#it just seems kinda mindblowing to me and genuinely kinda sad
guideaus · 5 months
i think the gifmaking community is in shambles, im serious. spto just came out, and its show went above and beyond animating scenes, and the tag does not reflect that at all. i filter gifs and i see more for the old movie or tumblr's gif feature sharing other users' gifs than actual gifsets. what happened 🤨
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daxieoclock · 3 years
Birds and Flowers: Hunters Highlights
Just closed out another fucking MINDBLOWING session with some scenes I’ve been scheming in the background for literal months. These in-between times are going absolutely unreal and I NEED to share it with you all djfgbjdfg.
I’m including a bit from last session as well, since it’s also really good and helps set the scene.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) A sizable white boat bobbing in the slight surf. Purple text on the side proclaims it "The Partridge."
The Partridge has an outside deck on the bow with some seats, and an inside room where the wheel is, lined with comfy couches. Before you cast off, Sakio addresses you all. "Hunters. You've done some truly amazing work. This isn't much of a celebration, but I hope you take some time to relax, and enjoy yourselves." She beams at you all. "I'm deeply proud of you for the steps you've taken within both Fractals and your own lives. I hope you can all find some pride in those accomplishments as well."
And the boat rumbles to life, and pushes out into the open ocean.
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Blake slides into the cabin and takes a seat on one of the couches, returning to their book.
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena is gonna sit down on the same couch as Blake, and let out a weary sigh. "What'chu reading?"
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) “Ah,” they look up, not having noticed her at first.
“Oh, you know me,” they say with a chuckle. “Just another mystery novel…” They shake their head. “Though this particular series feels like it’s going downhill…” they sound a little sad at that, turning the book over in their hands.
Lena Tarr (Dave) She chuckles. "Honestly, I couldn't tell. I don't get those at all." She nods to the book. "Everything's so. Complicated. But in kinda dumb ways."
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) And they flash their a smile. “Yes, I suppose I can understand that. Although the world can be kind of like that too, can’t it?” And they give a little chuckle.
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena grins. "Oh, you know it. Like. The thing with those three fucks? Dumb as all shit." She shrugs. "You can't escape it though. You can't just say that it's dumb and make them leave. You gotta." She twirls the cane in her hands. "Do something."
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) They give her an uncertain look and then turn back to their book, idly flipping the pages in their hands. “Unfortunate as it is, I have to agree. Inaction is rarely the solution to anything. In fact, passivity is probably one of the traits that bothers me the most…” They grin a little as they say that.
Lena Tarr (Dave) "Hm." She keeps twirling her cane. "I don't know if one of those bastards came to you too, or someone else reached out to you, but I guess you should know. The dude I punched came to the campus. Made sure I knew the next time I get in his way it'll be bad." She grins at the floor. "Damned if you do, damned if you don't."
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) They look back up, a little surprised. “Ah.” And they rest the book in their lap, expression becoming more serious, crossing their arms over their chest. “I see… in that case, we should be even more careful. And we ought to be proactive…” they adjust their glasses. “We don’t want to instigate conflict, but we also can’t let them step on us… you’re right that it’s a tricky situation.” They whip out their phone, typing something. “I’d prefer not to get you alone with him if we can help it. Chances are, if you’re in a group, he’ll back down. And if he doesn’t…” they shrug, their expression serious. “We can take him.”
Lena Tarr (Dave) She throws the cane from one hand to the other. "We shouldn't have to though. Heh." She bends over slightly and puts her weight on the cane. "Not like that changes anything." She thinks for a second. "I'm. Sorry. For making it worse." She snorts. "Probably won't be the last time."
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) They chuckle a little. “Did you come here with the intention to bum me out…?” They smile, eyes on their feet, looking a little distant. “I’m not the type to happily let other people get stepped on if it makes my own life easier,” and they pause, catching the irony in that with a little smile. “Regardless of what you may have heard about me.” They shrug. “Whatever you may do, you’re a part of this team. And that means we will back up whatever actions you take. If you’ve picked this fight, then we’ll finish it. Simple as that.” And they give you a cheery little smile, one crafted for the cameras, though somehow it feels a little more genuine here, just a bit.
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena looks at them for a moment, before leaning back on the couch, just a bit more relaxed. "You're really something, Leto. Really something." And she's smiling too.
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) I don't know boats very well, but Sammy is probably laying down on the deck of the boat somewhere-- not on a chair, like...on the floor-- if you want to go say hewwo--
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse follows Sammy onto the outer deck, happy to be in the sun and to feel the breeze.  They enjoy the sensation for a moment, then approach Sammy. “Mind if I join you?”
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy is already flat on the ground, staring straight into the sun. They look at Ilse, "Please do!" they can't hide the excitement in their voice.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) “Thank you” Ilse smiles widely and sits down, then fishes out of their bag and holds a pair of sunglasses over Sammy’s head. “Not to disturb your view, but I have them spare. Would you like them?”
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy is startled by the sudden darkness the sunglasses have caused, but they quickly grab a hold of them. "F-For me? You're giving these to me?" Sammy sits up and scans the boat and sky, holding the shades up in front of them instead of putting them on. "I can really have these? You're giving me magic glasses?" Sammy looks at Ilse to confirm if they're serious or not.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse is a bit taken aback by that strong reaction, and they rub the back of their neck before answering. “Not magic, I’m sorry, but yes. You can have them. Only if you want them, of course.”
