#maladaptive coping mechanisms yk
blueish-bird · 4 months
Chainsaw Man is about self-destruction. It’s about self-destruction as a means of reclaiming your autonomy in an environment where you are consistently denied it. Chainsaw Man is about denial of autonomy. Chainsaw Man is about how, when you are in an environment where you are denied your own autonomy, you learn to view interpersonal relationships as interactions you have no control over unless you find a means of controlling the other members of that relationship — whether that be through methods of fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. Chainsaw Man is about how denial of autonomy is framed as love. Chainsaw Man is about how love that denies autonomy is violence.
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
Oooooh boy, this is one of my favourite topics :D allow me to ramble (i mean, you can't stop me, all you can do is just not post this ask)
MAG 6 - Squirm: The Corruption keeps Harriet from getting help, is captivating to Timothy Hodge.
MAG 22 - Colony: A bit of a reach, but Martin's tendency to "set himself on fire to keep others warm" is why he ended up drawing the attention of Jane Prentiss, who in turn forced him to be alone for 13 days -- and we know self isolation is a common unhealthy tendency of Martin's
MAG 32 - Hive: Jane's knowledge that the hive is hurting her, yet feeling called by it; skin picking is a maladaptive coping mechanism and can also be a sign of ocd, etc; Jane being called "toxic" by her friends, isolation leading to unhealthy relationships/coping mechanisms/whatever the metaphor for the hive is today.
MAG 84 - Possessive: Maggie & Gordie as an unhealthy mother-son relationship? Becoming like those who hurt you, cycle of violence but rotting?
MAG 93 - Containment: Greg's cleaning compulsion is implied to be because of OCD and gets worse after his wife and daughter's death. Maladapitive coping mechanism?
MAG 102 - Nesting Instinct: The beetle took advantage of Benoit's loneliness and desperation for companionship, unhealthy relationships.
MAG 153 - Love Bombing: Cult manipulation tactics are portrayed in this episode, as far as I know, quite accurate to real life. Preying on the lonely and vulnerable, making them feel affection and connection, then yk. the bad stuff happens.
All this to say if you love The Corruption TMA and don't mind seeing gore and a sex scene, you should watch Midsommar. I did with my friend a bit ago and it was really good. The cinematography was phenomenal, so was the story, still in awe of it.
But on the tma topic, the Corruption TMA is really cool and I love talking about The Magnus Archives and the subtext and the analogies and it's like oooooh.
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tulpafcker · 1 year
yeah reading that webebed comic is making me think about like. growing up On Line and knowing there was something wrong with me, KNOWING i had a personality disorder and just not knowing Which One, but knowing it was most likely one of the two that people dont give much sympathy to
but then also being surrounded by people who do the same things i did and DIDN'T have those disorders
is such... a wild fucking experience. i joke like "haha more people should think theyre a sociopath growing up, it humbles you and makes you painfully aware of how people see the shit youre doing" but like, even if the people i knew thought that of themselves, they wouldnt care! theyd brush it off or think theyre one of the good ones (tm) with no self reflection!! and thats because I did it!!
like. as a teenager, i genuinley thought "its not that i dont FEEL remorse, its just that i havent done anything that was bad enough to feel remorse over!" and concluded that i didn't have aspd
like. i was simultaneously self aware and not self aware, except since i was more self aware than most, it was easy for me to believe that nothing escaped my field of view
and even to this day, it's like... why?? i was in a whole fucking group of remorseless assholes who were overly violent about people we didnt like! we were ALL quick to turn on each other, and we were just a small group of a huger group! we couldnt ALL have aspd?? and WE DONT!!! WE DIDNT!!!
some of them were just being teenagers, some of them have other shit wrong with them that they either got help for or... didn't.
