#isaiah darlington extra
aheathen-conceivably · 3 months
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Saw my darling @swiftviolets doing this so I had to hop aboard the bandwagon with our Darlingtons. Alas, they barely fit so Violette will have to wait for next gen’s height chart 😉
(Anybody surprise you? 👀)
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aheathen-conceivably · 4 months
🍭, 💚, 🩶 and 🥂 for Isaiah and Summer, please! I just realized how much I've missed these babies
Aww from the OG babies to this gen’s babies. You may not be missing them for too much longer though my dear 😉
🍭 What's something they can never agree on (big or small)?
Isaiah has a real serious childish streak, that I think would usually be endearing to Summer but does get on her nerves sometimes. This is mostly in regard to danger, which he more or less just doesn’t comprehend for himself or his children. He has absolutely no issue with tossing them up in the air or climbing a tree with them, encouraging them to do all kinds of dangerous forest child shenanigans that she thinks he should be more cautious in showing them.
💚 Which one is more kind-hearted and who angers easily first?
The first one no doubt goes to Isaiah, also sometimes to a point of fault. We will actually get a bit of this soon enough (👀), but he inherited Florence’s Good trait alongside his childish one, so he often can go a bit too far in helping others without thinking of himself (and by extension sometimes his family) first.
I wouldn’t say that either of them anger easily, but Summer does have a strong streak of self preservation and what I’m going to call “forest smarts.” She has no problem cutting someone or something out that isn’t beneficial to her family, and can move on with her life quite easily knowing it was for the best.
🥂 What does a night out look like for them?
These two strike me as a “day out” sorta pair. They just like the sunshine too damn much, and particularly would rather be outside than anywhere else. I think they would send the kid’s to stay with Summer’s mom and then Isaiah bakes up some treats, packs them a little basket, and Summer puts on the prettiest dress she can still trek through the forest in. Then they set up a little blanket and point out bird species and insects to eachother before ~canoodling~ under the shaded branches of the Bramblewood. If it’s a real special night they get the house to themselves too, which they use to cozy up by the fire with their dog and actually get a full night’s sleep for once.
Last call for Valentine’s emoji asks to be spammed for you all tomorrow 😉💝💌
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Happy Winterfest from the Darlingtons both past and present! May your day be full of love, warmth, and festivities ❤️
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aheathen-conceivably · 5 months
⛷️ for the asks?
Hello, dear! Thanks for this and I hope you’re having a marvelous winter ❄️
⛷️: What character is the biggest thrill seeker? Do they have anyone in their life who disapproves?
So I think that there are a few characters who enjoy having their day to day lives shaken up, but as far as thrill seeking through things like extreme sports, adventures, etc. I don’t really see anyone having the time/means to do that in the current era. Of course if we’re talking about the modern Darlingtons that’s a whole different thing, but overall I’ve gotta give this one to Isaiah and Jo.
I think Isaiah might come as a bit of a wild card here, since I don’t see him so much as living for “thrills” but he’s definitely got so much energy that I think he would benefit from extreme sports or adventures. Because of his sort of happy-go-lucky childishness too, he sees the appeal of fun in them rather than the potential risks, which would terrify Florence to no end. Even in the story itself, he’s a rambunctious little tree climbing child, and I think in adulthood he has that same sort of energy where he’ll kind of run into adventures blindly without so much thinking about his own safety.
