#jeannette nolan
miguelmarias · 2 years
True Confessions (Ulu Grosbard, 1981)
Si no me equivoco, Confesiones verdaderas (True Confessions, 1981) es la cuarta película de Grosbard. Es la primera que me decido a ver —tiende a usar a Dustin Hoffman— y no estoy muy seguro de ir a la próxima, porque sospecho que todavía no ha aprendido lo elemental: se cree que basta con tener buenas cartas. La baza que le han servido de salida era francamente notable: Robert de Niro, Robert Duvall, grandes secundarios veteranos (Burgess Meredith, Cyril Cusack, Jeannette Nolan) y recientes (Charles Durning, Ed Flanders, Kenneth McMillan, Rose Gregorio), magníficos técnicos (el fotógrafo Owen Roizman, el decorador Stephen Grimes, el músico francés Georges Delerue), y un guión que mezcla curas y policías —hermanos, para más señas, y de origen irlandés—, extraído de un bestseller por el propio autor, John Gregory Dunne, y su esposa, Joan Didion. Lo malo del asunto es que tan buenos productores —y la compañía de casting Lynn Stalmaster & Associates— como Irwin Winkler y Robert Chartoff pusieron la partida en manos de un director perezoso, que se ha considerado servido y no ha acudido ni al primer descarte, cuando era urgentemente necesario reescribir el guión dramáticamente: Grosbard ha rodado un guión válido para el jefe de producción y el ayudante de director, pero insuficiente para hacer una película que se tenga en pie. Por eso abusa del montaje paralelo, recurso cuyo creciente empleo delata, a mi entender, la falta de sentido dramático y narrativo de la mayor parte de los guionistas americanos actuales, o la escasa exigencia de quienes los aceptan prematuramente, a medio guisar, o no se molestan en rehacerlos, contentándose —sospecho que en la fase de montaje— con crear tensión artificial saltando sin explicaciones —ni motivos, que es lo malo— de unos personajes a otros, de una trama a otra, para mantener distraído e intrigado al espectador hasta que, en general demasiado tarde, empiezan a anudarse los hilos dispersos; por eso casi todas las películas duran ahora más de lo necesario: tardan demasiado en arrancar, al contrario de lo que sucedía en los años 30, 40 y 50 (piénsese en cualquier filme de Walsh: empieza ya en marcha y en diez minutos presenta a cinco personajes y cuenta veinte peripecias, sin que el ritmo decaiga a partir de entonces). Y lo peor es que con frecuencia —como en True Confessions— lo que tarda tres cuartos de hora en empezar emplea luego sesenta minutos más en no llegar a ningún sitio, porque no hay historia: hay, en el mejor de los casos a que me refiero, de dos a diez personajes, un par de crímenes, algunas alusiones dialogales al pasado y varias escenas aisladas y más bien teatrales, destinadas tan evidentemente al lucimiento de los actores que parecen anzuelos para que acepten intervenir en la película al leer el guión, único modo de asegurar su financiación.
Confesiones verdaderas puede parecer «bien hecha» sólo si se confunde la sosería y la inexpresividad con la sobriedad, y la corrección con el dominio, cosa no difícil en tiempos en los que casi todas las películas son descuidados chafarrinones que no ofrecen ni siquiera imágenes nítidas, como si tratasen de emular la falta de definición visual de los telefilmes. Además de que Grosbard no trata de atraer la atención sobre su trabajo —lo cual es de agradecer—, la fotografía es excelente; la música, emocionante y renovadora, y los bien seleccionados actores están como suelen, en especial el siempre admirable Robert Duvall. Pero a la película le falta, en buena parte por culpa del guión, pero también del director, tres cosas muy importantes: cohesión, ritmo y empuje. Hacía falta, para salvar las lagunas y deficiencias —que hubiese corregido, por otra parte— del guión, el Otto Preminger de los mejores tiempos (y pienso en él porque ha trabajado con esos guionistas y con Burgess Meredith, y ha sabido hablar tanto de curas diplomáticos como de policías duros); con Grosbard, la película se me antoja un lamentable derroche de talento, porque, en el fondo, es muy poca cosa. Lo que prueba que no basta con que la suerte le depare a uno una buena mano: hay que jugar la partida para poder ganarla. De otro modo, pasando, sólo cabe no perderla, que es lo que ha conseguido Grosbard.
