the indescribable need to be brutally beaten and thrown around like a flesh doll until i'm left crying on the floor with bruises scattered all across my body and my organs leaking out
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Really craving the chance to do some horrid nasty gory things to someone. Extremely descriptive fantasizing below. Just. Warning you.
I would start tender, explore her body with soft kisses and gentle touch, meeting the eyes of my meal every so often to savor her building dread and excitement. . . Then biting, enough to mar the flesh and well the blood, stain my tongue and whet my appetite as I find the most tender places. And then, when the whines and moans of the meat are too enticing to resist any longer, I'll tear great dripping carnal chunks from her arms, her thighs and gulp them down, ragged and whole. I'll bury my muzzle beneath her ribs and tug, I'll open her up with my claws like ripping a seam, I'll savor the greasy slide of her entrails down my throat. And as she tilts on the precipice of death, I'll be soft again. Caress her one beautiful undamaged lung as it draws in air to fuel her final breaths. Drag my tongue along her wet and bloody heart as it beats its frantic last. Look lovingly into the fading light of her eyes. Press my lips to hers and glide my tongue across her teeth, the two of us united in her sanguine taste as the embers cool. I swallow her last gasp and curl up on her still-twitching corpse, still dancing the last steps of our deadly waltz, her blood drying in my fur. The memory of pained and pleasured screams still ringing in my ears, pumping warm blood down below my belly.
I need someone to need that. . . To want me to take her apart and whisper into every wound how beautiful she is, to thoroughly appreciate every liberated piece of her that crosses my lips, forever to be mine, to be me. I think that's what draws me most to gore and body horror. Imagine someone loving your body that much, all the parts of it that go unseen. I want to give that to someone. Nothing could be more satisfying.
After all, the greatest meals are made with love.
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Parasitic Infection
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A pose I think should be utilized more -- the two-finger pin >:3
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Thinking about that post more and goddd the idea of snuff that starts out consensual, someone so eager to give their literal life the person they love, only for them to change their mind. They don't want to die here, they don't want to die like this, there's so much they still want to do—
But it's too late. It doesn't matter what they say now, their partner isn't going to stop. This is the end and their final moments will be spent in terror and betrayal instead of the love and teust they'd been hoping for.
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wheeeheehe heres a funny lil butcher wally au design i made bc i was!! inspired!! hes super bright n colorful but thats just a warning to stay away :] he runs a funny happy lil butcher shop but all of his NEWER customers seem to keep going missing...! wonder why :]
nude + insides ref below the cut
nude ref!! hes got no genitals or anything rlly, but this dudes FULL of rotting cuts of meat and flesh!! basically any living fresh meat he slops down / finds ppl to kill to eat!! and it STINKS if hes cut open too like wowowow gross!! hes based on beta wallys color scheme / design, and is still supposed to be like 3ft tall! n yeah barnaby is supposed to be his best friend still/ helps him get da meat!! hence his apron :] i also think itd be cute if he had like. fisher price style knife set but they still cut and function like real butchers knives LGNSNC also also like. i was torn between dick made of meat or no dick so maybe either works idk rkgnsm
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quick and easy tips
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Self ship swagger <3 tagging with the porn tag cause this is porn to me
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Thinking about yandere fantasy today.
A yandere familiar, a human who was so in love with you that they offered to be turned into a cat and despite repeated offers from the witch to turn them back refuses because they won’t be able to be as close to you as a human.
A yandere vampire who at first is annoyed by your spirit which sticks around after they kill you but after time they become obsessed with the ghost who roams their manors halls.
A yandere beast who falls in love with one of their caretakers. Who breaks out from their prison and leaves a trial of carnage looking for you, for their sweet caretaker.
A yandere demon you summoned who becomes obsessed. So pretty and ethereal, they won’t let anyone else summon them and them won’t let you find a way to get rid of them.
A yandere human who becomes obsessed with a vampire. Who locks you away and starves you to keep you weak so you can’t escape, who only lets you feed from them.
A yandere lover who after your death makes a deal with some dark forces to have you brought back. They’re obsessed now with making sure nothing happens to you again and the dark forces hanging around grow obsessed with you too.