its just. aaaaa!! and yes depending on who it was directed on, my anger issues and impulsivity were both used to help the group and ostracize me! my friends LIKED when i could turn on people on a dime and drive them out of the group if they did something percieved as Bad. some of them genuinley WERE horrifically manipulative people and it was good that they got out of there SOMEhow. but they got out because the server admin was too pussy to do her job and Administrate The Server so it was My job. but if the admin herself or her friends hurt me (for instance, by saying that i was selfish for wanting to kill myself,) then suddenly i was scary and irrational and couldnt be trusted. fun!
and this suuuucks but wrt the webbe comic i see myself a lot in gage in that his Go To Excuse (im traumatized!!!) was MY go to excuse back in the day. plus i struggle w like. just because i dont MEAN to be manipulative, doesnt mean that i cant BE manipulative, plus its not the other partys fault for feeling manipulated
gage is lowkey also kinda unempathetic to milo cuz he finds milo annoying at times and uhhh thats a hashtag struggle of hashtag mine
and like. id never date an actual fucking murderer (but then again i can just SAY anything. in another life i could see myself justifying it if i was in a worse spot) but the reaction towards gage vs milo by the commentors of the comic is telling imo
in that gage (as far as we know) has been thru shitty situations and we dunno how he grew up yet (or maybe we do idk im not done) and he has maladaptive, manipulative, and hurtful coping mechanisms just like milo does but in the comments milo is seen as a wrong but still sympathetic guy while gage.. isnt
and thags kind of how it felt, yk. growing up the way i did. like i wasnt the best person but neither were the other guys but they got sympathy because they *appeared* good and pitiable and soft, they were treated like flawed yet human individuals going thru it, and i was lowkey dehumanized even before i ever really thought i had Dehumanized Implicitly Personality Disorder
ALSO the "sorry for saying s*ciopath i didnt mean to offend people w aspd" part in the comic Gets Me because there are people who do say that BUT thats the begining and end of anything they say abt aspd and its kiiind of hurting it ngl
cuz like. i agree honestly! i think people should maybe not say sociopath as freely as they do anymore. for one its not used diagnostically anymore and for two; in the layperson, the word paints a picture of a very stereotypical moviefied version of someone with aspd. so not only is it not used medically, its used in a way that dehumanizes people with actual aspd- in fact a lot of people dont even know that its CALLED aspd!
and of course, Not Saying Sociopath Anymore isnt gonna solve ableism (i learned the term aspd from an Ableist Video after all) but like. it would be nice? maybe?? to have the basic decency to not be referred to by a word thats used to either treat me like a dogshit criminal implicitly OR sell a warped version of the thing i struggle with to hollywood audiences and or true crime affecionados
but because of people who ONLY say that stuff and nothing else, the notion isnt really taken seriously by anyone and is brushed off as Stupid Internet Stuff + a smattering of "if you REALLY had REAL aspd you wouldnt CARE wether or not someone called you a sociopath!!!"
which of course is ironically another example of ableism not being solved by Changing Terms but uhh yeah since the fauxtivist puriteen blogs r where a lot of people first heard of the concept its IMMIDIATLEY written off as stupid internet stuff and i just think its very very funny that milo webcomicboy said that just like. as a microcosm of him? say/do shit that sounds progressive but does stuff that actually is either a) irrelevant or b) hurts people more than it helps them
also just bc i relate to gage doesnt mean i like him theyre all pieces of shit. i like him as a character not as a person. everyone here sucks assssssssssssssss but im just. observing plus a lil like. not exactly recognition of self thru the other but "oh god that COULDVE been me if i didnt get very very very lucky" self awareness did not fix me and it did not save me but it saved me just a leeeeeeeeettle bit and thats enough babeyyy
if this makes no sense im SORRY ive been soo traumatixed also im LITERALLY neurodivergent and a minor???? ugh!!!
