#im rotating this fic in my brain like fucking rotisserie chicken
fdblaize · 1 year
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alrighty time for another kamino's ward (by @tunafishprincess) tomfoolery now featuring mommy and daddy midoriya. this was supposed to be ya boi deku but this moment was ultimately so stucky to me so. yeah. also deku's already Going Thru It™ both in the manga and anime *breathes in totally normal*
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HI. HELLO. SORRY. i heard we’re talking about hunger au + the others finding out about fucked up stuff that grian’s doing
i’m obsessed with the potions. in order to die (which he doesn’t even *want*, or at least doesnt think he wants, he just believes it’s the safest option) he has to corrupt his friends’ attempt to help him. healing potions have been like. the only thing he’s conceded on for his own comfort. tango is super excited when he learns about them bc 1. it’s something actionable and immediate thatll directly help, and 2. grian gets noticeably… not hopeful, exactly, but definitely more responsive the few times that they’re talking about the potions. which. i’m sure tango will feel really good about after the fact (assuming the plan happens).
and then mumbo overextended himself making a *gold farm* entirely for potions and pearl “got carried away” collecting netherrack. it’s so clearly a priority for them. how are they going to react when grian hurts himself using them?? when they find out that they don’t do anything notable in the first place *except* give him a way to hurt himself?? after potions almost killed him the FIRST time??????? augh. i think about it so much
(also i heard we could pick emojis so im picking 📞 ty <3)
You're more than welcome to pick an emoji!! :D i honestly love it, i love seeing regulars in my inbox its like having people wave at me from across the street whenever they send in asks hehe :]
Man, the potions..... yeah the potions are crazy dude, i can see why everyone is obsessed with them. I havent exactly made a post on this yet, but healing potions don't actually do anything for a Watcher's structural code (theyre designed for Player surface code specifically, so they arent even fully compatible with Watcher surface code), which makes him conceding on them even more painful, because the others are latching onto this single one opportunity to help and its not even actually helping. Its being used, in fact, to eventually hurt him. Nobody is gonna like that.
Im really glad how everyone's desperate attempts at getting the potion ingredients are being picked up on in fic, especially since those references been sorta randomly sprinkled in throughout the chapters (usually through dialogue). Yeah they are.. thats gonna be Fun when they find out the truth on that one >:] ive had the scene for that in mind for AGES and i cannot WAIT to finally get it out there for everyone to see, because man. Its gonna be visceral, i'll tell you that
Im so so glad you like what im doing here enough to be rotating it in your brain like this!!! :D i shake your hand we sit and spin the potions like rotisserie chicken
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noritoshiikamo · 1 year
Tee darling grabbing you my the shoulders shaking you lightly you just tagged me in a new fic but I'm not over the AyatoXshrine maiden one IM SERIOUS I left the notification for that one on my phone for three whole days before reading to make sure I wouldn't forget and when I did omg. Oh my god. Oh my g
Is funny cause when I read stuff I picture in my head like a movie, so I keep the scenes of that fic (is three parts so is a series ??? Idk??) Rotating in my brain like a rotisserie chicken every time my mind drifts off. Have I said how much I love your writing? Cause I fucking love your fics I want to scream really loud and chew my pillow, hope you have a great day I lov u
no bcs when i write i imagine a whole flow too just so i know im making sense but uES IT FEELS LIKE ROTISSERIE CHICKEN IN THE OVEN CJKZKSKDKKD pls u flatter me i cane back from dead for one minute just so i can let out my hornii juice im glad u chewed ur pillow for me #homie4life
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Coming to you as both a big fan of your hunger au and a chemist.
You keep describing Grian’s feeding as an absorption of beta waves of a specific frequency from the brain. You’ve also teased that Doc eventually finds a way to feed Grian without him having to mind melt his friends.
My logical conclusion: Doc periodically sticks Grian in what is essentially a microwave modified to produce the correct frequency and I cannot stop laughing at the mental image. I like to think someone (maybe Mumbo) adds a timer that does the classic ding after a certain period so they don’t over caffeinate the bird.
this is the most terrifying ask in my inbox do you mean to tell me there are STEM people who actually know what theyre doing looking at my silly au that i do maybe 2 hrs of research on any one topic for before plonking it in. i feel like im about to be arrested for speculative biology crimes take me away officer
slash jays aside this is the FUNNIEST mental image to me... they fucking rotisserie chickened him..... Rotate Your Bird For Maximum Frequency Coverage. Mumbo would absolutely add a sound effect button. This is incredible i might genuinely put a reference to this idea in the fic just for how hysterical it is
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