#kan tae ju
mistalie · 11 months
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vehgas · 2 years
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 not uncommon for vegas theerapanyakul to MIX PLEASURE WITH BUSINESS when he was supposed to be doing the dangerous , dirty part of the job . it was easier to convince himself and believe he deserved it because others weren't quite as busy as he was ; tae-ju had a pretty face . miraculous that they've waited this long anyway , tae-ju must have caught the drift when his younger business partner kissed his knuckles after he punched an enemy . clothes messily decorate the floor , tae-ju won't call out his name no matter how hard the glass slams against his bare chest . behind him , vegas digs his nails into his hips , dark shirt undone , hanging off his shoulders ; his companion didn't have time to undress him fully when he was this impatient . IT'S BEEN DAYS , tawan had understood the dangers of vegas carrying a ring around his finger but he himself had to wear one — this isn't betrayal , nor cheating , but the apple doesn't fall far from the tree , not when nobody knew the number of kan's lovers either . at least vegas isn't bringing tae-ju home . he'll leave a good memory , and bruised hips and a few days of painful sitting experience , all for the man he's slowly fucking into the oblivion against window .
 there's a small patch of mist on cold glass where tae-ju's pretty lips linger close , it disappears as soon as vegas draws him back against his own chest . his grip around the neck , squeezing until tae-ju squirms in protest . it's not rushed , it's not fast and he's enjoying every second of it . THEY NEEDED A BREAK , said vegas one night after he caught tae-ju sleeping on his desk . tonight he was simply aiming to introduce some thai dishes to his special guest when things got out of hand . at least he has something better to eat it seems , the thought crosses vegas' mind as he sinks his teeth into tae-ju's shoulder , following the sways of their bodies and going in deeper with low grunts . one hand grips tae-ju's thigh , pausing slightly to pant out in his ear . ❛ lift your leg . ❜
  ─    @jtaeju   .   5
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freewilllife · 4 years
I have a question do you know the name of each arc in Yona of the dawn and where each one starts.
Anon, seriously, do you wanna kill me?
1. The Fugitive Arc. That would be the chapters 1-10. Where Yona and Hak have to flee from the Castle with the interlude in Fuuga.
2.The Prophecy Arc: That would be the chapters 11-14. That would be where Yona and Hak get to know the prophecy and Yoon joins the gang.
3.The Dragons Arc: That would be the chapters 15-25. All the dragon warriors join, telling their stories along the way.
4.The Awa Arc: That would be the chapters 25-40. Where they find Jae ha and Yona takes up arms to fight against Yan Kum Ji.
(In between is the Soo Won Arc (chapters 44- 46, where Soo Won wins Geuntae as his subordinate.
5.The Bandit Arc: That would be the chapters 41-52. Fire Tribe. The gang pretends to be a some bandits.
6. Kan Tae Jun Arc: That would be the chapters 53-59. Fire Tribe.We get to see Tae Jun again who changes his way.
7. Fire Tribe Arc: That would be the chapters  60-76.1. Soo Jin tries to overthrow Soo Won and Yona intents to meddle in this affair!
8. Nadai Arc: That would be the chapters 77-94. Lily appears. Soo Won and Yona face each other for the first time. The HHB and Soo Won/Ju do ect try to stop the spread of the drug.
9. The Ouryuu Arc: That would be the chapters 95 - 105.1 Zeno´s backstory.
10. Sei Slave´s Arc: That would be the chapters 106-123. Sei is collecting slaves from other countries. At the end of the day Soo Won takes over Sei.
11. The Five Stars Arc: That would be the chapters 124-133. Princess Tao pleads for help. Kouren appears. And of course the Five Stars.
12. The Xing Arc: That would be the chapters 134- 150. Yona tries to prevent a war between Kouka and Xing.
13. The Beacon Arc: That would be the chapters 151-157.5. Tae Jun´s lie becomes the truth.
14. Uncategorized: (I would call it Keishuk Arc or Tuly Tribe Arc). That would the chapters 158-187.
15. The Crimson Illness Arc: (Honestly personally I would have made it the Hiryuu Castle Arc...or Soo Won Arc...)That would the chapters 187-?
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nothingcreativeyet · 4 years
So that was a roller coaster
Mr. Kan needs to be protected at all costs 😭😭 When I tell y’all I CRIED!!! I was feeling all types of emotions, the show carried this our beautifully.
I TOLD Y’ALL THEY WERE GONNA DRAG OUR HEARTS THROUGH THE MUD! And what did they do?! Play soccer, basketball, rugby, & then do a figure skating solo all over our hearts.
I wanna fight Ko Moon Young’s mom so freaking bad
The director really do be giving some great advice tho..
Yaaaaas my baby Sang-Tae having breakthroughs & shit!!!
My babies looked so cute all dressed up 😭 their smiles when Kang-Tae showed up (he high key looked shmackable, his forehead 😋🥰🥰😩)
Also ju-ri didn’t make me wanna claw my eyes out this episode, so kuddos to her.
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movie-dramareview · 3 years
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Nama drama: Extracurricular (인간수업)
Cast: -Kim Dong Hee (sebagai Oh Ji Soo) - Park Ju Hyun (sebagai Bae Gyu Ri) - Jung Da Bin (sebagai Seo Min Hee) - Nam Yoon Soo (sebagai Kwak Gi Tae)
Rating Pribadi: 8/10
Genre: Misteri, crime, thriller
Jumlah episode: 10 episode
*disclaimer dulu ya. Karena ini punya netflix, aku sudah exspect tinggi, dan cast nya yang dulu main di Sky Castle kan, jadi aku pikir ah pasti bagus. Dan yes! I Love It So Much!
Seorang anak yang tinggal sendiri (karena ayahnya pemabuk dan sering minta uang) akhirnya berusaha untuk mencari uang sendiri. Berkat kecerdasannya, Oh Ji Soo berhasil mendapatkan penghasilan yang terbilang lebih dari cukup sebagai anak SMA. Penghasilan ini dia dapat dari membuat aplikasi berupa dog untuk menyelamatkan wanita panggilan ketika akan mengalami sexual abuse oleh seseorang yang menyewanya. Dia tidak dikenali oleh siapapun termasuk ajhussi yang selalu disuruh untuk menolong wanita-wanita ketika mengalami kesulitan. Dia sendiri bisa dibilang muchikari karena memiliki sekitar 4/5 wanita yang siap dipekerjakan, namun keselamatan wanita itu menjadi hal paling utama baginya. 
Di sekolah, Ji Soo memang tidak memiliki banyak teman dan cenderung menyendiri, sehingga membuat Bae Gyu Ri penasaran. Bae Gyu Ri sendiri merupakan seorang yang terkenal di sekolah karena sifatnya yang mudah bergaul dan tomboy. Suatu ketika, Bae Gyu Ri melihat handphone milik Ji Soo berbunyi dan mengambilnya karena penasaran. Dan yes! Ji Soo nggak sadar handphone nya diambil Gyu Ri, padahal handphone itu adalah handphone dog untuk menyelamatkan wanita-wanita yang butuh bantuan maupun pekerjaan sebagai wanita panggilan, yak! sumber uangnya. Gyu Ri tidak semudah itu memberikan handphone yang dia temukan dan malah membuat masalah dengan Ji Soo. Akhirnya Ji Soo mengalah dan memberitahu segala hal tentang uang yang dia dapat dan aplikasi dog itu. Gyuri yang kaya, ingin bekerja sama untuk menghasilkan uang bersama. Namun masalah malah datang bertubi-tubi. Jadi, siap nih mau nonton?
*ps. fyi, netflix memang menghadirkan ending yang menggantung, karena setahuku, kalau penonton suka dengan jalan ceritanya, bisa jadi dibuat sekuel. Tapi.. aku sendiri ngga tau apakah ada sekuel dari drama ini. Karna gemas sekali dibuat nonton! But anyway, happy watching!
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ara-line · 4 years
Keishuk in 183
I've been thinking over Keishuk's reasons for wanting the public to think and Suwon are engaged in the latest chapters. I've come with two reasons.
1. Yona holds political clout. This section was copied and pasted from TV Tropes, but it does make sense:
"The Wind tribe only tentatively supports Su-Won, because its general, Tae-woo, doesn't want to bring down the wrath of the rest of the kingdom on his people. His only goal is keeping his people alive, but he has no respect for Su-Won, because Su-Won betrayed Hak, his predecessor as general. If Yona and Hak were to tell Tae-Woo to side with them over Su-Won, Su-Won would lose control of the Wind Tribe. Tae-woo has offered to rebel against Su-Won for Hak's benefit at least once.
The Fire tribe is led by General Kan Kyo-ga, the son of the previous general, Soo-jin. Soo-jin was privy to Su-Won's coup and supported his assassination of Il, but then turned around and attempted to overthrow Su-Won and become king himself. When Kyo-ga became general after the Fire tribe's rebellion was quashed, he was terrified that Su-Won would punish him and his family and his people, and has unquestionably obeyed Su-Won for the most part of the story. However, his younger brother, Tae-jun, is firmly in Yona's camp and has enough of his own authority to subvert Kyo-ga if the situation calls for it. What's more, Kyo-ga and Tae-jun's mother, Iguni, is sympathetic to Yona as well, because she recognizes the aid Yona has given not only her son, but the Fire tribe's people. With Iguni and Tae-jun influencing him, plus the fact that Fire tribe citizens truly believe that Yona is the reincarnation of Hiryuu and idolize her and the Four Dragons, Kyo-ga has had to rethink his otherwise unquestionable obedience to Su-Won.
The Water tribe is passive to a fault. Its general, An Joon-gi, is likewise, and will never act if he can react later. His main interest in Su-Won is that he hopes Su-Won will marry his daughter, Lili. Lili is, like Tae-jun, a great friend of Yona, and, also like Tae-jun, is capable of usurping the general's authority and neutralizing any action he takes against Yona. Because she is more dynamic and liable to act than he is, we've seen her override his actions and she's also directed her father's armies to protect Yona, because Yona is their savior. While she is friendly with Su-Won, she acknowledges that he gained the throne illegitimately and she idolizes Yona.
Besides her native Sky tribe, the Earth tribe is the only tribe where Yona has no partisan in its ruling family, although she does have a potential power base in Awa, where she met Jaeha and stopped the slave trade. General Geun-tae is the only general Su-Won has gone out of his way to endear himself to, but Geun-tae's only priority is that he be allowed to fight wars. He admires strength, and he specifically admires Hak's. Yona herself is no slouch in the strength department, although it's been her policy to, like her father, prevent people dying in needless war, which Geun-tae is dismissive of. Geun-tae is also aware that Su-won lied about Hak killing Il and Yona.
That leaves the Sky tribe, of which Yona herself is a member, but Su-Won is the king and Ju-doh is the general. Ju-doh has an active grudge against Hak for Il giving him preferential treatment over Ju-doh, but does have a level of positive regard for Yona herself.
In summary, Yona has a serious amount of political clout for a useless princess who was chased out of the castle. She also has allies among the Xing royalty, with Xing now being a vassal state of Kouka. It's clear why Keishuk now sees little option besides allying with her, or getting her under his control."
2. The people are catching on the Suwon killed Yona's dad. I don't remember which chapter it was, but it is mentioned Kouka's citizens are figuring out that Il was murdered by Suwon, and if the people catch on, then that could lead the people to stage a coup against Suwon, which is what Keishuk doesn't want. Having people think Suwon and Yona are engaged would convince people that Suwon didn't kill Il. Why would Yona marry her dad's murderer? If Suwon and Yona are getting married, then he couldn't have killed her dad. That's what the public will think.
TL;DR, Keishuk's motivation here is to take advantage of Yona's political clout and to keep the people from revolting. Am I the only person who's figured this out?
Whatever Kusanagi's building to, it's gotta be something big. I can't wait to see where things go from here
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affectjeon · 2 years
Namjoon menghela napasnya sejenak di hadapan pintu bercat putih itu. Ini menjelang siang, dan dirinya baru sampai di kediaman Taehyung di Selandia Baru. Sedikit ragu, namun akhirnya Namjoon mengetuk pintu rumah itu sebanyak tiga kali. Satu menit berselang, namun tidak ada yang membukakan pintu. Namjoon mengulanginya lagi, namun kini mengetuk pintu tersebut sebanyak empat kali dan sedikit terburu. Hingga akhirnya pintu terbuka, menyajikan wajah rupawan adik sepupu yang selama dua hari ini begitu mengganggu pikiran Namjoon.
“Mas Namjoon? Kok kesini? Ayo mas, masuk,” ajak Taehyung yang terlihat sedikit terkejut karena keberadaan Namjoon.
Namjoon tersenyum lalu mengangguk, mengikuti empunya rumah untuk masuk ke dalam.
“Ayo Mas, duduk. Kok gak bilang mau kesini, Mas? Tau gitu tadi Tae jemput ke bandara. “
“Kan Mas udah bilang dua hari yang lalu kalau mas mau kesini,” jawab Namjoon dengan senyum yang begitu manis, terlalu manis hingga ke dua lesung pipinya tercetak sempurna.
“Ah iya, Taehyung lupa Mas. Maaf, hehe. “
Namjoon tersenyum kembali, melihat adik sepupunya yang hari ini nampak begitu cerah rasanya membuat hati Namjoon tenang teramat sangat.
“Mas mau minum apa? Jus jeruk mau? Atau jus mangga? Atau mau kopi? “
“Jus jeruk aja, Tae. Diluar tadi panas banget. “
“Iya Mas, lagi panas banget emang disini. Tunggu ya Mas sebentar. “
Namjoon mengangguk, kedua bola matanya bergulir memperhatikan Taehyung yang beranjak menuju dapur. Setelah Taehyung tak tertangkap lagi dari jangkauan matanya, kini pandangan Namjoon mengarah ke sekitar rumah. Begitu minimalis dan tertata rapi. Ringkas namun menarik, khas seorang Kim Taehyung sekali. Sampai akhirnya pengamatan Namjoon terhenti ketika Taehyung sudah kembali dengan nampan di kedua tangannya.
“Ayo Mas, diminum,” ucap Taehyung seraya meletakan dua gelas jus jeruk di meja.
“Iya, makasih Tae.” Namjoon meneguk isi di dalam gelas hingga tinggal sisa separuh, lalu kembali meletakkannya di atas meja. Hening. Tidak ada percakapan setelahnya. Taehyung menunduk, begitu juga Namjoon. Tapi bagaimanapun juga Namjoon harus mengutarakan maksud kedatangannya.
“Bagaimana kabarmu, Tae? Sehat?”
“Sehat, Mas,” jawab Taehyung cerah.
“Kalau kabar dia, bagaimana?” tanya Namjoon sambil melirik sekilas perut Taehyung yang memang nampak sudah sedikit membuncit.
Taehyung tersenyum, tangan kanannya kini mengelusi permukaan perutnya penuh sayang.
“Sehat juga, Mas.”
Keadaan kembali sunyi. Pertama kalinya mereka merasa secanggung ini.
“Jimin pulang kapan?” tanya Namjoon lagi guna memecah kecanggungan.
