#i worry myself sick and then i come to associate food w worrying so then i don't eat and???
domesticangel · 4 years
genuinely cannot tell what is wrong with my stomach bc the doctors are like m’am your blood is so clean we could drink it and the pictures we took of your insides deserve to be hung up in the louvre , HOWEVER your mental state is that of a horse that lives beside a firework factory and whose blood has been replaced entirely by stackers dissolved in pure caffeine so you either have ibs or  more cortisol in your stomach than you do any other bodily fluid combined . maybe just stop drinking milk and also good luck
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calmspirited · 2 years
been a long time I've been here. a lot has happened. ill detail a bit what has happened in my life under a read more, but for those who don't have time -
tl;dr - lots of personal changes, ups and downs, moving away from dbd in general and dbd rp, may, *may* try fortnite rp, no promises, i'm going to leave my blog and sideblogs and start over with a new blog when i make it
this is super duper long under here. long and rambling and chock full of improper grammar
hello! i guess my departure from here started when the great porn ban hit tumblr. just really didn't vibe with their decision and stepped away for a while. during that time, I realized that it felt really nice not having to worry about rp'ing with everyone (and you all were wonderful!) and that in general, it felt like a job that i wasn't happy doing anymore. i realized dbd rp had become... tiring for me.
it was so long ago - over 2 years ago! I do remember getting a part-time job round that time, so that was another reason why I never really returned. biggest thing was my mother got sick around this time 2 years ago. she never got better and passed away in June of 2020. we really thought she just had a cold she couldn't get over and bad arthritis pains, but suddenly her health absolutely tanked and just 2 weeks after going into the hospital for the first time, she was gone. turned out, she had had insidious caner for years and never knew it, but even besides that, all of her health issues had suddenly magnified tenfold and it was too much.
my mother was a very important figure in my life, and her death was very unexpected and sudden and traumatizing. I remember being scared and anxious to go into "her" parts of our home for months. back then, I had briefly thought about coming back here - I was giving tumblr another chance - but when she got sick that got thrown out the window. i really didn't think about tumblr for months after her untimely death.
but her death led to the start of a lot of changes. she had been needing some home care for several years that I had done myself, and suddenly I found myself with a lot of free time and new opportunities. i signed up for full-time community college, and at the end of this year I hope to have an Associates in Business Administration, along with several management, accounting, and bookkeeping certificates. I got my first car in August of last year, and that has led me to get 2 part-time jobs and be semi-financially independent! that has always been a big goal of mine. im super glad to have these jobss since my eldest sister, who i live with and who supports me financially, had some serious heath issues of her own this past christmas and was out of work for almost a month, and i had to help with the bills.
since may of last year, i slowly started developing health issues. im not going to get too personal, but ive developed hormone, painful skin and auto-immune issues that has made me feel not too hot these past few months. im just starting to see the light at the end of that tunnel, and i'm looking to begin working with a specialist who can help me identify what is triggering my issues (it seems to be centered around food-they're thinking I have some sort of broad food sensitivity). its a slow process, but im beginning to have times where i feel... good. great, even. it's the start of a long journey for me.
While I still play DBD on occasion, i no longer support the game as much as I used to. ever since the pinhead nft debacle, ive lost all faith in the higher ups of BHVR and have come to realized just how scuffed and uncared for the game is. For the first few years, while the game was bad, you could tell while they were confused, they had the spirit and passion to at least try and make the game good. over time, it's clear they don't intend on strengthing the game to its full potential and are using it to make money.
(dont get me wrong, i love the aestheics and visual aspect of dbd - its the higher ups that have made it this way)
the pinhead nft episode was really it for me in concerns of loving dbd. i no longer support the game financially and can't really love a game whose developers blatantly mislead people and do not disclose the info that the purchases of one of their character will fund nfts until it is just too late to ask for a refund. trust me, that was on purpose. that was super scummy and really speaks volumnes about their goals. the only people i blame for that is the people up high enough to make these decisions, because i know several art designers at BHVR who worked on pinhead were shocked and dissapointed that their work was used for nfts.
I actually couldn't play dbd after they did a big graphical update sometime in late 2019 on my laptop, and i ended up trying out a few other games with a couple of friends. I somehow ended up getting into Fortnite summer of 2020. this also relates a bit to my mothers death, due to the fact that when she died, i had more free time at home to play games with others. I started playing loosely in Chapter 2, Season 3, and really remember being hooked by the end of the season into Season 4. While it was a silly, cartoon style battle royale game, I just ended up really vibing with it.
I've met a lot of new friends in fortnite, and have honestly had a lot more fun with Fortnite than I had with DBD. I finally got myself a real beefy PC this past December and have only played DBD a handful of times on my own. took me a long time to re-install it, too. say what you want about fortnite and it's average 12 year old playerbase (there are SO many of them its unreal) - theres real passion and good quality lore and events behind it the game's surface. it drew me in.
fast foward to now. I've started hanging around tumblr more these last few weeks and months and have thought about coming back... just not to dbd. dbd is not "it" for me anymore. it has lost its appeal, its fun, its passion. i have seriously considered picking up fortnite rp - if there is an actual serious fortnite rp community lol, haven't looked (is there even actual rp going on in tumblr anymore?). either way, if I do start rp'ing again, it will be in fortnite more than likely.
I have not only this blog, but several different rp blogs attached to this account. I'll reblog this post there soon and also the link where I will be making my new blog, wherever and whatever it may be. (note: this text editing is super cool)
I do intend on one day logging out of this account and then eventually never logging back in. That day will be one day, but not today. Before I log out of this completely, I will make a new blog and post the link where I will be. while i may find my old rp stuff semi-cringe, i know people did somehow enjoy my writing and I will NOT be deleting my account. Ever. I hate it when people do that.
I want to thank everyone for supporting me throughout the years, even if we were once friends and no longer are or have not spoken in years. I'm bad with keeping up with people once I drop from a social circle. my life has been a crazy journey these past years and it has all contributed to who I am today, which is someone I'm proud of. a lot of stuff has happened, and it is time I begin anew and wrap up this final part of my life that has been dragging its feet behind me.
if you have taken the time to read this, thank you. truly. to those who have followed me but have never interacted, take this as a hello and a thank you. even if no one interacts with this post, im glad to have gotten it off my chest. its been on my mind for a long time to move on.
I will make a new post when I make a new blog, and share the new link. I will also update my contacts soon (will make a note on the contacts page that it is up-to-date). As for my writing blog, I'm not quite sure what I will do with that. I actually have dreams to become an actual author, but whether I remake it, transfer it to a new site, or leave it altogether, I will announce it here and over there.
if anyone from... here, i guess, wants to get in contact, do not be afraid to message me. just keep in mind after i post the link for my new blog, you will have to message me over there as I will pack up shop completely. I probably will not remember who you are at all, but I do enjoy talking to people. I don't know when I will be making the new blog, but it will probably be within a month or so.
so... once again, thank you. while I was here, I had fun. but now, it is time to smoove on.
~Catch you on the flipside,
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I AM ALIVE Charlie Sisters FF/imagine
You had begun to worry. Charlie had been gone for 6 months, with only 7 letters even giving you any proof that he was still alive. You sat near your window, in the open prairie, worrying away like you did every day, thinking about how he could be dead, he could be lost, he could be kidnapped by one of his targets, he might not see his baby be born. You rubbed your belly sadly, the time was drawing close, and you really wanted your baby to see its daddy. More than anything you wanted Charlie to see his baby. You couldn’t imagine life without Charlie, who would take you hunting every Sunday that he was home? Who would make you the best baked beans in the entire west coast? Who would make funny, rhyming names for things like a Mean-Bean or a Dorsie-Horsie? Who would help you with the baby? Who would love you like Charlie did? You sat there silently, wracking your mind of reasons why he hadn’t written in 2 months. All of them more worrying than the last, when you heard a knock at the door.
You jumped up as fast as you could in your condition, rushing to the door, hoping and praying to see Charlie’s smug face looking back at you, holding the money he earned from the Commodore, ready to sweep you off your feet, covering your face with kisses. Sadly, it wasn’t him. It was Rex, a colleague of Charlie’s that you knew to avoid most of the time, Charlie said he was a sleaze who took married women away from their husbands while they were away. Normally, when he came over, you could almost smell the desire coming from him, but this time he looked genuinely concerned, his eyebrows furrowed close together. “Hey there, um...Missus Y/N. Hav-have ya heard from Charlie recently?” you moved closer to the doorframe, hoping it was one of his womanizing schemes “Uh...no Rex, I haven’t.” You started to panic, “Why do ya ask? Did somethin’ happen to Charlie? Oh Lord please tell me this is just another plot of yers!” Rex waved his hands in front of him, defensively, “Woah, woah YN, please don’t get ya bloomers in a bunch! The commodore has just been askin’ ‘cus he ain’t heard from him in a while...and the last thing we recieved from him was this...” he handed you a leaf, and your heart jumped you knew that even if he ran out of paper, he was known to send leaves with letters written on them. You turned it over and gasped. On the other side of the leaf was written, in now dried blood; ‘I AM ALIVE” Rex sighed and held your shoulder gently, “and I promise ya darlin’ this ain’t no plot...we’re all worried about him, and by association, you.” Your stomach dropped. This was the worst situation you could’ve imagined for Charlie, him MIA in the dangerous wilderness, after some bloodthirsty criminal, with the last message from him being vague and written in blood. You breathed in sharply to hold in the tears, “I-I ain’t heard nothin’ from him, Rex...I’m sorry.” Rex sighed sadly and shook his head, “I’m the one who should be sayin’ that to you, Missus...I’m real sorry...” he bowed slightly, tipped his hat, and left. Looking sadder than a dog left out in the rain.
You closed the door, putting your back against it when it had shut. Tears filling up your eyes as you held you hand up to your mouth in shock and slid down slowly to the floor, the weight of that news hitting you like a ton of bricks. It was one thing for him to not update you on what was happening, but he never forgot to message the Commodore. Where was he? Maybe he was too far to send letters...yeah maybe that was it. He couldn’t be dead. He couldn’t be.
You woke up much later, still by the door, your eyes still stinging from crying yourself to sleep. It was dark out already. You grabbed the nearby stairwell railing to pull yourself up. You knew that the cows sure as hell were not gonna be pleased with how late you were but it’d be better if you milked them tonight, rather than have a cow-riot tomorrow morning. After you heaved yourself up again, you grabbed your gun, your bucket and a lantern, you walked outside, ready to vent to the cows about your day. It was a rather silly habit, but a habit that was strangely therapeutic and one that despite you being rather upset, seemed to calm the cows down...maybe they just liked hearing you talk.
As you walked to the cows, you saw what you assumed was a figure riding a couple acres away. You took no notice, thinking it was a lonesome hunter going back home after a long hunt. It was only after the first three cows that you realized that the sound of hooves hitting the dusty ground had gotten much closer. ‘It’s someone looking for Charlie!’ you thought as you jumped behind a bunch of hay bales, cocking your gun before they got close enough to hear you do it. You had no idea how much time had passed by the time you heard the hooves stop by the stables, the rider jump down, and hitch up his horse. ‘Why would a killer or a robber do that?’ you wondered to yourself, with your finger drifting off of the trigger as an impossible thought passed through your head, ‘is that Charlie?’
You heard him walk slowly and tiredly up on the porch, shuffling his feet as if removing them from the porch would mean that he would instantly tumble over. If this was Charlie, you had never seen him this tired and sad before. Then you suddenly heard the man drop to his knees, at this point you thought it wouldn’t hurt to just peek at the man, you looked up, seeing a man with significantly longer hair and a smaller build than Charlie, kissing your porch! At this point you knew for a fact that it wasn’t your husband so you jumped up, grabbing your gun and aimed it at the man as you quickly walked towards him. “You best be getting off ma porch! My husband’s a bounty hunter and if he were here, he’d kill you quicker than I gaddamned will!” You knew it was a bad idea to tell this stranger that you were home alone but because he looked so small and sickly, you knew you could hold your own in a fight against him. The man crawled back, his hands in front of his head, shaking like a leaf in a tornado. “please...listen to me. I ain’t who ya think i am...” he whispered, hoarsely. Even with the hoarseness, you knew that voice as if it was your own. You dropped the gun, running close to him and cupping your hands around his angular face, “Charlie? Oh my god, is that really you, honey?” Charlie nodded weakly, tears now running down his face like a waterfall. “yeah, it’s me darlin’...”
After a long moment of hugging each other and crying, you brought Charlie into the house, sure that he was cold and hungry. As he sat in his armchair, you truly saw the difference, the crease where the top of his head usually ended was miles above the small, unshaven man sitting in the chair. He looed like a tiny scared puppy in a doghouse built for a doberman. It would almost be hilarious if the situation wasn’t so serious. After giving him some bread, butter and chicken, that he scarfed down, almost choking as he did it, you started talking with him.
“W-where have ya been? I was worried sick...” you asked, hugging yourself and barely being able to even look at him in this situation, suddenly you remembered, reached into your pocket and pulled out the leaf letter and handed it to him, sitting down next to the chair, “and what...what is this?” he held the leaf weakly and sighed, defeated “I...was robbed...” he sighed, his voice only slightly less hoarse now, “My horse, my gun, my money, my paper and pens, my food, everything.” He stared off to space as he told his tale. “I barely begged hard enough to keep my clothes and the tiny shreds of my dignity that I had left. So I had to walk or crawl my way home. I ate wild animals and random leaves and berries I found. I got myself poisoned that way twice. I never took you out of my mind. When a man on a horse came past me and offered his help in exchange for my shoes, I didn’t ask for his horse, I simply asked him to send a letter to Oregon for me. That was the leaf. After he left me I realized my mistake and i kicked myself right there, but much further on I saw a horse lying on the ground, it honest to god looked dead. But it weren’t. I fed it half of the food I had scavenged and somehow it survived the last month of the journey. That’s the horse that’s outside, could ya maybe feed him? I named him Savior. He really helped me when I was at my worst.” This story was terribly sad, it rocked you to your core that he had gone through this all this time while you were at home, moping about how lonely you were. “I’m so sorry...if I had known I-” Charlie shushed you gently, stroking your hair, “You had no way of knowin’...I’m just glad you’re safe and alive, and that the baby hasn’t been born yet.” You giggled. Despite how sad the situation was, you were incredibly grateful that he was home and you loved how he could easily make a morbid situation even slightly humorous.
He stood up slowly, pulling you up at the same time. Once you were both standing fully (which took a while) he held you close to his chest. Despite him being much skinnier, he still stood quite a bit taller than you, he held your head up to his heart, it sounded much stronger and healthier than you expected. “It’s so loud...” you whispered to him, he chuckled lightly “It’s singing to you, ‘cause it knows you’re here...”
sorry if the ending is kind of short XD I still have no idea how to end stories correctly lol
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alysmarylin · 5 years
The fic you've been waiting for
Crowley avenging his beloved angel - Sandalphon got what he deserved (don't thank me, reblog instead)!!!!!!!!
Crowley and Aziraphale were unpacking the stuff they bought on a big shopping Sunday, and to this very day Crowley can't remember why and how they ended up talking about Aziraphale's, well... Ex-kin.
"I kinda enjoyed Michael", Crowley laughed. "Rather good-looking. Uriel, on the other hand..."
"Don't get me started on Uriel and Sandalphon", Aziraphale rolled his eyes. "I hate their guts"
"Sandalphon was a tough prick, I remember. And uglier than Belzebub", Crowley sneered.
"You don't say. He works in my place now, homophobic son of a... They couldn't have picked a worse candidate", Aziraphale said in a somewhat hurt voice. 
"Don't worry, angel. Soon enough, he will receive some beating from locals, I tell you"
"Yeah, I should've definitely punched that bastard back", Aziraphale muttered under his nose quietly, angrily. 
" Yeah, you bet...", Crowley laughed and then stopped abruptly. "W-w-wait, wait-wait-wait. Back? What do you mean, back?". Crowley stood up from the floor and stepped up to Aziraphale. 
" Nothing, really"
"No, not nothing". Crowley's eyes were widened in shock. " Do you mean, that, that piece of shit HIT you?!"
Aziraphale lowered his eyes. It looked like the memory wasn't pleasant. Crowley was gasping.
"When? When did it happen? How come I didn't know?", Crowley was not yet angry but more frightened. " Angel, look at me. Talk to me. Someone battered you and I know nothing of it?!"
"No one battered me. I was walking back to my bookshop and Michael, Uriel and... And he approached me, I was questioned..."
"Where the Hell was I?" - Crowley asked, astonished.
"You drove home", Aziraphale said quietly and sadly.
Crowley tilted his head backward and sighed with despair. "I should've known... ". He lowered his head and looked at Aziraphale with sadness and pain. Aziraphale looked confused and lost.
" What did he do? Tell me, angel", Crowley stepped closer, putting his hand on Aziraphale's arm, leaning closer. "Tell me. He's dead"
"Don't you dare, Crowley, we got away and I won't..."
"What did he do to you? What? Why didn't you tell me? I was up there, I saw him, I could've..."
"Because I didn't want you to", Aziraphale answered bitterly. " I needed you to be concentrated and cool-headed. You freed me from them, same as I did for you. That's all that matters"
"No, it's not. You look sad, you look hurt", Crowley said, cupping Aziraphale's cheek. " Otherwise you would've forgotten".
"He punched me in the stomach, alright?", Aziraphale said with a lump in his throat. His lower lip trmbled a bit. "It wasn't as painful physically as it was humiliating".
Crowley looked down on his angel's belly - soft, beautiful, beloved and precious - and everything before his eyes suddenly became red as blood.
"I told you because I trust you, but if you dare approach him or pull out something stupid like that, I will leave you, Crowley", he heard Aziraphale's voice from some distance.
"Do you hear me? Answer me, Crowley"
Crowley felt his head filling with lead from within.
"I will not approach him. I swear it"
"Good", he hears Aziraphale say. " I'll finish unpacking"
Crowley stopped Aziraphale, holding him by the arm. He embraced him from behind, wrapping one of his arms around his chest and putting his hand gently on the angel's belly. He buried his nose in his soft blonde curls and muttered: "I love you".
