#i love tinder because nowhere else can you scroll through people thinking ‘god she will be my wife. GOD. SHE will be my wife’
fingertipsmp3 · 2 months
Last night: had a dream I decided to take a job as a clown
Tonight: redownloaded tinder
Prophetic dream?
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
Unraveling at the Seams Pt 17
Genre: Fan Fiction Pairing: Alex Høgh Andersen/OFC, Henry Cavill/OFC Warnings: Language, Sexual Innuendo, Possible NSFW Rating: M Length: Multi Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: Again, fuck you tumblr and not tagging people. 
On the other side of things, I uh...well read and see. I make no apologies😏 
Also, because this is what kept going through my mind, as I wrote, I felt rude not sharing 
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That is all from me. Carry on now. 
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thank you @flowers-in-your-hayr​​ for the header
Catch Up Here
In Love.
The idea was preposterous. Nell sat at the small table, her work bag on the floor beside her, shaking her head and grumbling as she stitched a small rip in a costume for a rambunctious little girl. Her fingers worked along the tear, the thread and needle moving with ease.
First Alex had accused her of being in love with Henry. Then Ivan had backed them into a corner. What next? Was she going to walk in and find Henry down on one knee, again, a black box in hand asking her to marry him. A slight nauseous feeling fluttered through her stomach.  
Henry had grown, a lot, since those days. Ever the hopeless romantic, Nell would never doubt that he would try. If he thought the feelings were there and the time was right.
“Oh god, no.” Nell muttered to herself.
Over thinking was one of Nell's many superpowers, this was an exceptional example of that superpower. Henry had better things to do than sit around and pine for her. Nell had better things to do than sit around and pine for him, too.
Tears mended, she smiled at her handy work. Another job well done on the fly.
One thing Henry had been right about, she loved her job, and the details. What were the chances she could sneak some Viking stitch work into Geralt? Or perhaps a few tiny pieces of the Tudors period? From the bits and  pieces she'd been privy to, Nell was relieved that Henry looked fantastic in black.
Holed up in a room somewhere for hours creating the perfect look excited Nell. Bringing in a look from scratch, being allowed to shape and mold what would be a center staple to such a venture. Henry had been taking a risk asking her and she had fought him every step of the way, but Nell knew it would be worth it.
“We finished here?” Rayna's head poked around the door, a smile on her face. The poor woman had been working flat out, as were many, to finish this project on time. Nell nodded, holding up the skirt. “You're a legend, Nelly.”
“Thank you, thank you.” Nell feigned a bow, tossing the skirt to Rayna. “Is that all or did I have anything else coming in?”
Rayna pursed her lips, shaking her head, mentally scrolling the list of things left to do for the evening. “No, I think we're good. If you don't mind giving a clean up, you can go. Tell Ivan I said hello and I'm going to miss him.”
“Absolutely, I am going to try and get him over before he has to leave.” Nell's smile was soft, her eyes glassy. In the last two days, whenever she thought of Ivan moving, “she had to urge the few tears that pooled in the corner of her eyes not to fall.
“Good, I wouldn't mind seeing him.” The other woman smiled wide, “Right, I have to get this back. See you tomorrow, Nelly.”
“See ya,” Nell's voice floated through the hall after Rayna.
Picking up her bits and pieces, she tucked them into her bag. A short clean up and she was back home to pack. Ivan had his last football match this evening, one she had to miss because of work, which meant ice cream and pizza after the game. Henry would be out of the house, dealing with that for a few hours at least allowing Nell to sneak in and pack for a little bit uninterrupted.
Closing the door behind her, Nell turned to make sure it had latched. Damn thing had been sticking and began to get caught, whenever there was a breeze. Flapping the door around like a rag doll. Door secure, she turned again, this time walking a few feet before being plowed into.
“Shit.” Nell cursed, stumbling backwards, nearly losing balance. Losing her bag and jacket instead.
“Nell.” Alex stopped, lifting his head from his phone. “I'm sorry, I didn't see you.”
“It's fine,” Nell grunted bending to pick up her jacket. “No worries.”
“Are you okay? I didn't hurt you?” Alex reached out to gently pat her arms, looking for any bumps or grazes. “Shit, you must think I'm a real dick.”
Shaking her head, Nell gave him a soft smile.
“I don't think that. You know, I don't know what I think, but I don't have any ill feelings toward you.” Alex blinked, confused. “You're free to feel however you want, but I don't hate you and I know this shit is awkward as fuck.”
“A little, yeah.” Alex agreed. More than a little. Standing outside the door, he shifted from one foot to the other, resisting the urge to reach out and tuck the stray piece of hair behind her ear.
“It's okay, it was an accident. I'm fine. You're fine?”
Alex nodded. Aside from wanting to crawl under a rock and die, he was fine.
