#it's spitfire and her babygirls
chimchiri · 1 year
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(left -> right: Misty Fly / Surprise / Soarin / Spitfire / Fleetfoot / High Winds)
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professional-yapper · 3 months
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Lo'ak x Tayrangi! Reader
Warnings: mistaken identity kind of, teens having fun, arranged marriage, fighting/arguments, how they meet is very 101 Dalmatians and i love it, they're both oblivious asf
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Neytiri sent Lo'ak to go collect fruits from the grove near the other end of the Omaticaya territory. Normally he'd complain about extra chores, but not today. It was one of the better tasks to be landed with, anyway, even if it would consume his whole day.
But then Jake said Lo'ak could take his ikran, and that would cut the journey in half at least. Maybe more, since Lo'ak, like every other teenager, was all too fond of letting his ikran set the pace. Which, more often than not, simply meant break-neck speed, especially since Lo'ak's ikran was as young as himself in ikran years, according to Neytiri, and just as headstrong.
Lo'ak's ikran, named Spitfire by Jake in one of his rare moments of fatherly affection, was raring to go, practically launching himself into the air the second Lo'ak settled on his back and made the bond.
Kiri had, at one point, taken to calling the ikran Spitty, resulting in Lo'ak pitching a fit and pulling her hair, which then meant days of not speaking to each other. Lo'ak still got sulky every time he remembered the undignified name.
Lo'ak whooped, punching his fist in the air, gripping tightly with his thighs and trusting Spitfire not to let him fall, or at least to catch him if he did. The wind whistled past him, snatching at his braids, whipping a brisk flush into his face.
It was a good day. The sun was already high in the sky, warm on his back despite the wind. The air was heady with the scent of flowers coaxed into bloom by the warm weather, even at this height.
Spitfire, after a little urging from Lo'ak, evened out, gliding smoothly through the sky, occasionally letting out a screech of contentment. Lo'ak settled back, keeping one hand on the handle and feeling for the pouch strapped across his hips Neytiri had given to him to store the fruits in, making sure it was strapped on securely.
It wouldn't take him long to gather enough fruits to satisfy Neytiri. Maybe a few hours.
Maybe more if he decided to take a nap. Lo'ak loved naps, especially deep in the forest amidst the undergrowth, where he could burrow himself into the sun-warm grass and no one would bother him for hours. He probably liked them so much because they restored all the energy he burned living up to Jake's expectations. Very high expectations.
Yeah, he could use a nap. It was just that kind of day.
And it would give him time to think, too. About what his parents had told him a few days ago. About how, since Neteyam had mated with the youngest child of the Olangi olo'eyktan, Lo'ak would do the same, but with the only child of the Tayrangi olo'eykte.
It would benefit the Omaticaya, Neytiri had soothed him, smoothing a hand over his braids. These kinds of unions would prevent any conflict and better the relationships with other tribes. Jake, on the other hand, had told him there was no wriggling out of it, and he'd be mating with this stranger before the end of the year whether he liked it or not.
Comforting, right?
Neteyam had tried to comfort him over it. It was easy for Neteyam. He and his mate were arranged too, but they were crazy about each other, and Neteyam had always wanted to settle down and have a mate of his own and a family anyway. It was why he'd bent so easily to their parents' decision.
And it was easy for Kiri too. She was their dad's favourite, his babygirl. She wouldn't get married off to Aonung or some other guy if she didn't want to. Lucky shit.
Tuk was... well, she didn't have to worry about marriage for a good while yet.
But Lo'ak did. He didn't care about maintaining good relationships with other tribes, or having a mate of his own and settling down. He didn't care about any of that shit. He just wanted his freedom, and the freedom to choose who he mated with. Was that too much to ask?
Apparently so.
Spitfire shrieked, and a ripple of confusion and panic hit Lo'ak through the bond, right as something large and colourful shot past them like a flash of lightning.
Lo'ak caught a glimpse of a face with an equally panicked expression, then swore as Spitfire reared and shrieked again. Though this time, instead of confusion in the bond, all Lo'ak felt was a sudden burst of childish joy, right before Spitfire dived after the other ikran.
Lo'ak yelled in exhilaration as both ikrans went into a nosedive, and crouched low over Spitfire's back, knuckles going white as he tightened his grip. It was dangerous, and if his parents found out, he'd never hear the end of it, but they weren't here now and Lo'ak found this was too much fun for him to care.
He whooped, and heard an answering cry from the rider of the other ikran below, you, which made something in his heart twist with further excitement.
Spitfire was uncontrollable with the excitement of having what was probably another young ikran to play with, and Lo'ak let him have his head, content to just go along for the ride.
The other ikran straightened out before it hit the canopy, and Spitfire followed, flying alongside, steadying himself with a few flaps.