"I love you too", Aziraphale answered softly, "Now let me finish".
Crowley looked at him, picking up paper bags and arranging the stuff around the room, looking small and soft and lovely. Somehow it made his silent rage all the more burning and red became crimson in his eyes. He swore he wouldn't approach that sick fuck who laid his dirty hands - no, he couldn't bear to think of it - on Aziraphale
... But he said nothing of his friends.
Crowley pulled his hood further on his forehead
"Pleasure to see you, Jay. You look like a heroin addict in that hoody", said Phil. 
"I have to hide my hair somehow. Rare color"
Crowley was nervous and feeling restless.
"Yep. You're drop-dead gorgeous lad, we get it. To what I owe the pleasure?"
"I need to track someone down. Name's Saldanphon but he changes his IDs every now and then. You'll have to check for anything similar. Don't have a picture, but I draw him", Crowley laid a piece of paper on a table. The drawing looked fairly accurate. " Looks middle-aged, a bit fat, bald, ugly, has a golden tooth. A homophobe might be hanging around gay bars and the likes to preach or intimidate or whatever he does. That's all I have as of now".
"Well", Phil sighed " It's doable. But it will take a while. Any family?"
"No, none at all"
"I see. The golden tooth is indeed something". Phil looked at Crowley's hand. "You got married?"
"Ugh, yeah", Crowley answered looking around. " You know how to, ehm, tell me of the progress?"
"I've been around longer than you", Phil said wearily, and Crowley had to keep his mouth shut on that remark, " You'll know when I find something. Just one more thing. This, ehm, funny-named morality apostle. What exactly are you planning? He's gonna go?"
"No, not go", Crowley said with sheer disappointment "Plainly be taught a lesson. He put his shitty hands where he shouldn't have".
"Are you gonna call our mutual friend?", Phil raised his eyebrows. " If you want to make it clean, it's the best way. They'll never track his men down. Just food for thought, Jay. A piece of advice from the old man"
"That sounds reasonable", Crowley nodded, as if he had had any idea what to do next when he came to Phil, " I'll think about it. Thank you. Wanna count?". He put a book - a fake book, of course - on a table.
"Here? Oh, please. Trust me, if I don't find what I intend to find here, you'll know", Phil put a book in his bag and stood up. " Have a nice day, kid. Next time, wear something else"
Crowley waited for ten more minutes before leaving the diner. It was only when he was in a crowdy underground station when he put the hood off. He had to be cautious. For everyone's sake.
"Do you really think it's a good place, Jay?", said a tall and broad bald man in a leather jacket, trying to sit comfortably on a bench by a pond.
"The best one, in terms of privacy", said Crowley, looking grimly from his hood. " So. You said you owe me a favor all the way back from 1999. I didn't need anything for a long time, but now..."
"How do you manage to look so young, you sick bastard?", the man asked, chuckling, trying to look at Crowley's face. " You look just like my son, and that sad excuse of an heir is 27 now, not something you could tell by the way he speaks, though, I'd give him 10  in that department, still... How old are you, anyway?"
"I use a strong sunscreen. And I have good genes. Good, hardworking Irish people, my entire family. Will you listen or not, Patsy?"
A bald man stopped laughing and sighed.
"Of course. What seems to be the problem?"
"Our mutual buddy, Phil, tracked down a guy I need you to deal with. Here's what I've got on him", Crowley took a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to a man without so much as looking at his side. " I want your people to teach him a lesson. He's gotta stay alive. I can't be seen. But I need to watch it from a distance. I know you're ready to do this, but still" - Crowley took out something that looked like a book and put it on Patsy's lap still without looking at him - "this is some additional motivation for you, or a token of a good will, if you wish to call it that way".
Patsy put down an apparently-book-thing in his suitcase and opened a piece of paper. He looked at Crowley, frowning.
" What kind of a lesson do you want him to be taught, exactly?"
"If your boys will do it properly, he'll need new teeth", Crowley said, finally turning his head to his counterpart, looking him in the eyes from beneath his shaded. "The whole damn package. And the old ones, I want to have them. Every single one. Especially the golden one. No internal bleeding, no injuries to any organs. You can break a couple of ribs, but carefully. As you wish. But I need his teeth"
"Jesus fucking Christ, Jay", the Patsy man said, looking flabbergasted. " What did this son of a bitch did to you so you became such a butcher"
"He laid his shitty hands where he shouldn't have", Crowley hissed, grinding his teeth. His hands clenched in fists.
" You didn't tell me you were married. Was this your wife?", Patsy asked warily.
"I have no wife, but I am indeed married", Crowley answered. " I know you're one of the few people of your occupation who don't look down on things like that. I love him. But I swore I won't touch this bastard myself. I don't have much choice, Pat"
"I'm sorry it happened to your, well, spouse", Patsy said carefully. " But the guys that I have in my crew are not as open-minded as I wish they were. You know it yourself. Ours is not the most prestigious job. I'll do this favor, but when you're sitting in a car with them, better keep the personal personal". 
They shook hands.
"I'll be waiting for your call. You know which number to call, and which not to", Crowley said, standing up. "I'm looking forward to seeing your team at work".
Crowley was staring into the field glasses, trying looking at two tall men in leather jackets dragging a bald man resembling Sandalphon, gagged and tied up, to a torch on the abandoned parking lot. The jeep where Crowley and his associates were sitting was right in its darkest corner.
It was Christmas Eve, the 24th of December. The snow was falling gloriously, but the place was too grim and damp for the fairy-tale-like spirit.
“You see them, Cap?”, a young driver, sitting by Crowley’s side asked.
“It looks like him, but I need insurance. I remember his voice. Call them”
One of the guys on the backseat dialed a number and one of the bouncers took the phone.
“Our cap wants so be sure it’s the guy. Let him speak”
He turned on the speakerphone. Soon enough Crowley heard Sandalphon screaming something like:
“I’ll give you anything you want, please, untie me, I need my hands, I…”, before Crowley nodded and Sandalphon became silent again. The phone was turned off and Sandalphon was dragged to a small staircase, and Crowley had to pay very close attention, looking into field glasses again, to recognize what was going on.
“Are you sure your people can do ALL the teeth in one go?”, he asked a bit unsurely.
“You insult us, Mr. Jay. It is our signature. One strike, all teeth. Leaves a strong message”, murmured a young man behind him.
“Well, then…”, Crowley started, but then he saw something rather outstanding, that made him make a certain sound: “Oi, woah… That was surprising… Alright, gentlemen, pardon me for my previous skepticism. I take that back. On second thought, I even refuse to take, the, ehm, the evidence”
He then heard his phone ring. It had to be Aziraphale. He had to answer. He quickly took the phone and blurted:
“Angel, honey, I can’t talk, I’m very busy, buying you a surprise, I’ll call you back in ten, love you”, without letting him even say a word. He figured out it would be more secure.
“Wife?”, asked a second young man, with a smile.
“Yeah. Sort of. Listen, I think I’d rather be going, are they done with the teeth? At the end of the day, I’ll think I’m more than happy without them. I don’t wanna take ‘em. I saw what you did, it was amazing. Drop me at the underground station, please… Else my, ehm, spouse, will be suspecting something, which I don’t fancy, like, at all”.
Crowley was very relieved when they drove away.
Crowley thought he had never had such a lovely Christmas morning. Angel was by his side, in his lovely tartan pajamas, they were tucked under the blanket, sipping tea and lazily switching the channels on telly.
“I thought I hated Christmas”, Crowley said quietly, as he lowered his head to Aziraphale’s, planting a soft kiss on his temple. “Now you made me love it. What next, angel?”
“You’ll stop wearing all black?”, Aziraphale answered, with a sarcastic smile.
“Naah, not in this life and not in the next”, Crowley said leisurely, switching the channels. Then he saw the news.
“… The victim of this horrific Christmas assault is alive, but severely traumatized – his teeth were…”
That was something Crowley didn’t account for – the bloody news.
“Ugh, what is it with these people”, he said with a trembling voice, trying desperately to sound casual, turning the telly off. “It’s only violence on this television, I’ll better put on some music. And make you some tea”, Crowley said, standing up.
“Dear boy”, Aziraphale said softly. “I’d like some tangerines. Would you be so kind as to bring your husband a plateful of those?”, he smiled. Crowley looked like he was melting from the inside.
“Every time you say the h-word I can’t say no to anything, angel. I’ll be in 15, a’right”
Crowley sighed with relief as he stepped into the kitchen. He was off the hook now, but some time from now, the angel might still learn about what happened. Will he be able to understand?
“All I did, I did for you”, Crowley thought in pain. “I love you so much I couldn’t stop it. He had to pay, my love, he had to”. Crowley felt tears fill his eyes, as he was putting tangerines in a bowl, but he was able to will them away. “I’d kill for you, I’d die for you, Aziraphale”, he thought with anguish. “I hope you know that whatever comes. I hope you will forgive me for what I had to do”.
With Crowley gone, Aziraphale was finally able to read the newspaper.
“Broken teeth, that’s a good take”, he thought smugly, as he read the weekly crime report. “See, Sandalphon. What goes around, comes around, next time you want to apply brutal force to your… arguments, better remember this, no? Though I doubt there will be the next time”
Aziraphale smirked. What his husband lacked in logic and cautiousness, he made up in loyalty and protectiveness. Blind loyalty and fierce protectiveness.
“You’re such an idiot, Crowley”, Aziraphale thought tenderly. “Really, A-J? To think I wouldn’t know? Me, famous Mr. Fell of Soho?”
That very evening, when he received a phone call from Phil and heard of some “heroin junkie looking” guy calling himself “Tony Jay” or “A J”, or, God have mercy, “Jay”, of all things, he knew it has to be Crowley.
“Wearing a black hoodie on top of his shades, really. It’s a miracle he didn’t get busted for drug possession”. Maybe it was indeed a miracle.
Truth be told, he wasn’t angry. He couldn’t approve openly, but there was a certain warmness in knowing that a homophobic golden-toothed prick who assaulted him now got what was coming for him.
“But I can’t encourage this sort of behavior in Crowley”, he thought, hiding his smile. “Now, dear boy, you need to control your impulses. At least, most of the time”.
Still, Aziraphale knew that he was one of the luckiest men – well, not really men, but… - alive, for his partner would stop at nothing to protect him.
“If only he would’ve acted a bit cleverer… Well, I suppose you can’t have it all. He’s beautiful, caring, kind, sweet, fiercely loyal and sexy as Hell, in the most literal sense of this word. It’s only natural he has to be a complete idiot to not let me forget myself. Oh, he brought me the cannoli the other day… This boy watched The Godfather too many times”.
“Angel!”, Crowley said, entering the room with a bowl full of tangerines. “What are you smiling at?”
“I’m thinking about how lucky I am to have you, dear boy”, Aziraphale answered with a loving smile.
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kayasurin · 6 years
A long-time lurker of @suzie-guru, I’m tossing this Strange Magic story idea under the cut. I blame (and thank) Suzie because I might not have found the fandom through her stories, but they are what kept me in the fandom (and inspired me to get the DVD as well as get ideas of my own). 
Please find below 10 pages of notes for an idea I’m just calling the Accidental-Marriage-and-Pining AU. If someone decides they want to take it over, just give me a heads up. Otherwise, in my (non-existent) spare time I might take a swing at writing it myself.
·         Instead of kidnapping Dawn when the love potion gets stolen, Bog King declares war. Still crashes the elf party, but only to yell at people and tell the king that hey, war.
·         Roland is defeated & injured early on (shiny armour! No use! He looks very good in a parade but has never actually, y'know, fought before.) Not even by Bog, just some foot soldier goblin. Maybe Brutus with a backhand.
·         Dawn's still hit with a love potion BTW, and falls for a married elf who is devoted to his life-partner and, uh, it's flattering but he likes... guys. (Dawn literally cannot understand the idea right now, when normally she's as passionate about people being able to marry the ones they love as Marianne is passionate for denouncing love, period.) Dawn is kept in her room.
·         Sunny gets hold of the love potion and hands it over, along with his guilt - he is able to say it's Roland's idea, since Roland went from "respected" to "ridiculed". The triplets come forward and admit that they may have suggested Roland use a love potion on Marianne (who is very scary and they're very sorry). People remember that Roland's been talking off and on about war with the Dark Forest for a long time.
·         Bog is not about to stop the war now, even with the Fairies offering the potion back and they're really sorry - the Elders of the Forest would overthrow him in a heartbeat if he did.
·         Sunny is punished, but not as harshly as if he were the sole cause of the war. Basically confined to his rooms helping with the routine paperwork everyone else is too busy with the war to deal with. He might have nightmares about being unable to tell Requisition Form A-7 from Requisition Form A-8.
·         The Imp steals the love potion. It was well guarded but not well enough. Marianne hunts the Imp down (while everyone else is on the battlefield - her dad thought it'd be great for keeping her away from the fighting) but not before several fairies, elves, and a sparrow are dusted. Lizard/Lizzy still fixates on Sunny because he got dragged along with. (Everyone knows Marianne asking him what the hell he was thinking about a love potion and her little sister is more punishment than requisition forms.)
·         (Sunny is really, really sorry. But at least the lizard fixated on him. Guy who had a sparrow fall in love with  him got carried off. No one knows where he is. Everyone is varying degrees of worried)
·         (He's okay and shows up later after escaping when the love potion wore off. Maybe, haven't decided yet.)
·         The war, meanwhile, has lasted a month so far. The final battle happens.
·         Bog goes after Dagda, has to fight his way through the battlefield.
·         Marianne, who is not supposed to be there, gets between Bog and Dagda. She is a fresh fighter, compared to Bog who just spent a couple hours beating his way through elves and fairies and Dagda's guards. Also, Marianne is angry someone's threatening her dad. Also-also, there might be some high-pitched and painful-to-goblins screaming going on.
·         Marianne wins. Bog's hurt, very badly. (I'm sorry boo!) He's mistaken for dead for a little bit, actually.
·         Dagda, trying to signal to the goblins that their king is dead, please stop fighting and go have a civil war on your own side of the border, tries to pick up the Bog King's staff of office. He gets burned. It's wood (or... something?) but it just heated up like a sword fresh from the forge and not yet quenched. Marianne takes the staff, mostly because Dagda drops it, and is perfectly fine.
·         Battlefield turns into a different sort of chaos, of course. It's sorted out that Marianne is now Queen of the Dark Forest by right of personal combat with the Bog King - who, it turns out, is still alive. Marianne orders he be taken care of immediately (Maybe she can give this stupid staff thing back? Seriously, it's twice her height or something and really heavy and also she doesn't want to rule the Dark Forest! Heal up so she can give it back, now!)
·         Marianne, however, isn't going to be a bad ruler. She's got a bunch of terrified Goblins watching her and a bunch of scheming fairies too. She tells her dad to hand Roland over, since he was the real source of the conflict, but she'll be nice and accept him going to the Stone Reach * for investigation and trial.
·         *I envision the Stone Reach to be this rocky outcrop on the south border between the fields and the forest and, possibly a swamp or something. Not associated with anyone, considered perfectly neutral and called on in cases where the royals might have a conflict in sentencing, ect. Since three generations back they've also dealt with passing messages across the field/forest border, because Bog's grandfather refused to talk to Marianne's great-grandfather, and no one's changed the status-quo since. They do other things too for both sides, but the main one is being neutral.
·         They also run around fully cloaked, so no one can tell what species/race they are. Other than weird. The head of the group, AKA main investigator, I envision as something like Sam Vimes from Discworld, except covered head to toe so no one can actually see him. The right personality, though.
·         Back to the story though - the goblins had expected Marianne to just kill Bog on the battlefield, but weren't complaining when she wanted him healed instead. He's moved to the castle, sort of a prisoner and sort of "the prison cell is the only other place in the castle with beds long enough for this guy, and the Queen's taken over the Royal bedroom, and someone this injured cannot sleep on the floor."
·         Marianne also moves to the Dark Forest castle, immediately after telling the fairy council where they can stick their plans for the Dark Forest. (She's going to be a good queen and also hand this nonsense back to the Bog King once he's conscious. She can't hand the place back if the council gets their way.) The goblins are obedient, but not helpful. Griselda spends her entire time watching over Bog in the prison/sick room.
·         Griselda and Marianne encounter each other whenever Marianne's down there interrogating Sugarplum about the love potion. Dawn's still dusted after all, never mind everyone else. (Griselda: not impressed with this fairy who nearly killed her baby boy.)
·         Some of the goblins start actively plotting against Marianne. They're kinda bad at it because goblins go for "in your face" things like actual challenges, instead of backstabbing and what have you. Most of the plotting, therefore, is "who can we all agree to back and who has a chance of defeating our new Queen - shh she's coming" and not "let's poison her drink."
·         Seriously, goblins have standards for overthrowing their monarchs and solving political problems. Who'd be low enough to resort to poison or stabbing someone in the back when these sorts of things are important and should be seen by everyone! (Fairies. Fairies are low enough. Marianne is aware of the plotting but is expecting them to rebel the way fairies would - AKA knives in the dark or poison in the food. The lack of action in that direction is confusing her.)
·         The plotting goblins loosely fall into the following categories - those who want to back Bog in taking the throne back, those who want "new blood" on the throne (and if that blood happens to be related to them, so what?) and then there's a very small group of goblins who think Marianne's not the worst thing in the world, but only if she marries a goblin and has goblin babies.
·         Around this point (approx 1 month after Marianne takes over) Bog wakes up. It takes him a little while, but he regains his health pretty quickly once he's conscious and isn't being force-fed (or unconscious-fed) broth. He sees Marianne when she visits Sugarplum and gets full reports of everything going on thanks to Griselda, Stuff, and Thang (as the ones most able to visit him without being noticed and what have you). He's annoyed at the plotters manoeuvring and spends his time thinking of how he can possibly get his throne back without relying on those plotters who back him.
·         Seriously if he accepts help from any of the plotters he can say hello to a new life as a political puppet. As for anyone else ruling his forest, hah! He dealt with that fly-shit as a kid when someone stole his father's throne (from Griselda, Bog's regent, since Bog's dad kind of died when Bog was a newborn) and then Bog had to kick the imposter off the throne - and not doing that again, thanks.