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy pauses for a long time, looking at you through the not-so-magic shades. There's a brief moment when you can see a tear start to roll down Sammy's face, but they quickly turn the other way. "I don't mind if they're not magic...you gave them to me, so I'm going to keep them forever..." Sammy wipes their eyes with their sleeves before turning back to Ilse. "I love them! Thank you!" Sammy gasps like they just had the BEST idea in the world. They grab their bag, that was always next to them and I totally didn't forget that they had this-- and start digging through it. After a bit, they pull out a small, clay, goat figurine. "Here! This will be my magic gift to you, for giving me magic glass!" They placed the goat figurine on your head instead of in your hands. "This is the lucky goat! They're super lucky and if you take them to the park on Wednesdays, the ice cream man will appear!" Sammy looks serious, so you can't tell if they're joking around or not.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse stares at Sammy, first wondering if they did something wrong, then actively worried. They lift their hand, unsure what to do, before Sammy starts to speak and they leave the hand simply hanging, eyes following every of Sammy’s movements. Then, a goat on their head. Very carefully and still they reach for it, slowly lower it toward the gaze. “It’s beautiful. Thank you. I will be at the park next Wednesday. Will take it with me.” They look just as serious as Sammy.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) sakio's up on the outer deck, watching the waves
she's got a wide-brimmed yellow hat on
Camellia Pavel (Rhela) Camellia has been mostly quiet, bundled up and clearly not a fan of the cold. They sluggishly get up and trot over to sit by Sakio. "You seem awfully sunny despite being out in this freezing wet crap," they say good naturedly, if a bit grumpy.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) She just shrugs, one hand on her hat, sending a smile at you. "I'm with good company," she says, raising her voice a little to be heard over the waves, but maintaining a soft tone. "Besides that, the semester's over. No more grading until March." She laughs. "Plenty more time to prioritize you all, before Spring semester begins. I don't have to feel guilty about giving you special treatment."
Camellia Pavel (Rhela) "I guess we HAVE kinda gotten the 'teacher's pet' status, for lack of better words. Maybe even exceeded," they smirked.
"I certainly suppose a break from your main job is welcome."
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Hm," Sakio says, and you can barely hear her. She takes a moment to just watch the waves. "Teaching is my passion. I wouldn't have taken the job if it hadn't been. Being a dean though...I can't say it's brought me a surplus of joy. It's a dirty job, I suppose, but someone has to do it. Might as well be me." She brushes a strand of hair behind one ear. "How are you, by the way?"
Camellia Pavel (Rhela) They bark a soft laugh. "True, true." A sudden gust of chilly wind rushed across the boat, making Camellia momentarily hunker further into their coat. "Ah, well enough. With some recent financial assets I've lived a bit more comfortably these past weeks. And I've been making more crafts as of late. It's eased my mind quite a deal."
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "That's good," she says, nodding slightly. "Very good." A deep breath in, and out. "I'm a little curious, if you don't mind me asking. I've been thinking back to when we first met, and I can't seem to wrap my head around..." Sakio purses her lips. "On second thought, I don't believe I need to know. Perhaps it would simply be best for me to trust you, all of you, and leave well enough alone."
Camellia Pavel (Rhela) Camellia's eyes narrow momentarily, unsure and curious where Sakio's train of thought was heading. They huff a short chuckle as their gaze softens and diverts to the water below. "Well... I'll trust your trust."
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) You all take a nice long boat ride, slowing a few times to admire distant sea lions on the shore or when Valerie thinks she spots a whale (she says it three separate times and at no point do you ever see a whale). After a few long hours, when the sun is starting to get a little lower in the sky, the Partridge is going to pull back into the Long View dock.
Lena Tarr (Dave) lena absolutely fell asleep
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) lena and camellia nap buddies? djhfbgjh
Lena Tarr (Dave) god knows we are sleeping!!!
in a warm little pile
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy is also napping, but you can't tell because they're wearing their new cool shades in the same "I am looking directly at the sun" position--
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Camellia. It's dark. The lights that normally light the campus are all off. And you're running after someone. They're faster than you, which shouldn't be right, because you and them should always be at the same pace, you've always been in lock step but now they're ten paces ahead of you. It's like a game, except that you can't afford to lose, and they won't slow down. Frey won't wait for you.
Camellia Pavel (Rhela) They're panting, air entering their lungs like cold briars constricting in their chest as fire sears in their legs. Old shoes frantically hit the pavement and the noise echoes among the darkened campus as they run and run, but can't seem to catch up. "Frey, stop -- just stop! Please slow down, I can't reach you!"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) And they turn midstep, and laugh. "Come on flower child," they say, and their voice is familiar, and yet not quite the way it should be. Like two tones woven together. "You know you're too high up by now. You're too close." And they hop over a small ledge.
When you follow, when you hop over that ledge too, your feet catch and you stumble and the campus is gone. And so is Frey. And you can see the world, from up here. Up on the edge of some shiny purple surface, staring down at the curvature of a violet Earth, neuron stars shifting across its infinite expanse.
"Too close," Frey's voice echoes. "Too close. Too close."
Camellia Pavel (Rhela) Camellia's breath comes in short panicked bursts as their head jerks back and forth, surveying their surroundings. Their face is disgusting, gummy with sweat, tears, and flecks of drool that glisten in the low purple glow. "I--," they gasp out. "What...?"
"I don't understand,"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) You're standing on the edge of an enormous flower, on one of the petals, its stem stretching down and down and down until it bleeds into the world, bursts through its skin and spreads roots. Or, maybe it's the other way around.
Tumblr media
Too close.
And a petal snaps off. Not the one you're on, but it drifts down, falling and falling.
Too far.
A petal snaps off.
Too close.
A petal snaps off.
Too far.
A petal snaps off.
Too close.
And you snap off. And plummet towards the world at a thousand miles an hour, like a shooting star.
And then you wake up. It's morning. You're covered in sweat, back in your apartment.
Camellia Pavel (Rhela) Camellia chokes out a gasp as they awaken, panting as they stared glass-eyed at the ceiling. "A nightmare...? they wonder. They breathe shakily and turn on their side, curling in on themself. "Or something more? I don't... I don't know anymore..." Sheets are pulled up over their head as they hide away from the lingering threads of the dream, as if still a child hiding away from the monsters they imagined dancing in the shadows of their closet.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) If possible, Ilse would like to go to the park in the hope of getting some ice cream. I was also thinking of doing a Twitch scene, but I don’t know if they would invite him along
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Ilse just texts twitch like “hey check this shit out I’ve got a magic goat”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) He's got his hood up, and he looks a little bit like a zombie, kinda dazed, but he seems happy enough to join.
