#idk if this is even good ghjk
trapton · 10 months
“ don’t do that. don’t shut me out. ” from the post-trauma sentence starters - henry emily, to post-divorce? post-'83? post-something will
🔧 @nineliabilityrisk (post-trauma sentence starters)
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"and why shouldn't i?" he bellows, anger in his tone as large palm makes contact with the other man's desk. the other pushed into his greying hair.
voice is lower grit when it comes forth, though still angry. "one day you'll look at me just like the rest of them." you'll look at me like a criminal. or, perhaps paranoia would allow him to see suspicion in henry's eyes. his mania. right now though, it's pity. something william well and truly does not want. [...]
though he could never suspect him. even if he will be arrested, they'd let him go. but the parents.. the turnout just won't be the same. & he knows he's right. (they'd already had to close the diner, left with the pizzeria). william doesn't want to scramble to keep himself in the fray. knows he has to begin his work upon the fellow engineer now. his child is dead, his coping has just begun. pinstripes of grey speckling his visage, bags under his eyes.
his jaw clenches while he turns to look at henry with a pinched expression. the pads of his fingers twisting upon the desk. yet while he's not leaning to far against it, he does press his hip to the wood in a distrustful air. a tension headache building in his temples from clenched jaw. "i don't want your pity, henry." other finger comes to point. he feels like he's fallen off the rails, and he's not sure how to get back on track. "it's not my fault i've had to pick up the slack around my house. that we're --" [...] he swallows, eyes waffling as he tucks hair behind his ear. that he's failing, for the first time in his life -- or so it seems in his adult years, anyway. no longer the man with the perfect family. "it's not my fault." he says quieter, with a thrust of his index.
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writtengalaxies · 2 years
{Questions anon} Okay hear me out here. Vampire!Murdock. I don't know why the idea of that is so appealing but! Paired with a reader who suspiously knows too much about vampires and he just happened to bump into them one evening (either trying to murder them/drink from them and they just went 'how bout no' spraying him with idk a garlic version of pepper spray) and now they instantly have his attention. I can imagine that being either comicial or terrifying. Those headcanons sparked ideas
OKAY SORRY THIS SAT FOR LIKE, A SOLID WEEK GHJK. It got really cold here and my arthritis hates me BUT
He's just looking for a snack or a snacc winkwink and he figures, oh you know. Easy pickings, same old song and dance. Gonna handle this the same way he always does feeding. Have a bit of a snack, make it easier to just haul off his choice of meal, take part in his ✨artistry ✨ and feed from the wounds he creates with his knife for days, until his human juicebox is empty. Picks you out of a crowd, warms you up to him, gets you to come outside or around the corner for a quick breath of fresh air. Lowers his sunglasses, going to do the whole hypnosis thing...and gets sprayed right in the eyes with garlic flower-infused holy water, like it's some sort of hipster drink but in a spray bottle.
And like...part of him is pissed. You can't tell me this man doesn't have a short temper that he likes to let build up and burn out slowly. So he's INSTANTLY angry...and it's undercut with the thought of "...hang on now. You know what I am."
He could do the creepy route and stalk you. He could. You'd never know he was there.
But he's too damn entranced by the idea of someone knowing exactly how to ward him off.
Discovers that you might have had a run-in with the supernatural before, or perhaps you are into folklore and started looking around a little too closely and realized that it's all still there. And he offers you a chance to learn, first hand. Promises to keep you safe, let you learn about everything he can...
So long as you let him have a little snack from time to time.
It always tastes so much better from a willing source, and you're the sweetest meal he's had in a while.
He might just keep you for good.
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killingbill · 2 years
For the Big Music Ask Game, we're going full on with that, so
For the band - Ghost (duh)
For the song(s) (to add a tiny bit of variety) - Weit Weg and Sehnsucht by Rammstein
For the album - Impera by Ghost
Gotta feed that Ghost hyperfixation, am I right? 🥰😌
Send me a band/artist and I’ll reply with:  GHOST: Do I know them already?: yes | no 
If I know them: 
Favourite Song: RITUAL (honourable mentions to year zero, monstrance clock, hunters moon)
Least Favourite Song: Pro Memoria, i guess? or Watcher in the Sky??? but i like both of them, so.
