#i'm laughing bc she always moans about not getting enough sleep
My 12yo has decided she wants to see the "calendar change to January" tonight so she's aiming for her first ever midnight new years.
It's 9pm and she's just taken a big box of wine gums to her room.
Clearly she's attempting it on sugar and sugar alone.
I will update at midnight if she makes it or not.
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galatially · 5 months
❝𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬❞
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𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 / 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 / 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 — 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 "𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐧" 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭 x 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 — you called and i came, the history between us too broad to ignore; when he showed up on your doorstep five years after he disappeared in the middle of the night, logan howlett decided to clear the air
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 — 5K
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 — 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐃𝐍𝐈, 𝟏𝟖+, strong language, exes, angst, smut, soft boi™ logan, exes to tentative lovers
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — it is time to spread the agenda of logan howlett and his influence on my brain rot for most of my nerdy life. shout out to lizzy mcalpine for making "ceilings" and having me spiral over it for a year!
also also, y'all, i know. i'm horrible at deadlines. but it's what y'all love about me lol
also also first post of 2024!
as always, lovely dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Your fingers rubbed moisturizer into his skin, your fingers both light and firm. 
“You have so many scars.” He grunted in response. “When you tell me, am I going to have to set a house on fire?”
Logan laughed. “And why would you do that, bubba?”
“To defend your honor, of course.” You laid across his back to whisper in his ear, the warmth of your breath making the hairs on his body erect. “Can’t have you being the hero all the time. My shoulders are strong, too.”
“…listening? Logan? Logan!”
He blinked, his vision focusing on Ororo’s concerned gaze. 
“What’d you say?”
A soft smile graced her lips. “I asked where you were going.”
Logan hoisted his duffle bag over his shoulder. “I’ve got some business to attend to.”
Ororo hummed. “Would this have to do with a certain someone that lives in the Canadian mountainside?” He didn’t answer as he threw the bag in the back of his truck. “Do you think that’s the best thing for her right now?”
“I just want to make sure she’s okay, Munroe.”
“And then what?” Ororo crossed her arms. “What are you going to do when you see that she’s fine?”
He threw her a hard glare. “I just want to see her. Is that so fuckin’ wrong?”
Her features softened. “You had another dream about her.”
Logan turned back towards the garage. “What does it matter? I just need to see her, Munroe.”
She held her hands up. “I can’t stop you. I just worry that you’re about to uproot this woman’s life because you can’t let her go.”
He took in a sharp breath. She wasn’t wrong; he’d spent the better part of six years raking himself over the coals at how he ended things. If he allowed them, the memories of you screaming and your brown eyes red and puffy from crying haunted him more than any battle he’d ever been in. 
“Look, if you’re so hellbent on going to see her, then go. You’re an adult and you have to live with your decisions.”
He walked around to the driver’s side of his truck. “Tell our fearless leader that I’m goin’ out of town and I’ll be back when I can.”
Ororo nodded and waved, a sad smile on her lips. 
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He shouldn’t fucking be here.
The second Logan crossed the border, he could think of nothing else but to get to you. Thirty-eight hours and he didn’t sleep for any of them. No, his mind’s eyes played memories of you: how soft your skin was, that fig and jasmine perfume you loved. The silken warmth of your cunt. He fucked his fist like a horny fourteen year old in that dingy hotel in BC. If he focused hard enough, he could get the tone of your voice just right — those breathy, pleading moans that you let out only for him. He could get lost in the memories, pretend that he was beside you in your bed, other people be damned. 
But that was thirty-eight hours ago. 
Now, here he was. His hands gripped the steering wheel of his truck until his knuckles went white, silently cursing himself for even showing up. He hadn’t seen you in, what? Six years? Who the hell was he to appear on your doorstep after the shit he pulled? 
His eyes scanned the forest surrounding your home. He hated that you lived so far away from immediate civilization. It took you thirty minutes to get into the nearest town for work and you essentially lived off the grid. When he’d happened upon your home that fateful October evening, he was amazed that you had a working phone, let alone Wi-Fi. Whenever you crossed his mind, he thought the worst. He used to beg you to get an apartment in the city, but you always refused. 
“I’m not ready to let get of this place just yet.” You looked up at him from drawing circles on his bare bicep. “Unless you want to give up city life and live out here with me?”
He didn’t answer; even back then, Logan knew that he was bound to hurt you. His refusal to give you more than idle pleasure was a point of contention for you both. Jean always said that he could be hard to talk to because if he wasn’t picking a fight, he was evading questions. But unlike Jean, you weren’t one to back down. When he’d divert or blatantly ignore your questions, you stood your ground. You didn’t give him the chance to distract you with sudden affection. You wanted to resolve issues as soon as they were made present. 
It’s something Logan both loved and hated about you. 
“Fuck this.” He groaned, scrubbing a hand down his face. He blew out a determined breath and opened his car door, his feet moving before he changed his mind. As he got closer to the house, he noticed the red “SOLD” sign on the lawn. His chest thrummed with…pain? Remorse? Fear?
What would he do if you left?
He was on your porch now, his heart hammering against his ribcage, fighting to get to you. He raised his hand to knock on the door as it was opening, being met with the face he’d been dreaming about for half a decade. 
Your brows were furrowed in confusion. “James.” 
His hazy memory didn’t do you justice; your eyes seemed more intense than the last time he’d seen you. You were dressed in an oversized t-shirt — eerily familiar to an old Pink Floyd shirt he thought he’d lost years ago — and shorts barely peeking out from under the hem of the shirt. Your skin smooth and begging to be touched. Your dark coils were thrown into a bun, pieces falling out in various places. You weren’t outwardly upset but you could school your features better than anyone he knew. Your body was half-facing him and half-facing the tiny hall that led to the inside of the house. There was a solemnity to your face that he didn’t recognize. 
A voice in the furthest part of his mind whispered that it was because of him. 
“Y’know you’re the only person that still calls me James?”
Your features flattened. “What are you doing here?”
“I don’t know.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I was just passin’ through Edmonton and ended up here .”
“You drove for three days on a whim?”
“I was on my way back from handlin’ somethin’,” he said, the familiar finality in his tone. His gaze went past your shoulders and into the darkness of your home. “Have you eaten yet?”
You blinked. “Not yet.” 
He nodded, his blue eyes back on you. “Can I come in? I’ll make you somethin’.”
You should’ve said no. Should’ve slammed the door in his face and went back to packing up the rest of your bedroom. But instead, you moved to the side and let Logan inside. He thanked you and walked inside, toeing off his shoes, and heading back towards the kitchen like he’d been doing it forever.  
You looked out at his old, rusted truck one last time before closing the door and going to the kitchen. From the tiny hallway, you could hear him humming to himself; an old song his mother used to sing to him, he’d told you once. He’d put his hair up into a bun at the top of his head, a few strands falling to frame his face. His tan skin, the same skin that had scars that even his mutation couldn’t heal, glowed under the dull glow of your kitchen light. You used to always tell him beautiful he was, but he’d wave you off in that Logan way, telling you that no one was as beautiful as you. 
You leaned up against the doorjamb. “Last I heard, you were living in New York. You teach at some fancy school?”
Logan chuckled, mincing up onions and garlic. “I wouldn’t say teach.”
“So, what, you get paid to hang out with fourteen year olds in upstate New York? Sounds kind of sketchy.”
“I teach hand to hand combat,” he glanced over at you, “the kids that I teach it to are like me. Mutants.”
You wrinkled your nose. “I never liked that word; mutants. They make you all sound like failed experiments.”
“Aren’t we?”
“No.” You crossed your arms. “Far from it.”
Logan nodded, more to himself than your declaration, and moved to face the stove. He dumped his vegetables in a small pan to cook. He reached to the left of him — muscle memory, you reasoned — and grabbed a jar of maize. “You’d like it. New York.”
“You think?”
Logan lifted a shoulder. “Be better than livin’ all alone in the mountains.”
You let out a hum. “Guess we’ll find out, won’t we?”
“Where you headed?”
“I don’t know yet,” your eyes dropped to your fidgeting hands, “I didn’t think that I’d be able to sell the house, actually.”
“Why did you? Sell?”
“You know why,” you said, your voice lowered to a whisper. “I held onto it for her and when she died, I didn’t want to stay.”
“‘M sorry I didn’t reach out. Your mother was a remarkable woman.”
You made a bitter sound. “Yeah, well, you’re good at leaving when the wind blows.”
He pursed his lips, turning around to turn off the stove. “You got any plates or bowls left out?”
“James, I —”
“’S fine, Y/N. Bowls?”
You blew out a breath and walked over to the cupboard beside the stove and grabbed two plates, handing them over to Logan. Your knuckles brushed up against his but you kept your eyes on the oak wood of the cupboard. 
You rushed out a hushed “you’re welcome” and moved back to stand in front of the sink. The air was tense and you had to fight the impulse to pull Logan to you and let him consume you, if only for tonight. You tightened your hands into fists, feeling the bite of your nails as they embossed your skin. 
Logan handed you a plate and walked to your tiny kitchen table in the far corner of the room. He sat in his chair: close enough to the back door and facing towards you. Where before it was to smile and regard you with tenderness, now there was unease in his eyes. 
You’d forgotten that you didn’t ask what he was making, so the spread in front of you gave you pause: it was your mother’s polenta recipe. “You remembered.” The words came out airy, surprised. 
“You’re the last thing that I’d ever forget, bubba.”
“Don’t do this, Logan.” You set your spoon down. “Just…don’t.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, either!” You pinched the bridge of your nose. You pushed your plate away and looked away from your former lover. 
