#ikr :O /gen
aetherive · 10 months
IKR HEHE i love it especially when people interact w my rambles im like EHEHE YOU ARE LISTENING !! <D ooo pretty !! sounds very funky /pos the closest i got to something like that is putting knick knacks and stuff on my bookshelf :O apparently our walls arent strong enough for shelves or hanging stuff up kdfdjslkj id love to see your cane !! im glad yall are getting the stuff you need :D /gen OOO definitely gonna check your blog !! i love seeing your guyss interests soo :D plus well the only qsmp stuff ive seen is the egg lore and from jaidens pov kldfsjj do you wanna hear some of my interests ?? :D - @unofficiallyswizzy
YEAH!! it feels good when people are interacting with our rambles :) /pos
Okay!! I’ll probably rb it or post it seperately
Egg lore from Jaiden’s PoV is pretty cool, however the only one we’ve managed to catch live is the Bobby death stream,, - Quack reblogs stuff on his blog all the time lol he’s got a whole collection of fanart
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lilbit-of-kizzy · 2 years
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@thewhisperpen has the correct reaction to Gen 9 😂
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radioactivesweet · 3 years
GSOSGSK Gregory is also fine as hell😩😩
If that's okay could i request the p4 or just Edgar and Gregory with a chaotic s/o reader? And by chaotic i mean gen z chaotic--
they're not afraid to ruthlessy beat the shit out of a homo/transphobe but they'll start to cry if they have to go ask for something to a teacher bc anxiety, or they randomly bring them weird things/small animals they found bc why not?? (Once they brought them a frog they caught nearby the gazebo they all have tea at and went "this is my son, say hi to Gerard! :D"), they're also very touchy/affectionate (if they're both comfortable with it!!).
Btw if the reader is modern or not (bc of the gen z thing) is up to you cause i'd like the reader to have that chaotic energy but pretty much no one in that time period is THAT chaotic so yeah lol- if they are then i could see them showing them shit from their world like their phone and stuff. Sorry about the over used trope in my requests i love that trope sm- but ignore this part lol
Also, this is random but i live for Ciel and McMillan being friends 🥺🥺 they're so wholesome gskxtsidg😭💕
Btw I'm doing all of them because I like the chaotic energy woxjfdkuduugoejrie
IKR McMillan deserved more screentime, he's such a cutie
BTW I'M SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT GFYTCIIVFTIDNO wished I had written it sooner because I like this request so much gohgauiugugiaiuga
++ yesterday I've kinda started simping for Herman with his hair down, he looks so good this way
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Edgar finds poetic and suited for the Red House the dedication you put in defending people's rights and would probably ask you to give a speech about it. At first it would be awkward, you in front of a crowd of bored highschoolers, but then something would click and you start talking about how disrespectful and close minded the society they live in is.
He will be very nervous whenever you try to get Gerard close to him. Edgar is really trying to get himself to like the frog, but can't do anything about it. Just don't try to make them get along because it's not going to work out. But he is happy to know that you could befriend it. Maybe he will try too to befriend some little creature, but it won't be a slimy frog.
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It's the Victorian Age and this man wears make-up (when it was considered an abomination). You would probably get along about gender-related matters and prejudices based on one's appearance.
Sometimes you are bit too overwhelming and chaotic for him, because of him being way more on the quiet side, but nonetheless appreciate when you stop people from being rude to the members of the Violet House - since they are generally those mistreated the most out of Weston College's Students.
Gregory is really fond of Gerard too and would often draw it, while having Herman posing for him.
He might freak out if you are too clingy and try to hug him without him expecting it.
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Lawrence thinks you are the most reasonable person he has ever met and can't comprehend how there aren't many people supportive of others like you. Sometimes he finds your behaviour odd and annoying, but likes you anyway.
He doesn't get why you find so hard talking with teachers and when you tell him that's because of anxiety he has even more questions about it. He also has questions about where have you found Gerard and why you decided to bring it to the Prefects' gazebo but knows that it would be useless to ask you. Just keep it away from him and there won't be any problems.
You can be touchy, but don't try to take his glasses off.
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Herman wonders how he couldn't think about how rights weren't respected earlier and loves how open minded you are. He is going to support you beating the shit out of racist/homophobe/mysoginist people whenever he gets the chance. Also, the Green House shares one braincell, so they are all going to help you too. Might also try to involve the other Houses in projects about being more respectful toward everyone.
He is also going to be very confused when you almost start crying because of anxiety when he asked you if you could back to the classroom and tell the teacher about a thing he needed. Herman thought he said something offensive but didn't know what.
Gerard will be his son. Gerard Grenhill souns nice and Gerard is also green, so the perfect mascotte for the Green House and the perfect son for him.
