because like I said, he dedicated his life to them and there were some people that were trying to protect him.
He couldn’t leave either because leaving would guarantee that he would have little to no protection. But he was not going to commit suicide to leave the situation -- this is obvious because he loved his daughter so much, he couldn’t do that to her.
Nobody was actually there to see what actually happen though. And each person has their own speculations. Maybe Rocket did get to him. Or maybe Silph Co got their way (with the unfortunae circumstances of not being able to obtain the medicine he created).. Maybe he just ran away. Maybe all of these are true in some way. But what is actually 100% true was that one day he was there, and the next day, he was gone.
It could have been the blessing of the mythical pokemon that saved/took him. You won’t actually be ever able to find his body, but if you do try hard enough, you could find him. Just not in the way you expect.
I’ll leave it at that though because ooooo mystery I like a good mystery.
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