"So, uh," he mumbles, "park. There's an ice cream place downtown, you know. I mean, it kinda sucks, but it's there." The ice cream shop in question has like...exclusively artistically ice creams, nonsense hippie flavors that all taste 90% the same.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse nods, eyes scanning the surrounding. “It...definitely is, yeah. But we might be lucky and have an ice man arriving here today? Or any ice person?” They twist the little goat in their hands. “I’m sorry if it was all for nothing in the end. If you’ll allow me then, I’ll invite you for a cup at the other place” Suddenly their eyes light up. “Care for a bet?”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Twitch raises an eyebrow. "Um, I'm not really...a betting person?" He shrugs. "I guess...uh, sure. Bet on whether ice cream shows up?"
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) “Bet on whether ice cream shows up!” They grin. “Wrong guess pays for the sweets?”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Hm." Twitch takes a look around the empty park, and then down at the goat. "Okay. Uh. Yeah, sure. You're on." No sooner has he said that than you hear a distant jingle that causes Twitch to freeze in place, and you both see an elderly man behind a pushcart stroll into the park. "That...usually doesn't fuck me over that quickly." He gives a skewed little smile. "I'm buying?"
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse shakes their head in awe when they see the pushcart. “Honestly, I was pretty sure I would be the one paying. So...only if you want to.” They return the smile, a bit shy, then straighten up. “I bet this one’s going to be better than what they have downtown.”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Probably." His smile is a little more honest now. "I think, uh, I'm getting hungry! So let's go!" And he rushes ahead to the cart.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse smiles, pets the goat slightly before putting it in the pocket of their pants and rushing after Twitch.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) What place could be used for proficiency/agility skill points? I’m sorry I’m forgetting all the details
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) proficiency isssss Camellia's favored back alley, i believe
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ah, yeah! Thank you! Can I go there and also look for a trinket to possibly gift Puck?
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) hmm
okay i will say "yes and", absolutely djfbgjh but i will let u know that buttering up Puck is only gonna get you so far, because im gating Fool requirements behind plot beats djfbgjh
you don't find much of anything, but then you hear a calm voice over your shoulder. "Yo, you're uhhh, the fuckin, sporty lady and little goat buddy's friend, right?" And Theo crouches down next to you. "Whatcha looking for? Didja drop something?" He immediately begins searching as well.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Gghgggh!!!
Lena Tarr (Dave) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) The real treasure was Theo all along
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) “Oh” Ilse’s first instinct is to move a step back or to the side and give Theo space, but then they realize what he’s doing. “Thank you, yeah, I think I am...didn’t drop anything, was just looking. Of I could find something nice or interesting. Something one could give to a friend who likes trinkets and stuff?” They scratch their neck and look up for a moment. “Nothing to worry about, but thank you”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Ohhh," Theo says. And he plops back, reclining on the ground. "Totally getcha. Like, last year I tried to get Bee a seashell, but Long View is like...not a good place for shells. Or water. Or surfing." He lets out a long, melancholy sigh. Then he perks up. "Oh! Like, instead of the shell, I made her some brownies, so maybe..." Theo reaches into his bag and then smacks a plastic-wrapped cookie into your hand. "Here you go, dude. Snack for your pal."
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse’s eyes wides, and once they realize the cookie is already in their hand, there’s no giving back, the look into Theo’s face, still a bit flabbergasted. “That’s not necessary, but...thank you. Cookies are always a great idea” They smile at him. “Thank you”
Lena Tarr (Dave) ok ok ok. i am thinking.
that i wanna bother someone. so im wondering what masumis doing fdgdfgdf
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) heck yeah djfgbjh
Masumi is still on campus during break. Plus since she's your RA, you have her number.
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena is gonna camp out in the common area until she sees her fgdfgdf
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) She walks out of her room with a towel around her head, stares at you, walks back into her room and five minutes later comes back out with dry hair and a glare that could cut through concrete. "What?" she says.
Lena Tarr (Dave) She stretches casually, like she wasn't waiting for Masumi, specifically, to show up. "Nothing much. What's up?"
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Important question: did Masumi change into her full fuckin suit during that time or is she wearing somethin more casual Bc if she took the time to get the whole suit on that’s so powerful
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) oh djfgbjhdgf she's wearing like...a black skirt and a white button up i think. still formal, but compared to her normal outfit it's very relaxed.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Masumi just sort of squints at you, tilting her head slightly. "I'm on break," she says, bluntly. "What do you think?"
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena sighs. "Fair enough." She leans back, brows furrowing. "I'll be fast. You know Sakio pretty well, right?"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "As well as the President of the Student Council can and should know one of her teachers who is also the dean of Humanities," Masumi replies immediately. "I've worked with her enough to know her type. That's all you need to know."
Lena Tarr (Dave) She tilts her head to the side. "And what's that type like?"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Masumi sighs, adjusts her hair. "Saint Sakio," she says, her tone quiet and bitter. "The self appointed virtuous paragon, decrier of all hypocrisies but her own, leaping at her own sword just for the chance it might help someone else." She rolls her eyes. "She's an idiot, and she's stubborn, and she thinks she's right."
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena nods, thinks for a bit. "Do you think that." She clicks her tongue. "Has her stubbornness ever done. More harm than good? In your opinion?"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Unquestionably," she says. "She's a teacher, through and through. More a propensity for talking than listening." A clear sore spot, and Masumi seems to catch herself, her tone evening out. "But that's not to say that she's technically incorrect, all the time. She's talented and experienced and intelligent, and she knows that. Which makes the task of challenging her on those blind spots all the more daunting."
Lena Tarr (Dave) "Fuck if you aren't right." She drags a hand across her face. "Thanks." She leans her head back, staring at the ceiling. "I really. Hate teachers. And directors."
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Hm." Masumi brushes a strand of hair behind one ear in almost the same way as you've seen Sakio do, often enough. "I suppose we have that in common." And with that, she heads off.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) There's a box in your closet. And I think there's been a few days where the thought of opening it has crossed your mind, you've maybe wanted to, but so far every time you have decided to leave it closed.
Today is one of the days when you think about that box.
