#bleh I hate crying even happy tears lol
lilbit-of-kizzy · 1 year
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The culprit
I'm not crying you're crying 😭
The fact that Pokémon is still so beloved will always get to me 🥺
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tanakax123 · 4 years
*Not Just friends* part 1???
~Manger Fem reader x Oikawa 
~summary: You are the manager of the Aobajohsai High volleyball team. really close friends with Oikawa, so you know he has a lot of girls going after him. He rarely dates them however when he gets a new girlfriend she does not sit well with you. Will oikawa pick her or you?? 
~ warnings: uhhh idk but hes kind of mean at some point, bad words, bullying?
~ A/N: i suck at writing and im trying to get better so yes. Hahaha so enjoy this trashy story lol. 
     Being friends with Oikawa Toru is one of the most difficult things that anyone could ever imagine. However you manage just fine, well not really because he was cute but not the point. All these girls keep trying to fight you since you are one of his closest friends. However it has never bothered you and even if it did Oikawa made sure that they knew where they stand, which just made your heart race really fast. Which is why the amount of bullying from the girls settled down. 
     One day you were on your way to volleyball practice when you bumped into Iwaizumi. “Hello Y/N, im so sorry are you okay”. You looked up at him with a smile and just shook your head. “Its okay Iwa, are you on your way to practice? lets walk together”. he just smiled at you and then started walking towards the gym. 
On your way there you guys were just talking about a new movie that had just come out. When you guys started to get closer to the gym you heard two people talking and one of the voices sounded really familiar. You grab your friend and pull him to the wall. “whats wrong Y/N?” you look at him and put a finger over his mouth. You then point outside where he notices Oikawa talking to a female student. Both of you look at eachother, nod, and start to listen to the conversation. 
“Oikawa...I... I really like you. P-Please accept my feelings” said the girl. 
Your turn to look at Iwazumi suprised. You looked at him and you realize he notices the same thing as you. 
...Oikawa was blushing. 
At this moment you kind of felt a bit jealous. You have never seen Oikawa blush this much. And for a girl? never. Only for volleyball but I think everyone has seen that.
Then Oikawa gave his answer. “I accept them” and he smiles “I like you too.” He then tilts his head to give her a kiss. you rapidly turn around and hug Iwaizumi trying to hide the tears in your face. You have had a crush on your bestfriend for so long but he never noticed you so you just kept being his friend. Iwaizumi being the amazing friend he is already knew that you had a crush on Oikawa so he just hugged you back rubbing circles on your back. “It is going to be okay Y/N” he assured you. However, you were not so sure. 
Once you calmed down you and Iwa walked to the gym together. You felt bad since you caused iwa to be late to practice. “Dont worry about it, your emotional state is important to me too” he smiles at you and leaves to go get changed. You then enter the gym and notice Oikawa is running towards you
“Y/N, I have newsssssss!!!”. You take a deep breath and put on a smile. You can not let your feelings get in the way of being happy for your best friend. “Yes Toru?” (since you guys became best friends he insisted on you calling him by his first name, and since then you have never called him by his last name) he had one of the biggest smiles. you tried so hard not let tears fall. 
“I have a....girlfriend!!!!” 
You stopped smiling but he didnt notice. You smiled once again “Thats awesome Toru”. He grabbed your arm and tried to pull you in for a hug, however you stopped him. “If you have a girlfriend you probably should not be hugging other girls” you teased. He gave you a confused look “but you are my best friend, you dont like me like that so its okay, besides she knows we are close friends” you look up at him and laugh nervously “haha right” you give him a hug and tell him to go back to practice. What you both didnt know is that his girlfriend was standing outside looking through a window. 
she really did not like you. 
but we dont like her either so bleh
After about a month of them dating Oikawa has been hanging out with you less and less. It was only natural right? he got a girlfriend and he is spending most of his time with her. However it was NOT natural. He basically only talked to you like once every two days. Not even at volleyball practice. 
After a volleyball practice, you notice Oikawa starting to walk up to you. You look at him but then turn away to start cleaning up since it was time to go home. “hey Y/N...” you just nodded your head but did not say anything. he frowned “...im really sorry”. you knew why he was apologizing so thats when you looked up. There he was looking really upset. how could you not accept that apology. “ohh~ is the great Toru really apologizing... to me?!~” you tease. He then looked at you with wide eyes, immediately replaced with teasing ones. “you know what i take my apology back~” you start to laugh. he then tries to reach for your hand to pull you into a hug but once you see this you pull your hand away. “we should finish cleaning” you smile awkwardly then start walking away towards Iwaizumi. the entire team saw you guys, they knew something was not right but they decided not to say anything. “Are you okay Y/N?” Iwaizumi asked. you smile at him “of course”. Oikawa saw this interaction, he was not jealous of course he was hehe but he didnt know why he felt so uneasy.
