desertpeachcatte · 3 months
5 Character Associations: I'kaya Tia
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1. Pride
2. Repressed Passion
3. Grief
4. Love
5. Sacrifice
1. Platinum Blue
2. White
3. Silver
4. Amber
5. Royal Blue
1. Ginger
2. Cloves
3. Leather
4. Steel Sparks
5. Jasmine
1. Engraved Scimitar
2. War Paint
3. Desert Sun-kissed Canyons
4. Whirling Dervish (ok not technically an object ;;)
5. Electrical Cables
1. Slightly Pursed Lip
2. Crossed Arms
3. Arched Brow
4. Slightly Thinned Lips
5. Low Hum (often perceived as judgmental even if he didn't intend it that way)
1. Turkish/Persian Gladiator
2. Tribal Futurism
3. Bedouin
4. SWANA-flavored Wuxia
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desertpeachcatte · 2 years
RP Excerpt: Forgiveness
((OOC: The brothers have been led to the aetherial sea by Senelle. For context, experience of The Aitiascope will help.))
The two pairs of mirrored eyes watched as Senelle’s light brought the glimmering motes toward it like a flame attracted moths. As her words continued, the aetheric density seemed to partly wash her voice around them like gentle waves.
Here, in this mystic sea, where corruption would be cleansed, where, she seemed to imply, reconciliation and resolution could be found. 
As the first of the glimmers took shape, both brothers blinked. An inexplicable familiarity surrounded them, and they could not help but draw closer. Legs formed, then the rest of her…
I’ason’s voice breathed out before any part of her became clear. But she didn’t need to fully form. She was faded - perhaps no more than a collection of memories - and voiceless. But it was enough. The younger of the brothers was swift to go to her.
“Mamma, it’s you!” I’ason’s voice was disbelieving, but excited. Joyful. His face was alight even as his eyes began to well with tears. When was the last time he had seen her? The real her, as she truly was? After they had mourned for and buried what I’kaya had brought back of I’mharyus, I’ason’s final memory of his dam was her rage, grief, and a tearful farewell as she promised her kits and tribe justice. A promise that was never kept - and one he had never asked for her to make. 
He looked upon her now, was present with her, and she him. Their exchange was silent - a kit who had struggled, now grown, gazing upon his dam with fondness. Love. Every now and then, I’ason’s gaze would flick to Senelle - his Bonded and mate, mother to their future. And though I’ghrane’s eyes were impossible to see, words were unnecessary; they would know. In their hearts, she would be heard, felt, and thought of.
Relief. Joy. Resolution.
I’kaya watched as their reunion played out. He stepped closer when he felt I’ghrane bid him join them, slowly blinked as she embraced him like she had when they first let her fly to join their kin among the stars out with the Brotherhood of Ash. A long nonce of stunned rigidity caught him, even as a low purr vibrated in his throat as their dam greeted them, and it wasn’t until the other blinking motes seemed to steadily take form that he sucked in his breath to look around. To comprehend what else could happen. Whom else he might meet…
Just like the first, the orb elongated with legs, arms, head. Two of them, together, formed - faded and vague, but unmistakable. I’kaya knew them before he could see them. 
Water, wind, earth. The patterns of his tattoos touched him, unseen, but there - gentle, capricious, embracing. Memory of the nunh’s braids brushing over his head and cheeks as he was held in loving arms, and a soothing voice that fortified the spirits of the youth that had to bear witness day after day to the violent normalcy of their lives.
Fire, lightning, steel. The other set. The aether was impossible not to know - electric, passionate, forceful. It was his fire that blazed the path for him to follow, his heart that led the fiercest spear that would plunge in from behind I’kaya’s shields and break the onslaughts meant to raze their tribe to the ground. 
”We can’t fight forever, brother. Let us ask Pappa to parley with our foes and seek passage to somewhere safer, as you both proposed to the Council..”
“Truly? There are those among our fanatical Amalj’aan foes that would hear us, if we but surrender the Homesands to them? Aye.. if there is a way for us to save those we can and find a way to peace..”
“We are come, Rhaksha.”
“..Are you certain..?”
“!? No, Pappa–! Get ba–!!”
Fire. Inferno. Burns. Death. Betrayal. Blood.
In hopeful naivite, the rising star of the Ee that day brought their nunh to his death. Led on by beloved brother whose Tempered nature did not reveal itself until too late, I’kaya’s hand then did not hesitate to pierce his blade into I’rhaksha’s heart. The Amalj’aa that murdered I’mharyus got away, and the screaming Ee youth was left to gather the burnt corpse to bring back to his people.
Only one time did he ever look back to speak of that day.