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sunkissed-mogai · 2 years
alright titme to reply to everything in one big ask >:] noo if tumblr ate my memory where does it go ?? does it gett disgested into codes ??? huh ?? !! /lhj ikr emoji pronouns users deserves a good snack >:]]
honestly though XD it wouldve been fun the titme between the asks are so small i mightve asked them all mere seconds after the last flushed oh em gee host reveal /hj im glad your here i greatly missed you /gen U_U also yes coin them smexy gendies you guessed correctly :D your welcome for the peepees c[:< :D oh em gee thanks /gen :O <3 /p im glad you like my bullshit because your gonna have to deal w it for a while >:] im glad you slept well more zzz s during this weekend woohoo !! its fine take your time zesty cresty bestie :D /gen
nOOO i meant tumblr ate the ask lmao jhgfdghj
i missed you as well!! i have queued 3 more lovely gendies :D
your bullshit is lovely /gen and i will always accept more of it
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athyathye · 3 years
oya~ i forgot about lean <3 he's so cute smh how could i forget. a good brother figure.. I'd jormally say shin but he's already the guard. hmmmmm idk any other tokyo rev characters that are older than 1st gen black dragons (aside from grampa sano but shhhh) ig an oc is fine, or just keep him as lean. he's still beautiful either way \(• o •)/
Ugh ikr, its the genes I'm telling you lmao~
I don't think there's any more older characters that actually fit the criteria....So we're gonna go with big bro Izana! Yk how he treats Emma back when they were young~ and I'm gonna be honest, mans need a break from his own life in tr lol
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deltastorm101 · 3 years
So, I tried to calculate Control...
... and its Epic Games deal, with the help of my certified smooth brain™ and probably incorrect sources. I started this last night hella tired and with a headache, I have finished it up today hella tired and with a headache, and this is what I produced: bullshit! :D But hey, at least double checked bullshit that’s open for discussion and contribution and expansion. Also, I probably won’t list the sources because a) I’m lazy and b) I didn’t have to dig thaaat deep down to find all this so if you really wanna know you could probably hit google with it as well. Anyhow here we go lol So, the initial thought which got all of this rolling was the 2020-wrap-up-post Remedy linked on their twitter, and Epic’s linked publishing announcement in it: studios Remedy, Playdead and GenDesign will release their next next-gen games with Epic. Now, we all know Remedy are working on some sort of Alan Wake-ish thing as we speak (right? right?? god I hope so), which meanssss our boy will most likely be an Epic exclusive. Which makes me kinda sad because, well. I’m deep in Steam’s ass. Hell, I waited for Control for a full year before I played it because they can pry the Steam version from my cold dead hands. So I asked myself... was it worth it for them? How much money did they throw at Remedy (and 505 Games) to have them play along? Would they have reached more people from the get-go if they had released it on Steam right away? Did the individual programmer, designer, writer, artist, person behind it profit from this at all? (Also, like, about the rights and copyright thing,,,,, you’d think they could have learned from Alan Wake and its IP belonging to Microsoft and so not really being able to do anything more with it because they don’t ‘own’ it and shit) buuut anyway that’s not the point of this post, now it’s time to do some MATH BABEY
Ok, let’s start with some things we know. Facts. Figures. Data. Turns out my initial question, how much money was involved, could be answered by doing one (1) google search: according to Wikipedia, Epic gave Remedy and 505 Games €9.49mio. The total budget for the game was €26.9mio over the course of 3 years of development. We know that as of December 2020, over 2mio copies of the game were sold, with November 2020 being the best-selling month ever since its initial release in August 2019. This is where question 1) comes into play: how many of those 2 million copies were sold in 2019 and how many in 2020? Stay tuned, I think I found out.
We know that Remedy gets to keep 45% of the revenue, which, I assumed, means that 505 keeps the remaining 55% (probably a lot more going on there but shhh). We know that Control’s sales cooked up €17.84mio in 2019 (so months September – December), €17.7mio of those in the first month alone (O.O). Side note: because it came out at the very end of August, I’ll ignore that month and declare September the first sales month.
We know that 60% of sales in 2019 were digital ones (aka Epic Store, mostly), 40% physical ones (consoles PS4 and XB1), while in 2020, only 10% of sales were physical and a whopping 90% digital; which is people on Epic who wanted to get their hands on the first DLC and – you guessed it – the Steam release of the Ultimate Edition in August 2020.
Which begs question 2): what’s bigger, 60% of 2019 sales because ‘ooh shiny new game’, or 90% of 2020 sales because ‘yay steam release’? The answer may look obvious, but you have to take into account the dropping price, which I also researched for your pleasure and enjoyment.
For this I used a German website called idealo.de, which focuses on looking for the best deals for basically anything you can buy on the internet, and it also gives you diagrams that describe at which point in time the product was at which exact price. This is what it gave me: - release price: €60 - December 2019: €41 (PS4)/€44 (XB1) - mid-2020: €30 - Ultimate Edition release: €30 - December 2020: €14 (PS4)/€18 (XB1)/€30 (Ultimate Editions) At this point I was like “lol hold on i need chocolate for this cuz i’ll be here for some time *sweating*”
To continue this mess™, I see more questions: 3) How many employees does Remedy have, which positions do they work in and what are their salaries? 4) How many employees does 505 have, which positions and salaries do they have? 5) What’s the total revenue that Control has generated so far?
And also some more stuff like, are my numbers accurate, am I even grasping these concepts correctly, are there even more people involved or am I just trying to explain complete crap (yes) but let’s just ignore all of that shall we. At that point I went “oh shit what have i gotten myself into, this screen does not get my point across, i need pen and paper” and you know shit is gonna go DOWN when I do math on paper.