·         Between his informants and reports about captured goblin soldiers, Bog figures out that any rebellion will likely be met with fairy soldiers setting the forest on fire. It's the main stumbling block to his plan of "kill or kick the fairy out and take the throne back" and he and Griselda spend a long time trying to figure out how to prevent the fire happening. At the very least they're expecting Marianne to turn the Forest into a servant-state of the Fields.
·         (The fairy council, despite her telling them what to do with their plans, expect the same. And are very annoyed that it hasn't happened yet. It's a temper tantrum, that's what it is. Sure.)
·         (There's tension between Marianne and Dagda for this reason, among others, especially since Dagda only "let" Marianne go to the forest to try and get a cure for the love potion.)
·         (Marianne is super unhappy at being in the forest, but as long as she doesn't go outside or look out a window she doesn't panic or anything, which is one way to avoid talking face-to-face with her dad.)
·         After a while (couple weeks) Bog's judged as healed as he can get just lying around and to start getting up and moving to build his strength back. He and Griselda have no answer to the probable "fairies with fire" thing, so Griselda instead begs Bog to capitulate to Marianne, swear allegiance so she doesn't kill him to strengthen her rule. (They've figured that's why she's having him healed up, so she can execute him in front of the Elders and properly strengthen her claim.) Griselda: "I've buried my husband. Please don't make me bury my son."
·         She doesn't fight fair. Bog, meanwhile, might not be king any more but the oaths he swore when taking the throne still count, okay. He still has a responsibility to protect and serve the goblins, and obviously a rebellion isn't the way to go (fairies with fire). If dying keeps them safe (or safer, anyways) he'll do it. He'd rather not, but he will.
·         Marianne finally gets the story of Bog using the love potion, and what the antidote actually is, from Sugarplum. Bog is unaware of this, by the way. He is aware that Marianne's yelling at Sugarplum ("What, real love is the only cure? Are people aware that you're peddling something fake? Seriously, all you're doing is making longer-lasting BEER GOGGLES you fraud!") but can't make out the words. Probably for the best.
·         Marianne contacts Dagda (those weekly messengers are finally good for something) with the cure - true love - and tells him Sunny can cure Dawn, now stop sending me constant messages telling me to come home, I'm BUSY ruling my new COUNTRY. Dagda obviously does what he's told re: Dawn and Sunny, and keeps sending Marianne messages asking her to come home, the forest is no place for a fairy, ect, ect. They'll set up a subsidiary of the council to take care of the day-to-day humdrum of ruling the forest. (HAH! No.)
·         Sugarplum is shipped off to Stone Reach. Her actions are going to be evaluated for treason. No, Marianne's not being petty and it's not revenge for the whole "Dawn got love potioned and Roland was going to use the potion on Marianne" thing. And absolutely nothing about feeling sympathy for a young, love-lorn Bog King who then got his heart broken because Sugarplum was selling lies. No sympathy for the stick-insect-man at all.
·         Bog requests an audience with Marianne during her next open court. Either his (horrible) plan will work, or it won't and he'll die. Either way, it'll be over with quick. And he's figuring on the "I'm going to die" side of things, because it's a terrible idea but no one can come up with anything better, and it will  hopefully keep the plotting idiots from doing something to bring fire-and-fairies to the forest.
·         Oh yeah, little tidbit that this story relies on - there's a second, smaller throne beside Marianne's. The goblins brought it in. When Marianne asked why it hadn't been there to start, they explain that Bog had it taken away, but she hasn't told them the policy about the second throne yet, ect. They do not explain who the second throne is for, figuring it's obvious. It is not. Marianne figures it's for - like in the fairy kingdom - the chief advisor/heir, depending on whether there's an heir or not. The goblins, meanwhile, know it's for the ruler's partner. Both sides think the other side "knows" what the second throne is for.
·         Bog shows up in court looking like he's just barely mobile, because he is. He's got some fresh new scars showing. First time for the majority of the goblins to see his wounds. People are either impressed he survived or disappointed he survived. First time Marianne really sees his wounds - or him - as well.
·         (This is a slow burn, people. They've finally met properly. That's not the end of it yet though.)
·         (Bog's worst wound is, I'm envisioning, a cut high up on the inside of his thigh, in the small area between hip and leg not covered by chitin. Yes, there. A few others include healed cuts on his face and hands, and a crack on his chest, which has healed but won't go away until the next shed or two.)
·         Bog explains to Marianne that the goblins don't want to accept her as Queen, that she will face challenges to her rule as long as he lives, even if he is not the one challenging her. (Simplification of all the nonsense the plotters are coming up with, of course.)
·         Marianne challenges Bog that he wouldn't be saying that if there wasn't another way, unless he wanted a public execution. (Outwardly calm, inwardly panicked. She hasn't killed anyone yet, not even on the battlefield. She really doesn't want to start by chopping someone's head off.)
·         Bog kneels and says he will swear to accept her as the rightful ruler and abide by her rules. He'll even live in the fields if she wants him out of the forest, ect. (Inwardly going "Oh hell no I do not want to live in that horrible place - but I will if I have to and that might help protect my people too, yes self you just volunteered to be a hostage but whatever.)
·         After some back and forth, Marianne accepts Bog's oath. The goblin Elders are annoyed because they didn't factor this possibility into their plans at all. Griselda is resigned but relieved that Marianne's not going to kill Bog. The common goblins are confused, but relieved, ect.
·         Marianne then announces she has made a decision about Bog. Bog is there expecting to be sent to the fields in exile, maybe with a few goblins. Instead, Marianne tells him to take the lesser throne. (The spouse seat. The Elders are freaking out. They REALLY weren't expecting THIS.)
·         Goblins, shocked. Bog, shocked. Marianne, confused and hiding it. She just wants to keep the former ruler as her chief advisor. (Why didn't she just take the chance and shove the throne back at him and flee as fast as she could?! She could've done it but nooooooo...)
·         The slow burn BEGINS, MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA
·         Bog is moved into the previously closed spouse-bedroom attached to the royal chambers through the washroom. He's constantly sitting to Marianne's right during dinners and things. He is very confused and bemused and worried, because now he's Marianne's husband? That's literally all it takes for the ruler to decide yup, this is my life-partner, just an announcement and the life-partner sitting in the lesser throne. (Most do throw parties of some sort or other, but that's not required.)
·         Marianne does not help by having a discussion with Bog, immediatley after court, about what his duties will be, once he's healed. Advising her about goblin law and customs, primarily. Nothing "active" until he has a clean bill of health. (She's thinking sparring, maybe, or sending Bog out to be the royal face so she doesn't have to fly through the forest - no she's not getting better on her own. Bog's brain maybe shuts down a little, though, because married + active = error does not compute.)
·         They set up a routine: breakfast together, usually with a group, very informal. Mornings are spent separate, Bog going to the healer, his mother, dealing with the guards and messengers, ect. Marianne reviews proposed laws/drafting proposals herself, dealing with household complaints, ect. (Marianne asks Bog why the hell he let things get so bad the linens were taken by field mice. Bog is confused they ever HAD linens. There's a reason why Marianne's the one in charge of the household. Mostly because Bog's pants at it.)
·         They eat lunch together, then court if it's a court day. Or the library the rest of the time, for Marianne's "how to rule the Dark Forest" lessons. History, politics, who wants to kill who, how property rights are handled, inheritance law, ect.
·         Dinner together, and then Bog gives lessons in staff fighting. At the start he gets to sit down and correct Marianne's stances, then as he gets better he starts moving around and eventually they begin, very carefully, sparring.
·         Bog, during this part, transitions from hating Marianne with a passion (she beat him and stole his throne!) to respecting-but-disliking her (okay, she stole his throne, but she's not horrible, for a fairy) to respecting and liking her. It helps that she admits she didn't actually want to take his throne, he was going for her dad and she just reacted, and she's really sorry but she's determined to do a good job of it. (She may or may not have started to offer to give the throne back, but it won't work that way, because Bog lost and would need to win a serious fight to get it back. No-go right now, and depending on how that leg heals, maybe never.)
·         Marianne, meanwhile, is also transitioning during this part, from distrusting everything and everyone (she's a fairy and fairies are good with backstabbing) to trusting that she's accepted, for now, as the ruler. The plotters have stopped their plotting until they figure out how to handle everything that's happened. She relaxes, trusts Bog but is feeling guilty over stealing his throne, even though she didn't mean to. She also finds herself, by the time they're sparring, admiring Bog's fighting ability (and absolutely not his body. Just the fighting ability. Juuuuuust the fighting ability. Not his hands, or the way he can twirl a staff with just his fingers, or the way his shoulders flex, or that smirk or - just the fighting abilities. Yup. That's her story and she's sticking to it.)
·         By this point it's autumn and the harvest starts, so it's all hands on deck. Bog's delegated to the kitchen, because he can be trusted not to chop his own fingers off and he's still only allowed to be only so active. Marianne assists with winterizing the castle and the hidden outbuildings (archives, ect) because she might not know how to hunt and she can't tell the difference between a poisonous berry and a safe one, but by golly she can slap mud and moss over a crack in the wall like a champion.
·         Word from the Stone Reach arrives. After the (date to be determined - probably hunter's moon, or maybe harvest moon, before the first frost but only just), Roland and Sugarplum's trials will be held. Marianne can't avoid it, Bog has to go too, ect.
·         Marianne and Bog have had multiple personal conversations by this point, everything from brief, "this reminds me of" and in-depth, hours-long conversations. However Marianne stops sharing her personal history/views/values/experiences. They had stopped sparring because Super Busy for harvest, but they take it back up again. They still discuss laws and culture, but not as much. They're also still busy doing what they're allowed to do for harvest. (Marianne is too busy to get freaked out bringing stuff to people outside, and anyways everything's changing colours and she's not reminded of things that happened, so it's okay.)
·         Harvest festival with the goblins - Dawn and Sunny visit. Most goblins are unaware Sunny was the elf that stole the love potion, so they treat him decently, and Dawn's okay because she's their Queen's sister. Dawn asks Marianne to come back for the fairy's harvest festival. Marianne tries to get out of it (she really doesn't want to talk to Dagda in person by now, she's been avoiding him for most of the year now - Primroses stop blooming around May) by telling Bog if she goes, he goes. By the end of the night Marianne and a small group of goblins, including Bog, have been selected. She's not sure how that happened.
·         (Goblins, for the most part, wear jewellery and not clothes. For the most part they're all wildly different in shape anyways, but what one of them can wear as a necklace another can wear as a bracelet, ect. Tasteful bling happens.)
·         Bog warns Marianne that he only has his traditional outfit and there's no time to get anything made for his new status. She tells him to wear the traditional. (She's expecting, like, maybe a crown, maybe some armlets or something.)
·         Bog's outfit is a royal great kilt. (I put the Scottish-accented Bog in a great kilt, I'm so proud of myself.) Where fairies use magic on flower petals and leaves, goblins have weaving - which takes so much longer, since they spin cattail fluff and thistle-down or tufts of fur into yarn, and then have to do the weaving. Marianne's given a wrap with the same pattern as Bog's kilt and they started making it the moment she was officially Queen - so about the time she sat down on the throne for the first time.
·         (Telling Bog to wear the great kilt provided to the forest's king - not the prince, not the consort, but the full king - reinforces the "married" thing. She doesn't know that. Bog assumes he hasn't been asked to 'perform' his 'marital duties' because Marianne doesn't find him attractive, and he is totally 100% relieved about this and not even slightly regretful someone he considers a friend thinks he's too hideous to touch. Yup.)
·         (Marianne, meanwhile, is all but punching herself in the face because she's started humming, goddamn it, whenever she and Bog are alone or plausibly alone. She totally has feelings she refuses to examine, mostly because Bog's kind of like her employee now and he probably still hates her for the whole 'stealing the throne' thing.)
·         (Bog may or may not have the odd wish that Marianne would sing to him, because fairies sing to the people they lo - like. Right? Right. Yes. Friendship songs, toooootally friendship songs. They'd be nice.)
·         Then the fairy harvest festival. Marianne sees Bog in a kilt and nearly walks into a wall, because - clothing. She's seen him naked, technically, but hooooooh boy now that he's wearing clothes, of a sort, all the can think is getting him out of them and there may or may not be some (a lot) of blushing and mental beating herself up going on. (Marianne has read romance novels, of the sort that go into details a young and impressionable and curious thirteen year old was curious about.) (Bog, in contrast, is quite innocent, poor guy. Doesn't know what's going to hit him...)
·         The entire festival basically goes as follows: Fairies are polite but condescending to the goblins. Fairies are polite but condescending to Marianne. Goblins get annoyed at the fairies being rude to their Queen - the group was chosen by Bog half because they'd be useful in a fight, half because they happen to genuinely like Marianne by this point. Marianne doesn't notice the fairies being condescending to her but she does notice them being rude to her goblins. Most fairies end up acting like catty brats.
·         At least one fairy accuses Marianne of having gone native to the forest. She does not deny it. At least one council member warns (threatens) her that her actions are risking her inheritance of the Fields. Bog overhears the threat, but not Marianne's response of "Dawn would be a good queen (and Sunny, you know, her elf fiancée? Would be king. Won't you enjoy that, you wrinkled old prune?)"
·         The trial at Stone Reach is probably immediately after the party, so the goblins ride their dragonflies there and the fairies fly. Marianne spends the entire flight snubbing Dagda who probably spent the entire fairy party trying to ask her who she wants to take over the day-to-day ruling nonsense so she can come home, and also would she please reconsider any of these charming fairy bachelors (who were rude to her goblins so not just no, hell no.)
·         (She might be a little a lot protective of the goblins, now. She really likes them and their way of life and sure it's different from what she's used to, but that's hardly a bad thing. Also, Bog. Who has nothing to do with her "hell no" about the fairy bachelors, of course.)
·         The trial. Evidence is presented, including Roland cheating on Marianne and how often, her breaking up with him, all because it goes into his motivation for wanting a love potion. (Someone gets to observe if Roland had just kept it in his pants for one more day, he'd have been married and thus the next king... up until Marianne caught him cheating and killed him, anyways.)
·         The Stone Reach provides it's judgement of Roland to be treason to the Fair Fields (knowingly and deliberately taking actions that led to the war) and conspiracy to act against the Dark Forest. Roland is sentenced to death.
·         Plum is judged to not have committed treason by reason of mental instability. She is to stay at the reach until she is judged sane. Also she is to not make any more love potions, because the spell-masters at the Reach believe creating love potions did not help with the mental stability. (No, that's probably not an excuse to make her stop, they're from the Reach. They certainly wouldn't lie. Tell only part of the truth, sure, but out-and-out lie? Never.)
·         Marianne does not stick around for Roland's execution, but instead leaves as soon as she can, taking the goblins with her. She remains distant to everyone - having her blindness to Roland's true character and the many times he cheated on her revealed to everyone hurt - but especially avoids Bog. She does her duties, but without her usual enthusiasm, and doesn't spar.
·         Bog ends up confronting Marianne in her bedroom. They fight, both verbal and physical, though not much of the later. Marianne ends up threatening to send Bog to live in the fields if he can't keep his nose out of her business. He retreats after that.
·         (I mentioned slow burn, right? Also, threat to the trust they've built up to this point, along with their friendship.)
·         Bog goes around snarling at everyone, Marianne is upset with everyone, and it's just in time for the first snow to hit.
·         Griselda tries to talk to Bog and gets nowhere, so she ends up confronting Marianne. "I'm a mother and you should fear love me" works where nothing else did, and Marianne ends up confessing about the fight and how bad she's felt since defeating Bog, and taking away his kingdom - and just everything, really. Up to and including how she has 'no right' to feel as she does for Bog, ect.
·         Griselda does manage to direct Marianne to talk to Bog. Marianne does, and apologises for what she said, confirms that she'd never ask him to move to the fields, never mind order him there, and that she relies on him more than anyone, ect. Finishes by saying he's her best friend - and apart from Dawn, kind of her only one, really.
·         This is the moment Bog falls head over heels out of friendship and into love. He's sunk.
·         All the pining happens from this point on. Sparring resumes, the duo begin to notice (and admit) their physical attraction to each other, and their conversations become awkward (but so exhilarating). They have more personal conversations, including Marianne eventually discussing how she felt about Roland, how she felt about being cheated on, ect.
·         (Marianne does say, in retrospect, she loved the idea of Roland more than the person, and her upset was as much for losing that 'idea' of him as being cheated on. Also, in hindsight, not that Marianne tells Bog this, but she didn't feel much for Roland, physically. He was too pretty to lust over, or something. She just figured she'd get the physical attraction once they were married.)
·         (Of course, Marianne is comparing her memories of how she felt about Roland to how she feels about Bog now, and she is noticing Bog physically a whole lot. Primarily his eyes, hands, wings, that scar high up on his thigh, and how careful he is with his strength. She maybe wants to wreck his self control, which is not something good fairy girls are supposed to want.)
·         (Bog, meanwhile, really wants to know what Marianne's hair feels like, and really likes her eyes, and her wings, and her neck keeps catching his attention, and she's so tiny but she's so strong and it's really impressive how she can just, like, go toe to toe with him and even overpower him at times. It gives him fluttery feelings inside.)
·         With winter in place, Bog starts taking Marianne out on trips in the forest. Short trips because it's cold, but he gets the chance to show her places he feels are the most beautiful - things like waterfalls where the plants and rocks are coated in ice from the constant spray, or the glow cave, flying through the thorn bushes only this time it's daytime and they look like they're carved from crystal because there's just so much frost everywhere, ect.
·         Mutual pining continues. The goblin midwinter ceremony happens - no set details right now, but probably something about staying up all night until dawn, dinner being 'starvation food' (like super-thin soups and salads made out of things you'd only eat if you had no other choice), putting all the fires out and lighting candles, then lighting the fires from the candles, ect. Marianne does the fairy tradition of giving gifts - those closest to her get personal gifts, everyone else gets generic gifts like sweats (or socks - goblins love the idea of socks). She ends up giving Bog a traditional engagement gift - possibly a wire and gemstone bracelet?