“Tadi pagi. Katanya dia masih banyak urusan, jadi tadi dia buru-buru buat balik lagi ke Aussie.”
Kembali hening dan canggung. Keadaan di antara mereka sebenarnya terasa begitu tidak nyaman. Membulatkan tekad, Namjoon menarik napas dalam-dalam sambil menatap adik sepupunya lekat.
“Tae, pulang ke Korea, yuk? Mas khawatir kalau kamu jauh gini. Mas gak bisa jagain kamu. Yang lain juga sama.”
Taehyung kembali menunduk, bingung memberikan jawaban yang sekiranya tepat.
“Tae belum siap buat kembali kesana, Mas.”
Namjoon kembali menarik napas dalam, mencoba memikirkan untaian kata yang tepat untuk membujuk Taehyung.
“Disini kamu sendirian, Tae. Ini negara orang, gak ada yang kamu kenal disini. Kalau ada apa-apa dengan kalian, Mas gak bisa cepet-cepet buat kesini. Jimin juga minggu ini terakhir di Aussie, besok dia balik ke Korea. Kalau kamu berat buat di Seoul, bisa kan tinggal di rumah almarhum kakek nenek di Daegu? Terurus kok rumahnya. Paman Jaehwan ngurus rumah kakek nenek biar tetep terawat. Atau tinggal sama orang tua mas di Ilsan. Yang penting kamu masih di Korea.”
Taehyung terkekeh sambil mengerutkan kedua alisnya, lucu rasanya melihat Namjoon yang cerewet seperti ini.
“Mas sejak kapan bawel gini? Ketularan mas Seokjin atau Jimin, ya?”
“Tae, mas Joon serius…”
“Iyaa Mas, iya. Nanti Tae pertimbangkan, ya?
Namjoon mengangguk, sedikit lega walaupun jawaban yang dia dapatkan masih abu-abu. Setidaknya 50% Taehyung mempertimbangkan untuk pulang kembali ke Korea.
Namjoon kini memperhatikan Taehyung yang nampak masih asik mengelusi perutnya. Sesekali Taehyung seperti tersentak lalu menggumamkan kata 'duh', dan setelahnya Taehyung tersenyum lebar dan semakin mengelusi perutnya. Namjoon paham, mungkin Taehyung sedang 'berkomunikasi' dengan bayi di dalam kandungannya.
“Tae.... Jeongguk?” tanya Namjoon pelan sambil menunjuk perut Taehyung dengan gerakan dagu. Namjoon ingin menuntaskan rasa penasarannya.
Seketika kegiatan Taehyung terhenti. Senyum cerahnya berubah menjadi sendu, walaupun perasaan bahagia justru semakin terpancar dari kedua bola matanya.
“Iya Mas, Jeongguk. “
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ssportsnews · 2 years
Oh Jung-yeon, 'tears' over a fractured finger
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In the 28th episode of SBS 'Goal Strikers' broadcast on the 19th (Wednesday), FC Anaconda (Shin Ah-young, Oh Jeong-yeon, Park Eun-young, Yoon Tae-jin, Ju Ji-eun, Choi Eun-kyung) and FC Gucheok Tall (Lee Hyun-i, Song Hae-na, Irene, Cha Su-min, Kim Jin-kyung, Cha Seo-rin) was revealed to be fighting.
On this day, Park Eun-young surprised everyone by appearing with blood bruises around her eyes. During her training, she collided with Choi Eun-kyung and was injured. In the waiting room, FC Anaconda players encouraged each other to take care of themselves.
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Then the two teams battled. In the 6th minute of the first half, Lee Hyun-i opened the scoring. Irene in the 2nd minute of the second half, Jinkyung Kim in the 5th minute of the second half, and Hyuni Lee in the 9th minute of the second half scored the goals. FC Gucheok Jangjin defeated FC Anaconda 4-0. Goalkeeper Oh Jeong-yeon said, "Aren't you crazy?"
In an interview with the production team, Cha Su-min said, "It was like seeing us a few months ago. I hope we can develop like our team,” cheered FC Anaconda. Yoon Tae-jin shed tears, saying, "People ignore FC Anaconda... It seems to prove that they are constantly losing, so I'm so proud of myself." After the game, Oh Jeong-yeon, who went to the emergency room, was diagnosed with a fractured finger and was in great shock.
Next week, FC Wonder Woman (Song So-hee, Cheetah, Park Seul-gi, Kim Hee-jung, Hwang So-yoon, Yoni P) and FC Top Girl (Chaerina, Bada, Kan Mi-yeon, Ayumi, Yubin, and Moonbyul) are expected to fight next week, raising expectations.
On the other hand, the entertainment program 'Goal Strikers', created by female celebrities who are serious about soccer and the legendary Taegeuk warriors of Korea, is broadcast every Wednesday at 9:00 pm.
먹튀검증,먹튀사이트,먹튀검증사이트,먹튀검증커뮤니티,먹튀 검증,먹튀 사이트,먹튀 검증 사이트,먹튀사이트 검증,토토먹튀,토토사이트,먹튀제보,먹튀신고,토토 사이트,카지노 사이트,파워볼 사이트
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tasksweekly · 6 years
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Shout out to anon for inspiring this task! There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 1,040+ Korean faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Johanna Hedva (1984) Korean / White (Unspecified) - Genderqueer - artist and author.
Kim Young-Ok (1937) Korean - actress.
Kim Kyung-Ran (1940) Korean - actress.
Kim Hye-ja (1941) Korean- actress.
Na Moon-hee (1941) Korean- actress.
Ban Hyo-jung / Ban Man-hee (1942) Korean - actress.
Jung Hye-Sun / Jeong Hye-Seon (1942) Korean - actress.
Yun Jeong-hee (1944) Korean- actress.
Lee Joo-Sil (1944) Korean- actress.
Kim Hae-sook (1945) Korean- actress.
Youn Yuh-Jeong (1947) Korean- actress.
Jung Young-Sook (1947) Korean- actress.
Harumi Miyako (1948) Korean/Japanese - singer.
Heo Jin (1949) Korean - actress.
Ko Du-Shim (1951) Korean - actress.
Kim Young-Ae (1980) Korean - actress.
Lee Jae-Hee (1952) Korean - actress.
Son Hee-Seon (1952) Korean - actress.
Kim Bo-Yeon (1957) Korean - actress.
Kim Sun-Hwa (1957) Korean - actress.
Lee Yong-Lee (1958) Korean - actress
Maggie Han (1959) Korean - actress
Ahn So-Young (1959) Korean - actress
Lee Bo-Hee (1959) Korean - actress
Lee Mi-sook (1960) Korean - actress.
Na Young-Hee (1960) Korean - actress.
Suzanne Whang (1962) Korean - television host, actress, comedian, radio host, published author, minister, writer, producer, and political activist.
Lee Hye-Sook (1962) Korean - actress.
Jang Hee-Soo (1963) Korean - actress.
Jung Kyung-Soon (1963) Korean - actress.
Sonja Sohn (1964) Korean / Black (unspecified)- actress.
Bae Jong-ok (1964) Korean - actress.
Jo Min-soo (1965) Korean- actress.
Jacqueline Kim (1965) Korean - writer, actress, filmmaker and composer.
Juju Chang (1965) Korean - journalist.
Bang Eun-jin (1965) Korean - actress and film director.
Kang Soo-youn (1966) Korean- actress.
Alexandra Bokyun Chun (1967) Korean - actress and filmmaker.
Bang Eun-hee / Bang Min-seo (1967) Korean - actress.
Choi Wan-Jung (1968) Korean - actress.
Seo Yi-Sook (1968) Korean - actress.
Uhm Jung-hwa (1969) Korean- actress, singer, & dancer.
Lee Kan-Hee (1969) Korean - actress.
Lee Jung-Eun (1969) Korean - actress.
Kim Ye-Ryeong (1969) Korean - actress.
Lim Sung-Min (1969) Korean - actress.
Kim Hye-soo (1970) Korean- actress.
Sandra Oh (1971) Korean- actress.
Lee Yeong-ae (1971) Korean- actress.
Kim Young-Sun (1971) Korean- actress.
Brook Antoinette Mahealani Lee / Brook Lee (1971) Korean, Native Hawaiian, Portuguese - actress, TV Host, model and beauty queen.
Yum Jung-ah (1972) Korean- actress.
Romi Park / Paku Romi (1972) Korean - actress, voice actress and singer.
Ko So-young (1972) Korean - actress and model.
Jennifer Anne Lee (1972) Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai - actress.
Shim Eun-ha (1972) Korean- actress.
Amy Anderson (1972) Korean - comedian, actress, and writer.
Jeon Mi-Sun (1972) Korean - actress.
Kim Jung-Young (1972) Korean - actress.
Kim Yun-Jin / Yunjin Kim (1973) Korean- actress.
Jeon Do-yeon (1973) Korean- actress.
So Hee-Jung (1973) Korean- actress.
Choo Sang-mi (1973) Korean- actress.
Lee Hye-Eun (1973) Korean- actress.
Kim Sun-a (1973) Korean - actress.
Jang Young-nam (1973) Korean- actress.
Chu Sang-mi (1973) Korean - actress.
Song Yoon-ah (1973) Korean - actress.
Kim Seo-Hyung (1973) Korean - actress.
Cho Eun-Sook (1973) Korean - actress.
Grace Park (1974) Korean- actress.
Moon So-ri (1974) Korean- actress.
Jang Jin-young (1974) Korean- actress.
Kim Ji-Young (1974) Korean - actress.
Yi Hong (1974) Korean - model and entertainer.
Byun Jung-soo (1974) Korean - actress and model.
Joy Osmanski (1975) Korean, Japanese - actress.
Choi Ji-woo (1975) Korean - actress.
Moon Bloodgood (1975) Korean / Dutch, Irish- actress and model.
Merle Dandridge (1975) Korean, Japanese / African American- actress and singer.
Nicole Bilderback (1975) Korean- actress.
Patricia Ja Lee (1975) Korean - actress and model.
Lee Kyung-eun / Harisu (1975) Korean - pop singer, model, and actress - trans.
Park Sung-Yeon (1975) Korean - actress.
Park Hyun-Jung (1975) Korean - actress.
Lindsay Price (1976) Korean / German, Irish- actress and singer.
Kim Bo-kyeong (1976) Korean - actress.
Ha Jae-sook (1976) Korean - actress.
Myung Se-Bin (1976) Korean - actress.
Kim Sun-Young (1976) Korean - actress.
Song Seon-Mi (1976) Korean - actress.
Wang Yoo-Sun / Yoo-Sun (1976) Korean - actress.
Park Junghyun / Lena Park (1976) Korean - singer.
Jeon Hye-Jin (1976) Korean - actress.
Kim Hee-sun (1977) Korean - actress.
Kim Hyun-joo (1977) Korean - actress.
Nicole Cabell (1977) Korean - opera singer.
Chae Jung-an (1977) Korean - actress and singer.
Choi Jung-yoon (1977) Korean - actress.
Yoon Ji-Min (1977) Korean - actress.
Choi Kang-hee (1977) Korean - actress and DJ.
Lee Sa-bi (1977) Korean - model and actress.
Sinae (1977) Korean- Singer (Lady) and actress-trans!
Chung Jae Young / J / J.ae (1977) Korean - musician.
Denyce Lawton (1978) Korean / Black (unspecified)- actress.
Masuimi Max (1978) Korean / German- actress and model.
Kim Sa-rang (1978) Korean - actress.
Park Tam-Hee (1978) Korean - actress.
Linda Park (1978) Korean- actress.
Kimberly Goss (1978) Korean / German - singer and keyboardist (Sinergy)
Ha Ji-won (1978) Korean- actress.
Kyung Soo-jin (1978) Korean - actress.
Lee Ji-Hyun (1978) Korean - actress.
Lee Chae-Yeon / Chae Yeon (1978) Korean - singer.
Tomika Skanes (1978) Korean / African American - model and actress.
Karen Lee Orzolek / Karen O (1970) Korean / Polish - singer and musician.
Liz Cho (1970) Korean / AshkenaziYang So-Min Jewish - tv personality.
Sung-Hi Lee (1970) Korean - model and actress.
Kim Do-Young (1970) Korean - actress.
Park Chae-rim (1979) Korean - actress.
Yang So-Min (1979) Korean - actress.
Im Soo-jung (1979) Korean- actress.
Lee Hee-Jin (1979) Korean- actress.
Bae Doo-na / Bae Doona (1979) Korean- actress.
Park Soo-ae (1979) Korean- actress.
Kim Gyu-ri (1979) Korean- actress.
Lee Na-young (1979) Korean - actress.
Park Si-yeon (1979) Korean - actress.
Nicole Tubiola (1979) Italian [including Sicilian] / Korean, other - actress.
Ursula Mayes (1979) Korean, German, Native American (Unspecified) - actress.
Jennifer Lim (1979) Korean, Chinese - actress.
Yoo Ji-Yeon (1979) Korean - actress.
Kim Min-Joo (1979) Korean - actress.
Ameriie Mi Marie Rogers/Amerie (1980) Korean / Black (unspecified)- singer-songwriter and actress.
Esther Ku (1980) Korean - comedian and tv personality.
Lee Eun-ju (1980) Korean - actress.
Kim Young-Ae (1980) Korean - actress.
Yoon Se-Ah (1980) Korean - actress.
Eun Joo-Hee (1980) Korean - actress.
Seo Young-Hee (1980) Korean - actress.
Kong Hyo-jin (1980) Korean- actress.
Ameriie Mi Marie Rogers / Amerie / Ameriie (1980) African-American / Korean - singer, songwriter, author, actress and record producer.
Kim Tae-hee (1980) Korean - actress.
Seo Yeong-hee (1980) Korean- actress.
Han Chae-young (1980) Korean - actress.
Ban Min-jung (1980) Korean- actress.
Jang Yoon-ju (1980) Korean - model, television personality, singer-songwriter and actress.
Kim Hye-Na (1980) Korean - actress.
Kim So-Yeon (1980) Korean - actress.
Lim Soo-Jung (1980) Korean - actress.
Gong Hyo-jin (1980) Korean - actress.
Oh Yoon-ah (1980) Korean - actress and former racing model.
Lee Si-yeon (1980) Korean- actress and model. -trans!
Song Hye-Kyo (1981) Korean- actress.
Lee In-Hye (1981) Korean- actress.
Cha Soo-Yeon (1981) Korean- actress.
Wang Bit-Na (1981) Korean- actress.
Sun Park (1981) Korean - singer, actress and entertainer.
Song Ji-hyo (1981) Korean- actress and model.
Jun Ji-hyun/Gianna Jun (1981) Korean- actress.
Chae Min-seo (1981) Korean- actress.
Jang Na-ra (1981) Korean - musician, record producer and actress.
Jung Ryeo-won (1981) Korean- actress.
Jo Eun-ji (1981) Korean- actress.
Han Ye-seul (1981) Korean - actress.
Kwak Hyun-hwa (1981) Korean - actress, comedian, model and singer.
Kim So-eun (1981) Korean - actress.
