#is this about the lisa frankenstein post
goryhorroor · 2 months
so i love your horror posts but you seem like a super obnoxious and abrasive person. you don't have to be such a jerk if people don't agree with you, i've seen so many text posts of yours like this. as if you're the only one who understands good taste or the movies you watch.
haha what like saying a compliment at first is going to mean anything after you insult me. i don't really care if people dont like my posts. I post my opinions. I also love how you posted this as an anon like say this with your chest anon.
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feymaid · 4 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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jingyismom · 4 months
undead boy with "UNMARRIED" on his gravestone makes sure to put "BELOVED WIFE" on his girl's gravestone even though he knows she won't be in the ground for long
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mossterious · 3 months
Something really poignant about Lisa Frankenstein, to be at least, is the fact that when the creature attacks Janet, it’s not when she’s being rude to her. It’s not when she’s just saying rude things, or beoittling Lisa, or anything. It’s when Janet says that she’s going to admit Lisa.
Because the creature is from the 1830s. And even if he knows about modern culture and inventions, which he sort of seems to?, he’s still FROM the 1830s. And when Janet says the word admitted, he hears the word committed. When Janet says Serenity Manor, he knows that that means an asylum. And he knows what asylums are. They are dangerous places. They are places where you’re stripped of all autonomy. They are places where you send people away to become someone else’s problem, and they normally don’t come back. And so he attacks. He protects Lisa.
And I think that draws a really important comparison between what asylums were, and what mental care is now. Because in a lot of ways, it isn’t much better. There’s still a lot of abuse in the system. There’s still a complete lack of autonomy. There’s still so much ableism and bias within the system. And people are still sent there to get them out of other peoples ways, rather than strictly to help them. And, sure, this movie is set in the 80s, so it’s not exactly modern. I mean, the movie points out that times are different. But with Janet, it almost seems intent on pointing out of similar everything is. Sending Lisa to a psych ward. The diet culture. The “intuitive person” thing. That one line about narcissists needing to be vanquished. And all these things are still a pretty big issue now.
There’s just a lot of comparison. ESPECIALLY a lot of comparison when it comes to disability and madness in these three distinct time periods. And like, it’s obvious that mental health was used as a weapon against people, and especially WOMEN, in the 1830s. But Lisa Frankenstein highlights that in the 80s, it was still a weapon! And that psych ward programs still poses a threat. Theres a comparison between how Janet and Lisa’s dad erase Lisa’s grief and say that she’s “acting out” compared to female hysteria of the creature’s time. There’s also the creature’s reaction to being physically disabled vs Lisa’s, with Patch and everything, but that honestly is another post entirely.
I just think that the discussion of mental health in this film is really important and, frankly, really well done. Especially especially especially through the lens that Lisa is a girl. And Lisa Frankenstein is a movie about GIRLHOOD. And so the movie took the extra step to talk about the denial of women’s feelings and specifically grief, and the pathologization of them. When women feel in a way outside of a norm, they’re wrong. They’re crazy. They’re dangerous. And idk I just think it’s done really well and the comparisons are all right there.
And this is all in a movie based on Frankenstein. This is all about a character based on Victor Frankenstein. The MAD scientist. So I feel like it all fits together incredibly well.
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claypotz · 3 months
real gfs give their bfs bottom surgery
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infinitefinalsweek · 4 months
The Barbie movie dragged itself across the ground like a slug so that Lisa Frankenstein could win her fucking triathalon
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How many fics is too many to post in like three days? Asking for a me.
Also, at what point should I collect the Pining Creature™ drabbles into one multi-chapter fic instead of posting them separately?
I don't want to feel like I'm hogging the Lisa Frankenstein AO3 tag honestly. But it's so hard because I can't stop writing.
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trashmuis · 3 months
shoutout to the girl in the formal button up blouse and black slacks, with a visible watch chain dangling out of the pocket, who was eating a nacho box full of those little packets of parmesan cheese (you know, the kind you can get with pizza) in the theater, watching Lisa Frankenstein in front of me, all by herself.
I was fascinated and inspired by your entire vibe
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gooch-cancer · 9 days
i feel like a lot of people are being way too harsh on taffy as a character i've seen people calling her fake, selfish, etc. and while i do agree with the selfish bit considering the debacle with michael. however, taffy is NOT fake. she only follows the looks of the stereotype of a fake cheerleader who treats the outcast like a pet but id argue that she's one of the ONLY people in the movie that doesn't infantalize lisa (ill speak more on that in another post)
she takes care of her yes but exactly how a sister would (or at least my idea of a sister i only have brothers) she goes through efforts to bond with lisa and invite her into her circle despite her friends obvious dislike of her.
taffy's love and care for lisa while misguided because of the mother she had was still very real nonetheless. the instances of her standing up to her mother for lisa proves that.
taffy was good to lisa despite their short time together and their circumstances. she's a product of her environment and still shines bright despite of that. she's well liked in her community for a reason after all.
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talesfromthecrypts · 3 months
i feel like if lisa frankenstein was a live today she would have a tumblr lol
Lisa Swallows is like a mutual to me. She has the Cesare in Cabinet of Dr. Caligari icon. She's doing the Saw and Resident Evil toxic yaoi. We have the same vampire boyfriends. She has a ticket to Immaculate.
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motley-cunt · 17 days
Lisa Frankenstein but the guy that you pull out of the ground just so happens to be a dastardly barber that was executed for his crimes in the 1800s and he’s still full of pure vengeance but also he’s technically a corpse so you have to constantly sew his body back together because he lost an arm trying to execute someone in your life that was treating him like the society that spiraled him in the first place. This is about—
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boxingcleverrr · 2 months
Honestly I understand people my age who start publishing novels that are barely-shrouded fanfic more and more as I get older, specifically real-person-fic, cause like.
I have not developed any shame around writing fanfic, thank goodness. And I never wrote real-person-fic myself. HOWEVER I am still autistic and special interest-fixate now and then, ala Kat Dennings back in the day, and MAN.
When you're 15 and lose your goddamned MIND over a hot character/actor for a bit, you're just Tina Belcher. It's fine, people familiar with teenagers get that.
When you're 38, happily married, worried about finding affordable housing, need to bathe your dog, etc. you just kinda sigh and shake your head like "Well, I guess there's a daydream version of me who's just gonna have A Situation about how that person smirks for a few weeks. Where do I put this cheating whore version of me, who has no bills to pay?"
I now think it actually takes genitalia of steel to go, "....Fuckit, I'm publishing this crime."
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geekynichelle · 2 months
I just did a The Bride of Frankenstein and Lisa Frankenstein double feature. There's been a lot of opinions about the latter and I don't like to formally review something I've only watched once, so I will just say this: The aesthetic was fun, I loved that I could see what was happening in the dark, and I kinda wish they'd cranked everything they did up to an 11 (or 12). It felt like it could've gone a bit harder and really hit certain things home more, but I respect the people that like it as is. Also I wouldn't be me if I didn't add the fact that it does do that annoying where sexism still exists, but racism doesn't, which...
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rainbowinbeigeboots · 4 months
save me low quality recording of lisa frankenstein, save me
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michaelinprogress · 6 days
hi ummmm um i hope this isn't weird, but in your tags you said you were gonna write this scene from his pov, have you yet? just because if you have i was gonna ask for a link!!!
Not weird at all! Tbh I started writing it, didn’t like how it was going, and abandoned it. But this actually inspired me to write more of it so I’m gonna pick it back up today and see where it goes :]
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god. the undead as an archetype is still so good. you can do anything with them. always outside of the parameters of normality looking in. belonging to a past we cannot reach. we are them and they are us, anyway.
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