Once you were done cleaning you were the last one there because the coach had to talk to you about the next practice game that was going to be in a week. When you started to lock the gym you heard footsteps behind you. you turn around and there she was. that bitch... i mean Oikawas girlfriend. 
“hey y/n we have to talk”. you just looked at her ‘why the hell is she here at this time of night’ however you just nodded your head signaling for her to start talking. “look y/n, im going to get straight to the point, i dont like you..” ‘ wow i am sooo suprised’ you thought “...you are annoying and always getting in the way. I love Oikawa so im going to do what is best for him” she stayed silent for a while. but what she said next you were not ready for. 
“You need to stop being friends with Oikawa” 
Your eyes widen and you swear you stopped breathing. what the actual fuck does this bitch think she is saying. stop being friends with Oikawa? why? why does she hate you so much to do this? of course you were not just going to let her push you around. 
“What the fuck did you just say to me” 
“you heard me”
“im sorry but i am not going to be doing that. Not unless he asks me himself, but since you swear you know him so well then you know that he wont be doing that so please stop this before you regret it”
and then before you knew it you were on the ground. she fucking punched you. ‘shit she is strong’ “You better do as i say before you lose Oikawa in the way that he wont even look at you” she then started walking away “watch yourself” and all you hear is her footsteps as you are staring at the ground. 
You dont know how long you were staring at the floor, until you heard a voice “Y/N!! are you okay??” then they started shaking your shoulders. You looked up and you see Iwa. “I thought you went home” you say. He then gave you a little side smile “and leave you to walk alone? what kind of friend would i be?” He then helped you get up and started to walk you home. 
On your way home Iwa asked you if you wanted to talk about it. He explained to you that he had seen the entire thing unfold. How she told you she didnt like you, how she told you to stop talking to Oikawa and how she punched you. You then turn to look at him with tears in your eyes. He looks at you with so much worry, so all he can think to do is hug you. The second his arms wrap around you all the tears you have been holding in just came out. You just kept crying and crying till you physically couldnt anymore. 
“it will be okay y/n. trust me”
the next day you went to school like nothing happened. 
and the next day as well.
and the next.
It was all forgotten about really, until oikawa asked you the one thing you didnt want to hear.
“Hey y/n! i think its time to introduce you to my girlfriend!” he shouted across the entire court during practice. everyone kind of just froze, especially Iwaizumi. Your glared at Oikawa “no thanks” you were mad. he hasnt talked to you in a while and thats the one thing he says to you? really? he started to jog towards you “come on y/n...you dont even know her. she is a nice person!” he tried reaching out for your arm but you swatted his hand away. 
“i said no Oikawa” 
His eyes looked hurt. You just called him by his last name. You never did that. Then it was his turn to be angry. “Why not y/n. You are being unfair” and just as you were about to say something Oikawa’s girlfriend opened the gym doors. ‘speak of the devil’ you thought. you turn to look at Oikawa who looked really angry “we will talk about this later y/n” he said as he started to walk towards his girlfriend. You rolled your eyes and scoffed. 
“yeah right more like in the next 10 years” the volleyball team snickered except Iwaizumi. He knew what was about to go down so he was ready to interfere if necessary. This was when Oikawa snapped. 
“what the fuck if your problem”
you scoffed again. “whats my problem?” you started to laugh. “You really want to know?? Fine. I will tell you. YOU OIKAWA! you are my problem.” then you rolled you eyes “of course your little princess as well” you then turn to his girlfriend and bow down as if she was an actual princess. 
“I am your problem?!  the fuck did i do?! and dont be rude to my girlfriend. she hasnt done anything to you” 
“Thats the problem oikawa! you didnt do anything!! you stopped talking to me and dont even give me five minutes of your time! its like my fucking feelings dont matter to you! oh and by the way your little “princess” has done something to me” you then turn to her and say “you want to tell him sweetheart or should I” all while glaring at her. 
She then started to cry telling Oikawa that she would never do anything to you and that you were lying. “y/n stop telling lies. she wouldn't do anything to you” oikawa said. 
You looked at him. tears in your eyes. Hoping that he could see that you felt hurt and betrayed. “are you seriously going to believe her over me?! your best friend!?” Oikawa then looks between you and his girlfriend. 
