#im gay myself please don't dogpile me
beetlepaints · 1 month
ok this normally goes on my priv twt but whatever I'm bored at work and prev post sent me into a WHIRLPOOL.. please remember this is based off my personal experience and what I've witnessed I'm not gonna pull out receipts or screenshots to back myself up. Im not doing all that
I completely understand why some people feel as if terms like twink has been heavily sexualized, I see it commonly get used VERY VERY wrong and I, me, *someone* who prefers the term bear/cub (or one i coined myself- critter!) have been called a twink. i am a hairy 5'2 210-220 something man. definitely not a twink.
but this doesn't mean we should be attacking people who like to use those labels for themselves. we shouldn't be targeting ppl and telling them that they are actively fetishizing a community bc of that. it's so extremely harmful and from someone who went to a highschool with an active lgbtq+ alt scene, I've personally seen how this has affected the peers around me in negative ways- including myself. it's not worth breaking a community by dogpiling/etc on someone because they found a label that fits them and doesn't even harm anyone else.
in my area, many folks around my age have been oppressed so much by older folks and it's exhausting. everything we do is seen as some horny gay creepy bullshit because of stuff like this. it feels like the way older people sexualized queer folk has been passed down to how we see ourselves today and now there's so many people that don't want to look into the absolutely *beautiful* history of lgbtq+ because everything is seen as sexual or fetish.
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endricus · 3 years
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