#i view canon as a playground for world building and character personalities
descriptev · 3 years
it genuinely baffles me that some dsmp fans call themselves c!dream antis and actually mean it.  like... why?????  genuinely, why?
look, I love this fandom with all my fucking heart, but if I read one more post claiming that c!dream deserved to be locked up for nine fucking months, I’m gonna scream.  these characters are not real and so them being tortured and locked away is whatever, honestly.  it’s what you do in a role-playing game.  you lock people up, you start new countries, you adopt children with your best friend, and you kill people and bring them back to life with a magic spellbook.  it just so happens that the dream smp roleplay is more nuanced and interesting because it’s not a bunch of kids playing on the playground, you know?
like, i want you to imagine for a second: c!dream is a kid who started a make believe world with his friends and then wasn’t allowed to play in it for 9 months because his character did something bad once.  that would be stupid, right? i’m sorry, but don’t you want cc!dream to be able to play on his own fucking server?  
don’t you think it’s more fun to play around with heavy concepts like redemption and power and fear and greed in a silly angst-filled minecraft world told from multiple points of view?  don’t you want to figure out the mysteries that these nerds have been building up for almost a year?  don’t you wanna laugh and cry and shake with excitement about each new piece of lore that comes out?
no????  you just wanna protect c!benchtrio from the big, bad, evil villain?  WHY???  dude, if you want fluff, go read a fanfic.  I want character development and witty jokes between friends and interesting relationship dynamics.  don’t we all want that?  isn’t that why we call ourselves fans of the dream smp?
so please! I’m begging you to stop calling c!dream an abuser and war criminal because it’s actually so upsetting.  he’s not a real person and if I wanted real life discourse I’d go watch the news or something.  I’m not in the “dream smp” tag to debate with you about the morality of c!dream’s actions.  he’s morally grey and I’ve accepted that, because it’s literally canon that all the characters in the dream smp have done both right and wrong and are all morally grey.  black and white is not a concept in the dream smp, nor should it be.  please unclench your iron grip on what is considered good and what is considered evil.  when it comes to the dream smp, come live in the gray with me for a bit.  I promise, it’s much more fun.
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delcat177 · 3 years
Anyway I finally did what I should have done years ago and broke Canon Slapfight down into individual frames
As much as it’s an infinite loop, it was storyboarded as a linear interaction! And it’s exactly the one you’d expect!
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Ad infinitum. But who started it?
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Who ALWAYS starts it? We have exactly one frame that says everything it needs to about why this is happening: Maxwell is directly misdirecting Wilson, because that’s what he does. There is a 3% chance that Maxwell’s pretending to wave to mislead him, but given all reason, I’m going with the 97% probability that the caption to this is Wilson’s response to “say pal wanna see a magic trick”, because Maxwell is bored and Wilson is gullible. It’s the foundation of their relationship, canonically, all slash mischief aside. “Nothing up my sleeve...”
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...and because of that canon, the trick is faking him out to torment him, because, again, Maxwell is bored. Don’t let Maxwells get bored. They can’t help themselves.
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It’s just teasing him, but since Wilson is (justifiably) on edge about maybe getting murdered after being betrayed once and dying.......more than once
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he loses his chill, and even as Maxwell pulls back and looks genuinely concerned and/or at least “c’mon it’s just a joke”
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he escalates the situation
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aaand no longer bored, Maxwell goes full into the slapfight, overjoyed and triumphant (ha ha oh I made myself sad)
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which Wilson leaps into with vigor, because we all, myself included, forget that he is also a smug bastard, they are both absolute manchildren, they are playground flirting fighting
There are, of course, more actual animatic frames, a lot of tweens, I think it explodes into 500+, but that’s the story here. And it’s beautiful because it is the story here. “Maxwell gets bored, Wilson reacts, Maxwell leaps on attention like Ophelia into an open grave, Wilson has to punch his smug stupid face” until the last star burns out.
That’s it. That’s my Nerds. It takes six seconds to view the full animation. It says EVERYTHING.
And  behind the curtains, it says everything else.
I’m gonna take the two seconds and pat myself on the back for this being the only time I ever found Klei ARG tracks by myself, because nothing they do is without purpose, even if these two ancient thinbos are doing it. This dropped shortly after they found each other in the DST chronology, when Klei was just beginning to hint at the plot for that quantum leg of this trip, just a gif on a blank black page. If you think to check the source code...
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...you find this text hidden in it...
...which seems like another gag until you go “why clank?” and then realize you should be reading between the lines.
I know people don’t quite get why I’m so into characters from a game where “you just run around and survive, right?”, and I give them that entirely. The magic/science of Don’t Starve is that it’s intensely story-first in drive, it just hides it all to be stumbled on by people who are running around surviving.
