#latest technology news pakistan
kkginfo · 2 years
Eco-friendly technology sector is growing in Asia-Pacific countries | KKG INFO
Eco-friendly technology sector is growing in Asia-Pacific countries | KKG INFO
Earth is currently the only habitable planet in the solar system. But life on Earth is under threat. Lakes are drying up, glaciers are melting, water levels are rising, biodiversity is being lost, and climate is changing due to global warming. To combat this, eco-friendly technologies are coming to the fore. Eco-friendly technologies essentially contribute to energy and water conservation by…
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usafphantom2 · 9 months
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BOEING: F-15EX fighters for Poland
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 09/07/2023 - 12:10 in Military
Boeing is presenting the F-15EX fighter to Poland as a potential U.S. Department of Defense's potential foreign military sales (FMS) program.
The announcement was made at the MSPO International Defense Industry Annual Exhibition, where Boeing highlights advanced defense systems, capabilities and services.
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“Poland's interest in the F-15EX confirms its dedication to the preparation and effectiveness of its military forces,” said Tim Flood, senior director of Global Business Development for Europe and the Americas. “The F-15EX offers superior interoperability, support and accessibility, along with a robust industrial plan that would support Poland's goal of developing independent defense capabilities.”
Boeing has made significant investments in the F-15EX, making it the most capable multifunctional fighter in production today. The aircraft offers greater survival capacity and capacity with:
fly-by-wire flight controls,
a new electronic warfare system,
a FULL GLASS digital cockpit,
the latest mission systems and software capabilities,
as well as the ability to carry advanced hypersonic weapons.
“The F-15EX is the most advanced fighter in the world, with unparalleled capacity, lethality and survivability and is the right choice to strengthen Poland's safety needs,” said Rob Novotny, director of Business Development of Boeing's F-15 program. “Through improved interoperability with U.S. and NATO forces, technological growth capacity and an economic operational life of more than 20,000 hours, Poland can expect the F-15EX to win in existing and future threat environments.”
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The F-15EX is in production with two aircraft delivered to the U.S. Air Force. Indonesia recently became the 8º country to select the F-15 and will become the first export customer of the last EX variant when the sale is finalized.
Boeing has been present in Poland for more than 30 years. Based in Warsaw, Boeing Digital Solutions & Analytics operations in Gda? sk and parts and distribution services in Rzeszow, Boeing employs more than 1,000 people in Poland and is currently establishing a strong engineering capacity in all three locations. In addition to its growing presence in the country, Boeing is an important partner of the Polish aviation industry and has strong relations with local communities, industry, airlines, the Polish government and the Polish Armed Forces.
Tags: Military AviationboeingF-15EXPAF - Polish Air Force / Polish Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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mariacallous · 2 years
During the recent G-20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi got up from the banquet table to shake hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping and have a brief conversation—their first in-person exchange in three years. Although both sides remain tight-lipped about the interaction, it nonetheless raised hopes among observers of a breakthrough in their 30-month border crisis, which began with a deadly clash in Ladakh in 2020. But any resolution that might emerge will not dispel the challenge posed by massive changes at the border undertaken by China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
This marks the third straight winter that around 50,000 Indian reinforcements will spend in Ladakh’s inhospitable terrain in the northern Himalayas, warding off an equal number of Chinese troops stationed a few miles away. Despite intermittent dialogue between the two militaries, Indian Army Chief Gen. Manoj Pande recently confirmed that China has not reduced its forces at the Line of Actual Control (LAC). Chinese infrastructure construction along the border is “going on unabated,” he said—confirmed by independent satellite imagery and echoed by the latest U.S. Defense Department report on China. Pande said the situation is “stable but unpredictable.” That unpredictability has become structural.
India and China have so far held 16 rounds of border talks between senior military commanders as well as numerous diplomatic and political engagements, but an agreement on actions to reduce the tensions in Ladakh has been slow to materialize. Of the seven areas in Ladakh where Indian and Chinese soldiers have faced one another since 2020, two have seen no change while the rest have seen each side take a limited step back. The challenge for India is becoming more concerning on the eastern part of the LAC—between the state of Arunachal Pradesh and Tibet—where China has an infrastructure and military advantage, putting New Delhi on the defensive.
The widening power gap between India and China—military, technological, economic, and diplomatic—now constrains New Delhi’s options on the border. It also raises tough questions for India’s geopolitical partnerships, such as the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (known as the Quad), and its aggressive approach toward Pakistan. The border crisis will hang over India’s decision-making for the foreseeable future.
In October, the Chinese Communist Party held its 20th National Congress, and Xi assumed an unprecedented third term as leader. Among the images broadcasted at the Great Hall of the People minutes before Xi ascended the stage was a video from the Galwan Valley in Ladakh, where at least 20 Indian soldiers and 4 PLA soldiers died in a clash in June 2020. The videos showed PLA regiment commander Qi Fabao standing with his arms outstretched to stop Indian soldiers from advancing. Qi was selected to be a delegate to the Party Congress, underlining the importance of the border crisis to the Chinese Communist Party’s narrative. Harnessing nationalism, the party wants to convey that it will protect what it considers Chinese territory at all costs.
