#idk what to tag these kind of thoughts with... they're not analysis really
stick-named-figure · 1 year
like a lot of other people have said, i don't think king intended on... coming back out of minecraft after destroying it.
though what really is doing something in my brain is that we know stick figures can die permanently (episode 29, pink dying) and stick figures also have no expectation to respawn (episode 7, green's funeral) (AVA 5, the fighting stick figures after being brought back). i don't see any reason why king would think that they'd respawn (in minecraft or real life).
it makes me wonder if the scene in episode 25 where blue is pointing a bow and arrow at king felt a lot more serious to king than it did to blue.
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golden28s · 6 months
Totally optional, fun Gallavich questions ☀️🌙
thanks for tagging me to the coolest person @callivich 💖
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once? i havent read that many gallavich fanfics since i watched the show in like april BUT im loving Africa and ill probably read it once it's finished
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog? s7 gifsets are really person to me but also maybe s10 and s11 because they reached the peak of softness
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about? maybe that ian would tell mickey "i told you so" when they become parents and mickey turns out to be an absolute incredible dad that will play, sing, dance anything with his children.
What’s a fanart you love looking at? maybe @gallavichonly @heymrspatel and i accept recommendations btw id love to see more fanart
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration? id probably write like a series of one shots based on taylor swift songs
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else? i think that not judging characters, like always be aware of their circumstances and what made them do or say that and that might not justify them but it explains their thought process, it explains why and gives them some sort of humanity to their mistakes idk if this makes sense but yeah that, don't judge a character too soon, try to understand them.
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of? the secret dating, we know they secretly dated and stuff but i feel like it's actually a really fun concept to play with despite their circumstances in the show, it gives you so many possibilities.
What’s your favourite season? And has this changed after multiple rewatches of the show? the early seasons have special place in my heart, so s4-5 and i think gallavich totally saved s7, i love that part of the season
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved? i would've loved to see ian healing from the grooming and realizing it was grooming, it would've been nice for the character to heal old wounds and start fresh a new life with mickey in a new neighborhood ready to create new memories
What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough? the just wondering if we're a couple or not scene, we definitely should discuss more the fact that mickey answered too quickly, he absolutely had been calling ian boyfriend in his head
What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship? im gonna quote noel fisher and as he said: "Ian's been that kind of guiding angel for Mickey so he's going to have to turn into a pretty much kind of a protective angel for Ian"
What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale? i think they're gonna learn to communicate even more, they were in really good path already. i think the writers didn't have much faith in them in that aspect but the conversation they have in s11 about going back or not to the new neighborhood made evident that they can communicate, they listen to each other and understand the reasons, each other's feelings. so yeah, i think they're gonna get even better at that and also they're not gonna wait that much to become parents. i think they eventually will find new jobs, ian will have his tomatoes and mickey will adore looking at him doing his thing every sunday morning. i really really think they finally found their peace, their home and are gonna be very very happy and disgustingly in love forever because they're also hopeless romantic and want that so bad.
im gonna tag a few people and as always feel free to do it or not <3 @lupeloto @mikhailoisbaby @mickeysgaymom @redwiccanrobin @lyricailove @energievie @depressedstressedlemonzest @juliakayyy
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ruthlesslistener · 11 months
You have amazing headcanons and I have adored them since forever, but I honestly wish you woul admit that sometimes your headcanon are based on personal preferences at times cause I feel like too many see them as Canon at this point. The price of popularity is that other fans have started to see you as Team Cherry 2 jfkdkfndkfn
Team Cherry 2...well THAT'S kind of terrifying and deeply irritating. Irritating because that means that I've basically become tumblr Mossbag, aka the very thing I swore to destroy, terrifying because at the end of the day I'm really just a guy who's super autistic about bugs and that's literally the main reason why I'm still here 3 years later.
As for the canon thing, I *do* try to seperate the lore analysis from hc (which I thought I was already doing via tagging, but idk). Lore analysis is based almost entirely on context clues that are undisputibly canon in-game, and when I'm chiming in with my opinions, I deliberatly use indicator words like 'i think/i feel/etc'. Hcs are more direct because they're entirely my personal preferences (which I thought would be taken as a given) and are not only flexible and subjective, but something I specifically enjoy swapping with people who have different takes than I do. It adds variation and is a fun talking point, and I really like lining up different takes on the same character and tracing them back to the canon backbone, to see how our read on the situation differs. That's like. A major reason why I'm still in this fandom. There is a definitive canon backbone to the story, but the details are entirely up to interpretation. Ex, the Pale King canonically loved the Hollow Knight and regretted the vessel plan, but the nuances of the situation and his relationship to his other children (like Hornet) are all fanon, and seeing people jump off the canon backbone to different fanon readings is super fun to me. I don't want just my hcs!! That gets boring super quickly.