(nah fr fr it is late as all fuckkkkk idk if this is coherent. if its not just shhhhh let it fade into obscurity thanks i appreciste it)
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pandaqueensaysno · 2 months
tw me being sleep deprived and depressed but ill probably laugh at this when im not sleep deprived
yk what makes me sad? that in any universe, as much as my mind likes to daydream that my favorite characters will love me as much as i love them and will take me in as their own, the truth is that it isn't true. If I were to magically be transported into tua or jjba universe, they would not accept me. Like, I know the point of imagination is *imagining* that they would, I mean like come on, they aren't even real, but like still yk.
idk if its just because im severely depressed and spiralling and scared of disappointing my parents, but like when i used to daydream during covidtimes about jjba as a coping mechanism for my hallucinations, i used to think "hey, at least if i was with josepj or like buccerati or smth they would care about me, and protect me from the scary monsters." But now, whenever I try to daydream about what it would be like if I was magically transported into the umbrella academy, all i can imagine is it going like this:
*a blue burst of light similar to how it was when five crashed reggies funeral*
everyone is confused, im confused. I am in the lobby of Hotel Obsidian with the entire umbrella academy LMAOOO. I think this is some weird lucid dream, or maybe more hallucinations from sleep deprivation. Five questions me, thinking I have something to do with either the commission or the fact that the universe is collapsing on itself. Allison is ready to rumor the fuck out of me, she is scary as hell. Since I think this is some weird dream, I tell them all the truth. I'm from a universe in which they exist, yes, but not in the way they think. They are from a popular Netflix show based off of a comic book series written by the lead singer of a very popular emo band. Of course, they don't believe me at first. Everyone is wary, Diego tries to attack me. But they all aren't as threatened when they realize i don't have any powers, even less so when they realize I cannot fight to save my life.
Five eventually asks me if I know anything about how this season of the show ends, since its kinda like im from the future yk? but the thing is, I don't because I never finished this episode. Hell, i never finished this season. I'm basically just a liability to them. I can't fight, I'm not insanely smart and/or strategic, I'm powerless. Like, perfect hostage material.
anyways i think im just so severely depressed rn that even the coping mechanism that helped me through literal anxiety hallucinations (maladaptive daydreaming) isn't working bc all i can think abt is how i fail everyone, even people who aren't real.
toodles !!!
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autistic-ace-bee · 2 years
so this oc is going to be in the magic school and his power is cloning, he can make copies of himself and each copy has it's own personality which is a part of him, the more he creates copies the more specific and less complex its personality will be, he'll also lose that part of him as long as the copy is still there
and what I'm going to do is make him like make many copies of himself and take out everything he doesn't like like he can create hundreds to remove every single thing he does that he doesn't want to be part of himself, he wants to make himself perfect yk and if he can't do that then at least take the "bad" parts of him out and make himself perfect that way
the cloning guy also has a twin sister who can change her looks into anyone, but while she's that person the person she becomes is suspended in animation so she's really them
and she has a thing where she becomes someone for a while to see how their life is and it's like when she's bored she can become that person
and there's going to be a small arc where the person she becomes has a toxic family and she has a horrible time being them and when she goes back into her real form and the person stops being in suspended animation they know what she did and they're going to be like
"I was happy when I was suspended animation, not being with my family" and stuff because their life is bad and they as her if she thinks other peoples lives are a joke to her, just some kind of entertainment she can stop and do when she pleases, and she gets like an eye-opener from that and doesn't want to use her power anymore.