Hwang Eun-Su (1981) Korean - actress.
Natasha Shanta Reid / Yoon Mi-rae (1981) Korean / Scottish, African-American - rapper and musician.
Cher Tenbush (1981) Korean - ctress, host, reality television participant and model.
Han Ga-in (1982) Korean - actress.
Lee Si-Young (1982) Korean - actress.
Janice Vidal (1982) Chinese, Filipino, Korean - singer.
Son Ye-jin (1982) Korean- actress.
Kim Hye-Hwa (1982) Korean - actress.
Kim Ah-joong (1982) Korean - actress, model and singer.
Kang Hye-jeong (1982) Korean- actress.
Park Hyo-Joo (1982) Korean - actress.
Han Ji-min (1982) Korean - actress.
Keum Dan-Bi (1982) Korean - actress.
Jo Kyung-jin/An Jo (1982) Korean- actress.
Kim Ah-jung (1982) Korean- actress, model, & singer.
Lee El (1982) Korean-actress
Jung Soo-Young (1982) Korean - actress.
Kim Min-Hee (1982) Korean - actress and model.
Yoo In-na (1982) Korean - actress and DJ.
Lee Mi-Do (1982) Korean - actress.
Oh Yeon-A / Kim Mi-Ae (1981) Korean - actress.
Lucia Micarelli (1983) Korean, Italian - actress and violinist.
Jennifer Field (1983) Korean / English, Irish, German- actress.
Jamie Chung (1983) Korean- actress and former television personality.
Han Yeo-reum (1983) Korean- actress.
Lee Hyun-yi (1983) Korean - model.
Jung Yu-mi (1983) Korean- actress.
Park Hee-Von (1983) Korean- actress.
Han Jin (1983) Korean - model.
Lee Ha-nui (1983) Korean - actress, model, musician, gayageum player and a beauty pageant titleholder.
Ruthie Ann Miles (1983) Korean/ possibly English - actress.
Vivian Bang (1983) Korean - actress.
Hettienne Park (1983) Korean - actress and writer.
Yuna Ito (1983) Japanese / Korean - artist.
Sonim (1983) Korean - singer and actress.
Hee-Sun Lee / HeeSun Lee (1983) Korean - musician.
Kang Ye-bin (1983) Korean - tv personality.
Jeong Ju-Hee (1983) Korean - actress.
Lee Honey (1983) Korean - actress and beauty pagent winner.
Yoon Seung-Ah (1983) Korean - actress.
Oh Su-Ah (1983) Korean - actress.
Kim Sa-Hee (1983) Korean - actress.
Park Han-byul (1984) Korean - actress and model.
Jang Shin-Young (1984) Korean - actress.
Song Lee-Woo (1984) Korean - actress.
Kim Min-Seo (1984) Korean - actress.
Yoon Eun-hye (1984) Korean - actress, director, singer, entertainer and model.
Mia Sable (1984) Korean / Choctaw, German - actress and singer-songwriter.
Lee Da-hae (1984) Korean - actress.
Celeste Thorson (1984) Korean, Scottish, Irish / Mexican (Mescalero Apache, Spanish), Lebanese, Syrian, English - actress, model, and screenwriter.
Shin Min-ah (1984) Korean- actress and model.
Han Ye-ri (1984) Korean- actress.
Priscilla Ahn (1984) German, possibly other / Korean - singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist.
Ku Hye-sun (1984) Korean - actress, singer-songwriter, director and artist.
Smith Cho (1985) Korean- actress.
Lee Sae-Byul (1985) Korean- actress.
Jarah Mariano (1984) Native Hawaiian, Korean, likely Chinese - model.
Soo Yeon Lee (1984) Korean - table tennis player, model, actress and coach.
Claudia Kim (1985) Korean- actress and model.
Lee Sung-min / Clara Lee (1985) Korean - actress and model.
Yuri Tag (1985) Korean - dancer (Kaba Modern)
Park Ah-In (1985) Korean - actress.
Jo Ki-Bbeum (1985) Korean - actress.
Kim Ji-Hyun / Lee El (1985) Korean - actress.
Kim Ha-Yun (1985) Korean - actress.
Jeon So-min (1986) Korean - actress.
Kim Min-Jwa (1986) Korean - actress.
Lee Do-Ah (1986) Korean - actress.
Park Seul-Ki (1986) Korean - actress.
Jung Ae-Youn (1986) Korean - actress.
Hong Soo-A (1986) Korean - actress.
Lee Pa-ni (1986) Korean - model and actress.
Crystal Kay (1986) Korean / African-American - singer, songwriter, radio host and actress.
Bae Seul-ki (1986) Korean - singer and actress.
Kwon Bo-ah / BoA (1986) Korean - singer and actress.
Pom Klementieff (1986) Korean / Russian- actress.
Jenna Ushkowitz (1986) Korean- actress.
Moon Chae-won (1986) Korean - actress.
Sheena Sakai (1986) Korean / Japanese - model, singer, and actress.
Kim Gee-yang (1986)-Korean-model
Min Hyo-rin (1986) Korean-actress
Yoo Yeon-Ji (1986) Korean - actress.
Park Min-young (1986) Korean - actress.
Park Si-hyun (1986) Korean- idol (Spica)
Charlyne Yi (1986) Korean, Mexican, Irish, German, French, possibly Yuki / Filipino, possibly some Spanish -  actress, comedian, musician and writer.
Alice Greczyn (1986) French, Japanese, and Polish, with smaller amounts of Chinese, Korean, German, Irish, Native American (Unspecified), Scottish, English, Greek, Hungarian, Turkish, Swedish, and Czech - actress and model.
Jeon Boram (1986) Korean - singer and actress.
Park Sojin (1986) Korean - idol (Girl’s Day)
Park Suju / Soo Joo Park (1986) Korean - model.
Ban Se-jung / Kim Se-jung (1986) Korean - actress.
Baek Ok-dam (1986) Korean - actress.
Lee Soon-kyu . Sunny (1989) Korean - idol (Girls' Generation)
Son Ga-In (1987) Korean- singer, actress, & entertainer.
Gina Jane Choi / G.NA (1987) Korean - singer and actress.
Samantha Futerman (1987) Korean - actress.
Jung Yoon-Sun (1987) Korean - actress
Kwon Eun-Soo (1987) Korean - actress
Moon Geun-young (1987) Korean- actress.
Kang Seung-hyun (1987) Korean - model.
Kim Ok-bin (1987) Korean- actress.
Chun Woo-hee (1987) Korean- actress.
Choi Han-bit (1987)-Korean- model and Idol (Mercury)-trans
Han Hyo-joo (1987) Korean - actress.
JinJoo Lee (1987) Korean - musician.
Song Haena (1987)Korean-model
Dia Frampton (1987) Korean / English, Dutch - singer.
Clara Chung / Clara C (1987) Korean - singer and songwriter.
Hori Eriko (1988) Korean / Japanese - singer, actress and voice actress.
Park Na-rae- (1988) Korean- idol (Spica)
Hana Mae Lee (1988) Korean - actress, model, comedian, and fashion designer.
Lim Ju-eun (1988) Korean - actress.
Tessa Ludwick (1988) Korean - actress.
Ryu Sun-Young (1988) Korean - actress.
Jeong Da-Sol (1988) Korean - actress.
Ham Eun-Jung (1988) Korean - actress.
Seo Yoon-A (1988) Korean - actress.
Kim Joon-Hyung (1988) Korean - actress.
Nam Bo-ra (1989) Korean - actress.
Yoo Joo-yi (1989) Korean- Soloist
Wie Seong-Mi (1989) Korean - golfer.
Park Min-ji (1989) Korean - actress.
Oh Hye-rin / Raina (1989) Korean - singer.
Park Ye-eun / Yenny (1989) Korean - singer.
Choi Minji / Min Soa (1989) Korean - singer.
Bae Geu-rin (1989) Korean - actress.
Kim Soo-Yeon (1989) Korean - actress.
Hong Ah-Reum (1989) Korean - actress.
Kim Ga-Eun (1989) Korean - actress.
Amy Lee / Ailee / Hangul (1989) Korean - singer.
Mikayla Campbell (1990) Korean, Greek, Spanish- actress.
Chanel Iman (1990) Korean, African American / African American- model.
Kang So-ra (1990) Korean- actress.
Kim Bo-mi (1990) Korean-soloist
Kim Eun-Young (1990) Korean-soloist
Kim Tae-Ri (1990) Korean-actress
Shin Se-Kyung (1990) Korean - actres.
Jin-joo Lee (1990) Korean- Musician (DNCE)
Lee Sung-kyung (1990) Korean - model and actress.
Go Ara (1990) Korean - actress and model.
Park Bo-young (1990) Korean- actress
Im Yoon-ah / Yoona (1990) Korean - singer and actress.
Jung Min-joo / Joo (1990) Korean - singer and actress.
Song Jun-hee (1990) Korean- actress and idol (Hello Venus)
Sarah Oh (1990) Korean, German - actress and model.
Park Mi-yeon / Serri (1990) Korean - singer and actress (Dal Shabet)
Baek Jin-hee (1990) Korean - actress.
Oh Ha-Nee (1990) Korean - actress.
Serena Jung (1991) Korean-American - Instagrammer.
Park So-Dam (1991) Korean- actress.
Cho Ja-young / Ah Youn (1991) Korean - singer and actress (Dal Shabet)
Kim Go-eun (1991) Korean- actress.
Kwon Nara (1991) Korean- actress and idol (hello venus)
Lee Joo-young (1991) Korean- actress
Nam Yu-jeong (1991) Korean-actress
Shin Bora/Hana (1991)-Korean- idol (Gugudan)
Won Min-ji/Anda (1991) Korean- soloist
Jung Yeon-Joo (1991) Korean - actress.
Yoo Hyun-Ji (1991) Korean - actress.
Yoo Hyun-young / Hyunyoung (1991) Korean - singer and model.
Bae Joo-hyu / Irene (1991) Korean - singer, tv host and actress.
Lee Eunjung / Jaeyoon (1991) Korean - singer.
Michelle Lee (1991) Korean / African-American - singer.
Eunice Cho (1991) Korean-American - actress.
Bae Woo-hee / Woohee (1991) Korean - singer and actress (Dal Shabet)
Yang Jung-yoon / Jiyul (1991) Korean - singer and actress (Dal Shabet)
Nicole Jung (1991) Korean - idol (Kara)
Kim Seul-Gi (1991) Korean- actress.
Ko Ah-sung (1992) Korean- actress.
Kim Ah-young/Yura (1992) Korean - idol (Girl’s Day)
Kim Eun-mi (1992)Korean-soloist
Kim Yu-jeong (1992) Korean - idol (Laboum)
Kim Hee-jung (1992)Korean-actress
Lee Keum-jo (1992) Korean- idol (Nine Muses)
Kim Ji-won (1992) Korean - actress.
Yoon Da-Young (1992) Korean - actress.
Grace Kelly (1992) Korean - musician, singer and entertainer.
Seo Yuna (1992) Korean- actress and idol (AOA)
Kim Hyun-ah / Hyuna (1992) Korean - singer and dancer.
Kim Min-ji / Seo Min-ji (1992) Korean - actress.
Ahn So-hee / Sohee (1992) Korean - actress and singer.
Mizusawa Erena (1992) Japanese, Korean - model and actress.
Sora Choi (1992) Korean - model.
Ahn Ji-hyun (1992) Korean - actress.
Lee Ellen Serine/Kasper (1993) ¾ Korean, ¼ Japanese - idol (Play the Siren).
Byun Jungha (1993)- Korean- Model
Choi Jun-hee (1993)-Korean-Soloist
Bang Min-ah / Minah (1993) Korean - singer and acress (Girl's Day)
Jo Min-hee (1993)-Korean- idol (Stellar)
Jung Mi-mi (1993)-Korean-idol (Gugudan)
Kim Song-yi (1993) Korean-Soloist
Serine Lee / Kasper (1993) ¼ Japanese ¾ Korean - singer and YouTuber.
Park Ji-yeon / Jiyeon (1993) Korean - singer and actress.
Park Se-hee (1993) Korean-idol (Bulldok)
Seo Hye-rin (1993) Korean-idol (Exid)
Hannah Quinlivan (1993) Irish, possibly other / Taiwanese, Korean - actress and model.
Yoo Ji-ae (1993) Korean- Idol (Lovelyz)
Sonia Ursu-Kim (1993) Korean / Romanian - basketball player.
Na Whan (1993) Korean - idol (Lip B).
Juliane Alfieri / Juliane (1993) Korean / German-Italian - singer.
Lee Ji-eun / IU  (1993) Korean - singer, songwriter and actress.
Lee Soo-jung / Crystal Yi / Chai (1993) Korean - singer.
Kim Hye-In (1993) Korean - actress.
Son Na-Eun (1994) Korean - actress and singer.
Han Bo-bae (1994) Korean - actress.
Lee Ji-Won (1994) Korean - actress.
Park Ji-Hyun (1994) Korean - actress.
Bae Noo-ri (1994) Korean-actress.
Lita Rinrapat (1994) Thai, Korean, English / Chinese, Minahasan Indonesian - dancer and trainee (Sound Cream Entertainment).
Chae Soobin (1994) Korean-actress.
Jeon Yoo-ri (1994) Korean-idol (Stellar)
Jung So-yeon (1994) Korean - idol (Laboum)
Ji Su-Min  (1994) Korean-idol (Sonamoo)
Bae Jin-ye/ZN (1994) Korean - idol (Laboum)
Bae Su-ji / Bae Suzy (1994) Korean - singer and actress.
Tiana Tolstoi (1994) Korean / Serbian, Russian - model.
Lee Hye-ri (1994) Korean - idol (Girl’s Day)
Park Su-bin / Subin (1994) Korean - singer and tv host.
HyoJung (1994) Korean - musician.
Jin Se-yeon (1994) Korean - actress.
Kwon So-Hyun (1994) Korean - actress.
Megan Lee (1995) Korean - singer and actress.
Jo Eun-ae (1995) Korean-idol (Sonamoo)
Kim So-jung/Sowon (1995) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Im Nayeon (1995) Korean - idol (Twice).
Kim Na-young (1995) Korean- Gugudan
Lim Na-young (1995) Korean-idol (Pristin)
Nam Ji-hyun (1995) Korean-actress
Yeom Hae-in (1995) Korean - idol (Laboum)
Park Jung-hwa (1995) Korean-idol (EXID)
Katie Chang (1995) Korean (paternal grandfather), Irish, German - actress.
Kim Ji-yeon / Bona (1995) Korean - singer (Cosmic Girls)
Yoo Jeongyeon (1996) Korean - idol (Twice).
Oh Ha-young / Hayoung  (1996) Korean - singer and actress.
Jung Yerin (1996) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Ahn Chae-hee (1996) Korean-idol (Sol-T)
Ahn Chae-yeon (1996) Korean-idol (Hello Venus)
Choi Yu-jin (1996) Korean-idol (CLC)
Ham Sae-byeol (1996) Korean-idol (Matilda)
Jang So-jin (1996) Korean- idol (Gugudan)
Kim Miso (1996) Korean-idol (Girls Girls)
Fivel Stewart (1996) Japanese, Chinese, Korean / Scottish, Russian, Blackfoot (Unconfirmed) - actress.
