#like at least Usopp had some clue that Luffy was going to try and bring Sanji with them but atp Nami was gone and Zoro was passed out
god-usopps-preacher · 21 days
Sanji and Luffy's relationship to me feels like a girl and her very aggressive little purse dog that she's loves so much that she believes it could do no wrong ever, and everyone else wants to get as far from the dog as possible.
Like back in East Blue the crew reunited at Arlong Park to take back their crewmember, and Luffy shows up with the very aggressive waiter from the restaurant they just visited and suddenly this guy's in the gang now too.
Usopp already had beef with the guy, Zoro gained beef with the guy, and Nami had her own shit going on. No one in the crew but Luffy liked him at that point, but he was Luffy's special little guy so I guess the blond man gets to fight with the gang in the season final battle.
Just four friends and that guy Luffy bought with him.
That's like the setup dynamic for them and even when Sanji fully bonds with the other crew I still feel like this is them.
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opbackgrounds · 4 years
so I was doing some research after watching movie 6...
...and apparently it was originally written as a comedy
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Yeah, I was surprised, too
Baron Omatsuri is not my favorite One Piece movie—Film Z has too many of my favorite tropes to be usurped from that position—but I do think it is the most daring. Of all the supplemental material I’ve seen and read, it feels the least...One Piece-ish. 
Yes, that includes the noodle commercials. 
If you haven’t seen the movie and can stomach a little spookiness, do yourself a favor and give it a watch. Unlike movies like Strong World or Z that have the look and feel of a manga arc, Movie 6 transplants the Straw Hat Pirates into a world that doesn’t feel like a One Piece story, taking risks and exploring themes that would never fit in the manga proper. 
In addition to the obvious changes in art and animation style, there are supernatural elements that don’t make sense within the One Piece world. None of the Straw Hats win a fight—Luffy included, although he is heavily implied to have killed the big bad at the end. The moral of the movie, if it can be said to have a moral, is if you lose the people closest to you, the answer is to forget about them and make new friends. The story ends with many questions left unanswered and the main drama between the crew unresolved.
And, if you allow me to get philosophical for a moment, I wish there were more movies like it. As I wrote in my review of Novel A, I don’t go to supplemental material or side stories looking for a repeat of what’s in the manga. Oda has written 1000 chapters of One Piece—why not spice things up a little and try something different for a change?
I know the answer isn’t that simple, and by their very nature not all risks will pan out. There will be people who don’t like this movie because it’s different, both in look and tone. But there’s something to be said about a creator putting their heart and soul into a work and having it show in the final product. 
Which brings us back to the original premise. How does a movie go from a light-hearted comedy based on a variety show theme to...this
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Baron Omatsuri was directed by Mamoru Hosoda and came out in 2005. To put that into perspective, the movie was in production when the Luffy vs Usopp fight was first seen in the manga. Manga!Luffy had not yet faced the challenge of an inter-crew disputes when the story was being written and boarded, nor did the creative team have the events of Sabaody and Marineford to see how Luffy would react to the loss of his loved ones. They were working without a full understanding of Luffy’s character, and to a lessor extent the character of the Straw Hat Pirates, and it seems like Oda was much less involved In production than has been in movies since Strong World and beyond. 
Likewise, Hosoda had just left a tumultuous situation at Studio Ghibli while working on Howl’s Moving Castle, and if this interview is anything to go by (https://instrangeaeonsblog.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/mamoru-hosoda-on-omatsuri-danshaku-animestyle-interview-part-1/) was going through a lot of personal shit when he was brought on as director. The script he was given was originally written like a variety show—something that was carried over into the various trials seen in the final movie—and meant to be a lighthearted affair after the relatively serious Movie 5 (which I have not seen am thus unable to compare tone). 
With that backstory in mind, it’s easy to see how the bickering and backbiting between the Straw Hats early in the movie is a metaphor for Hosoda’s time at Ghibli, which is something he admits to in the interview. Movie 6 feels different than any other One Piece movie because it’s the project of a man who has had to endure the loss of those who he was close with, at least in a professional capacity. 
There are moments in Movie 6 where Luffy doesn’t feel like Luffy. More than once a member of the Straw Hats ask him to intervene during arguments, moments Luffy either ignores or doesn’t notice. It’s a version of Water 7 where instead of fighting Usopp, Luffy ignores the underlying differences within his crew, and as a result loses everybody. 