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy opens up their closet on the left side. They've hesitated for long enough. "Okay...Okay..." They slowly drag the box out from the closet, the weight on top stays put. They take a deep breath in. and a deep breath out. "I can't keep hiding from you... I need to know..." They pick up the weight with ease, as if picking up a small rock, and place it back down on the floor. "You can do this..." They close their eyes and...take off the lid.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) It smells like dust. You can't see anything with your eyes closed. Churro is probably butting his head against your arm and making little mrow noises.
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy opens their eyes. Still scared of what awaits them inside. They've thought about this moment forever, what kind of awful message awaits them inside? Maybe it's a note that says "loser" or something...Sammy takes a look inside.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) The three items on the very top of the small pile are a flower made out of popsicle sticks that you gave to her, a bubble blower that you used to play together with, and a piece of crumpled paper. Upon closer inspection, it's a very messy drawing of your Fractals outfit, with smudged text pointing to different sections of the costume. "Goat tail? Do goats have tails?" and "Very very green" and "Make sure there's room for their horns!" At the very top of the page, it says: "Poncho for Sammy." Underneath those is a photo album.
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy carefully and slowly takes out every item one by one. They can't help but feel saddened by the flower on top. The first gift they ever gave her. Why would she leave that? Then the bubble blower and then the paper of their poncho. "I was wondering where you put these...I tried to find them the day I went looking for you but..." They pick up the photo album. They're silent for a long time before opening it up. Pictures of Sammy...Pictures of Churro...Pictures of... "Tango..." Sammy flips through all the pages.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) There's so many photos there that you recognize. Of you, of her, of the both of you. The farther you go, there's less of you, less of her. More nature, and abstraction, and strangers. And more empty spaces, photos absent from where they should be. Until finally, on the very last page, there's just a single photo - one you don't recognize. A silhouette of a young woman with long hair, blowing a dandelion across a dark sky. There's text underneath: "Daisy" and a little heart drawing.
And underneath the photo album, at the bottom of the box, is a flyer from a big music concert that happened in your sophomore year of high school, with a smudged phone number you can't read and a lipstick mark in the bottom corner.
And beneath that is a very carefully, politely folded piece of paper. "For Sammy" it says.
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy is already fighting back tears from the drastic change the album had taken without them. They're less confused and more sad that they barely opened it up now. "Who...?" Sammy looks at the picture of the girl before picking up the little piece of paper. "Ah man...you shouldn't have..." They are very much crying at this point. They unfold the paper, joking, "What wonderful masterpiece have you granted me as a last goodbye?"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) sammy,
if you are reading this, then i am somewhere very far away now. i dont know how far, and i dont know where i'll end up. im sorry. i don't want to leave, but i know i might have to. you know i'm bad at keeping secrets, and i've been keeping one for a long time. even from you. i'm so sorry, but if i'm gone, then i can't ever come back.
i know it will hurt you, and it breaks my heart. you are my best and most wonderful friend, and i will miss you forever and always. i will miss you more than the sun misses the moon. more than the flower misses the bird. you made me want to love myself, because you loved me.
i know i must have hurt you by leaving. i don't ask you to forgive me, not for that. not for breaking my promise. but if you want me again, even as i can't return, i give you permission: come and find me.
your friend, always,
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Every word feels like a punch to the heart. I'm sorry? I'll miss you?  Sammy wipes their tears with their sleeve. "What...What? What is this...?" And then the last line, "Come find you..." It takes a minute for that to process, but when  it does, Sammy bolts up straight. "COME FIND YOU!?" It feels like they've been given the key to the universe. That means they're definitely alive and definitely want to see them again...right? This isn't the loser message they were expecting at all, it's so much worse! "W-Where???" Then Sammy turns back to the photo album. "Daisy...girl Daisy....Daisy..." Sammy repeats this, making sure to engrave it into their mind. "I will! I'll do it! I'll find you!" Sammy picks up Churro, "We'll do it!!" And with that, they spend the rest of their night trying to piece everything together...although they're still a little lost.
Sammy 🐐 Excuse me! Everyone! This is kind of an emergency and I'm sorry if this seems really random, but has anyone seen a girl named Daisy? And would anyone like to help me find a girl named Daisy... Or just a Daisy, it might be a flower, I'm not sure!!!!
Blake ✨ Are you alright? What kind of emergency are we talking about? I could certainly ask my contacts to look into this girl if you have a full name or any other details, but you’re saying it may also just… refer to the flower?
Sammy 🐐 Uhm! This is like...life or death to me!
Well maybe not that extreme, but... it's really really super important to me! She has long hair and uhm...she might be into music? I have a paper with some stuff on it I can show you the next time I see you. D:
And her name might be Daisy? that's all I can think of, I'm sorry...
Blake ✨ I… see. So to summarize, you’re searching for this girl, with only an idea of her first name, or what may be a nickname, and a vague understanding of who she is. Is there some connection to someone else? Do you have a photo?
I’d be more than happy to help you solve this little mystery of course, but first and foremost we’ll need intel.
Sammy 🐐 She...does have a connection but that.... doesn't exist right now. Uhm...I do have a photo! So does that mean you'll help me? :)
I'll bring everything to you first thing! thank you so much, Blakey! 🌟
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what do you mean by the fandom needs to take notice?
I’m gonna be really controversial here, so bear with me. First of all, this entire conversation is based on the premise that Louis deserves a new team/label/management/everything because his current situation is beyond fucked up. There’s being incompetent and then there’s this literal sabotage they’re doing. I don’t want to repeat myself every 3 lines that “okay BUT LOUIS DESERVES BETTER TOO”. Sadly, that’s a fact. We’re going into the next few paragraphs with that established. 