I'll make sure to be more clear what's fanon and canon in the future. It'll be a bit difficult with hcs, because they have a canon backbone to it, but I'll do my best to keep hcs out of my canon analysis in the future. My fun gay little autism thoughts on the sideline being taken as canon is very much not something I want
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illegiblewords · 4 months
Heavy stuff, venting.
I'm having a really, really awful time right now and it just sucks a lot. Things have been tough offline on a lot of levels lately. I don't share much of my creative stuff with people IRL, but it's one of the things that can give me a lot of joy through the day even when things are hard. Creative stuff can mean stories, or designs, or analysis. Even just poking around seeing what other people have done will cheer me up. I've been taking a break from FFXIV for a bit. I didn't play the most recent patch or holiday stuff. Some of the pacing and directions feel like missed opportunities. I might try again in Dawntrail but at this moment I'm taking a break to do BG3 for a bit. I've been interested in DnD for years, and I actually have a million ideas and things I find exciting tied to the Forgotten Realms. Haven't gotten to do more than the very beginning of a campaign because schedule hell but I'd really love to. BG3 has been a chance for me to actually interact with the world on my own terms a bit and it's been a big source of joy for me lately. And I love that Larian put as much thought and layering for the characters psychologically, overall. I love that they generally haven't shied away from stuff either. If I try to look at tags for say, Gale though? Mostly instead of other people making things, I've been getting people who are absolutely furious about how devs talked in a recent interview. I've dealt with characters I love to bits being treated in horrifying ways before. People who were with me when I did Spidey stuff will probably remember some of it. Shit was genuinely incredibly upsetting. I don't think the things people are mad at Larian about are intentional by Larian in the way they're being interpreted. I think this could probably be resolved just by explaining concerns assuming it was unintentional, without rage or accusation. They seem to really care about their fans and given the story told I think they care about their own characters too. Business bits aside. I haven't talked about any of this on tumblr or twitter because like... right now people seem to be a kind of angry where if you aren't angry the way they are, then fuck you you piece of shit basically. But if I'm just trying to make things, or find other people making things, or do analysis? I've just been wading through the anger from other people. It's more stress when I just don't need it. I've tried to find BG3 or DnD discords. I haven't found one for BG3. The DnD ones, I think there's a combination of them being kind of dead and... not really a place for what I do or how I talk. I have two homebrew monsters and a homebrew item I'd love to keep refining but I have no idea how stats work, and I can only really go so far on my own not having done a campaign in any way. Someone suggested I make my own discord community, and I could try, but idk if anyone else would be interested and being in-charge makes me anxious. Same time I'd be really nervous about whether discords run by other people are chill. I desperately, desperately want to avoid drama.
And stupidly I went to the official forums for lack of knowing where else to go. I was surprised that people were nice initially but one person came in and has been making weird personal attacks, backhanded compliments, talking like they're the authority on all things (lore, morality, storytelling as a whole). If you have a different opinion you are wrong and a bad person and stupid too. I genuinely think this person might be a narcissist and they are setting off every possible warning bell with me. Like I'm actually freaked out by how out of touch with reality they are. This person is making shit up that was never discussed, gaslighting like crazy, twisting words, and going into rages claiming I went nuclear when my whole point was 'why the fuck are you being mean to me and trying to boss me around???' I was very much not happy with the person but I was fucking careful not to insult them. And now I think this person doesn't want to leave me the hell alone. And like, I straight up said I don't want to talk to them further. When the user had a MASSIVE GODDAMN TANTRUM full of personal insults and accusations, I didn't reply. I thanked one other person in the forum for mentioning they read the message as hostile too, mentioned my 'leave me alone' message wasn't taken in its intended spirit, and touched briefly on why the accusations hit a particular sore spot. Then I apologized for derailing and switched to discuss character interpretations again.
Lunatic is like 'oh these replies to my message are so interesting, I'm going to answer you all once the website stops glitching'. And I swear to fuck I can hear the strings from Psycho going off.
I don't really trust that forum moderators will intervene. It's been a whole day since my first attempt to report, when the initial message happened. The second message was much worse. I generally don't trust people to take it seriously if harassment like that is happening. My assumption is if it's criminal I need to go to the police but otherwise like... no one is watching out for shit. And there is no block system on those forums.
I AM JUST TRYING TO MAKE CRAP MAN. I CARE ABOUT THE CHARACTERS. I CARE ABOUT AND INTERPRET CHARACTERS IN A WAY NOT EVERYONE ELSE DOES. I DON'T NEED PEOPLE TO AGREE BUT FOR FUCK'S SAKE LET ME MAKE AND TALK ABOUT SHIT IN PEACE. If I touch on a heavy topic, it's because I think it's warranted or adds a layer to the narrative that explains things or otherwise makes sense. I'm going to navigate heavy topics with care and empathy because I am very aware people get seriously hurt by that shit, a LOT of creators are actively cruel to victims, and! I love the characters! People are allowed to tell stories that cover the darker parts of human experience, not just the ones a single specific person approves of! And if you don't fucking like how someone else interprets or makes shit, DON'T READ IT AND MAKE YOUR OWN CRAP.