The structure of the three trials follows a clear path of deterioration within the crew, the initial goldfish scooping game showing the Straw Hats at their best and inciting the jealousy of the Baron, the ring toss sowing discord among the crew even as they snatch a narrow victory, only for them to be utterly crushed in the third and final challenge as they’re unable help one another survive. 
It is somewhat implied that the Breaking of the Fellowship(TM) is magical in nature—that like the One Ring, the Lily Carnation was able to influence the Straw Hat’s thoughts and actions, but this is never stated outright and I prefer the more mundane interpretation: That without strong leadership the Straw Hats fell victim to the manipulative machinations of the Baron, and simply self-destructed as a result.  In the end, it’s up to the interpretation of the viewer. 
And speaking of things up to interpretation, I love how the Lily Carnation isn’t explained in the slightest. The plant that initially absorbs the Straw Hats looks more like the stem of a devil fruit than a flower, it for some reason rings like a gong when hit, and somehow is able to turn pieces of itself into facsimile of the Baron’s old crew who can somehow move around despite being plans. It’s weird, it’s wonderful, and the element of the unknown works so well in the horror-lite setting. 
My personal theory is the island somehow managed to eat a devil fruit which manifests itself as the Lily Carnation (which due to the L/R conflation in Japanese, is pronounced ‘reincarnation’, which I think is a nice touch of foreshadowing that may or may not have been intentional).
(Also, I can’t decide if little chewing animation it makes when it’s eating people or the weird bullseyes it makes when shit gets real are the most terrifying thing in the movie.)
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Hmmm, tasty.
Anyway, this is getting long, so here are some final thoughts:
1) This movie has some low key fantastic outfits. The Straw Hats all look very cool without being over designed like a lot of recent movies. Big hat Robin is of course a fave, and makes me really want to see her in a Carmen Sandiego getup.
2) Screenshots do not do the animation of the movie justice. It’s very fluid and has a lot of excellent expressions/poses, although I admit the 3D is jarring at times. Do not let the art put you off if you haven’t seen it 
3) Also, I don’t think there’s any shading? Like at all? The movie does a lot of cool stuff with color instead. For example, the scene where Luffy initially loses to the Baron his skin goes all grey, and I thought it was because he was fighting at night, but it stays grey even in the better lighting of the underground tunnels and stays that way until he finds out the Straw Hats are still alive, where it returns to his normal color
4) There’s an extended Benny Hill-type gag when Luffy first chases after the little mustache pirate that’s perfectly timed to the music, and ends when Luffy just uses his power to grab him. The comedic timing is amazing and it’s probably my favorite funny moment in the movie, of which there are several despite the overall darker tone
5) The extended jungle shot from Nami’s POV? Very cool
6) I love how from the earliest scenes nothing is as it seems. The opening text is Robin reading the map, but the storm that’s seen on screen is the one that sank the Baron’s crew. Likewise the whole fancy city is shown to be fake panels early on, the goldfish catching game is a trap, etc., etc. It does a good job clueing the viewer in early that’s something’s very wrong on the island, even if they don’t realize it at first
7) I don’t think this type of movie would work in modern One Piece without somehow nerfing Luffy. Horror works best when the protagonist is weak and vulnerable, and that fits best with a pre-Gear 2/3 Luffy (same with the rest of the crew, tbh. I was waiting for Nami to use her lightning stick during the games, forgetting it hadn’t been boosted yet). 
8) I like how there are four captains on the island representing different levels of loss—the Baron has lost his crew and wants to destroy all others because of it, mustache pirate lost his crew and is willing to put it behind him to make new friends, Luffy has freshly lost his crew and hasn’t decided what path he will go, and coward dad hasn’t lost his crew yet but is at risk if he doesn’t change his cowardly ways
9) I think the reason why Chopper was the first Straw Hat to disappear is he’s the most likely to play the part of peacemaker. He’s also the only crew member needing rescuing at the end of the goldfish scoop game, when Luffy foolishly puts his life at risk trying to save him from drowning, just like he recklessly charges the Baron at the end of the movie. Except that time there was no Sanji to save him, leaving Luffy to get his ass thoroughly kicked
10) This is a very good Halloween movie, and I’m glad I watched it in October
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You’re the only high that I want
Well… it’s been a while, huh? And I’m not even back with something grand, just a silly little thing that would not leave me alone until I wrote it.