What were you doing? He showed up, out of the blue, making you dinner…to do what? The question had been clawing at you the entire visit. Why now? What could Logan possibly want from you after all of these years?
Logan leaned back in the chair, the wood creaking in protest against his broad frame. You kept wanting to speak, break the tense silence, but you couldn’t find the words. Looking at him, he seemed too still. Like a marble statue molded to the chair, anchoring him to this room with you. 
“I fucked up, bubba.”
Your brows canted. “What do you mean?”
“That night…the last night that I was here, I said some things that I shouldn’t have. Made promises that I didn’t know if I could keep.” One of his large hands scrubbed down his face, his eyes still on the ceiling. “I told you that I’d leave everythin’ behind to stay.”
Your bottom lip quivered. You remembered; he’d come here that night more impassioned than usual. His hair wind-swept, his cheeks wind-whipped and red, he pulled you in for one of the most passionate kisses you’d ever had in your life. A clash of tongue and teeth against fleshy lips and curves of skin that left you a shaking mess beneath the thin sheets of your bed. You laid in his arms, running your fingers along the lines of his collarbone, when you’d asked if he’d stay. You weren’t begging, didn’t even lower your voice to a low hush to persuade him. You were as direct as you always were, determined to know where you stood in the universe that was Logan Howlett. 
“You lied.”
His eyes, darkened with sorrow, finally found yours. “I lied.”
You blinked back tears. “Why? If you knew that you weren’t going to make space for me in your life, why make me believe you would? I uprooted my life for you, Logan! I was going to sell my mother’s house and ride off with you into the sunset! And for what? For you to leave me alone?”
“I couldn’t take you with me then, Y/N. Somethin’…came up.”
“I know, Ororo told me.” Logan shot forward, his eyes wide. “She came and found me two years ago. She said that there was an incident and that you almost died. Said that you kept murmuring my name, telling them to make sure that I was safe.”
He scoffed. “Always meddlin’, that woman.”
“At least she cared enough about you to come find me.”
His jaw tightened. “You’re walkin’ a thin line, bubba.”
“Don’t fucking call me that. You don’t get to call me that anymore, Logan.” You stood up from the table and opened the back door. “Get out.”
“Get. Out,” you hissed. “Thank you for making me dinner, but I want you to go.”
Logan crossed his arms, throwing you a hard look. “No.”
Your nostrils flared. “James, get —”
You’d forgotten how fast he was. He was out of the chair and in front of you in an instant, your next retort dying on your tongue. One of his large hands cupped your chin and the other slammed the door shut. His blue eyes roamed your face, searching for something. 
Though he towered over you, hell, he overpowered you, you didn’t back down. “I want you to leave.” 
“I’m not leavin’. Not until I say what I have to say.”
Your eyes brush along the seams of his lips, lingering, before meeting his smoldering gaze again. “Then say what you need to say and go. I’m done with this.”
Logan’s fingers gripped your chin harder, his gaze hard. “We’re not done talkin’, bubba.” There was an intensity to the nickname as it left his mouth that made your thighs clench together. He leaned in closer, his lips brushing up against yours. 
You gripped the sleeve of his flannel, your pulse fluttering in your ears. The hand that had closed the door moved to the small of your back and pushed you into his pelvis. You gasped at his hardened erection against your thigh. 
“You can yell at me, you can fuckin’ hit me if you need to.” He rested his forehead against yours. “But don’t tell me to leave. I don’t know where to go if I’m not with you.”
“You haven’t had me in years, James,” you said, roughly. You knew that he caught the desperation in your tone, your words. You tipped your head back and lifted up on tiptoe to press your lips to his. When you finally noticed that he hadn’t returned the kiss, you started to pull back, a pit growing in your stomach. 
“I’m —”
His arm tightened around your middle to keep you still. His mouth molded against yours, hungry and desperate. 
You pawed at his flannel, helping him shrug out of it. Logan cupped his hands under your thighs and lifted, wrapping your legs around his waist. You sucked a bruise along the curve where his neck and collarbone meet, relishing in the hiss he let out. 
“Wait, wait, wait.” He pulled back, his gaze intense. “I need to say this before anythin’ else happens between us.” Your brows creased. “I hurt you. I hurt you and it fuckin’ killed me, Y/N, and I’m sorry.”
Your breath caught. You didn’t know Logan enough to know his favorite color or his mother’s name, but you knew enough about him to know that he didn’t apologize. Didn’t matter if he was wrong or right, he just didn’t. But the man before you wasn’t the man you knew six years ago. Now that you were looking at him, you could see it all: the dark circles, the stiffness of his body that only came from being nervous. 
Despite your assertive nature, you didn’t hold grudges. Those types of feelings need to constantly be fed into and that was energy you couldn’t spare. Not even for men that you fell in love with too quickly.
You put your lips to his again. He mirrored your movements and carried you to your bedroom. He sucked a bruise onto the skin between your ear and shoulder, making you let out a whimper. You ground your hips against his hardened erection. 
“Fuck, honey,” he hissed. 
“I need you inside of me, James.” You nipped at his earlobe. “Please.”
He kissed you, long and hard, before helping you out of your thin shorts. His thick fingers glided through your puffy folds, a guttural groan leaving his throat. 
“You this wet for me, Y/N?”
You mewled in response, your hips moving against his digits, begging for pressure on your swollen pearl. 
He gulped, his eyes hungrily tracing over your lust-drunken expression. His cock was straining almost painfully against the denim of his jeans but he couldn’t stop staring at you. He drew the pad of his thumb along the curves of your parted lips, sucking a breath when the tip of your tongue barely swept against the skin. 
He dipped the digit between your lips, watching with rapt pleasure as you suckled and moaned around it. He groaned and curved his free hand around the base of your throat. “Such a good girl, aren’t ya?”
You shuddered. “I can be.”
“Oh, yeah?” He suckled a love bite onto your skin. “You think you can be mine tonight?”
You nodded eagerly. 
Logan chuckled and threw you over his shoulder, taking what seemed like three large steps into your bedroom and tossed you lightly onto the bed. He took hold of your face and slotted his lips over yours, licking deeply into your mouth. 
You pawed and pulled at his flannel, clumsily helping him out of it while trying to keep kissing him. He hummed against your lips and worked your thin shorts down your thighs before ripping them down the middle. The cool air against your bare cunt gave you gooseflesh. Your hands moved to work at his belt buckle as his own pulled at the shirt you wore.
“Was wonderin’ where this went.”
You chuckled. “You barely wore it.” You made a triumphant noise upon getting his pants undone and to the floor, looking up at him from beneath your thick, dark lashes. 
He wanted to devour you. One of his big paws cupped your face and he ground out, “Are you sure, bubba?”
You took his heavy cock in one of your hands, moving up and down the length of it. You smirked at his sharp breath as you eased down to your knees. Without breaking eye contact, you took him into your mouth, a low groan vibrating against your tongue. 
“Jesus,” he gripped your curls into one fist and threw his head back, “just like that, sugar.”
You hollowed your cheeks and took him deeper, the tip of your nose pressing against his pubic mound. The hand that wasn’t giving gentle squeezes to his thigh when to massage his heavy balls. 
A low groan, bordering a growl, tumbled past Logan’s lips. “You have to move, baby. ‘M dyin’.”
You moved your hand from his balls to curl around the base of him, slowly working in tandem with your mouth. You moaned around his cock, spit dribbling down the sides of your mouth. You lightly scraped your teeth along the length of him. Logan hissed and gripped the sides of your face and started fucking your face. Your eyes were rimmed red, tears streaming down your face, and yet he looked at you with the reverence reserved for altars and gods. 
“‘M cummin’…’m —”
He came in thick ropes into your mouth, his hips stuttering as he was coming down. His hands fell from the sides of your face to rest them on the tops of his thighs. 
You pushed off of Logan with a faint “pop” and sat back against your calves. Your eyes trailed up and down Logan’s frame; you’d forgotten how big he was. Broad shoulders and back, large hands, thick, corded muscles. He could sometimes be as foreboding as he looked. 
Then, post nut clarity smacked the shit out of you. 
He chuckled. “Yeah, me, too.”
“No. I mean, shit like we shouldn’t have done that.” You pushed yourself onto your feet. “Where’s my shirt?”
“You mean my shirt?”
You ignored his jibe and scanned the room for the garment. One of his hands shot out and pulled you onto his lap. 
“I can smell ya, sweetheart.”
Your brows creased for a few seconds before you understood what he’d meant. You gulped, your chest rising and falling in hard pants. “Doesn’t matter, James. This was a mistake.”
His eyes — those intelligent, ever-searching eyes — darkened, a hunger in them that you hated that you missed. “Was it? What’s so wrong about two people findin’ each other again?” His thumb swept along your bottom lip. “‘M all yours to do whatever you need, baby.”
Your tongue darted out, barely pressing against his skin before his mouth claimed yours.  He eased you onto your back as his hand traversed the expanse of your torso. His hands pawed and kneaded at your breasts, rubbing and twisting your nipples into stiff peaks. Your back canted towards his touch. His mouth suckled at your right nipple, his other hand still playing at the other.
“James,” you pleaded.
“What, bubba?” He chuckled darkly. “Use your words.”
Every word that flashed in your mind died in your throat. Only incoherent pants and groans left you. Logan switched to your left breast and one of his free hands cupped your mound. Your eyes screwed shut. The rough pad of his thumb brushed up against your clit, sticky with your slick. 