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This was probably horrible interneting in the sense that I shouldn't have replied at all, but what the everloving fuck. How do you go up to random strangers and lead with condescension like that? How do you go through life just assuming everyone different from you has something wrong with them? EDIT: Person has escalated. Not sure what to do. Have reported a lot but no action yet. FURTHER EDIT: Mod showed up and said 'people are allowed to disagree, be nice, there's a hidden ignore button on a separate webpage'. The personal attacks are allowed to stand and TOS seem to be meaningless. Another user pointed out that the lunatic had been recognized as aggressive by two people and that my analysis wasn't unreasonable or uncommon even if they didn't subscribe themselves. Person private messaged with me and was pretty reassuring. I'm just on the page of 'fuck those forums I am never coming back' at this point, with the added understanding that if I tried to talk again at all the lunatic would 5000% continue trying to harass me. I just hope they get distracted and move on/forget basically. Fuck that shit.
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da3drat · 1 day
20 questions for writers
tysm @wispstalk for tagging me! :D tagging back @ghoulingcooper as always but I thinkkkk everyone else has been tagged already. Questions under the cut~
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just elder scrolls so far, though I do have ideas for a palia fic floating around.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
lol. my top one is In the End, the World Still Turns. Which doesn't surprise me bc it's my only Oblivion fic.
5. Do you respond to comments?
YES sometimes it takes me a while to get around to it though because I have the memory of a goldfish
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Not Dead (Yet) will definitely have the angstiest ending when we finally get there. We love tragedy in this house.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhhh none? lets go with none of them.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope ! <3 I love you elder scrolls fandom
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nah. frankly I don't think I would be any good at it so I prefer to just allude to sex and leave off right before or pick up right after. also to be real with you I'm still getting over my just came out of the closet lesbian repression. so maybe we'll get there eventually.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
My one Palia fic would be an Oblivion crossover! But idk if it will ever actually get written. The plot and lore in Palia interest me and I really think the effect they and the setting have on Celeste is interesting but I have so much Elder Scrolls fic I want to write that I just don't know if it'll ever be at the top of my to write list. Not to mention my personal project.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No and tbh I don't have the readership numbers to be worried about that lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also no!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
noooo but I have co planned a LOT of them with Cat even if they haven't been written. s2g they will someday.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I mean I think we all know its Ayem/Nerevarine lol. I think it shines a really interesting light on Almalexia and gives you the opportunity to dig into her character. It also implies an interesting Nerevarine (imo not to toot my own horn here lol) because it requires them to understand the danger of meeting someone who quite literally murdered you in a previous life and then still show them vulnerability and compassion. Idk shipping is sort of an exercise in character analysis to me, and I like what the Nerevarine can draw out of Almalexia and vice versa. With Meri and Almalexia specifically they're two chronic liars who meet someone that knows their tells and that's the closest to honesty they can get. And that breeds an interesting form of codependency. Having one person in the entire world who can see you for who you are no matter how hard you try to hide it, and then accepts and even loves that person even though they objectively kind of suck lol.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Don't have any atm! My only wip is Not Dead (Yet) and I'm so fucking determined to finish this even if it takes me years.