Favourite Album: ‼️‼️‼️ INFESTISSUMAM ‼️‼️‼️
Least Favourite Album: ..... Prequelle.... I guess??? I was gonna say Meliora, but... idk it can go between them. But i wouldn't even say I have a 'least favourite' ?????? I adore every single ghost song, no joke.
Song that got me into them: From the Pinnacle to the Pit / Cirice
Seen Live?: YES <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 😊 😊 😊 😊
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
rated 10 bc absolute bangers, every song slaps, i love instrumentals, all the covers are astounding. the lyrics/musicality is nutso .. plus everything else that makes them special, & their live set kicks ass. plus ghouls.
For the song(s) (to add a tiny bit of variety) - Weit Weg and Sehnsucht by Rammstein
Weit Weg: couldn’t finish it | not my thing | it’s fine | I could get into this | ooo I like | oh hell yeah | fuck this is some good shit | there aren’t even words, this transcends words  Sehnsucht: couldn’t finish it | not my thing | it’s fine | I could get into this | ooo I like | oh hell yeah | fuck this is some good shit | there aren’t even words, this transcends words 
For the album - Impera by Ghost
Send me an album and I’ll reply with:
Opinion on cover design: it's baller. copia's colours, and we got the historical references. it's fitting to the theme, and nice to look at. i really like the animated version. i bought the tour merch with the design inspired by the cover-art, even. it's sick.
Favourite song: HUNTER'S MOON 🥹
Least favourite song: Watcher in the Sky.
Underrated track: Griftwood (my #2 fav tbh) & Imperium for that matter.
Overrated track: Kaisarion ig hjk
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
Rated 9 bc of the filler in it, plus the call me little sunshine video was kinda junky ghjk sorry about it. (the filler does not include Imperium, as it can do no wrong).. alsooooOOooo gonna be frank i wish there was a full instrumental on impera, in place of bite of passage or dominion.
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obeymematches · 3 years
yoyo!! is it oke if i can request a matchup? my pronouns are she/her. im very calm, caring and very motherly!! im natrually very soft spoken even when im not trying to be but ive been told my voice is very soothing and nice to listen to. im also very goofy, optimistic and excitable. i also tend to get emotional if im happy or really calm, and i'll end up crying a little. (if a dog or cat wants me to pet them ill cry a bit or if i see a very nice scenery like a waterfall in person) i have a habit of putting others before my own well being. it's also extremely hard to anger me and i'm very patient. i do however have a tendency to over analyze and overthink certain things though not as much. i have some light freckles but they get hidden under my glasses so they're only noticable up close and i also have really deep dimples on my cheeks and they show when i smile!! i really love to draw, paint, and i really love poetry as well and i do cosplay occasionally. i also have this weird guilty plessure thing with classical music ( i love all types of music but sometimes beethoven don't miss 💃😌🤚) ah!! also i do have a very big habit of giving many gifts!! bc i feel like words aren't enough to express myself, and how much i care about to the ppl i care about. ahh idk what else to say so that's enough outta me please take your time and i hope you have a wonderful day!! and remember to eat and drink water my friend!! ^u^💚✨
hiii you have been waiting for so long i’m not sure if you are still into this game or not- sorry;
anyways i’m doing 1 match-up for now & we’ll see when i’ll get to the rest <3 (i had a sudden urge to do match-ups but this won’t last for long so gotta make the best out of it ghjk)
ok so i decided to match you with Lucifer and let me elaborate why!
Tbh I think the best matches for him are optimistic and excitable ppl like you! Also being goofy is a nice bonus you have going on. It is important because like this you can became his light, you know he has so much to deal with but all you ever do to him is brighten his day? (and you don’t even have to try) like ok queen how can he not fall in love- 
I think he’d find your crying tendencies adorable but he is probably concerned a little bit under the surface. Like it’s cute how you have soo many feelings but also! don’t waste your tears! though i don’t think this would lead to any fights so that’s fine
okay so this dynamic is about taking care of each other because you both put everyone before yourselves and that’s no good-  though when you want to do so don’t make it way too obvious because he has an ego to keep up. 