A yandere Selkie who falls in love with mermaid that inhabits the same waters as them. They never stop trying to give you their pelt so that they’ll have no choice but to be yours forever.
A yandere ghost who begins to possess your lovers body after falling in love with you. Just so they can feel your touch and how it is to be loved by you.
A yandere reaper who instead of sending your soul to your afterlife keeps it for themselves. Who takes you along on all of their jobs and risks upsetting the balance of the world just for you.
A yandere human who becomes obsessed with the alien who abducted them. Who lets you run whatever tests you want as long as they can stay on the ship with you.
A yandere fairy who becomes obsessed with you after replacing you with a changeling. Who keeps you in the fairy world because there truly is nothing for you to go back to.
A yandere human who falls for newly turned zombie reader during the apocalypse. Who hunts for you and helps to keep you human. All they ask in exchange is that you let them keep you close and watch over you.
A yandere drider who accidentally catches fairy reader in their web. Who wraps them up in webbing when it’s cold and gives them just enough venom to be compliant.
A yandere werewolf who finds an injured human reader in the wilderness and brings you back to its den. Who protects you from the wolves that aren’t as nice as them and gives lots of kisses.
A yandere Naga who falls for mermaid reader. Who’s the last of their kind and is so happy to have finally found a creature similar to them.
A yandere ghost who falls for medium reader because you’re the only one who can see and speak to them.
A yandere robot who falls for its creator. Who takes over every piece of tech you have to make sure your kept safely at home. They’ll take care of everything for you.
A yandere demon who becomes obsessed with you. After years of waiting it’s finally time for them to collect the debt for the deal you made, you’ll be staying with them forever.
A yandere shapeshifter who just changes into someone else and worms their way back into your life every time you get fed up with their antics. Who proves there’s no escape from them.
A yandere Phoenix who falls in love with an immortal reader. Who reincarnates and finds you again in every life.
A yandere harpy who mistakes your fear for courting and takes you to their nest. Who no matter how terrified you are only puffs their feathers in response.
A yandere banshee. Formerly your friend, after foreseeing your death they become obsessed with keeping you safe.
A yandere mad scientist creating you, a Frankenstein type monster based on their lost obsession.
A yandere vampire who falls in love with you, a time traveler. Who finds you no matter what era you go to, who consumes you always.
A yandere nymph becoming obsessed with the human who calls their woods home. Who uses their powers to replenish your garden and keep others out.
A yandere apprentice that becomes obsessed with their teacher. Who sabotages every potion they make and ruins every spell they cast just so they can stay with their beloved witch a little longer.
A human who falls in love with their guardian Angel. Who cuts off your wings so you’ll be forced to stay with them.
A yandere vampire who falls in love with the reaper who takes their victims souls. Who starts to kill more and more just to have a glimpse of you.
A yandere witch who turns their obsession into a cat just so they’ll be bound to them forever. Who takes such good care of you but refuses to turn you human again.
A yandere dragon who was tasked with keeping people away from your tower but instead find themselves falling for you.
A yandere fairy who hears your siren’s call and sacrifices their wings to the water for you. Who essentially force you to to take care of them in their new and unfamiliar existence. They ruined themselves for you so isn’t it only fair you let them ruin you in return?
A yandere sugar daddy/mommy genie. Who breaks the three wishes rule to give you anything and everything you want.
Maybe I’ll write these for October like post one a day or something.
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Something about whumpers carving their names into whumpee's skin <3
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Hello tumblr users, it's comm posting time... finished comm for @hiredpencil , who wanted their pixie OC escaping from the jaws of some unfortunate would-be pred... i picked a gnoll. (:
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last backlog pic for now. one of my friends bribed me to draw ashe getting fed game consoles and then miserably puking them back up LMFAO
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poptart nurse
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adjacent content of the plushsona im designing for one of my bfs with apologies to those who are here for the other kind of stuffing
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Pretty Pwushie Pals! Adorable art of me and @kairis-system by @pawberri, thanks again so much!!
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Commission for markthehusky
Posted using PostyBirb
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