Summary: Sanji’s a flirt at the best of times, but after an operation when he’s drugged up? Nami doesn’t know whether her cheeks will ever return to their normal colour. AU. SaNami. Rating: T
This can also be found on FFN and AO3
Enjoy some hilarity.
Everything had happened very quickly.
One minute, Sanji was doing an inventory check at his restaurant and the next he was stooped over as an unbearable pain shot through his abdomen, sweat beading on his forehead. That’s how he was found by his staff as they panicked, rushing around in a flutter as their normally tough, hardy manager was writhing in pain.
Sanji had bragged one too many times to Zoro about never having been sick before and really, when he’d done it that one time when Zoro was sick, this was probably karma coming around to give him a reality check.
“I miss Sanji’s cooking already,” Luffy whined, hanging off the uncomfortable hospital chair next to Sanji’s bed.
“It’s been a day. If you’re hungry go to the café down the hall,” Nami sighed, rolling her eyes from the other side.
“Food sucks,” he muttered like a child being told they can’t have ice cream from the truck. The hospital food wasn’t awful, but Luffy’s problem was that it wasn’t Sanji’s. Nami rolled her eyes.
Usopp and Zoro walk into the room shortly after. They’d all been at work when they’d gotten the call but only Nami and Luffy had been able to leave immediately, she’d swung by to pick him up on the way. Zoro and Usopp had text to say they’d be over as soon as possible. Well, Usopp did. Zoro just grunted when asked if he was going to come. That was confirmation enough for Nami.
“Is he okay?” Usopp asked, handing Luffy a packet of crisps from the vending machine outside. It seemed to be enough to brighten Luffy’s mood and get him to stop sulking.
“Yeah, the operation went well, they’re waiting for him to wake up. Should everything be okay when they check him over, he can be discharged,” Nami informed them but it didn’t stop her worrying.
He was so still and pale. He’d never bragged to her about never being sick, but she knew the fact well, so it never prepared her for when he would eventually get sick. Why couldn’t he just get a cold like the rest of them and be done with it?
A bag of crisps was thrust in her face, blocking her view of Sanji and she blinked. Luffy was leaning over the bed and smiling at her. “It’ll be okay!” He reassured, then looked contemplative for a moment, sparing a glance at Sanji. “Maybe he’ll feel better if he had some.”
That did it.
“As if! Sit down you idiot,” she barked and Luffy laughed. The tension in the room lifting as Usopp and Luffy started loudly chattering. Even Zoro nodded at her. She knew she was being a bit of a worry wart; it was a straightforward appendectomy after all.
The room went silent when Sanji stirred and his eyes slowly started to open. They all stared at him with bated breath as he blinked at each of them, eyes slowly moving around the room, as if trying to piece together what was going on by himself. His gaze finally settled on Nami and he just stared.
Her hand came to rest on his arm. “Sanji, how do you feel?” Admittedly, it was a stupid question, how else would he feel? But he wasn’t saying anything. He was looking at her oddly, almost stupefied.
“Oh beautiful angel, I’m blessed just by being in your overwhelming presence, let alone your concern for me,” Sanji crooned, taking the hand on his arm to clasp in his own.
“Yeah. He’s fine,” Usopp said blandly, unimpressed.
Nami squeezed his hand, relieved but that just appeared to spur him on.
“I’ve never seen someone so gorgeous in all my years. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve having you look upon me, but I won’t curse my good fortune.”
Luffy starts asking him questions in the background, food related of course, but Sanji’s eyes don’t leave her. It appears he’s not even listening. They run from the top of her head and as far down as they can before the bed blocks her and then back up. Did he just check her out?
“It’s like you’re carved from marble, just utterly flawless.” She doesn’t miss the way his eyes flick down to her lips and then back up to her eyes. “This is probably a stretch, but considering my good luck already, I have to know, are you single?”
“Uuuh-” Her brain short circuits and she can’t get it to form words at the unexpected question.
“Because if you are, I’d be honoured to take you out,” he said lowly and brings the hand in his grip up to his lips to place a delicate kiss to her knuckles and she almost can’t believe the hot flush working over her face at such an innocent gesture.
“Holy shit, is he hitting on you?” Usopp questions in disbelief and behind him Zoro snorts.