"Sorry," you called, face flushed and apologetic, but then began laughing breathlessly. "Great Mother, I am so sorry! Kikorangi- my ikran- saw you down below and he just took off-"
"It's okay," Lo'ak shouted back, smiling uncontrollably at you. You were probably the most attractive person he'd ever seen, so one couldn't exactly blame him for being so quick to forgive you for the scare. "But I've never seen you before. You're not Omaticaya, are you?"
He didn't have to ask. He knew you weren't. You looked like a young warrior from another tribe, like him. Your skin was covered in a pearly white paint, in swirling patterns. It was mesmerising.
"What?" you called, then raised your eyes skyward, laughing again. "I can't hear you. Wait there."
Lo'ak blinked, confused, as you steered your ikran up and over his head, flying along above him. He tilted his head back, looking up, trying to see what you were doing, only to nearly smack heads with you. You were performing some risky manoeuvre, sliding around to the underbelly of your ikran, gripping on with only your thighs, swinging upside down and smiling at Lo'ak, eyes bright and beautiful, nose nearly brushing against his.
You chuckled at his stunned expression, then righted yourself and leapt down onto Spitfire, breaking the bond with your own ikran. Spitfire jerked at the foreign addition to his cargo, and tilted his head, shooting you a baleful look.
Lo'ak stiffened as you seated yourself behind him, one arm loosely around his stomach, making his abs tense beneath your warm skin, your thighs pressing against his own. "Sorry, what were you saying?" you asked airily, mouth next to his twitching ear, like this wasn't the most intimate position he'd ever been in.
Words failed him. He could only hold very still, in the hopes you wouldn't become uncomfortable and move away. He liked having you there, the weight of your body against his back comforting.
But you shifted back, away from him, laughing again, and the sound rang through his mind, etching itself into the walls of his skull. "Sorry," you apologised for a third time. "I didn't mean to freak you out."
"It's okay," Lo'ak replied almost robotically, words feeling clumsy and foreign on his tongue. Great Mother, get it together! he told himself firmly. There's a beautiful warrior cuddling up to you, wanting to talk and all you can say is it's okay?!
He forced himself to relax, turning his head and smiling crookedly at you over his shoulder.
Your face was like the sun. You seemed to be lit with a golden, gleaming warmth from the inside out, and it honestly made him a little dizzy.
"I was just asking what tribe you're from," he repeated.
"Tayrangi," you answered blithely. "You must be Omaticaya, I guess."
Lo'ak nodded, noting that you were from the same tribe as his future mate. He didn't want to bring that up, though, figuring if he was to have any chance with you he shouldn't bring up his imminent union.
Even though he wouldn't be able to pursue you because of said union... What the tribes didn't know couldn't hurt them, right?
"That's sick," Lo'ak said, smiling that same lopsided smile at you. "Never met any from the Tayrangi before."
"Never met an Omaticaya before either," you grinned back, leaning back on your hands.
"Am I living up to your expectations?" he teased, gathering all his courage to do so, ears drooping slightly in apprehension of your response.
"Who said I had any expectations?" you teased back, nudging the back of his thigh with your knee, sending hot flames of want up his spine.
Lo'ak rolled his eyes, but couldn't hide his delight at finding someone who could match him blow for verbal blow. "Oh, come on!" he scoffed. "You came all the way here, you must've thought about what we'd be like at some point!"
"Maybe I did," you agreed, and the glint in your eyes told him you were being purposefully elusive.
"Go on, then," he encouraged. "Am I everything you hoped?"
You pretended to think, finger pressing into your chin, eyes fixed on the clouds above. Then you smiled again. "Nope."
Lo'ak scoffed again, preparing to fire back some surely witty retort, before you inched forward again, leaning on his back, arm tightening around his middle again, pressing your lips to his ear decisively.
"You're better."
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Woohoo done! Proud of this one tbh everyone enjoy x
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ratsoh-writes · 4 months
In masterlist 10, you have the boys lined up from strongest to weakest (worldbuilding section)
Any updates? Anything change? More to add? Whatever you want, my sweet babygirl
Oh yes! Lemme make a new list of top ten strongest and weakest!
Ok let’s start with the buff skellys
Butch: butch of course. He’s still the king fighter among them all, with incredible magical power, a very nice level of physical strength, and of course the training of someone who’s been taught to kill since he was a toddler. Butch is not to be messed with.
Helios: A close second is Helios! He also has incredible magical strength and is a ball of pure damage and speed! Not to mention he’s just simply talented when it comes to fighting! Definitely not someone to be messed with
Rancher: golem strength is one hell of a drug, and he’s trained too. Rancher is a pretty impressive wrestler. He even had plans to go pro at one point
Coffee, when he’s fighting on his terms, he’s deadly, and nealry impossible to hear or track. In a one on one fight coffee is still as sneaky as one can be, although his defense isn’t enough to beat the above three
Boss: while his magical power is onky slightly above average, he makes up for it in skill and pure viciousness. Boss always fights dirty
Snipe with a gun is terrifying considering he never misses. He always hits the spot he’s aiming for. One has to be scarily fast to dodge him. Without any sort of ranged weapons, snipe would move down to somewhere like 20 on the list
Butler. Being an ex assassin means he clearly knows his way around a fight. Although butler greatly prefers working in the shadows, he can get out there and fight one on one if he needs to
Hilda is a total spitfire on the battlefield. Literally. She can spit fire. It’s a Drake thing. Anyways she’s a heavy hitter and has her wings as an added arial advantage.