India’s military and political leaders now confront a reality at the border that should have jolted them into serious action: China has a distinct advantage over India, which it has consolidated since 2020. By investing in a long-term military presence in one of the most remote places on Earth, the PLA has considerably reduced the time it would need to launch a military operation against India. New military garrisons, roads, and bridges would allow for rapid deployment and make clear that Beijing is not considering a broader retreat. The Indian military has responded by diverting certain forces intended for the border with Pakistan toward its disputed border with China. It has deployed additional ground forces to prevent further PLA ingress in Ladakh and constructed supporting infrastructure. Meanwhile, New Delhi’s political leadership is conspicuous in its silence, projecting a sense of normalcy.
Beijing refuses to discuss two of the areas in Ladakh, where its forces have blocked Indian patrols since 2020. In five other areas, Chinese troops have stepped back by a few miles but asked India to do the same and create a no-patrolling zone. This move denies India its right to patrol areas as planned before the border crisis began. The PLA has flatly refused to discuss de-escalation, in which both armies would pull back by a substantive distance. The question of each side withdrawing its additional troops from Ladakh is not even on the agenda. A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson rejected any demand to restore the situation along the LAC as it existed before May 2020. The PLA continues to downplay the severity of the situation, instead emphasizing stability in its ties with India.
If the situation in Ladakh is “stable but unpredictable,” Indian military leaders have told Foreign Policy that major stretches of the LAC’s eastern sector—2,500 kilometers (or 1,553 miles) away—are an even bigger cause of concern. In 1962, this area was the site of a humiliating defeat of the Indian Army at the hands of the PLA. Today, massive Chinese infrastructure development and troop buildup closer to the LAC has placed India at a military disadvantage. In September, Pande said when it comes to infrastructure in the area, “there is lots to be desired to be done.” Recent reports suggest at least three additional PLA brigades remain deployed in the area even after the Party Congress, further worrying Indian military planners.
China officially claims the entire state of Arunachal Pradesh, which includes the Tawang Monastery where the sixth Dalai Lama was born in 1683. Tawang was historically a part of Tibet; Chinese officials, such as Dai Bingguo, who served as China’s boundary negotiator with India from 2003 to 2013, have publicly stated that it would be nonnegotiable in a permanent settlement of the disputed border. As questions arise over the succession of the current Dalai Lama, who is 87 years old, Chinese sensitivities about Tawang will intensify—even more so when linked to its internal security problems in Tibet. In the coming years, it is likely to become a higher priority for China.
Still, it is in Ladakh that the Chinese have built up infrastructure at a frenetic pace, with only military operations in mind: roads, bridges, airfields, heliports, accommodations for troops, and storage and communication infrastructure. Pande noted that one of the biggest developments is the G695 highway, which runs parallel to the LAC and gives the PLA the ability to quickly move from one valley to another. Flatter terrain on the Chinese side already gives Beijing an advantage, now further bolstered by infrastructure—an extensive network of new roads, bridges, and heliports.
In the 1960s, the PLA needed one full summer season to mobilize and launch military operations in Ladakh for the next summer. Now, it would need a couple of weeks to undertake the same operation. Indian military planners must live with this scenario, even if the current border crisis is resolved.
Modi approaching Xi in Bali recalled a short exchange between the two leaders on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, in 2017. Then, their conversation sparked diplomatic communications between New Delhi and Beijing that aimed to resolve a standoff between Indian and Chinese troops at Doklam in Bhutan, which China claims as its territory. The talks led to disengagement, but the Chinese only stepped back a few hundred yards. They have since consolidated their military deployment and undertaken massive infrastructure development in Doklam, such as roads, helipads, and a military garrison. Even if an immediate crisis was averted, the status quo was permanently altered in China’s favor in Doklam.
A similar resolution of the Ladakh border crisis would carry bigger risks for India. Unlike in Doklam, China has entered areas in Ladakh that Indian troops regularly patrolled until 2020. Reinforcing the LAC over the vast span of Ladakh would require enhanced deployment of Indian ground forces. This permanent instability would put the Indian military under further pressure. With an already limited defense budget—China’s is more than four times as large—shifting more troops to the border would also divert resources from the Indian Navy, where multilateral cooperation with Quad partners to contest China’s influence in the Indian Ocean region is an absolute imperative.
Fearing escalation, India is forsaking even limited offensive options, such as launching a quid pro quo military operation to capture some territory in Tibet to arrive at the negotiating table with a strong hand. New Delhi’s defensive position instead seems to acknowledge its widening gap with Beijing; due to this power differential, it is unable to even use economic or diplomatic instruments to target China. After all, India’s bilateral trade with China—its biggest trading partner—reached record levels this year, with an all-time high trade deficit in Beijing’s favor. The U.S. Defense Department report on China reveals that Beijing has warned U.S. officials not to interfere with its relationship with New Delhi; Kenneth Juster, a former U.S. ambassador to India, said New Delhi doesn’t want Washington to mention Beijing’s border aggression.
India’s defensive posture plays out in its approach to diplomatic engagement and security cooperation. Unlike its Quad partners, India abstained from voting against China on the Xinjiang issue at the United Nations Human Rights Council meeting in October, and its comments on China’s crackdown in Hong Kong or aggression toward Taiwan have been guarded. Modi participated in both the BRICS summit and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit this year, along with Xi; Chinese delegations are still regularly invited to New Delhi for multilateral events. And an Indian military contingent participated with a PLA contingent in a military exercise in Russia this year.