“So wet and I’ve barely touched you.”
Your hips bucked and he rubbed the bundle of nerves again. Slow, tortuous swipes that sent shocks to your system and tightened your belly with need. Just before the coil snapped, his cock drove into you. Tears fell from your eyes and a choked gasp ballooned in your chest. 
“Fuck, honey, s’good.” Logan’s voice was hoarse and desperate. He fucked into you like a man possessed; his big hands gripped your hips, surely leaving bruises behind. He moved one hand to curl at the base of your throat. Vignettes of memories past played in your mind’s eye and you let out a ragged keen, moving your hips to meet his thrusts. His name passed your lips. “Yeah, baby?”
You gripped one of his forearms. “‘M close.”
Rough skin swept across your clit. “Let go for me, bubba. C’mon.”
Your back canted as a guttural moan ripped from your throat. Logan pulled you into his chest, whispering my good girl and I’m here in your ear as you came down. For a moment, it was like nothing had changed. He’d never left you behind six years ago and this was just another evening for the two of you. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes and you buried your face into his chest. 
“Hey.” He lifted your chin to meet his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“I hate this,” your voice quivered, “I hate that you came back. I hate that I still — ” You shook your head. “We shouldn’t have done that, James.”
Logan cupped your face in his hands. “What do you want me to do? I’ll do anythin’ you ask me to, Y/N, you have to know that.”
“Do I?”
He pulled out of you and gathered you in his arms as he tucked you both into bed. His deep, even breaths reverberated up your spine. You sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again. 
“I never meant to hurt you. Hurtin’ you was the last thing that I wanted to do and there’s nothin’ I could do to fix that.” He pressed his lips to the nape of your neck. “Just…talk to me. Please.”
“You broke me, Logan, do you know that? I broke all of my rules for you and it broke me. I was already grieving my mother and you made me grieve you when I never had you to begin with.”
“I know,” he rasped. 
“Do you?”
“When Storm came to visit you, she wasn’t jokin’. I almost fuckin’ died.” He ran the backs of his fingers up and down your spine, his tone faraway. “I was slippin’ away, could barely focus on anythin’ in front of me for too long. Then suddenly, your face was the only thing I saw. I could picture you so clearly, down to the micro expressions that I didn’t even realize I’d paid attention to.” He rested his chin atop your head. “I’d made sure that I never thought of you too often or I’d leave everythin’ behind to come back to you.”
“And yet, here you are.” Your voice wobbled at the end. “You broke the one rule you shouldn’t have.”
“Yeah, well, rules are meant to be broken. I don’t regret showing up. Even if this is the only thing I could get, I’d fuckin’ do it all over again just to see you, bubba.”
You turned over to face him, your brown eyes hard. “Yeah, but bodies weren’t, James. You shouldn’t have to nearly die to decide that I’m worth seeing again.”
“You really love half-listenin’, don’t you?” He held your chin between his fingers, lifting your eyes to his. “I haven’t stopped thinkin’ about you since I left, Y/N. The only reason that I didn’t keep in touch was because I was afraid that you wouldn’t want to see me. Like you said, bodies weren’t meant to broken.”
“Neither were hearts,” you murmured. 
He nodded. “And would yours consider lettin’ me back in? It’s selfish to ask, I know, but I don’t want to let you go again, bubba.” 
You threaded your fingers between his. “I want to. But how will I know if you’ll stay this time, James? What’s changed in the last six years?”
Logan brought the back of your hand up to his lips. The warmth in his eyes, while not unfamiliar, made your breath catch. For a split second, you remembered that he could hear your heartbeat fluttering madly in your chest, your pulse against his forearm. 
“When do you leave for New York?”
Your brows knitted together. “I should be done packing in a few days. Why?”
He pulled one of your legs over his hip, laughing when you sucked in a breath. “We’ll go into town tomorrow, pawn all the stuff you’re not usin’ anymore, and pack up the rest in the truck. We’ll make a trip out of it.”
“And where would we go after that? I’m not living in a boarding school.”
“I have a place of my own, thank you very much,” he said, smirking, “it’s not much but it’s mine. It could use a…softer touch, I think.”
You sat up on your elbow. “Yeah?”
“‘M gettin’ old, bubba. Like, obviously not so much physically, but mentally? I’ve seen wars, watched people that I care about die. Walked away when I should’ve stayed.” He threaded his fingers through your free hand. “I’m sayin’ all this to say that, if you’ll have me, I want to stay.”
You hummed, looking down at your joined hands. If tonight proved nothing else, you and Logan were tethered each other for better or worse. There would never be a moment where you wouldn’t think of each other and that scared you. But if you knew nothing else, you knew that you loved him. You loved James Howlett. 
“Will you want to stay? I’m not about to uproot my life just for you to leave me again.”
He pulled you close, putting his forehead to yours. “The worst mistake I’ve ever done is leave you behind Y/N Y/L/N. I should’ve told you that I loved you five years ago.” You gasped. “I love you, bubba, and I regret everyday not that I never told you.”
“Say it again.”
He took your face in his hands and smiled, the peach hue of the sun warming his face. “I love you, Y/N Y/L/N. I’ve loved you for the past six years and I will never stop lovin’ you.”
Tears pooled in the corners of your eyes. You wanted him to say these words, waited for them for over half a decade. But they were…heavier than you anticipated. Though your own confession sat on your tongue, too much clung to them; the last fight you had, your mother dying shortly after and how you resented him even more for leaving you alone at a time like that. More than anything you hated that you cared about him so quickly just for him to leave. 
“You don’t have to say it back yet.” Logan smiled some. “Five years is a long time to grieve something.”
You put a hand to his cheek. “You know that I want to, though, don’t you?”
“I know,” he kissed you again, “and we’ll get you there. One day at a time.”
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𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — given the fact that i haven't written in literal months, y'all have no idea how happy i am to have churned this out. happy 2024!
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purple-cat-demon · 1 year
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#mlqc spoilers - 65 posts
#mr love queen's choice - 60 posts
#love and producer - 60 posts
#mlqc cn - 54 posts
#恋与制作人 - 34 posts
#artist: 喵哦哦哦哦哦 - 33 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#the truth is it's like this. bc i started last summer and gave up but. today was a shaw day and i said screw it its getting. finished.
My Top Posts in 2022:
A little update of sorts:
I finally got back to Forever Starts Under the Ginkgo Tree after suffering a gnarly writer's block. Not quite done writing this last part but I'm getting there~
I started an origin story for my two OCs that will tie into my Dungeons and Dragons group, but it's a story that's been in my head for a LONG TIME.
Started writing down notes for Hazel and Gavin's Wedding Fic. (Then I started remembering all the details of my wedding and got a little overwhelmed 🤣)
4 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Ya know, it just occurred to me that I have failed to use the nickname "Hazelnut" for any of my Gavin x Hazel fics...
5 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
So I have the first part of my OCs Origin Story typed out; eagerly getting the second part finished so it can be typed out, and still writing out the third part.
I have so many scenes in my cracked little mind that need to be written and honestly, it feels good to be this invested in my own characters 😅 Now if I could just DRAW these OCs, I would be ecstatic~
I promise I have not forgotten about the last part of Forever Starts Under the Ginkgo Tree! The material I wrote out for that last part seems off to me so I'm trying to revisit it and rework it somehow so it hopefully doesn't sound redundant or boring... I do plan on keeping the morning s*x part though😏
As always, I am forever grateful for your patience and thank you for enjoying my works!
6 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Forever Starts Under the Ginkgo Tree Part 9
Pairing: Gavin x Hazel
Genre: 🔞Smut🔞 romantic/domestic fluff
Word Count: 4,714
Warnings: wet dream leading to actual sex, unprotected sex.
Beta by the lovely @sin-with-quiche
Dear GEEZUS, this has been a very long time coming and I have my finicky Muse to thank for that (the highly distractive little brat), but yes, this little saga is finally done after about 2 years in the making?? So I hope y'all enjoy the final instalment of Forever Starts Under the Ginkgo Tree~ 💙 thank you all who have been reading it and have been very patient for each instalment~
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~~Sunday 7:30am~~
"Wakey wakey, my love~" Hazel gently whispered in Gavin's ear. A soft moan came from her fiancé, still touring dream land.
"Ngh, how is it that you're awake before me," he shifted towards her, "and here I thought I wore you out last night."
In a swift move by her deft fiancé, Hazel was back on the bed and under him, playfully laughing as he snuggled into the crook of her neck. A hand had snuck up her pajama top and lightly fondled her breast, his fingers gently pinching an already hardening nipple.
“Mmm, how are you this frisky so early in the morning, my love," Hazel giggled
He smiled into her neck before kissing it.
“I could ask you the same thing,” he answered, nibbling her ear before trailing back down to her neck. Lifting his head, he leaned in for a kiss while his knee parted her legs enough for his hand to move downward. Hazel anticipated that delicious next move—
A few moments passed before Hazel opened her eyes to find Gavin had disappeared.
“Huh,” she sat up and looked around, her bleary gaze settling on the sleeping form of her fiancé next to her.
‘What the hell? That was a DREAM?!’
Silently waging war on her rudely overactive imagination, her small tantrum roused the officer from his sleep.
“Mm, what’s wrong, my love?”
“Nothing…,” she whimpered, thoroughly duped by her very convincing wet dream.
Gavin sat up, shifting closer to his visibly dejected bride-to-be and nuzzled into the back of her neck, taking in her scent.
“You sure nothing’s wrong," he wrapped his arms around her torso and rested his chin on her shoulder.