Mutt: he’s got a strong magical attack coupled with an LV sick crazy soul that doesn’t understand the meaning of quitting lol
Wine: he doesn’t like taking risks, but when pushed, wine is terrifying on the battlefield. He’s skilled in both fighting and emotional damage. His words are great at tripping up his enemies
And for the weakest ten!
Artemis: dimming really messed her up. She can’t summon an attack without landing herself in the hospital for weeks, never mind her physical strength too
G: while he can be speedy, summoning magic attacks is risky as it can cause his dimming to flare up. Plus he’s extremely brittle
Tinker: he has zero battle training and is so easily distracted that defeating him isn’t even something worth bragging over
Stitches: stitches isn’t much better than tinker in the experience department, but at least he pays attention when he’s being attacked
Sugar: he’d cry if he hurt a fly. Sugar is so gentle that his attacks hardly do any damage, even when he’s cornered and hurt himself. There’s one exception though: his daughter winnie. If he’s defending her, he moves up to the middle of the power list
Pudding. Her magic power is below average and she has the bare minimum of self defense training, which is pretty much none. But at least she tries to fight back
Honey: he is trained, of course Star taught him to fight, but honeys magic is pretty weak despite him being a generally healthy monster physically. Honeys attacks don’t do too much unless he’s truly desperate
Oak: his injury means that he’s very vulnerable despite being a physically strong monster when pressed. Oak struggles to properly use his magic attacks and can only fight for so long before collapsing exhausted. You just need to wait him out
Zen: he’s a healthy monster with a lively magic, but his ideals refuse to allow him to fight back. One needs to get zen on the brink of death before he truly begins to fight seriously
Basil: same as honey, his magic output is pretty weak. However he’s much meaner in a fight than his younger counterpart and has a few dirty tricks that can buy him some time.
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faarkas · 11 months
tagged by my darlings @aartyom and @nuclearstorms to do this cheeky lil oc game. i love to rate my children.
no pressure tagging @vilkaas @rockerboys @malefiicarum @cptcassian @leefi @denerims @virmire @statichvm @jackiesarch and @reaperkiller !
enjoy the hastily cobbled together banners at midnight when i have work tomorrow. 😭
- picrew
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salen trevelyan [dai] & verde jack [cp77]
ooohhhhhhh these two blond(e) freckly bitches are the baddies of all time for me. I’ve had Salen since 2017 and he’s remained my biggest comfort oc for some reason. he is literally just some layered bimbo with daddy issues and too much responsibility. 😭 AND VERDE IS JUST….woman of all time. Almost as old as Salen bc I started cobbling her together RIGHT after i saw the fake 2018 e3 demo. :^) But her aesthetic and character and just the way she is (talented artist exhausted and resigned to having to literally fight for her life…SO many different ways) appeals to me. These two and gwen are always on my mind I rly should do more with all of them tbh. they are so special to me.
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megan stern [re]
everybody say hiiii meg. She’s the new baby on the block and if U can believe it….she’s getting shit written about her. Imagine that. The blondies are fuming. Anyway she’s a bit of a spitfire pilot that gets the honour and dreadful task of loving chwis wedfield. She likes pickle flavoured potato chips. (among many many other strange flavours)
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elena lavellan [dai]
The fact that she’ll be 10 years old next year is giving me fucking heartburn. I don’t really think about her so much anymore, but she was the IT girl for a while. She still holds an esteemed position in my barbie playhouse or w/e. But she’s got the chronic pain, the wit, the beauty, the drive, the bravery to keep on trucking. tragically a c*llen romance first and then s*las second.
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vertex [cp77]
ms cuntress supreme. Her and gwen fought for this spot. But Vertex is MEAN, she’s bitter, she’s old, she’s warped, shes a netrunner, shes almost a cyberpsycho if not one already,,,, her and saburo get along. she’s EVIL. But she does have 1 son that she loves :( cuts her up that he’s basically cut her off completely :(
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kas adaar [dai]
Kas and I who literally had a name change fight today bc his original name (Tibbalt) just wasn’t making sense. But he is one of the kindest, loveliest ocs in my collection. He bakes, he cleaves enemies with his greataxe, he has good advice, and deals with skyholds various issues. He’s a born leader and the ideal inquisitor. He’s a big advocate for peace .