Lee Su-hyun (1996)-Korean-idol (Day Day)
Park Soo-young (1996)-Korean-idol (Melody Day)  
Lee Soo-Kyung (1996) Korean - actress.
Choi Yoona (1996) Korean - idol (Marmello)
Kim Do-eun (1996) Korean - idol (Marmello)
Kim Do-eun/Daeun (1996) Korean - idol (Marmello)
Jeon Ga-eun (1996) Korean - idol (Marmello)
Mun Ka-Young (1994) Korean - actress.
Kang Ye-Won / Seo Ha (1994) Korean - actress.
Ahn Sol-bin (1997) Korean - musician.
Park Jihyo (1997) Korean - idol (Twice).
Jung Eun-bi/Eunha (1997) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Choi Yuna/Yuju (1997) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Sydney Park (1997) Korean / Black (unspecified)- actress and comedian.
Ahn Solbin (1997) Korean- Actress and Idol (Laboum)
Choi Yoon-sun (1997) Korean-idol (Sonamoo)
Kang Kyung-won (1997) Korean-idol (Pristin)
Jo Ha-seul (1997) Korean - idol (Loona)
Lee Hojeong (1997)-Korean-actress and model
Kim Jin-kyung (1997) Korean - model.
Piper Curda (1997) Korean / English, Scottish - actress and singer.
Tia Hwang Cuevas / Tia (1997) Korean / Puerto-Rican and German - singer and dancer.
Melanie Aurora Lee / Melanie (1997) Korean / Italian-German - dancer.
Lee Ho-jung (1997) Korean - actress.
Kim Hyu-na (1997) Korean - idol (Marmello)
Kim Dahyun (1998) Korean - idol (Twice).
Hwang Eunbi/SinB (1998) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Kim Ye-won/Umji (1998) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Park Ji-won (1998) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Seo Shin-ae (1998) Korean - actress.
Lee Su-ji (1998) Korean - singer.
Kim You-Jung (1999) Korean - actress.
Son Chaeyoung (1999) Korean - idol (Twice).
Choi Yoojung (1999) Korean-idol (Weki Meki)
Kim Do-yeon (1999) Korean - musician.
Kim So-hyun (1999) Korean - actress
Yim Dayoung (1999) Korean-idol (WJSN)
Lee Jinsook /  Yeoreum (1999)-. Idol (WJSN)
Kim Ye Rim/Yeri (1999)-Idol (WJSN)
Yoo Yeon Jung (1999)- Idol (WJSN)
Choi Yu Jung (1999)-Idol (Gugudan)
Kwon Chae-won/Eunchae (1999) Korean - Idol (Dia)
Kim Chae Hyun (1999) Korean -  Idol (Bonus Baby)
Lee Yoo Na/Keina (1999) Korean - Idol (H.U.B)
Kim Ye Won/Yehna (1999) Korean- Idol (Pristin)
Bae Sung Yeon/Shannon (1999) Korean-Idol (Pristin)
Choi Yoona/Bella- (1999) Korean-Idol (Elris)
Yang Hye Sung(1999)  Korean-Idol (Elris)
Lee Yu Kyung (1999) Korean Idol  (Elris)
Kang Mina (1999) Korean - idol (gugudan)
Kim So hee (1999)Korean - Idol (Elris)
Kwon Eun Bin- (2000) Korean-Idol (CLC)
Kim Hyun-soo (2000) Korean - actress.
Nancy Jewel McDonie / Nancy (2000) Korean / American - singer.
Kim Sae-ron (2000) Korean- actress.
Jeon Heejin (2000) Korean - idol (Loona)
Kim Hyang-gi (2000) Korean - actress.
Lee Jinsol (2001) Korean - musician.
No Jeong-ee (2001) Korean - actress.
Jeon So-mi (2001) Korean / Dutch-Canadian - singer.
Kim Hwan-hee (2002) Korean - actress.
Ahn Seo-hyun (2004) Korean - actress.
Seon Hwang (?) Korean - model.
Lori Thomas / Lori (?) Korean / Caucasian.
Diana Bang (?) Korean - actress, writer and producer.
Esther K. Chae (?) Korean - actress and writer.
M. J. Kang (?) Korean - playwright and actress.
Lela Lee (?) Korean - actress and cartoonist.
Soon Hee Newbold (?) Korean - composer, conductor, musician, and actress.
Mia Park (?) Korean - TV show host, actress, drummer, and yoga instructor.
Susan Park (?) Korean - actress.
Hyung-ki Joo (?) Korean - pianist and composer.
Jun Young Choi (?) Korean - model.
Gian Yoo (?) Korean - model.
Ji Young Kwak (?) Korean - model.
Pong Lee (?) Korean - model.
So Young Kang (?) Korean - model.
Ji Hye Park (?) Korean - model.
Sungshin Kim (?) Korean - idol (Rose Quartz).
Pani (?) Korean- Youtuber -Trans!
Youngsim (?) Korean- Youtuber- Trans!
Mimi (?) Korean- Youtuber- Trans!
Kim Jin-Seon (?) Korean- actress- Trans!
Cha Sevin (?) Korean- actress and singer- Trans!
Sahara (?) Korean- model and singer (Lady)- Trans!
Mini (?) Korean- beauty pageant winner - Trans!
Aja Kim (?) Korean - singer and songwriter.
Kathleen Kim (?) Korean - soprano.
Heather Park (?) Korean - singer.
Susie Suh (?) Korean - singer.
Eliza Yang (?) Korean - writer, publisher and entrepreneur
Gabi Moon (?) Korean - Instagrammer.
Chaeeun Sarah Lee (?) Korean - Instagrammer.
Bba_na_na (?) Korean - Instagrammer.
Irene Kim (?) Korean - Instagrammer.
Jo Soo-Ha (?) Korean - actress.
Kim Kyung-Yoon (?) Korean - actress.
Lee Sae Ro Mi (?) Korean - actress.
Lee Bong-Ryun (?) Korean - actress.
Nam Sang-Ran (?) Korean - actress.
Oh Joo-Hee (?) Korean - actress.
Kim Dong-Joo (?) Korean - actress.
Nam Jeong-Hee (?) Korean - actress.
Lee Min-Ji (?) Korean - actress.
Lee Deok-Hee (?) Korean - actress.
Lee Sae-rom (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Song Ha-young (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Jang Gyu-ri (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Roh Ji-sun (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Lee Seo-yeon (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Lee Chae-young (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Lee Na-gyung (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Baek Ji-heon (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Problematic/Otherwise don’t use:
Lee Hyo-ri (1979) Korean - singer, record producer, activist, actress and presenter  - cultural appropriation.
Park Ji Young / Kahi (1980) Korean - singer - cultural appropriation.
Kim Jungah / Jung-A (1983) Korean - idol (After School) - cultural appropriation.
Sandara Park / Dora (1984) Korean - cultural appropriation.
Arden Cho (1985) Korean- actress - cultural appropriation.
Kim Yu-jin / UEE (1988) Korean - idol (After School) - cultural appropriation.
Yoon Bo-ra (1989) Korean - singer and actress - really gross skit on SNL Korea where she played Pocahontas.
Kiko Mizuhara (1990) English, likely Scottish and German / Zainichi Korean - model, actress, and designer - cultural appropriation and blackface.
Heo Ga-yoon / Gayoon (1990) Korean - singer and actress - cultural appropriation.
Esom (1990) Korean - actress and model - cultural appropriation.
Lee Chae-rin / CL (1991) Korean - singer and rapper - cultural appropriation.
Im Jin-ah / Nana (1991) Korean - actress, singer, and model - cultural appropriation.
Moon Byul-yi / Moonbyul (1992) Korean - rapper, singer and actress. -cultural appropriation
Chrystal Soo Jung / Krystal Jung (1994) Korean - singer and actress - cultural appropriation.
Kim Bo Ra/SuA (1994) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Kim Ji Yoo/JiU (1994) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Lee Siyeon (1995) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Kim Jisoo (1995) Korean - idol (Black Pink) - cultural appropriation.
Jennie Kim (1996) Korean - idol (Black Pink) - cultural appropriation.
Roseanne Park / Rose Park / Park Chaeyoung (Black Pink) - cultural appropriation.
Kim Yoohyeon (1997) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Lee Yoobin / Dami (1997) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Lee Gahyeon (1999) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Hina (?) Korean - cultural appropriation and blackface.
Choi Cho / Rubber Band (?) Korean - cultural appropriation.
Kim / Rubber Band (?) Korean - cultural appropriation.
Son Seung-wan AKA Wendy / Red Velvet (1994) Korean - imitated black people on a radio show.
Kim Tae-yeon AKA Taeyeon / Girls' Generation (1989) Korean - said alicia keys was pretty for a black girl.
Stephanie Young Hwang AKA Tiffany / Girls' Generation (1989) Korean -  promoted colorist mess on her instagram by applying emojis to her fellow members based on how dark she thinks their skin is.
Choi Soo-young / Sooyoung (1990) Korean - send a food truck to the set of her fellow member yuri's drama with a banner that said "thank you for making our yuri look light" here and "yuri's skin is dark, so it doesn't look that clean"
Margaret Cho (1968) Korean - ableism.
Choi Jin-ri / Sulli (1994) Korean - defended a pedophile.
Park Geun-Hyung (1940) Korean- actor.
Kim Sung-Kyum (1941) Korean- actor.
Baek Il-seob (1944) Korean - actor.
Jang Yong (1945) Korean - actor.
Jang Hang-seon (1947) Korean- actor.
Baek Yoon-Sik (1947) Korean - actor.
Han Jin-hie (1949) Korean- actor.
Lee Jong-Goo (1950) Korean- actor.
Woo Sang-Jeon (1950) Korean- actor.
Lim Byung-Ki (1950) Korean- actor.
Ahn Sung-ki (1952) Korean- actor.
Hakuryu (1952) Korean - actor.
Kim Myung-Gon (1952) Korean - actor.
Jang Gwang (1952) Korean - actor.
Heo Gi-Ho (1952) Korean - actor.
Moon Sung-Geun (1953) Korean - actor.
Moon Chang-Kil (1953) Korean - actor.
Jung Han-Yong (1954) Korean - actor.
Kim Jong-Goo (1955) Korean - actor.
Min Kyung-Jin (1955) Korean - actor.
Kim Kap-su (1957) Korean- actor.
Kim Jung-Soo (1957) Korean - actor.
Aleksandr Khvan (1957) Korean - director and actor.
Song Young-Chang (1958) Korean - actor.
Kwon Bum-Taek (1958) Korean - actor.
Choi Jung-Woo (1958) Korean - actor.
Kang Nam-Kil (1958) Korean - actor.
Paul Pesco (1959) Korean / Sicilian - musician.
Nam Myung-Ryul (1959) Korean - actor.
Ahn Suk-Hwan (1959) Korean - actor.
Chang Kim Sung (1960) Korean - actor.
Cheon Ho-Jin (1960) Korean - actor.
Kang Shin-Il (1960) Korean - actor.
Yoon-il Auh (1961) Korean - educator, violinist and composer.
Ryu Tae-Ho (1962) Korean - actor.
Choi Min-sik (1962) Korean- actor.
Jo Young-Jin (1962) Korean- actor.
Son Byung-ho (1962) Korean- actor.
Yoo Hyung-Gwan (1962) Korean- actor.
Tomoyasu Hotei / Hotei Tomoyasu (1962) Korean / Russian, Japanese - musician, singer-songwriter, composer, record producer and actor.
Lee Gi-yeong (1963) Korean- actor.
Kim Il-Woo (1963) Korean- actor.
Kim Seung-Wook (1963) Korean- actor.
Tsuyoshi Ihara / Ihara Tsuyoshi (1963) Korean - actor and author.
Park Joong-hoon (1964) Korean- actor.
Woo Hyeon (1964) Korean- actor.
Ahn Nae-sang (1964) Korean- actor.
Choi Jae-Sung (1964) Korean- actor.
Lee Byung-Joon (1964) Korean- actor.
Lee Doo-Il (1964) Korean- actor.
Jung In-Gi (1964) Korean- actor.
Bae Do-Hwan (1964) Korean- actor.
Aaron Ikeda (1965) Korean / Japanese- actor.
Kim Roe-ha (1965) Korean - actor.
Park Min-Hee (1965) Korean - actor.
Sung Min-Soo (1965) Korean - actor.
Song Young-Jae (1965) Korean - actor.
Jo Sung-ha (1966) Korean - actor.
Lee Chang-Hoon (1966) Korean - actor.
Kwon Yong-Woon (1966) Korean - actor.
Shin Jung-Keun (1966) Korean - actor.
Cho Seong-Ha (1966) Korean - actor.
Lee Won-Jong (1966) Korean - actor.
Kim Byung-Choon (1966) Korean - actor.
Lee Hyun-woo / Jessie Lee (1966) Korean - singer and actor.
Fred Armisen (1966) Korean, German,  Venezuelan - actor, comedian, singer, musician, writer, director, and producer.
Christopher Ju / Kato (1986) Korean - producer.
Song Kang-ho (1967) Korean- actor.
Hong Sung-Duk (1967) Korean- actor.
Kim Jung-Pal (1967) Korean- actor.
Sung Dong-Il (1967) Korean - actor.
Sol Kyung-gu (1967) Korean- actor.
John Myung (1967) Korean - bassist (Dream Theater)
Park Chul-Min (1967) Korean - actor.
Son Jong-Hak (1967) Korean - actor.
Kim Yun-Seok (1967) Korean - actor.
Lee Doll-Hyung (1967) Korean - actor.
Byron Lawson (1968) Korean, Cantonese, Japanese- actor.
Daniel Dae Kim (1968) Korean- actor.
Shin Hyeon-jun (1968) Korean- actor.
Sung Ji-Ru (1968) Korean - actor.
Choi Moo-Sung (1968) Korean - actor.
Park Ki-Ryoong (1968) Korean - actor.
Sun Wook-Hyun (1968) Korean - actor.
Lee Sung-Min (1968) Korean - actor.
Lee Sol-Gu (1968) Korean - actor.
Hong Il-Kwon (1968) Korean - actor.
Park Sang-Myeon (1968) Korean - actor.
Eric Steinberg (1969) Korean / White- actor.
Ken Jeong (1969) Korean- actor and comedian.
Ji Dae-han (1969) Korean- actor.
Rex Lee (1969) Korean - actor.
Yu Hae-Jin (1969) Korean - actor.
Seo Jin-Won (1969) Korean - actor.
Kim Seung-Woo (1969) Korean - actor.
Lee Jong-Won (1969) Korean - actor.
Kam Woo-sung (1970) Korean- actor.
Lee Byung-hun (1970) Korean- actor, singer, & model.
Hwang Jung-min (1970) Korean- actor.
Lee Sung-jae (1970) Korean- actor.
Jung Joon-Ho (1970) Korean- actor.
