#just flipped thru the ones i have btw the drawings still go hard i was expecting them to suck but no
francy-sketches · 1 year
just randomly remebered a book series i read as a kid ok no actually i just read books 3 4 and 5 for some reason and there's like 6 but I was really into it for a while. anyway it was one of those geronimo stilton books but the stupid rat was not in them idk why they had his name on the cover they were actually kind of gruesome from what i remember. ngl they went hard they had cool little sketches in them too and there was this blue dragon with half a tail i loved him sm i was so upset when i couldnt find fanart bc nobody knew this book u.u I'm like 99% sure it was never translated so its just an italian thing but. any of my fellow italian girlies remember this. was I the only one to ever read it
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danothan · 1 year
hi, it's f0r! gimme some 🔥🔥🔥 for jjba, kira specifically, and/or barry allen!
i can always count on you to be after my own heart <3
🔥barry: idk enough abt the general consensus on flash media to know what’s unpopular, but i will say, i don’t see enough ppl talking abt him being a fucking asshole. he drags up dead people’s names to make a point, like he fights dirty
examples + analysis under cut (spoilers for flashpoint paradox + blackest night, but mostly bc it gets real long)
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this is an alt timeline where bruce died in the alley instead of his parents, resulting in his father becoming this world’s batman. barry is trying to convince batman to come with him to restore the timeline, so he brings up his DEAD SON as a persuasion point?? tbf the world IS ending, plus bruce is very much alive to barry, and he IS trying to get him back, but still a dick move
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(pls forgive the ass quality, i was scrambling to take a pic bc the store was closing in 10 min 😭)
hal: death is overrated anyway.
barry: don’t tell me that, tell [the ppl whose loved ones have passed].
hal: i didn’t mean it like that—
barry: tell your dead father.
me: HELLO?!? BARRY??!?!
hal Was being an asshole too so ig barry was just trying to fight fire with fire. he seems to only go this far when ppl's lives are at risk, so i can follow his thought process at least.
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the page continues to have hal taunt him for caring too much, and the crazy thing is that barry actually concedes. i was overselling it when i said barry fights dirty bc this is sm more than a petty argument to him. he's not trying to one-up or spite hal, it’s a last resort. so when hal turns it back on him, barry doesn't get defensive back. he knows how much he's hurt his loved ones by being the flash, he regrets not being there for hal, and barry admits to being scared of losing it all again—turning hal's call-out into a moment of emotional vulnerability. and only THEN does hal finally realize what barry's been saying.
so there are 2 interesting things happening on barry's end here. barry’s the type of person to follow the golden rule pretty literally. i've mentioned before in a past meta that barry believes in the goodness of humanity bc he can be—HAS to be a firsthand example, not just to others, but to himself. if he can be a good person, then surely others must be as well. props to the character consistency across all these different media bc this idea even (and especially) applies here:
1) the golden rule, treat ppl the way you want to be treated, giving hal a taste of his own medicine so that he understands. it’s important to note that, again, barry does this out of desperation, not pettiness. and he might be dishing it out, but he can take it too. he chooses kindness when he could've easily dug his heel in after hal tried to call him out, but barry is trying to reach out to hal, not fight against him, and diffuses the situation that he ramped up. before this, my immediate impression was that barry spoke callously out of heightened emotions or misreading others, but the way he’s been leading this conversation and responding specifically to hal’s own emotions shows how calculated barry actually is.
2) like i said, barry goes by the mindset of “if i can do it, then so can you.” he draws a direct comparison to both of their deaths (they died and came back btw) and says he can’t believe that even after everything hal has gone thru, he’s still acting like this. personally, i read this as genuine shock and disbelief, not necessarily a dig at hal. but regardless of intention, hal takes it as an accusation, so he flips it back on barry. however, barry realizes that hal is deflecting. this is where he draws that comparison. barry had to learn his mistakes the hard way. he only realized all of this when it was too late, when he already died. he acknowledges that he’s repeating his mistake of fearing for the worst, but the thing is that he’s learned from his past, grown and changed with it. and so he projects this growth onto hal as if their deaths were at all similar (keep in mind, this is the issue where hal tells barry “i died a sinner, YOU died a saint”). again, going back to that idea of “if i can do it, then so can you.”