“Course he is, idiot can’t keep it in his pants even when he’s been cut open,” Zoro replies.  
And suddenly it makes sense. The stupefied look he sent her, the heated looks he’s giving her… the ridiculous, over the top words coming from his mouth. Well, the last thing wasn’t too out of character for him, but over the years he’d toned it down. He hasn’t been like that since they met.
But- he’s loopy from the anaesthesia… and is trying to woo her.
Zoro snorts behind her and she directs a glare at him. When she looks back at Sanji, he’s no longer giving her an adoring look but instead looks suspicious. Apparently, she’d been silent for too long and he’d taken it as a negative to his question.
“Who is it?” And Sanji’s glaring at the three men in the room, sizing them up. He disregards Luffy quickly, who looks utterly bored and then eliminates Usopp a second after, who looks confused. Although, Usopp soon looked offended after when he realised he’d been overlooked so quickly.
His eyes settled on Zoro.
“It’s him, isn’t it?” He sneered at Zoro as he said it, and even though he’s the one in the bed, Sanji still somehow managed to look down his nose at the other man. “You could do so much better than him, just look at that nasty face.”
“Oi, I can still kick your arse, operation or not!” Zoro replied angrily, Nami’s laughter no doubt infuriating him further.
“It’s not him,” Nami said, humour thick in her voice.
“Whoever it is, I’m sure they couldn’t look after you as well as I could. You’re a goddess, you deserve to be treated like one,” Sanji babbled, grasping her hand desperately. “Run away with me.”
“Hmm, well…” She pretends to consider his offer and smirks when the grip on her hand tightens slightly and he’s looking up at her with so much hope.
“Would you just tell him already?” Zoro growled, his temper thinning, still not over the previous insult and the idiots prattling was starting to grind on him.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” Usopp asked, trying to peer around at her face.
When she looked over her shoulder at them, the look she gave them was downright evil. Sanji was a flatterer normally, it wasn’t anything new but to hear him so fervent when he had no clue who she was… well, it was an ego boost to say the least.
But her fun had to come to an end at some point, especially as he was still going on in the background.
“-Grow old with me?”
She paused for a second, considering how she wanted to respond, before shrugging, “Okay.”
“R-really?” Sanji asked, stunned at her simple answer, almost like he wasn’t expecting it. Or at least expecting more of a fight.
“I already promised to do that anyway,” she explained simply and lifted her previously hidden hand from her lap so the ring on her finger could twinkle cheekily at him.
“Me?” Sanji pointed to himself and looked blown away, gobsmacked as he stared at her. All she did was smile back at him and nod.
There was a pause as he took this all in.
“You’re my fiancé?” His voice raised an octave.
“Oh for god- yes, yes! She’s your fiancé!” Usopp snapped, bored and irritated with the show in front of them all.
“But you’re so beautiful?” He said like a question, still in awe.
Nami laughed. “Seems you’re quite lucky, indeed.” And winked at him.
Sanji almost looked like he was going to pass out as she did when the door suddenly opened, and a nurse walked in. Nami looked at Sanji apprehensively, if he was still loopy and couldn’t remember that she was his fiancé, was he going to go back to his old flirting ways? She would hit him, surgery be damned.
“Well, it’s nice a lively in here, that’s always a nice sign,” the nurse said cheerfully.
Sanji eyed the nurse for a second but it seemed Nami’s worries were all for nothing when he looked back at her. “Can you believe this is my fiancé? I still can’t, she’s out of this world. I’m the luckiest man alive.” He beamed and squeezed both of her hands in his.
The nurse laughed in response and Nami could feel her cheeks growing hot. “Ah, the anaesthesia has all sorts of different effects on people, looks like you got the fun one.” She winked at Nami. “I’ll go get the doctor.”
When the young doctor had entered, he’d ushered out Luffy, Zoro and Usopp. Nami told them to go home now that he was awake, and she’d call them later. They’d probably all be invading their home tomorrow anyway.
It didn’t take much more convincing when Usopp said he saw a McDonalds close by. With a whoop, Luffy was out the door and running down the hallways with Usopp and Zoro hot on his heels.
With them now gone, Sanji had been given a quick once over, asked how he felt (“I’m on top of the world with this goddess next to me.” Jesus) and that was it. She was told that he had to take it easy for two weeks and no heavy lifting. That wouldn’t be easy, he struggled to sit still for long periods.