My paper math birthed the following calculation:
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Following this up, we can calculate the end-of-2019 sales, if we set the price for September and October to €60, for November and December to approx. €45:
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Now, you might notice that one of those numbers is big and the other is HUGE. Why might that be? Well...
- Covid19: everyone stayed at home and needed video games to play - More sale months of the year, naturally - dropping price: why get it for €60 when you can get it for 20 - Ultimate Edition: why buy it in June when you get more content in August aaaand... - it comes out on Steam.
With this in mind, let’s see what questions we can answer: 1) 661,110 copies in 2019; 1,338,889 copies in 2020 2) 60% digital sales in 2019 means 396,666 Epic copies; 90% digital sales in 2020 means 1,205,000 copies – most of it from Steam? Some of it? A good chunk? The bigger chunk? There’s no way of really knowing for sure but... you could read this into it. I definitely am. 3) Google told me Remedy had a little over 250 employees at the end of 2019... 4) ... and 505 has less than 100. I found no good sources for this, I think linkedin said 37, someone else said 50. I’ll just use the 50 figure, idk. No idea man. and for 5) I’ll contradict my point that the Steam release is what knocked the sales out of the park and assume that the number of sold copies stayed the same across all 12 months of 2020, which gives us this:
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Ok and now we’re getting into the most dangerous of danger zones because I have no idea how companies or capitalism work, so for educated people™, the remaining calculations might read like a toddler wrote them; I apologize profusely and hereby present last night’s brain vomit:
As stated earlier, development took 3 years, but everyone wanted to get paid in 2020 as well so let’s use 4 years to find out the salaries, which is 48 months. Let’s assume the utopian idea that every employee on the line here gets the exact same amount of money (LOL ikr but shhhh, let’s live out our dirtiest equality fantasies for a second ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)). Which would mean...
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And now without the Epic Deal™:
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Quod erat demonstrandum. Remedy has been selling their souls to Epic for €350 a month since 2017. (I don’t mean this as maliciously as I’m making it sound, don’t worry xD)
OKAY SO, O B V I O U S L Y, I have not the slightest idea what on earth I’m talking about so read this like you’d read a good fanfiction. We don’t know the different salaries across the different positions (and genders HAH), we don’t know if other parties were involved, I’ve completely ignored the sum that Epic themselves get, I have ignored taxes, I don’t know if my numbers are accurate (they’re definitely not I mean 505 must have more employees than 50), if I made mistakes (yes), and also somewhere along the way I forgot to use the €26.9mio budget figure because, uuh, I have no idea where to use it, what it means, where did it come from, where did it go, cotton eye joe - but oh well, I’m not starting over, take it or leave it.
So... I can now officially say I have written hot steamy economics fic xD Man I put waaay too much time into this but damn was it fun. Good three-hour-deep-dive (two of them spent munching on chocolate half-asleep listening to psytrance to keep my brain twitchy). Real-life-theorizing. Fuck capitalism. Don’t do drugs. Pet a cat. Wear your mask. Call your grandparents.
If there’s typos in this I’m sorry but also I’m not, I can’t be bothered to proofread again lol. Goodnight imma catch up on the sleep I lost. Gotta love full moons
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ohoshi · 3 years
i didn't reply to your response???? i honestly thought i did- everything that happened yesterday was a fever dream honestly ;-;
yeah some dramas go above and beyond (and not in a good way) to try and shock their audiences and it often just leaves me cringing and stopping watching </3 there are some tropes that i just cannot stand. :oo i see. yeah, i would probably react the same way ksdjdsj i probably won't watch it based on what you've said !!
KSJSJJ now you're using discord like a true gen z hehe <3 and thank you !! <3 everyone seems really nice, i'm just trying to find a way to actually talk to people ksjdjs ;-; i'm thinking of starting conversations with my serotonin asks to my new moots but i don't really know ksdjdj </3
oh yes true !! i forgot ;-; :o i have a random question for you, although it doesn't really have anything to do with astrology ksjsdj if you could describe yourself using a sole genre of music (like jazz or smth), how would you describe yourself and why?
i hope giffing is going well and you have a great day today !! <3
it's okie don't apologize<3 i thought you didn't even have a reply bc frankly i wouldn't either jsgssjj
LMAO IKR SJSGSJGS sometimes you just can't help dropping the drama right:( especially since vincenzo isnlike 20 eps x 80ish mins lol that's obnoxiously long sjagajag
you're doing good aria<33333 i hope it doesn't bring you too much stress and discomfort :((( tbh your serotonin ask really brightened my day so !!! there's nothing to worry about everyone would be happy to get something sooo sweet like your serotonin asks <3
OMGGGG I NEVER EVEN THOUGHT OF THIS LOL can i say i'm an upbeat pop song (exo's tempo is my theme song in my mind it plays in the bg every time i appear, i am tempo and tempo is me) ??? that comes to mind first and it feels like the most accurate answer ahsgwkagajag idk i always have so much energy so yeah idk i wouldn't describe myself as any other genre jagsajga wbu??? this is so interesting tho jafajaga
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nikatyler · 5 years
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Another week is ending, another replies post is here. Why is it that when there’s a million deadlines waiting for me, time just gets faster? I miss the old days when I had nothing to do. Kinda.
