#i've wanted to color all of em and put em in a zine but
monstermonger · 8 months
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vegebulmazine · 2 years
Hi! I saw mod apps were open and I’d like to know a little more, if you don’t mind.
- What is the timeline (even if vague) for the zine? When does it kick off, and how long do you expect the zine to take? I’m asking because my schedule varies during the year, some periods I know I couldn’t fit mod work in, but other periods would be okay.
- What kind of skills would be needed as a mod? I’m thinking mostly of art/writing mods, and shipping mods (sorry I don’t remember the exact titles and can’t look them up without closing the ask). Would I need to know how to use specific software (writing/art), be located in a certain area (shipping), stuff like that?
As you can probably guess from this ask, I’ve never been a zine mod before, I know that’s a requirement to apply but depending on what you expect from a mod, I’m hoping I can use some other experience to help you!
I hope you have a wonderful day! Vegebul ftw!
Hello @tinyfrenchowl !!!
Of course! I'll happily answer all your questions!
-The timeline hasn't been secured yet because it will be settled & finalized on the first Mod meeting. Although I can give you an estimate of what I've thought.
Zines creative periods take 3 months min. So we would be looking at a schedule like this:
- Mod Apps: start 28/08 - end 20/09
- Mod acceptance emails go out 22/09.
- Estimate Mod joining server period: 22/09-24/09.
-Contributor Apps Open: 30th October- 30th November.
- Contributor emails out: Dec 15th
-First Check in: Jan 10th
- Second Check in : Feb 10th
- Third Check-In: March 10th
Due day: March 20th.
Putting together the zine: March-April
Pre-orders open: May
Shipping: June-July.
As for skills to apply for a Mod position in regards to those positions are:
-Art Mod: Have anatomical, compositional, color theory knowledge etc, be able to help contributors with their pieces & give advice. Make little drawings/ doodles for the graphics & the carrd.
-Graphic & Layout Mod: for this one you have to have a little knowledge in graphic design (with any software you use!) & also be able to put together the final book ready for printing.
Editor Mod: You don't need any specific software for this position but you do need to be able to read several different pieces and help the writer with any cohesive or spelling errors. You'll have to give the formatting mod the OK that all stories have been checked & read and that they are good to be put on the final PDF.
-Shipping Mod's requirement to have past experience & know how to create labels with traking numbers as well as be knowledgeable on shipping internationally.
Having experience as a Mod isn't required for all the positions! I like to give people the chance to see how the Modding process works, be it as Mods or Intern mods ( that help out and are there mostly to learn hands-on! ). One can't ever get experience if you haven't got the chance.
If you have experience that you believe can be useful, let me know on your app! For example if you've worked on a school newspaper as editor, if you have a degree on languages, if you have done graphic design before... let us know what you know & want to bring to the project!!
Futhermore, in each section of the Mod App you can find the requirements for each position ( in case I've forgoten some), so read 'em carefully! Any questions don't hesitate to ask!
Thank you for your ask & interest!!!
Can't wait to see your app♡♡
Take care! VegeBul 4ever☆
-Mod Mystic
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