“Y-yeah, I just had a super realistic dream, that’s all," she shivered at his touch.
“Oh? And what was it about?"
Hazel felt her face get uncomfortably warm as she recalled the unfinished business of her lewd dream.
“W-well, I guess you could think of it as a continuation of our…session last night.”
“Is that right,” he inquired, mildly intrigued by this dream of hers. He glanced over at the clock on her nightstand, it read 6:56am, he then had an idea.
“Judging from your cute pout, I’d say this dream of yours was…unfinished?”
Hazel squeaked at his deduction, squirming in his embrace as one bold hand found itself in her pajama bottoms.
See the full post
17 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I just gotta say, I wholly adore this card art so damn much~ Just look at these two 😍
I'mma just leave it here for y'all~
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*note: it didn't actually take this long to evolve this card 🤣
33 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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aliasimagines · 3 years
It Was You All Along // Dave Lizewski
requested by a lovely anon 💕
Can u write dave x fem!reader where reader Always had a crush on him but he kinda ignored reader bc of Katie but then someone popular asks reader out and he gets jealous and y/n dresses up super hot and he realizes he fucked up
word count: 1809
a/n: i hope this is close enough! ❤️ (i couldn't think of a different title but this one reminds me of Agatha All Along xd)
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"Hey, Dave! My folks are gone for the weekend and I thought we could have an X-men watch party. Wanna come?" 
"Sorry I can't, I'm hanging out with Katie." 
"Again?" you ask a bit louder than intended,causing a few people to look at you in the hallway. You continue with a lower voice "Aren't you like, tired of all the lying? Like, what if she finds out that you're not actually gay, hm? Cause you know she will, eventually." 
"Why do you care so much?!" Dave says, clearly frustrated. 
You raise an eyebrow. 
"Oh why would I? Maybe because we have been best friends since diapers, you stupid asshole!" you say not caring if some students hear you or not, anymore. "But you know what, you are right. I shouldn't care. Go play pretend with Katie but don't come to me, crying when you end up getting your heart broken." 
"Don't worry, I won't." he snaps back. And you turn around and leave but not before flipping him off. You felt the angry tears rolling down your cheeks as you zigzagged between the chattering teenagers. 
You couldn’t  believe how Dave could be so blind! He only had eyes for Miss Perfect. Whom by the way, is a real bitch and would go back to ignoring Dave or calling him a freak if it wasn’t for his little gay act. 
Somehow you made your way over to the restroom and locked yourself into one of the booths.
Dave couldn’t even see you as a potential “love-interest”. Eventhough you were the one who always were there for him, you were always there when he called, running to him like a lost puppy. And he couldn’t even care less. And you hate him for it. But you hate yourself more for still liking him. 
It’s not like you can do something about it, if you could, you would have. But that’s not how it works, so you are just crying your guts out on the toilet trying not to think about Dave.
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In all honesty, you have no idea how you made it through the day. You almost cried during biology but you caught yourself after a few lonely tears. You could feel Dave’s gaze on you but there was no way you would look at him. As soon as the last bell rang you were out of school, hurring past Tod and Marty, not being in the mood for them either.
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The next day wasn’t any different, you didn’t hang with Dave, Tod and Marty like you normally do. You didn’t sit with them at lunch, instead walked over to the only empty table you saw and placed your tray there. You mounched on your food, completely unaware of your surroundings until you hear the chair next to you being pulled out. You look up to see Matthew Greendale, resident hottie of the school sit next to you. 
"Hey, sorry, it's not a problem if I sit here, right?" he asks. You eyed him suspiciously. 
"No, it's fine." 
It's fine?! You mentally scold yourself. You never even spoke to this guy, outside of literature in first year. Why would he sit next to you? 
"I didn't want to sit with all the other "popular jocks" he answered you unspoken question while taking a bite of his canteen-hamburger. “They’re fun and everything but it’s nice to get away from them sometimes.”
You think of your friends who are sitting a few tables away and you can’t help but agree with Matthew.
“Yeah, I feel you.” you say without thinking.
“Hey..We used to sit next to each other in freshman year, didn’t we? It’s y/n ,right?” 
You nod with a smile, honestly being surprised that he remembers you.
“I haven’t really seen you around a lot. But when I do you are always hanging with those comic book nerds.”
“Hey! Comics are great.”
He puts his hands up in a defense.
“Oh no! I didn’t mean it as an insult. Some comics are good, my little brother made read one last month. It was actually great.”
“What comic was it?”
“Oh, uhm..It was about some kind of blind dude in a devil costume.”
“Daredevil?” you ask with a giggle.
“Yes, that one!” he laughs too.
The two of you continue talking until the end of lunch break. He is surprisingly fun to talk to and he even offers to walk you to your next class after lunch. You had such a good time you didn’t even think about Dave, heck, you didn’t even notice him literally glaring daggers into Matthew.
“What’s up with you, dude?” Tod asks snapping Dave out of it. 
“Yeah, Dave. What the shit is going on with you and Y/N?” Marty asks too.
Dave forrows is eyebrows. Yes, what the shit is going on with the two of you? Every since yesterday's 'fight' with you he can't stop thinking. About how he spends most, if not all of his time either with being Kick-Ass or, rather with Katie. It used to be different. He spent every second with you and he just threw you away so he could maybe get laid. And sure, Katie may be hot as fuck but she is.. Well, she is not you. 
"We had a fight, yesterday. I.. And she was right." he explains with a grimace. "But why the fuck is that Greendale asshole is with her?" 
"You jealous or something, dude?" 
"Wha- Of course I am not jealous! Why would I be? You guys are nuts." 
Jealous… The word rolled around in his mouth like a new flavored milkshake he never tasted before. 
Could he be… Jealous? He never thought of you that way, you were always his best friend. Just that. But.. The more he thinks about it the more he can't stop that twist like feeling in his stomach. 
That night he can't focus on crime fighting. All his thoughts are tied to you. Whether he likes it or not, memories of you keep popping up in his mind. How didn't he notice your beautiful smile before? And your laugh? It's like a beautiful melody. And… Gosh! When did he become such a sappy teenager? Oh and another thing.. He kept trying to think of something else, anything else like Katie for example but he doesn't care anymore! 
Dave goes home early with a frustrated growl. The remaining hours of the night he spends with tossing and turning and daydreaming instead of sleeping. 
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(the next afternoon, Atomic Comics) 
Dave bangs his head against the wood table once again. A tired groan leaves his lips when he hears Tod almost choking on his iced coffee. 
"What the tunk, Tod?" Marty and Dave ask almost at the same time. The dirty blonde haired boy keeps pointing outside the huge window that they are sitting next to at Atomic Comics. 
"Is that fucking y/n?!" 
Now all three of them look outside the shop and see you, all dressed up nad seemingly waiting for someone. 
"Holy fuck!" Dave whispers. He stares at you, with his mouth a gap before jumping up from the booth they were sitting at and rushing outside the store. 
"Y/n! Y/-" he yells almost tripping on thin air. 
"Dave?" you question, quickly turning towards him. Damn, you missed him. No! Yeah, you did… "What do you want?" 
"What do I- What, can't I talk to you?" 
"If you wanted to talk you would have in these past days!" you say. Yes, you might have missed him, but it's not like you're gonna show it. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I am waiting for my date to show up." 
"Your.. Your what, now?!" 
"My date" 
"You can't go on a date!" 
"And why is that, Lizewski?" 
"Lizewski? Really, you're calling me by my surname? Are we in such a bad place right now?" 
"I don't know, you tell me. Are you going to tell me what i can and can't do, hm?" 
"I didn't mean it like that. I just…" 
"What, it's fine when you say it but when I do it with you about Katie I'm the bad friend?" 
"No,it's just-" 
"Sorry. Matt's here." you point to the street across the road where you saw the boy walk towards you. "I gotta go." 
You start walking away but Dave grabs your wrist. 
"Please, don't." he mumbles. 
"Why not?" you snap at him but your expressions soften upon your eyes land on his saddened face. 
"I- because I don't want you with him. O-or anyone." 
You raise an eyebrow. 
He took a deep breath before looking around. Matt was waiting patiently by the traffic light so he could cross the road. Dave quickly began explaining. 
"You were right. About Katie. I was such a dickhead, I am so sorry, y/n. I am sorry for ignoring you over her and and.." from the corner of his eye he sees the traffic light turn green. "Shit! I don't want you to go out with Greendale cause I.. Because I like you. Like really fucking like you. And oh my god you look so fucking hot in this outfit, not that you're not always hot but holy shit. I know we are just friends and you don't think of me that way but I ju-"
"Oh my god! Do you ever shut up?" you yell before pressing your lips to his. Dave stumbled back a little, but quickly recovered and kissed back. Your hands cupped his face and his hands grabbed your waist in response. You both tilled your heads, deepening the kiss earning loud knocking from Marty and Tod as they watched the whole scene through the window. Not that you noticed any of it. You didn't hear the passing by car honk at you nor the yells or whistles. You also did not notice Matthew walking away with a sad smile after seeing the two of you. Your touches intertwine and you're pretty sure you heard Dave moan slightly which causes you to giggle into the kiss. You both pull away gasping for air. You look down at your shoes, hoping to hide your flushed cheeks. Dave scratches his back and looks around nervously only to see his two idiotic friends making kissy faces. He lifts his middle finger for them before clearing his throat. 
"So.. Khm.. I guess you like me too?" 
You let out a soft chuckle.
"Yeah, I do." you say looking at him with a smile.