Yoo Hae-jin (1970) Korean- actor.
Ko Chang-Seok (1970) Korean- actor.
Ryoo Seung-Ryong (1970) Korean - actor.
Jeon Bae-Su (1970) Korean - actor.
Lee Hae-Young (1970) Korean - actor.
Kim Sang-Ho (1970) Korean - actor.
Lim Ho (1970) Korean - actor.
Choi Cheol-Ho (1970) Korean - actor.
C.S. Lee (1971) Korean - actor.
Park Hyuk-Kwon (1971) Korean - actor.
Jang Suk-Hyun (1971) Korean- actor.
Will Yun Lee (1971) Korea- actor and martial artist.
Rick Yune (1971) Mongolian Korean - actor and former model.
Ma Dong-seok (1971) Korean-Actor
Ryu Tae-joon (1971) Korean- actor and singer.
Michael Kang (1971) Korean - musician (The String Cheese Incident)
Kenneth Choi (1971) Korean - actor.
Jang Hyuk-Jin (1971) Korean - actor.
Choi Kwon (1971) Korean - actor.
Jung Suk-Yong (1971) Korean - actor.
Lim Seung-Dae (1971) Korean - actor.
Park Yong-Woo (1971) Korean - actor.
Bobby Lee (1971) Korean - actor and comedian.
Jang Dong-gun (1972) Korean - actor.
Ri Min (1972) Korean - actor.
Lee Joon-Hyuk (1972) Korean - actor.
Bae Yong-joon (1972) Korean- actor.
David William No (1972) Korean / white- actor.
Lee Suk-Joon (1972) Korean - actor.
Lee Jung-jae (1972) Korean- actor and former model.
John Cho (1972) Korean- actor and musician.
Sung Kang (1972) Korean- actor.
Kim Sang-kyung (1972) Korean- actor.
Kim Myung-min (1972) Korean- actor.
Cha Soon-Bae (1972) Korean - actor.
Kim Jung-Tae (1972) Korean - actor.
Oh Jae-Kun (1972) Korean - actor.
Kim Gil-Dong (1972) Korean - actor.
George Han Kim / Johan Kim (1973) Korean - singer and record producer.
Yoon Sang-hyun (1973) Korean-actor
Kim Seung-Su (1973) Korean - actor.
Im Chang-jung (1973) Korean- actor & singer.
Tim Kang (1973) Korean- actor.
Jo Suk-Hyun (1973) Korean- actor.
Han Jung-Soo (1973) Korean-actor
David Lee McInnis (1973) Korean/German/Irish-Actor, producer, director
Jo Han-Chul (1973) Korean - actor.
Park Sung-Woong (1973) Korean - actor.
Choi Jae-Sup (1973) Korean - actor.
Park Jin-Woo (1973) Korean - actor.
Michael Yo (1974) Korean / Black (unspecified)- actor, television host, & standup comedian.
Randall Park (1974) Korean- actor.
Jo Jae-Yun (1974) Korean - actor.
Hwang Tae-Gwang (1974) Korean - actor.
Timmy Hung / Hung Tin-ming (1974) Korean, Ningbo - actor.
Jeff Schroeder (1974) German, Korean - musician (The Smashing Pumpkins)
Tiger JK (1974) Korean - idol (Drunken Tiger)
James Kyson (1975) Korean- actor.
Eugene Park (1975) Korean - electronic vocalist.
Kim Young-Jae (1975) Korean - actor.
Kim Sung-Su (1975) Korean - actor.
Karl Yune (1975) Mongolian Korean - actor.
Lee Sun-Kyun (1975) Korean - actor.
Son Byung-Wook (1975) Korean - actor.
Jung Sung-Hwa (1975) Korean - actor.
Jung Min-Sung (1975) Korean - actor.
Kim Tae-Hoon (1975) Korean - actor.
Johnny Yong Bosch (1976) Korean / German, Irish- actor, voice actor, & musician.
Jang Hyuk (1976) Korean - actor.
Lim Jung-Woon (1976) Korean - actor.
Kim Jung-Hyun (1976) Korean - actor.
Shin Dam-Soo (1976) Korean - actor.
Geum Kwang-San (1976) Korean - actor.
Yeo Min-Gyu (1976) Korean - actor.
Park Jung-Chul (1976) Korean - actor.
Kim Seung-Hoon (1976) Korean - actor.
Kwon Sang-woo (1976) Korean - actor.
Choi Won-Young (1976) Korean - actor.
Jung Hyun-Suk (1976) Korean - actor.
Oh Ji-ho (1976) Korean- actor.
Yoo Seung-jun / Steve Yoo (1976) Korean - idol.
Cheon Seong-Hun (1976) Korean- actor.
Hines Ward (1976) Korean / African- American football player.
Park Hae-Joon (1976) Korean - actor.
Kim Joon-Won (1976) Korean - actor.
Jung Sang-Hoo (1976) Korean - actor.
Brian Tee (1977) Korean / Japanese- actor.
So Ji-Seob (1977) Korean - actor.
Heo Sung-Tae (1977) Korean - actor.
Rich Ceraulo (1977) Korean,Japanese,Italian,Irish,Native American (unspecified)-Actor
Joe Hahn (1977) Korean - musician.
Park Jae-sang / Psy (1977) Korean - idol.
Jon Gosselin (1977) Korean / French-Canadian, Irish, Welsh, 1/1024 Portuguese - tv personality.
Ha Jung-woo (1978) Korean- actor.
Jo Shin-Je / Jo Woo-Jin (1978) Korean - actor.
Soo Go (1978) Korean - actor.
Lee Si-Hwan (1978) Korean - actor.
Kim In-Kwon (1978) Korean - actor.
Choi Gwi-Hwa (1978) Korean - actor.
Kim Ki-Moo (1978) Korean - actor.
Danny Ahn (1978) Korean - idol. (g.o.d)
Carlos Galvan (1978) Korean / Mexican - musician.
BJ Penn (1978) Korean, Irish, English and Pacific Islander - MMA fighter.
Arai Hirofumi (1979) Korean - actor.
Ha Dong-hoon(Haha) (1979) Korean- singer, & variety show host.
Jeom Deok-su/Daniel Henney (1979) Korean / Irish- actor and model.
Aaron Yoo (1979) Korean - actor.
Gong Yoo (1979) Korean-Actor
Son Hyun-Woo (1979) Korean - actor.
Yang Dong-Geun (1979) Korean - actor.
Lee Hee-Joon (1979) Korean - actor.
Bryan Lee O’Malley (1979) Korean / Irish, French-Canadian - cartoonist and writer.
Leonardo Nam (1979) Korean - actor.
Lee Hee-Suk (1979) Korean - actor.
Jo Yong-Hyun (1979) Korean - actor.
Choi Soo-Hyung (1979) Korean - actor.
Will Demps (1979) African American, Puerto Rican and Korean - American Football player.
Ryoo Seung-bum (1980) Korean - actor.
Kwon Hae-Sung (1980) Korean - actor.
Jo Sung-Hee (1980) Korean - actor.
Joo Young-Ho (1980) Korean - actor.
Hong Seung-Jin (1980) Korean - actor.
Tamayama Tetsuji (1980) Korean/Japanese - actor.
Jae Hee (1980) Korean- actor.
Kim Nam-gil (1980) Korean- actor and singer.
Cho Seung-woo (1980) Korean- actor.
Cheon Jeong-myeong (1980) Korean- actor.
Ray Munns (1980) English, Irish / Korean - DJ.
Kim Sung-Kyun (1980) Korean - actor.
Yang Joon-Mo (1980) Korean - actor.
Koo Sung-Hwan (1980) Korean - actor.
Jang In-Ho(1980) Korean - actor.
Ricky Kim (1981) Korean / Irish- actor and model.
Brian Joo (1981) Korean - musician (Fly to the Sky)
Jo Insung (1981)-Korean-actor
Lee Dong-wook (1981)-Korean-actor
Justin Chon (1981) Korean - actor.
Choi Kwon (1981) Korean - actor.
Kim Joo-Hwan (1981) Korean - actor.
Kim Min-Ki (1981) Korean - actor.
Jung Jae-Hoon (1981) Korean - actor.
Ha Sung-Chul (1981) Korean - actor.
Kim Ji-Hoon (1981) Korean - actor.
Hong Ahn-Pyo (1981) Korean - actor.
Kim Jae-won (1981) Korean - actor.
Jo Dal-Hwan (1981) Korean - actor.
Jo Han-sun (1981) Korean- actor.
Kim Do-Yoon (1981) Korean- actor.
Kim Tae-woo (1981) Korean- singer.
Ishihara Takamasa / Miyavi (1981) Japanese, Zainichi Korean - singer-songwriter, guitarist, record producer, and actor.
Hwang Young-Min / Tim (1981) Korean - singer.
Julien Kang (1982) Korean/White - television actor and model.
Lee Joon-ki (1982)-Korean-actor
Shin Sung-rok (1982)-Korean-actor
Lee Min-Woong (1982) Korean - actor.
Kwon Yool (1982) Korean - actor.
Shin Dong-Wook (1982) Korean - actor.
Park Joo-Hyung (1982) Korean - actor.
Kim Moo-Yul (1982) Korean - actor.
Hyun Bin (1982) Korean- actor.
Gennady Golovkin (1982) Korean, possibly Russian / Russian - boxer.
Jung Ji-hoon / Rain (1982) Korean - singer-songwriter, actor, and music producer.
Matsuda Ryūhei (1983) Korean, Japanese - actor.
Bang Sung-hoon (1983)-Korean-Actor
Steven Yeun (1983) Korean - actor.
Ha Soo-Ho (1983) Korean - actor.
Heo Hyeong-Gyu (1983) Korean - actor.
Min Jung-Ki (1983) Korean - actor.
Jeon Jae-Hyeong (1983) Korean - actor.
Um Tae-Goo (1983) Korean - actor.
Kim Jae-wook (1983) Korean- actor and model.
David Park (1983) Korean - musician and producer.
Ben Henderson (1983) Korean / African-American - MMA fighter.
Kim Bum-Joon (1983) Korean - actor.
Han Yi-Jin / Han Sung-Yong (1983) Korean - actor.
Seo Hyun-Woo (1983) Korean - actor.
Lee Kwang-Soo (1984) Korean - actor.
Seo Dong-Gun (1984) Korean - actor.
Jon Lee Brody (1984) Korean / German, Jewish- actor.
Sean Dulake (1984) Korean / White- actor and director.
Song Joong-ki (1985) Korean - actor.
Kim Woo-Joo (1985)- Korean-actor
Lee Ho-Cheol / Lee Won-Seob (1985) Korean - actor.
Matsuda Shōta (1985) Japanese, Korean - actor.
Nosaj Thing / Jason Chung (1985) Korean - producer.
Lee Dong-Hwi (1985) Korean - actor.
Kim Tae-Gyeom (1985) Korean - actor.
Kim Young-Choon (1985) Korean - actor.
Stephen Sohn (1986) Korean - model.
Choi Si-won (1986) Korean - singer, songwriter, model, and actor.
Eugene Lee Yang (1986) Korean - Buzzfeed employee.
Lee Dong-hae (1986) Korean - idol (Super Junior)
Lee Sunghwa (1986) Korean-Rapper
Ki Hong-Lee (1986) Korean- actor.
Bae Je-Ki (1986) Korean - actor.
Ryoo Joon-Yeol (1986) Korean - actor
Yoon Shi-yoon (1986) Korean-Actor
Yoo Ah-in (1968) Korean - actor
Yoon Chae-Sung (1968) Korean - actor
Park Jung-Woo (1968) Korean - actor.
David Choi (1986) Korean - member of parody K-Pop group BgA and YouTuber.
Brandon Paak Anderson / Anderson Paak / Anderson .Paak (1986) African American / Korean - singer, songwriter, rapper, drummer and record producer.
Ahn Jae-Hyun (1987) Korean- model & actor.
Paul Barbato/Barby (1987) Korean / Italian, French, Swiss, Irish - YouTuber (Geography Now).
Choi Min (1987) Korean - actor.
Kim Yoon-Bae (1987) Korean - actor.
Jung Il-Woo (1987) Korean - actor.
Kim Young-kwang (1987) Korean-actor
Park Jae-beom / Jay Park (1987) Korean - singer, songwriter, rapper, dancer, record producer, model, choreographer, entrepreneur and actor.
Namekawa Yasuo (1987) Korean/Japanese-Idol (M.I.B).
Sam Carter (1987)-Korean/White-Idol (Lunafly)
Kim Junsu (1987)-Korean- Solo
Lee Min-ho (1987) Korean- actor and singer.
Yoon Kyun-sang (1987)-Korean-Actor
Jang Keun-suk (1987) Korean- actor and singer.
Jay Hayden (1987)-Korean/Irish-Actor
Seo Jun-Young (1987) Korean - actor.
Eric Nam (1988) Korean- Soloist
Lee Chang-seon (1988) Korean-Actor
Jung Hae-in (1988) Korean-Actor
Park Seo Joon (1988) Korean-Actor
Song Won-Seok (1988) Korean - actor.
Kim Soo-hyun / G.Soul (1988) Korean- actor.
Alexander Lee Eusebio (1988) Korean/Portguese/Chinese-Actor and TV Host  
Ex-plicit linez / Brandon Jermaine Yun / ESP (1988) Korean - rapper.
Kim Ji-hyun (1988) Korean - RnB singer.
John Park (1988) Korean - singer.
Bii Shujin (1989) Korean/Taiwanese - actor and singer.
Jung Younghwa (1989) Korean- Actor and Idol (Cnblue)
Lee Gunwoo (1989) Korean-Actor and Idol (Myname)
Lee Jongsuk (1989)-Korean-Actor
Cho Dong-In (1989) Korean - actor
Kim Woo-bin (1989) Korean- actor and model.
Mark Fischbach (1989) Korean / German- Youtuber
Lee Hong-ki (1990) Korean- Actor and Idol (Ft.Island)
Kim Jong-hyun (1990) Korean- Idol (Shinee)
Ross Butler (1990) Malaysian, Chinese, some Japanese, Indonesian, Korean / English, Irish - actor.
Hong Joo-hyun/Cory (1990) Korean-Idol (24k)
Kim Min-seok (1990) Korean - actor.
Seo Jae-Hyung (1990) Korean - actor.
Kim Min-Suk (1990) Korean - actor.
Kang Ha-Neul (1990) Korean - actor.
Mikee Lee (1990) Korean - actor, model, and host.
Lee Minhyuk (1990)- Korean- Actor and Idol (Btob)
Christian Yu (1990)-Korean- Solo and Producer
Cha Hakyeon (1990)-Korean- Actor and Idol (Vixx)
Park Shinwoo (1990) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Kim Seonghwan/Jean Paul (1991) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Shin Wonho (1991) Korean- Actor and Idol (Cross Gene)
Choi Kisu (1991) Korean - idol (24k)
Choi Tae-joon (1991) Korean - actor
Charles Melton (1991) Korean / White, Cherokee- actor.
Lee Jung-Shin (1991) Korean- musician, singer (CN BLUE), rapper, & actor.