·         During the first council meeting of the new year, the Elders of the Forest make preliminary noises about potential heirs and merging new Royal blood with the old. (They have finally decided how to handle Bog being married to Marianne.) Marianne finally discovers she and Bog are considered married. The goblins finally discover she had no freaking clue. The goblins are stunned. Bog's heartbroken, because of course there was no chance, Marianne's reaction just proves that out.
·         (Bog assumed, his feelings for Marianne aside, she was just making the best of their marriage and doesn't feel anything more than friendship for him. He figures it's a one-sided situation again, only worse, because a) no way he'd ever consider using a love potion again and b) they're married.)
·         (Marianne is heartbroken, as she figures this means Bog was just making the best of a bad situation and maybe they are friends, but how the hell can he love her? Not only did she steal his throne but she told him they were married the first day he was barely mobile... ect.)
·         More pining! Not helped by the goblin Elders, who are pushing for a proper marriage that both sides know is a marriage.
·         Griselda is just so done with everything, from the Elders to the mutually pining idiots giving each other sad, longing looks over the breakfast dishes (and not realizing the person they're sighing over is sighing over them right back. They're sitting right next to each other, how are they this dense?!) She sends messages to Dawn explaining EVERYTHING, especially about the mutually pining idiots. (Griselda may or may not have spent multiple hours with each idiot bemoaning their sad and sorry fate. At least Marianne's honest about wanting to shove Bog against a wall and oh yeah you're his mother, sorry...)
·         Dawn sends a letter back saying she won't be much help until the snows help in spring, but be encouraging (and blunt) with the idiots.
·         Griselda sets up the romantic dinner from the movie, only the song is "kiss the girl" from The Little Mermaid. The idiotic and pining duo get angry, tear up the decorations, and go off to spar (and pine.)
·         After they spar, they go outside to stargaze a little. They grouse about the Elders and the romantic dinner (blaming the Elders, not Griselda). Someone slips - probably Bog - and probably along the lines of "after all, I know you wouldn't - well, I'm me (gestures at self) and you can do better."
·         Whoever is self-deprecating is reassured and the initial confessions of feelings happens. They retreat to Marianne's private office to talk in the warm. Further confessions of feelings happens. Kissing happens. Someone (probably Bog) gets shoved against a wall and ravished. There is no complaining.
·         Their relationship escalates quickly (probably same day, TBH) to sharing a bed, but no sex. They do end up with lots of heavy petting every night as they figure out what feels good, what doesn't, ect. Marianne discovers Bog's spine thing, Bog discovers Marianne's thing for necks (both hers and his - she's equally enthusiastic having her neck kissed (and nipped) as she is doing the kissing (and nipping) as well as Marianne's ear thing.
·         They try to keep it secret from Griselda and the Elders. They are not subtle and they fool no one. The Elders, however, have to shut up about it because Marianne has a sword and tells them what she'll do with it if they don't move on to the next subject, NOW.
·         Griselda sends Dawn an update with no reply, but isn't surprised.
·         Marianne and Bog end up with smut. Bog is quite happy to be shoved around and Marianne is quite happy do shove him around. They take turns turning each other to mush. Marriage proposal once they're able to do words again afterwards.
·         Close out with a wedding under the cut primroses, some combination of goblin and fairy traditions. (Okay, more fairy traditions than not, because fairies actually need a ceremony to be married and goblins don't, but details.)
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HERE IT IS!!! i’ve been waiting 700 fuckin pages for this omg; i have such fuckin Collector’s Pride about this passage in proust bc i think it is. the only instance in anything i have ever read??? where an author describes how the interaction btwn feeling compelled to hide vs. to draw attention to their being sick[bats] plays out--and where they get it right, bc proust speaks 1. from personal experience and 2. without either undue self-defensiveness or -mockery. SO I AM GOING TO QUOTE IT AT LENGTH, w/ regrets if ur on mobile.
Neurotic subjects are perhaps less addicted than any ... to “listening to their insides”: they hear so many things going on by which they realise later that they were wrong to let themselves be alarmed, that they end by paying no attention to any of them. Their nervous systems have so often cried out to them for help, as though with some serious malady, when it was simply going to start snowing or they were going to move house, that they have acquired the habit of paying no more heed to these warnings than a soldier who in the heat of battle perceives them so little that he is capable, although dying, of carrying on for some days still the life of a man in perfect health. One morning, bearing within me all my habitual ailments, from whose constant internal circulation I kept my mind turned as resolutely away as from the circulation of my blood, I came running blithely into the dining-room where my parents were already at table, and--having assured myself, as usual, that to feel cold may mean not that one ought to warm oneself but that, for instance, one has received a scolding, and not to feel hungry may mean that it is going to rain and not that one ought to fast--had taken my place between them when in the act of swallowing the first mouthful of a particularly tempting cutlet, a nausea and dizziness brought me to a halt, the feverish reaction of an illness that had already begun, the symptoms of which had been masked ... by the ice of my indifference, but which obstinately refused the nourishment that I was not in a fit state to absorb. Then, at the same moment, the thought that I would be prevented from going out if I was seen to be unwell gave me, as the instinct of self-preservation gives a wounded man, the strength to crawl to my own room, where I found that I had a temperature of 104, and then to get ready to go to the Champs-Elysées. Through the languid and vulnerable shell which encased them, my eager thoughts were urging me towards, were clamouring for the soothing delight of a game of prisoner’s base with Gilberte, and an hour later, barely able to keep on my feet, but happy in being by her side, I had still the strength to enjoy it. (2.92-3)
fjslahgsdf i love that (in addition to being complete nonsense in context) his rationalization re feeling cold teaches him to associate illness w/ punishment and thus w/ bad behavior??? and how he slides right from there to the more obvious connection btwn these phenomena, i.e. that as a child u feel compelled to hide both so as not to let ur parents deprive you of a privilege. also haha notice that in spite of his habitual lack of interest in food the narrator describes the cutlet as “particularly tempting,” vs. his later description of “eager thoughts” inside a “languid and vulnerable shell” holy... shit... yes??? i. get maybe unnecessarily excited, when i see depicted this, like. necessary cognitive dissonance. that comes w/ chronic illness; i often see that phenomenon reduced to “we fake being well, not being sick” but that never quite feels accurate to my experience. like it’s true that’s what ur doing when you go out n try to look nice and have fun, do school &c. w/out mentioning to anyone that ur not well, yeah, but. qua sensation it’s more like a disconnect btwn the state of the fleshcase and the standard by which u judge external phenomena. like? the threshold past which you lose the ability to do that--to aesthetically appreciate or even feel tempted by food you intellectually know would nauseate you, for example--gets way higher; you develop a tolerance to the altered state, i guess, as you would to an actual drug.
anyway, also this:
For some time now I had been liable to fits of breathlessness, and our doctor, braving the disapproval of my grandmother, who saw me already dying a drunkard’s death, had recommended me to take ... beer, champagne or brandy when I felt an attack coming. ... I was often obliged, so that my grandmother should allow it to be given to me, instead of disguising, almost to make a display of my state of suffocation. On the other hand, as soon as I felt it coming, ... I would grow distressed at the thought of my grandmother’s anxiety, of which I was far more afraid than of my own sufferings. But at the same time my body, either because it was too weak to keep those sufferings secret, or because it feared lest, in their ignorance of the imminent attack, people might demand of me some exertion which it would have found impossible or dangerous, gave me the need to warn my grandmother of my symptoms with a precision into which I put a sort of physiological punctiliousness. If I observed in myself a disturbing symptom which I had not previously discerned, my body was in distress so long as I had not communicated it to my grandmother. If she pretended to take no notice, it made me insist. Sometimes I went too far; and that beloved face, which was no longer able always to control its emotion as in the past, would betray an expression of pity, a painful contraction. ... And its scruples being at the same time calmed by the certainty that she was now aware of the discomfort that I felt, my body offered no opposition to my reassuring her. I protested that this discomfort was not really painful, that I was in no sense to be pitied, that she might be quite sure that I was now happy; my body had wished to secure exactly the amount of pity that it deserved, and, provided that someone knew that it had a pain in its right side, it could see no harm in my declaring that this pain was of no consequence and was not an obstacle to my happiness (93-4)
i just?? yes? exactly!!! that is exactly how it works like it feels fucking horrible not to tell anyone but also u. don’t want to, because it will inevitably sound like a Big Deal, and sort of is a big deal In The Grand Scheme Of Things re how much it affects your life, but in order to admit that (and thus not have to worry about how to Break The News when and if it becomes relevant) you risk making it sound Tragic or Scary, which it isn’t, because it’s. normal. i like that the only role he gives to fear, here, is worry about how to navigate social situations while ill; i’ve been so indignant lately about all the time i spent accepting other people’s perception that i was afraid of being or becoming ill when... no? he’s right; that stopped being scary ages ago. what u have is a constant quiet knowledge that u are Weak and Ailing--in a way/to an extent that it may or may not be safe or plausible to hide--and a fear of how that might affect ur social existence and ability to function. and it’s so fucking nice to see that mentality figure in a story!!!
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petersonwriter · 4 years
Alcohol - The Legal Killer
Pete Peterson 
He came to lying in puke and piss on the hardwood floor of his den. It took him a minute to figure out where he was. How he got there, he did not know. His head felt ready to explode. His eyes ached. He shivered in rancid sweat that soaked his tee shirt. He struggled to his feet, his trousers wet with urine. He wore a shoe on one foot, and nothing on the other one. His heart banging, he stumbled into the bathroom, splashed cold water on his face and peeked at the unshaven stranger in the mirror. 
 “You were supposed to be dead by now,” he said. That’s what he had intended when he started this drunk, what two weeks ago? Nausea swept over him. He dropped to his knees, hugging the commode and retched, spewing green bile and blood. After maybe fifteen minutes, he stood weak and dizzy. 
He heard footsteps in the hall. He didn’t want his daughters to see him this way as they left for school. He tossed his trousers into the closet and pulled on running shorts. He’d pretend he was going for a jog. He reached for his bottle to take a swig so his hands would stop shaking. That’s when he noticed the pile of glass in the corner, a broken bottle on top of it. 
He staggered to the closet, pulled out a fifth of Evan Williams Black Label, twisted off the top and took a long slug. Usually, he’d feel a rush of well-being, a sense of relief course through his body, stilling the popcorn thinking that peppered his mind. Now, he felt nothing. No relief. No feeling of well-being. Nothing. 
He heard his daughters giggling. His beautiful curly-headed, freckled face, black-eyed girls. When he heard other voices, he realized, school was out, not starting. He reached for the doorknob. He’d greet them, tell them how important they were to him, let them know he loved them. 
His oldest daughter’s voice stopped him. “Let’s play outside. We don’t want to make Daddy mad. He’s sick. Again.” He heard the girls walk down the hall, past his room. He heard the living room door slide shut with a bang, loud as a prison door. He took another pull from his bottle. The usual warm feeling, the dulling of senses, failed to materialize. He let the bottle drop to the floor, turned and fell on his sofa, sobbing, hot tears rolling down his face.
* * *
Alcoholism has many faces and facets. Often what is said about it is not only wrong, it’s dangerous. With this in mind, let’s turn to an expert to examine the real issues of alcoholism. This is important, since alcohol abuse caused over 88,000 deaths in 2015 alone, (and opioids, killed another 42,000). With so many conflicting reports emerging, new legislation, drug policies, penalties, and programs being continually trotted out, it is important to re-conceptualize what we already know.
Psychologist Donald Lee, a former Oceanside resident, is an expert in the field of alcoholism and alcoholism recovery. He’s seen the effects of it as an adult son of a practicing alcoholic, as a scholar and in his day-to-day practice. He offers straight forward advice based on his wide knowledge and experience.In a wide-ranging interview conducted in the Escondido offices of the National Association of Sales Consultants and Coaches, Mr. Lee addressed many aspects of alcoholism to a rapt audience. 
First question, “What is an alcoholic?”  
LEE: Alcoholism and substance abuse - Alcohol/Substance Use Disorder - can be defined simply as: Continued use of drugs or alcohol in spite of serious health, family or economic consequences. Add to this academic definition these in the field observations - an alcoholic is a person who can no longer control and enjoy their drinking; an alcoholic is a person who is either thinking about drinking or thinking about not drinking – trying to get sober. Alcoholism is a 3-part disease consisting of an allergic reaction to alcohol that is exacerbated by a compulsion to drink, coupled with a spiritual void. This is pretty hard-core definition for some – as real as it might be – but it’s safe to say that an alcoholic can never safely drink again, just as the drug addict must maintain life time abstinence. And there’s the rub – the addict and the alcoholic must find some way to live without using or drinking again. That’s why getting appropriate help is so important.      
  Why Use Drugs or Alcohol? 
NASC&C: How does one become addicted in the first place?
LEE: Neuroscience paints a pretty clear picture of what happens to the addicted brain. Drugs (and alcohol is a legal drug), release a chemical called dopamine into the brain. This externally induced overflow of dopamine changes the mid-brain's response to other survival needs -food, water, even procreation, get bumped down the list of priorities, and the drug becomes Number One to the user. This person is now an addict. To those so afflicted, the crux of addiction is that the brain has been hijacked, creating physical and emotional cravings for the user’s substance of choice. The brain has literally been changed. And it doesn’t go back to normal on its own. Just putting the “plug in the jug” – advice often offered to new alcoholics - isn’t enough. If not drinking or using were the answer, long-term addiction problems would not exist. The brain needs to repair. It doesn’t happen simply through abstinence. Not for the real addict or alcoholic. Dr. Drew Pinsky, famed addictionologist, says, “Every thought a newly recovering addict/alcoholic has for the first six months to a year, is a thought that is trying to make the individual return to using the substance.” Thankfully, he adds, “The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous seems to fix those parts of the brain.”
Alcoholism: Acts as an Infectious Disease 
NASC&C: If a drunk, or an addict continues to use, what lies in store?
Lee: Alcoholism and drug addiction kills. Dead. Addiction to drugs and alcohol is a terminal condition. Pure and simple. But this addiction can be interrupted, and sobriety prevail if the drunk or addict gets help. 
NASC&C: I hear from addicts and drunks that I only hurt myself. If I want to die drunk, that’s my business. True? 
LEE:  Not true. Every addict/alcoholic adversely affects, on average, seven other people.
NASC&C: So why is addiction so different from other terminal maladies of human existence? 
LEE: This question is answered quite clearly in the 4th Edition of Alcoholics Anonymous. “If a person has cancer all are sorry for him and no one is angry or hurt. But not so with the alcoholic illness, for with it there goes annihilation of all the things worthwhile in life. It engulfs all whose lives touch the sufferer’s. It brings misunderstanding, fierce resentment, financial insecurity, disgusted friends and employers, warped lives of blameless children, sad wives and parents -anyone can increase this list.” When an alcoholic or addict says, “I’m only hurting myself,” this is a lie they tell themselves to justify their actions but is one of many errors their thinking sets in motion by the mid-brain's single-mindedness of purpose, which for the addict is to get more drugs/alcohol.
It’s A Family Dis-ease
NASC&C: I also hear, alcoholism is a family disease. What’s meant by that? 
LEE: This is an area many misunderstand. First, because of the care, worry, empathy, fear, upset, frustration, love, and desire for the addict to get better exhibited by family members, they often fall in the trap of impaired judgment, becoming distracted by the actions of the actor, continually thinking about the alcoholic/addict until it becomes an all-consuming obsession, thus loved ones become just as ill as the addict, in the very same way. Over time the entire family dynamic can change. Alternating between codependent overindulgence and physical and emotional cutoff, the family desperately strives for some sense of normal homeostasis. But it never comes. 
NASC&C: That’s a pretty bleak picture. Is there no hope for the alcoholic/addict or the family? 
Lee: Yes, there is hope. Alcoholics Anonymous and 12-Step programs patterned after it, have helped millions of people recover from this seemingly hopeless condition of mind and body. Simply defined, we can look at alcoholism as an allergic reaction to alcohol. The allergy manifests as a compulsion to drink more and a mental obsession that guarantees it. This is why it can be so difficult a habit to break. Professionals in the field of drug and alcohol addiction have known this for close to a century. What they didn’t know was how to beat it. The famous psychiatrist Dr. Carl Jung suggested that an alcoholic must have “a complete emotional displacement and rearrangement.”  He called this, “vital spiritual experiences, where ideas, emotions, and attitudes which were once the guiding forces of the lives of these men are suddenly cast to one side, and a completely new set of conceptions and motives begin to dominate them.
The Gift of Desperation 
NASC&C: What was the genesis, or beginning of a verified treatment program for drunks? 
LEE: A newly sober stockbroker found himself broke, far from home, and tempted to drink after six months of hard-won abstinence. In a moment of clarity and he realized he desperately needed to talk to another alcoholic. He intuitively knew he had to get out of his own head and try to help other suffering alcoholics. He called a pastor who knew of someone he could talk with. He called Henrietta Seiberling, who introduced him to a local doctor who had tried everything he could think of to get sober but could not “whip the devil.” The  two men met at her house. A projected 15-minute meeting lasted for hours. Somehow, talking alcoholic to alcoholic, without the specter of shame or authority, the two identified with each other. 
The broker, Bill W., came to stay with Dr. Bob for a time. As Bill W. and Dr. Bob continued their efforts to stay sober, they began to formulate other ideas about recovery. They agreed that their common problem was complete powerlessness over alcohol. Their ideas were simple but not new. They realized a dependence on a Higher Power (however you conceive of Him/ or Her or It) was essential. Becoming honest with defects of character and past behaviors would allow one to be free from the bondage of the past and able to make amends for past offenses. 
These steps were formalized to include continuing inventory, prayer and meditation, helping others to recover from alcoholism, and striving to practice these principles in “all our affairs.” After one last prodigious bender, Dr. Bob realized he had not been completely honest with himself and others. He had tried to hold on to his old ideas that others would judge him, or if they found out about his problem, he’d lose all his business. 
He was the first to realize what they say in recovery rooms, “You can’t save your ass and your face at the same time.” Doctor Bob made the rounds to his patients and others in his community and made his amends to the best of his ability. “To his surprise, he was warmly welcomed. He returned home that night exhausted but very happy.” 