The current situation along the LAC, both in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh, as well as China’s refusal to discuss issues on India’s agenda for resolving the crisis have added to the structural instability in their relationship. Chinese infrastructure development and the widening gap in power means that this instability will become permanent, even with a solution to the immediate crisis. India’s military will remain under pressure and on guard. Pande made this implicit when discussing future Indian plans on the border in November. “We need to very carefully calibrate our actions on the LAC [so as] to be able to safeguard both our interests and sensitivities … and be prepared to deal with all types of contingencies,” he said.
The risk of an accidental military escalation between Asia’s most populous countries—both nuclear powers—has increased significantly since 2020. This will continue unless Modi and Xi find a new modus vivendi. Establishing guardrails in the relationship will require political imagination and an honest appraisal of relative strengths; failing that, New Delhi faces tough geopolitical choices. It has so far eschewed any security-centric step with the Quad that could provoke Beijing, but murmurs from its partners about reticent Indian policy are bound to get louder. Meanwhile, India’s reliance on Russia for military equipment and ammunition now falls under a cloud of suspicion. And an unstable border with China prevents India from targeting Pakistan, a tactic that has proved politically rewarding for Modi.
The fundamentals of Indian foreign policy that have held steady since the years of former Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru—namely, strategic autonomy and ensuring territorial integrity and sovereignty—will come under greater stress as the border crisis looms over New Delhi. Modi boasts of great ambitions for India as a “Vishwa Guru,” or master to the world—a euphemism for a global superpower. But questions raised by the situation at the border with China continue to limit him.
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nikhats · 10 hours
Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles Market Size Growth Rate by Type, Application, Sales Estimates 2029
Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles Market Overview
Maximize Market Research, a Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles business research firm has published a report on the “Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles Market”. Which provides Industry Analysis (Market Performance, Segments, Price Analysis, Outlook) and detailed Process Flow (Product Overview, Unit Operations, Raw Materials, and Quality Assurance).
Sample Request Link : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/1387 
Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles Market Report Scope and Research Methodology The Market Research Report (MMR) researches deep into vital growth determinants, exploring motivators and barriers. It furnishes extensive insights into competitive landscapes, major company offerings, and investment prospects. Embracing qualitative and quantitative analyses, it scrutinizes regional markets, providing indispensable insights for stakeholders. Employing historical data, technological advancements, governmental policies, and current Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles market. Utilizing sources like annual reports, press releases, industry associations, governmental agencies, and customs data, it employs market engineering and data triangulation to forecast segments and sub-segments.
Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles Market Regional Insights The estimated growth in the Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles market segment is driven by improved reliability and increasing demand. The Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles market is largely segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa.
Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles Market Segmentation
by Level of Automation
• Level 1 • Level 2 • Level 3 by Component
• Radar • Engine control unit • Fusion sensor • Vision sensor • Camera • Ranging unit • Control processing unit • 3D laser scanners • Steering assist electronic control unit
Furthermore, Ford Motor Co. and Volkswagen have announced a partnership, which was aiming at saving millions on the development of pickup trucks, and transit vehicles, with a focus toward production of self-driving and electric cars in the near future. . Automobile manufacturers are investing in latest vehicle technologies. Some of the key players are focusing on the deployment of the semi-autonomous and autonomous system with the advanced features like adaptive cruise control, forward collision avoidance and mitigation system, lane departure warning, and active braking systems by Fuel Type
• Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) • Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) • Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)
The report covers all the aspects of the industry with a dedicated study of key players that include market leaders, followers and new entrants by region. PORTER, SVOR, PESTEL analysis with the potential impact of micro-economic factors by region on the market has been presented in the report. External as well as internal factors that are supposed to affect the business positively or negatively have been analyzed, which will give a clear futuristic view of the industry to the decision-makers. by Technology
• Adaptive cruise control • Lane keep assist • Intelligent Park assist • Blind spot detection • Emergency brake assist • Adaptive front lighting
Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles Market, by Region
• North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) • Europe (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Austria and Rest of Europe) • Asia Pacific (China, South Korea, Japan, India, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Rest of APAC) • Middle East and Africa (South Africa, GCC, Egypt, Nigeria and Rest of ME&A) • South America (Brazil, Argentina Rest of South America)
To Get More Information click Here: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/semi-autonomous-autonomous-vehicles-market/1387/ 
Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles Market Key Players
• Continental AG • Robert Bosch • NXP Semiconductor • Texas Instruments • Renesas Electronics • Valeo • Magna • ZF • Delphi • Denso • Cisco • F Friedrichshafen AG • Volkswagen AG • Daimler AG • Texas Instruments Incorporated • Denso Corporation • BYD Company Ltd • AB Volvo • Nissan • BorgWarner Inc. • Visteon Corporation • BMW AG • Magna International Inc. Sample Request Link : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/1387 
Key questions answered in the Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles Market are: • What is Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles ? • What was the Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles market size in 2023? • What is the growth rate of the Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles Market? • Which are the factors expected to drive the Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles market growth? • What are the different segments of the Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles Market? • What growth strategies are the players considering to increase their presence in Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles ? • What are the upcoming industry applications and trends for the Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles Market? • What are the recent industry trends that can be implemented to generate additional revenue streams for the Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles Market? • What segments are covered in the Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles Market? • Who are the leading companies and what are their portfolios in Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles Market? • What segments are covered in the Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles Market? • Who are the key players in the Semi-Autonomous and Autonomous Vehicles market?