“Good,” Shouldering her bag, Nell gripped the strap tightly. “I should let you get back to work.”
“Before you do,” Clenching his fingers tight around his phone, Alex took a slow deep breath. “Would it be okay if we grabbed a drink? Before you leave? As friends? We could invite others, too.”
“Alex,” a gentle sigh told him everything he needed to know about what was coming next.
“I get it, it's fucked and I have no right to ask.”
“It's not that I don't want to, I don't want you or anybody else getting the wrong ideas.”
“Henry?” Alex licked his lips, his soft blue eyes wanting to look anywhere but Nell's face.
Shaking her head, Nell's shoulders stiffened. “He and I are not in love.”
Was she trying to convince Alex or herself by that admission?
“Okay, but that doesn't answer my question.” Laughing, Alex tried to play it off. “It could be sort of a last drink together, a small everything coming to an end and we won't see one another until who knows when.”
“Nice poem,”
“I thought it added a certain charm,” His smile was infectious. “Seriously, think it over. Let me know.”
“I'll get back to you, but if I don't then -” “I'll understand.” Alex cut her off, a wide smile crinkling the corner of his eyes.
“Thank you,” Nell stepped forward wrapping an arm around his neck, trying to balance her bag and jacket in the other hand. Awkwardly hugging him with one arm. Alex went stiff for a second, before wrapping his arms around her waist, hugging her tightly. “I'm sorry, Alex.” she whispered, her head tucked into the crook of his neck.
“It's water under the bridge. It was only friends, right.”
Saying good night to Alex before she hurried off, Nell felt a rock in the pit of her stomach. Alex was a sweet guy, here she was some kind of monster that ruined what could have been something nice. Despite what Henry tried to tell her, there was always something she did to ruin any relationship she'd ever had.
One didn't have to be Sherlock to see that Nell was stuck in a pattern. She would get comfortable, then blow it all to hell.
Quietly opening the front door, Nell expected a quiet serene atmosphere. Walking in to find Kal lazed on the cool floor, watching Henry pack a large cardboard boxes in the middle of the house. Grunting as he bent to lift the box on the floor, Henry stacked it in the corner along with a few other boxes that had appeared since Nell was here last.
“Wow, I am impressed.” Nell whistled once the box was safely out of Henry's grasp. A jump in Henry's back muscles gave away that he'd been startled.
“We've been busy.” He grinned, lifting his well loved Kansas City Chiefs ball cap to wipe his forearm across his forehead. A curl escaping it's confines stuck against his damp skin, peeking out from under the black hat.
Setting her bag down, Nell kicked off her shoes, stepped into the living room to inspect the work that had taken place in her absence. Each box properly labeled and taped, a neater system than Henry's usual stick in all in gym bags and suitcases, things will be fine.
The first time she had moved with Henry had been a slight nightmare. Neither one wanting to relinquish their packing style or listen to the other. Packing up the small bachelor apartments had taken longer than needed, by the end they were both so worn out they had no energy left to bicker. Nell had passed out against the wall and Henry had laid out on the floor.
“Thank you, for all the work.” Extending on her toes, Nell kissed his cheek. “It's been a huge help.”
“No need to thank me, my darling. The wild boy and I are perfectly capable of packing.” Henry loosely slung his arm around her shoulder.
“Speaking of, I thought he had a game this evening.”
“Ah, yes.” Eyes lighting up, Henry's smile grew. “They won, by six points. I've loads of photos and videos for you. Leo asked if Ivan could spend the night at his house, his dad said it was fine and I agreed. They've been taking this rather hard.” His smile dimmed.
“I figured this would happen, which is why I decided to let him move with you. If it were on me, he'd be in a screaming fit every night and nothing would be accomplished.” Rolling her eyes, Nell sighed. “I'm glad they won, though.”
“Me, too. I think he needed that.” Henry nodded, letting go of Nell to resume his packing. “He's been in a rather  peculiar mood.”
“What's up with Ivan and all of his questions lately?” Picking up a dismantled box, Nell began to assemble it. If she got the boxes ready, Henry could go along behind and fill them.
“Those,” Henry puffed out a breath, running his hands over his head shifting his hat back and forth, “came out of nowhere a few days ago. He woke up asking about love and marriage. I guess he thinks I'm secretly lonely or need to join tinder. I'm not quite sure.”
“And what have you been telling him?” Brows raised, Nell briefly paused from the boxes. Hands on her hips, she tilted her head to the side.
“He asked if we loved one another. I told him that I love you, of course. He asked if we'd ever get married, I handled it.”
“Henry,” Nell groaned, her eyes shut biting her bottom lip. “Why did you do that?”
“Then what the fuck do you want me to do, Nelly? Hmm? I'm trying.” Scowling, Henry rolled his eyes. “He's my son, he had a question. What was I supposed to do? It's not like I told him we were getting married or that you outright refused me, when I did ask.”