"That's.. Fuck. That's great." he replied genuinely happy. "Wanna get out of here?" 
You nod and you take off. You take Dave's hand and he intertwines your fingers with a smile. Maybe he is truly a superhero. He helps people and he gets the girl of his dreams. The happy ending. 
Dave Lizewski taglist : @sethcohenluvr @your-hispanichufflepuff
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plush-rabbit · 3 years
What headcanons you have in request box actually? I'm really curious lol. Have nice day btw, I love your work!!!!!
Okay, so usually I put some in a doc and then like figure it out from there so if you've sent one in and haven't seen it, don't worry, it'll be done and added once I make a dent lmao. These are also a mix of hc and fics. Some I'm like part way through so ye
There also might be some that I might not do because its vague, like I'm given just the prompt and I don't know what to do with it or there's just no ideas that come to mind so I really am sorry.
Upcoming ones:
Met with Dia and he said “how else will you please me?” And I think it awoke something in me?? Can I request Diavolo with a bashful innocent MC and him just laying back and letting her have his way with him? But of course he’s a total dom so he’s gonna take control but just has a little fun letting her take the reins to start with? Hi. I just found your stuff and you write so well for Obey Me. Could I request a fic with Barbatos and a female MC? Maybe she's staying at the palace for whatever reason and when he goes to his room he hears her moaning his name so he checks on her but she's sleeping. The next day he hints that she must've had a good dream much to her dismay. That night he goes to her room and she's awake and they end up sleeping together. With some praise and maybe even some tail action. Thank you! Can I please get a uuuhhh possessive/borderline yandere Leon please :3c maybe it’s after a big match for her and everyone’s fawning over her and he steals her away and reminds her that she’s his? 💕✨ I saw those headcanons where Jin and Shigaraki became parental or sibling figures to the reader sooooooo how about headcanons of a fem!reader being a mother figure to the league? Just an ordinary citizen in her late twenties until she met the LOV unexpectedly, during the time where the league had to hide and the reader's place is conveniently open (then again I'm sure they'd bust in if it wasn't) and she didn't rat them out. This happened quite a lot of times to the point where the reader is used to it by now and just lets them in, even if they weren't hiding from anyone and just wants to stay for the night. When she got closer to the league, she starts to show care and love for them in a way a mother would the reader isn't a member of the league, but they already consider her as family :'D I just really want them to get care and love since they've been through so much Last week I literally sat down and read your writing for like an hour and a half LOL It’s just really good and I love your characterization! I was wondering if I could request Twice and Shigaraki with an s/o who tries to be cute and surprise them by wearing their clothes when they return from a mission but maybe the clothes are a bit too snug cuz they’re a little pudgy :( could also be nsfw if you’re ok with that!! Thank you so much 💜💜 I like the Lucky!Cat!reader hc. Could you do some for the LOV, with a Male Cat s/o? Thank you! You're the best!! I've been obsessing about flowers and their meanings or what they symbolize soooooo. How would the LOV react to their s/o giving them a certain flower and then finding out what the flower means/symbolizes? Hope this passes! It's a request for OM. Can I have headcanons of the brothers + Diavolo (if you don't mind) of their s/o dancing "Paradise Lost" by GAIN? Provided you a link to the video for reference 😁: https://youtu.be/4i32ANEa5mk Headcanons where the LOV has an s/o whose like a literal ball of sunshine. Always happy and bubbly, smiling and laughing, they just seem to epitome of joy. Until one day, they just break down, being so emotionally drained from different factors that they can keep up the act of being happy anymore Last week I literally sat down and read your writing for like an hour and a half LOL It’s just really good and I love your characterization! I was wondering if I could request Twice and Shigaraki with an s/o who tries to be cute and surprise them by wearing their clothes when they return from a mission but maybe the clothes are a bit too snug cuz they’re a little pudgy :( could also be nsfw if you’re ok with that!! Thank you so much 💜💜 hey!! hru? i have a question do you think shigaraki would like a threesome? what if his s/o didn’t want one bc she’s like possessive of him (in a non toxic way) hey plush, can you do a reader x Shiggy and Dabi whos crying to them/grabbing their shirts and burring themselves into shiggy and dabi/ about their verbally abusive ex, how theyre so different from them, so much nicer and softer, how they(the reader) never thought they could be loved or deserved kindness? its been one of those days, i just need some comfort. thank you♡ heyy!! ^^ can i request some headcanons for hawks reacting to his female s/o belly dancing for him? :3 Heyo this is beetle juice anon idk if u remember me I’m the person who said shiggy sounds like beetle juice, I swear I couldn’t get that thought out of my head so can I request shiggy and reader getting hit by a quirk that forces them to do a musically ( idk I just want shiggy to sing honestly lmaoooo) idk maybe both of them being shocked that both of them can sing hey, i absolutely adore your writing! i love going through all your work, they’re my comfort fics! 💞 i was wondering if you would mind writing something for tomura with an s/o who is insecure about her body and how skinny she is? she feels too flat, like she doesn’t have enough curves or that she’s grown into her body enough and it makes her feel less of a woman, that tomura could do better. and it makes her anxious when it comes to initimacy and being exposed to him because in her eyes he’s so perfectly handsome and she just feels inadequate... it’s something i’ve had to deal with pretty much my entire life, getting called names like stick insect and coat hanger, but lately it’s been eating away at me more and more. you can totally ignore this if you feel uncomfortable writing about this stuff, though! 💕 So, like. Hear me out. What if, with Bakugou and Dabi (separate) : MC is super innocent and cute, blushes at the slightest flirt, and “doesn’t get” dirty jokes, but as soon as they’re alone with their s/o? They are the kinkiest most vulgar bottom they’ve ever seen. Nipples pierced, collar under the turtleneck, chain strung between the piercings and the collar, all out kinda slut. The duality of man. (Gender neutral) Hello so may i request shigaraki with a s.o whos warm loving and protective and very innocent basically a s.o whos like mitsuri kanroji both personality and look wise Female pronouns,maybe they are out on a date getting ice cream and the s.o is so happy shiggy came, they hold hands and people start giving him odd looks only for her to stand up to the bullies who are saying things about shigaraki, it ends with her kissing him infront of everyone to prove a point,and when the get home she tells him she doesnt care what people think and makes love to him topping hin while telling him all the reasons she fell inlove with him,(omg im so sorrry its so long if you have tpo many requests or dont like the idea please tell me) hey, i absolutely adore your writing! i love going through all your work, they’re my comfort fics! 💞 i was wondering if you would mind writing something for tomura with an s/o who is insecure about her body and how skinny she is? she feels too flat, like she doesn’t have enough curves or that she’s grown into her body enough and it makes her feel less of a woman, that tomura could do better. and it makes her anxious when it comes to initimacy and being exposed to him because in her eyes he’s so perfectly handsome and she just feels inadequate... it’s something i’ve had to deal with pretty much my entire life, getting called names like stick insect and coat hanger, but lately it’s been eating away at me more and more. you can totally ignore this if you feel uncomfortable writing about this stuff, though! 💕 could we get a fem reader cock warming Dabi throughout the night and get morning sex >//< // ik youre a busy bee so dont feel obligated to rush or anything, take ur time plushie!♡ can we please get a shiggy x reader and the reader asks him to teach her how to game and she ends up being better than him and whatnot (inspired by that “a simple wager”) fic (if you ever decide to make a sequel to that i will ve DECEASED Can I request a sub shigaraki with a mommy kink getting pegged by the reader ( I just want to make him beg and cry honestly) reader is a female Omh give us noncon/somno w scary eraserhead plsss / aizawa and aphrodisiac smut pwease ( ;∀;) Overhaul and Chrono punishing quirkless reader for being an undercover reporter/agent but like orgasm denial... (Idk if you write this stuff but anyways do it if you want have a nice night) Can I request something like “Peaches and Cream” but with Piers instead? I know you’re busy with other requests, so don’t worry if you don’t have time for this one! I love love your writing!!! Hello beautiful can I just say how amazing ur writing is loll, can I request shigaraki having a crush on the reader and she knows about it, like one day shiggy just goes to her room when there on a mission and just steals her stuff and humps her pillows, but she has cameras in her room so she saw everything, long story short she shows him the videos and humiliates him (shiggy of course a mess and is close to crying from how embarrassing that is, lowkey turned on ) the reader takes care of him ( sorry I’m really bad at endings 🙏🏻😅) the reader pegs him until he’s a crying mess. By the way the reader is a female and shigaraki is a sub has a mommy kink and the reader is dom of that’s ok of course I love your writing!! May I ask for Diavolo x F!Reader with borderline disorder? 👉👈.. Lately it has been very difficult for me to deal with this alone and Diavolo is mine comfort character.. (NSFW Talk, If your a minor..then why are you even reading this?? Get off this 18+ page?? Anyways-). I am a huge sucker for overstimulation, biting and crying, (many of my past partners have called me a sadist-) and I just 𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑒 the idea of Tamaki’s cute face streaming with tears and drool as Male Reader vigorously overstims the fuck out of him. And he would look so 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑦 with his mouth gaping open in a silent scream of overwhelming pleasure because M!Reader gave his sensitive dick a handjob while he roughly railed Tamaki’s pretty little ass. (While abusing the fuck out of his G Spot, of course). I can just imagine him squirming and begging for mercy while M!Reader lovingly wrecks his body, taking him hard & fast in multiple different positions with each one making Tamaki wail with pleasure. He’s just so adorable, I just wanna see him get 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑢𝑝~ Lusty ❤︎ -Anon. Bonus Points if you could have M!Reader be super fuckin tall, muscular, strong and also be absolutely PACKING. (This man has a godly dick, and it’s honestly a surprise Tamaki can take it so well without literally breaking in half) ahhhh hewwo could you maybe write something with dbd ghostface going full apotheosis for his crush? as in,, he starts to elevate her to a status of divinity and even when she's just cowering in fear in front of him or conversely stabbing him and causing him lots of pain he just keeps viewing her as some sort of deity and  can't stop obsessing over her and wanting more from her
Again. I deeply apologize for not doing some. I wish I could, but (and this is not to guilt trip any of yall or anything, I understand that it'll sound like that it but it ain't it) sometimes the work I put into something and the feedback I get is sometimes not it. Like I'll work hard and get nothing and listen, I get it, its fanfic, there's a bit more stigma to it rather than art but yeah. Its a ramble, and basically, I don't wanna put work into something that I'll only get a few likes on. So yeah. Agains this isn't guilt tripping, I get it. I'm a consumer of it and I get the gist of it but yeah. More thoughts later, when I can properly sit and write as I am currently in a home depot 
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doedreamss · 5 years
howdy miss co-vice mayor ma'am.... i'm here to humbly request.... mayhaps some mjf fic 👀👀👀 i was thinking. and i don't want to write this myself bc i know it'll never be good enough but i love your writing more than i love anything else. but just. Hate Fucking ? with mjf? bc let's be real. that'd be.... PHEW chile. that'd be good. ofc u don't have to!!! feel free to delete this if u want i swear i won't be mad!!!