Publicado en el nº 14 de Casablanca (febrero de 1982)
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michigandrifter · 5 years
A Lawless Street 1955
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rachelkaser · 3 years
Stay Golden Sunday Reissue: Blanche and the Younger Man
Note: This is a repost of an older Stay Golden Sunday that had to be redone for housekeeping reasons.
Rose’s mother comes to visit, turning Rose into an overprotective mess. Blanche attracts the attention of a young man and strives to keep it.
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Picture It…
Sophia and Dorothy prepare for Rose to arrive with her mother, with Dorothy asking Sophia to show her around Miami. Rose has apparently prepared for her mother’s arrival by getting her an airport wheelchair and an oxygen tank. Meanwhile, Blanche arrives home with her aerobics instructor, a young Harry Hamlin-circa-Clash of the Titans-lookalike named Dirk. He asks if they can go out to dinner, and Blanche is flattered.
Rose arrives home with her mother, Alma, and is so overwhelmingly fussy that even the other Girls are put off. They try to make conversation with Alma and show her around the house, but Rose instead drags her protesting mother off for a nap. Blanche tells Dorothy she’s going to go out with Dirk, in spite of him being so much younger than her usual dates.
Blanche is doing some curiously Lamaze-like exercises, and tells a skeptical Dorothy she’s trying to keep Dirk interested. Rose arrives home to spend time with Alma. Dorothy says she’s out with Sophia at the track. Rose panics, thinking Alma won’t be able to handle going out into the city. However, when the two mothers arrive home, Alma’s won $400 (Sophia lost $50). Alma wants to have fun with her winnings, but Rose tries to insist she stay home. Alma tells Rose to stop smothering her and angrily storms off.
Much later, Rose is waiting at home for Sophia and Alma to return, despite Dorothy’s attempts to reassure her. Sophia comes back alone, saying Alma is still out playing jai alai. Rose receives a call from the police, who picked up her mother for being “lost and disoriented,” and goes to retrieve her. Blanche emerges for her date with Dirk in a sundress, claiming to have “dropped ten years.” Dirk picks her up, telling her she looks gorgeous.
DOROTHY: Blanche, you haven’t even been out with him yet. BLANCHE: Oh but my instincts are infallible in this. Believe me, I know men. DOROTHY: No arguments here.
Rose arrives home with Alma, who angrily protests Rose scolding her when all she did was ask a policeman for directions. Rose patronizingly tells her to go to sleep, but Alma says she’s leaving early to visit Rose’s brother in Houston. Rose doesn’t understand what she’s doing wrong, as she thinks she’s just taking care of her mother, but Dorothy helps her see that she’s treating her mother like a child.
Sophia’s helping Alma pack and unsuccessfully attempting to win money from her. Rose enters and asks Alma if she’s really being so terrible, which Alma confirms. Rose apologizes, and says she’s overprotective because she’s afraid of losing her mother like she’s lost her father and husband. Alma gently tells Rose she’s going to die anyway, and she and Rose should enjoy the time they have. They hug and make up. Meanwhile, Sophia thanks Dorothy for not doing the same to her.
Blanche is on her date with Dirk, who is a bit of a dullard. Blanche is struggling to find common ground with him, as he seems to be only interested in muscle-building or fad dieting. He compliments her profusely, which she’s at first flattered by. But then he says the words no woman ever wants to hear: “You remind me of my mother.” Dirk says he hasn’t seen his mother in several years and being with Blanche makes him feel like he’s home with her. Blanche orders a drink to cope with that bombshell.
Later, at home, Sophia and Alma are gambling, and Dorothy and Rose gossip about Blanche’s date – both are concerned, but Dorothy’s more worried that Blanche is setting her expectations too high. Alma surprises Rose with an anecdote about a relationship with a younger man she hired as a farmhand. Rose is aghast, but attempts to restrain judgement to avoid falling back into her old, overprotective ways. Alma goes to bed, with Sophia following so they can continue playing cards.
DOROTHY: I did it once. ROSE: You? You dated a younger man? DOROTHY: Yes Rose, of course it was before I had the hump on my back.
Blanche returns home, humiliated. She tells Rose and Dorothy what Dirk said, and says she feels her age. Dorothy tries to comfort her, but Blanche is too busy feeling sorry for herself. Dorothy refuses to listen and drags Rose out, reminding Blanche that, though she’s not young, she still has a lot going for her. After she leaves, Blanche agrees.