Remember when I rambled a lot in these posts before getting to the actual replies? I have nothing to say this time, other than Roses are coming back (which you’ve probably already noticed). I’m kinda sad to see gen 2 of NSB is truly coming to an end now (in my game, it’s been over for a few months). It was definitely an era and I want to thank everyone who’s been here for this crazy ride. It seems to me like you all enjoyed it way more than I expected. I hope you’ll stay and well, we’ll see them again in a few months. This time, Sunset will be in the spotlight.
I’m talking as if there weren’t a few more days of NSB left in the queue. It’s the FiNaL cOuNtDoWn...idk why I just thought of that song but I’m gonna go listen to it now. If I’m not mistaken, Friday is the last NSB day. Enjoy it.
mysticsheepplant replied to your photoset “Rose, Sammy protect this innocent bean has the voice of an actual...”
I'm exited, I love her
Thanks! ♥ Me too. I didn’t expect to love her so much but then she stole my heart
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Rocket, do you even remember our first meeting? I was beyond pissed...”
Doggos should live forever!
@ whoever runs this planet pls make dogs immortal thank you
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “Ross: “And like…once I become a vampire, the wrinkles will be gone,...”
Aw Ross can almost be sweet
He’s trying
jackssims replied to your photoset “Hey Lilith…why are you here?”
lajsglkdas Is Lilith going to deliver her brother's baby? Iconic
ikr? She showed up there and I was like “Oh no. Oh nooo. Oh yes. This couldn’t have gotten any better.”
jackssims replied to your photoset “Lilith: “Before we start -” Caleb: “Can we do it now? We can talk...”
sljagfdlks I was like "Lilith's really breaking the 4th wall here" before I even got to the tags and honestly? I'm here for it
This couldn’t have happened without me mentioning this let’s be real
Also, if I’m not mistaken, it will soon be the second anniversary of the original Caleb abduction. The abduction that changed pretty much everything for this blog.
simsandthensome replied to your photoset “I’m blue da ba dee da ba daa Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa,...”
you say that like I don't willingly have this song on my phone in 2019
To be fair now that you say it, I’m surprised I don’t have it on my phone
It’s kind of an annoying song but in the best way
jackssims replied to your photoset “100 baby challenge but it’s with Caleb Vatore and you have to get him...”
Chsbdjdsjjf an iconic concept
madgnomes replied to your photoset “100 baby challenge but it’s with Caleb Vatore and you have to get him...”
I like this idea haha
mysticsheepplant replied to your photoset “100 baby challenge but it’s with Caleb Vatore and you have to get him...”
TBH I wanna do that with Don Lothario
Imagine if I actually did that. Should I? Also, I love the idea of doing that to Don Lothario instead. Don deserves it because he’s kinda the worst.
cafeheart replied to your photoset “Rose, Lydia wants to fight everyone basically an angry chihuahua ...”
looks like a cinnamon roll but will e a t y o u
As in...oh god I didn’t think of that and I hate it but also you’re not wrong. Good point lmao
Me: I’m an innocent child!!!1!1!11!
Also me: immediately thinks of this
tealiah replied to your photoset “Mid-Century Twin Houses I’ve been inspired by people putting multiple...”
This is SO cool!!
Thank you! I tried.
lilleputtu replied to your photoset “To quote one of my favourite P!ATD songs: you looked at death in a...”
Rocket Breeze - Vampire Dog, coming to a NSB near you very soon
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “To quote one of my favourite P!ATD songs: you looked at death in a...”
Yay, long live the pup!
I wish we could have actual vampire dogs. Kinda weird but kinda cool
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Shhh, Lucian. Shhh…come on. Seriously, would you shut up? Your...”
Nice to see some things about Ross haven't changed. He's terrible with kids.
He might be a better person now but deep down in the core, it’s still our good old buddy Ross :D
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “I used to love this kind of cake…why do I hate it now? Caleb can eat...”
This sounds like a clear case of 'be careful what you wish for'.
Yup. But I guess giving up the cake is worth it
whysimstho replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Give me that ball, Rocket! We’ll buy you an age-down treat if...”
Me everytime there's a rocket post: not to be dramatic but I'd die for you my darling boy
melideesim replied to your post “One of the best Not So Berry Simblrs! ��”
I agree with this. I binge-read the entire legacy from start to now yesterday!
Thank you so much! I don’t feel like I’m doing anything special but really, thanks a lot :’)
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Speaking of cakes, Ross is willing to give it a try again.”
I mean...cake! ����
I’ve only now noticed how obsessed my sims are with it
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “If this ain’t the cutest dark form I’ve ever seen”
aestheicpixels replied to your photoset “If this ain’t the cutest dark form I’ve ever seen”
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “If this ain’t the cutest dark form I’ve ever seen”
Awwwww he's the cutest vampire oml ♥ ♥
It wasn’t really my intention to make him look cute, but then he did this and I knew he was trying to be scary but actually...it was just adorable.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Told you this would be the best thing to do. I’ve always told...”