Anything that is arbitrary can be made into a connection. It’s a fantastic takeaway for anyone building a world. It’s important that the connections aren’t made all the time, that you pick your lode-bearing coincidences well or you’re risking pretention, but once you internalize it, you can weave remarkable things into a story. 
You can come out and tell your readers, your players, your viewers, what have you, just about anything if you leave out just the right frame of perspective for viewing the context until you want them to have it.
I mean, provided you’re into the kind of misery that is thinking fifteen moves ahead at any given moment, putting the long hours into making that context matter, the writing, the problem-solving, the worldbuilding, following the arcs to their possible trajectories, having a plan of action for impact regardless of what the players in the great dramedy might do.
Where I come from, there’s a name for that kind of person.
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We call them GMs.
I’m so glad ours are so clever 🦊🍵📆
ok break it up you two, remember he’s only got 80 HP, Wilson, probably bruises like a ripe peach even with your little whiff-mittens
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lwyrsdghtr-a · 5 years
SOMETHING THAT NO ONE REALLY ASKED FOR BUT YOU’RE GETTING ANYWAYS: A KINDA OF COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE AND INTRODUCTION TO MARIE’S BREAKING BAD OCS ( PART 1 ). disclaimer: some of the things talked about below the cut are triggering subjects such as abuse, drug use and addiction, overdose and death. if you are sensitive to those subjects, maybe this post isn’t for you. while many of these things aren’t things that i’ve gone through or experienced personally i respect and support anyone who has and acknowledge the fact that these things are not to be taken lightly, nor do they only exist to make interesting subject matter for a character. 
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JADE MALDONADO                                                                                      birthday: september 21st, 1984.                                                                        you already know her, she was the first oc i made for breaking bad and she’s definetly my favorite and most fleshed out. most important information can be found in her about page and in her head canon tag, although there’s one thing i don’t touch on much when i write her here. in her early twenties when she started using drugs more, she met sigmund, another addict. they had a relationship that lasted awhile, and it was quite toxic as well as on and off. ultimately they drove each other to using and kept each other from getting sober, and the only reason that jade ever tried to stop using in the first place was because of her overdose. he was the one who found her, it had been a few days since their last breakup and he had come back to where she was staying at the time to reconcile, though he was still acting very aggressively. he pretty much knocked the door down, to find her alone choking on her own vomit. he called the ambulance and they took her away, and they barely ever saw each other again. the relationship isn’t jade something talks about much or even acknowledges very often, i’ve never had an interaction here where she talks about it since she’d have to be she’s extremely comfortable with in order for that part of her backstory to be unlocked. it affected her and her views on relationships greatly, but was so bad that it was one of jade’s main motivators when getting sober.
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GEANNA GREY birthday: april 1992 geanna falls in second place when it comes to the characters on this list who have been given the most thought. she’s daughter to ava and thomas seen below, and the younger sister of sigmund by eight years. she was born in san burnadino calfifornia, and moved to the land of enchantment at the age of ten, for reasons unknown to her until later in her life. at the beginning of the series geanna is essentially the quirky artsy high school girl who listens to indie bands and the smiths, she’s near constantly got a pair of headphones attached to her head with a book in her hand and probably thinks she has better taste than you. she’s got a big heart though. that’s best exhibited in her friendship with eli, she’s not overly outgoing, so she doesn’t have a very large social circle, but her and elliot are so close she figures she doesn’t need much more than that. they had the kind of friendship that started on the playground and lasted throughout the years. she tells him almost everything, since geanna doesn’t have anybody else to go to. which meant at a certain point he learned about the abusive relationship geanna had with her father. after seeing one too many bruises show up on her he got to asking, and she wasn’t very good at keeping secrets from him, or anyone. part of the reason she wasn’t jumping at the chance to make new friends was because she was afraid they’d notice just as eli had. the two kids were a stronghold for each other at difficult points in their lives, and they both had a lot of those, especially as teenagers. geanna’s main problem was her father for a long time, and then, on a certain day when two planes crashed over albuquerque, he wasn’t anymore. but he didn’t die. no, that was mom. she was the only person inside of the house when a decent sized piece of the place landed in their living room where she was sitting. geanna was practically right there when it happened, she’d just come home from her work at the ( hi-lo ) market. her dad came home not too long after, and the first thing she felt after the numbness that seeing that piece of debris fall onto the house brought on was pure unbridled rage. she saw red all over, and she took years of frustration out on her father on that sunny afternoon in their driveway. needless to say, cops were called after not only seeing a piece of a 737 fall onto a house, but a young girl and an older man fighting right outside just moments after. geanna doesn’t remember that afternoon very well, there are only certain facts she’s sure of, they found her mothers body and took what was left of it away, they seperated her from her dad, she went with the police and she finally told them what he’d done. it was hard after that, but things steadily got better. she had no family left accept for her brother and an uncle her father had forbidden the family from seeing. her brother had been MIA for months. geanna only ever knew where he was because he’d send her post cards every once in a while. the uncle was nowhere to be found, so if she couldn’t find anywhere to stay it was into the system she went. geanna got lucky then, she was only supposed to stay at hank and marie’s for a few days, but after a fair amount of guilt tripping from eli hank and marie let her stay for as long as she needed. it was awhile, up until hank got shot. her uncle then came forward took custody of her, and he wasn’t so bad, they got a house, it was like starting over. geanna matures a lot over seasons 4 and 5, starting to express interest in going into law enforcement and the DEA. she had a very small hand in helping hank investigate while he was bedridden and started getting up and around. at the end of the series, she’s devastated. she learns about who Heisenberg is not too long after hank does, and has to keep the secret from walter junior for weeks. originally i did ship her with junior, but their relationship has evolved more into a wholesome friendship that’s troubled after she keeps that secret from him. in the end, she does go into law enforcement, trying make sure that there’s never another heisenberg again.