“Blanche thinks she’s Peter Pan, and Rose is turning into Mommie Dearest.”
The infantilization of age and the desire for eternal youth run alongside each other in this episode – and wow, I haven’t sounded that pretentious since I wrote college essays. I’m sure the writers thought they were very clever, mixing these two storylines, but they don’t exactly hang together well.
Maybe it’s just me, but the attempts at humor in the Alma plot just aren’t enough to counterbalance how depressing the story is. Watching Rose behave so condescendingly to her mother feels almost borderline out-of-character, and it’s painful to watch considering the show has been fairly respectful of age up to this point. I’m not saying it’s not realistic; it’s just a bit of a downer.
DOROTHY: Oh come on, Ma. You haven’t even met Rose’s mother. SOPHIA: I know a lot of old people. They’re all the same. They’re cranky, they’re demanding, they repeat themselves, they’re cranky, they’re demanding…
If you feel bad for Jeannette Nolan’s character, Alma Lindstrom, you’ll feel even worse for Nolan herself. According to Golden Girls Forever, poor Nolan didn’t have the easiest time remembering her lines, and director Jim Drake tried to accommodate her by shooting her scenes in short bursts. However, the producers insisted on filming her monologue about her farmhand paramour in one take with reaction shots.
The monologue is not only quite long, but the producers kept adding jokes to it in an attempt to keep it fresh. The filming of this was apparently so awkward and difficult that even the other actresses were begging the producers to not make Nolan do it, but they insisted. Nolan finally managed it after several takes and the audience applauded her for it.
Golden Girls Forever is actually a treasure trove of sad trivia when it comes to this episode. Betty White’s real mother was critically ill at the time, and Bea Arthur’s mother died two days before filming. Arthur can barely hold it together during the scene when Sophia tells Dorothy she’s a good daughter. Also, Rose’s line about how there’s not a day goes by when she doesn’t think about her late husband Charlie is actually paraphrasing a quote from White herself, where she mentioned her late husband Allen Ludden in an interview.
So yeah, if this is a hard episode to watch, it was an even harder episode to film. Maybe that’s why the energy just seems so off this time around.
Another tidbit from the book is that Blanche’s date with Dirk was originally the A-plot, but the storyline with Rose and her mother clearly took precedence after rehearsals began. So if you’re wondering why the episode title isn’t really reflective of the plot, that’s why.
ROSE: Blanche looks terrible. DOROTHY: She looks terrible because all she eats is bee pollen. ROSE: I know! Isn’t it ironic that the bees look so good?
I do think they cheat a little bit when it comes to the Dirk story. The joke is that he’s been interested in Blanche as a mother substitute this whole time, but nothing about the way he acted around Blanche implied that he saw her that way. A clever episode would have you looking back on their interactions and realizing just how Blanche misread the signals, but that doesn’t really work here. He flirts, he compliments her, he doesn’t correct her when she calls their dinner a date – frankly, if I just wanted to hang out with an older man because he reminded me of my dad, I wouldn’t want there to be any confusion on that point.
The jokes Dorothy and Sophia make at Blanche’s expense when she tries to recapture her youth for Dirk’s sake are what save this episode from a lower rating – Dorothy’s at her best when she’s roasting the hell out of the other characters. As for Sophia, well…
BLANCHE: A husband like Dirk could keep me young another twenty years. SOPHIA: Or kill you.
Episode rating: 🍰🍰🍰 (three cheesecake slices out of five)
Favorite Part of the Episode:
BLANCHE: This is strictly off-the-record but… Dirk’s nearly five years younger than I am. DOROTHY: In what, Blanche? Dog years? BLANCHE: However, I have decided to overlook that minor detail and succumb to the Vesuvius of passion that is about to erupt from me. SOPHIA: Stand back. We’re gonna get something on us.