The quiet Sagoliian’s eyes widened as he knew who stood before him now. In the span of a nonce, time seemed to dilate. His gut became a singularity of chaos, and it felt as if his very humors split apart and unraveled. His insides became a storm of electricity and bile, and acrid bitterness rose as his knees buckled. His eyes became hot, then wet. 
“..Pappa..” was all he managed to say before his knees gave way and the bile erupted. The explosive chaos from years of unspoken guilt lurched his torso forward and he retched. On his knees before the ghosts of I’mharyus and I’rhaksha, I’kaya gasped, then heaved - and ultimately failed to hold in heartbroken sobs, then trails of vomit. 
I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…
As the appearance of the two new spirits served to ignite long-neglected rot within I’kaya, I’ason watched his brother crumble in alarm. The comforting warmth of his dam’s present aether seemed to do little to shelter him from what he saw. Confusion swirling in his eyes, he raised his gaze to the new arrivals.
I’mharyus and..
A conflicting mix of his own emotions welled. His elder half-brother had always been severe with him - but he knew what he had meant to I’kaya. He pulled in his lower lip, worrying at it as he watched his sire reach out to touch an intangible hand over I’kaya’s head - a gesture of gentle comfort as I’rhaksha, in all of his fearsome and proud, elegant power, bent down to slide tender hand over the jaw of the wretchedly sobbing I’kaya. I’ason felt his eyes sting as he bore witness to this, as his indomitable brother seemed to absolutely shatter at the gesture from Rhaksha. A violent shudder overtook Kaya as that hand swept under his jaw, and he leaned into it - a gesture of such love and vulnerability, it hurt to see.
Indeed, it hurt to see his ever-stalwart brother on his knees, shaking and sobbing with bile stains trailing from the corners of his lips as he greeted his beloved spearbrother. I’ason blinked back his own tears as I’kaya held no bars to what he expressed now, as he unknowingly reminded I’ason of the sheer depths he habitually kept closed off. He had loved Rhaksha. Truly and absolutely. And if this exchange revealed aught, it told I’ason that there was much more to the story of Rhaksha’s loss than I’kaya had ever shared with him. 
More and more, it seemed the grief of the elder living Ee drew more ghosts to form from the dancing lights. Figures flickered into view, young and old - all silent, but hardly distant. I’ghrane remained by her youngest and his mate, her memory strong, embracing, and knowing her elder son needed his space to draw out the rot he had kept in him - how his very soul screamed in apology, sought forgiveness. 
It was those two who stood before I’kaya now that could give that to him. 
“[Rhaksha…]” The voice came out strangled, the Sagoliian barely a decibel over a whisper. “[My brother.. My flame..]”
Spear to my sword.
Another of I’rhaksha’s hands reached out to join I’mharyus’ on the crouched warrior’s head. Quieted him. Calmed him. No platitudes of apologies needed be offered - perhaps apologies were offered in turn. Love. Hope. 
I’mharyus allowed his hand to slowly stroke down the length of I’kaya’s plaits. A smile could be felt as he let his wounded son know he could start healing from this guilt. His other hand seemed to rest momentarily on I’rhaksha’s shoulder - glad for his kits to have this reunion - before he drifted closer to where I’ghrane stood with their younger kit and his Bonded. A flood of gratitude warmed the aether around Senelle as dam and sire both not only offered their kits peace, but could now drift freely through the sea with the knowledge that, one day, I’kaya and I’ason could forge ahead.
I’ason inhaled deeply before letting his breath out, blinking rapidly, as he saw I’kaya fall into silence and stillness with I’rhaksha crouched with him, tenderly ‘touching’ his forehead to his. He nearly started when I’rhaksha then turned to face him, tail lashing out of reactionary anxiety before eventually calming. 
There was no biting feeling of criticism this time. No insult nor severity. No spear butt jabbing at him to force him to take his lessons seriously. None. Instead, there was acknowledgment. Apology. Regret.
Take care of him, little brother…
The future was theirs. I’ason could teach I’kaya how to build his own, or show him the way, as he had done for himself. Nodding, as I’rhaksha withdrew, I’ason moved to replace his tenderness with his own.
“Kaya..” he murmured softly. Predictably, his elder brother provided no response, so he moved in to fold him in his arms. “[Come along, you stupid sandblob–]”
“[I never told you..]” Kaya suddenly said. “[Never told anyone..]”
I’ason blinked. His brows furrowed, but then he settled in. When Kaya had a story to tell - he always listened.
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desertpeachcatte · 3 years
RP Excerpt: Future Hope
((OOC: Kaya’s first meeting of his niece - and why her birth was so important to him.))
Kaya received the pudgy little peach as if she was a sacred relic - for indeed, such was practically her place. With his ears involuntarily fluttering as his face warmed into, perhaps, the biggest smile even Ason had ever seen him wear, he brought his niece close to his chest.