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gwenyth lavellan [dai]
NOW THIS is my most babiest girl. my babybabygirl. She went through a lot as a young girl, basically trained into a 24/7 bodyguard for her clans keeper until the enclave happened. Gwen and being inquisitor…Bad mix. She’s aggressive, argumentative, violent, and shockingly strong. With enough genuine support and socialization she starts to relax and open up a little. And her relationship with Morrigan…..i love valenzo but gwen and morrigan are….Like wow. She mellows out into the aloof prickly bestie they all need. But U still never know what she’s thinking and if she’ll backhand u or not.
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nizana daevarran [bg3]
Shes in love with a morally dubious vampire. Loves garlic bread. She’s a rogue. Last play through she lost both her eyes. BABYGIRL IS NOT VERY SMART. BUT SHES SO PRETTY and likeable. voted most likely to say something dumb.
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lorenzo vecchioni [cp77]
Even tho Lorenzo presents as the most ridiculous man alive, and acts like it, he is definitely my smartest main oc period. He is literally an engineer. LIKE AJDJFKN He’s still gotta go to school but likes. That’s an engineer right there. He’s intelligent in so many ways. Husband material ‼️‼️‼️
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jade faulkner [cp77]
sweet lovely jade and i would get along i think. She’s easy going and willing to get along with almost anybody so. We’d hang out in the garage bc shes a lil grease rat. :3 Also video games. She loves a good game.
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poppyseed1031 · 11 months
Consume me Part 2
Fluff, Slow burn, uncomfortable feelings
Ao'nung x OC, ongoing series, multiple parts!
Ao'nung and Reader both aged up to 23-24!
I padded along the sand softly as I followed Ao'nung to the Sully's tent across the village, I could feel my tail swaying and twitching in excitement behind me and I reached behind and grabbed it, hoping my future mate didn't notice. "Don't worry. I think it's cute." His voice suddenly sounded and I swear I could hear the smirk on his face. "Well I hope you think me rolling my eyes at you is cute too because that's what I'm doing right now." I retorted and he chuckled at me as he stopped walking abruptly. I almost collided with his back as I came to a quick halt and huffed at him. "We are here." He said, amusement lacing his tone. My annoyance was quickly long forgotten  as I pounce into the Mauri he motioned to and was met with 6 grinning faces. 
"Aella!!" Neteyam lurched forward and wrapped his arms around me in a second, lifting my feet off the ground with ease and spinning me in a fast circle while pressed close to his chest. "Teyam!" I squeal and bury my face in his neck joyfully. Someone cleared their throat and Neteyam paused and then put me down gently. I cocked my head in confusion and turned to see Jake waiting with open arms, "What? No hug for the old man, babygirl?" I grinned and immediately jumped into his open arms. 
Ao'nung watched with amusement and his arms crossed over his chest as Aella jumped into Neteyam's arms and let out a loud laugh, he couldn't help the smile that overtook his features as he continued watching you greet the forest family with a large grin and bright, joyful expression plastered along your beautiful face. You were definitely comfortable with them, you were loose, and all your features were relaxed as you clung to whichever one of them was closest. Everyone's excited chatter filled the room. "So, Aella, You excited to be Tsahik?" Lo'aks question caught Ao'nungs attention and his ears swiveled up to catch you answer as he watched you intently from the corner of the home. You rubbed your arm nervously as your gaze flitted around the Sulley's that were sat in a circle with you at the center. How close were you with this family? He thought. He knew they spoke very highly of you and Jake suggested you, but you all seemed VERY close. Your sigh cut him out of his thoughts as your melodic voice filled his ears. "I'm scared, honestly. What if I'm not good at it? What if the people don't like me? What if they think of me what they thought of you when you first arrived?" Your words made Ao'nung's heart sink. You knew about that? Did you know what he had said? He was just a kid, he hoped they all knew he accepted them now. Hoped YOU knew you would be welcomed with open arms. "Ao, why are you standing there all awkward with a scowl on your face? Are you scared of your mate?" Kiri piped up and he felt his eyes widen slightly as he pushed off the woven wall he was leaning on. "Oh no, not at all. From what I've experienced so far and what I've been told, she's definitely a spitfire, but I love a challenge, especially a beautiful one."