Ahn Woo-yeon-(1991)-Korean-Actor
Do Jihan (1991) Korean - actor.
Lee Seo-Joon (1991) Korean - actor.
Oh Se-hun / David Oh (1991) Korean - singer.
Park Hyungsik-(1991)-Korean-Actor and Idol (Zea)
Jung Jin-young (1991) Korean- actor and singer(B1A4)-songwriter.
Misha Ge (1991) Korean/Chinese, Russian-figure skater
Hwang Eui-jeong (1991) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Christopher Thomas Woo / Kevin Woo (1991) Korean - singer, actor and tv host.
Oh Seung-Hoon (1991) Korean - actor.
Kwon Hyuk(Dean) (1992) Korean- Singer, songwriter, & producer.
Lim Hyunsik (1992) Korean- Idol (BTOB)
Kim Yeon-hak/D.L. (1992) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Jo Jinho (1992) Korean-Idol (Pentagon)
John Elvis (1992) Korean / Mexican- actor.
Kim Minhyuk (1992) Korean-Idol (Map6)
Kim Min-kyu (1992) Korean-Actor
Kim Sung-chan/Spax (1992) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Lee Poong-Woon (1992) Korean - actor.
Kang Da-Bin (1992) Korean - actor.
Lee Seunghyub (1992) Korean-Actor and Idol (N.flying)
Park Hyunho (1992) Korean-Solo
Park Jaehyung (1992)-Korean- Idol (Day6)
Jang Wooyoung (1992)-Korean-Idol (VAV)
Kim Chan-yul (1992)-Korean-Idol (JJCC)
Choi Junghyeop (1992)Korean-Idol (VAV)
Han Jihyun (1992) Korean-Actor and Idol (Mr.Mr.)
Choi Junhyuk (1992)-Korean-Idol (Hotshot)
Woo Do Hwan (1992) Korean- Actor
Kim Hee-chan (1992) Korean-Actor
Evan Fong (1992) Korean / Chinese - internet personality and hockey player.
Kang Joon-kyu (1993)-Korean-Idol (Myname)
Jung Daehyun (1993) Korean-Idol (BAP)
Kim Inseong (1993) Korean-Idol (SF9)
Kim Ji-soo (1993) Korean-Actor
Shin Dong-geun / Peniel Shin (1993) Korean - idol (BTOB)
Kim Se-yoon (1993)-Korean-Idol (Ace)
Lee Donghoon (1993) Korean - idol (Ace)
Lee Hwi-Taek (1993)-Korean-Idol (Pentagon)
Lee Minhyuk (1993)- Korean-Idol (Monsta-X)
Lee Seung-hoon (1993)-Korean-Idol (Winner)
Park Jeup (1993)-Korean-Idol (Imfact)
Kim Jeung-uk (1993) Korean - idol (24k)
Shin Jaeha (1993)-Korean- Actor
Shin Je-min (1993)-Korean-Actor and Solo
Yoo Seung-ho (1993)-Korean-Actor
Kim Seyong (1993)-Korean-Actor and Idol (Myname)
John Kim (1993) Korean - actor.
Park Bogum (1993)- Korean- Actor
Jun Sung Ahn (1993) Korean - idol (BgA)
Bernard Park / NakJoon (1993) Korean - singer.
Moon Taeil (1994) Korean-Idol (NCT)
Jung Ilhoon (1994) Korean-Idol (BTOB)
Park Jun-hee/Jun (1994) Korean - idol (Ace)
Kim Heecheon (1994) Korean-Idol (Halo)
Kim Geong-woong/K-KID (1994) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Ahn Daniel (1994)- Korean-Idol (Teen Top)
Kang Seung-yoon (1994)- Korean -Actor and Idol (Winner)
Yang Hongseok (1994)-Korean-Idol (Pentagon)
Kim Wonpil (1994)-Korean-Idol (Day6)
Booboo Stewart (1994) Japanese, Chinese, Korean / Scottish, Russian, Blackfoot (Unconfirmed) - actor.
Kim Kiho (1994)-Korean-Idol (Map6)
Kim Sungjoo (1994)-Korean-Actor and Idol (Uniq)
Kim Jaehyun (1994)-Korean- Idol (N.flying)
Chae Hyungwon (1994)-Korean-Model and Idol (Monsta-x)
Nam Joo Hyuk (1994)-Korean-actor
Kim Dong-hyun/Gong Yoo (1994) Korean - actor
Kang Tae-oh (1994) Korean - actor
Yang Hong-Seok / Hongseok (1994) Korean - actor.
Joshua Hong (1995) Korean-Idol (Seventeen)
Ko Shin-won (1995) Korean-Idol (Pentagon)
Lee Sang-Hyuk (1995)-Korean-Idol (SF9)
Lee Taehwan (1995)- Korean- Actor and Idol (5uprise)
Yoon Jeonghan (1995)-Korean-Idol (Seventeen)
Choi Sungmin (1995)-Korean-Actor
Yeon Jun-Suk (1995) Korean - actor.
Ahn Hyo-Seop (1995)-Korean-Actor
Choi Jun-hong (1996)-Korean Idol (BAP)
Lim Sejun (1996)-Korean-Idol (Victon)
Lee Chang-sun (1996) Korean - idol (24k)
Kim Minjae (1996)-Korean-Actor
Honda Taichi (1996) Korean/Japanese - idol (BLANC7)
Oh Heejun (1996) Korean-Idol (KNK)
Yeo Chang-gu (1996)-Korean-Idol (Pentagon)
Kim Yong-guk (1996)-Korean/Chinese-Idol (JBJ, Longguo and Sihyun)
Kim DongYoung (1996)-Korean- Idol(NCT)
Kim Min-hwi-(1996)-Korean-Idol (Romeo)
KIm Min-hak (1996)-Korean-Idol(Romeo)
Kim Byeong-kwan/Jason (1996) Korean - idol (Ace)
Jang Sebin (1996)-Korean-Idol (Snuper)
Choi Byung-chan (1997) Korean-Idol (Victon)
Kim Dong-hyuk (1997)-Korean-Idol (Ikon)
Kang Yu-chan (1997) Korean- idol (Ace)
Kwon Hyun-bin (1997) Korean - idol (JBJ)
Yoo Taeyang (1997)-Korean-Idol (SF9)
Kwak Dong yeon (1997)-Korean-Actor
Isaac Jin Solstein (1998) Korean / White- actor.
Choi Hansol (1998) Korean/White- Idol (Seventeen)
Sam Kim (1998) Korean - singer and guitarist.
Kim Jin-hong (1998) Korean - idol (24k)
Shim Hong-seob (1998) Korean - idol (24k)
Kang Hyung-gu/Kino (1998) Korean - idol (Pentagon)
Jung Woo-seok (1998) Korean - idol (Pentagon)
Lee Ji-Oh (1998) Korean - actor.
Kim Hee-Soo (1999) Korean - actor.
Park Solomon (1999) Korean - actor.
Mark Lee (1999) Korean-Idol (NCT)
Lee Chan (1999) Korean-Idol (Seventeen)
Noh Kang Min (1999) Korean-Idol (Romeo)
Kim Tae Young (1999) Korean-Idol (Seven O’Clock)
Jo Young Woon (1999) Korean-Idol (14U)
Kwang Hyuk (1999) Korean-Idol (14U)
Lee Se Jin (1999) Korean-Idol (14U)
Park Ji Hoon (1999) Korean-Idol (Wanna One)
Park Woo Jin (1999) Korean-Idol (Wanna One)
Yoon Sanha (2000) Korean-Idol (Astro)
Kang Chan Hee (2000)- Korean-Idol(SF9)
Kim Hwi Young (2000)-Korean-Idol (SF9)
Jang Yun Ho (2000)-Korean-Idol (Varsity)
Jo Da Won (2000)-Korean-Idol (Varisty)
Kwon Kyeong Tae (2000) Korean-Idol (14U)
Bae Jin Young (2000) Korean-Idol (Wanna One)
Lee Jeno (2000) Korean-Idol (NCT Dream)
Kim Dong hyuk (2000) Korean-Idol (NCT Dream)
Na Jae Min (2000) Korean-Idol (NCT Dream)
Ahn Do-Kyu (2000) Korean - actor.
Lee Dae Hwi (2001) Korean-Idol (Wanna One)
Han Hyun-min (2001) Korean / Nigerian - model.
Park Ji Sung- (2002)-Korean-Idol (NCT Dream)
Jaeden Lieberher (2002 / 2003) Korean (maternal grandmother), German, English, as well as 1/16th French-Canadian, 1/16th Belgian/Walloon, some Scots-Irish/Northern Irish and Scottish - actor.
Kim Sang-woo (?) Korean- model- Trans!
Jonathan Stanton (?) Korean/Polish-Actor
Vince Foster (?) Korean/Irish-Actor
Moses Archuleta (?) Korean and hispanic - drummer (Deerhunter)
Shane Gallagher (?) Korean - musician.
Kero One (?) Korean - musician.
Steven Lee (?) Korean - producer.
Mike Park (?) Korean - musician and activist.
James Roh / Prohgress (?) Korean - idol (Far East Movement)
Jae Choung / J Splif (?) Korean - idol (Far East Movement)
Ben “B-Tek” Chung (?) Korean - dancer (Jabbawockeez).
Mike Song (?) Korean - dancer (Kaba Modern)
Jung Hyung-Suk (?) Korean - actor.
Lee Hyun-Geol (?) Korean - actor.
Moon Kyung-Min (?) Korean - actor.
Kim Tan-Hyun (?) Korean - actor.
Ryoo Sung-Hyun (?) Korean - actor.
Han Geun-Sub (?) Korean - actor.
Yoo Soon-Chul (?) Korean - actor.
Sung Do-Hyun (?) Korean - actor.
Heo Jung-Do (?) Korean - actor.
Yoo Soon-Woong (?) Korean - actor.
Do Yong-Gu (?) Korean - actor.
Hyun Chul-Ho (?) Korean - actor.
Kim Sun-Ha (?) Korean - actor.
Goo Bon-Woong (?) Korean - actor.
Jeong Gi-Seop (?) Korean - actor.
Yeo Moo-Young (?) Korean - actor.
Lee Sang-Hee (?) Korean - actor.
Jung Dong-Gyu (?) Korean - actor.
Yoo Seung-Mok (?) Korean - actor.
Jung Ha-Yoon (?) Korean - actor.
Kim Young-Ki (?) Korean - actor.
Lee Woo-Suk (?) Korean - actor.
Kim Jin-Kook (?) Korean - actor.
Kim Kwang-Young (?) Korean - actor.
Problematic/Otherwise don’t use:
Lee Min-ki (1985) Korean- actor - sexual assault charges
Park Yoo-chun (1986) Korean- actor and singer-songwriter.-sexual assault charges
Kang Dong-won (1981) Korean- actor- tried to cover up pro-Japanese family history
Kwon Ji-yong / G-Dragon (1988) Korean - idol (Big Bang) - appropriation, blackface.
Dong Young-bae / Taeyoung (1988) Korean - idol (Big Bang) - appropriation.
Choi Seung-hyun / T.O.P (1987) Korean - idol (Big Bang) - appropriation.
Kang Dae-sung / Daesung (1989) Korean - idol (Big Bang) - appropriation, blackface.
Lee Seung-hyun / Seungri (1990) Korean - idol (Big Bang) - appropriation, blackface, misogynistic, sexual assault accusations.  
Kim Jong-in / Kai (1994) Korean - idol (EXO) - appropriation.
Park Jimin (1995) Korean - idol (BTS) - appropriation.
No Sul Il (1995) Korean-idol (Up10tion)-blackface/sexist sketch on a variety show
Samuel Kim Arredondo (2002)  Korean and Rumored to be Mexican and/or Hispanic-Solo - appropriation
32 notes · View notes
pecanduendorfin · 5 years
Quotes Tentang Dituduh Sama Orang Lain
Web drama: Best Mistakes (Ep. 12)
YT Channel: KOK (King Of Korean-drama) TV
지현호: 너 그 날 기억나냐? 우리 축구하다 늦은 날.
(Neo geu nal gi-eong-na-nya? U-ri cyuk-gu-ha-da neu-jeun nal)
Hyeonho Ji: Kamu inget waktu itu nggak? Waktu kita telat (gara-gara) main sepakbola.
지현호: 똑같이 지각인데, 선생님은 소주호만 감싸더라.
(Ttok-ka-cyi ji-ga-kin-de, seon-saeng-nim-eun so-ju-ho-man kam-ssa-deo-ra)
Hyeonho Ji: Kita emang sama-sama telat, eh tapi guru itu malah baik hati sama Juho So.
지현호: 왜 반장까지 물들이냐고.
(Wae ban-jang-kka-ji mul-deu-ri-nya-go)
Hyeonho Ji: Beliau bilang kalo kita itu bisa jadi pengaruh buruk buat si ketua kelas (Juho So).
지현호: 제일 늦은 건 걔었는데.
(je-il neu-jeun geon gye-eot-neun-de)
Hyeonho Ji: Padahal, dia (Juho So) yang datang paling telat (terakhir).
지현호: 난 아직 나를 잘 모르겠는데.
(nan a-jik na-reul jal mo-reu-get-neun-de)
Hyeonho Ji: Aku sendiri belum tau.
지현호: 나 빼고 다른 사람드른, 이미 결론 내린 거 같애.
(Na bbae-go da-reun sa-ram-deu-reun, i-mi gyeor-ron nae-rin geo ka-tae)
Hyeonho Ji: Tapi keliatannya orang-orang tuh, kecuali aku, udah bisa bikin kesimpulan sendiri.
김연두: 나도 그래. 한번은, 학교에 소프트렌즈를 끼고 왔었거든?
(na-do geu-rae. Han-bo-neun, hak-kyo-e so-peu-teu-len-jeu-reul kki-go wa-sseot-geo-deun?)
Yeondu Kim: Aku juga (pernah ngerasain hal yang sama). Waktu itu kan, aku pernah pake kontak lens ke sekolah.
김연두: 시헙 착욕으로 받아서.
(syi-heob cyak-yo-geu-ro ba-da-seo)
Yeondu Kim: dapet gratisan gitu sih, jadi aku cobain aja deh.
김연두: 근데 애들이 다 그러는 거야. 원일이냐고 원래 이런 애 아니지 않냐구.
(keun-dae ae-deu-ri da geu-reo-neun geo-ya. Weo-ni-ri-nya-go weon-lae i-reo-nae a-ni-ji a-nya-gu)
Yeondu Kim: Tapi, anak-anak (siswa/i) lain pada bilang kalo aku tuh nggak pantes pake itu.
김연두: 바로 뻬서 버렸어.
(ba-ro bbe-seo beo-rye-sseo)
Yeondu Kim: Jadi, ya aku ambil aja terus dibuang deh.
김연두: 조금만 그게 옷거나 노래를 흥얼거리거나. 욕을 해도 그래. 나답지 않다구. 그럽 때마다. 내가 대체 어떤 애지?
