“Molti anni fa mi resi conto che un libro, un romanzo, è un sogno che chiede di essere scritto nello stesso modo in cui ci s'innamora di qualcuno: il sogno diventa irresistibile, non c'è niente che tu possa fare, e infine cedi e soccombi anche se il tuo istinto ti dice di battertela a gambe perché potrebbe trattarsi, dopotutto, di un gioco pericoloso – in cui qualcuno probabilmente si farà male.”
— Bret Easton Ellis, "Le schegge".
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donutsandbagels · 2 years
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"È difficile opporsi al fascino misterioso e irresistibile del proibito."
Cit. @lospalatoredinuvole
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medusasresfriadas · 8 months
baron omatsuri and the secret island did not play around
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letteraturadiviaggio · 10 months
Rosa Mogliasso - L'irresistibile simmetria della vendetta
In libreria. Recensione in arrivo
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campanauz · 10 months
Ah mi sembrava strano che quest'estate Salmo non avesse ancora dissato qualcuno.
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forgottenbones · 1 year
We Entered the World of Microsoft Excel eSports & Got Our Asses Beat
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disanosrl · 2 years
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Il valore aggiunto che diamo alle confezioni, in questo caso nocciole intere tostate, è il sottovuoto. E se è trasparente, diventa irresistibile! #digel #gelato #rozzano #romeo #canditi #disano #italia #fruttasecca #prodottidisano #canditiromeo @pistacchiodisano @canditiromeo
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ultrabeauty-it · 2 years
7 cose che gli uomini apprezzano nelle donne
Come affascinare un uomo dal primo incontro e occupare i suoi pensieri per molto tempo? Leggi
Come essere dannatamente attraenti negli occhi degli uomini Come affascinare un uomo dal primo incontro e occupare i suoi pensieri per molto tempo? Troverai la risposta nella nostra nuova selezione di 7 cose che gli uomini apprezzano nelle donne. Perché gli uomini si innamorano di alcune donne, mentre altre preferiscono stare a un miglio di distanza? Il punto qui non è affatto in aspetto…
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medusasresfriadas · 8 months
guys stop talking about how good one piece is on other people's posts. they're going to actually believe you one day
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didivola · 2 months
C'è una linea sottile tra ciò che desideriamo e ciò che siamo disposti a concederci...
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Questa linea si assottiglia quando abbiamo di fronte chi vede e sente come noi, chi si mette in gioco senza aspettative ma donando tutto se stesso...
E diventando irresistibile...
E la linea si assottiglia sempre più...
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abellaheart-blog · 1 year
What Lip Stick They Buy You 💄💋
Bucci Gang x Reader Headcanons
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Narancia Ghirga
He picks out cutesy ones for you because he thinks the gloss will look nice.
He saw it online, The Crème Shop x Hello Kitty Kawaii Kiss Moisturizing Lip Oil - Vanilla Mint Flavored. He didn't care about the flavor. He cared more about the appearance and color
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He would choose various cutsey lip glosses and the kind that are flavored hence why he got you dippin dots lip balms or Jolly Ranchers but expect different flavors he thought would taste best
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His favorite would be fruit flavored glosses on you. Various would be given to you but he'd get a better brand
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"Oh tesoro/tesorina! You're wearing the lip gloss I bought you!"
"Please can I have a kiss? You look so sexy/beautiful and kissable!"
"Only one kiss? You're wearing the tangerine lipgloss!"
"No fair! I wanted to try it from your lips."
Fugo Pannacotta
He loves the pink strawberry lip products on you! They make you look ever so kissable and he can't resist your lips
He buys you “Strawberry Kisses lip scrub” from Fourth Ray Beauty
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Glosses are a must too he wants to pick the cutest ones for you
Yes all of them would be strawberry flavored or themed
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He'd pick out pink strawberry themed lip sticks as well
He's so happy seeing you put them to use. He'll smile so much
Politely asking for kisses like the shy gentlemen he is
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He would also get you a balm too if requested or if he see's a good one
He'll bite his lip hoping he could kiss you. The sweetie wants all your kisses when he see's you put it to use. He can't help it
He's shy about PDA so he'll ask you privately
"Mio prezioso/preziosa, I need to kiss you.."
"You're so cute. I smell strawberry. You used the lipstick I got you. It looks great on you, as expected."
"Bella/Bello please kiss me.."
"You're simply irresistibile."
Guido Mista
He's getting you lip products he think would make you more kissable. He can't wait to use a pick up line on you to earn a kiss
Mista buys you watermelon sugar lip gloss. It’s called, “this is juice gloss” by NYX
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Much like Narancia he's getting you flavored lip products but I feel like he'd get the soda flavors. He'd totally get them to make some sort of cheesy pick up line. The fruity and coke flavors would be his go to but if you prefer other soda flavors he’d pick them out too.
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Mista loves lipstick on his partner too. He thinks it looks so pretty attractive. He might buy you some in red since he thinks its sexy. He'd make sure its a good brand
If you don't like red lip he's fine with other colors but of course he'll like them natural too. He's still wanting your kisses constantly
Too bad he doesn't realize lipstick don't taste good but it's a sacrifice he's willing to make
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He would like different colored lipglosses too. I can see him picking purples and pinks
He's going to be begging for kisses when you wear lip glosses since they draw so much attention
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"Looking good handsome/gorgeous. Where's my kiss?"
"Is that red lipstick I see? Gimme kisses!"
"You look so sexy. I'm going to need some kisses. I hope I earned them."
