atiskazi · 7 years
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S A D 
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as-moody-as-ella · 7 years
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Here’s a lilac/pink mood board. Enjoy!
Please don’t repost Requests are open
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worryinglyinnocent · 7 years
Love is a Layered Cake Zelena - you've been surprisingly non-murderous since you got disqualified. Are you planning anythi- I mean, how's life treating you since?
*Zelena hastily shuffles away all her secret plans under the tablecloth and gives her most innocent smile.*
Life has been treating me very well, thank you. I’m categorically not planning to crash the finale party and cause chaos at all…
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homoose · 3 years
I'm so excited for tomorrow and the new chapter of 'LIALC'🎉🎉🎉
Spencer + Maggie + Henry + Michael
My heart is going to melt with cuteness❤❤❤
EEEEEEK me too!!!!!! I panicked and thought the queue ate the post and almost Shat Myself but I just put it on the wrong day THANK GOD
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theredpilgrim · 7 years
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I just added a new piece of art to Saatchi Art! Lilac Golden Sheen 2
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fireandashexe · 3 years
lialc bave me permission to propseo to hd im ready to mingle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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greenegg · 6 years
The sky turned as yellow as cheap paper.
The dust-covered lane yawned and died.
She kept on writing the letter “i"
crookedly with an unsteady hand
in a brown and lialc autumn crocus land
A water-colored moon was like a spot on cheap paper.
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insidejoke1124 · 7 years
Lilac, lliac, lialc, liacl, lcial, lcail, lclia, lclai.
Oh dear. You're going crazy aren't you? Did I do that? Did I corrupt you? I don't know I'm sorry.
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worryinglyinnocent · 7 years
Love is a layered cake!Jefferson: Is there any sort of betting pool on who snogs first behind the scenes? Regina and Mal, or Gold and Belle?
Oh yes, we are definitely all betting on that. At the moment the odds are on Regina and Mal, since Gold and Belle have the slight problem of not being on an equal playing field and any snogging they do will have to be rather secretive. However, we remain unperturbed and everyone is adamant that there’ll be some action behind the freezers before the series is over. 
Personally I can see Mal and Regina having a slow, tentative build-up but being fairly open about it when they do go for it, whilst Belle and Gold will completely (and unconvincingly) deny having feelings towards each other until they can bear it no longer and end up having a full on make-out session under a table somewhere…
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worryinglyinnocent · 7 years
LiaLC Zelena - what are your thoughts on your disqualification?
I think it was grossly unfair. As I said to the judges, this is a competition - there ought to be some competition involved! And as for Belle’s defence of Gold… I think that there might be something incredibly unprofessional going on there. 
If they think they’ve heard the last of this, then they’ve got another think coming… 
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worryinglyinnocent · 7 years
Don't know if you're still taking asks, but - Love is a Layered Cake Belle, what made you start baking?
Hi anon! I am still taking asks, but I am not going to give a very satisfactory answer to this one I am afraid, because this question is answered in the next chapter of LiaLC, which will be with you next Monday!
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worryinglyinnocent · 7 years
Love is a Layered Cake Zelena - Any opinions on the events of last week? Also, not aimed at her, but was Aurora's mishap a real mishap, or the result of Zelena's intervention.
Well, having our first major disaster was quite exciting, wasn’t it? I always love it when a little bit of drama gets injected into the proceedings. Bread’s not my strong subject so I had to keep my head down and nose to the grindstone this week, unfortunately, but there was plenty of opportunity for, shall we say, observing the tent. It was quite nice to see Jefferson in a pickle, I was sure that he was going to be the one to beat. Mal now seems to have found her stride though. We’ll just have to see what happens next week…
(Aurora’s mishap was genuine and based off a couple of real mishaps that have occurred in GBBO in past seasons.)
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worryinglyinnocent · 6 years
LiaLC: What does the future look like for Belle and Gold? Married? More kids? Bakery? Harassed by Ella and Ursula? Teased by Granny?
Oh, they’re definitely going to get married; I have visions of them having a lovely countryside ceremony in a marquee in a field that accidentally gets overrun with sheep. Ella and Ursula and Granny are all invited and there are more than a few anecdotes being thrown around during the reception, that are embarrassing for Belle and Gold but rather amusing for everyone else. They’ve all kept in touch, along with all their friends from the tent, and they meet up often in the down time between TV series.
The farm has always been Gold’s priority so there’s no full-time career change on the horizon, but he and Belle have written a few recipe books together that have been very successful. 
Strangely enough, this is one of very few rumbelles whom I don’t envisage having kids together at any point. 
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worryinglyinnocent · 6 years
Ok, I was really honestly trying to get the next chapter of Love is a Layered Cake ready for tomorrow, as Monday is its usual posting date, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to manage it. It is nearly complete, but the chapter does just keep getting longer and longer and longer and there’s no end in sight. 
My writing time’s been cut down lately because I’m doing a knitting commission for a friend. It’s a baby blanket, and I had honestly not realised just how large it was going to be or how much time it was going to take. So I haven’t forgotten LiaLC, I know it’s on my updating schedule and there’s been no sign of it yet, and it is honestly being written. Just not as quickly as I’d like. 
Sorry folks. :(
*retreats to corner of shame*
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worryinglyinnocent · 7 years
LiaLC Aunt Elvira: Have you got an outfit ready for the Final? And a list of questions for Belle? ;)
Of course! I’ve bought a new hat and everything! I’ve been picking out the perfect colour palette for the past three weeks now. It’s not often that I leave the farm. It’s not often that I leave Scotland, in fact, and for the last forty years I can count the number of times I’ve left the house wearing shoes that aren’t wellies on one hand. This is a big occasion for me!
Bae says that if I think up anything else to ask Belle I’ll have to write down all the questions on a loo roll in order to have enough length…
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