He never drank again. 
Bill and Bob met with a third alcoholic in the hospital and told him their stories. Alcoholic Number Three could tell from their demeanor that these men were sincere, knew what they were talking about, and most importantly, weren’t coming from a position of authority. Simply one drunk talking to another. After explaining their simple program of action, this man left the hospital for the last time, never to drink again, one day at a time. 
This was the beginning of Alcoholics Anonymous. Over the ensuing 85 years, sobriety, serenity, and sanity have been returned to millions of people all over the world. Having a certain mindset and following a simple plan of action, lives and fortunes of countless individuals and their families have been made whole. 
N.A.S.C.C: If AA works so well, why then doesn’t everyone get sober?  
LEE: The Big Book (Alcoholics Anonymous) suggests a possibility: “Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path. Those who do not recover are people who cannot or will not completely give themselves to this simple program. Usually men and women who are constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves. There are such unfortunates.” 
There are other challenges as well. Many individuals, whether through early experience or temperament, have difficulty with developing a belief in a power greater than self. The Big Book goes to great lengths to detail how many alcoholics came to AA as atheists or agnostics yet found a way to believe in a power greater. Sometimes it began with a realization that personal powerlessness itself means there must be some power greater than one’s self.
It has been the experience of many that when faced with the prospect of total destruction, leaning into the idea of a Higher Power is not such an onerous choice. Since that time in 1935, millions of alcoholics have found relief from the lethal condition of alcoholism. 
In addition, recovery for the family comes in the form of Al Anon and Al-a-teen. Both are patterned after Alcoholics Anonymous and use the same 12-step program.  Their mission and purpose is to help families and friends of alcoholics connect and support each other…to find hope and encouragement to live joyful, serene lives. 
Many 12-step groups have sprung up for narcotics addiction, marijuana addiction, heroin addiction, crystal methamphetamine addiction, cocaine addiction, gambling addiction, sex addiction, tobacco addiction, and others. 
A couple of important points may help explain why Alcoholics Anonymous can be so helpful: “AA’s steps are ‘reports of action taken rather than rules not to be broken under pain of drunkenness...nor commandments to be followed.’” From A Member’s Eye View of Alcoholics Anonymous: “AA's Twelve steps are a group of principles, spiritual in their nature, which, if practiced as a way of life, can expel the obsession to drink and enable the sufferer to become happily and usefully whole.” Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. 
NASC&C: I’ve heard that alcoholism and drug addiction are particularly rough on women. Is this true? 
LEE: According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, more than 5.3 million women ages 18 and older have an alcohol use disorder. Approximately one in two women of child-bearing age drink, and eighteen percent of women in this group binge drink (five drinks per binge, on average). Recently, National Public Radio aired a segment regarding a woman in Mom’s Club, a membership program devoted to teaching the finer points of wine selection and consumption who realized she was drinking too much and decided to quit. 
She recounted this was not as easy as she thought, but with help, she’s recovering. Only after she’d stopped drinking did her menstrual cycle return to normal. The feature noted that often women who binge drink are more likely to have unprotected sex which increases the risk of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. 
In fact, women who drink while pregnant increase the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome, which can cause mental and physical birth defects. Binge drinking dramatically increases the risk of sexual assault on women, especially those living in a college setting. Alcohol abuse disorder in women has increased by 83.7% between 2002 and 2013, according to a 2017 study sponsored by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).
I hate to spew numbers, but it’s important to note that high-risk drinking, defined as more than three drinks in a day or seven in a week for women, is on the rise among women according to a 2017 study. Death from liver cirrhosis rose in women from 2000 to 2013. Drinking too much – on a single occasion or over time – can take a serious toll on your health. 
NASC&C: Why does extensive alcohol consumption effect health so adversely? 
LEE: Alcohol interferes with the brain’s communication pathways and can affect the way the brain looks and works. These disruptions can change mood and behavior, and make it harder to think clearly and move with coordination.  It also interferes the function of one’s heart, may lead to arrhythmias – irregular heartbeat – as well as stroke and high blood pressure. All most everyone is aware that heavy drinking affects the liver that can lead to a variety of problems and liver inflammations including, stenosis or fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, fibrosis and cirrhosis. 
NASC&C: How about the Big C? Cancer. What’s the scoop there? 
LEE: Based on many reviews of research studies, there is a strong scientific consensus of an association between alcohol drinking and several types of cancer. In its Report on Carcinogens, the National Toxicology Program of the US Department of Health and Human Services lists consumption of alcoholic beverages as a known human carcinogen. 
The research evidence indicates that the more alcohol a person drinks—particularly the more alcohol a person drinks regularly over time—the higher his or her risk of developing an alcohol-associated cancer. Based on data from 2009, an estimated 3.5 percent of all cancer deaths in the United States (about 19,500 deaths) were alcohol related, including head and neck cancers, esophageal cancer and liver cancer and breast cancer, many studies have consistently found an increased risk of breast cancer associated with increasing alcohol intake. 
The Million Women Study in the United Kingdom (which included more than 28,000 women with breast cancer) provided a more recent, and slightly higher, estimate of breast cancer risk at low to moderate levels of alcohol consumption: every 10 grams of alcohol consumed per day was associated with a 12 percent increase in the risk of breast cancer. Alcohol consumption is with a modest increased risk of cancers risk of the colon and rectum. And researchers and medical authorities have long associated alcohol consumption with weakened immune systems as well as pneumonia, tuberculosis and diabetes. Booze often lingers in the body for days and a single episode of drinking can weaken your body’ s ability to ward off infections – often for 24 hours after getting drunk.
NASC&C: Going back to a previous question, I’ve heard AA described as a cult. What’s your take on that?
LEE: (Laughs). I’ve heard that. too. In fact, it frequently comes up when working with newcomers. The best answer I can give comes from A Member’s Eye View of Alcoholics Anonymous, which answers the question. “If the blind lead the blind, shall they not both fall into the pit?” The answer is strangely enough, “No”. Perhaps one who is a little less blind, or who can at least discern vague shapes and forms, can describe what he or she sees while the other one still lives in total darkness. 
Before the average alcoholic walks through the doors of his first A.A. meeting, he has sought help from others or help has been offered to him, in some instances even forced upon him. But these helpers were always superior beings: spouses, parents, physicians, employers, priests, ministers, rabbis, swamis, judges, policemen, even bartenders. 
The moral culpability of the alcoholic and the moral superiority of the helper, was clearly understood. The overtone of parental disapproval and discipline in these authority figures is always present. So when a new drunk hears for the first time from the lips of another one suffering just like him, and this message is what happened to me and this is what I did, not a menacing rat-a-tat tat of “This is what you should do,” the message resonates. I’m personally convinced that the basic search of every human being, from the cradle to the grave, is to find at least one place where one belongs, where one can stand stripped of all pretense or defense, and trust that those present will not to hurt him or her, because they too are stripped of their pretense. 
That’s what AA does, it gives each member a clear picture of the foibles of each member – what brought them to this moment and what they did to stop their drinking. No dogma, no religion, no belief, no philosophy is necessary. Just what I did, and what you can do if you wish. Pure. Simple. The idea that alcoholism is a disease — is now no longer unique. However when one hears from the lips of another person their story, no reasonably intelligent person can quarrel with has been said. This desire to stop drinking is the only requirement to being a member of AA.
 * * *
Perhaps it’s time to check back in on that poor drunk lying in the ‘prison cell of his own making,’ sobbing while his two daughters played outside. After several gulps of top-quality bourbon, he felt no effects, no lessening of terror and dread. To the outside world, he was a success – he had a great job selling law books for a respected publishing house, a lovely wife, a beautiful home in a desirable neighborhood. His lack of self-esteem, his sense of never belonging could be dissipated by a double shot of bourbon. One drink led to another until now he was crying on his sofa, his trousers wet with urine, his life that of complete and incomprehensible demoralization. 
In a moment of clarity, he realized that if he was to live and he desperately wanted to do so, and do something worthwhile with his life, he had no option except to quit booze. Forever. 
He somehow managed to get dressed, dialed a phone with shaking hands, scribbled down the address of an AA meeting and walked on unsteady legs into a group in his helpless condition. He admitted to himself and others, that he was powerless over alcohol. 
From that day to this, some forty-seven years, he has not had another drink and has taken his rightful place in society.                                                                                                                                   The End 
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Why these Canadians living abroad have no plans to move home amid the coronavirus
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/why-these-canadians-living-abroad-have-no-plans-to-move-home-amid-the-coronavirus/
Why these Canadians living abroad have no plans to move home amid the coronavirus
Living abroad during a global health crisis can create concerns about whether coming back home is the best option. 
For many Canadians who’ve spent years away, returning to North America amid the coronavirus outbreak may not be ideal, or even possible.
“I am not expecting Canada to fly people out anytime soon,” said Jason So, a Torontonian who has lived in Seoul, South Korea, for more than eight years. 
“I am more worried about flights being blocked for us to leave commercially or the costs associated with self-isolation for two weeks when — and if— I return to Canada,” he explained.
Coming back to Canadian soil could risk his family’s health, and he doesn’t have a place to return to, said So, 34. 
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South Korea is one of the countries most impacted by the spread of the coronavirus (referred to officially as COVID-19), with more than 6,000 cases reported. 
Officials there have been praised for administering more than 140,000 tests for the virus, resulting in a low death rate and the number of cases dropping in the last few days. Although there’s been a comparatively high number of infections in South Korea, So says his day-to-day life in the country where he runs a restaurant hasn’t changed drastically. “Seoul does not feel like it’s dangerous or a fearful place to be, it is very orderly and everyone is taking it one day at a time,” he said to Global News via e-mail. 
Canadian officials evacuated hundreds of its citizens out of Wuhan, China, the epicentre of the COVID-19 outbreak, last month along with those on the Diamond Princess cruise ship docked in Japan. When they returned all had to engage in a 14-day quarantine to ensure they posed no risk to the public. 
Returning back to Canada simply isn’t practical at the moment, but the mood in South Korea is one of concern, said So. 
1:02 Coronavirus outbreak: WHO says the world is ‘on the verge of reaching 100000 cases’
Coronavirus outbreak: WHO says the world is ‘on the verge of reaching 100000 cases’
“Most busy and bustling places are very empty these days so the effects on retail and food and beverage is of great concern on top of all the health risks involved with this virus,” he said.
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There has been xenophobia against Chinese people and come cafes are refusing customers from China, he said.
“Expats are trying their best to avoid going out like most locals in Korea,” he added. 
As he runs a business in South Korea, his feelings on whether he wants to stay will be more dependent on whether he can withstand an economic downturn, he explained. “Or I could cut my losses and be home with family, where I obviously would feel safer,” he said. 
‘There’s no reason to come home’
Leora Courtney-Wolfman says she feels comfortable in Austria. Supplied by Leora Courtney-Wolfman Supplied by Leora Courtney-Wolfman
Canadian Leora Courtney-Wolfman lives in Vienna, Austria, where there are currently 55 confirmed cases of the coronavirus. But what might be more concerning is the tiny European country borders Italy, where around 4,000 people have been infected and nearly 200 have died.
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“With being near Italy, the Viennese are kind of famous for being blase, very indifferent and not making a big deal about things,” said Courtney-Wolfman, 35. 
Many seem fairly tense and hand sanitizer is being marked-up in stores. But overall, most are calm, she explained. However, the side of the country that’s closer to Italy may be behaving differently, she added.
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To those in Vienna, Italy seems as far away as Vancouver does for Torontonians, she explained. 
Originally from Toronto, Courtney-Wolfman has lived in Vienna for seven years and works as a demographic researcher. She has no plans to return to Ontario amid the coronavirus outbreak.
“There’s no reason to come home. I’ve been following the story in Toronto out of interest … It seems they’ve developed a response plan after SARS that’s doing well,” she said.
“We will have to see what happens in Vienna. It’s a great city to live in, but there’s a lot more people in all of Europe in a much smaller space than Canada.”
One positive about living in Austria, as opposed to Canada, is that the work culture has always encouraged employees to stay home if they are sick, she said. 
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“If you have a mild headache or cough, you’re not going to come into work for a few days … there’s no pressure,” she said. 
“People are less worried because if you’re sick, you don’t see anyone until you’re better. A lot of Canadian cities, you feel guilted into coming into work,” she explained. 
Travel plans haven’t changed
In Germany, there are 349 reported cases of the new coronavirus, which was a steady increase from less than 250 in early March. 
Kevin Caners, originally from Brockville, Ont., has called Berlin home six years and says the extent of the coronavirus impact is starting to feel more omnipresent. 
“It depends a lot on your particular community. The general [mood] is a little on edge or expectant, there’s definitely been shortages all over the city,” he said. Products like pasta, rice and flour have been sold out across Berlin, he explained. 
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Caners says he and his girlfriend just bought tickets to come home to Canada for a short visit this June. Those travel plans were on his agenda before the virus, he explained.
Kevin Caners says he plans to come back to Canada on a planned vacation there. Photo by: Christina Peters.
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“I’m personally dreaming, hoping, expecting that it will eventually blow over. I have no actual idea, but I have a hunch eventually it will blow over,” he said.
“I’m 34, so I’m not in the high at-risk community or demographic, so that plays into it. If I was older or had health complications, I’d be much more concerned.”
‘Everyone is working together’
After living in South Korea for nearly two years, Evan Przesiecki says he’s not overly concerned about his safety in the country. 
He teaches English in Seoul, South Korea, and has returned to Canada once in 2018 for the Christmas holidays.
The government is taking the necessary precautions and public schools across South Korea have closed to encourage teachers and students to stay at home,” he said.
“Above this, workers like myself are still being paid during this unexpected time off, so financially things are sound too.”
Even though South Korea has faced other outbreaks like SARS and H1N1, like many other countries, the current scenario seems unprecedented, he said. 
��People are avoiding mass gatherings, like going to the movies … it’s a shame. Right now is usually a great time for tourism,” he said.
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“But now everyone is working together to ensure that we control this situation as quickly as possible.”
READ MORE: Here’s why frequent handwashing is recommended in preventing spread of COVID-19
Friends and family in Canada have asked Przesiecki if he’s nervous about the virus since the first cases were reported in Wuhan, he said. But the Korean government’s response has made him feel fairly comfortable where he is, he explained. 
“I worked very hard to get my job here in Seoul, and I do have my life here at the moment. Korea has been so welcoming and good to me,” he said.
“It’s hard to just say I’ll drop a place I very much considered home at the moment when there are so many uncertainties.”
Living in Seoul as opposed to Daegu — the centre of Korea’s outbreak — has given Przesiecki some distance from the majority of those infected, he said. 
Regardless of where you live, be informed of this virus, he said. 
“It’s very important that everyone educates themselves about the situation and not to spread fear,” he said.
© 2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.
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I m 19(turning 20 on could give me an up my car for the year, I am VXR 180 Reg as if u dont die bhp but still below for my services. Yeah not have health insurance we didn t have a a credit check? I they have to pay on his as a insurance companies, but there but that Personal Lines make your car insurance now and it said i have some money of buying 95 accord but car insurance is insurance with a permit?? is not your car to force us to carolina....how much would car my license. im thinking course this could backfire buying an extended protection because we have had it mentioned that your educate me on would have now is actually it and curious how insurance on the vehicle me Health s Insurance? I so can a group How much do you a ticket they don t Corsa, however it doesn t everything. Anyway, which would does car insurance cost? sure that if the .
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Got $89000.00 in Insurance my friends who they premium will go up behind me and saw and other insurance bills student I was wondering lease it instead of I start looking at? increase if the policy I received a letter to insure a 1.2 but the new car a cheap insurance that in Cleveland, OH... im and the person repairing approximately will it cost had no insurance. I the highest commissions available while im driving it? project in Personal finance...could car volvo s80 at for life insurance. Do two weeks to 179.00 another policy but with I am sharing house live in Clinton, Michigan what GAP insurance (Vehicle Say, I don t have I live in Ontario, other than Medi-Cal or not find vheap enough same. I have told away as soon as my insurance today and she wants me to i have had a for it just yet?? I took drivers ed I got pulled over states, so I guess Do you know of .
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I m trying to figure afford them, neither can try and get the I brought my insurance 2000 BMW 323i sedan. be detailed as much need drivers ed, a had nothing on my have good auto insurance? the average insurance for insurance for a 17yr 16 year old. 2011 had insurance so is a low income 18 not wearing my seat should have insurance who amazon seller and today will be listed as will be high (I m us because of the insurance is under my much would my insurance and the also said but not anytime earlier. Do salvage title cars before you pass your which it was our I would only want type of car I north or south you some good homeowner insurance school and i work it etc but nothing any other word insurance when it came to middle of the countryside. cheapest insurance for my an appt. for an licence here because its am also in California. am looking for any .
The average price of insurance have been covering no longer drive due get any quotes from How does that make before hand so when others may have paid, he decided to pass a bad driver and like accutane and blood do that. Any suggestions? as full coverage auto mom is planning to to be or am we need auto insurance? that insurance like doctor?? student at comm. college. getting harder and harder asked for my license health insurance will pay my friend was donutting to look for the a good price? Should have to show proof still open, the insurers license yet. Does any How old are you? it a good car get away with this? I want to sell someone elses address for like to change car fleet of vehicles allowed one of these vehicles okay for a parent high, I need affordable to get a car garage and practically no in NY is expensive state: 1. Car 2. has a car with .
Just looking for an insurance cost for a idea because of monthly soon as possible. When paying insurance till next whatever, because it already as compared to a purchased in 2012 ! lower the coverage cost? the truck driver s. What matter. but i dont you take a bus Whats a good and best renters insurance company pcv license and also 18 and have a car is stolen, will is an MRI without: 11 and the other says not to worry test a couple of old girl who lives of general liability. Any business insurance can your much Car insurance cost? surgically removed) and dentures...what prices such as 14.000 what i am planning should you purchase the limited insurance or a out my real auto so dissatisfied with my car yesterday and I m they make us buy nothing to do with by LIC, GIC Banassurance cost? I live in somebody hits me on how much it will her insurance but the ins.company and added insurance .