i think the only reason it works here is that barry knows hal. he can read him, and more importantly, has total faith in him, more than hal is willing to accept. barry’s hope in ppl is just unconditional, for better or worse; he wants to walk hal thru this together, he switches his language from “you” statements (“i can’t believe you haven’t changed) to “us” statements (“i missed a lot of good times we could’ve shared while i was away. and a lot of bad times we could’ve helped each other through.” … “let’s both slow down and figure out a plan”). to quote my friend emm here, they know and trust each other enough that barry can push that boundary and still end up at a reasonable middle ground.
barry is so full of good intention but he doesn’t exactly play nice if he thinks he knows what’s good for you. “if i can do it, then so can you” is a double-edged sword. he wants to believe in the absolute best in others. it doesn’t matter how many mistakes they’ve made or what their past may be, barry has hope if nothing else. but in the same way, it can be a presumptuous thing, setting the bar too high, putting too much pressure onto others. barry is all about the potential of things, working towards a brighter future, but what about the present? what about NOW? barry used to be troubled by his past, but then he gained closure and learned acceptance, so all he does now is look to the future. his powers put him out of touch with time and reality, but he’s never really been able to live in the present; his superspeed only enables this. past, future, but never the present, no wonder he’s so stubborn.
god, see what i mean! do you see what discussions could arise from dissecting the intricacies of barry’s hero complex! he’s not just a superhero paragon, he’s not just some vanilla good guy (tho he is also all of these), there is an entire thought process and timeline of experiences and flaws to study under a microscope here. and buddy, i am getting my barthology degree.
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wizard-nishkii · 1 year
can i ask if you have any tips for beginners at pixel art/like any input for where to start from your own experiences? it's cool if not of course!
Hi!! Yeah! I love talking about pixel stuff! I ironically started by doing those silly bases on dA and then decided I wanted to try and do my own!
For making the art itself I just use SAI and the smallest brush on the binary tool and use that (you can make a binary eraser on SAI by duplicating it and setting Opacity to 0%) Other than that its just normal drawing! But you do have to think a bit more about how you do the lines, like if its legible and if the shapes arent too stiff and things like that! (btw look up about dithering for shading, thats the name for the gradient/shade that has that cool classic pixel affect, it helps on colour limitations if you want to make a gradient)
There is plenty of cleaning for the lines when youre drawing in pixel art, I made this to kind of show what I mean! If you feel like you prefer the look of the right one, defo go for it! This is just something I thought is helpful to point out because I find in my experience that clipping those bits off can help get the shape to come across bit better!
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Other than that all I can say is just go for it and try it! Its trail and error to see what works for you honestly and I notice everyone does it differently, there is a huuuge plethora of other styles and interpretations! But basically, its not as hard as it looks and once you get the hang of it its very fun to do!
For animating, I use Aseprite. I used to put stuff together on stuff like, Ezimba and other free gif makers but personally I've been able to improve so much more by using that because you can flip thru the frames and theres an onion skin and things like that! I personally do a mix of frame by frame and tweening! Its a little messy but its what works for me, so my usual process is like
Draw thing - open as a transparent png in aseprite - make one more frame so og one is still there and untouched then just start rotating bits until the animation is how I want it then i go back through and clean it all up, if I wanna add frame by frame its typically one of the last things I do (like blinks, sparkles, tails etc)
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As you can see rotating it (atleast how I do it, not sure if theres an easier way djfshdj) it scrambles the pixels! So I go back over it and clean it up, this guy was made with that process when I was still kinda figuring it out, his tail is frame by frame but everything else was done in the tweening way, for him I seperated all of his limbs to different layers. By rotating it, its easier to do big animations and keep it all even! Also I am absolutely not brave enough to do a full frame by frame body yet lmao
One of the most fun and easiest animations to do first off is just a blink and sparkles, they look good and theyre very easy once you get it down! Feel free to open up any of my pixels in aseprite to view the frames for educational purposes! I am not professionally trained for animation but I enjoy making them for myself and other people!
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My way to go about it is held up with ductape and hours of messing about in aseprite so I'm sure theres easier ways and plenty of different techniques! And also sorry for the ramble but I think this is everything thats worth mentioning off the top of my head!
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