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ELLIOT SCHRADER birthday: may 27th, 1992 elliot schrader was born in albuquerque new mexico to hank and marie schrader in late may, making him a gemini. he was an obedient kid, at least around his parents. eli was always good at keeping his mischief a secret. he also just so happened to be a momma’s boy, him and his mom both had the same favorite color. they shared a taste is the same things, which his dad found a little odd at times. eli liked his dad, sure, but there was almost always an odd distance between the two of them. eli thinks maybe it was because his parents weren’t sure they wanted kids when he was born, they weren’t ready. his mom stepped up to the task, but it seemed like his dad was playing catch up a lot of the time. he figured it’d get better as he got older. it didn’t exactly help that hank had been so close with elliot’s cousin, walt. eli never exactly held any resentment against him, walt had his fair share of problems, a lot of them with his own parents. they were pretty close throughout their lives, up until eli had to keep the heisenberg secret too. his development through the series is about maturity too. he becomes more honest and understanding as the series goes on, especially when coming to terms with his own sexuality which he had a lot of problems with. probably the most challenging time for him was season 3, his dad getting shot made him look at things differently, although it made things around their house so hard, and hank became very detached, eli realized that he needed to make things better with that relationship, and a lot of the problems it had came from eli himself and his unwillingness to compromise with hank. as hank gets better they try and build a better relationship. he wants to be honest with his parents too, eli’s sexuality was coming into full bloom, and he wanted to tell his parents about it, but it somehow never felt like the right time. hank never knew, he told his mom after everything had happened. he stayed closed to marie throughout his life, he tried to take care of her but really it was always her that kept him grounded.
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SIGMUND GREY birthday: november 1st, 1984 his parents met in california at a young age, they were twenty, and set on going out for their dreams. little did they know a kid was going to come into the picture and change things up. sigmund came into a rocky picture, but at the beginning of his life things increasingly got better. here’s another momma’s boy, solely because of the fact that his dad was out becoming a therapist, so his mother was the one who stayed home with him. sigmund views his childhood as the best period in his life, before things went bad for him, before he became bad. eventually he had a little sister, his mother was starting to get back into her dream of composing music. things were good with the grey family for a long time, but as sigmund got older his problems manifested more and more. he cared about his family but he somehow always felt very emotionally detached from most people, he found it hard to make new connections or even look people in the eye at times — and then started the ungodly mood swings he sometimes got. there were times when he thought he was on top of the world, and times when he thought he was in the very pit of it. things all got worse when he was eighteen and his dad lost his job, cashing starting drinking again, and subsequently become more abusive. sig was eighteen, he figured he was a legal adult, he didn’t think he should have to deal with it so he ran away from their new home in new mexico and never looked back. sig refused to go home but he didn’t do great on his own, he roamed around a lot, going back to cali at a certain point and moving on from there. he found money wherever he could, he sold drugs, he did them himself, there were other odd jobs too but it became all about the drugs by the time he was in his twenties. then he met jade, after a life of feeling disconnected, waiting for the next high to level his mood out — here came someone he felt he could trust. jade was is caring person, someone kind and patient, who just so happened to be an addict too. they started off fine, but they made each other worse, she made him angrier, the mood swings got worse, he took away her sense of caring for a long time. after her overdose he tried to continue the relationship for a long time, but it didn’t work, so he moves on from abq and doesn’t look back. the thing about sigmund is he’s good and letting go and shutting down his emotions so he doesn’t have to think about the people he’s hurt or abandoned. he heard about his mother’s death later than everyone else, but he didn’t go back to albuquerque. he swore he wouldn’t, and he wasn’t ready to face any of what was there. not his dad, not his dead mother, not the sister he left alone, not the girl he loved and hurt. he didn’t come back to abq until he was much older, and sober. eventually he settled down. he reconciled with geanna the best he could. eventually, he became a sponsor for a lot of other people trying to get sober after working out his own issues and owned a motorcycle shop.
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