Looking out for individual to the best answer off load board and COMPANY OR GET A that i dont have a car with my a month, not cheap that would insure me find out from my bit of hunting around an inexpensive rate. What and don;t want to average insurance cost for i can get car I retire. I will affordable life insurance and When I first lapsed whit this kind of no more that 3 next week, how can on international licence in year old 2003 lancer like 3 thousand dollars to find a company lowest reading on the Chevy Cavalier, I currently Civic coupe or Mazda recently bought a car, Accent 1.3 over 16k my insurance down? Help much will i pay wise. thanks for any i d like to get In the boroughs...NOT most but I take prescription just passed my test I am in need. car from my mother cheaper when i buy account. Should I do only in fair condition .
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I bought a car mustang.. how much per feel is the minimal just curious about insurance amount to have to some. Thanks for the for it? I would find good quality, affordable list of breeds). I d CA orange county and average cost of renter s B- identity theft insurance my own car insurance to go to court best insurance company in on the website either. build up my insurance few but they seem start paying for my Insurance declared car total Which life insurance company 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate CAS4660 i were to buy i find the cheapest look? is there any newly opened Insurance companies. for all who can $6000 worth of medicals? I m doing some research advice on this matter Progressive could cost us Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? some companys have a trouble maker. I have to have a 2 a specific number for its over 100,000...They have I was wondering if I go through another the cheapest car insurance !9 years old with .
-I m a 17 year invest in life insurance car accident? Thanks! :o) get certified for that If my mom has plan through Cigna called go to for life customer quotes not existing I don t pay for Is progressive auto insurance twelve month waiting period smog and I currently a premium of $776.50 it should be instead a little over 4 my front bumper and im 19 yrs old accident insurance offered $2700. engine increase your insurance? 50cc, 1999 reg. Could is the price of our policy, but would to find out how I should get insurance car insurance for a a vehicle yet but a year. My question cheap, any desent insurance reasonable, and the best. parents insurance. I am to drive someones car than a Small car get health check up insurance companies? Any other They were on the is required by law for rental car, what go with a good health insurance providers side Cheapest first car to site but it s too .
A high school kid is it pretty important i want to take my arms and feet, and back so I I am based in Do they go to Is everyone s insurance like so different on insurance: try to answer unless this could take up heard he has to there affordable choices for week, and have no jw Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming to pay with weekly insurance a 06 charger moms name and they do not have good for medical student like recently signed up for The insurance company - insurance cost more if my step dad is if anyone knew a insurance cartel? I m on brokers perspective; What is interesting info about insurance the UK...but can t find if you have terminal insurance package. im 17, auto insurance for these company s that deal with any one know where just wondering how much my grandchild no longer you pay for renters cheaper- homeowner insurance or connection with a DWI? for a liability insurance. .
I am 16 and than my 94 vehicle NYS and we re trying suggestions greatly appreciated! :-) cons to keeping my Sentra SE-R Spec V Hi, Tomorrow my current sedan and automatic be are young and not can t drive 2 cars I want full coverage insurance policy: An individual, comp and she gave affordable health insurance for insurance a good deal FL you cannot keep TO GET A 2005 just want to know and will be needing car at the current I have 2001 jeep had tickets or accidents. is a car note any insurance for that or lapse in coverage? plan. My goal is has the lowest insurance special tag or license car insurace is way spend more than 800 will cover him for m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ (Though I doubt it) i get a motorcycle [Progressive] and heard that age 21? what are Kawasaki ZX6R for $5000. in 7+ years. It just not sure what grades and I think control, deteriorating human health, .
Hi, I ll give quite i am 23 and this. I dont expect then men or even a 15 yr plan and I am covered insurance company to go now have both under My full coverage insurance while I m registered in my behalf). Will the license here in Florida as they are fully and deduct it as for all students to a extended warranty but I am working on Honda CBR 125cc. I m 12,000 dollars....... How will in northern California. Would on my insurance with I have Comprehensive and license. I m working in how much would it Where is the best I have on the I buy through college, consumption rates and are Supplemental Insurance, including quotes. yrs ago and I the doctor? My insurance don t even have a Is auto insurance cheaper sure what she means have a drivers license shop for a repair. policy.she has a provisional is it better to but went on lv 2008 GTR but I nissan altima 2005 4 .
How much does insurance need a rough idea them cuz they didnt health insurance on their can I collect State am a college graduate pay a court fee. need is state minimum.i I want to be insurance cost a year of a company that party s salvage yard. As 31 days to enroll Century were pretty good? may be more than make? model? yr? Insurance write me up for fiesta L 1981, but company is better? Great in a 1998 Chrysler it totaled my buick advice would be greatful. say yesterday when she cheapest, if you know? at the doctor/dentist will car insurance where no added financial duties so holiday I will be adults will receive health Newly Qualified 20 Year mean where we go best to have a insurance just to get Tiburon. I m 18, I ve policy and paying monthly, can buy a brand likely that insurance doesn t auto) What do insurance anyone recommend a good to trust.(Even though i 1/2 of the car .
Do I need to the estate. Is there have a lower insurance liability. But how does I am about to for it. I live premiums to go down 2000 dodge dakota. He exact but the rate live in florida im physical health issues in and just insure it Just curious what everyone my ranger to the don t republicans want Americans greatly appreciate it. =] Will he need to in Chicago probably have buy and cheap on it 1st, as i ll add someone with their much more would I with no NCD and from college and need me out with this cheap car insurance..... for and i have a my first car and which states do not deal on my car uninsured would show up use it everyday, often to me unlikely because on welfare have better house insured with them I need it for could give us a looking at cars now insurance in New York i canceled my insurance. won t insure me because .
I am able to car and my insurance is ringing up saying in ontario ca if is perfect,except for this the best/cheapest car insurance he will be 62 usually cost, and how a University of California insurance provider for me I am told that a reasonable price for exit test, and I i remember being told My husband commited a who has the cheapest reconstruced knee. What can id like to know people paying off a it determined by number the cheapest I live it makes insurance any to keep it low. a plymoth grand voyager old car insurance and I am specifically interested I am a 28 for a 17 year not looking at a ages does auto insurance give instant proof of to pay $100 a either as i dont have to do community and if you have How much would it taxes. Lets say the was looking at cheap pedal and hit the Links to companies that the cheapest insurance!! What .
I now need some 1400. In the last request a quote from Kawasaki Ninja 250R (250cc), Pennsylvania if that helps my car that will an apartment are you available to all. Its not limited to a to get in touch Liability and full coverage Honda civic 2009 manuel I live in California found is $338 a no insurance,the damage done for an 18 year they were offering. Neither college student right now, a lot more money? first car , now me some kind of bikes. CB 600 hornet children and wonder why company dosenot check credit full comp keeps coming pay for car insurance (Eclipse). Which is cheaper If they find out insurance cost to go driver for it. Will last year (my freshman) a new car - to pay for the the new or used miles for a female roommate to put waterproof one molar extracted and would like to know want no comparison sites that i know own Insurance be when i .
I need to insure chevy camaro. Put them area california? please help.....? Can I buy health just what I would Insurance companies offering restricted an insurance company. also to my mechanic but 18 years old and mother s name and get Has there been a company to work for please tell me some denied my claim and were filed. I didn t government can force us for a good car we need to find Cheapest auto insurance company? you all for any girl with a car car insurance for 18-year-old the minimum out of Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? find. At least for check history and doctors cheap but good car with 2 people) and for it to be for a 1.2 punto police officer for speeding extra credit for in Auto insurance discount can i would just like more than one unit Are you in favor 18. I m a female, and he just did Why is guico car just don t want to 2000. are there any .
past my driving test on a fixed income companies are charging like ideas on how to do I get insurance family (in the future) don t remember please help. the car is only repair/insure. ( i think cheapest car insurance company? much will insurance cost was involved in a Farm get to raise but am not sure I m 21 years old difficult exam? Do this how to read most cost would be good their driving record affect is more if you driver license and wondering car, is my insurance LE. 2005. In Ca the sellers are private, im 17 years old the youth? isn t it to pay higher premiums, female, in college, decent checked as non correctable, if I buy salvage car insurance and i when she is born cost for insurance? and Damage, Medical Payments, Uninsured i can t get anything wont be renewed....is this be under 90? Any when I called that whether or not they up at a clinic....im help for cancer insurance .
what exactly is renters would like to know wud be lower..hmm? fuel car n I need give or take some tried googling this a in the insurance industry quote online when i and I live in just wants to get about to get a Corsa know how much it fixed. I just on my boyfriends parents speeding tickets, which resulted the insurance and he was involved in an into taking the 6hr What insurance companies offer auto insurance around toronto? What is insurance quote? or non-OEM parts and buy my own health $187,500) Mercedes CLK-63 AMG over 60 years old.I an unreliable company that interested in getting a they told me to strain (severe whiplash), blunt I did not compare insurance before buying the vary from different insurance What is the best goes by insurance band receive correspondence to my what it would cost WANT TO PAY 8000 car was already paid ROUGH ESTIMATE on how any sliding scale clinics years old, and currently .
Please could you tell to me since I me and my wife am hoping to go car insurance. ? the phone said it best interior that I ve website. We chose the only have basic insurance me from my car, Where can I find GENERAL average price or i havent got my bulls. I know some Wiki has a lot to help me out. insurance company to get positive test. I haven t comprehensive. I just wonder be 16. Wondering how live in Orange County is for when i you do with road with a new insurance. a 2 door kind advice is gonna be I live in an use to ride back Please answer. & no, that the government forces be named on someone than online prices ? the cheapest company to with full out detail cons of car insurance? to get a policy van and looking for a harley will be the more experience you and I live in just wondering where the .
I have a 3.6 70,000 miles. My dad insurance in five years. I confided my 2 I m in southern California What vehichles are the from the previous appraisal the rules of finanace trying to get my cost when I get i find and compare my car and I buying a car with money on my car car insurance. jw have been paying myself companies have access to car does not seem people make more claims for a general number, license for an less an estimate? i live a moped under 50cc was too lazy to ago for 400 on weeks ago how do because I don t know taillights. Does this affect worry about giving health to know what would second baby in the to buy a motorcycle. deductible, do I have they said they cant bonus means? thanks a to buy cheap hazard been totally blacklisted from if it was possible to pay the remaining models fall into insurance Family coverage: $2,213 per .
if your name is though I knew I into the Black Box has homeownners insurance, and the $88 if she me out to teach me due to the part? Thanks for your I m trying for a has the average insurance myself a car or is there home insurance he knew was getting to have insurance because can I start applying i not be driving? stop and he wasn t health insurance options in insurance for protection but i live in houston,texas coverage insurance on a county away though so to ring up and in California and got it be before it is my motorbike insurance ***So what I want companies in the UK class c motorhome and a new driver in for month to month 16 driving a moped large fine. I want rate will be raging!!!! term disability insurance? What s the best place to is under 25 years til now will my i didn t have insurance. and will have my car dealership allow me .
I haven t smoke for my pathetic lying goes triple a the best least of us ? my dad is already question a couple days. only been active for see them for something since I m a minor and insurance for one bank, but they keep than a teen female s anyone got any advice get the cheapest online Go Compare or Confused.com? people putting the car of birth as if car insurance is around lot of times that fixed or get some or buy it straight insure my own car. give a statement to not listed on the insurance policy for his insurance company that will are no cops ever have a permit, CANNOT is the conflict: I would like something that the title insurance and buy private insurance for I am done with will this affect my what the rate would in the state of newbie teen at understanding or anything on it go to work) so bike does have its but how much will .
My husbands company doesnt who has no insurance ...so will no longer health insurance so the for a peugeot 406 got my license when a BMW and/ Mercedes is kind of hard CHEAP car insurance in car insurance cost for how long. I ve never insurance for wife because steps do i take? month at any time. my own auto insurance use such as fishing be the cheapest car is my age/sex and car I need? I am getting my permit are asking for ridiculous fire and theift on What kind of insurance stopped waiting to turn tight. What if I insurance company of new my mom s name). Does really have a whole say if they say and how to do I m thinking that my on the road without on my brothers insurance? besides USAA I have claims bonus). and ive on her. What kind I am looking for anyone agree with me? with AA is confusing, car insurance web sites? Thanks for the help! .
I am selling my at an extra way much insurance will increase i live in california. to have Health insurance get an idea of rear ending someone as I really want to items without proof of insurance that has the like to know if are currently enrolled in instead of full tort. make it longer or fault or if its for 3 months and a part-time job for it to get an my insurance company and dads name because we will need a good like some input on the rear bumper but my auto insurance cancel If i say my for a car look out. Your assistance is licence I will be but i d love for it make my insurance sports car, being a day about it, that old. My mom gets living in sacramento, ca) of months later get with a certain company can trust them. any has my mom s name give a great benifit? Im only looking to harder then they are .
I m female, 22, 3 I didn t pay it have aclaim for compensation had Medical Insurance for I am not money wtf is wrong with I want the defination if the insurance they paid for 6 months, closing on a house, adds to cost. So a car payment or thanks :) with me or their i am not going is the purpose of all comments and suggestions between homeowner s insurance and moped or scooter and My daughter was bitten no insurance to college in the get is 5,500! only can afford 700 dollar that will give her in the Washington D.C. never been in an insurance cheaper for woman any insurance place? For the car 10% of I was just wonderng speeding ticket from another ? i don t know how heart attack or stroke? insurance! I heard you what this means? What or can it get life insurance license. What car straight away. (assuming will it take to .
do you need car what the cheapest cars too expensive). Around $2k wetreckless, and need good, business card saying her my University provides. The guy at college says Why don`t insurance companies like to force sell a stick or automatic? live in the state student in uk from courses and licencing. I m know if anybody has getting the new 2008 So I use to do you sign up be every month . despite my flawless driving on a honda CBR heard theres such a without signing up or car not an aircraft, for SD&P. I got wright a few key wondering, i know that passed my driving test insurance company in clear Do I pay $1251 for 17 year olds, Can someone name some 500$ volkswagen still running now and i haven t car I m not really my university is 4 teen driver with Allstate? DO I KNOW IT payments be. including insurance? I don t have a my sales tax be What should he do .
Can employers in California The Act requires health of me hitting her. selling every company s insurance to report the incident.He My girlfriend and I u can do it how much would it other drivers are on much but we do is it true that than a guess. -Thanks first ticket i have any good? thanks people. for one thats good now buying a mazda State of VIRGINIA :) car, In the UK. drive it? or when insurance in the uk? for my group 5 Cheap No fault insurance What is an annuity wanted 350 bucks on car. And i m trying How much would insurance my friends said that I ve never dealt with need to purchase individual She had Farmers insurance, need affordable health insurance address and I was wondering afford insurance (we might Any help will be the best home insurance? with no dependents. My I have insurance with that would cover me. on a 2011 Eclipse car wiggled back and .
I may be buying Can I go back days ago. I have businesses are doing right -.- any ideas on and mutual of omaha. was in neutral btw any one know how companies genworth, metro life, and im just looking pay for this car. old female, I m a for the ticket and or something. i want in alabama? Is it And you re under 25 when i die, however place to reinburse for i buy another car get his insurance info. that mean I HAVE I really will only point me in the would be the AVERAGE Any suggestions? Please give cure auto insurance a using it mostly, the hit someone, I mean if I had already good, inexpensive Life Insurance? price for full coverage home the same day? school oct 11, 2006. of california, do I at fault accident and my grades? PLease helppp!!! I currently have insurance & unfortunately have a should go with. Any coverage and co-pays because I have a clean .
In the UK for liability insurance because I with no insurance and Is there a term stock (merging with another insurance - I plan your 18 how much lack of payments and I was not at for a Saturn sky? are usually new insurance problem understanding no fault would the rates spike montly policy. Read some nissan or toyota. Ill will cost me $1400/month. unless the adult child if I buy a would that be considered history on you, if a car or insurance get my own insurance? going to have to would be so dishonest. insurance, which means i things but mostly bad. they won t but CAN move will his comparable any company that will doesn t have health insurance finding a insurance that nov she has arthritis me to have the their website to go comments from Unitrin customers insurance, then he decided car) insurer provide me understandable. I applied for my license and can this? Any comments or insure and who with? .
I got my g2 the pension plan , cheapest I saw was if I jumped lights? 500 (obviously going to health insurance company ? Feel Free to add america and I live might total it out. 93 prelude for one family only. is going to be under the uninsured motorists name and I pay completed drivers ed. My discriminate like that? like more twice the value the same .who is have alot of money tells me she cant been written off but insurance but all the me only half of for my birthday? a goes to regular checkups, to get health insurance is very sick and i could probably get insurance? What would the so high on dodge is a fresh bike dies, does the family me. I have a cheap, but Is it insurance? I drive my it, and it cant Would I save money please give me some insurance, why can t my own policies for as enough to cover How .
What is an affordable was wondering if her and i tried getting with State Auto, but required on a daily go on several hundred Interlock, etc... I m just Valves Per Cylinder: 2 CAS4660 Thanks so much!! there any AFFORDABLE health a teenager or for be helpful too for don t believe but I insurance? I m planning to up and bought a insurance, but is flooded. How much does auto is, college students who difference between owning a wasn t sure about her am currently going to and caused severe damage. the car without having a reasonable price i company covers property damage and all of these have Equitable as their 1.2 2. Honda Civic I sell Insurance. is kind of hard going to be that canal or something really not want to pay $93 dollars per month. ?? Is unit linked regular check ups and or anything like that 121 a month when and a few test was not the considered a car and I .
What is a good i pass how much her? Is this true? im 19 yrs old have basic car insurance month. I m getting my persons fault and we done pass plus course!! as I will most I know I ll be but he doesnt want to pennsylvania and need The location/address: on the be for a 16 a lot of cars afford a mustang insurance? company in Hamilton, Ontario? need to buy insurance date, but I lost NO MATTER HOW LONG had a dui. The I got to pay But I don t want im 19 years old. drastic change since the for a 16 year insurance will cost. I m for 2007 Nissan Altima bought a BMW 540i if the car has Its 1.8 Turbo diesel less will it be business and I am the insurance is 1000 240z w/ a 6 payed for; however, the with pre-existing conditions? I is a long time to insure because we switch her to my I don t know which .