(jo-geum-man geu-ge ot-geo-na no-rae-reul heu-ngeol-geo-ri-geo-na. Yo-geul hae-do geu-rae. Na-dab-ji an-ta-gu. Geu-reob ttae-ma-da. Nae-ga dae-cye eo-tteon ae-ji?)
Yeondu Kim: Kalo aku lagi ketawa keras, nyanyi berdehem, atau ngomong kata kasar, mereka selalu bilang kalo kebiasaan itu nggak mencerminkan diri aku yang biasanya. Tapi, setiap aku denger (perkataan mereka itu), aku malah jadi heran sama diri sendiri, “Sebenernya aku ini anak macem apa sih?”
김연두: 싶은데. 뭐 그냥. 조용하고 안 꾸미고. 초록색 가방에 문제집이나 잔뜩 넣어 다니는 범생이젰지.
(syi-peun-de. mwo geu-nyang. jo-yong-ha-go an kku-mi-go. Cyo-rok-saek ka-ba-nge mun-je-ji-bi-na can-tteuk neo-heo da-ni-neun beom-sae-ngi-jet-ji)
Yeondu Kim: Aku rasa kayaknya mendingan aku jadi anak pendiam, cuek sama penampilan, dan jadi murid pekerja keras yang selalu bawa tas hijau berisikan buku yang banyak.
…… (Catat. Di titik2 ini sebenernya ada percakapan lagi, tapi aku nggak cantumin biar kalian tau intinya apa)
김연두: 그러니까 너도 너무 신경 쓰지 말라구.
(geu-reo-ni-kka neo-do neo-mu syin-kyeong mal-la-gu)
Yeondu Kim: Jadi nggak usah khawatir.
김연두: 편결을 가지고 있는 사람들 중에 대부분이 널 모르는 사람들이잖아.
(pyeon-gyeo-reul ka-ji-go it-neun sa-ram-deul ju-nge dae-bu-bu-ni neol mo-reu-neun sa-ram-deu-ri-ja-na)
Yeondu Kim: Kebanyakan orang yang doyan suuzon (ke kita) tuh orang yang gk kenal siapa diri kita sebenarnya.
김연두: 니가 제대로 알려주면 돼.
(ni-ga je-dae-ro a-ryeo-ju-myeon dwae)
Yeondu Kim: Kamu bisa jadi orang yang memperbaiki itu.
김연두: 그럴 필요가 없는 사람이라면, 그냥 무시하면되지.
(geu-reol pir-yo-ga ob-neun sa-ra-mi-ra-myeon, geu-nyang mu-syi-ha-myeon-dwe-ji)
Yeondu Kim: Dan kalo mereka memang orang yg gk pantes buat kamu (temenin), ya dicuekin aja, lagi.
김연두: 너 한테, 중요한 사람들한테면 신경 쓰라니까.
(neo han-te, jung-yo-han sa-ram-deul-han-te-myeon syin-kyeong sseu-ra-ni-kka)
Yeondu Kim: Mendingan fokus aja sama orang yang memang pantes buat kamu (temenin).
0 notes
ddudublog · 6 years
Korean Drama and Movie List
Postingan kali ini tentang list drama maupun film yang pernah aku tonton dari tahun 2012-2017
** Movie
2010 Cyrano Agency 시라노;연애조작단 ( Uhm Taewong, Park Shinhye, Lee Minjung, David Choi)
2011 Penny Pinchers 티끌모아 로맨스 (Han Yesul, Song Joongki)
2012 A Werewolf Boy 늑대소년 (Song Joongki, Park Boyoung,Yoo Yeonseok)
2012 The Thieves  도둑들
2013 Miracle in Cell No.7  / Number 7 Room's Gift 7번방의 선물 (Ryoo Seung Ryong, Park Shinhye,Kal Sowon)
2013 No Breathing 노브레싱 (Lee Jongsuk, Seo In guk, Kwon Yuri)
2013 Friend, The Great Legacy  / Friend 2 친구 2 (Yoo Oh seong, Kim Woobin, Jo Jinmoo)
2013 Secretly Greatly  / Covertness 은밀하게 위대하게 (Kim Soohyun, Lee Hyunwoo, Park Kiwoong)
2014 Cart 카트 (Support cast : Doh Kyungsoo)
2014 The Con Artists  / The Technicians (Kim Woobin, Lee Hyunwoo, GO Chanseok)
2014 Hot Young Bloods 피끓는 청춘 (Park Boyoung, Lee Jongsuk)
2014 My Love, My Bride 나의 사랑 나의 신부 (Jo Jongsuk, Shin Minah)
2015 Love Forecast / Today’s Love 오늘의 연애 (Lee Seunggi, Moon Chaewon)
2015 Salute D'Amour / Jang-Soo Store 장수상회 (Support cast : Chanyeol, Moon Gayoung)
2015 Twenty 스물 (Kim Woobin, Kang Haneul, Lee Jonho)
2016 Unforgettable / Pure Love 순정 (Doh Kyungsoo, Kim Sohyeon)
2016 My Annoying Brother (Jo Jongsuk, Doh Kyungsoo, Park Shinhye)
2016 Seondal: The Man Who Sells the River 봉이 김선달  (Yoo Seungo, Ko Changseok, Ra Miran, Xiumin)
2016 Train To Busan 부산행 (Gong Yo, Ma Dong seok)
** Drama
2004 Full House 풀하우스 (Rain, Song Hyegyo)
2009 Brilliant Legacy / Shining Inheritance 찬란한 유산 (Lee Seunggi, Han Hyojo, Moon Chaewon)
2009 He's Beautiful / You're Handsome l 미남이시네요 (Park Shinhye, Jang geunsuk, Yonghwa, Hongki)
2010 My Girlfriend Is Gumiho 내 여자친구는 구미호 (Lee Seunggi, Shin Minah)
2010 Sungkyunkwan Scandal 성균관 스캔들 (Park Yoochun, Park Minyoung, Song Jongki, Yoo Ah In)
2010 Bread, Love and Dreams / King of Baking, Kim Tak-Goo 제빵왕 김탁구 (Yoon siyoon, Jo woon, Lee Youngah)
2010 Playfull Kiss / Naughty Kiss 장난스런 키스 (Kim Hyunjong, Jung Somin)
2011 Dream High 드림하이 (Baek Suzy, Kim Soohyun, IU, Taecyeon,Wooyoung)
2011 The Greatest Love 최고의 사랑 (Cha Seungwon, Gong Hyojin)
2011 Flower Boy Ramen Shop 꽃미남 라면가게 (Jung Ilwoo, Lee Chung ah, Lee Kiwoo)
2011 49 Days 49일 (Jung Ilwoo)
2011 City Hunter (Lee Minho)
2012 The King 2 Hearts 더킹투허츠 (Lee Seunggi, Ha Jiwon)
2012 The Moon Embracing The Sun 해를 품은 달 (Kim Soohyun, Han Gain, Jung Ilwoo)
2012 Reply 1997 응답하라 1997 (Jeong Eunji, Seo Inguk, Hoya)
2012 The Innocent Man  / The Nice Guy Never Seen Anywhere In The World 세상 어디에도 없는 착한남자 (Moon Chaewon, Son Joongki)
2012 Bridal Mask 각시탈 (Jin seyoon, Joo Won)
2012 Medical Top Team 메디컬 탑팀 (Kwon Sangwoo)
2013 Wind Blows in the Winter 그 겨울, 바람이 분다 (Jo Insung, Song Hyegyo)
2013 7th Grade Civil Servant 7급공무원 (Jo Woon, Choi Ganghee, Chansung)
2013 The Heirs / The Inheritors 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들  (Lee Minho, Park Shinhye, Kim Woobin, Kang Minhyuk, Kang Haneul, Krystal,Kim Jiwon)
2013 Blade Man/ Iron Man 아이언맨 (Lee Dongwook, Shin Sekyung)
2013 Flower Boy Next Door / My Flower Boy Neighbor 이웃집 꽃미남 (Yoon siyoon, Park Shinhye)
2013 School 2013 학교2013 (Jang Nara (teacher) Lee Jongsuk, Kim Wobin(student))
2013 I Can Hear Your Voice 너의 목소리가 들려 (Lee Boyoung, Lee Jongsuk)
2013 Gu Family Book 구가의 서 (Lee Seunggi, Bae Suzy)
2013 My Love From The Star  / You Who Came From the Stars 별에서 온 그대 (Kim Soohyun, Jun Jihyun, Park Hyejin, Yoo Inna, Ahn Jaehyun)
2013 One Perfect Day  / Love's Rock-Paper-Scissors 사랑의 가위바위보 (Yoon Kyesang, Park Shinhye) Short Movie
2013 Master Sun 주군의 태양 (Gong Hyojin, So Jisub, Seo Inguk)
2013 Good Doctor 굿 닥터 (Jo woon, Moon Chaewoon)
2013 You Are The Best!  / The Best Lee Soon-Shin 최고다 이순신 (IU, Jo Jongsuk, Yoo Inna)
2014 Doctor Stanger 닥터 이방인 (Lee Jongsuk, Park Hyejin, Ji seyun, Kang Sora)
2014 You’re All Surrouded 너희들은 포위됐다 (Lee Seunggi, Cha Seunwon, Go Ara, Ahn Jaehyeon)
2014 Its Okay Thats Love 괜찮아, 사랑이야 (Gong Hyojin, Jo Insung, Lee Kwangsoo, Doh Kyungsoo, Lee Sungkyung)
2014 My Lovely Girl 내겐 너무 사랑스러운 그녀 (Krystal,Rain, L)
2014 Naeil's Cantabile 내일도 칸타빌레 (Jo woon, Shim Eunkyung)
2014 Pinnochio 피노키오 (Lee Jongsuk, Park Shinhye)
2014 Diary Of A Night Watchman 야경꾼일지 (Jun Il woo, Yunhoo, Go Sunghee)
2014 Pride and Prejudice 오만과 편견  ( Choi Jin Hyuk,Baek Jin Hye)
2014 Fated To Love You / You Are My Destiny 운명처럼 널 사랑해  (Jang Nara, Jang Hyuk, Choi Jinhyuk)
2014 Three Days 쓰리데이즈 (Yoochun)
2014 Angel Eyes 엔젤아이즈 (Go Hyesun, Lee sangyun)
2014 Liar Game 라이어 게임 (Lee sangyun, Kim Seoeun,SHin SUngrok)
2014 Emergency Couple 응급남녀 (Choi Jinhyuk, Song Ji Hyo)
2014 Bad Guys 나쁜 녀석들  (Kim Sang Jong,Ma Dong seok, Park Hyejin)
2014 Healer 힐러 (Ji Changwook, Park Minyoung)
2014 Birth Of A Beauty 미녀의 탄생 (jo sangwook, Hanyesul)
2014 Hotel King 호텔킹 (Le Dongwook, Lee Daehee, Im Seullong)
2014 A Witch’s Romance 마녀의 연애 (Park Seojun,Uhm Jung Hwa)
2014 Hing School Of Savvy / King of High School Life Conduct  고교처세왕 (seo Inguk, Lee hana)
2014 Marriage, Not Dating  연애 말고 결혼 (Yoon Wojin, Han Groo, JInwoon)
2014 Hi! School Love On 하이스쿨 - 러브온  (Kim Saeron, Nam Wohyun, Lee Sungyeol)
2014 Flower Oppa Investigator Unit 꽃할배 수사대
2015 The Girl Who Sees Smells 냄새를 보는 소녀 (Yoochun, Shin Sekyungs)
2015 Cheers Up! 발칙하게 고고 (Lee WOn Geu, Jeong Eunji)
2015 Masked Prosecutor 복면검사 (Joo Sangwook, Kim Sunah)
2015 The Time We Were Not In Love  / The Time That I Loved You 너를 사랑한 시간  (Ha Jiwon, Lee Jinwook)
2015 Who Are You: School 2015 후아유- 학교 2015 (Kim Sohyun, Nam Joohyuk, Yook Sungjae)
2015 She Was Preety 그녀는 예뻤다 (Park Seojun, Hwang Jung Eum, Choi Siwon)
2015 Hello Monster / I Remember You 너를 기억해 (Jang Nara, Seo Inguk, Park Bogeum, Support cast : Doh Kyungsoo)
2015 The Producers  프로듀사 (Cha Taehyun, Gong Hyojin, IU, Kim Soo Hyun)
2015 The King’s Face 왕의 얼굴 (Seo Inguk, Jo Yoonhee)
2015 Blood 블러드 (Go Hyesun, Ahn Jaehyun)
2015 Yong Pal 용팔이 (Joo Won, Kim Tae Hee)
2015 Scholar Who Walks the Night 밤을 걷는 선비 (Lee Joonki, Lee yubi)
2015 The Village: Achiara's Secret 마을-아치아라의 비밀 (Moon Geun Young, Yook Sungjae)
2015 Orange Marmalade 오렌지 마말레이드 (Yeo Jingoo, Seolhyun, Lee jonghyun)
2015 Oh My Ghost 오 나의 귀신님  (Jo Jongsuk, Park Boyoung,Lim Ju Hwan)
2015 Kill Me, Heal Me 킬미, 힐미 (Jisung, Hwang Jung Eum,Park Seojun)
2015 Oh My Venus (So Jisub, Shin Min Ah)
2015 Glorious Temptation 화려한 유혹 (Jo Sangwook, Choi Kanghee)
2015 Imaginary Cat 상상고양이(Yo Seunghoo,Jo Hyejung)
2015 Hyde, Jekyll, and I 하이드 지킬, 나(Hyunbin, Han jimin, Sungjon Hyeri)
2015 Mask 가면  (Sooae)
2015 D-Day 디 데이 (Kim Youngkwang, Jungsomin, Hansukjin)
2015 We Broke Up 우리 헤어졌어요 (Dara, Kang Seungyoon)
2015 Midnight’s Girls  0시의그녀(Nam Taehyun, Seo Minji)
2015 EXO Next Door  우리 옆집에 엑소가 산다(EXO, Moon Gayoung)
2015 To Be Continued 투 비 컨티뉴드 (Astro, Kimsaeron)
2015 Falling For Challenge 도전에 반하다 (Xiumin, Kim Soeun)
2016 Cinderella dan 4 Knights 신데렐라와 네 명의 기사  (Jung Ilwoo, Ahn Jaehyun, Park Sodam, Lee Jungsin)
2016 Doctors 닥터스  (Kim Raewon, Park Shinhye, Lee Sunkyung, Yoon Kyungsang)
2016 Another Miss Oh 또 오해영 (Eric, Seohyujin)
2016 Madam Antoine 마담 앙트완 (Han Yesul, Sungjoon)
2016 Entourage 안투라지 (Seo Kangjoon, Lee Kwangsoo,dkk)
2016 They K2 (Ji CHangwook, Im Yoona)
2016 Dear Fair Lady Kong Shim 미녀 공심이 (Nam Gongmin, Bang Minah)
2016 Marriage Contract 결혼계약  (Lee Seojin, UEE)
2016 Goodbye Mr. Black 굿바이 미스터 블랙 (Lee Jinwook, Moon Chaewon)
2016 Page Turner 페이지 터너 (Kim Sohyun, Jisoo, Shin Jaeha)
2016 Moonlight Drawn by Clouds 구르미 그린 달빛  (Park Bogeum, Kim Yojung)
2016 Remember 리멤버 (Yoo Seungho, Park Minyoung)
2016 Come Back Mister 돌아와요 아저씨 ( Rain, Oh Yeonsoo, Lee Minjung)
2016 Entertainer 딴따라 (Ji Sung, Kan Minhyuk, Hyeri)
2016 Glamorous Temptation 화려한 유혹 (Jo sangwook, Choi Ganghee)
2016 Jealous Incarnate 질투의 화신 (Jo Jungsuk, Gonghyojin, Go Gyungpyo)
2016 Shopping King Louis 쇼핑왕 루이 (Seo Inguk, Nam Jihyun)
2016 Mirror of the Witch 마녀보감 (Yoon Si Yoon, Kim Saeron)
2016 Squad 38  / 38 Task Force 38사기동대 (Ma DOngseok, Seo Inguk, Sooyoung)
2016 Reply 1988 응답하라 1988  (Hyeri, Ryoo Joonyeol,Go Gyungpyo Park Bogeum)
2016 Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo 달의 연인-보보경심 려 (IU, Lee Joonki, Kang Haneul, Nam Joohyuk, Jisoo, Baekhyun)
2016 Cheese In Trap 치즈 인 더 트랩 (Kim Go eun, Park Hyejin, Seo Kangjoon, Nam Joohyuk, Lee Seungkyung)
2016 Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예 (Song Jongki, Song Hyegyo, Jingoo, Kim Jiwon)
2016 Uncontrollably Fond 함부로 애틋하게 (Kim Woobin, Bae Suzy,Lim Juhwan)
2016 Bring it on, Ghost  / Let's Fight Ghost싸우자 귀신아 (Taecyeon, Kim Sohyun, Lee David)
2016 Moorim School: Saga of the Brave 무림학교 (Lee Hyunwoo, Seo yeji, honbin, jeong eugene)