"<Hello there, little solstice starlight,>" he cooed in greeting before blinking and looking up at the name. That smile vanished in place of surprise and he blinked a few more times before turning to look at his brother. "Shyani..?" he echoed in wonder.
Ason couldn't help but fluff in mild indignity at Kaya's surprise.
"No need to be so shocked.." he mumbled.
At that, Kaya shook it off. "Oh. No, no.. I didn't--Heh. No, it's a wonderrful name. Strrong and beautiful."
Ason fluffed further, and if his mate peeked over, she would see he flushed at that easy approval won by Kaya. A nonce later, the younger Sagoliian leaned down to kiss his wife atop her head.
"I should check on that brrew ourr frriend left forr us. I'll be quick, aye?" he murmured to his wife before grinning to his brother - who was too taken by the little gem to even notice Ason was departing the room for a bit.
Watching the little lump gurgle herself into eventual calm in his arms, Kaya let a gentle thumb rub over the peachy fuzz of her head. That earlier smile returned, and his eyes turned misty. Every once in a while, his lips and tongue moved, as if he wanted to say something, but the words failed to form. Then, at last, when it looked like she maintained eye contact with him (or looked through him), Kaya leaned in to press his lips onto her forehead in a loving, lingering kiss.
Shyani looked a little strange - but she was perfect.
Though Kaya did not speak any further words, he did not need to. From his quiet body language alone - how he held her, how he cradled her dearly close, how his eyes reddened and moistened and his body eventually shuddered in untold emotion - this was a precious moment.
A precious moment allowed to last. Shyani’s mother would not interrupt it. Ason wouldn't interrupt it. Shyani surely wouldn't - she was happy as a pea in its pod! 
If aught did, it was the moment itself. Quiet. Ginger. So delicate. Like the motion from Shayne's little hand - her arm shifting so slightly it could have been idle. Even as it brushed her smol, soft knuckles against uncle Kaya's chest. The moment so tender and fragile it could be broken with a breath. Shattered without a sound, in silence like a void. A cold accompanying tingle, running only along the lines of Kaya's tattoos... 
... followed by the dull scratching of heat. Fingernails, followed by soft fingertips? An itch, it could have been, merely running across his skin. It could have just as well had been ignored, but it certainly wouldn't have been missed. 
A strange moment there and gone in the space of a shiver. As it passed, there she was. Not staring through him, but now straight to him. Somehow. Eyes having lost their sleepy weight for just a nonce before blinking closed again. A big yawn - pink, toothless mouth bared full open for him to see - before smacking shut between chubby cheeks. The soft bean melted happily into his arms.
If the delicacy of the moment was as a fragile layer of frost, the emotions that swam beneath were like the deepest of seas. In the simplicity of meeting his niece, holding her for the first time, Kaya greeted the very manifestation of his purpose - and hope. Hope such that he had not felt as keenly as he did now. In this tiny bundle, warm and soft, he held the light of a future he had thought he had extinguished for the Ee, and the notion that, perhaps, he had not utterly failed his beloved people began to feel real.
Not once.
Not a shred since that day he realized his mistake, did he take a moment to forgive himself. Every sun, he held on to that festering regret even after his departed kin had pardoned him, clinging to that self-punitive isolation like an addled drunk to his liquor.
But today, in this moment, he allowed himself to smile. Embracing little Shyani of the Ee, Kaya lowered his walls enough to let out a soft sob of joy - a subtle, tiny act before something else swept over him, before something that snuck just under his consciousness made itself known - a feeling that crept along his form in his inks that was achingly familiar.
His shimmering eyes opened, staring for a nonce past the pudgy little miracle in his arms. It was but a blink - a flash - and that something else overtook him. Another hole revisited - that he had taken no time to fill as he forged on. But this time..
This time..
Whispers of memory flickered through his mind. His recollections were unlike his brother’s, whose memories faded and morphed with time, with feelings remaining. No - Kaya remembered things with a pristine precision, and his rawness today reflected that final physical moment he spent with her.
He blinked slowly, squeezing tears from his eyes in time to catch the gummy pink mouth gaping open in a yawn.
He let out another sob. Louder, this time.
Folding the precious little one back against him, he shuddered into heartfelt tears.
He understood now.
He understood.
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desertpeachcatte · 4 years
It's Ason's bigbro, Kaya, by weary_canary on Twitter. :D I loff having a representation of him that can't be done in-game and they were so sweet to work with. ;o;
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desertpeachcatte · 5 years
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"When he cannot help but keep his worrrd, even as he believes the worrrst will happen - sometimes I wonderrr if I know anyone lonelierr than him." - I'ason, on his brother, I'kaya.