I'm soft for these two tf
We all are
whysimstho replied to your photoset “Ross: “Told you this would be the best thing to do. I’ve always told...”
Can I just say I LOVE that he still has his lighter hair color
I wanted to keep it to show that he’s different now, or something like that. I can’t think of the right word at the moment. Classic Ronnie
aestheicpixels replied to your photo “you’ll be mine”
He's such a cutie!!
This is where he was supposed to look all evil and scary but he’s already failing lmao
jackssims replied to your photo “you’ll be mine”
I thought of this the other day! Foreshadowing in plain sight, I love it
I was wondering if anyone would see it coming or if it would be more like “oh yeah, Halloween, vampires, of course she did that, no big deal, let’s move on”.
fataleromeo replied to your photo “you’ll be mine”
Oh wow, I love this! I don't think I was following you back when it was originally posted. Glad I am now!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “He’s so cute and I’m dead. Also, I have a headcanon that babies who...”
Aaaawww he's really precious!
In each Form
This was the moment I was suddenly happy Caleb got abducted again
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “This is gay sim twilight I'm living for it”
If twilight was gay I would be into it. Probably. I'm kinda proud that I never had "twilight phase"
I’ve only ever watched the first movie. I don’t remember it too much though. But I remember having like two Twilight posters from teen magazines on my wardrobe when I was about 11 because I wanted to be cool, even though I didn’t really know what it was. I just knew everyone was talking about it.
I also had this idea that “cool kids have posters everywhere” so...yeah. I was a weird kid at that time.
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “Stella: that’s my otp”
Mine too Stella, mine too ♥
They’re everyone’s otp here, aren’t they? :D 
I’ll never forget when I asked who you guys ship Ross with and everyone who replied just said Caleb. There were a few other guesses, but everyone mentioned they were rooting for Caleb. The audience’s love for these two is one of my favourite things about this generation.
is it weird that i just called you guys audience
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maryslashes-blog · 5 years
ULTIMATE US SMS LANGUAGE 🇺🇸 by maryslashes
• idk = I don’t know = je ne sais pas
• lmao = laughing my ass off = ptdr
• lol = laughing out loud = mdr
• idc = I don’t care = je m’en fous
• ily = I love you = jtm
• ty = thank you = merci
• smh = shaking my head = *qd tu secoues ta tête*
• smh = somehow = en quelque sorte
• js = just saying = ex: j’dis ça j’dis rien
• asf/af = as fuck = de fou
• tb = throwback = retour en arrière
• ngl = not gonna lie = sans mentir
• goat = greatest of all time = le/la meilleur(e) chose qui te soit arrivé dans ta vie
• jk = just kidding = je rigole
• ikr = I know, right ? = je sais/t’as vu hein ?
• nvm = nevermind et pas niquez vos mères = oublie
• fyi = for your information = pour information (puis tu enchaînes la personne)
• tbh = to be honest = pour être honnête
• btw = by the way = d’ailleurs/en parlant de ça
(@maryslashes sur Instagram si tu repostes)
• srsly = seriously = sérieux/sérieusement
• idgaf = I don’t give a fuck = je m’en bats les couille
• psa = personnal service announcement = annonce
• pda = public displays of affection = gestes affectueux en public (bisous, câlins, tenir les mains)
• pms = premenstrual syndrome = spm
• T = tea = truth = la vérité cachée
• asap = as soon as possible = le plus tôt possible
• fr = for real = (ex:) en vrai
• istg = i swear to God = je te jure
• bc = because = parce que
• ppl = people = les gens
• tho = though = (ex:) aussi, du coup
• s4s/sfs = shoutout for shoutout = pub pour pub
• f4f/fff = follow for follow = follow-moi je te follow
• l4l/lfl = like for like = like et je te like en retour
• lb = like back = je like en retour
• x = kiss = bisou
• o = hug = câlin
• hw = homework = devoir maison
• qt = cutie = tu es mignon/ne
• ic = I see = je vois/je comprends
• v = very = vraiment
• asl = age sexe et localisation
• rn = right now = maintenant, tout de suite
• ttyl = talk to you later = on se parle plus tard
• b4 = before = avant
• 4ever = forever = pour toujours
• sc = snapchat
• cb = comment back = je commente en retour
• ig = instagram
• rt = retweet
• l8 = late = en retard
• gr8 = great = bien/bon
• srl = sorry replaying late = dsl de répondre en retard
• gtg = got to go = gotta go = je dois y aller
• pov = point of view = point de vue
• cb = come back = revenir
• gf = girlfriend = petite amie
• bf = boyfriend = petit ami
(@maryslashes sur Instagram si tu repostes)
• fyeo = for your eyes only = pour tes yeux uniquement
• tmi = too much information = info dont on se passerait bien
• fml = fuck my life
• c u l = see you later = on se voit plus tard
• nsfw = no safe for work = contenu pour adultes
• bbg/bbb = baby girl/baby boy = mon bébé (surnom affectueux pour une fille ou un gars)
• k = ok = d’accord
• faq = frequently asked questions = questions fréquemment posées (sur les sites web)
• wyd = what are you doing = tu fais quoi
• wwyd = qu’est-ce que tu ferais ?