my dearest and most wonderful dirt, i do hope this shows you how much i truly love you and how serious i was when i told you i did.  also this isn’t exactly hate fucking like I think you had in mind, so hopefully you still like it?  
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Ship: MJF x Nameless Female OC
Summary: MJF catches a nameless female character backstage after a show and forces her to cave to the fact that she’s sexually attracted to him, even though she hates how egotistically cocky he is.
Rating: Explicit (very descriptive smut)
!!! WARNINGS !!! : Name-calling degradation, pressured to have sex, public sex, unprotected sex, forced orgasm, slapping, facial (the naughty kind)
Length: 2,647 words
“Whythe fuck would I ever want to sleep with you?” She arched a perfectly shaped brow and let her eyes fall down thethick-figured man standing in front of her.  
He stood in front of her withhis wide palms framing his hips, head tilted, and arrogant expression carved sonaturally across his face it seemed it was always meant to wearit. He was smiling, and it was that same smile he always had,faintly touched with boyish arrogance worn on a man large enough to winthe fight when push came to shove.
And there’d been one time,when no one had been in the room but him that she’d stopped in the doorwayand watched his broad, bare back to her.  He’d been holding his phone, mutteringsomething under his breath, voice softer than the hard edge he often worethat dripped with haughtiness.  She’d blinked and stilled, watchinghim, unsure why it felt like she’d stumbled on something private.  Heathad risen gently into her cheeks, but he was still wearing his pants,between dressing into his trunks from his suit.  The carve ofhis muscles beneath his skin, the width of his arms, were enough tomake her mouth dry.  Her weight shifted, pressing the fat of herthighs together as the muscles between her legs clenched with want.
She remembered that the soleof her boots had made a gentle scraping noise.  He’d turned and she’dscurried, ducking behind the half-closed door so he wouldn’t haveseen she was watching him.  He’d blinked at the empty space where she’d beenbut seemed to have decided he must’ve heard something and glanced back at hisphone again.  Her heart had been pounding in her chest, pulsejumping in her throat.  She’d managed not to get caught watching him.
Now, hanging out backstageafter a show, he’d approached her, cornered her in a hallway and asked herwhen she was finally going to get the courage to admit she wanted to spenda night with the salt of the earth.
He laughed as though they hadan audience, but it was just the two of them and the empty equipment caseswaiting for the show props to be broken down and packed back away.   
“Baby, honey, please.”  One of those hands left his hipto touch her shoulder.  A breath through his nose that was more like alaugh.  He squeezed, just teasing how tight his grip could be, and thenreleased.  His fingers gently stroked across her skin and she had toclench her teeth to keep from reacting.  She didn’t want to give himthe satisfaction.
“I’m Maxwell Jacob Friedman,” hesaid, as if he were naming a king.  His other hand lifted toher other shoulder and he held her and pulled her body in a little closer. “And you’re a fucking skank who’s dying to get on the maximum ride.”
“Shut the fuck up!” She snapped, reaching to smack at his thickforearm with the intent to push her away from him.
His fingers tightened theirhold instead so she wouldn’t break it.  Her heart pounded alittle harder.  There was a hard sort of edge against his thinlips as he smiled, jutting his chin upward and staring down his broad noseat her.  He looked at her like he knew for absolute fact any denialof her attraction of him was a lie.  For a minute it made her questionherself, wondering if she’d ever drunkenly confessed to someone thatsometimes, when she watched MJF backstage, her eyes lingered just a littlelonger than normal.
No, she’d never toldanyone.  He was too much of a dick.  She had enoughself-worth to keep herself from ever going down that road.  MJF was themost disrespectful person she’d ever had the misfortune of knowing. 
“Let go of me rightnow.”  She kept her voice level and forced herself to meet his eyes,pulling on her hatred for the corner he was backing her into rather thanhow her body reacted to him.  She wanted to sound serious.
“Or what?”  Heasked and pinched his brows together, so prominent worry lines creased hisforehead and those sad eyes looked even more so. His lips pursedmockingly in a pout. He leaned in, the tips of their noses gently brushing. His next words were a hot whisper on her lips, to which his eyes hadfallen to, watching them instead of her.  “Why don’t you do what your bodyis beggingyou to do, be a good girl, and get yourself that kiss you’ve beendaydreamingabout for so long?”
She hated him more than she’dhated anyone else in her entire fucking life.
With one quick motion sheshoved his hand off her shoulder, leaned back and smacked the flat of herpalm as hard as she could against his stubbled cheek.  The smackresounded around them, bouncing off the cement walls of the hallway. Her hand stung.  There was a red mark on his skin.
His eyes flashed dangerouslyback to her.  They were dark.  He reached up to gently touch whereshe’d slapped him.
The seconds that passedbetween them felt like they drug on for hours.
She threw her body at his,knowing she’d only knock into him, but not knock them over.  Herarms came around his neck and she pushed herself on the tips of her toes,rubbing her body up his and smearing her lips against his.  He pressedback immediately hard, no pause of shock or surprise, and drove her intothe wall with enough force to knock the air out of her lungs.  Hedidn’t letup, mouth still holding her lips and tongue pressing and wrapping around hers.
He pulled her arms away fromhis shoulders and down between their bodies. With one hand he could hold herwrists, and he pinned them, squeezing just tight enough to make them ache. She jerked them upward, trying to free them from his hold, but heonly held tighter.  She pulled her mouth off his and the back of herhead pressed on the hard cement wall he’d flattened her on.
“I fucking hate you,Maxwell.”  Every breath off her tongue tasted like him.  “You’re sucha piece of shit.”
“How wet are you rightnow?” He whispered back with a breathy laugh.
“You’re disgusting!”
The hand not trapping herwrists reached, fingers greedily pushing at the fat between her thighs. Sheopened her legs for him, and he grinned.  Her stomach rolled and thentightened.  He reached up beneath her skirt, slipped under theelastic of her panties and between her lips with precision.
“Judging by how drenched youare, I’d say you don’t find me disgusting at all,” he whispered, thumbcircling her clit and inspiring a rush of electricity down between herlegs.  “How much do you moan my name at night when you’re lonely in bed,fucking yourself and wishing it was me?”
“Shut the fuck-” she groundout through clenched teeth and he flicked his thumb hard back and forthover her clit, making her moan and her thighs shake before she could stopherself “-Up!”
He pressed his lips againsther jaw, down her neck.  His teeth pinched her skin hard.  Two of histhick fingers sank up inside her, and his thumb kept teasing thatsensitive little button.  She moaned to feel the way his fingers pressed andstretched at her insides, mimicking how his cock would fill her.  Shamewashed hot over her body.  They were out in the open, backstage at a show. Someone was bound to come by any minute and find MJF pinning heragainst a wall, fingering her into delirium.
Before she could cum, hisfingers slipped back out and he stopped touching her clit.  He left heraching and needy.  Holding his fingers up beside their faces, he pulledthe two apart that’d so rudely filled her.  Her wet was sticky and bridgedbetween them.  He smiled when their eyes moved from it, to eachother’s gazes.
“Go on,” he beckoned,mockingly sweet, “tell me what you want.”
She clenched her jaw,squirming under that all-too-knowing look.
“Tell me,” he said, with alittle more force in his voice, pulling her wrists down a little andgiving them a squeeze.
“Fuck me.”
The triumph of his grinturned her on and made her hate him even more.  He released herwrists and tugged up her skirt.
“Not here!” She hissed, eyes widening in a panic as she glanced down either endof the hallway.
But his thighs were pressinghers into the wall and he’d bunched her skirt up between their hips,pinning it there with their bodies.  Both his hands were undoing thebutton on his slacks and reaching beneath the elastic of his underwear topull his thick, hard, leaking cock free.
“Maxwell, anyone can see us!”