Huffing Nell pouted, her brow creased, her hand on her hip. Henry was doing the best he could in the situations he had been dealt. It's not as if she had ever told him what she wanted him to say, if Ivan should ever ask such questions.
Eventually they would have to prepare for the difficult topic of life. Ivan was growing and he was bound to be curious. They should have seen this coming, despite all the things Ivan had wondered over the years, neither one had expected this situation. Rather they had been avoiding it like a plague.
Henry wrapped a lamp, gently placing it in the box, picking up the partner to wrap and stow away. Nell quietly sat in the corner, a box in her hand. Neither one daring the bring up what was on their mind. Kal sighed, licking his lips, before flopping over onto his side with a loud yawn. The air in the room stiff as the only two people in it got lost in a sinking feeling.
“I'm sorry,” Henry spoke. Nell barely lifted her head to look at him. “I shouldn't speak to you in that way.”
Waving her hand, Nell dismissed any grievances. He deserved to say that and more to her, yet he never did. Chin tucked into her chest, Nell cleared her throat, sniffling quietly. Blinking hard, she leaned forward her elbows resting on her knees.
“Nell? My darling,” Henry knelt down, “what is it?”
“I know he's smart, but I worry that he will hate me when he's older. I worry that he doesn't understand why we live this way.”
“Hmm.” Nell nodded, wiping the back of her hand across her cheeks. “I worry that he's going to blame me and he should, but what do I say? What do I do? Oh god, I'm a terrible mother.”
“You're a good mum. He will never hate you for any of this. How could he? You've given him the best life. Often times I think about how lucky I am, to have you as his mother. You put up with whatever insanity I bring and you manage to keep us both alive.” Henry nudged her with a gentle smile.
“Don't sugar coat it. I know that you have your issues with me, too. It's fine. I deserve it.”
Shifting to sit comfortably beside Nell; Henry's hand gently rubbed up and down her back. “There are things I have questions to, but I don't have issues with you. Janelle, things were complicated and I have accepted that along time ago.”
“I'm not easy to live with I know that.” Nell apologized. “I get scared and I say mean things, but you still come back. Why?”
“Honestly?” Henry asked, tucking his finger under her chin lifting her face to look at him. “You want my honest answer to that? Oh my darling.”
Ivan. The answer was cut and dry. As simple as. He would never leave his son in a bad situation. Nell knew the answer, already. She blinked back more tears, nodding. Yes, she wanted to know. She had to hear him confirm what she knew.
On the floor, surrounded by boxes, overwhelmed and crying was never how Nell had pictured this conversation to go. The moment she'd imagined had came with far more yelling and frustration. Henry was being far too sweet about this. Holding her face, his thumb lightly stroked her cheek drying the tears that stained her skin.
“I love you, Janelle. Not only as the mother of my son, but as a person. You were by far the most amazing partner and you have so much to give.”
“Smooth.” Her shocked response had came out a little more critical than she'd hoped.
“It's the truth, laugh if you must.”
“After all this time?”
“Of course. There is something about you, it drives me mad. You really piss me off at times, but then my frustrations of the moment pass and there I am, back to loving you. For some reason, you still hold a fairly large portion of my heart, outside of Ivan. Your failures and triumphs, I want to share them all. I want nothing but the best for you and I never know how to tell you.”
“I love you.” The words echoed in her ears, more tears welling up.
“Really?” This was news to Henry. Nell could say she loved him, in a moment to humour Ivan, but to hear her say it in a moment like this was - - Henry wouldn't get his hopes up. There was loving somebody and there was being in love with somebody.
“I do. I guess I never stopped. I've told myself it's for Ivan, but I don't think it is. Not all of it.” She stammered over her reason. As if there had to be a reason. Surely he had said he loved her to make her feel better, perhaps she had said it only to stop her thoughts? Nell licked her lips, nodding gently. “I don't know how I feel, but I know that as much as I push you away, I do it because I love you.”
On the floor, surrounded by boxes, his heart in his throat is not how Henry had expected this conversation to go. Here they were now, in the silence of the room, you could have heard a pin drop. Leaning over, he did the only thing he could think to do.
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Good Thing
Pairing: Bucky x OC x rest of the Avengers Genre: idek Word Count: 2457 Warnings: n/a
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You sit on the kitchen counter in your PJs, sipping your tea and scrolling through your phone. You look up when you hear someone walking into the kitchen, and you greet Nat good morning when she waves at you.
"Up to anything today?" Nat asks as she pours herself a cup of coffee.
"Pepper told me there's this amazing cake shop that just opened last week on Fort Street. Might go check it out," you answer her as you continue scrolling through your phone. There was an eye shadow palette by Anastasia Beverly Hills you really wanted, and you were looking at which store closest to the cake shop had it in stock to grab one on your way back.