They were left after that, so he could get changed out of his gown and they could leave.
“Can I kiss you?” And he was looking down at her, so earnestly, as his arms slipped into his shirt and she worked on buttoning it up.
This was the second time he’d asked, the first had been with Luffy, Usopp and Zoro in the room. The latter had looked disgusted and she’d quickly denied him out of embarrassment.
But with that look she couldn’t again. “Okay, just a quick one.”
He didn’t hesitate and swooped down to connect their lips. Apparently, he hadn’t heard anything past her ‘okay’, as his lips pressed against hers firmly and his hands grasped her hips to press her up against him. She tried to pull away to reprimand him, but he followed after her to reconnect their lips and when his tongue brushed her bottom lip, she found herself throwing caution to the wind.
When her arms wrapped around his shoulders and she slanted their lips together, he hummed in delight at her enthusiasm. She found herself forgetting where they were when his tongue reached out to caress hers and she wrinkled her nose at the morning (or afternoon?) breath but she found herself not caring. Sanji was before her, well and safe and apparently really getting into this as a moan slipped from his mouth and his hands were groping at her behind.
Okay, that’s more than enough.
She leaned back, turning her head to avoid his lips but he brushed them under her ear instead, nuzzling there afterwards.
“Wow,” he whispered, sending goose bumps down her neck.  
“And that’s all you’re getting, so you better have got your fill.” Her tone still a bit too breathy to be believable but she did push against his shoulders slightly to create a bit of distance.  
“I don’t think I ever will.”
Nami snorted but nonetheless was delighted. “Come on, let’s get you discharged.”
Getting over to the nurse’s station took far longer than it should have, but Sanji kept stopping to inform anyone who passed them that she was his fiancé and wasn’t he the luckiest man alive? She drowned out his babbling and lead him by their connected hands, she was a woman on a mission. She was ready to leave this place.
She signed whatever was put in front of her, asking any questions and listened as the nurse explained everything, occasionally throwing an amused look towards Sanji who would not shut up.
He cut off his own rambling when a thought occurred to him. “Can I kiss you again?!” He asked excitedly, already moving closer.
“Not right now,” She said, cheeks flushed when the nurses nearby started to giggle and smile over at them. This was all incredibly flattering but it was starting to get embarrassing, he had no filter right now. She smacked his hand away when it started to wander lower. She needed to get him home.
“Okay, you’re all set! Any issues, please call your doctor and they’ll advise you,” the nurse informed her.
“Thank you,” Nami said to the nurse and then turned to Sanji, “Let’s go home.”
“You’re taking me home with you?” He asked eagerly, a glint in his eye.  
“Oh my god,” she said, exasperated and started guiding him towards the sliding doors so they could leave.
He let go of her hand to slide it around her waist and murmured into her ear, “You can do whatever you want with me.” His breath is hot against her ear and if he hadn’t just had surgery, she would elbow him so hard right now.
“But I really do want forever with you,” he follows up with and that takes the murderous edge off her face.
“Forever to do whatever you want with me.”
She doesn’t feel bad about elbowing him after that. She just wishes it was on the side they’d made the cut. That’d teach him.
For all his big talk at the hospital and perverted uttering on the car ride home, he passed out on the sofa the moment he sat down.
Perverted he may be, but that was her pervert she thinks as she plays with the ring on her finger.
Did some light googling on appendectomy and anaesthesia, but I’m no doctor. So please don’t come at me about details.
As always, please forgive any errors.
Thanks for reading.  
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wessasaurus-rex · 4 years
One Piece: Chapter 973 - Predictions
It is interesting to see the 20 years idea came from Oden. In the end, it seems that by having learned of all the secrets of the world, Oden had a much better understanding of the overall picture than Toki. After all, the end of the void century might have been a very chaotic time and Toki was maybe too young to understand what was going on.
An updated timelinel:
41 years ago: start of the flashback, the Mountain God incident
39 years ago: Oden becomes Daimyo of Kuri. The same year, Roger reaches Lode Star and realizes there might be another "last island”
38 years ago: the incident at God Valley
33 years ago: former Rocks pirates start recruiting. Kawamatsu, Inu and Nekko join Oden
30 years ago: Oden joins WB and leaves Wano
28 years ago: Roger realizes he has a terminal disease, he goes to the twin capes to recruit Crocus and starts his last journey. Momonosuke is born on the Moby Dick.
