#idk it just adds to what their dynamic was if they’re all triplets
qmorningcrew · 11 months
my hc of the eggs in order of oldest to youngest
dapper & ramón (twins)
juanaflippa, tilin, & bobby (triplets)
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renegade-skywalker · 3 months
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just felt like posting some pics and head canons for my OC bard, Merit 🥰
(this is mostly backstory but I'll probably add to this later and pin it somewhere idk)
Merit has seven sisters. She’s technically the second-oldest but has undoubted Eldest Daughter energy. The actual eldest sister is Fable. Her younger sisters are Morning Glory, Daffodil, Dahlia, Harmony, Festival, and Jovial (Jo for short). 
Part of the sisterly dynamic is inspired by the Bennet family of Pride and Prejudice though it’s definitely not a one-to-one comparison. Like Jane and Elizabeth, Fable and Merit are the eldest and are very close, having shared a room for most if not all of their lives. Like Jane, Fable is unendingly kind and soft spoken. Unlike Jane though, Fable isn’t interested in romance or a partner at all and is instead intent on opening her own business or taking over the family bakery. Like Elizabeth, Merit is known to be brash but eloquent about it (Vicious Mockery lol) but unlike Elizabeth, she’s the hopeless romantic. Also like Elizabeth, Merit loves to complain but does so in a jovial manner. Like Mary, Morning Glory is a bit off-putting but nice and straight-laced. Like Kitty and Lydia, Daffodil and Dahlia are vapid and boy crazy but are also hilarious and tons of fun to be around. The youngest sisters are a bit like the triplets from Brave in that they are simply a menace.
Her father is a wood elf of indeterminate age (I headcanon that he rarely speaks about himself and only very occasionally drops mind-blowing lore about his past in passing before leaving the room without any further elaboration lol) and is a (no longer practicing) druid though he still pays homage to Silvanus and will occasionally take his troupe of daughters out of the city and into nature to pay his respects. He left his old life behind to wander for a while before stumbling upon the wonders of simply baking bread when in Baldur’s Gate working an odd job and he’s been there ever since. He finds kneading dough to be meditative and soothing, and now runs a bakery with his human wife Alys, who is Way Too Hot For Him. Not that he’s an awful or hideous person, he’s just very, very old and very, very quiet where Alys is quite gregarious and social. No one understands their relationship but it’s something Merit has always admired growing up even if it’s often confused her.
Not sure why but they were somewhat inspired by Holling and Shelly from Northern Exposure which I’ve been watching all winter. Idk just I think they’re hilarious. Also running a store/restaurant together is a fun dynamic idk. 
Merit is closest to her oldest sister, Fable, who she is also the closest in age with. Fable was born sick and her mother had a difficult time with the pregnancy to the point that she thought neither she nor the baby would make it. Fable is named Fable because the idea of her making it into the world was like a dream. After her birth, their parents feared another child wasn’t in the cards and might spell death for Alys, so when Merit was born she was actually named Marvel. She hated that name so when she was six she dubbed herself Merit, because anything ‘worthy of merit’ that she did had to feel earned, whereas Marvel just made her feel like a fraud. Her parents and Fable still affectionately call her “Marv” though.
Merit picked up a love of storytelling from working the bakery with her parents, hearing the customers talk about their various backgrounds, their day-to-day routines, their travels, etc. 
She fell in love with music at 12 when a famous bard came to the city and performed for a while, a half-high elf named Laurel, who took a shine to her interest and taught her how to play. They remained pen pals for years even after he left Baldur’s Gate exchanging verse and ideas for songs, however their relationship was… complicated, and quite frankly inappropriate. Merit did not see it for what it was until she was much older.
Merit has a bit too many interests and has dabbled in fencing, languages, history, the arcane, and even what little druidic magic her father has taught her (she’s mostly familiar with animal speaking and plant growth) though her main love is poetry, song, the written, sung and spoken word. Her greatest ambition is to write an epic poem that can be performed in parts, essentially acting as a dramatic tome as well as what essentially is a concept album in our reality
Part of the reason Merit cannot see any of her ambitions through is a mix of her changing attentions which change with the wind’s direction but also her family… she’s often had to return to Baldur’s Gate to help the bakery, and her younger sisters are known for getting in trouble...
