#killua's still funny everytime
artof-mirage · 1 year
They messed up with the wrong kid
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halt-kun · 8 months
Hunter x Hunter Chapter 216 - Republic of east Gorteau
Well I'm far from consistent with this liveblog but I'll do some more today
I miss HxH
Togashi is back on board but if it's like last time we can probably expect a return in a minimum of 3-4 months
The serialization return official announcement is usually one month before when they announce the volume release too
Anyway I'm sad I still have yet to come through the date with Palm, it's definitely one of the moment I have a hard time dealing with
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Gon doesn't feel good
it's normal he failed to meet his own expectations
feels inadequate
Killua doesn't seem to be feeling bad when actually he's mentally preparing to leave Gon, poor boy
I still love the sapphic vibe of Spin there
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You're right, you entrusted someone stronger than you with your mission and they'll definitely succeed Gon
Trust in them, you don't have to do everything by yourself
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That's probably what he would do indeed
but you're also in denial
which is understandable
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I'd definitely be a hunter working in conservation
I may be a biologist who works mostly on computers and rarely goes on the field and I'm not a good naturalist BUT if I were a hunter I'd do that
Kite is so good too
helping some little kids protect a place they hold dear with an emblematic endemic species
I'm sure there is more species specific to this place, such as bugs, fishes, plants, fungi,...
That must also be a biodiversity mine (not sure this translate well in english, in french, a mine can also just mean a place rich in something even if it's not exploited.)
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We'll all be alive and go there
and drink tea and bake cake
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at least it was fast and painless
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Cheetu is out of NGL
all the ants are basically amish, they're not used to any technology and big cities
You might have become a fish out of water Cheetu
You'll soon realize that information and responses can be way faster when you have a lot of testimony on the internet
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Just install tinder and uber eat, eat a few french tacos
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That guy just ate a whale
in how many days ?????
that's too much
does he need that everyday ? Kill him now, it's hopeless we can't help him
Some of these we'll never see again, Crocodile and Mantis looking guy
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pretty panel
this palace is so nostalgic for me now
we spend so much time in there it's like I go back home everytime I see it
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well too late they're mincemeat
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Bad King
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Diego is a furry
that's light furry but still furry
It's weird that this guy reminds me of someone, but I can't really like be sure about it like it's some guy, that might exist
It's quite funny that Togashi split North Korea into East Gorteau and NGL
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A fool
you should be less confident
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Well bye bye Mr Steak
Knuckle and Shoot must have encountered Kite
Well I'll probably do another chapter later but I have to hang my clothes to dry
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ackermansupremacy · 3 years
MORE marley kids headcanons because i miss them
Goddamn Ophi how much u finna write about them 💀
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They are so chaotic my God
Falco is the “parent” of the group
Whenever someone (Gabi) does something stupid and ends up getting hurt he acts like it a catastrophic event
She’ll get a paper cut and hes like “OH MY GOD GABI HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?”
Gabi Zofia and Falco once tried to convince Udo to say one swear word
They tried to pay him 50$ to say damn and he WOULDN’T
Until one day his favorite minecraft world got deleted and he just yelled “M O T H E E R F U C K E R”
Only Falco was there and NO ONE believed it happened
Zofia is the strongest out of all of them
So one time the four of them were all able to balance on a bike and zofia was able to pull it no prob
Udo just LOOKS like he has chronic stomach pain
Gabi is lactose intolerant but she will eat an entire pint of ice cream, three boxes of mac and cheese and wash it down with some milk
With NO regrets
Their not allowed to hang out at Zofia’s house anymore
Because one of them Gabi broke a really expensive vase kiss kiss fall in love
Falco is under no circumstances allowed to pair his phone to Gabi’s bluetooth speaker because of his wildly unpredictable music taste
The LAST thing Gabi wants is for him to start blasting Freak by Doja Cat on full volume within earshot of her mom
Because he has no idea what those types of songs even mean hes just sitting there listening like 😀 while everyone is scrambling to turn it off
Zofia is a really devoted dancer so she travels a lot for dance competitions
So she leaves her beloved betta fish in Udo’s hands everytime she leaves because he ACTUALLY knows how to take care of it
Zofia doesn’t let ANYONE go through her sketchbook
So one time when she was at a dance competiton Gabi stole it and looked through it
It was full of charcoal sketches of fairies that she was too embarrassed to show anyone
Halloween is their TIME
They stock up on snacks, go trick or treating and have a big slumber party!