I think you being calm and patient are also a good foundation as there are no fights due to impatience. Yes he can get impatient sometimes though... but I think he’ll have so much respect for you for keeping your calm when he can’t. With him respect is an important part of a relationship. Like instead of raising your voice you keep your soft spoken adorable one and that reminds him that uh. he needs to do better than get impatient when it’s not called for. help him improve girl!!!
You being patient is also an asset when it comes to him being a tease with you- he means well but in case he crosses a line it’s better to simply&calmly let him know. it’ll be fine.
When it comes to expressing himself Lucifer is as simple as a man can be. Like if he doesn’t like you, you will know. You won’t have to analyze anything. Same when it comes to him liking you!!!
He is one of the 2 demons who were confirmed (as far as i know) to like glasses on their partner / being a fan of glasses. (the other being Levi) listen this is so silly and minor but it’s important. it catches his attention right away. (i have to mention this because. i’m still processing the fact that my bf of 2 yrs told me the first thing that made him like me were my friendship bracelets and my glasses. i---)
 I think your hobbies are something he can support, like nothing too wild, in fact you might get him to indulge in some of them w you! <3 
finally he has someone to enjoy music with in peace <3 get ready to dig deep in the classicals!
As for his love languages, I’m not sure if he is big on recieving gifts but obvi he is smart enough to realize / talk to you about love languages so there aren’t going to be difficulties if they aren’t on par. 
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doyoung · 5 years
i totally get what you're saying! don't worry, you're definitely being respectful! and i think that, although i had never really paid attention to this, appearance itself has very little to do with the status of good or bad, god or demon, if you didn't know them already, any picture you point out is equally likely to be either a god or demon, I know them because I grew up with it, but yeah, I suppose it is kind of unique? especially in terms of christianity (1/?) ~ m&m
yes i agree! i don’t think appearance is an indication for anything other than appearance- you can never look at someone and think that they’re good or bad on something that they can change in a matter of minutes.
as for reincarnation, the life you're reborn into would depend on your karma, if say you were born into poverty but did a lot of good deeds, even if the karma earned from that wasn't enough to go to heaven, you would be reborn into a better status in your next life, this works vice versa as well, and I think the main thing about rebirth is just having a soul? so it's your soul that gets transferred through lives if that makes sense ghjk (2/3) ~ m&m
yesss i get what you mean with the soul haha hmmm... do you think then that, how to say this omg someone who has an underwhelming life, do you think that is their first ‘life’ then? likeeeee if the first life someone has will always be one that isn’t outstanding or anything special?
honestly i understand if people are ignorant as long as they're still open to idk, just learning? because it makes sense if people just don't know these things ~ the only reason i know what i know about christianity is because i listened to my friends and different people, same with any other religion, it's just conversation ghjk (3/3) ~ m&m
yes i also agree! i think everyone is ignorant, there’s no person on earth who knows everything and even if someone is educated on every topic in existence, different people react differently so you can be as educated as you can, you will still be ignorant to people’s feelings and ignorance is something that will never go away. its always important to just be open minded, as long as you’re open minded and accepting, you are helping the world to become something better than it is and thats what is important in the end. i think religion is so interesting and i love getting to know more about it not just from book, but from the interpretation of those who believe it~
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liinos · 5 years
monsta x for the group ask
How long I’ve been a fan: I think summer 2017... it was before dramarama but idk how much beforeInitial bias: wonho/minhyuk (it was SO close to being minhyuk ghjk)Current bias: wonho 💓Bias ruiner(s): idr have bias wreckers I’d say but I  Favourite title track: oo so this changes a lot but beautiful... or all in... the cinnamontography + the songs... too goodFavourite non-title track: oh my... or i do love u... or lost in the dream... or destroyer... or broken heart... there are many Favourite voice: kihyun but I looooove minhyuk’s voice tooFavourite dancer: wonho (not trying to sound biased I just really love the way he moves)Most played song by them: damn I actually don’t know... googlemusic used to tell you that but then they just decided to stop even though NO ONE asked (my best guess is all in, dramarama, beautiful, or oh myAny ships? monsta x and success is my otp
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