Now, my other problem right now is the fact that most of the fandom kinda gave up on solo Harry. Like. I know the hets are annoying and saying you’re a harrie automatically makes people think you’re either a houie, or a het because sadly that’s his most vocal group of fans, but the level of idgaf about Harry some people (and notice I used some, and not all) have is truly mindblowing. Fortunately, I follow amazing people who constantly support all 4 boys, and love harry just as much as they love Louis, but I did notice the lack of enthusiasm in the fandom over things Harry is involved in. He was nominated for an EMA that was fan voted and he ended up losing. I’m yet to see a Kiwi playlist, or masterpost to tweet stations about it (tho I might be very spoiled as a Louie here cause everyone here could be marketing VPs with the level of organisation we have). People are generally not as enthusiastic about his work, and I’m not sure why. If it’s because they don’t like it as much as Niall’s, Liam’s or Louis’ that’s fine by me. Everyone has different tastes. But people seem to genuinely like Harry’s album. If you don’t like his promo, let’s show them how it’s done! It’s not like we’re strangers to that either, these boys have been done dirt for like 8 years already. At this point we could put all the PR we’ve done on our CVs. Is his social media silence that bothering for people? (this is a genuine question. I love his silence and I would really like to understand the other side of the discussion. I’m actually more annoyed by Niall’s and Liam’s SM, to the point where I stopped their notifications cause they were pissing me off. I know that’s how it should be handled okay? Fuck, I wanna work in that field, so I know the technicalities, I’m just curious as to the response of the people. Does it really, really matter that much he’s so silent of social media? And I’m not talking about exposure here, I’m talking about how people feel about it)
Yeah, his team could have pushed more, and they’re not innocent or blameless at all, but that’s not my point here, that’s another discussion. I’m talking about fans here We were too busy being petty over Camille being backstage of his show to actually support the Kiwi MV for example. And that was such a nice and fun video! And yet, I’ve seen more angry posts about her being around around that time, than posts encouraging people to stream the song and watch the video. I’m just sad that someone who went above and beyond to make his concerts a safe space for everyone attending is dismissed so casually by his own fandom. And you can see this affecting his solo performance too. While SOTT did amazing in numbers, Two Ghosts and Kiwi were just....there? I mean Two Ghosts was a bit strange, and very poorly timed with Louis releasing BTY and everyone (myself included) streaming BTY for like, a month, at least (see my previous point about Louis deserving better as a fact). But it made sense on the heels of Dunkirk, and I don’t think they expected a no 1 while Despacito was still being annoyingly everywhere. But I’m really surprised by how Kiwi was handled. Everyone got excited for about 2-3 hours after it got released, and then it was “nice, cool, see ya later” for most people. Again, not everyone is like this, and most people I come across on my dash are amazing about their support for Harry, but it’s just something I noticed a while ago and that keeps becoming more and more obvious as the awards season (in all media fields) is starting. Ironically, I see people more upset over Dunkirk not winning things, than about Harry’s music. Where Louis’ team ‘gave up’ (i’m using that very loosely since I don’t believe SJ or the other walking dumpsters were ever on his side) on him, it’s Harry’s fan that gave up on him. 
Anyway, my one true wish for 2018 is that everyone will win all the awards ever and the fandom will stop self-imploding for like 5 seconds so we can actually achieve that. Most awards are fan voted rn, so let’s win our boys some useless gold medals and statues that will end up on their parents’ shelves. It’s a win for us too cause we get to see them going to award shows all dressed up and cute and being the best people in the room, and then media outlets have to write begrudging articles about their success.  
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psychotropicplague · 4 years
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Let me start off by saying; if you’re not ready to try it, don’t do it.
Part of the experience is to be completely at ease and go into it with an open, positive mindset.
I can’t stress it enough that it can change your perception in the matter of hours— and if we’re being honest: it has been years since I’ve had it.
This was also the first time I had a joint in over a year. Everything leading up to the trip was completely dry from anything and the clarity I obtained whilst clean was undoubtedly the best I’ve felt in a long time..
But you’re probably wondering how it went...
I took one, my friend took three— mainly because he didn’t believe it was real, in-fact the first half hour after he had his first two, he kept telling me he didn’t feel anything, i warned him that it would creep-up on him and it would only be a matter of two hours before he’d peak.
Mind you, we’re going through Daylight Savings Time, so time itself was going really slow, I guess he got impatient and took another one.
I took mine with a swig of orange juice around 9:35pm and within minutes I started to feel a bit of a glowing sensation. Like a small spike in my awareness of what was going on— no introspective thoughts but aware that if I took two, I would not be going to work the next day (I had work at 11am the following morning) and I told him that it would be a strong sensation that would come up gradually. Believe it or not minutes after I had taken my first and only tab of the night, I took two small puffs of a joint and got baked instantly, it was somewhat overwhelming because it was as if the synapses and receptors in my brain usually occupied with fueling my medication (Lamictal 100mg, Invega 3mg and Vyvanse 50mg) was now slowing down and now combined with an unknown amount of THC, I felt stoned but at the same time kind of sore, naturally one should take into account that cannabis is a depressant and the combination of two mood-stabilizers (antipsychotic) and a stimulant with a hallucinogen is bound to make anyone feel kinda sluggish especially if they haven’t done anything like this in a really long time. It was only 9:45pm when we were talking, my voice sounding like I was balancing a coin in my mouth, but he was on the phone most of the first half-hour so we weren’t talking directly to one another but an occasional snide-joke was to be expected from him because he’s facetious as hell.
By 11pm, I could tell he was peaking— he was smiling and laughing, we were giggling because our voices were ridiculous sounding with his dissolving on his tongue. The thing that might’ve thrown him off thinking it was bunk was because sometimes in rare cases, you’ll get the kind that doesn’t have that distinct chemical taste that makes up the compound. For a first-time, you’re going to have to expect the unexpected.
My friend had turned on blue Christmas lights on in his room, which gave everything a bit of a sharpened outline, if you stared at something too long and closed your eyes you’d see the imprint of it on your eyelids and that’s how I know I was already gone. Not only did I see the imprint of these objects but at the same time I was also feeling like Jello, my body loosened from its tenseness it felt a half hour before but my heart was pumping quicker, I couldn’t really lay still and I wanted to cuddle something or someone because it made my tactile senses feel incredible; his bed felt like a cloud since it was memory-foam and I started to sprawl out and close my eyes to enjoy the closed-eye visuals which had a kaleidoscope-effect now. I grabbed one of his pillows and held it at arms length and tried to wrap one of my legs over it, it legitimately felt like I was cuddling another person because my breathing felt like someone else was in my embrace.