My cheeks burned at Ao'nung's comment as he closed the short distance and sat down next to me. "Are you excited for the mating retreat, Aella?" Neytiri asked while grabbing my hand. My ears perked as I looked at her in confusion and then at Ao'nung, "Actually I haven't gotten a chance to tell her. She basically wanted to come straight here after we met so I thought it could wait since we don't leave for a few hours." Neytiri nodded "We missed you too, our sweet girl." She said with a smile. "Wait, what is this mating retreat? Leaving tonight?" I asked, looking around at everyone. "It's just a trip. You go away with your intended to make sure you're a good fit and that you want the union. You go to a small island a ways away that has a hut and everything you need for 7-8ish days." Neteyam piped up. "I thought this was a set in stone union, for the clans?" I asked Ao'nung, looking at him directly. His Sea foam eyes met mine as he looked down at me and smiled a little bit, "I'm willing to do anything for my clan, and you seem wonderful. But I will not force this on you if you do not want it. It is not something small, I want you to want to mate with me." My heart swelled at his words and felt a smile tug at the corner of my lips. I opened my mouth to thank him when someone cleared there throat. I could see Ao'nungs annoyed expression out of the corner of my eye as I quickly pulled away from the close proximity with him. I looked back at my 'adopted' family and couldn't help another grin. "I can't believe I'm with you all again. I missed you so much. I love you guys." I said, swallowing the large lump forming in my throat from all the happy emotions. I was met with six large grins in return paired with 6 pairs of soft amber eyes, some teary just like my own. "We missed you too, ma Aella." Neteyam's voice was soft, just like his touch on my knee. I let out a soft laugh as I wiped my cheek and snuggled up into Jake a little bit. "Well kid, You guys should get going. If you leave now you'll be there before eclipse." Jake said as he wrapped an arm around me and squeezed tightly. "I agree, lets go, little one." Ao'nung stood gracefully and held out a hand to me which I gladly took. I gave everyone a hug, relishing in the feeling of them again, and started out of the mauri with Ao'nung. "See you later Forest family." I opened my mouth in shock, ready to defend us all when multiple chuckles cut me off. I looked back at them over my shoulder in confusion as he guided me outside. "It's a joke, I called them that when they showed up and it just stuck." Ao'nung explained as he took in my facial expression. "Oh, Okay. Are you riding with me or am I riding with you on your Ikran." He stopped midstep, "We don't have Ikran here, we have ilu, or skimwing, in the water." "Oh no no no. I'm not doing that just yet when I have no idea how to be on one." I paused and took a step closer to him, so our chests were touching, and I looked up at him, giving him my best doe eyes. "Please ride with me on my Ikran, its fun, I swear! and you need to get to know me and how I live too!" I begged, clasping my hands together and jutting out my lower lip. He bit his lip and thought it over for a few minutes, his hand coming to rest on the dip of my back. I prayed to Eywa that my tail stayed still and didn't give away my giddiness at the small touch. "Fine." He finally grumbled out. I squealed in happiness and before thinking threw my arms around his neck in a hug. 
Since my things were still attached and packed up onto my Ikran, all we had to was go get Ao'nungs, so I padded behind him slowly, my eyes scanning the bustle of the village curiously. Suddenly I hit something very hard and tumbled to the ground, landing with an 'oof'  " Oh eywa I'm sorry, you're such a little thing I didn't see you." A gruff voice sounded as I was tugged onto my feet rather roughly. "Um, that's okay." I mumble as I rub where the man had grabbed and looked up at him. He was a bit smaller than Ao'nung in most aspects and had less tattoos. His hair was all down, covering his shoulders and down his back in dark brown curls and he had much softer features. He leaned toward me and took a deep inhale, I furrowed my brows and stepped back, slightly uncomfortable. "I was looking for this delicious smell I've never encountered before... But it seems I found it." A creepy grin spread across his face as he leaned a little closer again. Smell? what the hell? "Okay...well-" "I'm Nato." he cut me off and grabbed my arm again, lighter this time. Disgust shot threw me as I shook free and stepped around him. "I have to get back to Ao- to my future mate." I corrected, hoping that would end this all together, but he stepped in my path again. "Do we have a problem here?" Ao'nung's voice boomed before Nato could say anything and he was suddenly standing at my side with a tight expression. "Not at all, Future Chief" Nato drug out the last two words in a mocking tone, hands up in surrender and brow bone cocked. "Your future mate here smells... divine." He took a big dramatic whiff and I leaned into Ao'nung slightly, discomfort pricking through my veins at the lewd gesture. That earned a deep growl that sent a shot of something hot straight down to my core, I looked up at Ao'nung and had to press my thighs together for some friction at his expression. His ears where pinned back and fangs bared in a snarl, he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into his side until I was pressed completely against him. "Say anything to or about her again, you'll regret it." He snarled and quickly turned away, pulling me along stuck to his side as space was put between us and the creep. We walked in strained silence for a few minutes but I could practically see the steam coming out of his now alert ears. Guilt and anxiety started to creep up and into my chest the more i stared at his pinched expression, Is he mad I called him my mate and dragged him into this? Or was it just the other mans actions? "I'm sorry." I finally murmured out. He slowed to a stop and gripped my upper arm gently, his fingers tracing the blooming bruises from Nato. " I have no idea what in pandora you could think you should be sorry for, yawne. Nothing about that disgusting, disrespectful behavior was your fault." His voice was so soft and sweet it made my insides melt into a puddle. "Are you ready to go?" He reached up and tucked a stray curl behind my ear and I had to fight the urge to nuzzle into his hand. I had just met him! Get yourself together Aella!
I shook myself out of my thoughts and smiled up at him. "I'm Ready."