Related Report Links: India Gem & Jewellery Market : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/india-gem-jewellery-market/122565/  Anime Market : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/anime-market/124527 
Key Offerings: • Past Market Size and Competitive Landscape (2018 to 2022) • Past Pricing and price curve by region (2018 to 2022) • Market Size, Share, Size & Forecast by different segment | 2024−2030 • Market Dynamics – Growth Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, and Key Trends by Region • Market Segmentation – A detailed analysis by segment with their sub-segments and Region • Competitive Landscape – Profiles of selected key players by region from a strategic perspective  Competitive landscape – Market Leaders, Market Followers, Regional player  Competitive benchmarking of key players by region • PESTLE Analysis • PORTER’s analysis • Value chain and supply chain analysis • Legal Aspects of Business by Region • Lucrative business opportunities with SWOT analysis • Recommendations
About Maximize Market Research: Maximize Market Research is a multifaceted market research and consulting company with professionals from several industries. Some of the industries we cover include medical devices, pharmaceutical manufacturers, science and engineering, electronic components, industrial equipment, technology and communication, cars and automobiles, chemical products and substances, general merchandise, beverages, personal care, and automated systems. To mention a few, we provide market-verified industry estimations, technical trend analysis, crucial market research, strategic advice, competition analysis, production and demand analysis, and client impact studies.
Contact Maximize Market Research: 3rd Floor, Navale IT Park, Phase 2 Pune Banglore Highway, Narhe, Pune, Maharashtra 411041, India [email protected] +91 96071 95908, +91 9607365656
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prestigeplastics · 3 days
Prestige Plastics: Top Brand for Selling CPVC Pipes in Lahore, Pakistan
In the rapidly growing construction and plumbing sector of Lahore, Pakistan, Prestige Plastics has emerged as the leading brand for selling Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes. 
Known for their high quality and reliability, CPVC pipes from Prestige Plastics are setting new standards in the industry. This article delves into the reasons behind the brand's success, the advantages of using CPVC pipes, and how Prestige Plastics is shaping the market in Lahore.
Quality and Durability: Hallmarks of Prestige Plastics
Prestige Plastics has built its reputation on the foundation of quality and durability. Their CPVC pipes are manufactured using the latest technology and adhere to international standards, ensuring long-lasting performance. These pipes are resistant to corrosion, chemicals, and high temperatures, making them ideal for both residential and commercial plumbing systems. Customers in Lahore trust Prestige Plastics for providing products that stand the test of time.
Advanced Manufacturing Techniques
The advanced manufacturing techniques employed by Prestige Plastics set them apart from competitors. By using state-of-the-art machinery and stringent quality control measures, the company ensures that each CPVC pipe meets the highest standards of excellence. This commitment to quality not only enhances the lifespan of the pipes but also provides customers with a reliable solution for their plumbing needs.
Wide Range of Products
Prestige Plastics offers a wide range of CPVC pipes, catering to diverse requirements. Whether it's for domestic water supply, industrial applications, or commercial installations, the company has products designed to meet specific needs. This extensive product range makes Prestige Plastics a one-stop shop for all CPVC pipe needs in Lahore.
Commitment to Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is at the core of Prestige Plastics' business philosophy. The company prides itself on providing exceptional customer service, from product selection to after-sales support. Their knowledgeable staff assists customers in choosing the right products, ensuring a seamless purchasing experience. Additionally, Prestige Plastics offers competitive pricing, making high-quality CPVC pipes accessible to a broad customer base.
Advantages of CPVC Pipes
The popularity of CPVC pipes from Prestige Plastics is not just due to the brand's reputation but also because of the inherent advantages of CPVC material:
Corrosion Resistance: CPVC pipes are resistant to corrosion, which significantly extends their lifespan compared to traditional metal pipes.
High Temperature Tolerance: These pipes can withstand high temperatures, making them suitable for hot water distribution systems.
Chemical Resistance: CPVC pipes are immune to a wide range of chemicals, making them ideal for industrial applications.
Easy Installation: The lightweight nature and ease of installation of CPVC pipes reduce labor costs and time.
Environmental Responsibility
Prestige Plastics is also committed to environmental sustainability. Their manufacturing processes are designed to minimize waste and energy consumption. By choosing CPVC pipes from Prestige Plastics, customers are contributing to a more sustainable future, as these pipes have a lower environmental impact compared to other materials.
Prestige Plastics has rightfully earned its position as the top brand for selling CPVC pipes in Lahore, Pakistan. Through a commitment to quality, advanced manufacturing, a wide product range, and exceptional customer service, the company has set a benchmark in the industry. 
The advantages of CPVC pipes further enhance their appeal, making Prestige Plastics the go-to choice for customers seeking reliable and durable plumbing solutions. As Lahore continues to grow and develop, Prestige Plastics is well-positioned to meet the city's evolving plumbing needs, maintaining its leadership in the market.
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kkginfo · 2 years
The Apple Watch, which is expected to focus on extreme sports, may come with a new design | KKG INFO
The Apple Watch, which is expected to focus on extreme sports, may come with a new design | KKG INFO
Apple Known for his accurate predictions about Mark Gurman from Bloomberg According to Apple, 3 new products will be announced in the coming months. Apple Watch We said last June that it will appear with the model. Apple Watch models that Apple works with Apple Watch Series 8, The new Apple Watch SE and a new model focus on extreme sports appears to be Earlier it was revealed that the Apple Watch…
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shopizem · 6 days
Discover the Best Online Shopping Experience in Pakistan with Shopizem.com
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Welcome to Shopizem.com, your ultimate destination for the best online shopping experience in Pakistan. At Shopizem.com, we pride ourselves on offering an extensive range of high-quality products at unbeatable prices. Whether you’re looking for the latest in skincare, personal care, makeup, beauty tools, kitchen gadgets, or trending products, we’ve got you covered.