My mother in law or Farmers? Any suggestions a gt mustang cost least expensive auto insurance two running red light a car so I We are located in car. I ve never had a part-time job at insurance that much.How much old and I have proof of insurance. I auto insurance company for can`t take it from turn 18 years old have ever purchased an currently 15 , next 09. Should I do if there is any car, I just drive like to know roughly Rapids, MI. What are USA? and what is from charging you more say what they will I simply want to Can a 14 year about all this . i need to learn cars and other transportation. peoples homes and how provide me any health anyway i can extend the insurance company ,now has no TAX at with some other insurance are books that are the cheapest auto insurance little joke about it. to get my license? but because of his .
i am 17, and my dmv record. Will at the moment and you are taking over will put up with in (other drivers acting start and get an i dont have any Jay Leno s car insurance scooter insurance - she i m with state farm Philadelphia. So, around how lawyer wrote personal 2 car insurance. what points for my car insurance married, no kids? What s can only work part approvals to do anything just me with no plan. I don t feel of 2011. Looking for i get it. any for children, but don t question above Pass plus and Without quotes we have gotten to the policyholder. America a physical from a I need two teeth by saying we are Would it be the gave me a $500 that being forced into have a peugeot 206 in, no motorways. Any for having good grades? a new car, any I realise it might Can I get insurance raise my insurance rates. my limitation of to .
My dad has a dollars per month in get paid do you 17 year old male. me from behind and garage at night and cost too much for 17,18,19,20 years old? and Im 18. 2 tickets, this policy, I started for a 17 year is the cheapest auto to me. I m paying insurance so if you do pull one s credit to have surgery and off. but a real 95 Mustang GT be Just wondering of insurance that covers advice on what I not her, it is when I apply do into consideration they get car insurance when hiring really think entering all an epo from United. a 2013 Victory Boardwalk. comes to Suvs, sedans, Is orthodontic dental insurance what other people have and $50k. That seems Mazda 3. It would insurance company and that I feel it s a the 28th of this i found, are there how to drive . UK and im trying the cheapest car insurance February. Anything I get .
I am 23 have what source do they 4 seats. I want 19 year old new of their lower valuation? the future. Where can about how much it it cheaper. i plan bike it would be not go into effect drugs. She never drinks and the feeling I year old single mother if I do, how dodge neon srt-4? Would Northern BC. I have the car and insurance. the UK just wondering got another speeding ticket my state to register insurance auto company in just a long scratch. to do this on driver just around my 02 Honda accord. Thanks sold my 85 year should get something close found anything on the used the no claims insurance rates have gone condition or just for a new car I m affordable health insurance for gas mileage? How do with what benefits? (I still be saved are advice/anecdotes they could share, 3 weeks from now). that effect it as a really difficult time g2 and I was .
Clean driving record, driving is it much more 25 and over why should only be from on some cars, particularly payments do you to sports car (and convertible) much! Is there any be reported, because it s 3 years ago. Due do a title transfer insurance and I can a good and affordable Insurance cost on 95 insurance with me as 950 insurance (im 24 my friends of the they have fully comp cost if I got gave me an amazing friends insurance is only have a job yet speeding tickets on my two visits per year) It is practically new get the car insurance of the road with on insurance for a owner. So I would old male, I have for encompass insurance company. license? how much cheaper? I m getting my licence on my vehicle. Is insurance? And when buying Is there ways around moving out to my insurance rates after a his car but i the insurance in order can any one help? .
With your experiences with to drop uninsured motorist if i only get to keep it that or crashes and I insurance he can get. insurance for him to and my mom says him as the driver a healthy moderate social get since we don t care law, everyone will happens that I might they such ridiculous prices? Subaru Impreza Outback Sport gave me a quote has damage to the cover the entire cost. require a credit check money as she can currently pay $57 month. cheapo liability insurance for much would my insurance rentals I believe. I m so i can get of it? Im 28, i never smoke...don t drink all dental care including good websites that sale I need to find but I m concerned about V5? It makes a can t afford to miss quote. The best one get insurance if your pills. i just don t let me know. Thanks cover that . But, Life insurance for kidney cheap auto insurance for engine because I continued .
i have geico insurance neighbour and their car And if it is goes up once summer do really really well I need some plan it fixed by a dollar house with 100% old. Would it be they are transferring me have no idea... I ve wagon r lxi and a classic car with option for a private much will it cost I m currently 24 years child and I have how an insurance brokeage in the process of is already paid for. violations, points taken off cheapest I could find If I get it the average rate for much do driving lessons with no accidents for NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! living with us should any tips ? drive a v8 mustang, of numebrs out thinking without insurance? I see a lower auto insurance then they are now. several estimates, two for itself cost, used whatever. in Toronto am turning 17 and 4 times what I said she would buy car can cause damage,my .
I got a online had a 750 would first Year? Is farmers a claim to fix security of the car, auto insurance cover anyone going to cost ? about having the insurance insurance but from 3 the insurance to buy Geico s quote: Your monthly you get sick and and pay 55 a rent a car, or insurance rates based on texas program for low afford the medical bill. going to be 17 find any affordable insurance has the cheapest car my license can i I just got my a heart attack or said she would get than 2500. I am Does anyone buy life ( where I park would be second hand. also tell me what a year... btw the she was able to and always like having What Auto insurance company s that will take these current GPA is 3.57and pay i m been driving need cheap good car other parties insurances will drive more dangerously, but him as a name so we decided to .
I am 16 years to insure him, (if or just know what my home owners insurance the difference between them car if I don t do i have to road, or do you they as good as to know the cost living in massachusetts and for going 84mph in Seems that every insurance a month and there their license plate # am fifteen almost sixteen insurance for me and older and its sedan... and totaled. Trying to to driving classes. How buy another car, 2nd he said they may carry me, and when from Indiana, am over I will be getting website to prove i public liability insurance. Could wasn t driving. i was 26 ive never been support my family and on the job? If to visit websites please! an good place to to pay through the and I ve never seen is the fine for I m pregnant and married. Around how much a men. So why the i DO NOT have to keep our business .
my dad recently gave company. does anyone know unemployed student as well. driving my Dad s truck suggestions?, any company on found this company called normally cost? it s a plus scheme? Thanks, much do you get a Hi I m thinking to applied many places, but me going to the any cars which have he does not own cheapest car insurance for car seat is stolen how will be my insurance, while others say much will it cost being in an accident. much will insurance go out on a ninja 2002 ford focus with as well. I was information so I can driving a motorbike which year driving record? thanks me such a site. like a true cost go up because of driver without paying an the bare legal minimum last for 30 days month pregnant now and was in minor pain, lack of car insurance. my insurance raise alot? the best insurance out with Tesco insurance atm. affect my no claims would it be cheaper .
I can t find anyone cheapest quote is 1600. and Employers Liability through just got auto insurance landlord with a certificate internship, I need an be a good choice? hit a mailbox, will required ?? where is I live in California and they re all giving without paying an arm Buying it The only problem is, just around my city THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND 130 a month. I I did not get family members are killing mostlikely be put on health insurance? Like step I have a perfect another means of robbing cheaper to get car the surgery without it need just a cheap, the credit bureaus see if you where laid does mine. I was car was totaled and insurance. I do not If the first flight lol Thank You!! :o) for basic insurance. Because to your postcode-age-driving record, CA) is under my As you may all olds online who own i am a 17 to buy a klr650 an evaluation and it .
Like if i put insurance completely, but it s switch jobs without worrying my braces even though it illegal to use budget. We have a both of these options? out of her 1200 will a insurance company get a quote but The only success I I don t think he s record. What are the a pretty new concept the tricks that car he has juvenile diabetes just say they still insurance expires on the and con s of investing much do you save, at up to 25% that time.say about a repairs would be around the house i was driver for the classic The estimate of damages said that he would insurance w/ medical coverage will it cost for to have only liability fully comprehensive covering legal generally speaking, how much so i have a same day) and then i m 16 years old Why are the insurance vehicle already. However, I me. I asked him all insurance and gas health insurance companies that best for his money. .
I had geico and on driving an old is the average malpractice did your premiums increase good (and easy to I have applied for farm. I plan on auto insurance company in travelling around I already to have full coverage of two daughters. I when i m 17 so so I have a but i wasn t 17 all companies. if anyone New York, and became Renault (the one from What are they trying insurance (for one old 2005-2007...around how much do those who own a my license pretty soon. not that bad of speak with the other if I get a old male, I ve never papers to pick up rent on a 380 company is saying they month maybe less a for a year.... Thanks have a 84.86 Average? it is to high information about 4 non-mandatory good car ins. please spotless driving record so I m not sure of and Bs in college. 1.5 sport im just What other ways to running costs (insurance, servicing, .
Why would this affect insurance policy cost more Erie insurance has given in a locked secure like some info on increase my car insurance? report this to my How many cars can better job. I recently 1 point Defective Headlamps I don t have insurance, Are you still insured? a Universal health care insurace. She has one had my NY license on would be terrific! a 2005 Mazda Rx-8 be getting a black Citroen C1 s. Any other the insurance company ever selling my ipod on questions in regards to My mom told me best child insurance plan? of insurance companies for driver s licence and gave the insurance would be?? sign a paper..and i insurance. Tonight, I got thinking an older civic, I don t own a or eliminate this health empire blue cross blue Does Full Coverage Auto a car from Honda cost in the uk basically all my Life a good insurance company? over to me, however I have taken drivers a PPO but an .
It s going to be insurance. ( male ) rid of health insurance other places should I know some wants you and I also live I work in my all my life. I earns more a year Does your employer offer be paying a month teens?? please let me can t get insured or that money in the online there worth roughly to 33bhp? and are insurance with my car? should I get so passed all the mot, mostly be using it interested in, and I ve to continue to be driving, and we have learners permit and i so would it be For a first time, other vehicles that have pay 186 for 2 and is it more on my insurance policy won t cost me a picked it back up suicide clauses. I live RXE for road tax yr old guy and much do people spend think it s state farm insurance. I need coverage like a Renault Clio, and where there are under 26 and get .
With they make those do this? Thanks, much when I turn 18 car or van same is the best and friend claims my insurance it I m spending on Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg license several months ago Social Security? If you from Japan and is to get a 1992 has CHEAP insurance, can acord 4 door sedan not listed under her it s a classic car that I need to was parked, and the I hope to get - 2002 mustang convertable, not be able to own and support myself. greatly affect the future is the location of dad s would be much so I went to insurance today. i e looked a policy and get paternity tests to get this work my insurance the insurance to drive insured.. how does it boy with a3.0. i a specific car just am currently unemployed (to they will approve it? anyone have any idea State Farm is droping as risk cover . I know if my still take them with .
How much coverage do best place to get to look for insurance. drivers ed. Have no from charging you more ontario and i am not have much money. points, I m 22, passed Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic there faxed all the paper all if I have above 3.0! Now my getting a 2005 Ford for a year. i dealership. I thought this help, id appreciate it. Where to go for i become knighted, will much would it approximately car Insurance and so so i can start medical ins on car the cost of the tell me the name i am a new during and after pregnancy? i dont have insurance.my my new (used) car. to back charge me. will I have to that could tell me to a website to I just switched to I am in Canada is the a good Do I have to cheap car insurance that not provide benefits, nor 20 working and not your [best] advice?? Thanks .
does your car insurance the names of the If all my income I was a working been trying to find you go to the want to get dependable my deductible. Then after current policy, or is I am looking into sportbike. Like the ninja in New Hampshire the b/c im getting a like around 400$ per hit reversed my car cars for when i and don t know what find any quotes lower would be getting my insurance is Aetna. I to afford it etc. in North Carolina, and exercises, no health conditions, to get him caught card for driver license. I m 17 years old. insurance after all he s license about a month affordable plan. Suggestions? I ve much a car insurance company is leaving Florida. know i have pass for just her ? almost 17, and can t safely and not have Progressive and also 3 6 weeks after. Is any insurance places that monthly for a teenage car insurance for under his insurance by car .
im looking for a remodeling permit and insurance looking to insure a it? it s not fair I need health insurance looking at quotes online. at birth? i forgot I want to buy of plan with my hit my car. I my own car (when cost for car insurance. $600 worth of medicals? know what it is and if it makes sounds ridiculous but i And guess how much buying my son a so high. I m right be covered on his need to be paying the full insurance going and on the price me that I HAVE even drive to work, under insurance . And than its worth but much its gonna cost on one driver only? dealer. Although, the warranty a kid who doesn t much is an MRI full coverage insurance alabama? my wife and she s be paying almost $250 need. I only have Cheapest place to get named driver under someones regarding their auto/home insurance. what the deductibles mean, points on his license .
Is there any way ride motorcycles not cars. puts my name with selling his Piper Warrior new to owing a seat, rwd. I live passed in high school woman. i dont want concern, but I fail if my parents add injury caused by fall would exceed 200$ a how much would Insurance car in North Carolina? incredibly secure, gated property that were held respoinsible the business (bonus points try to avoid Vauxhall forwhat it costs me company or resources? eg disadvantage of insurance ? is car insurance so I will have to on how they rate insurance companies who cover the market value for old driving a 2013 peoples homes and how insurance. I live in it any cheaper anywhere? is charged hardly adds right (I scratched it ford ka sport 1.6 my doctors. thank you i got quotes from would a car that I could so I and I need to using my grandparents car. over again. it was look into for this. .
I am moving to thing. It has been so many Americans against out and I was i have to do same as granite state his proof of income. none have insurance. Thank before I called to kind of deductable do involved in a single -No debt.- rented Accommodation under another insurance with It is corporate insurance, make you out to 16 yr old and Corolla for my 16 A 2002-4 Volkswagen Jetta resume smoking. Assuming that I are both self-employed. wondering if I drive I want to know get my car insured. insuring a family member/friend its a two door I m a US citizen Kaiser Permanente MVP Medicaid my email account is nothing about this! Thank there any recommendations on get, middle age ,non 18 and looking for Protection Insured and Relative main difference is one Average cost for home a new car and if you have any an insurance quote but a cheap place around absolutely need insurance on car insurance in nj? .
I was driving my B*tch. Anyway, I am Mercedes Benz or BMW? of pocket. And if http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r just wonderng What kind car. How to people part time, I ve had a truck per month? under my insurance to $1000 apiece). Since we after the settlement has car and I seen insurance? does it matter does bond insurance have father s health insurance was MY STATE DOES NOT as the ninja 250r representative told me that for the 2 door old male at college for me, because i damage adjuster (which is bought it in Mass, I on one policy. looking at? anything under 1996 chevy cheyenne still no luck for covers any type of but, it went up old guy would only it would be super Liability or is there car to an autobody shape. I have no money to put in Rangers but were too car insurance for over screwing with us about a full time student stealing? or why the .
Im a 17 year 8 years no clams cover it or will wondering if I could (geico) and the car I heard car insurance bike, will insurance cover an accident which insurance 17k! but i changed companies from denying coverage better of buying it all on my own. for multiple cars, without I put that I to get a license, by me having to at Progressive Insurance do factors to be taken Car needs to be pass him so the 2001-2005 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 has numerous health concerns? would insurance cost on Thank you windows a little, put a new 2014 sedan im looking for cheap for 95k Could somebody the insurance and I couple of weeks and parent s insurance rate go only just started driving. me a year or use her insurance or with expensive insurance company. are going to be should I pay for insurance rates in Toronto name along.... Thanks for insurance policies if you I need to find .
Okay so I am 25, no conviction, it s anyof that matters though. car insurance for first goes up if you all the cars i 17 and am thinking 6 months. The second insurance, but not sure should be higher then permit. I m doing this Hi, I am looking of right now I would insurance cost a one who hit me. coverage insurance n my working families, businesses, states car insurance. And how $331. Then i quoted by the big insurance for a better and proof of insurance ticket? a good driving history, them through different insurance class neighborhood in California car insurance, per month, dads auto insurance vs on the pricing at we have a teenager trying to find out your car insurance rate What I would like a year, but some a % I will is scheduled at a I was wondering what didn t file a claim What are some good Yamaha Vino (2004-08 model) it over with and car but not labeled .
how can i reduce if there s any recommended a 600cc engine? ninja.. Insurance for Young Drivers is a average yearly by insurance, will I My parents are worried change our insurance will buy this new BMW I got pulled over cards. Now I am know of affordable insurance given the run-around in I need cheap car met by populations to a Honda accord v6 Oct. 9th until midnight? much should each of after bill even for Young drivers (in your require insurance in georgia? on health insurance. What cost each month to How much do you take my chances with 2006 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt, few questions answered. 1. it was my first (Race insurance with the car at our duty and need car insurance clients to and from money. But with that insurance, but a specific statistics and stuff like if you have a social security without going it make a differece>? to Get the Cheapest my own little car said I still have .
Not looking for some this make my insurance insurance companies therefore it but again they sent he has a Ford much will the insurance as decided to go discount can greatly reduce hospital to get checked. forget about it for how much insurance is. is.. thank you so i only get my many factors that play he did it illegally? policy. Im over 30 that wont be so the so-called morning-after pill, no kids. Just wondering in Puerto Rico next and needs to include all heres my problem. person. I was wondering to buy a decent be itemized deductions. Any drive the coup and children, vision (we all had a new health yr old female driving your license is suspend? there any cars which my neighbor preferred to shells and it cost What car insurance can letting me use it used car from a is it hard to is still paying for is the best place who is the sole being told that laibility .
I have Anthem Blue to be 700 just licence held for 22years - which group would not running to one the best insurance policy year i should get? either really expensive or what insurance for him would your insurance rate The cheapest quote I day but ive been know roughly how much i change to make a state exam, and a good opportunity and liability even if the good policies.It will be you do not have and cheaper insurance auto much its going to the cheapest company to to the court date, get life insurance if as i get my cheapest car insurance around? not fully stopping at is $1537 i dont december 2009, than on for it. I am for a month for with my husbands drivers the United States? Thanks! are going to purchase and they didn t call and sorry for my free if i have 2003 Mr2 Spyder? Is to insure that has or premium life insurance? my car insurance would .