Now for Jo, I absolutely see her modern incarnation as the type to fight her boredom with skydiving, scuba diving, adventurous travel plans, etc. I think it would be a good outlet for her restlessness, and most people in her life would see it that way. I even think Gio would go with her, since he does have the adventurous trait; but he’s more one to be willing to go along with whatever she says rather than initiate it himself. In context of the story though? Yeah that instinct toward restlessness and the desire to feel “on the edge” runs strong in this one. How she gets that out? Well now we’ll have to wait and see won’t we 😉
Got more winter time asks? 🎁
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🌞 Darlington Astrology Chart 🌞
As I was falling asleep last night I realized that we now have 12 “main” characters in the Darlington Legacy. I’ve also spoken a little about how baby girl Zelda is definitely a Pisces (same girl, same) which got me thinking about all of our other characters. So without further ado have an astrological sign for each character thus far:
♒️ Aquarius: Rosella Darlington
♓️ Pisces: Zelda Darlington
♈️ Aries: Adelia Darlington
♉️ Taurus: Isaiah Darlington
♊️ Gemini: Josephine Duplanchier
♋️ Cancer: Oliver Darlington
♌️ Leo: Violette Darlington-Duplanchier*
♍️ Virgo: Florence Darlington
♎️ Libra: Summer Darlington
♏️ Scorpio: Antoine Duplanchier
♐️ Sagittarius: Lady Georgiana Harrington
♑️ Capricorn: Virginia Darlington
*This one is actually interesting, because it is what I would assign to her no matter what but we also know her birthday is in August, so it realistically fits too. This gives you the first insight into our newest, littlest Darlington 🌚
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Now that Zelda has grown into a young adult, I wanted to play a little game of genetic roulette! So I’ve got the Darlingtons for you, Brady Bunch style, so we can look at the genetics of each of the children and see who they got their looks from who. Isaiah is seen here as a young adult (he’s currently 16 in game) but his facial structure doesn’t change too much anyway.
So who’s the winner of this round of Darlington genetics? Who got the best features and who just totally doesn’t look like mom and dad? Let me know in the comments cause I absolutely love seeing sims genetics (when they aren’t just totally broken 😅).
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🌻 for Florence, if that's ok
🌻 OC in something from the seventies
Nonny, it’s definitely okay! This one fits Florence perfectly. Although I think I’m going to make this my last dress up ask for now. But once I have a few more OC’s y’all know I’m going to reblog this again though because it has been a ton of fun!
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So when I read this I immediately saw Florence as a 1970s commune mom. She would have followed the back to the land movement in a heartbeat, singing as she watched over the chickens and cooking giant group meals for everyone as they worked the fields.
Then I thought about how adorable Isaiah would look as a 70s commune child and I had to include him too. So here you have them, walking barefoot through the fields of Henford in the 1970s 🌻
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🎸 for Isaiah and Summer, please !!
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Alright alright…I will admit, 80s fashion and I do not get along. But this was positively, absolutely adorable.
Look at them, wandering through the forest, sharing a Walkman and definitely not being deeply in love with eachother all throughout 1985 summer break.
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Bonus gameplay shots of the Darlingtons' summer day in the Bramblewood because they were being so photogenic I just couldn't resist.
Posing all six of them in the middle of the world was definitely one of the more challenging story posts I've done thus far. Then they went out, enjoyed themselves, and gave me better shots than I even took in the first place! Anyway, enjoy these little pixels just living life and may your summer be as vibey as theirs.
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Outtakes of Summer and Isaiah because when he met her he immediately got the crush sentiment for the first time and I cannot y’all 😭
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🌙 MOON - Isaiah
Awwww sweet lil Isaiah! 😊
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
I will be quite upfront with you, out of all the Darlington siblings, Isaiah is probably my least fleshed out character (which I literally wrote a post about him being aware of this, god bless his sweet little soul).
Partially because his character is a somewhat simple one but also because he is a simple man with simple wants and desires, I think that his greatest want is to ensure that his family stays together and that he can keep them happy. This includes his and Summer’s mothers, and I feel as though he has a very wide and equal view of family rather than a “head of household” patriarchal one.
Despite the idyllic nature of his life right now, Isaiah and his family are poised to weather some tough decades ahead. The first is, of course, the Great Depression in the 1930s and the second is World War II in England. We will actually keep in contact with the English Darlingtons throughout these eras and be able to see how he handles these hardships.