Which always involves them watching a scary movie and having to turn it off when they get too scared LOL
Sleepovers are a common thing between them
Theyre always at Udo’s house cuz he has “the cool mom”
But that comes with its own stress...
*CRASH* “Sorry Mom, Falco fell out the window” “HUH?” “Hes okay though! I think!”
There went the beautiful hydrangeas you spent so long planting
They will be up intil 4 am making tik toks
Like ive mentioned before, Udo is like the clingiest kid ever
So a few times a week he’ll come into your room at some ungodly hour of the night like
“Mom I had a bad dream can i sleep in here?”
If you tell him no he will either sleep on the floor or just come back later and not ask💀
So you just wake up with a child in your bed and it scares the shit out of u every time
You would think that when his friends spent the night this would stop that from happening but NOPE
He would go into your room under the guise of saying goodnight then have the audacity to fall asleep until you wake him up and send him back out w his friends 💀
Falco is the ultimate drama king
He def follows Colt around when he gets bored
“Falco can you leave me alone for five minutes?” “OH JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE 18 NOW MEANS YOU’RE TOO COOL TO HANG OUT WITH ME?”
Harassing Reiner is their favorite thing to do in their spare time
They’re still kids so its just absolute headassery
They still ding dong ditch his ass 💀
He thinks its wildly irritating but also thinks its funny because it reminds him of his childhood
But you get a lot of calls from him like “YO COME GET YO DAMN KIDS”
So you have to shoot them a text like “Gabi please stop harassing your uncle”
He doesn’t understand why hes the butt of the jokes, he never gives the reaction they want
Zofia is a secret anime fan
When shes asked about it shes like “yeah i watch it occassionally” but has a Killua shrine in her closet 💀
She also has a secret instagram with like 20k followers that she posts aesthetic pics on
S-Should i post more about these beans
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
my fav boys with slick black s/o pt 1?
a/n: im losing inspiration for my current requests and i’m not feeling good mentally or physically. my mood has been down the whole week and it’s messing with my school work so that’s also putting me in a sad mood. but im also in the mood for some fightin words so i’ll use my comfort boys. this may be corny but hey it works for me and this is my blog ❤️
lets get it
Bakugo Katsuki
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bro you MATCH his ENERGY so well with your clapbacks
tbh... bakugo’s clapbacks are just trash
he got the aggression but cmon now
tf is “shitty extra”
boy if you dont sit ya ass down
he LOVES your clapbacks tho
them shits be making him lose his mind
any slick shit you say he eats that UP
one time monoma was talking too much shit and you just
“nigga if you dont sit yo ass tf down fore i snatch yo forehead tf off”
safe to say bakugo busted out laughing
you were ready to post up
he lives for when you be roasting ppl under ya breath
what he doesnt like is when you roast him
bc you can and will read a bitch no hesitation
he really thought he was special....
aint shit sweet come get these roasts nigga
“boy if you dont take them damn pants off. shits look like hammer pants. cant touch this headass”
yall know how i have desiree roasting him?
that’s exactly how it be
you got a sharp ass tongue and will use it against anyone
let someone get both of yall pissed off together???
straight up verbal abuse at that point
file a complaint bc you and bakugo def made someone cry before
i think the class lwk hates you bc you helped bakugo’s clapbacks get better
which is bad for them
yall rmb those roasting vids where they go mmm after each one?
thats bakugo in the back
“big body headass”
“dumpster truck headass”
typa shit
he’ll hype it up too much
Todoroki Shouto
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you think this man dont talk shit himself????