2016 Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo 역도요정 김복주 ( Lee Sungkyung, Nam Joohyuk
2016 W 더블유 (Lee Jongsuk, Han Hyojo)
2016 The Legend of Blue Sea 푸른 바다의 전설 (Lee Minho, Jun Jihyun)
2016 Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim 낭만닥터 김사부 (Han Sukkyu, Yoo Yeonseuk, Seo Hyunjin)
2016 Goblin 쓸쓸하고 찬란하神-도깨비 (Gong Yoo, Kim Goeun, Lee Dongwook, Yoo Inna, Yook Sungjae)
2016 Choco Bank 초코뱅크(Kai, Park Eunbin)
2016 Investigator Alice  (Namjoo)
2016 Be Positive 긍정이 체질(Chaeseojin, Doh Kyungsoo )
2016 7 First Kiss 첫 키스만 일곱번째 (Lee Chohee)
2016 Bongsun, The Woman Who Dies If She Loves (Cho Kyuhyun, Yoon Sohee)
2017 The Bride of Habaek  / Bride of the Water God 2017 하백의 신부 2017 (Nam Joohyuk, Shin Sekyung, Lim Juhwan, Krystal,Gong Myung)
2017 While You Were Sleeping 당신이 잠든 사이에 (Lee Jongsuk, Bae Suzy,Jung Haein)
2017 The Liar and His Lover / She Loves Lie So Much 그녀는 거짓말을 너무 사랑해(Lee Hyunwoo, Joy Redvelet, Lee Seowon)
2017 Suspicious Partner 수상한 파트너 (Nam Ji Hyuk, Ji Changwook, Choi Taejoon)
2017 Defendant 피고인 (Jisung, Uhm Ki joon, Kwon Yuri)
2017 Introverted Boss 내성적인 보스  (Yeon woojin, Park Hyesoo)
2017 Tomorrow, With You 내일 그대와 (Shin Minah, Lee Jaehoon)
2017 Voice 보이스 (Lee Nara, Jang hyuk, Yesung)
2017 Fight My Way 쌈, 마이웨이 (Park Seojoon, Kim Jiwoon)
2017 Criminal Minds 크리미널 마인드 (Son Hyunjo,Lee Joonki, Mon Chaewoon,  )
2017 Because This Is My First Live 이번 생은 처음이라 (Lee Minki, Jung Somin)
2017 Andante 안단테  (Kim Kongin,Kim Jin kyung)
2017 Strong Woman Do Bongsoon 힘쎈여자 도봉순 (Park Boyoung, Pak Hyunsik, Jisoo)
2017 The Universe's Star 우주의 별이 (Suho, Jiwoo)
2017 Love Playlist 연애플레이리스트
2017 Love PLaylist 2  연애플레이리스트 시즌2
0 notes
kali ini gw mau bahas tentang korea-koreaan. eitz tapi ini artinya BUKAN korea abal-abal, tapi artinya ngebahas tentang korea, specially dramanya. sebenernya ini bukan karena gw baru aja suka sama drama korea, gw suka drama korea yang disingkat drakor ini dari jaman SMA dulu (kayaknya gw udah tua amat, tenang masih muda hahaha) waktu jamannya indosiar nayangin drakor jang geum (jewel in the palace). kenapa mau bahas koreanya sekarang? karena baru keingetan pengen nulis dan momentnya tepat karena drakor sekarang ini makin keren-keren banget. gw mau rekomendasiin beberapa drakor yang harus kalian tonton biar kalian bisa dipermainkan emosinya sama oppa rasa kekasih dan ahjushi rasa oppa hahahaa.
1. Oh Hae Young Again / Another Miss Oh
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drama yang diperanin sama ahjushi rasa oppa Eric mun ini salah satu drama yang wajib kalian tonton. drama ini di produksi oleh tvN. bercerita tentang 2 wanita yang mempunyai nama yang sama yaitu Oh Hae Young, Lead Oh Hae Young di perankan oleh Seo Hyun Jin dan second lead Oh Hae Young diperankan oleh Jeon Hye Bin, dan seorang pria bernama Park Do Kyung yang diperankan oleh Eric. Cerita mereka berawal ketika Do Kyung bisa melihat masa depan secara sekilas, dan Oh Hae Young (Seo Hyun Jin) selalu ada dalam penglihatannya walaupun sebelumnya mereka belum bertemu. Drama ini mengusung tema komedi romantis, dan yang paling mendebarkan hehe ketika adegan Do Kyung dan Oh Hae Young (Seo Hyun Jin) berciuman di jalanan. waah penasaran kan sama adegan kocak dan romantisnya mereka? makanya nonton deh drama ini.
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Judul Drama : Oh Hae Young Again Judul Lainnya : Another Miss Oh / Another Oh Hae Young Genre : Drama, Komedi Romantis Episode : 16 Stasiun : tvN Periode Tayang : 2 Mei 2016 - 21 Juni 2016
Pemain Oh Hae Young Again
* Eric Moon as Park Do Kyung * Seo Hyun Jin as Oh Hae Young (Lead) * Jeon Hye Bin as Oh Hae Young (Second) * Kim Ji Suk as Lee Jn Sang * Ye Ji Won as Park Soo Kyung * Lee Jae Yoon as Han Tae Jin
tonton dramanya disini : http://sobatdrama.net/watch/drama/series/another-miss-oh-2016/
2. Oh My Ghost
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Drama korea yang satu ini sesuai dengan judulnya yaitu menceritakan hantu. seorang hantu perawan Shin Soon Ae yang diperankan oleh Kim Seul Gi yang dirawat oleh seorang chenayang/paranormal. Soon Ae lupa akan kematiannya, lalu dia berpikir bahwa dia menjadi hantu karena dia belum merasakan asmara, oleh karena itu dia mencoba mencari wadah agar dia bisa menuntaskan sesuatu yang belum dia lakukan ketika masih hidup. Pada suatu hari Soon Ae bertemu dengan Na Bong Sun yang diperankan Oleh Park Bo Young. Bong Sun adalah wanita pendiam dan penyediri, oleh karena itu dia tidak punya teman, neneknya adalah seorang dukun oleh karena itu sejak kecil dia bisa melihat hantu. Soon Ae merasuki tubuh Bong Sun, sejak itu Bong Sun terlihat menjadi seorang wanita yang ceria dan periang ketika dirasuki oleh Soon Ae. Soon Ae merasa cocok dengan tubuh Bong Sun, oleh karena itu dia ingin tetap berada di tubuh Bong Sun. Bong Sun bekerja di restaurant milik chef terkenal yang sombong yaitu Kang Sun Woo yang diperankan oleh Jo Jung Suk. Kang Sun Woo mengamati perubahan yang terjadi pada Bong Sun, lama kelamaan Sun Woo pun merasa sangat nyaman dengan Bong Sun yang dirasuki oleh Soon Ae. Terjadilah cinta segitiga antara Kang Sun Woo, Na Bong Sun, dan Hantu Soon Ae. Genre yang diusung drama ini adalah Komedi Romantis, jadi ga bakalan horor kok.
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Judul Drama : Oh My Ghost / Oh My Ghostess Genre : Drama , Komedi Romantis Stasiun : tvN Jumlah Episode :16 Periode tayang : 3 Juli 2015 - 22 Agustus 2015
Pemain Oh My Ghost
* Park Bo Young as Na Bong Sun * Jo Jung Suk as Kang Sun Woo * Kim Seul Gi as Shin Soon Ae * Lim Ju Hwan as Choi Sung Jae
tonton dramanya disini : http://sobatdrama.net/watch/drama/series/oh-my-ghost-2015
3. Angry Mom
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Drama ini diperankan oleh Kim Hee Sun dan Kim Yoo Jung. bercerita tentang seorang ibu bernama Jo Kang Ja (Kim Hee Sun) yang mencoba melindungi anaknya Oh Ah Ran (Kim Yoo Jung) yang mendapatkan perlakuan tidak baik disekolahnya. Oh Ah Ran kerap kali dibully oleh teman-temannya karena dia adalah seorang yang pemalu dan pendiam. Hubungan antara ibu dan anak tersebut tidak berjalan dengan baik, cenderung sulit karena Jo Kang Ja adalah pribadi yang mudah marah dan Oh Ah Ran pribadi yang pemalu dan seringkali enggan bercerita kepada ibunya. pada suatu malam, Jo Kang Ja melihat tubuh anaknya memar-memar, dia pun kaget dan mencoba menanyakannya kepada Oh Ah ran, tetapi Ah Ran tidak mau ibunya mencampuri masalahnya. oleh karena itu Kang Ja mencoba mencari tahu dengan bertanya kepada guru di sekolah Ah Ran namun hasilnya nihil. akhirnya Jo Kang Ja yang berumur 30 tahun tsb memutuskan untuk masuk kedalam sekolah anaknya dengan cara mendaftarkan diri sebagai murid dan menyamar dengan nama palsu Jo Bang Wool. Setelah menyamar ternyata Kang Ja tidak hanya menemukan murid pengganggu anaknya akan tetapi menemukan masalah yang lebih besar yaitu masalah penggelapan dana dan juga sistem pendidikan disekolah tersebut. dengan bantuan wali kelas Oh Ah Ran yang idealis yaitu Park No Ah (Ji Hyun Woo), Kang Ja bertekad untuk menghentikan permasalahan tersebut. bagaimana keseruan Kang Ja ketika menyamar sebagai murid disekolah anaknya? apakah Kang Ja mampu menyelesaikan permasalahn di sekolah tersebut? jadi, tonton aja karena banyak kejutan, keseruan, dan kelucuan yang bakalan kalian lihat. selain itu Drama ini juga banyak pemain muda seperti Ji Soo dan Baro b1a4, jadi sayang banget kalau kalian pada ga nonton.
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Judul Drama : Angry Mom Genre : Drama, Keluarga, Sekolah Jumlah Episode : 16 Stasun : MBC Periode Tayang : 18 Maret 2015 - 7 Mei 2015
Pemain Drama Angry Mom
* Kim Hee Sun as Jo Kang Ja / Jo Bang Wool * Kim Yoo Jung as Oh Ah Ran * Ji Hyun Woo as Park No Ah * Ji Soo as Go Bok Dong * Baro as Hong Sang Tae
tonton dramanya disini : http://sobatdrama.net/watch/drama/series/angry-mom-2015
4. One More Happy Ending
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Drama ini bercerita tentang 4 orang wanita yang mempunyai masalah dengan asmara. Han Mi Mo (Jang Na Ra), Baek Da Jung (Yoo Da In), Go Dong Mi (Yoo In Na), Hong Ae Ran (Seo In Young), merupakan mantan anggota group idol bernama Angels. mereka menjalin persahabatan. Han Mi Mo merupakan seorang janda, setelah bercerai dia dan salah satu sahabatnya Baek Da Jung membuat sebuah perusahaana konsultasi pernikahan untuk para duda dan janda yang ingin menikah lagi. Han Mi Mo selalu berkata jujur kepada clientnya ketika clientnya hendak menikah lagi, dan dia pun berhasil memberikaan kebahagiaan lagi kepada pasangan yang menikah kembali, sampai akhirnya dia pun berpikir apakah dia juga akan merasakan kebahagiaan lagi setelah perceraiannya. Ketiga sahabatnya juga mempunyai permasalahan yang rumit, Da Jung yang sudah menikah dan memiliki anak namun pernikahannya tidak bahagia dan tengah diambang perceraian. Dong Mi, seorang guru SD yang masih single dan ingin segera mempunyai kekasih namun masalahnya adalah penampilan Dong Mi yang sangat jadul dan lusuh membuat laki-laki tidak tertarik. sedangkan Ae Ran menjalani bisnis online dan telah bertunangan namun dia tidak percaya dengan tunangannya. Setelah itu, Mi Mo bertemu dengan reporter bernama Song Soo Hyuk (Jung Kyung Ho), mereka bertemu karena Soo Hyuk menabrak mobil Mi Mo. lalu mereka terlibat pernikahan yang tanpa mereka sadari karena mereka mabuk, karena kejadian tersebutlah mereka menjadi panik. akan tetapi, Mi Mo malah jatuh cinta dengan sahabat Soo Hyuk, Goo Hae Joon (Kwon Yul) yang merupakan seorang dokter. bagaimana kehidupan mereka ? akankah Mi Mo akan mendapatkan kebahagiaan lagi pada akhirnya ? makanya ditonton..
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Judul Drama : One More Happy Ending Judul Lainnya : Happy Ending Once Again / Happy ending Genre : Komedi, romantis Jumlah Episode : 16 Stasiun : MBC Periode Tayang : 20 januari 2016 - 10 Maret 2016
Pemain Drama One More Happy Ending
* Jang Na Ra as Han Mi Mo * Jung Kyung Ho as Song Soo Hyuk * Kwon Yul as Goo Hae Joon * Yoo In Na as Go Dong Mi * Yoo Da In as Baek Da Jung * Seo In Young as Hong Ae Ran
tonton dramanya disini : http://sobatdrama.net/watch/drama/series/one-more-happy-ending-2016
berlanjut di part 2 yaaaaaa....
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