#it's not BAD
beardedmrbean · 3 months
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theelvishscribbler · 5 months
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Hmmmm bought a new brush but turns out I do not like it very much ( o_o)b
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troblsomtwins829 · 2 months
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Sleep is hard these days
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spoonietimelordy · 4 days
Spoonie food hack:
Cook a big batch of bolognese. You need only 2 ingredients: tomato sauce and ground meat/ mock meat.
You put that in a sealed container in the fridge. And you can keep it for 2/3 days.
The good thing with bolognese is that you can eat it with multiple things so you don't lose your mind. It works with pasta but also with rice, with beans and even in a sandwich! You only have to make one thing for each meal and then you put the sauce in the pan.
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the-vengeful-demon · 3 months
Have literally not drawn anything in years, so this isn't a terrible first try?
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msue0027 · 7 months
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Inktober 2023, day 18: SADDLE
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kara-knuckles · 2 months
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I really like how Ascalon's demon looks like it is splitting itself in half. With what we know of her story and all the parallels we see in Babel preview, it is very fitting.
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witchofanguish · 24 days
Monologue Woven For You shouldn't have been longer than 5 chapters tbh
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kquil · 4 months
i just finished eating a huge bowl of ramen to reward myself for writing and posting 'Heroes in Tattoos' chapter 6 today... and now i feel so bloated that i can't wash my dishes right away... (⸝⸝⸝╸w╺⸝⸝⸝)
this is what i get for holding off on eating to write and making ramen a 'reward' for when im done
...i have no regrets ( • ̀ω•́ )✧
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restbeyondtheriver · 7 months
Oh my. November. It's good you are here.
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wafflessquad · 8 months
marco next time call me instead xoxo
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penguicorns-are-cool · 6 months
Wish reaction (yes spoilers)
So first of all, it's really not bad like idk what y'all were talking about. Like compared to all the good Disney movies, it's pretty mid, but it's still a good movie. They fumbled the story structure a bit, the message is about as strong and clear cut as you'd expect from a children's movie, the songs are kind of mid and while they're very good they just miss the mark, and the comedic timing is kind of shit honestly, but it's still a good movie that's enjoyable to watch and will be fan-theory fuel for a very long time
it's still really good, very anti-authoritarian too, like so very anti-authoritarian
now for the spoilers stuff
It starts with the storybook opening which I don't think fits super well and is starting to get a bit overused in my opinion but it fit well enough and was fun so whatever. It was a good way to establish the level of suspension of disbelief we should have for this film and it does its job so whatever
That exposition song though was amazing and I love it so much omg
also how Asha starts the tour with "Hola, Shalom, and Salaam" like yes 1300s kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula would have Hebrew Arabic and Spanish speakers. And how Asha refers to her Grandpa as Saba. Honestly tho I'm not sure if that's just his name or what cause literally everyone calls him that. Points if that's not his actual name tho. Also just a moment to appreciate the diversity of the main band of characters. Those characters are from all over Afroeurasia. And if anyone tries to argue that it's unrealistic you can just point to the silk road. And also the main supporting character is disabled and uses a crutch.
Then we go on to the interview and some appreciation for this song please
And also how when they're singing it Magnifico is controlling the wishes and moving them around while Asha is looking at her Saba's wish and it really shows the difference in the two of them. Magnifico wants to protect his power at all costs while Asha wants to protect her Saba. and omg what a way to subtly show Magnifico's corruption and greed for power. Then when Magnifico has his first mini tantrum about Asha asking him to grant Saba's wish and if he won't grant it will he at least give it back. I think that Asha should've sat with this new information for a bit longer before realizing how bad this was but then we wouldn't have seen Magnifico being a manipulative child about it and it was completely in character for Magnifico to do that which would also make Asha realize how bad it was faster. So like, it messed up the pacing a bit I think but whatever.