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Experience the best online shopping in Pakistan at Shopizem.com. Browse our extensive collection today and enjoy unbeatable prices on top-quality products. Happy shopping
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Bangladesh acquires 36 F-7BGI jets from China to increase its military capacity
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 02/09/2022 - 11:00em Military
The Bangladesh Air Force recently reported that it is acquiring 36 modernized Chengdu F-7BGI jets from China, in an attempt to improve its military capacity.
China, in turn, has long been trying to emerge as a major defense exporter to India's neighboring countries, such as Bangladesh and Pakistan.
The F-7BGI is a multifunctional aircraft manufactured by Chengdu Aircraft Corporation, China. It was specially designed to meet the requirements of the Bangladesh Air Force for economic multifunction combat aircraft. It is said to be the most advanced version of the F-7 fighter of all time.
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Unlike other cheaper and lowered export variants of the J-7G, the F-7BGI (I of Improved) is in fact more advanced than the J-7G from which it was developed.
Among the improvements of the F-7BGI over the F-7BG, there are 3 MFDs and more powerful fire control radar, in turn, incorporated into the J-7G2 later developed.
The delivery of 16 of these fighters was signed in 2011 and completed in 2013. Even with the latest J-7 technology, this aircraft does not have the ability to carry any BVR missile and is armed only with short-range infrared air-to-air missiles for air-to-air combat, like other J-7s.
Tags: Military AviationBAF - Bangladesh Air Force / Bangladesh Air ForceChengdu F-7
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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Emphasis on energy for Monforts at ITM in Istanbul
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Monforts, which is celebrating its 140th anniversary this year, will exhibit a Montex stenter chamber with an integrated overhead heat recovery unit at the forthcoming ITM textile machinery exhibition in Istanbul from June 4-8.
The heat recovery unit on display at the stand of Monforts partner Neotek (1116B in Hall 11) is just one of a range of energy-saving options the company is now providing for both new and existing line installations and will be pleased to discuss at the show.
Monforts Montex stenters and Thermex dyeing ranges are industry standards for the fabric finishing industry, providing many advantages in terms of production throughput and especially in energy efficiency and savings.
“Investment in new technology and capacity expansions are very important to our Turkish customers, in order to stay ahead in terms of sustainable, high-quality production,” says Monforts Area Sales Manager Thomas Paeffgen. “We find that they carefully assess the benefits of each advanced new technology in order to thrive in a sector that is constantly changing and as a result, have adopted ongoing strategies of continuous investment.”
Complete control
Recent Monfort installations in Turkey have included an eight-chamber Montex stenter at the Bursa plant of Ilay Textile – a leader in new printing techniques and technologies, with customers across Europe and a database of over 40,000 apparel design patterns.
“The Montex installation is providing us with much-improved control options for all process parameters and we are particularly impressed with the energy savings we are making,” says the company’s production director Fikri Savaş.
Istanbul Boyahanesi’s plant in Çerkezköy meanwhile now benefits from a Monforts Thermex Econtrol continuous dyeing line.
“The Thermex has allowed us to get down to fabric weights of 80gsm while considerably shortening processing times for heavier fabrics, considerably expanding our product offering,” comments co-company founder and director Kemal Taşkin. “It’s an extremely versatile range, allowing us to instantly see the results and to easily move between reactive and disperse dyeing, for example.”
Arta in Çorlu, an accredited supplier to leading European retail brands such as Marks & Spencer, H&M, Inditex and Top Shop has also adopted the Thermex system.
“It provides us with a far wider range of fabric finishes and surface effects than we can achieve compared to our competitors,” says Arta plant manager Mehmet Kaan Kalipçioĝlu.
Another Bursa-based operation, Altun Tekstil, a leader in home textiles and furnishing fabrics, has just commissioned the first Montex®Coat coating system in Turkey.
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At ITM, Monforts will also introduce its very latest coaTTex coating unit exclusively dedicated to air knife and knife-over-roller coating. For single-sided application with paste or foam, the versatile coaTTex is suitable for both incorporation into existing finishing ranges as well as installation with new Monforts lines, especially Montex stenter systems.
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Central location
“In Turkey we are very strongly supported by our representative Neotek, our solution partner on the ground for service, installation, and commissioning, providing specialized and rapid help to all of our customers,” says Thomas Paeffgen. “ITM is always one of the most important exhibitions for Monforts, for meeting customers not just from Turkey, but across the Middle East and Central Asia, as well as Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan.
“Istanbul’s centralized position makes it accessible to the majority of the major textile manufacturing hubs and as we mark our 140th anniversary in 2024, having been founded back in 1884, the ITM show will provide us with the ideal opportunity to celebrate with colleagues and customers all together in one location.”
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nikhats · 7 days
Text-To-Speech Market Key Finding, Market Impact, Latest Trends Analysis, Progression Status, Revenue and Forecast to 2029
Text-To-Speech Market Overview
Maximize Market Research, a Text-To-Speech business research firm has published a report on the “Text-To-Speech Market”. Which provides Industry Analysis (Market Performance, Segments, Price Analysis, Outlook) and detailed Process Flow (Product Overview, Unit Operations, Raw Materials, and Quality Assurance).