• hmb = hit me back = réponds-moi
• thot = that hoe over there = cette pute
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sivchka · 7 years
happee early birthdae! ❤️ also, prague omg, i've always wanted to go there, hope you have lots of fun!! can i get a ⚡️ & 🍀 please? thank you.
THANK YOU! and ikr?? (btw happy b-day to you too, right??? or am i late)
⚡️  h a r r y  p o t t e r   e l e m e n t s :
house: gryffindor | hufflepuff | ravenclaw | slytherinera: founders | marauders | lightning | next gensquad: rose, albus and scorpioquidditch position: keeper | beater | chaser | seeker | commentator pet: cat | owl | toad | mousetitle: quidditch captain | prefect | head boy/girlbest subject: astronomy | DADA | potions | muggle studies | herbology | history of magic | transfiguration | study of ancient runes | care of magical creatures | divination | arithmancyworst subject:  astronomy | DADA | potions | muggle studies |  herbology | history of magic | transfiguration | study of ancient runes | care of magical creatures | divination | arithmancy
🍀  m y t h  e l e m e n t s :
greek god/goddess: zeus | hera | poseidon | demeter | athena | apollo | artemis | ares | aphrodite | hephaestus | hermes | dionysus | hadesmagical creature: centaur | merpeople | fairy | faun | shapeshifter | vampire | warewolfheaven & hell: angel | demonwitch type: traditional witch | blood witch | sea witch | green witch | kitchen witch
join my birthday celebration
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sunkissed-mogai · 2 years
lsdflajsf im still holding that compliment in a blanket :D ill probably not use my sign off then !! [ but dont stop tagging me w it i like looking through our old convos sometimes !! ] [ [ would you even call them old ?? we started talking to each other like idk a week ago ?? idc anymore /aff ] ] side note hopefully no one tries to take advantage of this /srs but anyways ahh is ee !! thank you for clearing it up dear beloved xoinerz !! inchresting lore you guys got there /lh :O yeah ikr !! my guardian named them that from happy feet !! one of their beloved movies :D oh dang that one long lizbeard :O what do yall feed her /gen
aww! keep it nice and snug for me :D and i will not stop tagging with it bc a) i feel like if my followers don't want to see our convos that's the tag they can block and b) i also like looking through our conversations! it makes me v happy :D
no problem! i mean i'm confused by it sometimes and i live here /lh
happy feet is the penguins, yeah? we've never seen it :0
she eats live crickets, mealworms, hornworms sometimes, and also celery :D
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leonbastralle · 7 years
Reply Post Work Of Ages - For Rosa
grumpysimmies replied to your photo “Final version of my summer palette sim! Holiday Guava Smoothie (or...”
She's so pretty ♥️
Thankies :3
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
I'm so happy ;___;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “B: *fangirling intensifies*”
Same Blaze same
so you’ve been there for their original selves? :o sometimes I feel like it’s been an actual lifetime! (no offense to their mum)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “J: Why did they not let me bring my child…”
That's too bad :c
Well I snuck in a pic a while ago ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Surprise guest! This lovely lady actually made her way into TS4 xDI...”
I KNEW IT (see I checked it out :p)
YOU DID tumblr only showed me a small bit of these but now my crazy activity line makes more sense xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Meet the last baby of gen 5 (and our heiress), Monarch! Thanks to...”
Here's another adorable child ;__; ♥️
that you’ve seen before :P
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Father and son ;_;”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Pointy grew ♥”
Too cute ♥️
she was highkey my fave for quite a while tbh
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Bryony found this pirate and his first mate at the library! Sadly, no...”
A bit disappointing but it makes sense they came there to read xD
*gasps* how dare
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Glow had a bad day at school :/ he was stressed about an exam and then...”
Aww poor baby :c
I have a lot of feels for him ♥
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Telling an adventure story.”
Why are they all so cute ;____;
Idk man. The Miracles have always had a certain kind of magic about them...
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: *gasps* That good? F: *laughs* Quite. I think it’s good that you’re...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Aureus? Could you come over here for a moment?”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Please, save me.”
He grew up so fast ;___;
he actually did because I never have any patience xD longer life spans would mean 3 times as many pics as I have now, and I could not handle posting that.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “GUESS WHO GOT AN A”
I love him ♥️
duuuude same
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “rly”
How can you actually reject this adorable tiger ;___;
Idk man, Shimmer had some serious issues as a tot...and I’m talking REAL serious.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Now he’s shy.”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Oh man, that movie though! Shine please, I really need a hug. S:...”
This is too adorable ;___;
ikr ;_; I need to make a ‘fave Flame/Aur parenting moments’ poll XD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “dun dun dunnnnnNNN”
Gotta love him ♥️
say it louder for the anti ts4 ppl in the back ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
They're seriously too cute ♥️
now I feel like I need to play them again and like a whole lot but I can’t
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Wow, I can’t believe I once was in there, too!”