26 years ago: Hiyori is born on the Moby Dick. Oden is poached by Roger and leaves the Whitebeard pirates for a year. Roger is shown the road poneglyph from Zou.
25 years ago: Roger and his crew reach the final island and name it Laugh Tale, they then disband. Oden comes back to Wano, then starts to make a fool of himself.
24 years ago: Roger turns himself in to the Marines and is executed.
23 years ago: Moria clashes against Kaido. Ryuma's grave is robbed.
20 years ago: Oden and his men attack Kaido, they are defeated and captured. Oden is executed but saves his retainers. Momonosuke and Kinemon are sent 20 years into the future.
I really hope that there is more to the reason behind the start of Nekos and Inus feud. A 20 year long hatred for eachother just because Neko rejoiced ? Why would Inu hate him for that ? Neko didnt provoke Orochi and Kaido, Oden himself said their minds were already set on killing him anyway. Now, to some prediction:
Chapter 973: This chapter is the last in the flashback. Usually Oda doesnt match the end of a flashback with the end of a chapter, he likes to transition in and off of it between his panels. Toki's mind is set on sending the scabbards 20 years into the future. Now they only have to come to her. At the start of the chapter we will switch back to Kinemons party fleeing the Flower capital. Shinobu may have to sacrifice herself to stall Orochis men in pursue. Along the way, as we know, the argument between Neko and Inu will get worse and they will eventually fight among themselves. That will enable Orochis men to capture them. The other scabbards will not stop and continue rushing back to Kuri. They will find that Odens castle is already in flames, attacked by Kaidos crew. Kaido is inside the castle, preparing to eliminate Odens family. Denjiro and Ashura will attack Kaido and drive him off to buy some time. Toki will then explain her power to the scabbards and send Kinemon, Kiku, Raizo, Kanjuro and Momo 20 years in the future. She will then entrust Hiyori to Kawamatsu and tell him to go into hiding. Finally, she will tell her prophecy as the castle will collapse in flames. I believe that a this moment she chose to teleport 20 years in the future to see if the scabbards would succeed. It is possible that she chose a date further back in time than the scabbards and that she hasnt even reappeared in the present a this stage. If she decided to do that, I dont think it would be shown just yet in the story. In the second half of the chapter we will have the last panels from the past and transition back to the present, on the shore where the scabbards were awaiting their allies. Their argument will be interrupted when an arrow with a message will land close to them, an arrow shot by Usopp from far away and bearing a message from Luffy.
I think this 3rd act needs to address two more plot points regarding Wano's intrigues before the raid on Onigashima takes place in the fourth act. Who is the traitor, and who really is Kyoshiro ? There are chances these two intrigues are linked, and will be solved together. And for that, the plot needs to move back to the flower capital.
So about Kyoshiro. I do believe in the theory where Denjiro and Kyoshiro are the same person. There are several clues leading to that. First, there is the fact Kyoshiro is not loyal to Orochi, at all. He has also been introduced in the first act along the remaining scabbards. Kiku: chapter 913, Kyoshiro: chapter 919, Ashura: chapter 920, Kawamastu: chapter 920. Conveniently, he is also a samurai and money changer. When he finds the card with Kinemons coded message for the rebellion, he seems to understand it. For the record, only those who secretely swore 20 years ago to rize up when the time is ripe were meant to understand the message (so those who had a crescent tatoo on their ankle). He also talks about Toki's death like a first-hand witness. But who was there when she died ? Kaido, his men, maybe some retainers of Kuri and probably Denjiro and Ashura. Where Im getting is that story-wise Kyoshiro was left behind in the capital on purpose. He will join the uprising and enable the thousand or so captured samurai in the capital to take up arms (which will bring their forces to ~5000, the ideal number Kinemon was hoping for at the start of the arc). He will also potentially help in finding the traitor if there is any.
Speaking of the traitor. I tried spinning the problem in every direction I could think of. There are too many possibilities still when you consider that important info might be withheld by Oda. For instance,  it is possible that Shinobu was captured and tortured 20 years ago, had her spirit broken and now secretely serves Orochi. Which would explain the contrast between the thorough and badass Shinobu from the past and the goofy and somewhat incompetent Shinonu from the present. Or the two are not the same person and the present one is an impostor. Still too many possibilities, and not only regarding Shinobu.