that dinner with Saba and Mom was amazing. the denial from Saba and the uncomfortableness of the whole scene and Asha's pain at the whole thing. great scene and it's followed by this song that's just amazing. only critique about it is that at the end when she's singing "to have something more for us than this" for some reason the "this" is like spoken and I think that was a weird choice (derogatory)
And the wish scene was great with the tree that she and her father would sit on, next part though I'm not such a huge fan of. There's the whole thing with her Dad was a philosopher who talked about the stars and later there's like a throwaway line that he believed everyone was made of stars. And I love that actually that whole idea and it has such huge implications for how magic works in every single Disney movie that I will talk about later. but it was so poorly included in this movie. Like all we get are a few throwaway lines about it and the "I'm a Star" song which is honestly kind of mid and is super forced in. As much as I love the idea, I think the movie would've been better if they didn't explain the magic as everyone is a star and instead just didn't explain it and leave it up to suspension of disbelief. It seems like there used to be a lot more scenes that talked about it but they got cut at some point and replaced with "I'm a Star"
Anyway though moving on, I don't like Valentino's voice. yes it's funny to see such a deep voice come from him but it just doesn't fit.
Also star is so funny and cute but omg they don't have to have a new joke in every scene. very few of those jokes had good comedic timing and quite a few of them ruined emotional moments and killed all the tension. Like Star is hilarious don't get me wrong, but we shouldn't be laughing at Star's antics when big dramatic evil is going on it takes away from the drama.
Moving on to Magnifico tho. He's an amazing villain for what he is. He's a pure evil villain, he's an authoritarian monarch whose motivation is power and the thing that pushes him to absolute corruption is his entitlement. He's literally like, stop questioning me I'm a good leader so shut up, and he's using real life authoritarian rhetoric about how now he needs to use desperate measures even if it means using the forbidden magic that'll like eat his soul and goodness or whatever. He's pure evil, he represents a real life evil of authoritarianism, he acts like all the people in real life who have temper tantrums because they feel entitled to more power and don't like it when people point out their flaws or have questions they can't answer. and "This is the Thanks I Get" is the perfect song for that
and some people are doing this song dirty by sharing that one clip that's supposed to be funny and show how much of a man-child he is but only works at all in context. People should be sharing the ending of this song which is so much better in the movie and has amazing animation and is so dramatic and evil. Like throughout this entire song he's just singing about how he's such a good leader and everyone should thank him and never question him while he's also kicking and smashing and killing mini versions of the kingdom's citizens.
Then Asha brings her Saba's wish back and I wish he had a statement or something before about how horrible this was so we could've seen his perspective change right then and there but even so it was such a beautiful scene. And when Magnifico found them and crushed Asha's Mom's wish so much drama so much heartbreak. and Asha's realization of just how bad this situation of Magnifico "protecting" all the wishes was.
Also, we later learn it was Simon who turned her in and I think the movie did him dirty because it didn't show or tell us why he did that until the end. I wish there was sometime when he at least had a line about how worried he was at some point and how desperate he was to believe in Magnifico, just to give us a better idea of his mindset and why he gave Asha up. There could've been a point made here about how the people who buy into the dictator's propoganda do so because they're desperate and how those people are often the easiest to hurt even if they don't realize it.
Also that little reference to Peter Pan, Mary Poppins, and Magnifico crushing true love. I was almost laughing out loud in the theater I swear
Also quick appreciation for Dahlia. She listens to Asha and is like, idk exactly what's happening but I trust you that this is important. Like she's trusting her gut and her gut is right and she gets the whole friend group together and ready to help Asha. I wish the friends got more time though and a bigger role cause honestly I think one of the biggest shortcomings of this movie is the lack of subplots. Asha and Magnifico are the only characters who have actual arcs and backstories and I think that's a crime actually cause that was a great friend group that should've gotten a chance to be at least a little more known.
then that final scene with the opening of the roof and then the plot twist with Magnifico and Simon. Like I actually thought that was Magnifico that plot twist was well done. I do think there were a few too many jokes in that scene that ended up taking away from the tension but overall great scene. and when Magnifico came in and trapped Star while we were under the impression that they were safe for at least a little bit longer.