16. What are your writing strengths?
fuck if I know. I haven't been doing this long enough to have any real idea about it I'm just kind of throwing shit at the page and hoping for the best. I like to believe it's my character work.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
THIS one I could give u a list a mile long lmao but I will say I think I show my hand too early and I tend to lack subtlety. Working on that quite deliberately rn.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I mostly throw in bits and pieces for emotional effect. Terms of endearment and the like. I know basically nothing about linguistics or being bilingual so I feel like I would want to a lot of serious research before I tried anything more serious than tossing a few dunmeri cuss words or velothi nicknames into a fic lol.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
um. supernatural.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
NOT DEAD YET. NOT DEAD YETTTTTTT. it's the first multi-chapter project I've ever attempted and also I care so much about this story and these characters that it's really motivating me to try to improve my work every single time I sit down to write.<3
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noxiatoxia · 1 year
Hi! So I have a few things I wanted to say/ask so hopefully this isn't too long or out of place or anything
Okay so first off, you always reblog and say such nice things about my art in the tags and I wanted to say I appreciate it so much, I never know what to say but like you're the backbone of the hikakao community so it feels like a seal of approval in a way haha. And your art is so amazing like, damn! I love it sm. Kaoru has been my fav character for nearly a decade so I love seeing that its not just me he has a grip on, and as an autistic person myself who loves princesses’ and specifically Cinderella… well your hc means a lot to me haha. Oh and your hanahaki fic??? I ugly cried. SO damn good like the characterizations… one of the best Hikakao fics I've read on god
So I kinda wanted to ask two things, first being if you had to choose for the other hosts to have a fav princess who would it be? Im personally very partial to Tamaki loving Belle, given the like french beauty and romanticism of it all, plus her giving herself up for the safety of a parent connection. I like the idea of him being kinda dumb and taking it as you need natural inner AND outer beauty, which he oh so obviously has in spades and that kind of nonsense. Idk I was just curious if you'd have an opinion on this as ive been giving it some thought lately. Especially on Hikaru, I think he would like a more down to earth princess that doesn't have too much frills or singing in the film, like Merida because it's the most adventurous one without character songs if you're just going off disney. But idk I feel like another princess would suit him better, I just can't think of one rn
Second was if you had any thoughts or analysis of how the maid the twins had when they were young impacted them and their development? And more importantly how it impacted them each differently? Like obviously her saying no one may ever be able to tell them apart fucked with their heads, but like idk. Ive been thinking about it. And what if they never met her, and she never said that? Would they of been less warped? I think they'd just meet someone else who they liked who couldn't tell them apart, who'd just say the same thing in a different way. But how key was her betrayal of trust during a high stakes robbery of their parent's estate to all this? Im just musing at this point lmao
Oh also less an ask but I personally hc Kaoru to dissociate and the like frequently, and how maybe them being in sync all the time in their mannerisms really helps him with his autopilot moments, and Hikaru is always ready and able to catch him up to speed on what's happening and what they just did, if its something he would care to know that is. And I hc Hikaru as bipolar, his depression just manifests really angerly instead of traditional sadness. But my point is I love the idea that they're just so used to the other that any mentally ill or neurodivergent behavior one of them does the others just like “Oh yeah Kaorus just like that. You know how it is. What do you mean you don't know anyone afraid of hairdryers? Like legit afraid? Yeah no thats just a thing. Hmm. Well you should get over it it's his fear not yours I dont see how it concerns you.” and like gets defensive if anyone tries to say it's weird lmao
Okay that was long oops I hope this wasn't out of place or weird or anything, I got excited talking about it haha. Hope all is going well!!
THIS IS SO FUCKING SWEET YES!!! I WAS DRAWING HIKAKAO RIGHT AS YOU SENT THIS ASK TOO BTW.... i was htinking like, should i post this... theres kissing..... but then i remember why it's so rewarding to do what I love <3 really and truly. I've met SO many incredibly kind, creative, and thoughtful people through hikakao it's insane. And tbh it makes me want to never stop posting about them even if it nets me hate every now and again LMAO it's just, stuff like this is irreplaceable to me. And I LOVE your art!!!!!! It's SO cute... the picture of Kaoru dressed as cinderella made me legit scream. I sent it to all my friends and showed it to my brother haha. The whole Kaoru/Cinderella headcanon is very personal to me as you can probably gather from my carriage posting. so whenever I see it I go nuts (in a good way. it not destructive).
I think it's very funny (in a good way) that you already had a special interest in princesses, esp Cinderella. For me, it's like...I can NOT look at anything Cinderella related normally anymore because I'm reminded of the carriage allegory, and yet we have Cinderella movie nights every thursday now because of me...I describe my relationship with Cinderella as "stockholm syndrome" because i legit didn't care about or really even know Cinderella before all this went down, but now she is my Worst Enemy but Best Friend and if anybody says Cinderella is mid I'm blowing up another hostage.
Also!!! Thank you so much about the fic!!! While looking back I feel like there are def things I could improve on, I do really like that fic. As somebody who's personally arospec, I have trouble writing the "feelings" of romance so I tried my best. I have other Hikakao adjacent stories I'm writing and I wanna post them here!!!
Okay, onto the questions...firstly, YES, Tamaki DOES seem like the type to love Belle. He may also enjoy Rapunzel and her whole being held captive her whole life because maybe he feels the same way with his own family situation. Haruhi strikes me as a little mermaid type, no real reason, I just get that vibe. Although Kyoya probably relates to the original fairytale of the little mermaid in some ways for sure. I actually HC Mori's favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast, so he's probably also really into Belle. As for Hani, I'm not sure...Giselle, maybe. He likes her whimsy.
Hikaru is interesting, because I feel like he's like Me in which he HATES Cinderella because he has to hear about it 24/7 but if ANYBODY said anything mean about cinderella he'd be like...you bitch...you take that BACK. Altho I have this headcanon that Hikaru's favorite princess is Alice from Alice in Wonderland (tho she really isn't a "princess") because he always liked that movie better. Kaoru would cry as a kid tho when Hikaru said he thought that movie was better so he pretended to like Cinderella more. But he doesn't. Merida tho...that's a very good choice, I can defff seeing Hikaru being a big Merida fan.