That's deep Glow xD
Glow’s a philosopher ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photo
She's just perfect ♥️
Is it bad that I feel the same way even tho she’s my own sim
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A little private celebration ;_;”
I love them ;_;
me too man they give me life...to think Aur noped out of the whole thing at first is like...what
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Look daddy! I no throw food this time! Daddy proud? F: !!”
It's impossible to stay mad and not be proud ;___;
especially if you’re Flame, he’s the most chill dad
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
An adorable dad ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Oh, you mean this? G: *giggles* Dad noooooo! F: Ah, I understand....”
akdjfkddfjirk my heart oh god ♥️
;_; trust me I died writing these
grumpysimmies replied to your photo “LANI LOOOOVES YA”
And I love her ;_; ♥️
good ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “He was right. F: How exactly is this baby coming out now? Dear...”
This is a question no one wants to answer xD
seems that way, looking at the comments xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
too precious ;_;
not exactly sure what this was about, but I’m assuming Flame, so yes
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Confident bump watch.”
I never knew I needed pregnant Flame in my life so much before this ;____; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: G-greetings, uh, Berryverse…this is…no, this is not clickbait, I...”
As if Aur could leave you forever!
Flame believes that, but at the same time there’s always this really small voice in your head you know? I mean, four children later he’s quite sure xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “J: And that would be my clue to leave.”
Poor Jewel xD
nah, they’re cool about it xD like it was them and Bonsai who made Aureus rethink his priorities, so. I’m sure these two will have a fangirling moment once Jewel gets home and tells Bonsai about how cute they are.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
zkdjkkfrild look at him ;__; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “But don’t worry, I’ve got a feeling nobody can dislike Aur for too...”
Is it even possible to dislike him :o
Idk man, he has quite some opponents in politics too xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “I could watch them play all day, honestly.”
Same ♥️
Good thing they do it professionally xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Greetings, Berryverse! This is it, the moment you’ve all been...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Introduction in some brighter light xD It was indeed four legs as you...”
afkdkdjfirk I know I've already seen them but they're so adorable ♥️
they are the preshest ;_;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Solely for bump watch purposes.”
She looks so good while pregnant ;__; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: The car…you fixed it. I-I like the colors. E: Let’s…not talk about...”
You freaking idiot x_x
he’s quite pathetic at times, it’s just part of his personality to use big phrases and to feel sorry for himself I guess xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “C: You know, with you…I think this whole immortality thing might not...”
My heart ;___; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Uuuuuuu… F: Girl. This better not be a scary time sickness, because...”
We all know what's going on
suuuuure but let me try at least xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “CALEB DON’T BE MEAN TO ADDIE ;_;”
Addie doesn't deserve this :c
well I mean she’s dating a chipmunk and still has impure thoughts about a moth so maybe she does
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Meanwhile back home…”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I’m sorry, Ally. I should’ve never kissed you, hell, I should’ve...”
why u gotta do this ;__;
cause I gotta
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: It’s getting late. When are we going to sort out that stuff that...”
Gosh I'm so glad the queue didn't end on me xD
ah dammit you ruined everything xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I DIDNT KNOW YOU DANCED SO WELL!! A: NEITHER DID I! YOU SEEM TO...”
why are they so precious ;__;
cause I want them to be :P
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
akjfkjskzkj she's too cute ;___;
ngl this pic is actually one of my faves (it was Ally sniffing the flower I checked)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Your best friend is always more important than housework.”
Sometimes I feel like anything is more important than housework (plz don't think I never clean my house xD)
you’re right tho
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Is it just me, or is something going on here…?”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
So beautiful ;____;
she’s a very pretty Caleb clone
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I think now is the time to stop ignoring it, Ally. A:...”
akfjdkdjfkgkg HE HAS A WAY WITH WORDS I'm just dead
he does sometimes, when my brain cooperates
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Please. Can we just cuddle and not think about anything that...”
akfkjdkdjfkfjdkf EUGENE OMG
he knows just how to woo the Allies
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Button needs some soul food to process all this.”
Plz protect this child ;_;
I’m sure she’s safely hidden under someone’s bed ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Fable, I think Victoria might have adopted you… V: SHE’S SO SQUISHY!!...”
Who wouldn't want to adopt Fable tho
Idk man I could use her pro skills
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “V: Oh my, what a huge mess. I didn’t expect such a thing to ever...”
Capri Sun you pure soul ;__;
Capri Sun is the best and it’s gonna get better (wait spoilers? shhh you didn’t see anything)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Capri Sun, are you in? CS: Positive. Copying relevant data to your...”
I like Fable too ;____;
Idk why I thought she needed this part, but I’m glad I did because otherwise she would’t have gotten so big and I wouldn’t have had the idea for her story either!
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leonbastralle · 7 years
Replies Pt.2 - For The Sim-Mum
amixofpixels replied to your post “Does anyone have an idea why one single ramp of a set of skins...”