“Yes. I am. shes my girlfriend.” 
You stood there. You couldn't even cry. so instead you laughed. you couldnt stop. Your laughter just made the rest of the team cringe. they could hear you were hurt. “y/n...?” you hear Iwaizumi say. Then you stopped laughing. looked straight at Oikawa. Then let the tears roll down your face. 
“Fine.” you started to gather up your things then put your bag over your shoulder. You started to walk towards the exit. Once you were standing next to oikawa you stopped. 
“Goodbye Oikawa”
and with that you left. 
years of friendship and memories gone.
If you got to here hiiiiiii. Thank you for reading this!! i know it wasnt all that great but should i do a part 2??? there is more to the story in my head but im not sure if i should continue or let the reader suffer hehehe. please let me know!! 
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roosterbox · 6 years
The Last Jedi review
Obviously, SPOILERS ahead! Also, tumblr mobile still can’t add a Read More to posts. I don’t think it’s too long, but be aware. Either way, I apologize for any inconvenience.
Not gonna lie - the initial reaction of the fans (plus the spoilers I read) had me a bit concerned. Specifically how divisive the movie was. This seems to be one of the only SW films where the audience is so divided.
First, a list of things I liked:
- MOAR POE!!!1!1 (I ❤️ my gay space pilot son)
- Every scene with Carrie Fisher (*ugly tears*)
- The scene with Leia using the Force! I heard people bitching about that scene and I thought it would be too silly; it was not.
- Chewie being a little out of the spotlight, but 1000% reliable when he appeared.
- Any time Poe and Finn had a scene together = *my tiny shipper heart explodes in happiness*
- Rose was adorable
- YODA! And then they played his music theme from Empire and I just *chokes back tears*
- The scene between Luke and Leia. Must...not...cry...
- Rey vs. Snoke, a great parallel to Luke vs. Palpatine In ROTJ. She didn’t actually say the famous line (“I am a Jedi, like my father before me”), but the sentiment was most certainly there.
- Luke One-Man-Army-ing the bad guys. That shoulder dust off = “bitches, plz.”
A handful of things I’m more ‘meh’ towards:
- The Porgs
- plenty of FinnRey shipping fuel.
- the Casino scene.
- Benicio Del Toro. Well, at least it wasn’t Johnny Depp, lol.
And of course, the not so good things:
- Luke’s “moment of weakness.” I’m glad it was more brief than I was expecting, but it still felt like it ran against his entire character. Luke falling into despair is sad, but believable. Luke turning his back on the Jedi is sad, but believable. Luke turning into a grumpy old hermit with no time for Rey is disappointing, but believable. Luke getting the urge to kill his nephew - the son of his sister and his best friend - while the boy sleeps, and nearly acting upon it? That felt like character derailment more than development.
- Milking weird creature titties. Because that’s what I wanted to see. *rolls eyes*
- *heavy sigh* *pinches bridge of nose* ...more Hux.
- lots of fuel for Reylo shippers. Bleh.
- decent fuel for Kylux shippers. Ugh.
- shirtless Adam Driver. I was literally recoiling in my seat. No thank you.
- the editing was really sloppy. It’s like they didn’t know how to effectively handle multiple storylines. Also, if a shmoe like me can spot bad editing, it’s especially bad, lol. Much like with The Dark Knight Rises, I get the sense that a lot of material was left on the cutting room floor. Not a good thing to spot, particularly on the first viewing.
- miscommunication between Poe and Laura Dern’s character. Both of them are right AND wrong, and a big chunk of the plot could have been resolved if they’d had even ONE decent conversation. I hate hate hate it when things like that happen - when the plot hangs on a problem that can be cleared up with a simple conversation; heck, even a single line of dialogue. RomComs do it alllllll the time, which is a big reason why I don’t like them much. Treat your characters (and your audience) like adults, and be more creative in finding ways to build up the drama.
- my summary on my feelings towards Kylo Ren, now that I know what happened between him and Luke: “cool motive; still murder.” They want so badly for me to feel sorry for him, but I don’t. Not at all.
- Snoke dying after being built up as a sizable threat since TFA. I heard some people compare him to Darth Maul, which is fair to a certain degree, but Maul was only built up over one film, where Snoke had two, plus two years of audience speculation. This point didn’t frustrate me as much as it did other people, but I still wanted to point it out.
In the end, it was alright. Neither great nor awful, but alright. The best possible thing I can say about the movie is this: I left the theater happy and satisfied. I think that’s the most important thing.
Final verdict: 7/10
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