Then Magnifico takes star, makes the sky cloudy so no one can wish on stars, takes away all the wishes, and traps every person in the kingdom and starts holding them down and draining them or whatever. like look at that the monarch has turned authoritarian and is now holding everyone down so they can't resist so easily and can't even hope cause they can't see the stars to make a wish. And then they make a wish anyway cause they're all together and can make new combined wishes. I love how the revolution happens here cause it's not pretending to portray an actual revolution or anything it's very metaphorical and is just trying to say that we're stronger together than alone and if we all stand together we can rise against authoritarianism and corruption.
Only thing is that afterwards Amaya becomes the queen and while I love Amaya I don't like that. the entire movie is showing how monarchy lends itself to authoritarianism and this monarch got corrupted so easily look at that then at the end there's just a new monarch. I saw something about how there was an earlier concept where Amaya was evil too and I would've honestly preferred that. Like they didn't have to show the new government or leaders and I think it should've been left open-ended especially if the other option is gonna be just a new monarch.
I also didn't like how they went out of their way to say Magnifico was completely irredeemable. Like I get that he was never gonna have a redemption arc and this is a childrens movie with a pure evil villain so it's not gonna have nuance, but I think the idea that someone can be pure evil is kind of dangerous and they could've said he no longer has the capability to be a good leader or something.
Now into the implications about magic in Disney. I'm pretty sure that canonically all magic in all of Disney comes from Rosas. Because in every Disney movie with magic there's always a connection to stars. Cinderella says a dream is a wish your heart makes then there's the big Disney song, "when you wish upon a star." In tangled the sundrop flower is a drop from the sun so it comes from a star. Peter Pan is in Neverland and to get there you fly towards the second star to the right and there's pixie dust which based on Wish I'm pretty sure is just stardust. So now with Wish it's telling us that yes, all magic comes from stars and also all living beings are stars. And it also told us that Rosas at this point is the only place you can go to get your wishes granted magically and I don't think that's a coincidence. I think that based on this we can just say that if there's a magic thing in Disney and it's not explained why it exists or where it came from, we can assume it came from Rosas and the stars.
Also I've seen people talking about the original concept ideas about evil couple Amaya and Magnifico and shape-shifting star-boy love interest. I love the idea of evil villain couple and it would've helped with the authoritarian message for Amaya to also be evil and it would've just been so cool to see. And as for shape-shifting star-boy love interest. I think it would've been cool to see shape-shifting star-boy but I love that Asha doesn't have a love interest and this is in no way a romance. I wish that the friends got more attention and I think star-boy would've taken away from that. Can't wait to see y'alls fanart with star boy and Asha tho
Anyway though the movie was pretty good and I expect to see some fucking fan theories. I think that this is gonna be like Encanto in the sense that in theaters people are shitting on it and saying it's bad but once the movie hits Disney+ it's gonna blow up. I've been wanting to see a Disney movie take place in the Mediteranean for a while and this did not disappoint. Like don't expect a Disney masterpiece Disney is still neglecting their animation quite a bit and it's showing, but don't expect trash either like you will enjoy watching this.
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lonicera-edulis · 10 months
I wanted to open requests for lotr and sansukh once I am done with commissions, but this summer is not the summer of george at all (as any summer actually 🤔), I feel very disoriented and zoning out all the time.
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But if you have an idea (as a textual description or an image to redraw), you can always send me a message/submission anytime. I can't promise I will draw that for different reasons. Yet it doesn't hurt to try to promote your idea. It can be connected with any fandom I was drawing for (almost). And I will draw it someday if I like the idea <:D
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disfrutalakia · 1 month
Tried on my Zelda wig, remembered why I never went blonde
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gaal-dornick · 11 months
sad when a book has an interesting plot that makes you want to know how the story ends but by god the writing
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domorebemore · 6 days
12 days since i started casually (internally) calling myself a lesbian to see if it feels right and i fear it might
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