A word regarding Luffy/Joy Boy. I really don't think Oda is taking the path of some "reincarnation". I think only the will/drive for freedom is surviving and passing from individual to individual. But all is not about the will and ideal. One can only accomplish so much without some sort of natural power. Some people are forces of nature and blessed with attributes such as conqueror haki/ ability to hear the voice of all things/ ability to turn all the people around you into allies. There is one or more of such type born with those attributes in each generation. All of them will not use these abilities for good purposes. All of them will not become explorers or pirates, all of them will not have the opportunity to reach Laugh Tale and learn the secrets of the world. And even if they did, we understand now that they need at least the help of Poseidon to do anything about it. I think Montblanc Norland was a predecessor  of Luffy and Roger. He ran out of luck and got executed before accomplishing more. Roger was a "chosen one" as much as Luffy and Norland but was too early and he understood it. He was still the first to reach the last island since the void century and decided to make good use of this feat for the future. With Luffy we are only following the story of that one capable man who came at the right time, who was by any means luckier that all those who preceded him. The reason Oden really believes in the coming of a new Joy Boy in 20 years is because of what he heard from the sea kings and the actions of Roger. By talking of the One Piece and initiating a new pirate era, Roger ensured that the capable individual(s) of the next generation had a pretty good chance to strife for freedom and try to explore the whole world and its history.
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In response to ..
@sanjiafsincedayone ‘s post ��Regarding Sanji and Pudding” [read here].
Sorry that I’m going the long way, but I’m not a man of few words, I’m a lazy piece of shit of few deeds though.
Note: I’m gonna give you my honest opinion on SanjixViola and SanjixPuddin within this piece of garbage post, and that is my opinion alone. If you’re shipping one of those pairings, please go on. We’re all here for the fun of it and nothing could be further from the truth than me trying to suck the fun out of it for you (also, remind yourself that I’m just a random stranger on the internet and the impact of my opinion on your life is non-existant and should be handled as such).
So, as probably everyone involved I have my opinion on the matter. Two opinions, actually, which I will highlight as such.
1. With the shipping-goggles
Surprisingly enough, this one is going to be the shorter one. I actually went through the hassle of quickly re-reading the interactions between both Viola and Sanji and Pudding and Sanji to provide you with a more based view (which still doesn’t mean that I’m interpreting it right, mind you). So, first of all let me get this one out of my system: I personally think that an unknown amount of people only ship either Viola or Pudding with Sanji because .. well, it’d ‘free’ Nami. 
To quickly elaborate this, most people actually don’t want to be jerks, but still have an opinion that differs from yours. Regarding shipping (let’s call it AxB) that would mean that while you ship AxB, they’d rather ship CxB and might even outright state that they don’t like AxB. But then person D gets introduced and has some kind of interaction with A. Some persons now, those that ship CxB, might want to say that AxD is a great ship, because of whatever. That way, they can support their own ship (CxB) while non-jerkishly taking away from AxB.
Alright, that got a little more confusing than I hoped it would, but I guess that you get the point anyway. Moving on.
As I already wrote, I re-read the interactions between Sanji/Viola and Sanji/Pudding and in my personal opinion, they’re .. nothing really special. Some people might say that there’s chemistry between either of those pairings (and they might be right and I’m the one unable to see because of my personal bias), but I honestly can’t see it. Imagine any (really, any) other beautiful female in Viola’s position when she asked Sanji to protect her and kill somebody for her. Would he have done it? I mean, it’s Sanji, so I’m betting my ass on it. The same goes for the moment with Pudding in which he sees her third eye for the first time. Now, let me get this straight: In my mind, one of the most wonderful things abut Sanji’s character is his utter, egalitarian admiration/love of female beauty, egalitarian regarding that he’s not following one standard for human female beauteousness, but that he simply loves women.
Want an example? We’ve got a few of them, too. Mermaids, for starters. I mean, yes, most of them have human proportions and half their body is actually human, but what about Shirahoshi? She’s about ten times the size of a normal human, it still doesn’t stop Sanji. Another example? The minks, of course. 
So, Sanji could get the hots for giant half-fishes and furries, but a third eye is a no-go-area? Please. If it’s female and beautiful, this man will be all over it, bless his soul.