So, to the second question: it's very interesting! What stood out about that maid to Hikaru and Kaoru was the fact she was mean to them. being raised as rich and "better" than everyone else, all the maids HAD to be nice or they got fired pretty much, so to see a maid go against that status quo, to treat them honestly...that's why they liked her so much.
If anyone else had said "nobody will be able to tell you two apart", would it have hurt? sure. But it wouldn't be devastating, because they likely wouldn't care about that person's opinion. but they liked this maid, they looked up to her in a weird way. Having somebody you like and trust tell you something hurtful is way more harmful than if a stranger did it.
Now...would they be LESS twisted if it never happened? I doubt it. I mean, maybe they'd be LESS focused on looking identical, but they would still be rather cruel and mischievous, because that's how they were simply raised: they were raised being taught their actions have no consequences, because they're better than everyone else. Simple by being "Hitachiins", they had a pass to do all sorts of nasty shit to people because they were rich and powerful. Besides, canonically, their mom & dad were barely in their lives, and child neglect causes the children to act out to get attention, usually via things that would get them scolded. So, while they miiight not have been AS keen on matching had that maid never said what she did before leaving them forever, they would probably be just as mean and cruel.
To le third point: YES that is so good. Kaoru very much dissociates in my heart of hearts as well. He has days on end where he doesn't feel like he's in his own body, everything's sort of a blur, he can't remember things well...Hikaru's there for him in those moments at least.
I always saw Hikaru and Kaoru as ADHD/Autism solidarity. But bipolar is an interesting one, too. I could def see it.
Also the hairdryer thing FUCKING RELATABLE...I'd think Kaoru is "afraid" of hairdryers/thunder - just really fucking loud noises that are sudden and/or unceasing. They don't make him "cower" necessarily but like, he gets super jittery/irritated because he gets overwhelming anxiety from it. Hikaru as a kid probably didn't understand why his brother acted so strangely to certain sights/sounds/touches, and maybe at first teased him about it, but when it was clear these things actually DISTRESSED Kaoru he stopped and did everything he could to make him feel better. and if anybody makes fun of kaoru for it Hikaru beats the shit out of them.
This was super nice ;w; I love receiving long asks, asks about ouran and the twins especially. legit if you ever wanna talk about them u can send an ask or DM me you seem really nice!!
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embossross · 2 years
ahhh hi hi i'm here with thoughts about the new chap hehe
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ok first, i LOVE this line so much. i can kind of see it now - the similarities between reader and hanma, but at the same time they are so so different. i'm not sure why but this stood out to me! there were also many lines like this thru out the chap - i do pay attention to details bc i know some writers have a bunch of foreshadowing in their fics👀
another thing is that i literally GASPED when a certain violet haired man made an approach in this fic, im guessing it was ran but i was so happy to have him in this fic!! (i don't think it was actually mentioned if it was ran or rin, but i'm p sure it was ran ahah) i rly liked the entire encounter and he was being pretty respectful which i didn't see coming lol.
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yknow i loved this entire convo so much there was a lot thrown at us but at the same time you described/phrased it in such a way that made it easier to understand. i think i re read this part like 3 times; i kinda felt like this is the most honest convo they’ve had and it was the most series imo. it was really nice seeing hanma kinda open up. we also got to know more about the docs past too.
the last line about minimizing pain for the reader 👀 idk if im being dumb or if this has some sort of deeper meaning, but is it talking about the docs emotional pain? (towards hanma maybe?) im not sure lol rip and maybe it’ll be cleared up within the next few chapters but for now i’ll be left wondering hehe
okoki this is getting so so long i’m so sorry BUT i reallyyyy wanna talk about the smut i was literally vibrating in my seat the entire time aksdj when i first read the chap tags i kinda saw where it was going. club - hanma get head - reader watches. BUT OMG I DIDNT expect the reader to join in??!AND THE EYE CONTACT? deceased. i had to put my phone down a few times bc it was just THAT good ahaha. you really write such good smut it leaves my brain all mushy (that kakucho fie lives in my head rent free btw.)