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grelleswife · 9 months
Ooh so you're watching 98 Trigun. What do you think?
I’m really liking it so far! Though I should probably hold off on extensive comparisons with TriStamp until I’ve finished 98, I think these anime adaptations are a prime example of the “two cakes” philosophy: Distinctive versions that each bring something good and unique to the table. It might a bit hypocritical of me to call 98 Trigun’s style “nostalgic” since I didn’t enter weebdom until around 2017, but the animation has this feel of belonging to a bygone era that gels nicely with the western elements. The cast for the English dub give an entertaining performance, especially the voice actors for Vash and Milly.
And, speaking of Milly…Milly Thompson, woman that you are! 😍 A himbo lesbian with keen powers of perception, big guns (of both the metallic and muscular variety), and a heart of gold. If she snapped me in half, I’d thank her, but she’s likely the type to give out warm bear hugs instead. 🥰 I definitely understand why fans of the original were so irate over her absence in Trigun Stampede (barring the offscreen mention in the last episode), because she’s a treasure! 💕 Milly also makes a great foil to her girlfriend Meryl. While I’m fond of TriStamp Meryl, I love how the 98 version gives us assertive, spitfire (complimentary) Derringer Meryl right off the bat. She’s serving fashion and putting outlaws in their place with her coat of many guns, and her complete lack of patience with Vash’s tomfoolery (to the point where she stubbornly denies the possibility of this chucklehead being the Humanoid Typhoon for several episodes) cracks me up every time. 😂 I also like the running gag of Milly and her being insurance agents. Although TriStamp’s decision to make Meryl a journalist worked fine—giving her a plausible motive for chronicling Vash’s misadventures—her original position as an insurance worker places a greater emphasis on the violence and destruction which plague the story (as she and Milly scramble to document the havoc wreaked in Vash’s wake), albeit with a comical twist.
Vash remains my darling babygirl, whether caught up in madcap hijinks or betraying the deep sadness hidden behind that smile. Johnny Bosch does a wonderful job bringing him to life (I mostly watched the sub when TriStamp was airing, so getting to hear his interpretation of the character is a treat!). However, I’m not a huge fan of the stereotypical “sleazy womanizer” bit inexplicably tacked on to Trigun 98—my plant boi drinks his respecting ladies juice, thank you very much! 😤 But perhaps it’s just part of his silly goofy guy act, albeit a distasteful one, so I’m hoping it’ll be phased out as the show progresses.
(Haven’t reached Wolfwood’s intro yet, but I’m looking forward!)
The 98 anime’s more relaxed pace is another point in its favor. As much as I enjoyed TriStamp, that 12-episode limit plaguing so many contemporary anime often left the plot with little room to breathe, which I think might be one reason why the melancholy undertones came through with such unremitting force from the very beginning. In contrast, 98 Trigun can afford to be stealthier, keeping things light in the early episodes, but with occasional somber moments betraying the brutal angst to come. Both approaches have merit, though! Like I mentioned earlier, the two Triguns are a pair of cakes: Different frosting and flavors, but both delicious.
The OP is, as the younglings say, a banger. I’m normally not a huge fan of instrumental OPs, but I inevitably find myself rocking out to this one! 🎶 Meanwhile, the languorous ED evokes lazy Sunday afternoons dozing in the shade; it makes me want to take a nap in a hammock like Vash is in one of the stills.
TL; DR: The ride’s a blast, and I am fully prepared to get hurt again. 😎
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draconic-ichor · 3 years
What would a Family Day be like in the Heisenberg House?
This is what I'm thinking: I imagine lots of running around the factory grounds (which Karl cleaned up to make sure it's safe) and Juniper making ice cream for them. I also think Karl would build slides, swings, and other stuffs you could find in a playground. Juniper would come out of the factory with her homemade ice cream and she sees Karl sliding down the slide and Kolt and Netta are both patiently waiting for their turn lol
Heisenberg loves playing with his children, seeing them happy warms his heart more then he ever thought possible. He wants them to see all the world as to offer, without being trapped like he was for so long.
Here’s a little dabble:
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“Come on babygirl.” Heisenberg held out his arms, “I’ll catch you.”
Netta stood at the edge of a metal ledge, her little arms holding herself as she looked down at him with large pale eyes.
Heisenberg had made a little jump-off ledge for the children after Kolt found getting tossed in the air to be one of his favorite things.
Kolt loved danger, the boy gave Heisenberg so many new grey hairs.
But the ledge was a way for the boy to get the thrill with Heisenberg safely below. Now that Netta was a bit bigger she wanted in on her brother’s fun. But standing at the edge it felt much higher then before.
“Pup, you’ll be fine.” Heisenberg tried to sooth as he reached his gloved hands up higher towards her.
Netta scrunched up her little freckled face, taking a deep breath. She closed her eyes, jumping. She kept her eyes shut as she felt air rush by, and until she felt Heisenberg’s strong arms wrap safely around her.