Sample Request Link : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/164793 
Text-To-Speech Market Report Scope and Research Methodology The Market Research Report (MMR) researches deep into vital growth determinants, exploring motivators and barriers. It furnishes extensive insights into competitive landscapes, major company offerings, and investment prospects. Embracing qualitative and quantitative analyses, it scrutinizes regional markets, providing indispensable insights for stakeholders. Employing historical data, technological advancements, governmental policies, and current Text-To-Speech market. Utilizing sources like annual reports, press releases, industry associations, governmental agencies, and customs data, it employs market engineering and data triangulation to forecast segments and sub-segments.
Text-To-Speech Market Regional Insights The estimated growth in the Text-To-Speech market segment is driven by improved reliability and increasing demand. The Text-To-Speech market is largely segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa.
Text-To-Speech Market Segmentation
by Component
1. Software 2. Services by Deployment Mode
1. Cloud-based 2. On-Premise by Type
1. Non-neural 2. Neural and Custom
North America text-to-speech market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.3% during the forecast period. As the need for useful insights from voice data grows, the regional market presents promising growth prospects. Developed nations in the region, such as the United States and Canada, have led the way in adopting modern technologies such as intelligent virtual assistants, which can quickly transform current conversation data into automated self-service experiences and improve customer services. by Language
1. English 2. Spanish 3. Hindi 4. Chinese 5. Arabic 6. Others
In 2020, Google announced a "read this page" capability in Assistant, allowing the reading of web pages; Cerence introduced Cerence Reader, which is focused on reading users news in the car, with reading styles adjusted to content type; BBC Global News launched a synthetic voice, built in cooperation with Microsoft, to read articles to visitors to the BBC website; and The Washington Post declared that it would use natural language generation and TTS to provide audio updates for its readers. by Vertical
1. Consumer 2. Automotive & Transportation 3. Healthcare 4. Education 5. Assistant tool for the visually impaired or disabilities 6. BFSI 7. Retail 8. Enterprise 9. Travel and Hospitality 10. Others
Text-To-Speech Market, by Region
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) Europe (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Austria and Rest of Europe) Asia Pacific (China, South Korea, Japan, India, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Rest of APAC) Middle East and Africa (South Africa, GCC, Egypt, Nigeria and Rest of ME&A) South America (Brazil, Argentina Rest of South America)
To Get More Information click Here: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/text-to-speech-market/164793/ 
Text-To-Speech Market Key Players
1. Nuance Communication 2. Microsoft Corporation 3. IBM Corporation 4. Google, Inc. 5. Sensory Inc. 6. Amazon.Com 7. Readspeaker 8. LumenVox LLC 9. Acapela Group 10. CereProc 11. SESTEK 12. iFlytek 13. TextSpeak 14. Nextup Technologies 15. iSpeech 16. Nexmo Inc. 17. Baidu, Inc. 18. Facebook Research 19. Govivace 20. GL Communications
Sample Request Link : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/164793 
Key questions answered in the Text-To-Speech Market are: • What is Text-To-Speech ? • What was the Text-To-Speech market size in 2023? • What is the growth rate of the Text-To-Speech Market? • Which are the factors expected to drive the Text-To-Speech market growth? • What are the different segments of the Text-To-Speech Market? • What growth strategies are the players considering to increase their presence in Text-To-Speech ? • What are the upcoming industry applications and trends for the Text-To-Speech Market? • What are the recent industry trends that can be implemented to generate additional revenue streams for the Text-To-Speech Market? • What segments are covered in the Text-To-Speech Market? • Who are the leading companies and what are their portfolios in Text-To-Speech Market? • What segments are covered in the Text-To-Speech Market? • Who are the key players in the Text-To-Speech market?
Related Report Links: India Gem & Jewellery Market : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/india-gem-jewellery-market/122565/  Anime Market : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/anime-market/124527 
Key Offerings: • Past Market Size and Competitive Landscape (2018 to 2022) • Past Pricing and price curve by region (2018 to 2022) • Market Size, Share, Size & Forecast by different segment | 2024−2030 • Market Dynamics – Growth Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, and Key Trends by Region • Market Segmentation – A detailed analysis by segment with their sub-segments and Region • Competitive Landscape – Profiles of selected key players by region from a strategic perspective  Competitive landscape – Market Leaders, Market Followers, Regional player  Competitive benchmarking of key players by region • PESTLE Analysis • PORTER’s analysis • Value chain and supply chain analysis • Legal Aspects of Business by Region • Lucrative business opportunities with SWOT analysis • Recommendations
About Maximize Market Research: Maximize Market Research is a multifaceted market research and consulting company with professionals from several industries. Some of the industries we cover include medical devices, pharmaceutical manufacturers, science and engineering, electronic components, industrial equipment, technology and communication, cars and automobiles, chemical products and substances, general merchandise, beverages, personal care, and automated systems. To mention a few, we provide market-verified industry estimations, technical trend analysis, crucial market research, strategic advice, competition analysis, production and demand analysis, and client impact studies.
Contact Maximize Market Research: 3rd Floor, Navale IT Park, Phase 2 Pune Banglore Highway, Narhe, Pune, Maharashtra 411041, India [email protected] +91 96071 95908, +91 9607365656
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mobiles12 · 1 month
Best Mobile Companies In Pakistan 2024.