Merit has worked her way into the merchant’s guild on her parent’s behalf and has also done some work for the Guild in order to keep her family safe and unbothered, which is a secret she’s kept from them but had done for their safety
Her work pays for the family property’s “protection” so to speak. This would also mean she’s already acquainted with Nine-Fingers Keene before the events of the game.
She’s actually sacrificed a lot for the family business and is happy to do so but it is also to her own detriment. Fable has been able to man the kitchens but not much beyond that due to chronic pain and flare ups. The next eldest sister, Morning Glory, has a head for numbers and will work the books and run the orders but is such a downer that it makes working with her a chore and a nightmare, she’s incredibly controlling and neurotic. The next sisters capable of doing anything, Stella and Selene, are in their early 20’s and would prefer to socialize, party, and snog their way through Baldur’s Gate rather than do anything else. The very youngest sisters, Verity, Amity and Jo, are all too young to do much other than clean maybe but Merit would prefer they have a childhood than work the family business. Plus they are known for playing tricks on people so it’s best they stay out of the way.
Merit feels like she’s already raised a village of children given how much she’s helped raise her sisters practically since she was able to walk so she had zero interest in bearing children of her own. Not to mention how much she’s sacrificed to help the family business, she hopes to one day be able to see all of her dreams and artistic ambitions to fruition.
Merit has a few songs that have gained some popularity but only within Baldur’s Gate seeing as she can never seem to leave for very long. She is most known, however, for her serial called Sea and Shield. It’s a crime serial about a disgraced Flaming Fist who enlists the help of the last person he’s imprisoned, a notorious pirate, who he sets free on the terms that she help him discover who committed the murder he was framed for. It’s relatively popular but the series is unfinished, plus due to being kidnapped and tadpoled she is very very behind her usual publishing schedule. She has no idea how to continue (or possibly even end) the story though so she was already in a pickle before the game events occurred.
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arinlangdon · 2 years
thinking about the Langdon family...
what we know is that Arin has “innumerable siblings” (according to Fergus), so i’m going to go with like. eight (8).
it seems to me that Arin is an eldest, but not The eldest. more likely a middle child slightly on the older end—probably 2nd or 3rd eldest. if we want to subscribe to birth order theory, i’d say:
they have the conscientiousness, ambition, and organizational skills of an eldest. stereotypically, eldests are leaders (or bossy), but that quality is something Arin grew into.
yet they also have the sensitive and accomodating personality + peacekeeping skills of a middle.
imo, they’re least likely to be a lastborn
as for the siblings? let’s say they have
an older brother (29),
an older sister (28),
here’s Arin themself (22)
the 4th is, idk, another sister (16).
then i’m betting there’s at least a set of multiples, just to spice it up. twins—no, triplets?? i want to say they’re fraternal, a girl and two boys. let’s put them in the 5th through 7th slots (14).
and the 8th and last is the baby sister (12).
(this is just a random configuration i thought of off the top of my head, and subject to change, of course. i already have headcanons about the siblings’ personalities and interpersonal dynamics yo)
what about momma Langdon? we weren’t given much about her either.
we do know she often works night shifts, and probably works a lot in general.
maybe she’s in healthcare or retail, or is a waitress (i think it’s less likely but still possible that she’s like, a bartender, firefighter, police officer...)
mostly i want to say it’s kind of a blue-collar job: not very high-powered or high-paying, and physically demanding, so she’d come home tired a lot.
between that and all the kids, this poor woman is Overworked.
how was she with Arin?
we know Arin’s always been a stickler for the rules, and i surmise, pretty quiet as a kid, so she probably always expected them to stay out of trouble. this made them more or less self-reliant... or inadvertently fell through the cracks.
and though she probably always knew how smart and diligent Arin always was, i’m not sure she ever thought they’d turn out to be particularly remarkable or a great success in the conventional sense.
maybe she was just laissez-faire in general⁠—not the sort to either discipline harshly or actively encourage any particular values, if only because she’d always been so busy trying to cover everyone’s most basic needs.
but, inferring from Arin’s memories of her making them treats after they’d come home from school as a kid (still such a sweet mental image btw), she seemed like the caring or even doting sort whenever she had the time and energy to be present.
tl;dr: mom was busy and overworked, and therefore not often around, so in effect left Arin (at least) to their own devices, even if that wasn’t her intention. loving when she was present, but didn’t impose a lot of expectations.