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themomsandthecity · 7 years
Every Baby Name We Could Possibly Think Of
Naming your baby is a big decision, and with endless options, it can also be a difficult one. Whether you're going the traditional route or want something more unique (if so, read this first!) it's helpful to have a little, or a lot, of inspiration. Ahead, you'll find nearly every baby name we could think of (close to 1,000!). These aren't just random names we found in a book or concocted ourselves - they're almost all monikers we've heard being used, or we actually know someone who goes by the name. If we missed any, tell us in the comments! A Aaliyah Aaron Abbie Abel Abigail Abraham Adalyn Adam Addilyn Addison Adelaide Adeline Adley Adora Agatha Aiden Alan Albert Aleph Alexander Alexis Ali Alma Alton Ama Amanda Amaryllis Amber Ameila Amélie Amy Anders Anderson Andrea Andrew Angie Angela Angelica Anika Anna Annalise Anne Annie Ansel Apple April Arata Archie Aria Ariane Ariel Arlee Arlo Arman Arthur Arun Arwen Arya Asha Asher Aspen Atticus Aton Aubrey Audrey August Augustus Aurora Ava Avery Axel Aziz B Bailey Barack Barbara Barney Barry Beatrice Beau Beckett Beckham Becky Ben Benedict Benjamin Bennett Bentley Bernadette Beth Bette Betty Beverly Bexley Bianca Bill Billie Bingham Bishop Bitsie Blake Blue Bobby Bodhi Bonnie Bowie Brady Braelynn Brandon Brayden Brecken Bree Brent Brenton Brett Brian Briana Briar Bridgette Brienne Brig Brigham Brinley Brio Britta Brock Brody Bronwyn Brooklyn Bruno Bryan Byron C Caden Caitlin Caity Cale Caleb Calla Calvin Camari Cameron Camilla Carena Carina Carl Carmel Carol Carrey Carter Cary Casey Caspian Cat Catherine Celine Chandler Chanel Channing Charise Charlene Charles Charlotte Chase Cher Cheri Cheriann Cheryl Chevy Chip Chloe Chris Chrissy Christian Christopher Claire Clara Clark Clary Claudia Clementine Clifford Clint Clinton Clyde Colin Collins Condoleezza Connor Conrad Constance Coolidge Cooper Cora Corban Courtney Cruz Related: 100 of the Most Beautiful Baby Names D Daisy Dale Dallas Damon Dane Danica Daniel Danielle Daphne Darby Darlene Darrel Daryl Dashiell Dave David Davina Davis Davon Dawn Dean Deanna Declan Dekel Delaney Delilah Delta Dennis Denzel Desmond Dev Devon Dexter Diane Dinah Dixie Dixon Dolores Dominique Donald Doris Dorothea Dorothy Dot Duke Duncan Dwight Dylan E Easton Ed Eden Edith Edmund Edward Effie Eleanor Elena Eli Eliana Elijah Elise Elizabeth Ella Elle Ellen Ellerie Ellie Elliott Ellis Elodie Eloise Elora Elroy Elsa Elsie Embry Emerson Emily Emma Emmett Eric Erica Esme Esmeralda Esther Ethan Ethel Eugene Evan Eve Evelyn Everett Evie Ewan Ezra F Farah Fay Felix Ferris Finn Fiona Fisher Fitz Fleur Flint Florence Floyd Flynn Ford Forrest Foster Fox Frances Frank Franklin Frederick G Gabe Gabriel Gaige Gail Gant Garrett Garth Gavin Gem Gemma Gene Genesis Gertrude George Gianna Gibson Gigi Gina Ginger Gladys Glenn Gloria Gordon Grace Grady Graham Grant Grayson Greer Gregory Griffin Grover Gus Gwen Gwyneth H Hadlee Hailey Hal Halle Hank Hannah Harding Harlow Harlyn Harold Harper Harriet Harrison Harry Hart Hartley Harvey Haven Hawk Hawthorne Hayden Hayes Hays Hazel Hector Heath Heather Helen Henley Henry Hillary Honor Holden Holly Holt Hope Hubert Hudson Hugo Humphrey Hunter Hurley Hutton Related: Based Off Last Year's Trends, These 30 Names Will Be Among the Most Popular of 2017 I Ian Ida Idris Ike Imanuel Imogen India Indy Ingrid Inizio Ireland Iris Irvin Isa Isaac Isabella Isabelle Isaiah Isla Israel Ivana Ivory J Jack Jackie Jackson Jacob Jacqueline Jaden Jaelyn Jagger Jake James Jameson Jamie Jane January Jason Jasper Jaun Jax Jaxon Jayce Jayden Jeannette Jed Jeff Jefferson Jenna Jess Jessica Jessie Jill Jillian Joan Joanna Joaquin Joe John Jones Jordan Joseph Josephine Josh Joshua Joslyn Joss Joy Joyce Judith Judy Jules Julia Julian Julie Juliet Julius June Juno Justin K Kai Kaia Kale Kalinda Kane Karah Katharine Kathryn Kate Kay Kaya Kaylee Keanu Keegan Keira Keith Kellan