#like damn yeah you arent going to jail for it but everyone is allowed to still think you're a fuckikg bigot
madohomurat · 7 months
all else aside, people who love men, or are men, in any way shape or form, who insist upon referring to themselves as lesbians despite discomfort of actual lesbians, are creepy. like theres nothing pure and innocent about your disregard for the basic boundaries of lesbian community.
its creepy that you feel so entitled to a word even after people have explained to you why and how its shitty to use it for yourself when theres a thousand alternatives. and its entirely your own fault if lesbians feel uncomfortable or unsafe around you.
[transgender women arent men and if you thought i was talking about them that says more about you than it does me]
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ralyks-uwu · 3 years
Monopoly (Hunter x Clawthorne!reader)
Note: Aged Up! Hunter n Reader are 20ish and Luz and Amity are 18. EVERYONE IS A CONSENTING ADULT. Warning: Grammar mistakes probably. Maybe slightly OOC idk.
“AGAIN?!” Hunter shouts putting his head in his hands.
“It’s okay kiddo, it’s just a game.” Eda ruffles his hair as Luz places his piece in jail.
“Yeah bubba, it’s okay” you say soothingly in his ear as he leans back into your chest, pouting.
“1 2 3 4” Amity lands on one of Hunter’s properties (with a house on it might i add).
“Aha! she has to pay me!” he sits up and points at her victoriously.
“I don’t have to pay you! You’re in jail” she sticks out her tongue and crosses her arms.
“Guardian” you look at Raine who was reading through the rule book quietly.
“Well, actually, Amity, the rules say Hunter is not allowed to move. He can still collect money.” They adjust their glasses.
“What?! that’s so not fair!” she frowns looking at Luz, who was sliding her a 500$ bill.
“ARE YOU FUNNELLING MONEY TO AMITY?!” Hunter shouts as Luz pauses her movements.
“Am not!” she shakes her head
“You totally are!” you sit up “Amity had 50$ last round she hasn’t even passed go yet!” you point defending your lover.
“Luz y’know the rules….” Eda looks down at her
“I’m not the banker though! I’m loaning her money!”
“Is that even legal?” Everyone’s heads snap towards Raine.
“Uhh” they cough “well, it doesnt really say?”
“We’re married! My finances are hers and hers are mine!” Amity waves her hand around for everyone to see the engagement ring.
“You guys haven’t even had the wedding yet, what are you talking about!?” Hunter flails his hands at Amity.
“Well then can I pay for Hunter to get out of jail, he’s never gonna roll doubles” you chime in.
“Okay that hurt” he looks up at you in a mock pout
“Aw c’mon babe, y’know your luck isn’t the greatest” your palm rests on his cheek.
“Well, I somehow ended up with you so it seems pretty damn good to me” he winks.
“Oh shut up! you both have done cringier things” you and hunter scowl at them.
“Oh titan they’re like weirdly in sync, is that how we look-“ Amity blushes embarrassedly
“Aw but amity don’t you think its cute?”
“Anyhoot, you cant possibly pay for Hunter you guys aren’t married!” she smirks evilly, dodging the question.
“Mom amity isn’t playing fair! Luz control your girlfriend!” you point accusingly.
Lilith speaks up, “Y/n if you wish to spend your turn paying for Hunter to get out of jail, you can.”
You give Lilith the 50$ before resting your head on Hunter’s shoulder, your arms tightening back around his waist.
“King its your-“
“I WANT TO BUY THE BOARDWALK” He shouts slamming his money on the board knocking over some pieces
Amity and Lilith begin to rearrange the pieces back onto the board.
“Actually, King, you have to land on-“ Raine looks up seeing everyone violently shaking their heads.
“Oh uh…I mean yes! You can buy Boardwalk!”
“Hey wait thats mi-“ Eda puts her hands over kings head as you slam your hand over Hunters mouth.
“if you let King have boardwalk, I’ll owe you anything you want.” you whisper in his ear to which his body relaxes. He quirks his eyebrow at you challengingly to which you nod yes.