OK IM FINISHED. i’m really sorry if this was annoying but i genuinely love this fic so much and your writing as well!!!! your fics are perfect for analysis and every chap keeps me thinking ahah but thanks again for sharing your wonderful work with us!!! have an amazing week!! (i’ve also read the devotion of the girl in the mirror again but was too nervous to send an ask rip)
this is the kind of comment/ask that really means the world to me 💖 it feels like so much more than i could ever ask for. so thank you so sincerely! i was stuck on the next chapter for both stories, and after reading this, i sat down and edited 2k words and broke the writers' block. THANK YOU 🥰
the fact that you screenshotted lines that really resonated!!!!! nothing could be less annoying!!! i'm giving you a long response right back because this is so much good stuff to react to!!!
one of my favorite lines from the chapter too! And yeah, reader + hanma are so different from each other, but i think they have a pretty similar problem with how they move through the world. they never could have had this conversation before. they're only able to be this open now because a) they both think they're talking more big picture and not being fully aware of what they're revealing about themselves; but most importantly b) they have a CREEPING INTIMACY! they are so much closer than they were a few chapters back :) I am so glad you noticed that because it was Very intentional.
you pretty much nailed the pain comment. Reader recognizes that she is taking on a very out of character risk with the Hanma stuff, and that opens her up to emotional pain but also risk that he's going to make her (or her life) change, which she is resistant to.
not much to say about the smut stuff other than...i am glad to see it's working. that is what i was going for 😏😆 (also thank you on the kakucho fic :))
it means the WORLD that you find things to analyze and think about because i am pouring so much of that in there intentionally, and knowing that people see it and get something out of it too is Super motivating. You are more than welcome to send me nice asks on any story any time (in fact, i'm begging lol jk)
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statementlou · 1 year
IYO, any red flags/deal breakers one should look out for when following larrie blogs here? already blocked the GIF making ones (cuz they're mostly blouies) and the big ones, who loves the drama.
hmmm... I mean there are loads of blogs on here that seem like cool people but who I don't follow cause they post lots of stuff that isn't what I personally want to have to scroll through, be it full on deal breakers or just stuff that's uninteresting to me and untagged- like there's just a whole spectrum going from eh not for me to holy shit I wish I could fucking delete that blog. But you're asking about the far end of that spectrum, so... um I guess for me: people who state their theories as facts/ don't seem to understand the difference between theories and fact. People who want to delete other peoples' blogs tbh, like who think that if someone disagrees with their theory they need to be Dealt With and Schooled, so I guess I wouldn't actually delete anyone's blogs. I just don't like cops be it the real kind or just people acting like them, like thinking some fanfic is Bad and needs to be censored, or believing that not thinking Louis and Harry are married is punishable, or insisting that their lyric analysis is CORRECT and the only possible one, or who think taking a job pretending to be someone's partner publicly is morally Wrong and they are Bad People. IDK though, I think I have distanced myself so far from the really nasty shit that I'm forgetting some bigger bad flags maybe? in any event my personal shit under the cut why not
My personal NOs are: if someone is super negative and hateful all the time, be it about someone in the 1D-sphere or other segments of fandom (I worry that I'm one of these kinds of blogs to someone but I do try not to be), or who publish anti anons spewing their gross hate and nasty theories, even if its to make fun of them: hate just depresses me, even directed at targets I also dislike. It truly lowers my mood in a way that is hard for me to shake. Likewise if someone's blog is all asks or posts with the worst takes I've ever seen, regardless of how thoughtful their counterpoints, it's just not my thing. You can be hilarious or very correct in replying, but I already had to read that shit and it genuinely depresses me to be reminded how terrible people (and their takes) can be. It's the same reason I blacklist Tr*mp and shit like that you know? So with fandom, like the news, I'll go looking sometimes to see what's being said or to track down something I see people referencing but I want to be able to scroll without being blindsided by it. But maybe what ruins your day is something different? I have pals who find anti trolls hilarious and seek them out to see what they're up to, but flat out blacklist totally different stuff that I might roll my eyes at but not really be bothered by. But also my YESes! When I come on here I know what I wanna see: 1) a bunch of pics of Louis cause he makes me happy 2) some funny takes and memes 3) the people I follow having funny or insightful commentary on new pics or whatever in their tags or telling me some bts type info, I love knowing all the details and gossip 4) intellectually stimulating but emotionally low stakes discourse that doesn't involve anyone spewing hate at anyone else 5) enough UA type content to know what everyone is up to 6) enough clues about what's going on with the fandom or in the non-UA type updates (like, what did people figure out from that official post) to figure out if I wanna go find the drama and roll my eyes or comment. So that's what I look for!
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LWJ shows maturity in allowing choices he doesn't agree with instead of enforcing his own views like at Cloud Recesses -> ???.. LWJ didn’t enforce ANYTHING on WWX at Cloud Recesses (or ever). WWX was a guest there who showed nothing but disrespect to the place that’s essentially LWJ’s home and were pushing his boundaries relentlessly (in cql he even got him drunk and later whipped for it). But I guess, this fandom sees LWJ as some kind of freak that needs to be taught how to human by any means the protagonist deems necessary 💁‍♀️ idk why y’all like to vilify LWJ that much. I swear, it doesn’t make JC any better
Hello, Nonny! First of all, thank you! I write in tags without the expectation of anyone seeing them, let alone think anything about them. And you didn't just read, but came to talk to me about them! That makes me happy!