Kelly Kelsey Kendall Kennedy Kevin Khloe Kiah Kiele Kiera Kim Kima Kimberly Kingston Kinsley Kirk Kit Kitty Knox Krista Kristen Kurtis Kyle Kylie L Laith Lake Lana Landon Lane Larissa Larkin Laszlo Laura Lauren Lawrence Layla Leah Lee Leia Leighton Leilani Lena Lennon Leo Leonard Leslie Levi Lewis Leyona Lia Liam Liana Lida Lilith Lillian Lily Lincoln Lindsay Lionel Lisa Lisette Liz Logan Lois Lola London Loretta Lorraine Louella Louise Lucas Lucian Lucille Lucy Luke Luna Lux Lyle Lyndon Lynne Related: 100 Unusual Boy Names M Mabel Mabrey Mac Macallan Mackenzie Macy Madeleine Madelyn Madison Mae Maeby Maggie Mahershala Maia Makena Malcolm Maleeya Malia Mamie Mandy Marabelle Marcus Maren Margaret Margot Mari Maria Mariah Mariam Marilyn Marin Marion Marisole Marisse Marjorie Mark Marlene Marlon Marlowe Martha Martin Mary Mason Matilda Matthew Maui Mavis Maximus Maxson May Maya McKinley Megan Melissa Meredith Merritt Meryl Meyer Mia Michael Michelle Mika Mike Mila Mildred Miles Millie Milo Moana Molly Monica Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moses Muhammad Murray Myles N Nahall Nahla Nancy Nanette Naomie Nasima Natalie Nate Nathan Naveen Naya Neil Neisa Neo Neoma Newt Newton Niall Nicholas Nick Nico Nicole Nicolette Nigel Nile Nimah Nixon Noah Noel Nolan Nora Norma Norman North Nova O Obama Octavia Olly Olive Oliver Olivia Omar Opal Ophelia Ordell Oriana Orion Orlando Orson Orville Oscar Otis Otto Owen P Paige Paislee Paloma Pandora Paris Parker Patrick Patsy Paul Payton Pearl Peggy Penelope Penn Penny Perry Pete Peyton Phillip Phoebe Phoenix Phyllis Pierce Piper Polly Poppy Porter Posey Preston Primrose Priya Prudence Priscilla Q Quaid Quincy Quentin Quinn Quinten R Rachel Radley Rae Ralph Ramsey Rayna Rayne Reagan Rebecca Reese Reeve Reid Reign Remi Renly Rex Rhea Rhett Rhys Richard Rick Riley Ripley River Rivers Rob Robert Robin Rome Romy Ronald Ronin Rooney Roosevelt Rory Rosalind Rosalynn Rosamund Rose Rosemary Ross Rowan Roy Royce Ruby Rue Ruth Rutherford Ryan Ryder Related: 100 Unique Yet Beautiful Girls' Names S Sacha Sage Sahara Saint Sam Samuel Sandra Sandy Sansa Sarah Saul Savannah Sawyer Scarlett Schuyler Scout Sean Sebastian Selena Sena Seymour Shane Shannon Shea Shelly Sherlock Sherry Shiloh Shirley Sia Sidney Sienna Simon Skyler Sloan Sofia Solo Sonia Sophia Sophie Spencer Stacy Stanley Stella Stephanie Sterling Stetson Stuart Sue Sullivan Summer Suri Susan Sylvia T Tabitha Tad Tamera Tamsyn Tanner Tara Tate Taylor Teagan Teddy Terrance Thea Thelma Theordore Theresa Thomas Tim Tina Tinley Toby Todd Tom Tony Travis Travon Trent Trey Tricia Trinity Tripp Tristan Troy Truman Turner Tyler Tyson V Valentina Valentine Vance Vaughan Vaughn Vera Vern Victor Victoria Viggo Vince Vincent Viola Violet Virgil Vivian W Waldo Walker Wallis Walter Warren Watson Waverly Wells Wes Wesley Westley Whitney Will Willa William Willow Wilson Winter Wolfe Wren Wyatt X Xander Xavier Xeno Y Yanet Yani Yigal York Yuma Yvette Z Zachary Zahir Zander Zane Zaylee Zayn Zion Zoe Zola Zooey Zora Zuma Zuri Related: These Are the Most Popular Baby Names of 2016 http://bit.ly/2kR9iwY
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oldster2 · 6 years
‪Check out Signature Books The Story of Joan of Arc by Jeannette Nolan HB No DJ 1953 http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/162954419748?roken=cUgayN&soutkn=5QMdmm via @eBay‬
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dlybookeviewblog · 6 years
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A Billionaire For Lexi: Holiday Novella (The Barrington Billionaires #3.5) by Ruth Cardello, Jeannette Winters & Danielle Stewart
My Review *****5*****
The Barrington's are back for a Christmas special
I've got say it's one of the best books that I've received and with the added bonus of two other novellas in this book who are apart also apart of the Barrington World. The bonus Novellas by her sister Jeannette Winters and niece Danielle Stewart. These are a perfect addition to the Barrington World.