"In 2024, some of the best mobile companies in Pakistan are rapidly advancing. In this era, companies like Samsung, Oppo, and Vivo have launched their new models with innovative technology and user-friendly features, which are quickly gaining popularity in the market. Apple is also establishing a strong foothold in Pakistan's market with its premium iPhones. The smartphones from these companies are not only impressive in performance and design but also stand out from other competitors with their customer service and after-sales support. Thus, sharing the latest launches and updates from these companies on social bookmarking platforms can be helpful for users who want to stay informed about the latest mobile technology."If You want to know more information click on this link.
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prestigeplastics · 11 days
Prestige Plastics: Leading Provider of Plastic Pipes in Lahore, Pakistan
In the bustling city of Lahore, Pakistan, one company stands at the forefront of the plastic pipe industry: Prestige Plastics. Renowned for their superior quality, innovative solutions, and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, Prestige Plastics has established itself as the top choice for plastic pipes in the region.
Unmatched Quality and Durability
Prestige Plastics is synonymous with quality. Their plastic pipes are manufactured using state-of-the-art technology and high-grade raw materials, ensuring exceptional durability and performance. These pipes are designed to withstand the toughest conditions, making them ideal for a wide range of applications, including water supply, drainage, irrigation, and industrial use.
Comprehensive Product Range
Prestige Plastics offers a diverse range of plastic pipes to cater to the varying needs of their customers. Their product portfolio includes:
1. PVC Pipes
Known for their chemical resistance and longevity, Prestige Plastics’ PVC pipes are perfect for both residential and commercial plumbing systems.
2. HDPE Pipes
High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipes from Prestige Plastics are favored for their flexibility, strength, and resistance to corrosion. These pipes are suitable for water supply, gas distribution, and sewage systems.
3. CPVC Pipes
CPVC (Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride) and UPVC (Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) pipes are essential components in modern plumbing and construction due to their unique properties and advantages. 
CPVC pipes are renowned for their high temperature resistance, making them ideal for hot and cold water distribution in residential and commercial buildings. They also exhibit excellent chemical resistance, 
Which makes them suitable for industrial applications and chemical processing plants. CPVC pipes are durable, easy to install, and safe for transporting potable water, contributing to their widespread use in various sectors.
4. UPVC Pipes
UPVC pipes are celebrated for their rigidity, strength, and UV resistance. These properties make them perfect for outdoor applications and structural uses, such as water supply systems, sewage and drainage systems, and electrical conduits. 
UPVC pipes do not contain plasticizers, which gives them higher tensile strength and environmental safety. They are resistant to a wide range of chemicals and do not corrode, ensuring long-term reliability and minimal maintenance. 
Cutting-Edge Manufacturing Facilities
At the heart of Prestige Plastics’ success is their cutting-edge manufacturing facility. Equipped with advanced machinery and technology, the facility ensures that each pipe meets the highest standards of quality and precision. The company’s rigorous quality control processes further guarantee that their products are free from defects and ready to perform.
Innovative Solutions
Prestige Plastics is committed to innovation and continuous improvement. They invest heavily in research and development to create new and improved products that meet the evolving needs of their customers. By staying ahead of industry trends and adopting the latest technologies, Prestige Plastics ensures that their clients always receive the best possible solutions.
Expert Team and Customer Support
The team at Prestige Plastics comprises highly skilled professionals with extensive experience in the plastic pipe industry. Their expertise and dedication to excellence are evident in every product they manufacture. Additionally, Prestige Plastics provides exceptional customer support, assisting clients with product selection, technical advice, and after-sales service.
Sustainable Practices
Prestige Plastics is committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. They employ eco-friendly manufacturing processes and use recyclable materials wherever possible. Their dedication to sustainable practices not only benefits the environment but also ensures that their products meet global standards for safety and sustainability.
Trusted by the Community
Prestige Plastics has earned the trust and loyalty of customers across Lahore and beyond. Their reputation for reliability, quality, and customer-centricity has made them the preferred choice for plastic pipes in the region. Whether for residential, commercial, or industrial applications, customers know they can rely on Prestige Plastics for superior products and service.
Recognized Excellence
The excellence of Prestige Plastics has been recognized with various awards and accolades. These honors reflect their commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Prestige Plastics continues to set the benchmark for excellence in the plastic pipe industry.
Future-Focused Vision
Looking to the future, Prestige Plastics aims to further expand their product range and enhance their manufacturing capabilities. They are focused on embracing new technologies and exploring new markets, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of the industry. Their vision is to continue providing top-quality plastic pipes and solutions that meet the needs of their customers and contribute to the development of infrastructure in Lahore and beyond.
Prestige Plastics stands as the top provider of plastic pipes in Lahore, Pakistan, thanks to their commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. With a comprehensive product range, cutting-edge manufacturing, and a dedicated team, they are the go-to choice for all plastic pipe needs in the region. For unmatched quality and reliable service, Prestige Plastics is the name to trust.
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kkginfo · 2 years
Instagram's marketplace for brands and creators is live in the US | KKG INFO
Instagram’s marketplace for brands and creators is live in the US | KKG INFO
Last week we shared with you that Instagram will launch a marketplace for content creators. In late June, Adam Moseri announced NFT support and a marketplace for creators where brands and creators can meet. Instagram has begun testing the market for creators in the US with a post it shared. declared. In a marketplace where you can now join by invitation only, brands can quickly reach the content…
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shopizem · 15 days
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Welcome to Shopizem.com, your ultimate destination for the best online shopping experience in Pakistan. At Shopizem.com, we pride ourselves on offering an extensive range of high-quality products at unbeatable prices. Whether you’re looking for the latest in skincare, personal care, makeup, beauty tools, kitchen gadgets, or trending products, we've got you covered.