I have no idea on why skins aren't showing up as I have been having problems myself, however, never apologize for anything, boo. You do you! <3
thank you for reacting anyway ;_; the thing you said about invisibility, I feel that right now I guess...also I was so sure nobody would even care so I’m glad you did even tho you don’t know what causes it either...and thanks, I just don’t like coming across as the bitch I am xD
amixofpixels replied to your photoset
Aww, little hugs <3
hugs are the best thing I need more versions tbh so it never gets boring
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “™¥”
This child is adorable.
he totally is ;_; good genes happening in @fadepixels‘ game!
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “D: Thank you for letting me come over! F: No problem, friend. Sir. It...”
My reaction would be very similar to Dorian's.
Fair enough, mine too xD
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “D: Come help me! This will be the most innovative snowman in the...”
You dream big, baby boy.
dw, he always will. He already knows he wants to be a surgeon. And the most intelligent man on earth.
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “Button, don’t you think your child will have trouble breathing through...”
Darn straight, you do. (This is making me laugh when I want to cry, so thank you)
;_; no crying please
amixofpixels replied to your photoset
This has my two favourite things, I approve!
Caleb and kitty?
amixofpixels replied to your photoset
Also, a very pretty baby! ^-^
amixofpixels replied to your photoset
Pretty, pretty baby! <3
XD when she runs out of things to say
amixofpixels replied to your photoset  “Dorian met his buddy Felix in a dark house.”
It sounds very creepy indeed.
ikr! I wouldn’t know how to turn it into a horror story tho, I suck at that
amixofpixels replied to your photoset
I've already said my concerns about her growing up anymore. Does she really, really have to?
yes she does, cause I HAVE PLANS
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “C: Button! What’s the matter? B: I’m pregnant again!! I know we didn’t...”
Writing batter instead of matter would have been a beautiful thing, almost as beautiful as Caleb's facec.
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “!!!!”
Baby, baby, baby! I know all about you! :D
yeah, rub it in ;)
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “Lunch time ♥”
Adorable little thing of pixels.
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “Caleb, you know it’s snowing outside? C: Yeah, but not inside! I need...”
I changed my mind, can we make this a shirtless Caleb and Adelaide blog? XD
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “Back in action!”
Can this just become a Caleb and Adelaide blog, please?
I can’t promise anything xD
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “Ally, what’s with the face?”
Planning the destruction of your game.
amixofpixels replied to your photoset
Pretty pretty sky.
;_; I missed the scenery! Tiny worlds are so bad for that.
amixofpixels replied to your photoset
Well, he is one of many, but you get the gist.
amixofpixels replied to your photoset
Finally, this queue was lacking a bit of my favourite child.
gurl it just started xD
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “Dorian? :( D: Arghhhhh do something about the constant snow mum!! It’s...”
Are we sure this kid is related to me, because why different reactions to snow.
I honestly don’t know, I think I just inserted a bit of myself into him, because it’s been winter for literal AGES in their game and nobody ever goes to school then gets bad grades which in turn make for bad traits so...also I just needed a caption xD
amixofpixels replied to your photoset
Also, this is darn pretty.
amixofpixels replied to your photoset
Casually stealing future technology? I approve. Casually stealing a person from the future? Not approved. ;)
Hey, if you don’t stop hinting I won’t do my plan stuff xD but thanks for the compliment part.
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “Adelaide has been watching the two newest living additions to the...”
Never regret anything. This is glorious, and they have awesome names.
I mostly don’t regret stuff, but I do regret this forever. Also I wish I’d come up with them myself but technically I haven’t xD
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “Potty facey ;_;”
So close to a poop face, but not close enough.
I just like that part of the animation best
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “Dorian found a new friend! He’s usually not as touchy-feely.”
POTATO!?!?! I approve of this name.
Of course, just the best names for my pets (and nanites)
amixofpixels replied to your photoset
It's lucky you are adorable!
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “A: Dis?”
Darn it, it could have been so cute!
What’s so bad about this exactly?
amixofpixels replied to your photoset
Yes, you clean yourself, on someone's bed.
amixofpixels replied to your photoset
Are we going to hide in the box, or just play with the toys?
Well, you found out xD
amixofpixels replied to your photoset
Is it bad that I'm sad that only Eli has Caleb's eye colour? If it is, sorry but not really.
:o true ;_; I have to incorporate it into the next gen!
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “Same spot, same activity, mood: complete opposite.”
Look at his precious squishy face. <3
I still love it to pieces and always will ;_;
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “D: They’ve called another snow day. I’m experiencing severe education...”
This kid needs to meet Zoey and see who is grumpier. XD
They would be great friends!
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “Hi, Adelaide ♥”
MY LITTLE FUR BABY!!!! ;______________;
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “C: What do you say, want to see what these bedsheets look like from...”
CALEB! This is filth.
Don’t blame him, blame my rusty captioning skills!
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “C: Come hither, dearest wife! B: I’m right here, you goof.”
ME TOO ;-;
amixofpixels replied to your photoset
Guess who's back, back again. Robins are back, tell a friend. Please don't sue me. *Hides)
No sueing! That could be their intro song.
amixofpixels replied to your post “The Time I Was On Hiatus But Still Whined - Replies”
The blog and you have Button and Caleb so that ship! ;)
Oh right yes that makes sense! I do hope my other ships are okay too tho
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