A Billionaire For Lexi: Ruth Cardello
Meet Playboy Clay Landon. Clay has never taken himself or his  privileged life seriously. Clay has spent all of his life going where he wanted and when he wanted. Finally keeping his relationships so casual and as open as his lifestyle. It’s a great damn good life, well that is until he meets Lexi Chambers. Lexi is also an equally free spirit who is so completely unimpressed by Clay or his wealth.
Having Lexi becomes Clay's only obsession.
The free spirit of Lexi Chambers. Lexi knows how to get herself into trouble and does so with a skill acquired by doing nothing but shit. Let’s just say Lexi does it a lot more than anyone knows. Lexi's twin sister, Willa who very recently married into the wealthy and family orientated Barrington family, so Lexi is trying to stay on her best behavior.
The one too-sexy ego maniac - for-his-own-good, Clay, will test the rest of Lexi's resolve.
Clay will make Lexi laugh and push her to make Lexi once again believe in all types of possibilities.
Just in Thyme by Jeannette Winters
Meet the world's-renowned chef, Vincent Moretti. Vincent could have anyone and anything, even at anytime. The social events always had one single agenda, to help build his business.  Which is partly why Vincent couldn’t refuse the last-minute invite to the New Year’s charity event. When Vincent learns that his investors wouldn’t be there; Vincent was angry because he thought that he’d wasted his valuable time. Meet the adventurous and most loyal Renita Gallo. Renita had chosen to stay in Stowe, Vermont for the one main reason—her father. Renita always wanted to be a teacher. Renita's father wanted her to follow in his footsteps and become a chef. Suddenly things change when her father becomes ill and couldn’t cater the very and most important Barrington event at the Vermont resort. Renita was forced into a role that Renita wasn’t prepared for. Renita ran into the presence of the most arrogant man she’d ever met. Renita was confusing. Renita was a woman who challenged Vincent. A woman so enchanting Vincent couldn’t resist. Vincent wouldn’t resist. Renita was also determined to ignore the tempting allure of the devastatingly handsome world renowned Chef Vincent Moretti. Vincent ignited such passion within Renita that shook her sense of responsibility out of the window. With Renita and Vincent thrown together during a snow storm. There is more than food will be cooking in the kitchen.
Midnight on the Slopes by Danielle Stewart
Meet Nolan Saint-Jane. Nolan is a big enough person to pretend he’s more than happy his sister Libby has married a billionaire oilman. Nolan's sister deserves the best but the most sudden change in his world has taken the last piece of his family from him. Having spent another Christmas alone.  Nolan is so determined that this New Year’s Eve will be different.
Meet the carefree Holly McNamara. Holly always travels light. Holly can’t be held down by anything and nothing when it’s time to run again. Holly finds that New Year’s Eve is the most perfect time to make a break from it. Holly hopes that a chance meeting with a stranger in a coffee shop gives her the best opportunity she needs.
When the snow starts to fall hard. It helps the passion erupt and then the truth comes out. Nolan and Holly will need to decide if the New Year holds out hope for the new lives that both Holly and Nolan need.
These are three of my favourite authors and just to choose one out of them all is hard. They are a close family and i'm sure that they laugh and cry along the way of writing these stories.
I have to give these books 5*s as there is no more to offer but I would definitely recommend these authors to anyone. The Barrington World is one that keeps you on your toes. They are very family oriented.
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greatconcerns · 9 years
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Yet, who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him.
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oldster2 · 6 years
Check out Signature Books The Story of Joan of Arc by Jeannette Nolan HB No DJ 1953 https://www.ebay.com/ulk/itm/162872350499 @eBay #joanofarc #jeanettenolan #oldster2you
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