Coupled with this, I think that Isaiah’s greatest fear is that he isn’t talented or “adult” enough to care for his family in the way that they deserve. To overcome this, I think his greatest wish is to prove to himself that he can, and we’ll see him continue to grow into a confident young man as the narrative goes forward.
Got an OC question?
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📗📕 Isaiah
Eep!! These are so good thank you SO much 😭
📚 Books they like to read:
So as I’ve talked about in the story, Zelda is very into reading. She uses it as a type of escapism from her own shyness and troubles as well as an outlet to fulfill her interests, which she thinks that she is too weak and timid to actually pursue.
For this reason, I really see her latching onto books that have a fantastic element, which take her to grand places other than her home. A couple books like come to mind would be things like Peter and Wendy (1911) or the entire Oz series which began with The Wonderful World of Oz (1900).
🔮 Something random:
Y’all may or may not have noticed this but Zelda’s favorite flower is, of course, a rose. They remind her of her sister, and I personally think they have a sort of melancholy romance that appeals to Zelda. A single rose, blooming alone in the English spring before the flower dies back, leaving just a thorny and sparse branch, seems like the type of thing that would enthrall her.
If you go back through my posts, you’ll notice that there has been a rose in most shots with Zelda since Rosella has died. 😔🥀
📗 Favorite Subject:
Isaiah does not strike me as the scholarly type. I actually see him having immense trouble in school, particularly with more rigorous topics like advanced math or science.
I couldn’t tell you exactly what sort of curriculum Isaiah would actually have had in 1900s/1910s England, but from the brief research that I did into Victorian schooling for the 1880s gen, there was an equivalent of modern PE called drills, where children would excercise physically, usually running, jumping, or stretching, often accompanied by music. I see Isaiah as having a ton of restless energy, so he would absolutely love this part of the day.
📕 Least Favorite subject:
So while I see Isaiah hating most school subjects, I think that he would probably hate history most of all. While things like writing or arithmetic might frustrate him, I think that he would find history downright offensively boring.
This is in part because his parents would have stressed upon him the importance of reading and writing, so he begrudgingly works through those topics out of duty and awareness that he will need them to take over the farm one day. But history, well he would just find it downright pointless and tiresome.
How different he is to us historical simblrs then 😅
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🍕 for the whole family pre-deaths. I'm curious how their family pizza night would have gone
🍕: Favorite Pizza Topping
Oh my goodness this is the most wholesome and adorable ask though 🥹
So for this one I’ll have to answer for the modern Darlingtons! In game, I play with a number of restrictive rules to make the game more realistic. Specifically, I don't sell from inventory, crops can only be harvested once a season, and I don't use money cheats. So the Darlingtons have always struggled a bit with money; they usually only have enough for weekly bills and have actually earned/bought every cottage upgrade they have.
Although their modern versions have different careers, I imagine that they are still in a bit of a tight spot monetarily, especially with four teenage/young adult children. So I see their pizza night being one of those family friendly bundles, with a couple of large pizzas, sides, and a desert. I definitely see them as a veggie pizza sort of fam, as Florence & Oliver are big farm to table people, and I think that the modern, teenage Virginia would be experimenting with vegetarianism.
I really don't think Isaiah would even notice what's on the pizza; as I said in the last ask, I just see him eating a ton of whatever is comforting and in front of him. Same for Zelda, she doesn't strike me as very picky for food and would easily acquiesce to whatever everyone else wanted. Rosella, on the other hand, would probably be complaining that they got the family bundle again and that she wanted to go out to the new artisan restaurant downtown 😂
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🧣 for Zelda and Isaiah, please! I'm looking forward to the 1920s
Oh hello there! Thank you so much for asking ☺️
🧣Scarf: tell us about a secret your OC has and what would happen if they revealed it.
