#its just not for me
maudiemoods · 1 year
I'm so unmotivated rrrrarrrarrr
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cawhawhaw · 3 months
I wish tumblr allowed for content filtering 💀 sometimes people don't tag their posts and i just want to be able to click "don't recommend" or "don't show" on some peoples blogs.
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arkiwii · 17 days
Your interpretation of Saria/Silence is my favorite of any other artist that draws them. Thank you for the comfy drawings and your rambling about them
waaaahh thank you!! I'm happy to hear that;;;
huge huge credits for the CN community on Weibo, because I absolutely love the way the majority of them show them, and the contents (fanfics/comics/art/csoplays) they make of them! of course, a huge part of my interpreation comes from myself, but seeing people representing in a way I loved and that is very respectful of the characters really helped me and made me think about some details/headcanons
my interpretation of them changes a lot, and still changes, but I always try to make sure I keep the intention and message NoriZC gave to these characters, it's the most important part to me
that's how it be to be a nerd obsessed with character building!
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fairyzibbie · 11 months
Unpopular opinion: Tricky deserves better than Christoff
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monsoon-of-art · 2 years
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lottieurl · 7 months
@ that last post it's why i hate admitting that i watched she-ra and liked it cause people hear it and think it's time to recommend a whole bunch of kids cartoons to me and i Won't Be Watching, Thank You
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upagainstthesunset · 4 months
A very minor comics gripe.
Sometimes there are plots where the characters arent acting like themselves and we're supposed to go hey! Thats not right! They wouldnt say or do that! And then there's a reveal that they were mind controlled, under some other influence, from an alternate universe, etc etc etc. Pick your poison it doesnt really matter. It's a way for writers to be a little subversive and explore "what ifs" about characters.
But 1, its been done bc everything in comics has been done. It's a trope that i personally dont vibe with like 90% of the time.
And 2, if youre going to do it, you must write in the cathartic moment where things are put right. Break those characters out of their mind fog! Free them to again be the best versions of themselves! Or even let them realize maybe the "wrong" ways they acted were frighteningly all too easy to happen for real, and now they have to unpack that. Like, give us a resolution, please.
So there are a few reasons i dont like the trope that i think are pretty reasonable and im wondering if others feel the same. The first is that its often not done well. That cathartic moment doesnt really happen so the whole thing that felt like wtf the entire time doesnt have a satisfying payoff. And going along with that, if the writer doesn't key in readers that hey these characters are "not right" at least part way through, then we're stuck with shitty versions of characters we love and wondering why. A bit of writing advice i got once from a playwright was to not be coy with readers when its not necessary. In the case of comics i think that can be applied as yes subvert expectations and play with that, but dont try to trick your audience for an entire arc just to say GOTCHA at the end. Fool the characters we should identify with while reading, dont fool us.
And the biggest and honestly most obvious reason that im not usually a fan of this is that i just plain dont want to read issue after issue of characters i enjoy not being characters i enjoy. Sure sometimes its interesting or funny or tragic, but usually its just not a good time. Ive talked about it a few times, but a good example is New Gods vol 4 where the gods are hyper hedonistic and violent and a mess. I dont want that, i want them being heroic and strong of heart! And the reason im even writing this post is bc I just saw a reblog of someones take from Young Justice Dark Crisis, and yeah! They were right to be like wtf kon would not act like this! The in-universe has the explanation of the fake world (or whatever) trying to convince him its what he wants and its so seductive that he falls into the trap, unlike Bart who does not. So sure, thats a legitimate story and all. But i do not fucking want to read it! I dont want to read kon being pissy and butthurt and accusatory, i dont want to read cassie trying to seemingly brainwash bart! No! I want them to have zany af adventures and then surprise everyone by pulling through!
So yeah. Its a gripe ive talked about before, and will probably bring up again. Its not a huge thing, but it is something that i think isnt satisfying for readers.
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lilcowzia · 1 year
What are your thoughts on mutual death feederism? Both partners growing to immobility?
bearing in mind that im not even into average mutual gaining, mutual deathfeedist gaining does not even seem logistically feasible imo, and one of the v v key things for me in deathfeedsim is the caretaking dynamic, which would not be possible here, at least not to the extent that i find appealing. theres not really a powerful dynamic there for me. so like, my thoughts are kind of just disinterest, personally.
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sandymybeloved · 8 months
i don't like torchwood, however, everyone in awe of martha jones in reset, amazing, perfect television, she's so great she makes me like this show for the duration she's on screen
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moomoorare · 3 days
MCC is coming back I remembered why I don't like it anymore
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darksides-dutchess · 1 year
Hate it when people have to audacity to just make villains that aren't even villains. Like no villain feels as evil as they should be, give me a real bad guy, not just some "multilayered character that turned to the life of evil to feel anything and make themselves powerful to cope with the shitty past/childhood".
Give me a villain that is evil for funsies, they just woke up one day and wanted nothing but chaos, they don't want money, fame or people to fear them, all they want is to flip the world upside down.
I get so bored of any hero and villain story that has to do with the villain being an annoying flirt that causes some trouble here and there, it's so reused and irritating.
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Small update to my life and the pinned post to those who haven't seen. Trying out this whole exclusivity/monogamy thing. Turns out, I may not have been as non-monogamous as I thought. It's... kind of relieving truthfully. I like it, quite a bit.
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transfaguette · 2 years
Absolutely nothing wrong with that "fixing bad posts" blog btw but it ends up making me more bummed than anything because it's positivity with a very obvious reminder of negativity. I just always end up thinking about what the original post actually said.
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3 10 and 18
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
There are two I wanna mention here: (1) the visceral and wild reaction SU fans had to the Say Uncle episode. I used to be a hardcore Steven Universe fan on a different blog (it's long dead I killed it) and I remember how the fandom's reaction to that episode kinda made me step back and away from the show and the fandom for a bit. I saw posts saying the episode promoted transmisogyny, cannibalism, child abuse, psychological torture, and just so much more and it was so much and wild. Especially watching the episode now and seeing how silly it was! (2) the pomegranate post will always make me pause and think for a long moment.
10. worst part of fanon
I'm gonna try to explain this in the best way that I can, but the commercialization and sanitization of fandom and fanon. I talking about like found family going from a group of people who endured a lot of shit and bonded together being changed into every character being shoved into a nuclear family role and people insisting you can't ship anything that isn't canon and you can't multiship. I hope that makes sense? I'm not sure how else to explain it. Also I'm not a fan of A/B/O
18. it’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
Strika!! More Strika everything!! Her and her team!! Where is she!! Where are my pre-canon fics of her!! My post-canon fics of her!! Her and Lugnut!! Yes I know she had very little screen time, but idgaf, more Strika!!
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aroaceweirdos101 · 7 months
Am I the only one who hate stickers, like just everything about them.
Theyre sticky, I hate the texture, and when they get dirty its just *GAG* disgusting...
I dont hate everykind of stickers, but most of them just makes me wanna vomit. Especially the transparents ones..Ugh-
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freyfromthea · 8 months
does asmr make anyone else literally gag
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