By 11:35pm, he turned off the blue-light and turned off all-lights in the room which amplified his trip tenfold; he tried to get up off the recliner he lounged in but couldn’t— just like me he felt very Jello-like and was both comfortable and taken by surprise by how it hit him like a ton-of-bricks. At this time I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around me because he had his window-open and the cold breeze was coming into the room or maybe it was just my hypothalamus unsure of what temperature I was feeling because I went from cold to warm to cold to hot. I decided this was the opportune moment to play some trippy music, I picked Merriweather Post Pavilion by Animal Collective— which is PERFECT to play when you’re on any kind of trip, I had the volume on my phone set to two-clicks above silence, which normally wouldn’t be that loud (I mainly did this as to not stir my friend’s step-dad and to be respectful) but even two-clicks made the music sound like an amphitheater and really time-stretched it, a few minutes into one song felt and sounded like an eternity where you could truly appreciate the amount of work that went into making their album as mindblowing— as I laid on his bed, my brain disassembled some of the synthesizers and other sounds that made the song and could feel their unique distortion. I wanted to listen to the entire album but after a while with how time stretched it was, I had to turn it off because it only intensified and became almost too mellow.
We sat in silence for a while, maybe like another hour or so. I had brought my PlayStation 4 over his house and asked if we could play it, because I have never tried playing a video-game whilst tripping (I still haven’t) but he said no because he made it pretty clear to me he didn’t want to be staring at a screen all-night which partially made sense as it would’ve consumed a lot of time and the blue and white-light would keep us awake longer than we needed to be which would’ve ultimately made us completely sleepless— he just wanted to relax and so he asked if he could lay down on his bed, I let him lay down and I’d sit in the recliner he sat on for the past three hours and he sighed of relief when he got onto his bed, I tried to get comfortable on the recliner but it was difficult; to go from a really tranquil bed to sitting upright was by no means producing the same blissful effects as laying down flat.
I tried to get relaxed but it wasn’t easy, I laid my head on the pillow he gave me but as you can imagine, reclined on one of those chairs plus resting your head on a pillow on one of the arms of it is quite awkward and trying to find a way to curl-up isn’t pleasant either but this didn’t give me a bad-trip, I’ve never had a bad-trip.
Eventually I found my comfortable position and took a few hours nap while my brain basically started thinking about my life— what I’ve accomplished before all of this, a year of sobriety which now had to reset, but I somehow felt okay with that— to take a year break from cannabis and LSD didn’t seem to bother me, my brain thought of this trip and toke as a reward but I also thought about how some of my friend’s I’ve known for years are now doing alright for themselves and not doing this kind of thing which kind of made me feel sad and hopeless, I wanted nothing more than to have my own space where I could be cuddling and making love to someone passionately and slowly, bonding over the hallucinogen as you should— yes this is one of those things where it’s setting and individuals that factor into how much fun you’re going to have and how relaxed you’ll feel, if you’re tripping with someone you genuinely love and appreciate romantically, those feelings will be cranked to the max-level they can be; but sadly I’ve never experienced that either— and I really want to but it’s not easy at all to find it and you may or may not get opposition.
The next morning, literally around 8am, I had literally what felt like two hours of sleep— but I didn’t, I had six hours— I felt extremely deflated and sluggish as all hell; virtually no uplifting energy as I had the night before and even before I embarked on my trip. I had work at 11am, so I started packing my belongings and drove home— which surprisingly had no negative effects on my driving, if anything I was driving the posted speed-limits and didn’t make any mistakes, that alone kind of made me feel accomplished that I somehow managed to pull that off despite being lethargic and foggy-headed.
When I got home, I took my morning medication, took a shower and hoped for the best— that I’d go to work feeling fine and go about my day as normal as possible— but it didn’t go nearly as well as one would hope, because on-top of feeling the comedown and afterglow of the substances, my mind kept racing about things that were going sort-of awry in my life, I thought by doing what I did last night made me a failure in my family’s eyes— it’s bad enough that I had to hide behind the guise of a strong anti-smoke scent spray so I would come home and go to work inconspicuous but I couldn’t shake these thoughts and when I did finally get to work (earlier than scheduled) I got there at 10:15am, I decided I’d relax in my car for a while and try to meditate these racing thoughts into more composed ones, but I still felt scattered and drained of any kind of rational thinking.
I work at a bowling-alley which for the most part is pretty quiet until leagues or open-bowlers occupy the lanes we rent out. Around the time I clocked in, I paced around some to see if there was anything that needed to be done, we had a children’s party being held in an hour or so which occupied four lanes; while I was looking to see if there was anything I could do I still can safely admit, I was underperforming, nowhere near my seemingly manic energy that I had the week prior; my manager must’ve had some idea something was-up so she set me up with a challenge— to rearrange all of the balls on the floor in size-order, which is really counterproductive because no matter how you’d organize it, anybody who does open-bowl will almost never put them back where you organized them. I was with another coworker when my manager made us do this which required a lot of exertion and moving back and fourth between lanes and memorization, something my brain could not quite compute because I’m being told several different ways to organize them and we have so many different weights that it felt futile but I still tried my hardest, while this was all going on, the first league started coming in on the low-side of our building which began slowly increasing my anxiety so I stopped and began doing another task— degreasing any glass we had (usually the pictures we have hung-up around the center and the arcade machines and windows) but even then I’m told by my coworker that it isn’t necessary to do that: “We do that once a month” yet I do it mostly every shift I’m scheduled just so I can occupy any idle time I have because I know part of my job is to not stand-around and you have to be constantly moving...
Then the party came in, holy hell, this is where the center went from slow to now becoming gradually packed with patrons so I was stuck just doing tedious things like “mopping” the approach which is basically spraying alcohol on the wood approach and moving a rag attached to a stick to-and-fro, I tried doing so but I couldn’t quite grasp that either, my anxiety was getting in the way of doing anything right and it really began to become obvious something wasn’t right and I felt like my manager knew that— she offered lunch to me but I politely declined, something I wonder now if it would’ve had any effect on how I felt, she didn’t really have much to say— I think it might’ve made her upset to be honest.