"You're going alone?" Nat questions and you know she wants to see if you have a date. You look at her and roll your eyes. She knew what that meant.
"I can't believe you, Y/N," Nat sighs. "You're young, have no family left, have zero interest in men or women, how can you be so contented with your life?"
"Nat, we've been through this," you remind her in a sing-song voice. "You guys are my family, remember? And it's not that I have zero interest in people; I'm just not interested in relationships."
"So whatever is going on between you and Barnes is considered nothing?"
"Yes, Nat, it's nothing," you tell her. This was probably the 20th time you've said that since you and Bucky started sleeping with each other casually. One night, you wanted someone to warm your bed, Bucky offered, and so it began. "It means nothing, trust me."
"How do you know that?"
"Because?" And right on cue, they hear a door open and slam shut before a half-naked Bucky walks into the kitchen.
"Good morning, Buck," you greet him, passing him an empty mug. "Chloe's over?"
"Mornin'. How'd ya know?" he asks you before popping his neck and making his way over to the coffee machine.
"It's 11AM on a Sunday, you're usually up by 8, and you only get up later when you have company," you explain, jumping off the kitchen counter.
"Didn't know you were so interested in his life, Y/N." Nat teased.
"Observation skills, hun," you wink at her before turning around and heading back to your room.
Nat didn't miss the way Bucky watched your retreating figure, and at that moment, she knew.
Two hours later, at precisely 2PM, you emerge from your room and make your way to the lounge where Steve and Bucky sat watching the Sunday news.
"You look nice, Y/N," Steve compliments as you pop yourself next to him on the sofa, not missing the new coat or make-up you had on. "Got a date?"
Bucky tried to ignore your presence when you walked in the living room, but at the word date, he focused on the conversation you were having with Steve.
"Nope," you tell him, popping the P at the end. "Just spending some me time."
You bid Steve and Bucky goodbye after receiving a text from your Uber driver and make your way downstairs.
"Looking good, Y/N!" Tony calls out as you two pass by each other on your way to the elevator.
"Thanks, Tony!" you get to add before the elevator door closes.
"Is she going out with someone?" Tony asks Steve and Bucky.
"She said she wasn't," Steve answers Tony. "You think she is?"
"Probably not, she always looks nice when we're not on missions, nothing new," Tony shrugs before making his way to find Bruce in his room.
Bucky groans as he hears his phone ring. Steve throws his friend a sympathetic look as Bucky picks up.
"Baby, are you free this evening?"
"Chloe, you just stayed over."
"I KNOW, but I miss you."
"Steve says there might be a mission tonight, I'll see you another day." he doesn't even wait for her to reply before he ends the call.
"Must be tough having a girlfriend," Steve teases Bucky, who looked like he wanted to rip his hair out.
"She's not my girlfriend," Bucky mumbles with his arms crossed, focusing back on the news reporter on TV.
"Well, it's even tougher to be pinning someone who doesn't even like you back," Nat adds, coming out of nowhere and joining to two on the sofa.
You walk into the brightly lit shop. The counter was lined with almost 50 kinds of different cakes and you couldn't wait to try at least 5 of them.
"Y/N!!!" you hear someone call out from your right. You turn to see Chloe in line to order.
"Hey, Chloe," you greet as she waves you over. She had been seeing Bucky on and off the last 2 months, so you two were acquainted. Bucky had told you they were just seeing each other, so you still occasionally slept with him. If Chloe knows or not, isn't any of your business.
"What a coincidence! Did you come alone?" you tell her you did come alone, and she offered to sit with you.
Both of you sit down with 10 slices of cakes to share and start chatting. It was the first time you've exchanged so many words with her and you were beginning to see how in love she actually was with Bucky.
"So, Y/N, enough about Bucky and I," she giggles. "What about you? Seeing anyone?"
"Not really," you honestly tell her. "I mean, I sleep with people occasionally and I think it's fun to talk to randoms on Tinder, but other than that, nothing serious." "You're so gorgeous though, Y/N," Chloe tells you, a pout on her face. "Bet you have the people you sleep with waiting for your every command."
You laugh at her statement and sip your tea quietly.
"James Buchanan Barnes!" you call out when you return to the living quarters of the compound. "We need to talk!"
"Full name doesn't sound good," Bruce mumbles as he, Tony, Steve and Bucky hears you call from the dining hall.
"That's our cue to leave," Tony tells Bruce and Steve before dragging them both away.
"BARNES IS IN THE DINING ROOM!" Tony shouts loud enough for you to hear before winking at Bucky and disappearing with the other two.
Bucky gives you a small smile when you enter the dining room and you give him a smile back. You drop a take away box in front of him and sit on the seat across from him.
"It's for you, I know you like cheesecake," Bucky peeks into the takeaway box to see 2 slices of cheesecake.