Isaiah 🧑🏼‍🦱
I really don’t think that Isaiah is the type to keep secrets. He’s meant to be quite childish and good, and I think that the idea of lying makes him feel terribly, terribly guilty.
That being said, he is now very aware that he’s in love with Summer, but has no idea on how to act on it. He’s afraid even to admit it to Florence, who’s his closest friend in the world. Part of it is just that he’s a teenage boy, afraid of being rejected; but I think that a bigger part is that he’s such good friends with Summer that he doesn’t think their relationship is meant to be that way.
Of course this is just his own misunderstanding of love (mostly drawn from his time period) and as I heavily hinted at, Summer is in love with him too. Don’t worry, we’ll find out what happens when he reveals it 😉
Zelda 👩🏻‍🦰
Hmmm. Well part of me has always thought that Zelda figured out Rosella’s sexuality and her secret with Lady Harrington. Zelda is meant to be very perceptive and I kind of hinted that she knew something was amiss whenever Rosella left with George.
I think that Zelda will question this all her life, because she’ll never actually get answers and she’s too afraid to ask her parents about it, out of fear that they don’t know the truth. Of course, we know that both Oliver and Florence know about Rosella’s sexuality and have found peace with it and their own involvement in her death.
So if Zelda were to tell them, the biggest consequence would be that Florence and Zelda could connect more and Zelda could finally have a sense of closure about her sister. I don’t think that Isaiah would care in the slightest, preoccupied as he is with love. However, I think that Virginia would take badly to the secret. No so much because of Rosella’s sexuality, more to find out that her sister had run away on such an illogical pipe dream.
But this is something that is meant to underly Zelda’s character as she will forever have this secret that she can’t even be sure is really a secret at all 😔
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🍟 for Isaiah
🍟: Favorite Snack
Awwww Isaiah! The sweetest of beans. So I’m not going to lie I know nothing about English food, much less English food in the early 20th century.
But Isaiah did randomly roll the Natural Born Cook, from the talents and weakness mod, so he and Florence (who’s a level 10 cook) are always actually cooking for everyone in gameplay. He also makes all of the animal treats in game.
I imagine that he likes to bake himself treats, and his favorite snack would be a sweet stolen from a tray that’s always sitting on the countertop in the Darlington cottage. I actually see him as one of those teen boys who eats a craaaazy amount without even realizing it, mostly because his momma is always cooking for him and he’s constantly running around or playing soccer.
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📰 and 🕹 for isaiah!!
Awww y’all are giving Isaiah all the love today! Which makes me so happy because sometimes I feel like we’re moving on to a new generation before we’ll ever get to see him really blossom as a young adult 🥺
📰 Section of the newspaper that they read:
I think that Isaiah is incredibly, incredibly content with his life on the farm. I don’t see him ever wanting to know about world events or even local gossip. He seems so happy go-lucky that I think even the passing mention of war (remember he was around 13 during WWI) or any other tragedy would really sour his entire day.
That being said, I 100% see him going out of his way every single week to get the newspaper on Sunday, just so he can read the funnies. One of Isaiah’s in-game traits is childish, and his second highest skill is in comedy (tied with pet training, second to cooking). I think he loves a good joke, particularly silly or goofy ones like the type you would find in cartoons.
🕹 Video games they like or play:
Hmmm…so this one would also have to be for modern Isaiah. I’m inclined to say that he’s not super into video games, mostly because he loves being outside so much that he would prefer to be with his animals rather than at a computer. I also imagine modern Isaiah to be a really, really active kid. As in, he’s involved in basically any sport you can possibly register for, student council, 4-H (did y’all have that where you lived? I grew up in the country 😂)
But he’s so personable, lively, and funny, that I also see him having this huge friend group of teenage boys. I know very little about teenage boys nowadays (praise the lord) but I know enough that they love playing online games together. So I do think that Isaiah would jump on the bandwagon with whatever his friends were playing, mostly so he could hop on discord and send funny YouTube videos as everybody played.
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