bro he can and will read a bitch RIGHT TO THEIR FACE TOO
he want all the SMOKE
yall together??? im sorry to whoever pissed yall off lemme plan they funeral
i imagine the way todoroki reads niggas is real sophisticated like he will point out every single insecurity you HAVE without even knowing you that well
no cursing for majority of them
“what shoes you got on?”
yall would read bitches together but like this
“shou it’s the lifting acrylics for me”
“it’s the dusty wig for me, love”
“its the disconnecting wig for me”
“its the cakey makeup for me”
painful for them
i think he can do rapid fire roasts as soon as someone tries to start shit with you
“i know you’re not coming for my s/o. it’s the talking shoes, it’s the bootleg supreme shirt, it’s the fake chain, it’s the brittle hair”
he gets real disrespectful and wont care who it is
unless it’s your friends or family then he’ll dial it back a lil bit
if you start roasting endeavor????
my mans might be on his way to the jewelers
“try this ring on. i wanna see if it can fit you”
he finna spouse you up (spouse IS gender neutral innit?)
unrelated but todoroki is a hottie and will “ah 😜 mwah 💋” everytime and you might have a video of him losing his mind girls in the hood LMAOOOOO
Killua Zoldyck
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now this boy.... cant roast for SHIT
yeah he’s a lil brat and can get mean and petty
but he cannot compare to you
this nigga’s a whole trained assassin but cant kill niggas with his words that well
i think the meanest thing he’s said is call you “a stupid fuckin idiot”
to which you responded with
“shut the fuck up, mushroom built ass bitch. body built like a smurf. hair lookin like hairballs cats cough up. dont get loud lil boy”
killua respectfully sat down and scratched his head
no cap that shit lwk hurt but he gonna pretend like it didnt
he dont even know what the fuck a SMURF IS
he just know that it hurt
lwk thought that was your nen
the ability to manipulate emotions into irritation or anger or some shit
like no baby they just good at roasting bitches
after a while he starts to hype you up in the back
“how you FEELLLLL”
eventually he learns how to roast and clapback then it’s over
the sass meter is overboard
like you might have to knock him a couple notches down
swear to god this boy uses clapbacks on leorio just to piss him off
one time leorio was telling killua to do sumn he just
“oh you must want me with the way you keep gobbling on my fuckin nuts i will do it soon relax”
you damn near BEHEADED this boy with how hard you slapped the back of his head
like it was funny but leorio wouldve JUMPED YOU
Kamado Tanjiro
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listen he likes to be the peacemaker
but with your clapbacks they’re enough to make zenitsu wanna post up
like you read him a lil too much
cue tanjiro rapidly apologizing while dragging you away
the first time you roasted the absolute shit outta inosuke he had to sit down
he didnt even know what the majority of the shit you said meant
same with killua all he knew was that shit kinda hurt
tanjiro be TIRED of yall
“y/n can you PLEASE relax”
of course you know your limits
there’s no way you’re gonna get tanjiro to roast people
but this one time you heard him clapback by accident
“you heard me loud and clear, sir. dont act like you couldnt hear me correctly.”
like oop?
i felt a lil HEAT
aint no where near burned but for tanjiro??? good e fucking nough
dont act like he dont say some lil slick shit on the dl
this man got pent up aggression fym
tho you do be making him laugh
esp in battle if you just start reading a demon
he cant help but snicker
baby loves the way you talk and wouldnt have it any other way
if you roast him he will just go
“oh okay 🙂”
he doesnt know how to respond to that
if you roasting someone who deserves it nezuko will be your hype girl bc tanjiro’s busy trying to de-escalate the situation 💀💀💀
“and thats why yo grandma got a busted funeral”
“y/n shut up NO THEY DONT SORRY”
before dragging you away
jfc you’re like verbally feral
Nishinoya Yuu
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your personal hypeman
will respectfully allow you to roast people
cant roast to save his life either
“you tell em!”
hopping around n shit LMAOAOAOAOAO
you got that shit
someone irritating him?
“y/n.... baby.”
“alright who is it?”