"Thanks, Y/N." he grins.
"And Chloe knows that too," you add.
"Excuse me?"
"You haven't been very fair to her, Barnes. She's clearly madly in love with you, but you brush her off like she's just some random chick from a bar."
"She fell for me too fast," he mumbles, stabbing the cake with a fork and taking a bite. "I don't really like her."
"Well damn, Barnes," you shake your head. "Stop leading her on then!"
Bucky just stared at you. If only you knew the emotional conflict he was going through, you wouldn't be saying these to him.
"I think we should stop sleeping with each other till you figure things out with Chloe, Buck."
It's been a week since you last spoke to Bucky about anything personal. You tried your hardest not to make things weird, but the owner of a particular pair of steel-blue eyes refuses to let you play it off as nothing. He'd try to walk up to you and talk about what had happened, but you kept playing it off. You've started avoiding missions altogether now too.
"Hey, Y/N," Steve greets as you enter the kitchen one morning.
"Mornin', Steve." you greet back, pouring yourself a glass of coffee.
"So, there's a mission tomorrow and I was hoping you and Buck-"
"Sorry, Steve, I promised to help at the pet shelter tomorrow," you tell him with a smile and walk out of the kitchen.
"Not like you can tell her no, she's helping animals," Nat comments as she walks into the kitchen after listening in on the conversation.
"Why is this so difficult?" Steve mumbles, running his hands through his hair.
"Maybe because you're meddling," Nat tells him while walking over to the counter and pulling out a pan.
"I'm just trying to help!" Steve defends. Nat shakes her head before getting back to her eggs.
"Y/N, can we talk?" Bucky asks, grabbing your wrist as you pass by him in the hallway.
"Yes, Buck?" you face him, a fake smile on your face. "What can I help you with?"
"Why are you avoiding me?"
"I'm not," you let out a chuckle, lightly pulling your wrist from his grasp. "I've just been... Busy."
"Y/N, please-"
"No, Buck, you please," you finally break the facade and tell him. "Stop messing with other people's feelings. Chloe is such a nice girl, and you made her think-"
"I called it off." You stare at him, trying to process what he said. 
"Excuse me?"
"I stopped seeing Chloe."
"Oh my God," you shake your head at what he said. "Did you at least lay it down slow? Or did you just ghost her?" Bucky didn't say anything.
"Unbelievable." you mutter.
"I like YOU, okay?" Bucky finally admits. "It's always been you!" 
"Goddammit, Barnes! That's not what we agreed on!" you yell out before walking away.
The next few days were unbearable. Word of you and Buck's falling out had gotten to the rest of the team, and they didn't want the team falling apart. You had always been the friendliest one, the one that acted most ordinary, and that gave them a sense of normality too, but the last few days, you've started to pull away, and that kind of scared everyone. Nat might have thought meddling was unnecessary, but she began to meddle too.
By week 2, you've had it. Stark had thrown enough parties and organized enough team building activities the last 2 weeks to last the year, Steve and Nat had tried to get you on as many missions with Bucky as you could, and everyone else has tried to get you to sit next to Bucky at every meal.
"That's it," you mumbled after dinner one night and headed back to your room. The rest of the team was confused, but Wanda knew what was about to happen.
"Hey, Y/N?" Wanda called out, knocking the door to your room. "Can Viz and I come in?"
"Yeah," you yell as you continued to pack your clothes.
"Where are you heading to, Miss Y/N?" Vision asks, looking at the suitcase on your bed.
"Away for a bit, Viz," you tell him with a smile. "I was thinking of sipping some coconuts in the Bahamas or something."
"That's a far place to go to sip coconuts..." Wanda mumbles, a sad tone to her voice, but you knew she understood.
"I think it'll be good for the team if I went away for a while, Wanda," you tell her, pulling her into a hug.
"But Miss Y/N, does Mr. Stark know?" Vision asks.
"Viz, there are somethings Mr. Stark doesn't have to know," you tell him.
The next morning, the whole team woke up to an unoccupied room at the end of the hallway and a handwritten letter on the kitchen table.
"Dear World's Mightiest Heroes," Steve reads out loud, chuckling at how she addressed it. "You guys, I don't know where to start. But also, before I start, hand Wanda a tissue because she probably cried all night, and it's probably gonna happen again."
"Wait, you knew?" Tony exclaims, looking over to the brunette and cutting Steve, who was reading the letter, off. "You didn't stop her?"
"Don't blame the poor girl, Tony," Steve continues, reading off the letter before Wanda could defend herself. "Did I assume what he was gonna say right? Anyway, none of you blame yourselves for what happened, please. I chose this path, and it was inevitably gonna happen, ask Bruce."
"I- what?" Bruce mumbles, thinking about what the letter had just said.
"Has she ever said anything to you about leaving before?" Nat asks him, her eyes getting teary.