their father doesn’t seem to be in the picture, and probably never was?
i’m curious about what kind of relationship he had with their mother.
if it was a bad one, that’d be another reason for Arin’s apparent cynicism re: romance.
if a good one, then... well, the only explanation i can think of for why he’s never mentioned is that maybe he’d died, which would also add another, if tragic, layer to Arin’s views on romance. i kind of want this to be the case, if only because i like to think of Kate Rusby’s song “My Young Man” to be emblematic of their parents’ relationship. sweet yet melancholy.
in any case, his absence would leave a void for a father figure to fill later, that being, of course, Tutorea (<3)
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lilolilyrae · 5 years
A the fics in heistwives kinda job, B, C & C for your ocs, U? For ff writer asks!
How I came up with all the titles? Oh dear, it's been too long. (I still want to continue writing this series btw!!! But I've abandoned it so long I have kinda no idea what is happening and how I should follow it up... Guess I'll need to read it again and re-watch the movie before I write more... No idea when I'll manage that, SO SORRY! But it's not abandoned I swear) in general, I pick titles by whatever the fuck is the first thing to come to my mind as a work title and then when it just kinda fits after finishing the fic I keep it -_(-_-)_- no fucks given. Of HKJ in particular I remember thinking about maybe switching the title 'endgame' to the last fic, but I never got around to doing it...
Stories inspired by personal experience: yes, quite a few by now actually! Especially atm as I'm on vacation and also writing a lot of Good Omens shortfics I tend to just have the characters do whatever I'm up to... Usually written in the author's notes that it's inspired by that I think, examples are Runalongs, Disco Lights, Sparkles and Away from Home, and in my drafts I have a few more, the next one I'll post is probably gonna be called 'Lightning and Thunder'. Usually though, only a vague feeling or place/setting is the inspiration and from there I write what I think the characters would do with it.
Character I identify with the most: well I share a few traits with both Crowley and Aziraphale from GOmens, but my real spirit animal is Disaster Bi Clint Barton, Hawkeye :)
Original Character I identify with most: actually, I tend to add characters when I no longer identify with my till then fav oc- currently, that'd be one I haven't actually written for, it's the multiverse-triplets (not to be confused with the time-triplets) Jojo, Juna and Ann. Other ocs I identify(ed) with are Lucandra, Akasha Shields, Jamie Barnes, Felicitas and ofc Vicky. (so... everyone really?)
A pairing I might like but haven't written for yet: lots of femslash! Idk why I rarely write it! Maybe it feels too close to home and I'm afraid of getting it wrong? What do I know. Also, Harry Potter ships! And if we're at femslash: I rly like the Ginny/Luna dynamic! Another HP ship I love (solely due to other ffs which had backstories that made it plausible lol) and have never written for is Narcissa Black|Malfoy and Kingsley Shacklebolt. Also, have I ever written wolfstar? When it comes to my OCs, my fab ship is Victoria x Cleo Yamasaki, but I rarely write about them bc those damn characters won't tell me their dynamic lol xD I mean, I don't even know whether they're like idk grey-ace or completely ace or just not into PDA or on the other hand Vicky would totally be into too much PDA just to annoy people no matter whether she's into sex Like That or not and just idkkkk and that's why I don't write about them :[
Thanks for all the questions!!!! I really love love love talking about the stuff I write <3
Everyone, feel free to ask me things!
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heartsunholy-a · 5 years
2 & 17 for the ship meme !
Let’s Talk Ships! // @warsraging
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2. Favorite familial ship
Okay SO! Out of my own muses, I definitely can’t pick one so I’ma ramble off a few. This is gonna get super long. 
In my head, I’ve got a lot of hcs about Giselle kinda being the runt of the litter and isolating herself from her brothers and just doing her own thing but every time I write her with her family??? I’m reminded how much she adores them?? So I’m gonna shout out @dawnswake , @sixbillicnsouls , @confidcntdarling / @asortofsensation , and @pureparagons . Giselle ADORES Gil, adores her mom and her aunts, adores her sister Cosette, and adores the twins. Shout out to @grandnoirbeau for being an excellent Gaston but we all know Giselle’s got a complicated relationship with her papa.