Giorno Giovanna
Giorno likes pink lipsticks and he'd love seeing various shades on you too!
He buys you lipstick from Sephora for you. He likes their products because they carry good quality expensive brands.
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The Rose lip scrub is his favorite on you
Hot pinks are also a favorite choice of his
He’d be sure to pick out a shade that would compliment your complexion
Dior would be another brand he would love to buy for you
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Lip glosses would be the other type of lip wear he’d pick out for you. Pinks and purples. The glosses would look so cute on you
"Bello/Bella I'm happy to see you wear the lip gloss I've given you."
"Scusi but you're looking so divine today. I must kiss you, cara/caro."
"You're wearing the pink lipstick I bought you, aren't you stella (star)?"
"Carino/Carino are you only giving me one kiss?"
Bruno Bucciarati
He likes the red lipsticks for you! Any shade is fine with him.
He’d pick out a good brand like Dior or maybe Sephora
Other shades I can see him choosing would be browns or orange colors
Bright colors would compliment your eyes but he thinks brown shades look sexy too
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He’d be delighted to see you wear the colors he bought you. Anything to make you happy
He isn’t opposed to other types of lip wear I feel like Bruno doesn’t know them too well
“I see you’re wearing the red lipstick I got you. You look very breathtaking~”
“I never get tired of your lip prints. They make my day, amore mio.”
“So beautiful.. I know I’ve already kissed your hand. Would you be opposed to a kiss?”
Leone Abbacchio
He’s the perfect one to pick out lipsticks for you. He knows makeup very well and enjoys picking them out for you too. Maybe he could do your makeup too if you like?
Of course he’d want to twin with you by getting you purple lipsticks. He’d get various shades so you can experiment with a color you’d enjoy most
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He’d also like blacks and dark greens on you. Red is also a pleasing sight to see as well. Getting brands off of shelves while he’s shopping for himself but it’s most likely he’s shopping for you
He’d love to pick out lipsticks with coffin packaging
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He’d get some Nightmare Before Christmas lipsticks as well. He enjoys their shades of lipsticks and would also enjoy the look of the design
He isn’t opposed to other colors. These would be his favorites he’d like to see on you.
He always has a smug look on his face at night when he sees your lip prints on him before washing it off his face or other body parts
If he had to pick his favorite it would be black. He secretly thinks it’s sexy
“The black lipstick really suits you.. better seat you on my lap before you run off.”
“Where’s my kiss, my dark empress/emperor?”
“Need to kiss you, my sexy vampire.”
"Getting lip prints on me whore?"
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melissa-io · 5 months
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Una donna in reggicalze o con le autoreggenti e' semplicemente irresistibile...
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moonyvali · 9 months
"Averte mai sentito l’espressione «la bellezza salverà il mondo?» Vi siete mai chiesti cosa significa?
Questa è una delle più celebri frasi di Dostoevskij. La potete leggere ne L’Idiota, ma pochissimi ne hanno compreso il vero significato. In tanti credono che queste parole siano un semplice omaggio alla bellezza. Ma non è così. Che cosa vi sta dicendo in realtà Dostoevskij?
Ecco, pensate a cosa provate quando guardate un dipinto di Caravaggio o di Michelangelo. Quando osservate un tramonto. O un paesaggio talmente bello che vi toglie fiato. Sentite una sensazione di benessere, di piacere, ma anche qualcos’altro. Un sentimento più profondo ma anche più sottile. Guardate questa Venere di Botticelli: guardate i suoi occhi, i suoi capelli, il suo volto. Che emozioni vi trasmette? Una soave, irresistibile dolcezza che vi spezza il cuore. Vi sentite incantati, stupiti, commossi.
La grande bellezza ha sempre il potere di commuovere. «Dove c’è bellezza, c’è anche compassione, per la semplice ragione che la bellezza deve morire». Ogni momento può essere l'ultimo per noi, perché siamo mortali. Quando guardiamo un’alba che si specchia nelle acque del mare, quando vediamo nel viso di un uomo o di una donna una bellezza irresistibile, dentro di noi sappiamo che quel momento non tornerà. È questo che vi sta dicendo Dostoevskij. È la compassione che nasce in noi grazie alla contemplazione della bellezza che salverà il mondo. O meglio salverà l’uomo.
La bellezza che i media ci vendono invece è una bellezza plastificata, prodotta in serie, perché l’uomo per essere un buon consumatore deve innanzitutto credere di essere immortale. In una società che ha fatto dell’egoismo una moda e del consumismo un’arte, non c’è più spazio per la poesia, per pensare all’altro, per sentire. Non c’è più il tempo per vivere. Ma se voi invece di lasciarvi vivere, come fanno tanti, vi fate inebriare dalla bellezza della natura, dell’arte, della poesia, non troverete in queste cose soltanto una mera bellezza estetica ma la radice più profonda della vita stessa."
G. Middei, anche se voi mi conoscete come Professor X (Cari amici, con un senso di commozione vi comunico che il mio romanzo Clodio è alla sua ultima ristampa. Se vi piacciono la storia e la filosofia, vi lascio il link per leggerne un estratto gratuito: https://www.amazon.it/Clodio-G-Middei/dp/8832055848
#letteratura #cultura #istruzione #dostoevskij
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mikaelarebel · 7 days
Malizia ed eleganza rendono
una donna affascinante..
Se si aggiunge un tocco
di femminilità diventa irresistibile.
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L'amore è un irresistibile desiderio
di essere desiderati irresistibilmente.♠️
Robert Frost
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