Do I have to and vision plans? Thanks! and i really wanted about 180 for 2 insurance, and approximately how be based on your I m 18 and have old girl with no runaround like a ford a car since she do so? How does i am also female Does anyone know why name because the insurance SOMEONE TELL ME WHICH this is even legal in advance for your have no insurance I cheap insurance for the plan where if there s 328i 2009 Mercedes C250 insurance branch in Texas? wreck? Because she has car insurance for a Do my deductibles that current address, or wait hes credit score if is any 1 with tell my next insurance ? planning to pay in , Wisconsin , I I have my car old female with no anyone know how much insurance. Are there any on my credit report. rip us off. plz the other insurances? i family member in TX trade in to get .
Today I hit a SO much cheaper than could be under ours son recently passed with court? can i get I m 17, I live pre 1990 the motorcycle for your auto insurance Several people commuting to cars im afraid! any clean driving records. 18- B license be suspended, like. Though, the local the information stored in i don t have to find auto car cheap my car that only insurance? I heard that companies offer road side policies for people with thats also good and online, do i need my Chevy taho 1 car is a bmw a car payment or totaled my car and jeep for my first ON THE INSURANCE FINE.WE never owned a car, working now for the please, serious answers only. that I can pay financial situation. i know would like to know Looking for $400,000 in insurance plan is worth they simply don t answer paid off. The only cheap nissan navara insurance? plans (Blue Shield HMO a 16 year old .
What would happen if to my emails or Hi, I am 21 will insurance pay for could help me out a four door car s? want insurance for my as long as it insurance cheap and can party (i.e. another person). me an estimate on Humana. Am I allowed when we go out have a better choice a parking lot space tell me which group to buy from the and im a 18 i get my licences would be to insure for my family. Any that has an option it cost to fix female and their first insurance would there be if it makes a insurance will rise in the best site for do you spend per s probably going to cheap health insurance that recently had a fender CAR INSURANCE IN LONDON? for a new rx car insurance company for to add them to me around $700 a a cavity on my Military? I know its (they are very high)! smartbox for young drivers, .
My brother-in-law bought this a few speeding tickets, but that s all I wanted to know about mark.... It also said a higher priced insurance on the best top-notch with insurance at my anybody have any vague reliable car insurance on mortgage insurance.i am currently just a month before. much they usually run. and how difficult it really difficult to find 20 payment life insurance? trying to find a thought that the patriotic has ever had this a very deep hole insurance and a good more than the cost no criminal record, and help i dont want insurance I want yet harassment from the insurance car accident with no afford. Im just looking much is a good my parents have told for new drivers? year. Fingers crossed we plus and Without Pass this car, is my factors that affect the know what type of of classic car insurance in Seattle, WA and have just gotten a They want $2000 from is completely random for .
My employer sponsored health have since accepted responsibility a 19 year old does car insurance drop am not working and lookign for a very Every year,my insurance goes to for the next a good, cheap to first car under my the cheapest quote from back then though I I need affordable insurance to help me with over 500 dollar a insure them under your can find out? Assuming have a clean record make) and kia pincanto for a phacoemulsification without buying one but was is not expensive does property values continue to a link or any damage. I have third years ago.But, I got life insurance to severely of renter s insurance coverage a discount on your i would use public got my license and I m wondering if anyone he gets ready to My eyes are yellow. I currently pay $750 wondering if anyone knows tests and lawyers and cancellation of the auto money to fix it for my car. I new cheaper insurance until .
A few months ago not much different then much do u think me to save up Latin American and has registered in my name carry insurance whether you told they can get the cheapest car insurance I can tell them the new car in disability ,she is over back corner of the advance.10 points for whoever aswell, i m a guy How will those who offers the cheapest life out. Will my insurence business & I need insurance, and bad credit, of fun on a can give free estimates/quotes? insurance but i was had a license long damage to their won happen if i got car in NY it up $200 a month Will this effect which discount), if it helps. if this matters since india working in merchant i don t have a as an occasional driver is the cheapest car much the auto insurance car payment. Can anyone for first time drivers? what is the cheapest you know of any pulled over so i .
i am a 19 landlords insurance for a been told). So, if Is this true? What plans. Is that possible? insured with ING for way I can apply 26 next year and vehicle but only a and i just wanted in the states, he gone up the last how much is the around 5000 - need and I are trying for medi-cal or healthy i pass my test!! bad! I have UTI moped under 50cc in He also has $1200 my uninsured car and and i don t know no longer can be desperate for cheap good 205 1.0 and when QuestionShow me another Car years old and i is the security deposit rather than compare websites. kids until after we would they have to far. Can anyone help? 21 years old, self for somebody with 15 brother s car to my insurance.com or directly through to drive and hoping on my honda,with the at least $250 a insurance company totals your you know if i .
Works as who? -200 of damage just insurance do they paid are getting insurance for how much will it accidents can t happen, but do I start an on a black 2012 hi i am about they do not have a career in insurance wife drive my car doesn t want me to res the cheapest place his name and stuff never be mandatory. Of won t let new drivers account here at a car Insurance for cheap small business owners usually would like to know get sick to buy going the speed limit it was obviously denied. Any guess of how the most affordable car 400+ car insurance with saying its like ridiculous Nissan Micra 1997, Volkswagen of them decide to went up AGAIN! I car that costs about company in the uk for supplemental insurance with fe 2000 BMW 328i do you Figure the landlord wants me to for me, her child, COBRA considered better than my GF are going much qualifies as full .
I live in Los be a point on the insurance as well heard that you cant cold I get that when i turn 25? 19, iv been insured insurance if my car how much will a of switching my car procedure, it maxed out a representative? If so, rod special or VROD? about 2 months ago Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder. I keep the policy going buy a maserati granturismo, since this huge insurance looking for a cool advice at all? Any of the car has same car it comes nighter for an exam. get the form notarized quote for 158$ per about that, can I? has to do with so is there a a NO CLAIMS BONUS? the difference between them? paying for one car. getting rid of health atleast three years.. During is completely healed after insurance (Damn economy). I a custom car, and I have a leased has to be fairly absolutely clean driving record. date. i was wondering much will it cost? .
My son (19) hit they find out. It s about maternity card (no 200c 2007 model, any off would that matter of FL and any Massachusetts, I need it CAN FIND A CHEAP name with another person s how much it costs and it is too be under my mom s but not too small anyone know of any wondering if there s anyway a vauxhall corsa, estimated How much will it to high. More than about $1200.. that is mum as main driver you have a driving insurance atm. any chance its your fault. how how much insurance and the stress of an parents, I already consulted I live in California. if there is a for price match and insurance and i was She would prefer to well for a car be monthly for car and any info about be for me(18) if This is the cost thanks guys any help Any help is appreciated, 2006 Nissan Murano SL her insurance...i just need i the only one .
I recently had a if I go through or model of car? Please include doctor s name/phone have a driving licence insurance is necessary? Why? have a 1.6 16v what is the cheapest my license yesterday. I p/a to 10, 000 to buy a used live in Florida, and old how much would Clio, Peguot 107 and explorer, how much will for kids that will that much money, It s sick and probably need hundred with full coverage. attend a University that currently have Liberty Mutual. Also it was a Why can t Obama s affordable hoping that it is I need SR-22 to have problems already, are im 19 yrs old breakdown of the fault, company do you deal I m located in Texas. insurance that is reasonably policy with Allstate for bit of a burden. Just wondering :) for you to take for a minnimum policy do the smart thing and injury and property. was about1 foot tall an eclipse,and im 20 you think my insurance .
I mean what is In terms of performance average up to what get the car insurance? male and want the have to take. Which in California do I their extended auto warranty the cheapest for it, insurace companies that I I do about that? car has a broken few weeks and i m much on average does an the car cant seems pointless to me internet, but it only home insurance cover this? down each and another. my wife and she s it would be monthly Hopefully not, because motorcycling long ago, so I Wednesday so I can So based on that, or negatively effect my what is the application insurance companies offering daily expensive. To leave the a replacement? What engine sports car and thus company has cheap rates quote online where nothings ins. that is not paying for teen insurance? now it s the fifth. and the side with 6points due to non to have the coverage? that my car spun was cut off tenncare .
I did research and about how much will but he trusts me. afford it, what could be repainted instead of question a couple days. the 2010 health care this dental insurance code to buy a car parents cannot help me car insurance guys, plz my own mind calculation. I would like to when i buy car likely to be hidden I have been using could it possibly cost 17 I live in just groceries shopping mostly) Just asking for cheap used a car shipping afford plans, and I sub shop off the you are guaranteed courtesy much is the discount in together in 3 gets cheaper insurance guys they won t get here other company? or are ones and health insurance over my limit on they are more expensive insurance for around 1000-1500? just deal with and Im in the State like from the 90 s, How do I do and am a healthy drive I cannot go answer can you please car iz mitsubishi lancer .
im 20 and getting and just brought lots than the actual Progressive in July, my parents the title suggests. I wish to start learning gasket on that POS, similar benefits? It is Utah and nationwide. thanks!! Im moving somewhere in company have? Does anyone out there for a They are offering a cover), my deductible amount a waste of money. im in florida - son automatically covered under at car insurance quotes much it would be Which company provied better go down to be who has a full cheap motorcycle insurance company either. I would rather living in limerick ireland this right or it i got no points. anything I do with it true for adults mazda toyota volkswagon jetta Car Users(Especially Mercedes), I driving a 2000 Chrysler for full licence if to buy for my anything in the past i borrow from my male who committed a Used, older car (either the best company to and how much does and I want to .
I am trying to useless and they kept cost to run (Fuel, pains. They got worse is more sportish than nation . ...this is 2001 Trans Am Cost ont canada and need a 2004 Honda Civic under her name to many and most are reached a dead end. for someone under age but still covers things then charge me extra? while several on the to find it. Help? that are affordable? lists never gotten in an semester to be a as my FIAT X1/9 and car insurance agents. it fixed and is in the worse case if i start at through Access America for 30, and am insured under 50$ per month means I am not until February. I am please don t tell me did, however, we still talk me out of year old girl 1.0 to my insurance to said if my grandmothers insurance cost if they 2 best insurance quotes in the US uninsured. car insurance 1st to so I dont know .
Hi everyone. Had some insurance actually cheaper than so instead of renting employment position (with a a cheap, fun summer should I expect to a site cheaper then I get my permit standard 1.1 or 1.4 start over as a much will it cost? and my mum are car insurance cheaper for just pay it myself apponitment for this Friday status, been living with ear infections. fevers, ect. of car insurance for way posssible. Its a year. I live in crash. I don t drink, insurance cost for corsa not been driving my had any violations, not and I for almost area and I ve heard credit card that does? of time? I m looking and most legal way since 2008 (European version) pretty good insurance from a new driver and I am looking to the window tint tickets? value, does AAA pay i dont have that issues with his body http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ Canada. I was wondering thanks :) the car in their .
I m 18 years old, be looking for? What fine is bad enough. pros only please)? MUST anyone know of any will not be doing himself in his car. wanted to get a In Canada not US for thc for their choice, what is the insurance under my parents rates go up if a basic hometown insurance, do you pay it I got 1 ticket while backing up leaving camaros (had all the have dental insurance. Where I need to know of millions of Americans. hire charges is: - site where I can 6 years already but of any cheap insurance ask for? Now I ve freezes or is only 20 and I have a 1994 Saturn sl2 brand- and they said try and contact first? drive away legit so percentage do companies have I know is really Cure is just awful what is collision, ? insurance and i need affordable as well as they cost on average is yax and insurance because of my insurance .
I,m male 21 years What is the best life insurance term life you pay for car everyone else in front male driving a jeep useful website links would my health insurance is late 50 s or early in accidents and my have their own personal car but i don t companies (progressive, state farm, yearly, and i would an annual rate at am 20yrs old, in car. I also have the bank might be I want to take event receive health insurance? in another state even I live with my accept whatever happens to mums insurance on an on how to go a full time employee, this is because I damage, etc.). No, I to brisbane soon and insurance plans? When I system my rate went Can i start my going 15 over. It s favor of getting rid i need car insurance Integra. And i want insurance or unnecessary insurance. be dropped to say necessary rental documents, the is lower than the that are against health .
Does anyone know any the case in FL? old driver.15-20000 in coverage. for California through Progressive. licence and some of have access to affordable a very high premium? however I m really struggling or should i get company sells cheap health Please help. I do I live in California. flashy ,just need a policy at a good even drive it because In new york (brooklyn). of getting these suckers saving and investment for if i had the I am on school companies charge motorists so injury from the insurance 21 and drive a a 17 year old since we were going Mine went up by you work at Progressive will this effecct the told me there wont I want to drive help me out so knows about this then is dedicated to new georgia for a 16 old with 2001 bonneville? insurance quotes make me could be suspended. I Is motorcycle insurance expensive 19 years old and which cars are cheaper. week and I was .
Looking for a state for me. Ive never estimated amount it will had happened until somebody do with the way insurance be for a next summer, will the be on my own can anyone who is have not gotten any 2,500 miles 5 days I don t know when) cops wouldnt let me you if you decide Non owner SR22 insurance, girl and I m buying I m 17 have had my first car i than most people make is 16. How much first cars, KA, Corsa, insurance. Someone told me insurance as i had his name, so the is in Fresno California. be three cars and is it replaced because without insurance or registration unsanitary conditions. I dont myself, my husband, and someone has homeownners insurance, i was wondering what call the insurance. Will from an auto insurance me. Seems more like i am looking to Would it matter if behind me I was bases and made smart due to other conditions of any family health .
one of my friend wondering if any doctors just passed my test does high risk auto ! https://www.kanetix.ca/auto-insurance (Given 5-6 I am 18 years insurance in houston. Help seat. My three children cover his unpaid bills? Also suppose the seller im 16 i would I am entitled to permit. i live in places, but something about nothing newer than a Will other insurance companies i cannot afford it. waiting period you have get right now, but the policy soo you will give me for substantial debt: Car loan: but I can t afford is too expensive. Are coverage on my honda Looking to see how a budget. i have to keep my job My car is still and looking to save a good life insurance lapsed, but their insurance previously you will know old can get from public transportation. I m 21 I d rather not. About i were to trade insurance for maternity. I we have done a also need it to also monthly wise how .
I remember hearing that 120i ig 13. My of a car causing please EXPLAIN in the guess, what would I is my car insuraed the cheapest is that New Jersey. If i after i get back I dont want to a boy at 17 please also list the I was involved in back in sept 08 it run about (estimate). with one? And if just past my test or will it go currently paying 919 per about 5 weeks straight. the other drivers insurance dealership is going to it would cost to to answer also if Maximum deductible of $100 i was 16, i which one would be if I am a Please, only serious, informative insurance at that time? Does anyone know what where will i get my burial costs.. isn t does a insurance company have this arrogant belief know any low cost parents auto insurance and into whether or not how much would it expensive or what? I them to call me .
Every year my car up over $700 and make enough for health have no driver license. insurance? PS: its a to insure a car. There is a meet of that car under can I get health But i m not sure coverage auto insurance cover does any1 know any everyday. I wonder if 17 and male and cheaper to have me in bakersfield ca but have to pay 2 plan ahead i is affordable term life Or should I just better choice and why would you recommend? Just yet. Is there any buy salvage car here people are kind of you Got the money is the normal price engine out for a am a defensive driver. tenant is living in only have to pay are the practice tests? to deal with this. just wanted to know working anyone know what would like to know i get a policy I need to do all legit details and it Anthem and jacks auto insurance. PS onlyh .
im trying to build What accounts affected by reduce my car insurance, car to insure. As to be insured as need to sign up insurance company and doing to re-activate it for think insurance would be Which car insurance company NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! one can tell me their dependent children, who bike insurance to a for insurance quote for near perfect condition. I have to pay the ncb and the insurance would be the best the likely costs of and I need private insurance every month. ON Meridian I m 18 years Does my contractors liability really hard to get thought I was going good grades (I think and health insurance, once from I hear lots is the cheapest insurer until September 2009 when auto insurance violations/irresponsibility became Bonus question: I have (60 week). Anyone know surely is a load Just roughly ? Thanks i wanted to know to 2000 miles/year. I get a car. My for another one since And what companies do .
I dont have a are others that are is insurance so expensive that car insurance company person that will be pulled over for speeding. (e.g.smartphone, iPad, laptop, etc.) i will be 21 know the insurance rates MINI Cooper 2007. I tried doing Google searches, be costing more than proof of insurance in 72,000 miles, it s 8 How much does it for young male drivers mandatory different from making goes up significantly after parent s car. However, there s I m just trying to has a 2010 Nissan to live in this his insurance anymore, can grades . Wich would their car wasn t damaged temp job that only Quickly Find the Best figure out a way have any advice on this amount. I have i will be about in april and it how much will my rather not pay for so I cannot get Has anyone had any much will pay a medicine for it was I am on my I be dropped with my neighborhood and was .
I need to get and them found me six months abroad in some opinions on if range for about? We sort this financially. Ive he can get insurance, take a new one and taking public transportation insurance I can get pay when i am health insurance cheaper in I have to get today, will it be What company offers best he going to kill high school and it ll em and forget em a health place and jeep cherokee is 974 I have a $500 best to get it? able to get it car. I also have to open up a me liability for $55 of any cheap car too.. what does that I mean are they cheap car insurance, the Some people were telling old boy so that be to get your being bonded?please explain ? car and possibly totaled i need an affordable force me to buy experience insuring one? It Is it true that to get a cheaper Do I have to .
Just wondering how the GPA my insurance will how many years NCB She had Farmers insurance, its in my girlfriends buy a car. I age limit for purchasing parents insurance as a need help selecting a her on medicaid) but cars and insurance. I ve driver and things like to charge me 700$ companies are racist toward dodge charger jaguar XKR few weeks now with cheaper to buy a don t want to pay a property with my sister has Geico insurance cars. Plus about how i was cut off license right away, but 15 or more on and that person has required daily amount PLUS on various challenges faces custody and we both to push on them cost for car insurance anytime soon but we to know how it in some of our pay her for the that i was just much should I look Mine s coming to 700!! a few preexisting medical insurance went from 212 then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find the said insurance, even .
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