Second, and getting into the matter at hand here, you're right! LWJ absolutely had the right to punish WWX at Cloud Recesses! WWX was being a horrible guest, an absolute asshole! And LWJ delivered what he thought was appropriate punishment, nothing wrong there. But anon, nonny, the issue in discussion (which isn't really a discussion since I'm not trying to argue with anyone, but you know what I mean) when I mentioned that in my tags is not whether LWJ was right or wrong when he did what he did. It's the fact that he made WWX take punishment, which is the literal meaning of enforcing his (Gusu Lan's) rules. That's an objective fact, not a matter of morality. I agree that LWJ did nothing wrong by doing so, it would have been against his precepts not to. Gold star to LWJ for not caving to peer pressure and let people get away with what they want just because they're young masters of other sects! ⭐
With that point made clear, just like I said in my tags, it is a show of how mature LWJ is to understand that outside Cloud Recesses he does not have the authority to demand WWX does what he wants him to do. It's a good thing about LWJ! An important part of his character that people, including me, love about him! Nonny, I mean it sincerely, I don't understand where we are disagreeing here and why you mention LWJ needing to be taught how to be human, much less by any means possible. This is part of how human LWJ is. Other parts of LWJ being extremely human are his pettiness, his stubbornness, his adoption of LSZ, his evolution from the first life to the second. LWJ doesn't need to be changed by other people. He does change, but that's on him as a person, because people are ever-growing, always evolving, so 30-somthing!LWJ cannot, and therefore isn't, the same as teen!LWJ or even 20-something!LWJ. People, including WWX, can be catalysts of that change, but it's always on LWJ to do the work of growing up, of choosing what growing up means to him personally.
Regarding my opinion of LWJ, anon, I won't lie to you, he's far from my favorite character, that's JC and then JL, with everyone else following very far behind (sorry LXC, NHS, I do adore you, I promise). Still, I don't hate LWJ nor feel the need to vilify him, because he's far from a villain, quite the contrary, actually. I think he's an interesting character, one with plenty of virtues and also many flaws. Also, one that frustrates me to no end. Not because who he was at the beginning, I loved teen LWJ! I also loved post-war LWJ, who was as out of ideas on what to do as everyone else. Plus, as I stated in the tags you mentioned, he's mature enough to recognize what he cannot do! I love that about him! No need for anyone to change that about him, please, do not touch that part of him. I dislike where his character arc took him after the time skip, because I understand, sort of, how and why it happened, but it contradicts my own personal views of the world. That's my own issue, though, so really, it's immaterial to any analysis of his character outside a personal opinion. (You can argue the point that personal opinions always color character analyses, I won't say it's entirely wrong, but I try to believe I'm not so shallow as to not recognize when that's happening, which is why I try not to talk about post time skip LWJ in any detail.)
Oh yeah, regarding your mention of JC in the ask, I'm sorry to say I don't understand what the point of it was, so I don't know how to address it. My apologies, anon, if I let you down by that, I'm always okay for more questions or plain conversation in my inbox, so feel free to explain what you meant by sending another ask, hopefully I'll be able to attend to you better with more input.
Well, that got long and pretty repetitive on some parts, my bad. I'm a rambler by nature, so it's hard trying to keep myself concise, but I did finish and am posting it today and not after a week of retouching this answer, so that's a win. That's all, so bye-bye, nonny, I hope I managed to answer whatever question you had when you send this ask! Bunny hugs for you (only if you want them, of course)!
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sokkagatekeeper · 2 years
tbh atla is a really great example of how homophobia is inextricably tied to misogyny, like how in intentionally/explicitly exploring the patriarchy etc it also has this unintentional(?) but very real representation of homophobia u know?
yeah i mean like it really does make me insane sometimes how compellingly patriarchy/misogyny/homophobia is portrayed in atla. bc it seems clear to me that the writers, like, believed in women's rights and wanted to have #StrongFemaleCharacters fighting patriarchy, and they wrote several amazingly written, complex female characters.... but that they were also somewhat misogynistic/homophobic. like i don't think most of the homophobic comments our main characters made were intended as worldbuilding, i think it was often just. the writers being sexist/homophobic and making mid-2000's style dumb jokes. which then of course raises the issue that these (not all, but mostly) white american writers ended up largely basing the patriarchy of these decidedly non-white cultures on what they were familiar with. and to some extent, the fact that it is an american show made for american children means that it makes sense that they'd want to depict, for example, katara fighting against a patriarchy that largely resembles the one that american girls watching the show are faced with. idk. it's complicated. there's a lot to unpack. and i'm just a teenager with an internet connection who has spent far too many hours of my life reading and writing and talking and thinking about this show; i don't think i'm really the best person to unpack it all. shrug
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canmom · 3 years
i was just reading your old dumbing of age posts, and also i've been carlaposting (see my #carla rutten tag if interested). There's still not a lot of carla appearances but she's been on my mind (maybe cause I always latch on to the most transhumanist character, even though they're usually not that transhumanist?) so I wonder if you have any carla thoughts you'd like to share from the four years since you made those doa posts
oh hi there! Glad those old livereads are still entertaining people. lessee...
ngl, when I read this ask I mostly just thought "who?" since I have definitely not been keeping up with Dumbing of Age in that period (or webcomics in general really - K6BD is the only one I check semi-regularly nowadays.)