He held his little daughter close, regretting letting her try the jump as she shivered in his embrace.
Heisenberg bounced her a bit, his voice low, “See pup, you’re fine.”
Netta blinked open her eyes looking up into his own, they were like a perfect mirror.
Her face split it a big grin from ear to ear, shaking with excitement.
It made a smile bloom on Heisenberg’s own lips, “You’re a little spitfire, babygirl!”
He spun her around, relishing in the tiny giggles the girl let out. Suddenly another voice pulled his attention.
“Papa!” Kolt hollered seconds before jumping from the ledge himself.
Heisenberg was just able to hurriedly set Netta down before Kolt fell into his chest. He made a sound as the air was forced from his lungs when the boy made contact.
Kolt was nothing but laughter as Heisenberg swallowed back a curse, straightening up.
“Give me a bit more warning.” He ruffled the boys hair, setting him down.
Kolt instantly started running back around to climb the ledge, Netta toddling after him.
“Hey!” Juniper’s voice sounded. Heisenberg turned to see her beckoning them back in for lunch, her face sweet and serene. Sensing impeding disaster he raised his hand towards the ledge. Kolt, having almost jumped on his unprepared father again, was suddenly held in place by his metal overall buttons.
The boy squealed, plan foiled.
“Thought you’d get the jump on your old man again?” Heisenberg smirked, setting him down slowly and carefully. Kolt’s powers were no match for Heisenberg’s; unable to break free.
He pouted as his feet met the ground.
Heisenberg helped Netta down, rounding them up to head in.
“We’ll play more later.” Heisenberg reassured them.
“Can we play with the Lycans!?” Kolt bounced.
Heisenberg leaned in and whispered, “Sure, but don’t tell your Mama, hm?”
Kolt and Netta eagerly nodded, following him in
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cynical-sprite · 4 years
Personal Headcanons for my sister @werewolfgirl1995 and I of our Devil May Cry Self Ships/Self Inserts
Dante usually calls me by one of his many pet names for me (babe, baby, sweetcheeks, babycakes, babygirl, etc.), but when he does call me by my name, he never uses my full name 'Rebecca'. It's always 'Bec', or sometimes, though less often, 'Becca'.
Nero usually always calls you 'baby' or 'babe', or 'angel' but when he does call you by your name, it's always 'Em'; if he calls you by your full name 'Emily', it's always when he's emotionally worked up (worried, upset, in the throws of passion😉, etc.)
Vergil (and V), however, always calls me my my full name 'Rebecca'; rarely he'll call me 'Becca'. He says it's a beautiful name, and any shortening it does it no justice. As far as pet names, he'll sometimes call me 'dear' or 'my dear'.
The same goes for you; Vergil (and V) never calls you by any shortening of your name. It's always your full name 'Emily'. As far as pet names, he's not fond of them, but he will sometimes call you 'kitten'.
Though you almost always call Lady by the name 'Lady', you are the only one she would ever allow to call her 'Mary', if you wanted to. She always calls you 'Em'. Sometimes, she'll call you the pet name 'honey', but her favorite pet name to call you is 'angel'.
Dante makes a habit of giving my ass a playful slap whenever he walks by, especially if I happen to be bent over.
Nero loves your hair; he loves to run his fingers through it.
Nero also loves to lay his head on your chest, or even your lap. Massage his scalp/run your fingers through his hair while he does this, and he'll practically purr with delight.😊
Lady also loves your hair; she loves to run her fingers through it as well. Though she prefers you lay your head in her lap while she does.
Dante and I have the same sense of humor, and we often play off of each other's jokes and comments. We almost always laugh at each other's jokes, even if no one else does.😆
At first, Vergil (and V) was confused/unamused by my jokes/sense of humor. It took him a while to get used to it, but, now, I've got Vergil now to the point where he'll crack a small smile in response every so often, sometimes, though it's rare, he'll even give a small chuckle (very small, but genuine). I'm usually the only one that can invoke a genuine chuckle from him.
Dante and I would be attracted to each other because we're so alike (birds of a feather and such), and Vergil and I would be the definition of opposites attract.
Nero, Lady, and Vergil (and V) love your eyes. Vergil often says he could get lost in the depths of your brown eyes (as did V). Lady loves how your eyes can be so deep, yet also sparkle with the brightest light. Lady also loves your smile; seeing you smile instantly puts a smile on her face as well. Nero loves the light in your eyes, how they sparkle in the light, especially when you smile or laugh (he often tries to make you laugh). He loves your smile as well; he often says it lights up a room, like a ray of sunlight. When you smile at him, he just melts.
Dante loves my smile and my laugh; it's one of the reasons he does everything he can to make me laugh and smile. He also loves my eyes, the way they seem to be so many different colors at once. Vergil loves my lips, often remarking on 'that pretty mouth' or 'those pretty lips' on more than one occasion. He also loves my eyes, comparing them, on more than one occassion, to a kaleidoscope.