After that I went into each of the rooms we have mats where my coworker suggested we power-wash them which was a much easier task and didn’t require nearly as much effort as you’d think— but still the center itself was packed with people and even when I finished doing that task I couldn’t quite figure out what to do next, so I waited some, took the garbage out, set-up some ramps and sat down to take a breather— it was only 1pm and 5pm felt like eons away— as soon as I stood up my manager startled me because she was right behind me, she claimed to have radioed me “5 times.” But the radio she gave me had a busted antenna and only gave me static, I explained this to her and again she had nothing to say, so I also explained that I was feeling anxious and overwhelmed about what truthfully has been troubling me— my father, which is partially true, he had gotten seriously injured by burning his hands on November 2nd and hadn’t told anyone, I brought him to the hospital on my birthday and he isn’t really doing too well mentally. Presently, he’s in a rehabilitation clinic recouping but I can see that he’s making small progress, this alone was a lingering thought all throughout the day.
My manager told me to clock-out and go home— “Maybe I’ll take you off the schedule for a few weeks..” she threatened, which would’ve been terrible given the fact that I have just started working here fairly recently and the last thing I’d want is to go without any income for a while.
So, all of that aside— today I feel somewhat more level-headed then I did yesterday and I’m hoping I can perform better at work today, I had two cups of coffee and I feel like a 7/10, which is waaaayy better than I did yesterday, I mean literally yesterday I felt like a 2/10.
My advice to anyone— if you’re going to do anything like this, make sure you don’t have work the following day.
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heyekiel · 7 years
Thank you to my litteral twin @th7thsense for tagging me this literraly took a month lol 1. Ultimate bias(es)?
Donghyuck is my son
2. who are your top 3 groups?
BTS and EXO are actually tied i actually listen to alot of everything but those three group are the ones i have the most songs of.
3. what are your 3 favourite songs?
Hiro - Soprano (I’m,, this song?? if you have time go check it outtbh)
It’s our fight - Steve Jablonsky
Another World - NCT 127
4. what do you like to do in your free time?
reading fanfic in bed
staying in bed
being on my laptop in my bed
writing lyrics (in bed lmao)
editing/giffing sometimes
watching vine compilations (seriously those have ruined my life i cant)
5. are there any places you would like to visit that you haven’t already visited?
asia is a place we dont really learn about in europe so,, there (China seems realy pretty,, Vietnam too? idk if its the right spelling but Tibet?) and Poland  and Greece.
6. do you have a dream job?
producer/composer/lyricist. Im aiming for sound engineer right now? but im hoping this evolves into something different. I can always do both wich is great.
7. if you could meet ANY korean CELEBRITY (includes actors, models, k-music artists, etc.), who would it be?
I’m gonna choose more than one cause im the one answering and i do what i want lol. The producers of the 7th sense? im pretty sure they were a korean team. This instrumental was mindblowing,, amazing. I want them to teach me their ways no lie. Also? B.A.P Himchan? he’s the one frome B.A.P that actually has the musical knowledge because boy graduated uni,, and i feel he could teach me a lot. Now if we couple that with Yongguk that could actually be the perfect duo. Chanyeol too? He learns everything from scratch and gets better and better and learns piano and composes and learns so many new things all the time and?? I want him to teach me lmao
8. what do you love most about your bias group(s)?
They‘re all so close to each other and idk,, they kinda feel like home now?? It’s just you know,, i dont have friends and my familly is,, sigh. So like,, having a satable thing to rely on that kinds of mirrors a family feel i guess. And I meaan the not blood family the real type of family love yknow,, you choose your family. And like,, i’m uncomfortable seeing any of them any other than like,, brothers to me? so like,, when i go home and it’s been a terrible day I’m like,, what has everybody been up to today,, and i just dont feel like i want to die as baD anymore lmao.
Tbh this just sounds weird but like yeah bye.
9. who are your ultimate bias wreckers?
Ten, Yuta, Hansol (biTCh u better debut), and Taeil. Theres so many and I’m so indecisive sorry not sorry.
10. what do you wish for the most to happen?
I want to study what i wanto study. And be happy with myself and find a good middle ground for how i look and feel? Just feeling like I’m me in my body u feel. And stop being this fucking lonely and alone.
11. when did you get into kpop and how?
Two,, years ago?? i think?? My lil sister showed me fantastic baby then dope then beautiful night i was like biTCH. 12 hours later m was not a 5sos stan no more lmao.
12. what made you decide to have a tumblr blog?
i just wanted memes and funny dumb shit to laugh at,, and learn english
13. favorite colour?
black,, and those deep deep red almost black and white.
14. favorite animal?
15. what are your interests?
music?? Generally all kind of arts but theres some that i dont,, put much thought into tbh i just enjoy. MUsic cause i tend to dissecate everyhing,, and also cause i want to make it my job but yeah. Psychology? and Comportementalism,, like figuring out what means what in body language thats cool. Also im comuse learner so anything i find interesting i’m rly curious abt?? i’m gonna learn about it. OH and genetics. I’m in med school and right now this is genuinely the only intersting thing happening everything else is so general.