“aight bet. AYE BITCH”
legend has it tsukishima is still recovering from those third degree burns
do not roast him this man will run away he values his life
“oh you must be ready to attend this barbecue”
(love that guy)
“IM VEGAN” liar
and DIPS
nigga will 100% ROLLINGGGGGG THUNDAAAAAAA tf up outta there
he can clapback and that’s the most he’ll do
he do be saying slick shit bc i hc him as someone who want all the smoke
ride or DIE
on they ass
(struggling to come up with clapbacks w/o anything to clapback to 💀💀💀)
(been cryinf over rengoku and hw my brain is mush)
thats all for this one folks lmao
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icharchivist · 5 years
part 1- You're gonna judge me, but I'm someone who like the existence of Hisoka in HxH ? I mean I don't like Hisoka himself, he's a morally bankrupt creepy pedophile cursed clown. But there's an incredible amount of stuff I watched where there's someone powerful on the Good Side who does a lot of creepy stuff like peeping at women without their consent, making incredibly sexist/perverted remarks, and there's even an incredible amount of groping/molesting treated as a joke and the author is like
part 2- "woah that's hilarous that hysterical/violent woman hit him as payback he's all beat up lol" and pretend that all is alright after that like what the guy did wasn't incredibly creepy/invading. and just treat the whole thing as comic relief/no big deal. (Mineta being the biggest example), "that's alright he hasn't raped anyone he's so chivalrous/cool" Hisoka is hot, he's strong, he's helped the good side numerous times
part 3 final- times, he hit the mark for "chivalrous pervert" (incredibly, Hisoka hasn't creeped on/disrespected women unlike most chivalrous pervert, but yeah he's a fucking pedophile), but clearly nobody is justifying Hisoka's attitude/approving of it, and you just get really alarmed when he does that crap like "fuck Hisoka is there y do u exist" and it's just cursed in general. Which is so refreshing unlike the authors who think what Mineta/Jiraiya does is comic relief and no big deal
part 4 the actual final sorry- HxH is like "just try justifying anything Hisoka does" and you can't, pedophilia is bad get away from the children you creepy clown, his creepyness is not romanticised/downplayed by the story. The same thing for self-harm which is praised in 99% shounen (Midoriya for example where everyone is like "woah he's so brave, but that's not very pratical") but is just horrifying in HxH (Gon-san being.. too much)
Nah i don’t judge you dw, i kinda agree. 
under cut since the conversation is huh, well, Hisoka, and a little longer than average:
As a person, Hisoka is... not someone i would like at all lmao but as a character i am at least... i guess glad a character just that morally bankrupt exist? and i especially like what he brings to the story, there’s always a sens both of safety and dread everytime he’s on screen that i find absolutly fascinating to experience. Like, when in the YN arc Killua and Gon were kidnapped, everyone i know had a moment of reassurance of “Hisoka is there he won’t let anything bad happen to them” until it hits us “wait we’re trusting Hisoka???” and i absolutly love the emotional yoyo it makes you go through.
But yeah exactly like you say, first there’s the fact that even if he helps the protagonists at time, Hisoka is still painted as an antagonist, and his creepy, disgusting actions, are framed as creepy disgusting actions. When there is a joke around his action being creepy, the joke remains on him being creepy and not on “aw look how miserable he is now that he’s been called out” or “ah look how unreasonable this person is he wasn’t doing anything wrong”, something we find a lot in “chivalrous pervert” narratives.
And just like the self harm thing you bring up i do feel like it’s part of a bigger picture of “look at how uncomfortable you’d be if an adult man would be having this sort of behavior around others men, especially teenager boys” that especially in the 98s would have been a statement to make. 
i do feel concern, especially nowadays, that it does fall under the “predatory pedophilic “sexually deviant” man” archetype and i understand being uncomfortable with that - Hisoka acts mostly creepy toward men but he does eem to have had some interest in Machi which extends his pool of creepiness, and the fact his attraction is 100% “people who’d i’d love to fight”, this remains part of a bigger trope that stigmatize LGBT+ people. And that... remains a rightful issue to be at cringing about, despite it more being a case of well, it being a trope, therefore part of a patern in multiple medias, that specifically how Hisoka himself is written.