I really need to add some of the webcomics I used to read to Tachiyomi (assuming they're supported), but they're in that awkward place where I remember the early strips well enough that they're not super exciting to reread, but I don't remember the later strips well enough to find my place or indeed, remember who any of these people are. some point I just need to lie down with, say, Gunnerkrigg Court or Honey Crab and catch up on what I've been missing.
anyway! you asked about Carla! a quick check of the wiki confirms she was the acerbic, roller skating, trans girl character, who I was very taken with at the time I read it. I guess she had a lasting impact on me, in that Dumbing of Age reminded me that 1. roller derby exists and 2. they let trans girls play it, which I have since made a couple of attempts to do (the most recent being cut off by the pandemic, but hopefully I won't have lost too much when it's safe to skate once more). so thanks for that one Carla! I wonder what sarcastic comment you'd make.
since I don't really remember this comic very well, that's about all I can say, but let me go on anyway.
I guess I'm no longer in a place where I fixate on any and all trans girl characters in fiction, and instead come at them from something of a more analytical perspective these days. Carla seems fun though!
I was totally unaware that she was based on a robot car who became a gynoid from It's Walky!; all that went right over my head so at the time I read the comic, she was just a surprisingly cool character. obviously a lot of trans girls identify with inanimate objects in some way - robots most often, but really can be anything - so if she does have a car TF fetish going on later, good for her lmao. sure hope someone showed her Adolescence of Utena.
from the handful of strips I re-sampled, I don't think I'd get along great with Carla - no doubt I'd take some of her constant stream of mean-but-not-serious jokes to heart, and we'd both get frustrated with each other. I guess you could argue some of that would be Willis's particular voice, and the somewhat affected, sharp exchanges of a gag-a-day webcomic, rather than something 'essential' to the character. it's curious to imagine how my own personality might get simplified and abstracted if I had to be a webcomic character.
uh, what else, what else? the business model of Dumbing of Age is pretty curious to me - not the patreon part, that's pretty universal now, but the part where he draws porn of his characters and sells it on Slipshine. I feel like it wouldn't be too difficult develop that into some kind of analysis of how the emotional connections we form with fictional characters factor into erotica, a niche that often goes unfulfilled hence fanfiction etc.; in any case Willis approaches it with a certain irony (you go on slipshine and the thumbnail says 'Walky does a sex'), I guess to puncture the likely embarassment of someone paying money for porn of a webcomic they like?
in any case, idk if it's just something he does for fun or like, a major source of income, but in any case it's unusual, since in my experience webcomics are usually either strictly sfw (the vast majority), strictly porn/sex comedy (e.g. I Roved Out, Oglaf, basically all the other content on Slipshine), or mostly sfw stories aimed at adults with the occasional nsfw scene as fits the narrative (e.g. Souls Foreclosed, Kill Six Billion Demons, The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal, The Meek). 'read the story, now wanna pay for the porn?' seems like a model that makes some kind of cynical sense, so I'm surprised more authors don't adopt it.
Anyway, this is a little interesting because I have been wondering about making another attempt at creating a webcomic, since animation takes approximately forever to do so if I want to tell an original story, 'webcomic with occasional animation' in the manner of Homestuck, Honey Crab or Ava's Demon may work as a compromise. I don't think I could manage a perpetual, years-long webcomic. I have no idea how someone like Willis or the Schlock Mercenary guy (is that still going?) manages to keep producing enough material to fill up the buffer for all those years of daily comics but it's very impressive. Still, the comics I would aspire to draw like are the more 'graphic novel' kind, with big pages, varied panel layouts and camera angles, maybe even playing around with web tech to add a little interactivity and motion. Stuff that would keep it interesting and novel to create, punch through that ADHD.
Though thinking about it, Willis's strength is, I guess, much like Hussie - developing a huge cast of reasonably fleshed out characters, drawing them quickly on model with a variety of expressions, and having the confidence to synthesise storylines and let them play off each other. Many of the most successful webcomics lean on something similar: you can use all the gimmicky 'infinite canvas' techniques you want, and that can really accentuate a project and take it to another level, but the artistic Cordyceps that really worms its way into peoples' brains is "just" that character writing. Without that you still have nothing... good to remember...
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