His knee smacked hers,impatiently moving her legs apart.  Though her words said shewas going to deny him, her legs spread wider with the haste he demanded. She wasn’t pushing him away – her hands had gone to his bare biceps,holding the thick, firm muscle underneath.  He drove his hips up, and hisgirthy cock spread between her wet lips, the fat head flicking herswollen, already layed with clit.  She bit back her moan,trying not to let the sound spread down the halls.  He dippedhis hips and drove them up again, this time pushing himself up inside her,and not stopping until she couldn’t take any more.
“No,” she tried to say, butshe moaned and whined when he pulled out and shoved up again, shifting thefat of her ass against the cement wall.  “You’re a fucking – nngghh – dick, Maxwell.” Her fingers dug into his arms.  “I hate you.”
“Oh yeah?”  Heasked in a hot breath against her ear.  “Seems to me – aughh mmmff – you can’t deny howbadly you want me.”
He leaned so his hand couldsqueeze between their bodies, thumb beginning to flick her clit as hiscock pumped raw in and out of her pussy.  
“You’re going to cum, aren’tyou, you stupid slut?” He asked, mocking the pleasure he was inspiring andrubbing her clit a little harder, syncing the shove of his cock up insideher with it.
“Fuck you,” she spat.
Maxwell took his fingers fromher clit and gave it a hard, quick slap.  She half screamed, halfgroaned behind clenched teeth, tingles shooting down between herlegs.  Another slap.  Her eyes rolled.  He startedflicking her raised, surely red clit again, and shoved his cock hard up insideher.
Despite wanting to hold offso she could laugh at him and call him a failure for not making her cum,she couldn’t deny the precision with which he touched her, or how good hiscock felt spreading her muscles around it.  She hated it.  Shehated him.  She hated knowing from now on, every time he caught herlooking at him, they’d have this memory to play back in their head. The day her body betrayed her while he fucked her up against thewall backstage, like some pathetic slut.  She hated every time she walkeda spot backstage like this one was, she’d remember when she let MJF push her upand fuck her against the wall.
Her breathing was coming inneedier, sharper gasps.  Her moans were spilling one into the other. She was shaking.
“Cum,” he demanded, and her thighs wanted to clap together, butcouldn’t, spread around him as they were.  They squeezed either side ofhis hip instead.  She jerked forward, forehead pressed against hisbare chest, and came.  The muscles of her cunt squeezed and pulled athis raw cock shoved up inside her.   Her lips were stuck wide open and shemoaned long and low, quivering and twitching around him.
He chuckled and gingerlypushed her back by her shoulder to flatten her against the wall again. His fingers caught her chin and he brought her eyes to his. They were dizzy with satisfaction, a fog of pleasure laid over them.  Hishand was still between her legs, but he spared her sensitive, twitchingparts from his touch.  She blinked, trying to clear her vision and refocuson the face of the man who’d forced her to orgasm on his cock.
“Say thank you,” he demanded,arching that brow again.
“What?” She blinked.  
“Say thank you.”  Hesighed as if he were disappointed that he needed to repeat himself.
“Fuck you,” she said, thoughher voice was weak.
The hand that’d been betweenher legs reached up and slapped her across the face.  Lightly. More lightly than when she’d smacked him, though still firm enough tosting.  To shock.  Some of her wet cum that’d been on hisfingers as he played with her stuck against her cheek.
“Try again.”  He said,voice dangerously low, and shifted his hips to push more of his cockinside her.  She whined, uncomfortably tight and forced to take more ofhim than her cunt had room for.
The hand that’d slapped herrested around her neck.  He tilted his head and arched a brow and histhumb stroked down her skin.
“Thank you.” Her voice was small.  Shame curled in her gut.
Maxwell’s mouth spread into asmile and he took his hand off her throat and pulled his still hard,throbbing cock from her cunt.
“On your knees,” he demanded,and placed a palm on her shoulder, shoving her down whether she wanted togo or not.  His fingers wrapped around his cock, which was stillimpressive, even held by a hand as large as his.  It was wet with her cum,and his hand slid up and down, pumping in a mimic of the way he’d beenfucking her a minute ago.  He was trying to hurry, to cum fast incase someone came down the hallway. He groaned and grunted above her.
His other hand shot to theback of her head, fingers curling tight in her hair and holding her still,right under the head of his leaking cock.  The back of her skull throbbedwith how hard he held her there.  It wasn’t necessary, but just a flex ofhis power.  He could have her however and wherever he wanted.
“MMmngggfuuuck,” hemoaned, and the muscles of his thighs seemed carved of stone right before heerupted in ribbon after ribbon of hot cum, cloaking her face without care. His ass squeezed as he emptied his balls on her, then dropped themeat of his cock against her skin and smeared it a little bitmore over her face.  Satisfied, panting, he stepped back, pulled hisfingers from her hair and gently pushed her face away before quickly shovinghis messy cock back into his underwear andzipping his pants up.
She pressed her palm on thewall, trying to get herself up, blinking through cum stuck on her lashesand smeared into her hair.
“I think this is theprettiest I’ve ever seen you,” he said, though his voice was a little bitmore winded, and he couldn’t catch his breath enough to laugh.
“You’re such a fucking dick,”she spat, wiping his cum from her eyes and looking around for something toclean up with before someone sawher.
“Let’s do this again soonsweetheart,” he replied, and reached to slap her ass as she turned, havingseen a towel laying nearby and wanting to grab it.  She jumped at thesting of contact and spun around to smack him, but he was already walkingaway, only throwing a quick wink and another grin at her before he turneda corner and disappeared.
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ellanainthetardis · 7 years
I'm throwing this at you know, bc I know you'll give me the feels ;P Imagine a pre-THG situation with an anti-capitol attack after a Games party and Haymitch throwing himself in the line for Effie. I leave the rest to you ;)
Here you go! Some angst for you :p [X]
Stupid Reflex
“What’s the delay?” Haymitch grumbled, shiftingin his seat.
Sitting on those stone benches that formed theCity Circle was never comfortable, even in the VIP area. As it was they hadbeen waiting for the Parade to start for a good fifteen minutes now.
Effie checked her watch for the third timebetween two cheerful waves at another escort or Gamemaker. That was the thingabout the Parade… Everyone had toattend. Mentors, escorts, Gamemakers, stylists… The red carpet before theactual parade was always long and the place was crowded.
“I do notknow. We will be completely offschedule!” she admitted without departing from her smiles.
The stylists had yet to join them and theyweren’t the only team missing them. One and Two had theirs, Six and Ten toofrom what he could see… Everyone else was fidgeting on their seats, regularlycalling out to their escort or one of the Gamemakers to ask what was going on.
It had only been fifteen minutes but thosethings were usually down to the minute and he didn’t really like the obviouspatrols of Peacekeepers. In the city, Peacekeepers tended to remain in theshadow. They were there to protect not enforceunlike in the Districts. Right then though…
“I don’t like this, sweetheart…” he said, dreadcoiling in his stomach.
He wasn’t the only victor who seemed to benervous.
He caught Chaff’s eyes over the crowd and hisfriend’s face was somber.
He was about to tell Effie to stay where shewas while he sneaked down to see if someone had some information when the firstshot resonated in the Circle.
There was a second of utter stillness and thenHead Gamemaker Torello fell down and someone screamed.
Another shot and Five’s escort collapsed.
This time, everyone started screaming andrunning at the same time and it was chaos. Peacekeepers shouted instructionsthat weren’t listened to, gunshots kept booming…
Before he paused to think, Haymitch grabbedEffie’s arm and urged her toward the closest safe place he could think of: theCenter. It was chaos though, the crowd closed on them, a few people fell andwere stomped over…
Effie almost lost her footing once but he kepther up on her feet.
“Don’t go down!” he shouted. “Whatever you do,don’t…”
Someone was shot dead right next to him and thecrowd scattered. Haymitch cursed and pushed Effie toward a statue of Snow –that he would go there for cover was irony at its finest. Peacekeepers wereshooting back but there must have been more than one attacker because peoplewere dropping left and right. Not justpeople, he realized quickly, but Gamemakersand escorts…
He caught the reflection of the sun againstsomething shiny on his left and barely had time to put himself in front ofEffie. The bullet caught him in the upper chest and he would have fallen if shehadn’t caught him and half-carried him. They collapsed on the ground behind thelarge base of the statue.
“Oh my God! Oh my God!” she kept muttering, fattears rolling down her cheeks, ruining her make-up. He felt her hands roamingon his chest – not in the way he liked – tearing his shirt open… “Haymitch… Haymitch, I don’t know what to do! Stay awake! Stay…I don’t know what to do!”
She didn’t know what to do with the bloodquickly leaving his body. She had propped him against the stone of the statueand he spared a look down, a bit dazed. Notgood. Not good at all.
“Pressure.” he hissed.
“Oh! Oh, yes!”she hiccupped. She tore a generous amount of fabric from her dress and pressedit against the wound.
“Harder.” he breathed out.
It wouldn’t stop it though. He was pretty sureit was bad. Possibly dying bad.  
“That is what you say every time.” she laughedand it sounded hysterical. “I do not think you will be able to take it hard anytime soon. Why, you might have to deal with vanilla for a while…”
“Vanilla’s good.” he mumbled. “You can go ontop too.”
“You are too generous.” she deadpanned, lookingleft and right with obvious despair. “Help will come. I… I am certain Peacekeepers will come any minute.”
He could still hear gunshots in the distancethough. Whoever those people were, they had come prepared.
They were sitting ducks there.  
“Took a bullet for you.” he muttered.
“Yes. And it was very foolish.” she snapped, wiping her eyes on her forearm. Shelost a fake eyelash in the process. The hand that was pressing fabric on hischest was shaking. “I am grateful but it was very foolish.”