Lady loves holding hands with you. If you're sitting beside each other, she'll almost always hold your hand. Though not as often, she'll also sometimes hold your hand if you're casually walking together as well. She also loves your nose, and will often kiss you on the nose.😊
Dante, being an ass man, loves my thicc booty. He's usually giving my ass a casual slap when passing by. He usually also has some kind of ass related comments or flirtatious quips on hand (one of his personal favorites is "I hate to see you go, but love to watch you leave."). He has a thing for boobs as well, so, he loves seeing me in any kind of top that shows my cleavage, even just a little.
Vergil loves my long, thin legs. If we're sitting together, he loves when I lay my legs across his lap; he won't be able to resist having one or both his hands on them. Most of the pants I wear are tight-fitting that show off the shape of my legs, which he both loves and hates; while he loves it for obvious reasons, he hates how distracted it tends to make him. He also loves to have my legs wrapped around his waist or his head.😉😳😅
Nero loves your breasts. He loves resting his head on them or having his face between them. He also loves fondling them and will give them extra attention during sexy times, spending a lot of time kneading them and licking/sucking at them.😉 He also loves your thicc thighs, and loves resting his head on them as well. He also loves grabbing and (lightly) playfully pinching them. He sometimes grips them a little too hard during sexy times. He always feels bad if he grips them hard enough to leave bruises, and he'll apologize profusely, the sweet boy.😊 He also loves to have his head between your thighs.😉😉😳
Vergil loves your long legs and thicc thighs, and also your breasts. Like his son, he also will give your breasts extra attention during sexy times; he likes to spend a lot of time teasing you by kneading/massaging them and licking/sucking at them.
Dante loves my feistiness; he sometimes calls me his little firecracker or his little spitfire.
Vergil loves my determination/perserverence and my mental strength. He also finds it sexy that I'm not afraid to put him in his place if needed.
Nero absolutely loves your kind and caring heart and sensitive nature, though he doesn't like when you end up hurt because of it. He also loves how easily you get flustered (he thinks it'sadorable😊); he sometimes likes to tease you and see how flustered he can get you (because he can be a little shit sometimes lol.😆 he takes after his uncle a little in that aspect.).
Lady loves your kind and generous nature and your cheerful demeanor (she thinks it's adorable😊). She also loves that you accept her for everything she is; not only do you see her for the gun toting badass that everyone else sees, but you also see her for the woman she is and let her show her softer, more feminine side.
With you and Nero, it was the definition of love at first sight; you had feelings for each other almost immediately.
Though I'm not much for reading (aside from fanfics, that is😆), I'll often ask Vergil to read one of his books out loud to me; he'll almost always oblige as he secretly enjoys.
Vergil loves your intelligence and your love for books. He loves that the two of you can just sit together in comfortable silence without it being awkward; sometimes the two of you will even read together. He also loves your kind heart, that you show him kindness no one else has.
You and Nero enjoy playing video games together. Nico will often join as well.
Nico loves to tease you and Nero about your relationship as you both get so easily flustered/embarrassed.
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kianlawleysprincess · 7 years
Welcome home part one
“Daddy!” Harper squealed as Kian came home from another tour. It’s been three years since his last one and we now have a three and a half year old spitfire of a daughter. She’s a daddy’s girl alright, she adores him almost as much as he adores her. “Harper!” Kian dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around her. “I missed you.” He whispered to her as he kissed her cheek. “Daddy I missed you sooooo much! Like this much!” Harper held her arms as far apart from each other as she could. Kian laughed and picked her up as he stood up. “Hey beautiful.” He said as he kissed me. “Hey baby.” I smiled at him. “I missed you.” He pulled me into a hug “I missed you more babygirl.” “Daaaaaddddyyyyyyyyy?” Harper asked in her little sing song voice she uses when she wants Kian’s attention. I laughed and kissed the top of her head. “Yes princess?” “CANWEGOTOTHEPLAYGROUND?” She asked so excited that she spoke faster than normal. “Of course Baby.” He grabbed my hand and we walked out to the car. I missed this. I missed having my family together all the time. I hate that when kian goes on tour I feel like we have to make up for lost time. He buckled Harper onto her car seat and climbed into the driver’s seat. He started driving to the playground and his hand rested on my thigh. He squeezed it and looked at me. “I missed you so much gorgeous.” I laid my head on his arm “I missed you too baby. More than you know. I’m so glad you’re home.” We got to the playground and Harper and Kian took off running towards the slide. I laughed and shook my head and went and sat on the bench to watch them play together. The are truly best friends. Seeing him with her got me thinking about more babies. Kian and I had been together for six years now and I loved every aspect of our family and relationship, but I want Harper to have a little brother or sister. I hadn’t talked to Kian about it yet because he’s been gone, but once Harper goes down tonight, I think I’ll bring it up then.
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