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desertpeachcatte · 5 years
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desertpeachcatte · 5 years
Excerpt: Kaya - Reunion in a Dream Grove
As her touch found his, and Kaya found himself filled with the sensation of his flesh pressing against hers, it was as if an otherworldly sigh rushed through this shimmering otherworld.
Though he did not yet know why. Fingers closed over her hand, though did not trap it there when she then slid it out from his grip and up further.
He did not move as she further closed the distance, her inexplicable familiarity keeping him securely in place as he allowed her to step deep into his personal bubble, and as her hand moved again, to touch upon his chest, and he felt her. Before his tattoos even lit into their lunar-reflective shimmers, the sensation told him.
That previously-outstretched hand for hers laid over the one on his chest. He looked down at her, and his breath unconsciously took on a rhythm that matched hers - to inhale when she exhaled, and to exhale when she inhaled. He was silent, though his glimmering eyes perhaps spoke all he needed in their unblinking gaze on her.
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desertpeachcatte · 5 years
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::cues shounen af music::
When a pertectcatte gets his hands on a new exotic sward.
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desertpeachcatte · 5 years
This looks a lot prettier than what’s in-game. :D
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desertpeachcatte · 6 years
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I’ason’s the sweetdork.
I’kaya is the sourgrump... who’s much more predisposed to cooler screenshots.
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desertpeachcatte · 6 years
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desertpeachcatte · 6 years
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I like filters.
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desertpeachcatte · 6 years
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It was a saga, but I’ason’s elder brother was found and rescued from functional slavery in a ludus that pitted its gladiators in the Bloodsands of Ul’dah. Here he is at (new) home meeting the boyfriend for the first time.
He was.. not impressed.
“Heckin’ heck. A city boy’qote. How are we gonna repopulate the tribe with this? Heck.”
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desertpeachcatte · 4 years
If the character was a Primal/Eikon: I’kaya
If your character were summoned as a primal, what would their title and elemental sphere(s) be? (Lord of Crags/ Earth, Lord of Levin/Lightning for Titan & Ramuh as examples) How would they treat their worshipers/Branded
Optional: What would their loot drops look like?
(Question posted by an FC mate.)
I’kaya Rajah of the Just Haboob, steel and lightning 
Brother to the nourishing Rajah of the Oasis is the Rajah of the Just Haboob. In the arid lands around the Oasis that get wracked with dry thunderstorms, this Rajah guards that promised land with quiet fervor. He, too, is not an aggressively invasive deity, but with quiet steadiness, his billowing sands can envelope those too worn down to escape and would promise protection. His worshippers would seek that protection and mete out divine justice against those who would lie, manipulate, betray, enslave, and dishonor. Special care would be provided for children and the disabled. 
Loot-wise, his weapons would be fairly austere, well-designed and balanced steel with subtle lightning effects.
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desertpeachcatte · 4 years
Excerpt: Kaya - It Was Still Goodbye
Her voice started to sound muffled. He heard her words, as she explained in her usual riddles. 
The reason. 
The reason for it all had been for the good of his family. He knew that much, but beyond that, it had never really been defined. The How had always been kept from him, and it never accounted for Her to be a part of that family. It never considered that maybe.. 
Her hand upon his face would feel the tension in his jaw. His eyes seemed severe and accusing in their focused squint on her. Conflict stormed behind them, but he kept his indomitable silence as he listened. When her hand reached for his chest, it was instinct that his hand shot over to seize hers - to hold it tight, with that unspoken fear. 
She spoke so easily of their journey, of what was to come next. She had that assurance long learned from her immortal existence, of plans and successes chained in an endless loop. That Final Ritual, which he could only capture in the Present in that moment, was now Past, and now.. 
It was back to the plan, wasn't it? 
The intensity of his gut reaction was held at bay, but it was certain in that grip. In that jaw. In those eyes. 
Even if it was, in her attempt to assure him, just 'for now,' it was still goodbye. Goodbye just as he began to wish, maybe hope, for more. 
Then, his grip loosened. He closed his eyes and exhaled the breath he had been unaware he kept. 
"<Understood.>" His voice came out at the end of his breath, barely audible and sounding almost hollow. "<Whatever work you have agreed to do, I trust would see to their happiness. In the meantime..>" 
There was a pregnant pause. Heavy consideration. His mind wandered back to the brief bells he had let her see and feel everything. 
"<I'll miss you.>" 
A weariness followed those words, but he elaborated no further. Simple, was how he liked to keep things. 
OOC: Writing this made me emotional. I love working with the contrast of someone so intense within, but keeps holding on to control so tightly. Also, oops, I have more RP excerpts of Kaya than I do Ason. 
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desertpeachcatte · 5 years
I draw a thing.
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