He rolls his eyes before nodding and waving his hand at King. Eda removes her hands from his ears.
“AHAHAHAHA MINE!” King picks up the card from where it sat in front of Hunter.
“Hooty its your turn” you look over at the bird demon as Hunter readjusts in your embrace, his legs stretching out to the side.
“I accidentally ate the pieces.”
“Oh it’s okay-“
“I’m such a failure” he starts to cry and roll around on the board, crushing the hotels and houses, scattering the chance cards.
“Hootsifer, its okay, look you can be on my team” Lilith says softly comforting the house demon.
“Really Lily?!” he cheers up immediately.
Eda makes a circle in the air and quickly the pieces return to their former glory. Lilith and Hooty then take their shared turn.
“Oh! Lily can we buy railroads?!”
“Of course Hootsifer” she smiles spending the last of her money on the railroad.
By the time it gets back to you, you’ve passed go. “200$ gimme gimme” you hold out your hand expectantly.
“oh uh…the bank seems to be out of money?”
Amity looks over at eda, “You.”
“You have to have it! I know you do!”
“I swear on the titan I dont” she shrugs shaking her head.
“I WANT TO BUY THE MONOPOLY BOARD” King drops all the money into the center.
“He cant do that!” Amity points at him.
“Um, well, Amity, he is holding all of the money in the game.”
“wha?” she looks at Luz who shakes her head whilst pulling out her empty pockets.
Hunter looks up at you and you wink at him.
“You!” Luz points her finger.
“Have you been cheating?”
“Cheating?” you gasp, “Luz why would I do that?”
“B-because— uh—“
“You want this game to be over so you and Hunter can sneak off and do…whatever it is you freaks do!” Amity shouts jumping up and pointing her finger at your face.
“As if we’d destroy this honour system built upon trust” Hunter scoffs at her sarcastically.
“Aha! So you admit to it!” Luz jumps up pointing at your boyfriend.
“Oh please, as if you dont wanna go back home an- OOF” Hunter slams his elbow into you and the air is knocked out of your lungs.
The pair blush deeply and Hunter has his hand over his face trying not to make eye contact with Eda or Raine.
“I WIN!” King kicks the monopoly board and all of the pieces go flying everywhere.
“Awkward….” Hooty slithers away.
Raine claps their hands “Yay!! We’re so proud of you, King!”
“I’m just gonna pick up these pieces.” Lilith begins frantically trying to put all the pieces away to distract herself.
You stand and pull Hunter with you, Luz and Amity begin to head for their coats at the door. Eda’s voice rings out. “Not so fast you four!” she says in her mom voice, “I didn’t think I needed to have this conversation a second time with you guys, but I guess—“
“NO!” everyone shouted.
She laughs hard, “you guys are so easily worked up.” you guys all nervously laugh before Raine and her give you hugs goodbye.
“Same time next week, yeah?” Raine asks hopeful to see all of their kids under one roof again.
“Of course Mx Whispers” Amity bows
“Thank you for having us, Eda” Hunter bows, speaking to her as Raine was occupied with Luz, Amity, and King.
“We’ll see you soon” you say hugging your Mom, Raine, and King goodbye.
“Byeeeeeeeee hooty”
“Y/N!” Amity and Luz snap around running after you, but Hunter swiftly grabs your waist and you guys fly off on Rascal.
“Bye Noceda’s” you salute with two fingers. “see you next week!”
You gaze down at the Boiling Isles, your body shivering from the crisp air of the night.
“Hunter” you snuggle closer to him, to get some of his body warmth. Why was he always so warm?!
“yeah my love?” He turns his head to look at you out of the corner of his eye.
“I love you.” You beam at him.
“I love you too” he smiles turning back to focus on flying you both home.
“Anddd my crazy family?” you ask shifting so you were leaning on him and your head was right next to his.
He kisses you tenderly, when you both pull away he finally responds, “yes, and OUR crazy family” he laughs softly into the night.
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