“Need to get away.” he forced himself to say.It hurt to talk and his sight was blacking out. It hurt to breathe. “Get out.”The Circle was a deadly trap. Perfect place for an ambush. “Not the Center.Streets… Away…”
They would shoot anyone trying for the Centerright then. If she could reach the narrow streets though…
“You are too heavy for me to carry, Haymitch.”she retorted. “We will never make it.”
He shook his head, blindly feeling around forthe hand on his chest. “Alone.”
She looked puzzled until understanding dawnedon her face. “Like hell!”
She was terrified. It was so obvious that shewas terrified… And she should have been.She had no business standing in the middle of a gun fight.
“Dying.” he said.
“Certainly not!” she huffed. “I forbade it.” A steady string of gunshotsechoed nearby and she startled badly, letting out a small whimper as her eyes dartedaround, looking for… Relief washed over her face and he wanted to know what hadmade her so happy but he couldn’t look away. His grip slackened on her wristand his hand fell flat in the dust. He focused on her face because it was theonly thing that seemed to matter at that moment. She looked like a washed-outpainting. Colors running down her cheeks. “He has been shot.” she explained.“Please, I…”
She was pushed aside rather brutally and astronger hand pressed on his chest, tearing a pained moan from his throat.
“Taking a bullet for her? Really, buddy? Really?”Eleven’s victor spat, clearly nothappy with him. “I swear, Haymitch, Iswear, if you die because of that woman, I’m gonna bring you back to killyou myself.” Chaff made a face. “And if you get me killed for her, I will be very pissed. Very, very pissed.”
He tried to answer but the only thing thatpassed his lips was an incoherent sound. He could hear Effie sobbing quietly nextto him.
“Stop crying.” Chaff ordered harshly. “This isa fucking mess. We need to get him tothe Center.” Haymitch tried to protest but his friend just waved his stump inthe air. “Yeah. I know. But someone’sbeen stupid enough to get himself shot so we need help.” He heard fabric tearing, more stuff was pressed against hischest… “Listen to me, Trinket. We’re gonna run and you’re not gonna look back,alright? Whatever you see or hear, you run straight for that door and you praythey open it for us.”
“Haymitch…” Effie protested.
“I’ve got him. You just go and try not getyourself killed.” Eleven’s victor grumbled. “Clearly, he wants you alive.”
The moment Chaff hauled him up over hisshoulder, Haymitch’s sight went black.
He woke up feeling sluggish, blinking up atharsh lights on a white ceiling.
“Haymitch?” Effie’s voice called softly. Shecradled his hand in hers, he felt her lips on his skin… “The doctor said youmight be a little disoriented… Do notpanic. You had surgery. I am right here and… I won’t leave you alone. You are safe and…” Her voice broke. He wouldhave loved to ask what the fuck wasgoing on – surgery for what? – but he felt himself going under again. “I amstaying right here. I promise.”
It wasn’t that bad, then.
He trusted her to keep him safe.
The next time he woke up, the pain wasimpossible to ignore. It wasn’t as crushing as he felt it should probably be,thanks in part to the drugs that made his mind a little slow.
“Did I get shot?” he muttered before he evenopened his eyes, half hoping the whole thing was a drunk delirium.
“You will recover just fine.” Effie answered,sounding weak and tired. He wondered how long she had been sitting there. “Itwas… It was serious. They told me…You flatlined twice during surgery, they had to… You died. You…” He opened his eyes to find her crying silently, herface bare of make-up, her eyes red and puffy… The pink wig was still on herhead and she was still wearing the torn dress. “Haymitch…”
He reached for her face and missed his mark bya few inches but she brought his hand to her cheek and leaned into it, clearlygiving up on trying to look collected. She sobbed and sobbed and he couldn’t doa thing because the smallest move made his body hurt.
This wasn’t clever, he realized, not clever at all. They had both showed their handsthere.
The door opened and Chaff walked in with asteaming cup of… something. Hescowled a little when he saw the state Effie was in but simply closed the doorbehind him without commenting, turning his attention to Haymitch. “Good to seeyou awake. And, you know, not dead.”
“Thanks.” he snorted and immediately regrettedit because that hurt. He waited for Effie to stand up and pretend everythingwas fine with her but she just sat there, slumped and defeated like he hadnever seen her, clinging to his hand like it was a lifeline. He let go of herface and their fingers fell on the mattress next to his hip. “The fuck were those people?”
“Rebels.” Chaff explained, handing the cup toEffie. It took a few seconds before she reached for it and his friend didn’tlook impressed with her. “Look, he’s awake, he’s obviously fine… Go back to thepenthouse, take a shower, sleep for a few hours… It’s getting ridiculous,love.”
“I am fine.” she denied. “Thank you for thecoffee.”
“It’s been three days.” Eleven’s victorinsisted.
Effie ignored him, taking a sip of the steamingcup of coffee and staring at their entwined fingers.
“Rebels?” Haymitch prompted because the wholething was awkward and he was too tired to care about it.
“Yeah.” Chaff nodded, lips pursed and stillglaring at Twelve’s escort. “Anti-Games. Anti-Capitols.”
“The tributes?” he asked.
“They’ve been moved to the Center. The Gameshave been postponed until…” Eleven’s victor shrugged. “Those guys got a fewGamemakers, a couple of escorts and three victors including you. It’s gonnatake a couple of weeks to reorganize everything and replace everyone.” Chaff’sgaze hardened. “Now, buddy… Do we talk about the elephant in the room or what?What the fuck did you think you weredoing?”
He scowled, automatically squeezing Effie’sfingers. “Fuck off, Chaff.”
“Classy.” his friend scoffed. “Not like Irisked my neck for yours.”
“Didn’t ask you to.” he retorted.
“Sure, you didn’t.” Chaff snapped. “You just went and got shot for a…”
“Careful.” he advised in a growl.
“Enough!”Effie cut in, clearly losing her temper. He waited for the rant but it didn’tcame. She just brought the cup of coffee to her forehead and closed her eyes.“Enough.” she repeated in a softer tone. “It doesn’t mean anything. It was areflex. Wasn’t it, Haymitch? I was right next to you and you saw the gun… Itwas instinctive. It does not meanmore than that.”
Her blue eyes looked straight into his, almostbegging him to play along with her.
They both knew better, he figured, but…
“Yeah.” he agreed. “Just a stupid reflex. Notlike I would die for you or something.”
A small smile briefly stretched her lips andshe turned her tired gaze to Chaff. “See? It was just a stupid reflex. It is what he will tell Caesar when he asks.”
Haymitch frowned. “Why would Caesar asks?”
“Oh, I don’t know…” Chaff sneered. “’Cause you got shot for your escort and a lotof people saw it? ‘Cause Trinket hasbeen haunting the Games Clinic for three days in that state?” He waved his stump at the escort. “How you’re gonnaexplain that, love?”
“I am grateful he saved my life and, while wehave our arguments, Haymitch and I have been colleagues for a long time and thus are friends.” she replied. “This isPR, Chaff. I excel at it. There is not a story I cannot spin.”
“It ain’t the audience you’re gonna have toconvince.” Eleven’s victor spat. “You’ve been stupid. Both of you.” He pointed his stump at Haymitch. “I look atyou and you know what I see? I see a guy who’s so in love with that woman hejumps ahead of bullets without thinking twice for his own safety. You sawanother victor grabbing their escort like you did? Don’t think so.” He pointedhis stump at Effie. “I look at youand I see a lovesick desperate woman who almost lost the love of her life.”Haymitch opened his mouth but Chaff didn’t let him say anything. “That’s what you fucking look like. Andif you think Snow’s stupid enough to buy your friendship story or even the fuckbuddies thing you’ve got going on… Don’t bother trying to deny it, Trinket,we’re past that point now.” Effie glared at him but remained silent. Haymitch’sbest friend shook his head. “Smartest thing to do for everyone involved is foryou to quit and for you to… Forget about her. Unless you think she’s worthbecoming their bitch. In that case,be my guest. But you better be verysure, Haymitch, ‘cause once you go there, the only way you’re getting out iswith one of you in a coffin.”
Chaff stormed out on that ominous statement.
They both remained silent after the door hadslammed on his back.
“To be honest, he might be right but I cannotreally bring myself to care right now.” Effie declared eventually. “I can get the speculations under controlthough. And Brutus did get Valeria tothe Center so his claim that you are the only victor who tried to help theirescort is ridiculous. There must have been others.”
“He’s fuckingher.” he pointed out.
“Irrelevant.” she dismissed. “I am not quittingand you are not… You are not forgetting aboutme. We will deal with this. I do believePresident Snow has more important worries at the moment than finding out if youand I are more involved than we claim. Not that we are.” She hurried in adding the last part when she saw his wince.“We have lost our Head Gamemaker, people are in no mood to watch the Games afterthis, the security breach alone is flabbergasting… Trust me, he has more urgentproblems than us.”
He knew Chaff had a point.
He knew.
But he also had taken a bullet in the chest nottoo long ago and he was tired and in pain and her solution seemed like theeasiest one.
“Fine.” he agreed, his thumb stroking the backof her hand once. “But I’m okay now. Go back to the penthouse, get some restand then go out there and get on top of the story.”
She pouted but eventually nodded, finishing hercoffee in a few long gulps.
“Thank you.” she said quietly. “For saving mylife.”
“Stupid reflex.” he smirked.
She snorted and leaned forward to press a kisson his lips, danger of being discovered be damned.
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