#i've been told so often that male and female bodies are like apples and oranges when that isn't really the case. we aren't seperate species
uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I think part of what helped my dysphoria in the short-term was to remember that human bodies are varied, but wow, they're also so similar, and that my body doesn't really differ from many men.
When I'm dysphoric about my chest? Well, other men are, too, and that means I'm not the only person like me. I've also done some research into human anatomy and biology, and it's taught me so much. The idea that male and female bodies are, like, separate species is patently false. The structure of the "average" male and female are actually more similar than you'd think, and that makes sense. When I'm dysphoric, I remember that little fact. Does it help every time? No, but it reminds me to slow down and remember that I'm not a species separate from everybody else.
This isn't to say this cures dysphoria. I'm still dysphoric, but at least reframing how I view myself and my body allows me to help myself. This is just one of my personal ways I help myself, and I hope it might perhaps give other people ideas or inspiration if they are in a similar place.
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