16. would you prefer movies or music?
music. cause it makes u make movies in ur head so hey
17. what would you like to achieve (or experience) before the age of 60?
die lmao. nah more seriously i want to?? settle down?? have a nice little house with my best friend/s slash soulmate/s and just,, live with them?? like ive always wanted to have this kind of life?? cause i think friends are way more important that people consider them to be and it makes me ,,, sad?? like i’d marry my best friend ?? idk people seem to think friends are just,, side pieces and yall fucK OFF (im stopping now i was about to ranT)
also i’m tagging ?? @jenolees why not i feel like u wont but hey!, @skeletonsungjin (!! hi), and @iluvparkjihoon (i literally typed shinehaechan siGH)
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flashbic · 7 years
L, N, T, U, Z :)
L : Saysomething genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (wow, an ask where i can’t pick Death Machine because all the characters are myfaves)i guess i’ll go with Star Wars here? There aren’t any characters i flatout hate in TFA, but right now I’m pretty ambivalent about Kylo. I don’t hatehim; tbh I’d even say I like him, but whether or not he REALLY gets on mynerves will depend on how the movies will go with his character in the next installments.He’s a conflicted, overdramatic jerk, and i can appreciate that a lot! I reallylike the idea that was floating around for awhile, about him having basicallybeen brainwashed by Snokes ever since he was a tiny kid? I think the characterhas some good potential, and I’m a sucker for redemption arcs (let’s face it,that’s probably going to happen). But if they fucking decide to pair him withRey, I’m going to roll my eyes so hard.And I already hate how the probabilities of that thing happening are somewhathigh. Not because I ship Rey with someone else, (tbh, I don’t particularly shipher with anyone) I just don’t like the idea of that ship, and I feel like itwould cheapen both characters’ arcs.
N : Namethree things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom ofchoice).
In one of the magazines I bought that has promotional interviews about DeathMachine, Norrington mentions that he’s planning a sequel? I would’ve loved toknow what he had in mind here :D
I think it’s kind of hilarious that a whole bunch of reviews talk about howthe first half of the movie is a bit slow and boring compared to the secondone, ‘cause personally the first half is the one I like best? I like the quietmoments, with Hayden investigating and asking questions and trying to figurethings out :D It would’ve been cool to see her trying to get information fromJohn! We saw how Scott reacted when she asked him question, but she didn’t talkto John before everything went to shit, even though he might’ve seemed a bitmore inclined to talk.
iwould’ve liked to see a bit more of how things worked at CHAANK on a somewhatdaily basis, who did what and how they tried to keep all the bullshit that wasgoing on behind the scenes hidden. Also it would’ve been cool to know moreabout the Humanist Alliance and what Raimi, Weyland and Yutani have done forthem before  (and just what they do ingeneral, when they’re not breaking into building and scaring people :D).
T : Do youhave any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? Other than the aroace Yutani headcanon Imentioned here, Raimi and Yutani as childhood friends! :D (they met whenthey were preteens or something?) Also it’s funny to think I used to crackshipHayden and Scott, because I kinda have a hard time imagining Scott not beinggay now? i mean, I wouldn’t die on that hill, but it’s funny to think of howthings changed, eh.
U: Threefavorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re yourfavorites.
John(Death Machine): it’s so hard picking a favorite here, because I love all thecharacters so much! But this idiot is my fave, so there you go. I think what I reallylove about John is how you can pick up on a lot of small details to try anfigure out how he would act on a daily basis (the movie makes it a bit hard tofigure out, since he’s in panic mode for most of it!). He’s snarky, petty,cowardly and just really fucking done with everything, and, like, those are thecharacter traits that speak to my soul because I have a never-ending love forcharacters who are godawful people but are somehow not terrible enough to countas main villains.Also William Hootkins is goddamn amazing, and I’m not going to rambleabout that because we’d be there for hours. Buthe is.(but seriously, all the Death Machine characters are my faves, and I loveall of them for different reasons and they’re all perfect)
MarvPushkin (HELP! A Bear is eating me!) : the entire book is still the mostmindblowing thing to me because it’s like Hansen looked inside my head, saweverything I find even remotely funny, and wrote a book about it. And Marv is100% part of that. I love how terrible he is from start to finish and I lovethat even though he’s got kind of a heartbreaking backstory, the book doesn’tlet any of it excuse anything he does. I love how fucking extra he is aboutabsolutely everything, and how ridiculously hard he works to pretend everything’sfine and he’s very happy with his situation, thank you very much, even though literally nothing is fine andeverything is terrible. He is the kind of person I would absolutely hate irl,but also exactly the type of character I love to read about because bad shithappens to him and his reactions to it are glorious. He is the most beautifultrainwreck and I love him.Long story short, I think thispost I wrote before I even bought the book or even read a single line fromit is a good summary of my feelings here. I looked at that super accurate characterdescription and my brain went “YES!!!! THIS IS THE KIND OF GUY I WANT TO READABOUT FOR 120 PAGES!!!!!!!!!”
Bigwig(Watership Down): it’s almost impossible for me to pick a favorite from thatbook, but Bigwig and Hazel are the ones I love the most? I love how gruffBigwig is, and he gets such a beautiful character arc. He starts out as thisstrong, but grumpy and a bit of a jerk, character, and ends up as this loyaland fierce and devoted second-in-command (sorta) and I just…. I’m so proud ofmy rabbit son. He goes through so much shit, and I love how the Effrafa missioncompletely puts him out of his zone of comfort, because by the time it happenshe’s already grown so much as a character that he’s able to take the rightdecisions in situations where early!Bigwig would’ve 100% fucked up. I love hisfriendship with Keeharr too! He looks at that big scary bird and his reactionis “WOW, COOL, I WANNA BE FRIENDS WITH HIM”, and I think that’s beautiful.
Z: Random rambling!
Everythingcan be a Death Machine crossover if you try hard enough
It’s been kindahard answering the multi-fandom questions because tbh I’ve been in the same 2-3fandoms for, like, forever by now? Especially thinking about Death Machinehere, haha. The hyperfocus is fucking real, and it’s been real for, like, over10 years now?? Not to say I don’t enjoy other content, it’s just that it’s rarefor me to lookup fan-content from new fandoms nowadays, and i have very littlepatience for fandom drama since I’ve pretty much only ever spent time if verysmall fandoms that had 4-5 people top. Moving from Deviantart to Tumblr’s beenthe best thing tbh, because with the tags it’s WAY easier to find people withsimilar interests. It’s nice! i love this blue hellsite and the friends i made on it!
(no butseriously, William Hootkins is great, and I’ll never stop being sad that I won’tever get the chance to meet him.)
also please look at this beautiful fanart of Scott, because it’s the most amazing thing. Special mention to the tiny comic, which is absolutely FLAWLESS.
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