#i loev that song i love that music video
sorrelpaws · 2 years
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my mama said that im not living right she said im crying on you she said i waited up for you all night i said im trying mama
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cabbagecrunt · 3 days
put 5 songs u listen to, post it, then send this ask to 10 of your fav followers!! (You don’t have to do this but I figured it would be fun ❤️)
HI HI HI YES I LOEV SHARING MUSIC HI!!! opening my playlist and digging through it hehe
first off we have TRANSGENDER FURRY MUSIC !! me and tobi love this one so much we've got it in all Three of our shared playlists
next we have who knows by lime! been a big fan of teto lately n the mv is so so cute
and then we got COMFORT ZONE BY FERRY I LOVE UNETHICAL SCIENCE WOMEN GRGRRHGHRHGHRGHRHGRHH,,, there's lore behind this one i LOVE when music videos have lore go click tjhe google doc in the desc and check out ferrys other mvs for more of these guys :3 100 epitaphs is another one of our system's favourites!
FIRE4FUN BY JHARIAH! FIRE4FUN BY JHARIAH!!!!! it fucks SO HARD and its very autism to me i dont know if thats the intention but I'm Certainly Projecting !
and thennnn last we have,, i changed my mind youre getting 6 songs! absolute zero by natori!! we've been playing this one to death on osu lately but we still can't get sick of it. gggfghfhgh i need to recommend more natori youre getting more than 6 songs
OSMANTHUSSSSSS this ones so dear to me,,, natoris music is sooo gooooood i also recommend fool's table and sleepwalk and friday night and eureka and and and
ok i got distracted and im sleepy now literary nonsense. eye imagery and body horror warning goodnight
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ultimatenomi · 4 years
top 5 things you like about link and 5 things you like about rhett and 5 things about their relationship?
oh gosh! this’ll be a long one!!
- I love how he puts himself out there and is unapologetic for liking things that aren’t neccesarily associated with ‘being Manly™’ like wearing womens jeans and deoderant, and liking to shave his legs, etc
- I love the way he talks up his kids and supports them <3<3
- I love the way he will give himself over to whatever- like he’ll check the ego at the door and not (outwardly) worry about looking silly- the way he ‘suspends his intelligence’ for entertainment- a lot of performers find that difficult
- I loev his particularities- like being really picky- and not apologising for it- I really identify with a lot of the things he gets made fun of for but he doesnt back down from it like ‘yeah i dont like tomatoes so tf what?’ hell yeah link! 
- I love the passion he has for music- ALP has only made me more endeared to this :)
- I love when he goes on (obviously not serious!) rants :’)
- I love his passion for foods- even if i personally dont get the mcrib or beans thing- I love that he loves them so loudly! <3 like omg the way he’ll put up like a 40 part insta story about meat?? Art.
- I love the way he is actually really soft, despite how he often presents in Internet Videos, and is by many accounts just a gentle giant who gives warm hugs
- I love how open he is about talking about mental health and going to therapy <3<3
- I love the fact that out of all the names that exist in the world- he named his small fluffy white dog ‘barbara’. theres something so endearing about a giant man who’ll get a tiny dog and name her Barbara- i cant fully explain why its so endearing- but it is!!
their relationship
- I love that they actively work for their friendship and advocate for it- they really love it and want it to be strong and long and thats really inspiring to me <3<3
- When they sing together- planned or otherwise- but especially when they sing serious songs for the love of it- their Merle Covers? their backstage insta live singing? please! MORe!! mooooooooore
- I love the way they advocate for each other- that they split everything 50/50 and are determined to come as a matching set- you dont get to leave out their bestie!
- I love that they have different passions from one another- like, I love that they share passions- but also I love that they love different things from each other too and they’ll support each other in those passions- even if they dont neccesarily understand them
- I love that thir families are one- that their kids are all friends, their wives are friends, their parents see and support each of them- they really latched onto each other unapologetically and the world moved around them- its really cute
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allamericansbitch · 5 years
Taylor Swift: *informs her 100m+ followers on social media about the importance of the Equality Act and how important it is to criminalize discrimination against the LQBTQ+ community, writes letters to senators encouraging them to vote for it and encourages others to do the same, donates thousands of dollars to LGBTQ+ charities throughout her career, puts 20+ prominent voices in the LGBTQ+ community in her music video and is barely in it herself in order to give them the spotlight, later encourages fans to follow, support and show love to all those people in the video, doesnt even appear in the vertical video for the song but instead lets Hannah Hart (a lesbian and activist) and Dexter Mayfield (a black, gay, plus-sized model) have the entire video to themselves, likes LGBTQ+ fans selfies whenever they have designated selfie nights within the fandom (as well as POC and disabled fans), etc.*
y’all: here’s a 90000-word essay on why this isnt how you should be an ally and how this does nothing for the community
straight white guy celebrity who looks like sid from ice age: *literally breaths near a pride flag*
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susebron · 7 years
i loev hozier’s take me to church so much still but i can’t watch the music video because it’s about passionate love and all that shit and yet, the vid’s mlm couple are brutally assaulted like.... can a straight person who wants to be diverse in their music videos, or whatever their agenda is, like y’know.... not focus on that perspective every god damn. what about a love song with mnlm representation that is just about their love for each other rather than the persecution lgbt couples face... like.... but We Know. here’s a shocker: we actually have time for more things than just homophobic persecution and brutality lmao
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