 But yeah in the tradition of hxh bending some classic Shounen trope on an uncomfortable level i do think Hisoka falls under specifically, a way to tackle this sort of “pervert” character we see in most shounen: usually too stupid in his perversery to be harmful, where you make fun of how pitiful he is while also being complicite of his perverted actions.
Like you bring up Jiraiya and Mineta rightfully so, they do that: when they’re pervert, you’re supposed to find them pitiful, but the type of pity you laugh about and brush off. But at the same time, there are always panels to show you exactly what they’ve been perving about, you see the sexy girls being sexy in your frames so you’re “perving” with them. Hell scenes of Naruto shows Naruto, 13, changing himself into a sexy lady just to Jiraiya would actually teach him things, there is indulgence in how pervert those characters can be.
And this indulgence isn’t there with Hisoka. The fact to start with what arouse him is fighting makes that there is less body exploitation to be accomplice of when we watch him starting to be excited about something, so it leaves us to see Hisoka’s reaction exactly for what it is: creepy and disgusting.
And it’s the fact it’s framed like that that allow the audience to take a step back and watch how Hisoka  is completely morally bankrupt rather than trying to justify him. 
Adding to that the fact he mostly subjects Male characters to it shift a bit the usual focus of those perverts’s lenses we see in fiction, and yeah especially in media originally targetted toward men, it feels like a “see, now that you are at the other side of the gaze, you find it creepy don’t you?”. 
Besides Hisoka is not dumb, he’s not stupidly uncompetant, unlike a lot of the Chivalrous perverts you see in fiction, you know Hisoka is dangerous and smart enough to come up with schemes to get what he wants (just look at how his actions in the YN arc, GI arc and hell, now in the DC arc, are all calculated in order for him to get what he wants out of Chrollo). His pervert side is predatory, and is portrayed as dangerous as such, while most perverts usually get a freepass as “harmless” at least when they’re doing perverted things.
So at least I like that there is this honesty about how Hisoka is completely unredeemable and that every single of his aspects are to be shamed and be uncomfortable about. 
It is interesting imo to take such a character and have turned him into an unlikely ally in some arcs while always keeping this sense of dreads of knowing it is not completely an ally, it is a character who is completely driven by his own motivations and if the protagonists are lucky, those motivations can align with their survivals, but that’s it. And I do find it fascinating how it is written.
So yeah no i kinda agree about that. It is a bit fascinating a character like Hisoka actually exist and i do think it is meant to counter the trend we see of a lot of “positive pervert” who had been just as creepy in the way they objectified women, but that the narrative excuses because it’s funny/they’re “not doing anything wrong”. It’s refreshing in a way to just turn the picture around and go “no this is fucking disgusting no matter how you read it”
So yeah as a person, Hisoka is... Bad. Unredeemable. In every sense of the term. 
But as a character there is value in the choices taken to depict him in which the audience can distach itself from his actions and just appreciate a complex character who happens to be completely unredeemable.
If that makes sense? 
So yeah no i agree with you. I’ll still yell about the fact we had to see his ass as much as we did though.
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halt-kun · 2 years
Hunter x Hunter Chapter 22 - The Last Question
Okay Let’s finish this third phase and begin the fourth !
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Okay so they chose to go up thinking it was a tricky choice and now they are back to the arena.
The good choice was down, nice !
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The electrical quiz must have been so funny with Killua
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Leorio is still fighting with Tonpa. I understand him though he really should learn to ignore this dumb guy and move on.
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Gon is still the mom
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That would make some terrifying nen ability (I just got a vision of Terror sandwhich’s horror and I’m sure this one would win)
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Oh shit it can move ! Maybe it’s just the mouth.
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Leorio is not into binding kinks it seems. Unless you want someone chained to that wall Leorio ? WE ALL KNOW IT’S TONPA
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So I counted the doors from the top half of the room (from the sides of the huge torches) there is 25 of them so that means about 50 different path and some might have required more than one like the majority path and it’s 5 participants.