On the subject of Adam, I would die for Melody and Eric Jr. Andersen???? Precious mermaid sister and water controlling brother??? Melody and EJ have this almost borderline unhealthy self-sacrificial determination to do Everything They Can for each other but at the end of the day, it’s just pure love. Sibs against the world.
I know I talk a lot about Betty and Race being sibs but that’s just pure brotp and as far as her actual siblings go, I love that I’ve gotten to bounce her off of @tatterdhearts ‘s Polly!! One of the things I actually gelled with on R.iverd.ale was how B.etty and P.olly tried their best to be their for each other and while I hc a more healthy dynamic for the C.oopers than the show presented for Obvious Reasons, I still hc B.etty as closer to P.olly than C.hic and she’d do just about anything for her big sister’s approval and affection. I still think about the first time I saw P.olly in the comics whic was during the future arc L.ife with A.rchie. And at this point in the story, R.eggie is accused of extortion and P.olly bursts in from San Francisco like “Baby sister, I trust your taste and if you say R.eggie is innocent, my investigative journalism is gonna prove it!” AND SHE DOES AND IT’S GREAT
Also I can’t not shout out the T.remaines like, I’ve been developing the triplets for such a long time and I adore the words I’ve built for them and all the family I’ve gotten to bounce them off of! Your Ana being one of the first people I got to bounce them off of, Sofia, makes me happy just thinking about it!! @we-are-guiltless has of course been my ride or die with T.remaine feels, more so now that I have Anastasia and Drizella to bounce off Anthony and Dizzy. @withoutapprcval for all the T.remaine crack and angst, we love a wine mom. @soughtbirthright because the triplets love their cousin, they’re all wlw disaster children. And of course I gotta shout out @islecaptain !! I’m probably gonna keep the triplets’ dad unknown in their main verse because I’ve just built so much about their family dynamic without a father but GOD I just??? Drizella and Hans??? Are perfect for each other and Hans is so unbelievably good to the triplets and Dizzy and Reggie who’s Desc verse has him as Hans’s son but from a different woman and Driz just took him in because “I’m already pregnant with triplets, what’s one more gonna matter.” Alana once had a reply where in Hans speculates internally that getting 4 daughters was his curse for his poor treatment of Anna, as he’s constantly worried about how the men and boys on the Isle will treat them and it just??? God I love the Tremaine-Westergaards so much, y’all don’t even K N O W
And then finally, I gotta shout out my N.ewsies kids, even though all their family members are npcs in my own mind. But Spot adores his mother and Fiona Conlon is a boss ass bitch single mother and we stan. Hotshot and her twin brother Frankie and all their siblings are just the sweetest lil family unit and they protect each other so much??? And while they’re all deceased during the canon timeline, Mush Meyers had the best parents and the absolute Best Grandma in the world and the world needs to know that.
Also, bonus since I cannot wait to add them, I love B.illy B.atson and all the kids at the group home as well as the foster parents. I just love S.hazam okay leave me alone
17. A ship you hate but everyone loves
Okay admittedly, I do enjoy this ship more NOW. But it still makes my stomach clench anxiously just talking about it.
I stopped watching L.egends of T.omorrow just before the E.arth X crossover and haven’t looked back. So when S.ara and A.va / A.val.ance first get together, it just seemed really fast for me. I dug the hateship to friends thing but it seemed like friends to dating was hella rushed and I wanted more development. I thought it was just cheating Sara out of development by pushing her into a relationship super fast, especially with someone she clashed with so much at first. Now, again, from the little I’ve seen of them post getting together, I can dig it. They do get development and care about each other and I like what I’ve seen in gifs from season 4.
However, my neutral to disinterested feelings on the couple were an outlier. The entire fandom went apeshit for them and it got to the point where I was so insecure and worried that I’d be a bad Sara or worse, a bad biromantic woman myself if I didn’t sing their praises. Legit, writing this has me worried I’m gonna get hate anons calling me homophobic for not being super enthusiastic about it, despite having other favorite ships with S.ara and women (y’all sleeping on S.ara/K.endra btw and I miss S.uperc.anary)
Granted, I don’t hate the ship anymore if I ever did, I’m just so wary about writing it and am way more into starting from the ground up (or maybe the first or second floor up) with an A.va. Primarily because I don’t have a lot of canon knowledge on their relationship and partly because I wanna fall in love with them but idk if I can shake these negative feelings my own anxieties have drummed up.
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