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Experience the best online shopping in Pakistan at Shopizem.com. Browse our extensive collection today and enjoy unbeatable prices on top-quality products. Happy shopping
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futuretechwords · 1 month
The Latest MacBook Pro Prices In Pakistan
The Latest MacBook Pro Prices in Pakistan
In a tech-savvy nation like Pakistan, where innovation and sophistication reign supreme, staying abreast of the latest trends in technology is paramount. Among the most coveted devices in the market are Apple's MacBook Pro laptops, renowned for their sleek design, powerful performance, and cutting-edge features. As consumers eagerly anticipate the release of new models and upgrades, keeping track of the latest MacBook Pro prices in Pakistan becomes essential for informed purchasing decisions and budget planning.
Understanding the MacBook Pro Pricing Landscape:
1. Model Variants and Specifications:
The MacBook Pro lineup offers a diverse range of models, each tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of users. From the compact yet powerful 13-inch MacBook Pro to the larger and more robust 16-inch variant, consumers can choose from an array of configurations, including processor options, storage capacities, and memory sizes. Understanding the specifications of each model is crucial for determining the appropriate pricing and selecting the best fit for individual requirements.
2. Currency Exchange Rates and Import Duties:
In addition to the base price of MacBook Pro models set by Apple, factors such as currency exchange rates and import duties play a significant role in determining the final retail price in Pakistan. Fluctuations in exchange rates and changes in government policies can impact the cost of importing electronic goods, leading to fluctuations in pricing over time. Keeping track of these variables is essential for accurately estimating the cost of purchasing a MacBook Pro in Pakistan.
3. Retailer Pricing and Discounts:
The retail landscape in Pakistan is characterized by a diverse array of authorized Apple resellers and independent retailers, each offering MacBook Pro models at varying price points. While authorized retailers typically adhere to Apple's recommended pricing, independent sellers may offer competitive discounts and promotional offers to attract customers. Additionally, seasonal sales events and special promotions can further influence pricing, providing consumers with opportunities to save on their MacBook Pro purchases.
4. Warranty and After-Sales Service:
Beyond the initial purchase price, considerations such as warranty coverage and after-sales service offerings can significantly impact the overall value proposition of MacBook Pro models in Pakistan. Authorized retailers often provide comprehensive warranty coverage and access to Apple-certified service centers, ensuring peace of mind for customers in the event of hardware issues or technical support requirements. Evaluating the quality of after-sales service is essential for making informed purchasing decisions and ensuring a seamless ownership experience.
Navigating the MacBook Pro Pricing Landscape:
As consumers navigate the complex pricing landscape of MacBook Pro models in Pakistan, staying informed and vigilant is key to securing the best deals and maximizing the value of their investments. By leveraging resources such as price comparison websites, official Apple channels, and trusted retailer networks, individuals can make well-informed decisions that align with their budgetary constraints and performance expectations.
For the latest updates on MacBook Pro prices in Pakistan, including detailed pricing breakdowns, comparisons, and insider tips, visit FutureTech Words. Explore the world of MacBook Pro and embark on a journey of innovation and creativity with Apple's iconic laptop series!
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abcexpresspk · 2 months
ABC Express Online News Online 100% Real Review Happy
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ABC Express is your trusted online news source covering a wide range of topics including Pakistan news, world events, technology updates, mobile innovations, and more. Stay informed with the latest headlines, insightful articles, and in-depth analysis on politics, economics, culture, and technology. From breaking news to comprehensive features, ABC Express brings you reliable and up-to-date information on the issues that matter most. Explore our platform for comprehensive coverage and diverse perspectives on Pakistan, global affairs, emerging technologies, and the ever-evolving mobile industry. Trust https://abcexpress.pk for accurate, timely, and engaging news content. ABC Express Online News Online 100% Real Review Happy It sounds like you're looking for a comprehensive online news source that covers a wide range of topics including Pakistan, global affairs, technology, and mobile-related news. While I don't have specific details about a news outlet named "abc-express-online," you might be interested in several popular news websites and platforms that offer news coverage in these areas: 1. **BBC News** (bbc.com/news): Offers comprehensive coverage of global news, including news related to Pakistan and technology. 2. **CNN** (cnn.com): Provides extensive coverage of international news, including developments in Pakistan and the tech industry. 3. **Al Jazeera** (aljazeera.com): Reports on global news and events, with a focus on the Middle East and South Asia, including Pakistan. 4. **TechCrunch** (techcrunch.com): A leading platform for news and analysis of the tech industry worldwide. 5. **The Verge** (theverge.com): Covers technology news, gadgets, and mobile industry updates. 6. **Dawn** (dawn.com): A Pakistani newspaper that covers local and international news, including tech-related topics. 7. **Geo News** (geonews.tv): A Pakistani news channel that provides coverage of national and international news, including technology updates. ABC Express Online News Online 100% Real Review Happy To find a specific news source named "abc-express-online," you might want to search online or check if it's a regional or niche news outlet that focuses on the topics you mentioned. Always verify the credibility and reliability of the news source before relying on it for information. Read the full article
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