Lippo prepared enough room it seems.
I wonder what the applicants ate, and where they peed and pooped during those 72 hours. Lippo, if your prison doesn’t have any toilets or kitchen, I’ll sue you.
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I love Gon’s tendency to solve things by making holes where their shouldn’t be : the walls, GI’s grounds, Pitou, KIllua’s heart
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It’s even more surprising he can do that even under intense stress.
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A very nice phase to show the concept of hunting. Even if it’s hunting people and only a few hunters do that.
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I’m pretty sure we already had Geretta but it’s nice to see him again. He’s one of my favorite applicants.
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icharchivist · 7 years
So this is really unpopular opinion but I can't stand morel or knov I don't care how cool they are they have no right using gon like that and tricking him of thinking kite can be save even through they knew that guy was dead they put lot of pressure on gon killing pitou and the other ants I feel like his battle with that cat person will gon differently and not life-threaten if he was told the truth upfront but I know he still blame himself through killua refused saying it be his on leaving kite
I understand nonny. 
I personally can’t help but… kiiiiinda like Morel? But it’s true both of them completely failed Gon and Killua over. Hell, they failed everyone over. But it’s even worse for the kids who had adult supervisions and the adults all tried to use their pain against them.
And like, I say I like Morel as in like, I like his personality, but the way he dealt with the children is not excusable. He was there everytime something went wrong, when Gon almost tried to kill him, and he knew that this was the power they needed to use so they had to keep Gon in denial.
I think for the adult, (Morel, Knov and Netero) it was a “The End justifies the means” kind of situation, because the world was at stake. and Pariston screwed them over by not sending the help they requested and actually sent instead not appropriated hunters who got killed off. Morel and Knov have a conversationn about that. I think eventually that’s what pushed them to use the kids the way they did. 
It… still doesn’t excuse it though. 
They were both really harsh toward Killua and Gon when they were introduced, and it feels like the further they had to work with them, the more they saw how much of a weapon they could get out of them. That Gon’s rage especially, was a driving force against Pitou, in a way no hunters would be able to achieve. But for that they had to leave Gon in his trauma.
It’s. still extremely fucked up. 
Knuckle and Shoot seem to have accepted to come along on their own risks, but Gon and Killua just happened to be there and got wrapped around because of how useful they could be, but we all know how it backfired.
In general, it’s a little weird to me. Knov especially seems extremely manipulative of Palm, keeping her isolated and using her feelings for him to use her, but it feels like such a comedic moment i don’t even know if it was meant this way….. (the whole stuff with Pre-Ant Palm feels like a weird fever dream of “I don’t know if it was to make a point or if he really thought it was funny”)
Knov ends up having such a mental breakdown though that it’s a little scarier. You end up realizing he realizes how fucked up all of it is, and he gets worried for everyone, he wonders even how the kids could have managed to live through something as horrifying - but then he doesn’t do anything to stop them. I think it’s more or less because he’s so scared he knows he won’t be able to help, so let’s not discourage the few weapons we have that still work, but that’s fucked up.
Morel on his hand, while he is more caring in general, seemed extremely focused on the mission and completely disregarded the way everyone could react to it, and it drove to really bad moments.
Everything that happened from those two toward Killua and Gon were act of neglects and accidental or not manipulation. “The End Justifies the Means” except it doesn’t.
So I have mixed feelings about it because I feel you completely. I mostly hold them responsbile for what happened, but i also can see why they let it get this bad. “Cool motive, still murder” like one would say. well, “cool motive, still neglect and letting a kid being traumatized and turning into a weapon”
I like some aspects of their characters and the arc is so long I can’t spend the whole arc hating on them. And it feels like in the Election arc, they both wanted to fix as much as possible the mess they helped created, Morel especially. 
It doesn’t make anything from the CA arc that they did to be okay but… ye. o(-(
I totally understand why you can’t stand them though. You’re totally rightful in that feeling. They… truly fucked up big time.
Take care!
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