"She mentioned wanting to live somewhere deep in the mountains or on a secluded island before... Would that be it?" Bruce questions.
"Keep reading," Sam tells Steve as he glances at Bucky, who looked deep in thought.
Steve clears his throat before continuing. "I'm still deciding between going to live in Bhutan, buying an island in the Bahamas or getting a house built in Africa -"
"Wow, nice flex, Y/N," Clint snickers.
"Where did she get all the money?" Tony mumbles.
"We get paid for missions, Tony," Nat reminds.
"Yeah, but not enough to buy a private island? Or build a house in freaking Africa?" Sam adds.
"Yeah, well, she used to take some of your photos candidly and sold them to fanboys and fangirls online," Nat nonchalantly adds in.
"Yeah, I remember that she made tons off of those," Wanda nods.
The rest of the team stares at the two girls in disbelief. Unsure on how to process that new bit of information.
"Steve, the letter?" Bucky reminds, finally speaking up. He wanted to know everything the letter contained.
"Can we please try to minimize the interruptions?" Steve tells the team before glancing back at the letter. "No one should feel sad or upset that I've left. I came into the team as a temporary when Rhodey was unwell, and all of you extended your arms and welcomed me into this family with no questions asked, especially Thor, and I will forever be grateful for that. The feeling I had when Steve asked me to officially be part of the team? Best feeling in the world, I felt like I finally belonged somewhere. But even then, I had told Steve I would leave the team eventually, he knew I would."
"All in all, this isn't about who was the reason for me going away," Steve continues as Bucky glances out the window. "Or if you guys weren't worth the blood, sweat, and tears for, but I just wanted to be a bit more selfish and think of myself. You all know my history with HYDRA, I think I've done enough good for this world, I think I deserve this retirement. I know Tony can find me effortlessly, so can Clint and Nat, and I won't blame you if you do, but please remember that I chose this for me. I already have a good thing going for me, so don't tell me I can have better."
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Good Thing
Pairing: Bucky x OC x rest of the Avengers Genre: idek  Word Count: 2459 Warnings: n/a
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You sit on the kitchen counter in your PJs, sipping your tea and scrolling through your phone. You look up when you hear someone walking into the kitchen, and you greet Nat good morning when she waves at you.
"Up to anything today?" Nat asks as she pours herself a cup of coffee.
"Pepper told me there's this amazing cake shop that just opened last week on Fort Street. Might go check it out," you answer her as you continue scrolling through your phone. There was an eye shadow palette by Anastasia Beverly Hills you really wanted and you were looking at which store closest to the cake shop had it in stock to grab one on your way back.
"You're going alone?" Nat questions and you know she wants to see if you have a date. You look at her and roll your eyes. She knew what that meant.
"I can't believe you, Y/N," Nat sighs. "You're young, have no family left, have zero interest in men or women, how can you be so contented with your life?"
"Nat, we've been through this," you remind her in a sing-song voice. "You guys are my family, remember? And it's not that I have zero interest in people; I'm just not interested in relationships."
"So whatever is going on between you and Barnes is considered nothing?"
"Yes, Nat, it's nothing," you tell her. This was probably the 20th time you've said that to her since you and Bucky started sleeping together casually. One night, you wanted someone to come warm your bed, Bucky offered, and so it began. "It means nothing, trust me."
"How do you know that?"
"Because?" And right on cue, they hear a door open and slam shut before a half-naked Bucky walks into the kitchen.
"Good morning, Buck," you greet him, passing him an empty mug. "Chloe's over?"
"Mornin'. How'd ya know?" he asks you before popping his neck and making his way over to the coffee machine.
"It's 11AM on a Sunday, you're usually up by 8, and you only get up later when you have company," you explain, jumping off the kitchen counter.
"Didn't know you were so interested in his life, Y/N." Nat teased.
"Observation skills, hun," you wink at her before turning around and heading back to your room.
Nat didn't miss the way Bucky watched your retreating figure, and at that moment, she knew.
Two hours later, at precisely 2PM, you emerge from your room and make your way to the lounge where Steve and Bucky sat watching the Sunday news.
"You look nice, Y/N," Steve compliments as you pop yourself next to him on the sofa, not missing the new coat or make-up you had on. "Got a date?"
Bucky tried to ignore your presence when you walked in the living room, but at the word date, he focused on the conversation you were having with Steve.
"Nope," you tell him, popping the P at the end. "Just spending some me time."
You bid Steve and Bucky goodbye after receiving a text from your Uber driver and make your way downstairs.
"Looking good, Y/N!" Tony calls out as you two pass by each other on your way to the elevator.
"Thanks, Tony!" you get to add before the elevator door closes.
"Is she going out with someone?" Tony asks Steve and Bucky.
"She said she wasn't," Steve answers Tony. "You think she is?"