Alright, this part is getting way too long and I’m going to cut it here, hoping that I somewhat made my unimportant point.
2. Without the shipping-goggles (more of a writing-perspective)
First off, this might still come across as if I’d want to make a point from the shipping-perspective, but I’m giving my best not to do it. Cut me some slack, plox :D
Alright, so: From the end of chapter 824, in which Sanji first sees Pudding, he is portrayed with his usual, lecherous persona, so nothing new here. See, the thing I’m trying to get to is that, while he asked her to marry him, it would come somewhat out of the blue within the story if their pairing would become canon. Yes, he called her his ‘Ray of Hope’, but I think one might be overinterpreting it a little. Sanji’s situation is dire, he’s at his lowest of lows and, at this point, he is sure to never see his nakama again and be a thrall of BM. Add to that that the reunion with his family didn’t really went well and that they’ve threatened the safety of Zeff and the other cooks. One, at least myself, could say that this is a terrible situation to find yourself in.
Enter Pudding! She’s beautiful and seems kind, in that situation that’s probably better than the best Sanji could have hoped for, a small light at the end of the tunnel and, yes, a ray of hope in his darkest hour (hell, even I’d be a lot more optimistic about things if that happened to me). But from this perspective, is it somewhat feasible that he actually fell in love with her? Again, in my personal opinion, no. Infatuated? Hell yeah, sure. But that’s a part of his character, but in love? I’d doubt it (and might be totally wrong, again). Oda even undermines her importance when he’s going to bring her food (and flowers), remember that this, of course, was before she revealed her true colours. He brought the favourite food(s) of his nakama. She then proceeds to reveal her (and BM’s) true intentions and the chapter ends with something along the lines of “not a single ray of hope left in this world”. 
We all know what happens after that, poor Sanji is shattered because the shittyness of his situation just went through the roof, he was betrayed and .. well, he might even be a little heart-broken, but I wasn’t able to find a definite clue for that (so there might be some). Yadda-yadda, he talks with Reiju and fills her in this situation, then moves on to reunite with Luffy, the alliance with Bege is forged and now shit’s already hitting the fan. 
What I want to say with this part is that, at least in my humble opinion, it would be kind of out of the blue, even from Oda’s (current) perspective, to let them end up together. First off, I’m of the opinion that Oda is actually a pretty good writer and relationships need time to develop. Time that these two didn’t really have, and what little they had left was pretty much overshadowed by her betrayal, and I’m not even talking about the fact that Luffy and Nami might have died without her even so much as giving a shit about them. Now, One Piece is, first and foremost, about friendship. And even though Sanji will gladly mock and beat, for example, Zoro, if a woman is involved, I’m fairly certain that he’d still take even his side when push comes to shove (not by beating up said woman, of course, but within the boundaries of his character).
Yes, Pudding might be redeemed and I’m somewhat certain that it’ll happen within the next chapters, and she, most likely, will be forgiven. But with forgiveness, it’s the same thing as in real life. Stuff can be forgiven but not forgotten.
Another thing, going back to the point that Oda is a good writer, is that it would, at least in my eyes, incredibly devalue Pudding’s character if she only sits back to wait for Sanji. Some more pretty pivotal topics of One Piece are, besides friendship, growth and adventure (and those sometimes/oftentimes go hand in hand with growth). Growth can take many forms within the manga, sometimes it happens within a fight (Luffy vs. Lucci, for example), other times it happens over a pretty long time (I think that Nami and Usopp are the most outstanding examples for that). So yes, Pudding can be redeemed by siding with the Straw Hats, no questions asked, but in my humble opinion, this would only be the first step towards actual growth. Simply because of the fact that one act of kindness, even if it’s a rather huge one, can’t spirit away a lifetime of being a psycho. And when it comes to Pudding, just pulling this out of my ass, her personal redemption arc / or hero’s journey if we talk Joseph Campbell, would probably consist of her travelling the world and actually learn to love herself for what she is and experience true kindness from other people, those that will accept her for the person she is, not for being the daughter of a Yonkou. But that’s just my opinion and if Oda decides to let the two of them become a canon-pairing, I’ll just live with it. I mean, there’s nothing I could do about it, writing a billion posts about why I think that’s not good will not even reach him :D
Oh well, this has become longer than I wanted it to be. Sorry for wasting your time with my babble.
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