"Probably not, she always looks nice when we're not on missions, nothing new," Tony shrugs before making his way to find Bruce in his room.
Bucky groans as he hears his phone ring. Steve throws his friend a sympathetic look as Bucky picks up.
"Baby, are we meeting for dinner?"
"Chloe, you just stayed over."
"I KNOW, but I miss you."
"Steve says there might be a mission tonight, I'll see you another day." he doesn't even wait for her to reply before he ends the call.
"Must be tough having a girlfriend," Steve teases Bucky, who looked like he wanted to rip his hair out.
"She's not my girlfriend," Bucky mumbles with his arms crossed, focusing back on the news reporter on TV.
"Well, it's even more tough to be pinning someone who doesn't even like you back," Nat adds, coming out of nowhere and joining to two on the sofa.
You walk into the brightly lit shop. The counter was lined with almost 50 kinds of different cakes and you couldn't wait to try at least 5 of them.
"Y/N!!!" you hear someone call out from your right. You turn to see Chloe in line to order.
"Hey, Chloe," you greet as she waves you over. She had been seeing Bucky on and off the last 2 months so you two were acquainted. Bucky had told you they were just seeing each other, so you still occasionally slept with him. If Chloe knows or not, isn't any of your business.
"What a coincidence! Did you come alone?" you tell her you did come alone and she offered to sit with you.
Both of you sit down with 10 slices of cakes to share and start chatting. It was the first time you've exchanged so many words with her and you were beginning to see how in love she actually was with Bucky.
"So, Y/N, enough about Bucky and I," she giggles. "What about you? Seeing anyone?"
"Not really," you honestly tell her. "I mean, I sleep with people occasionally and I think it's fun to talk to randoms on Tinder, but other than that, nothing serious."
"You're so gorgeous though, Y/N," Chloe tells you, a pout on her face. "Bet you have the people you sleep with waiting for your every command."
You laugh at her statement and sip your tea quietly.
"James Buchanan Barnes!" you call out when you get back to the living quarters of the compound. "We need to talk!"
"Full name doesn't sound good," Bruce mumbles as he, Tony, Steve and Bucky hears you call from the dining hall.
"That's our cue to leave," Tony tells Bruce and Steve before dragging them both away.
"BARNES IS IN THE DINING ROOM!" Tony shouts loud enough for you to hear before winking at Bucky and disappearing with the other two.
Bucky gives you a small smile when you enter the dining room and you give him a smile back. You drop a take away box in front of him and sit on the seat across from him.
"It's for you, I know you like cheesecake," Bucky peeks into the takeaway box to see 2 slices of cheesecake.
"Thanks, Y/N." he grins.
"And Chloe knows that too," you add.
"Excuse me?"
"You haven't been very fair to her, Barnes. She's clearly madly in love with you, but you brush her off like she's just some random chick from a bar."
"She fell for me too fast," he mumbles, stabbing the cake with a fork and taking a bite. "I don't really like her."
"Well damn, Barnes," you shake your head. "Stop leading her on then!"
Bucky just stared at you. If only you knew the emotional conflict he was going through, you wouldn't be saying these to him.
"I think we should stop sleeping with each other till you figure things out with Chloe, Buck."
It's been a week since you last spoke to Bucky about anything personal. You tried your hardest not to make things weird, but the owner of a certain pair of steel-blue eyes refuses to let you play it off as nothing. He'd try to walk up to you and talk about what had happened, but you kept playing it off. You've started avoiding missions altogether now too.
"Hey, Y/N," Steve greets as you enter the kitchen one morning.
"Mornin', Steve." you greet back, pouring yourself a glass of coffee.
"So, there's a mission tomorrow and I was hoping you and Buck-"
"Sorry, Steve, I promised to help at the pet shelter tomorrow," you tell him with a smile and walk out of the kitchen.
"Not like you can tell her no, she's helping animals," Nat comments as she walks into the kitchen after listening in on the conversation.
"Why is this so difficult?" Steve mumbles, running his hands through his hair.
"Maybe because you're meddling," Nat tells him while walking over to the counter and pulling out a pan.
"I'm just trying to help!" Steve defends. Nat shakes her head before getting back to her eggs.
"Y/N, can we talk?" Bucky asks, grabbing your wrist as you pass by him in the hallway.
"Yes, Buck?" you face him, a fake smile on your face. "What can I help you with?"
"Why are you avoiding me?"
"I'm not," you let out a chuckle, lightly pulling your wrist from his grasp. "I've just been... Busy."
"Y/N, please-"
"No, Buck, you please," you finally break the facade and tell him. "Stop messing with other people's feelings. Chloe is such a nice girl and you made her think-"
"I called it off." You stare at him, trying to process what he said. 
"Excuse me?"
"I stopped seeing Chloe."
"Oh my God," you shake your head at what he said. "Did you at least lay it down slow? Or did you just ghost her?" Bucky didn't say anything.
"Unbelievable." you mutter.
"I like YOU, okay?" Bucky finally admits. "It's always been you!" 
"Goddammit, Barnes! That's not what we agreed on!" you yell out before walking away.
The next few days were unbearable. Word of you and Buck's falling out had gotten to the rest of the team and they didn't want the team falling apart. You had always been the friendliest one, the one that acted most normal and that gave them a sense of normality too, but the last few days, you've started to pull away and that kinda scared everyone. Nat might have thought meddling was unnecessary, but she began to meddle too.
By week 2, you've had it. Stark had thrown enough parties and organized enough team building activities the last 2 weeks to last the year, Steve and Nat had tried to get you on as many missions with Bucky as you could, and everyone else has tried to get you to sit next to Bucky at every meal.
"That's it," you mumbled after dinner one night and headed back to your room.
The rest of the team was confused, but Wanda knew what was about to happen.
"Hey, Y/N?" Wanda called out, knocking the door to your room. "Can Viz and I come in?"
"Yeah," you yell as you continued to pack your clothes.
"Where are you heading to, Miss Y/N?" Vision asks, looking at the suitcase on your bed.
"Away for a bit, Viz," you tell him with a smile. "I was thinking of sipping some coconuts in the Bahamas or something."
"That's a far place to go to sip coconuts..." Wanda mumbles, a sad tone to her voice, but you knew she understood.
"I think it'll be good for the team if I went away for a while, Wanda," you tell her, pulling her into a hug.
"But Miss Y/N, does Mr. Stark know?" Vision asks.
"Viz, there are somethings Mr. Stark doesn't have to know," you tell him.
The next morning, the whole team woke up to an unoccupied room at the end of the hallway and a handwritten letter on the kitchen table.
"Dear World's Mightiest Heroes," Steve reads out loud, chuckling at how she addressed it. "You guys, I don't know where to start. But also, before I start, hand Wanda a tissue because she probably cried all night, and it's probably gonna happen again."
"Wait, you knew?" Tony exclaims, looking over to the brunette and cutting Steve, who was reading the letter, off. "You didn't stop her?"
"Don't blame the poor girl, Tony," Steve continues, reading off the letter before Wanda could defend herself. "Did I assume what he was gonna say right? Anyway, none of you blame yourselves for what happened, please. I chose this path, and it was inevitably gonna happen, ask Bruce."
"I- what?" Bruce mumbles, thinking about what the letter had just said.
"Has she ever said anything to you about leaving before?" Nat asks him, her eyes getting teary.
"She mentioned wanting to live somewhere deep in the mountains or on a secluded island before... Would that be it?" Bruce questions.
"Keep reading," Sam tells Steve as he glances at Bucky, who looked deep in thought.
Steve clears his throat before continuing. "I'm still deciding between going to live in Bhutan, buying an island in the Bahamas or getting a house built in Africa -"
"Wow, nice flex, Y/N," Clint snickers.
"Where did she get all the money?" Tony mumbles.
"We get paid for missions, Tony," Nat reminds.
"Yeah, but not enough to buy a private island? Or build a house in freaking Africa?" Sam adds.
"Yeah, well, she used to take some of your photos candidly and sold them to fanboys and fangirls online," Nat nonchalantly adds in.
"Yeah, I remember that she made tons off of those," Wanda nods.
The rest of the team stares at the two girls in disbelief. Unsure on how to process that new bit of information.
"Steve, the letter?" Bucky reminds, finally speaking up. He wanted to know everything the letter contained.
"Can we please try to minimize the interruptions?" Steve tells the team before glancing back at the letter. "No one should feel sad or upset that I've left. I came into the team as a temporary when Rhodey was unwell and all of you extended your arms and welcomed me into this family with no questions asked, especially Thor, and I will forever be grateful for that. The feeling I had when Steve asked me to officially be part of the team? Best feeling in the world, I felt like I finally belonged somewhere. But even then, I had told Steve I would leave the team eventually, he knew I would."
"All in all, this isn't about who was the reason for me going away," Steve continues as Bucky glances out the window. "Or if you guys weren't worth the blood, sweat and tears for, but I just wanted to be a bit more selfish and think of myself. You all know my history with HYDRA, I think I've done enough good for this world, I think I deserve this retirement. I know Tony can find me effortlessly, so can Clint and Nat, and I won't blame you if you do, but please remember that I chose this for me. I already have a good thing going for me, so don't tell me I can have better."
a/n this literally took forever. i wrote part 1 like a month ago and even then, i honestly didn't know how it would end. would y/n run into Bucky's arms in the end? i sorta played with the idea but towards the end, it really became a y/n x avengers fic instead of y/n x bucky. (p.s i know this isn't well written but i really just had to close this story)
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