okay my first impression is that the cloning highkey sounds like compartmentalisation or even dissociative identity disorder, although typically in a system alters have different identities rather than just different personalities. I can see how this kind of power could be very useful as a coping mechanism or even just for daily use although its use would invariably be seen as maladaptive by a clinical psychology perspective. I can certainly understand how he would come to use his powers in an attempt to better himself though, as likely I would also try to separate out the aspects of my personality that inconvenience me - things like anxiety, sadness, indecisiveness, submissiveness, etc. I think it would be interesting to explore how the separation of his personalities ends up leaving him feeling dissociated, which is a common feeling people get when they try, either consciously or subconsciously, to disconnect their thoughts, feelings or external environment. It can be a very jarring feeling, making you feel like you're living behind a glass wall, or like you're floating or lagging behind yourself. Everyone's experience with dissociation is different, but it could be interesting to explore from the perspective of someone who can physically separate out aspects of themself as though sifting through sand.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by suspended in animation, since she takes their place. But I really like how you have her take the place of someone who is at odds with their life, and prefers to let her take control so they can take a break. It's interesting how her power is on the other side of dissociation - while her brother's power will likely cause him to become dissociated, her power will likely cause others to become dissociated, due to taking their place and leaving them 'suspended in animation' which could be likened to that floaty feeling i previously mentioned, as well as some dissociative expereines which involve 'feeling like you're viewing your life from outside your body'
overall, very interesting powers and character arcs you have going here! Idk if it was intentional, but I really like that their powers both involve that element of dissociation! =^-^=
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combat-wombatus · 3 years
uHm if you do these and if you want to do it I’d love a bnha matchup <3?
• my name is Aubri, I’m bi but prefer MHA boys tbh. I go by she/her, too.
• I’m a very Gryffindor person. (Sorry if you don’t know Harry Potter - 😖)
• I’m a June cancer, and I have ADHD and anxiety. My anxiety can be literally crippling somedays, but it’s gotten better overtime.
• I’m a bit of a class clown and usually just a clown 🤡 but that’s irrelevant. My teachers all hate me but like school-wise I do well so we have a love and mostly hate relationship 🤧
• I’m usually the ‘entertaining’ friend, in elementary the popular kids would invite me to play games with them because, “you’re funny” and it was like the biggest achievement ever 😭👍🏻 then they’d ignore me but that’s another therapy session
• I’m usually made fun of by people for being ‘weird’ and ‘insane’. Like all through elementary everyone thought I’d be a criminal when I grew up JUST BECAUSE I HAD UNDIAGNOSED ADHD - I hate it here 😐🦶🏻
• I’ve always been super into crime stories/true crime (where my anxiety comes from, I’m always worried about a pesky serial killer just killing me. It’s usually being kidnapped tho lmao) so I knew and still know like all these murder facts and sometimes I’d just randomly be like;
“Hey did you know it takes 12 hours and 2 days to dissolve a body in acid?”
“If you bury a dead deer over a dead body you buried deep in the ground, when police dogs sniff it and people dig they’ll just think it was the deer and won’t dig any farther.”
• So maybe people had a reason to be scared of me and think I’ll be a criminal someday, i dunno.
• I love love love reading and writing, and also debating. The things I’ve wanted to be when I grow up are basically: Dog shelter worker, actress, FBI agent, politician, and a writer. But usually I just want to do something that makes a positive impact on people. Like i wanted to be an FBI agent to solve crimes for people. I wanted to be a politican so I could actually help a lot of people. The entertainment industry also seemed like a way to make people happy. Idk, but then I decided I couldn’t be a politican at 10 because they were all corrupt and to be one I would have to be too. 😫🤌🏻 we love some good childhood angst
• the only subjects I’ve ever excelled at are ELA and Social Studies aka History, and Math I can’t do to save my life. ELA comes easy for me and I usually don’t have to work that hard and/or get too stressed over it. But I always get the meanest teachers for some reason. For example, one time I did my final essay for like 30% of my grade in 30 minutes the day it was due and I got an A+ 🦟🦗🦟🦗
• Uhhh id describe myself as a pretty loyal friend, I’m a ride or die type of girl. A story from my childhood that summarizes it pretty well is when I was in 2nd grade my friend wet her pants and she didn’t want to go to the nurse for it alone so I peed my pants so I could go with her and she wouldn’t have to be alone. Like, you know, a professional problem solver
• and I have genuinely attacked people for fucking with my friends but don’t snitch pls 🕳🏃‍♀️💨
• But also just anyone, people at my school tend to come to me with their problems for me to either help solve them by reasoning, or just to confront the other person like the bad bleep I am 😈😈
• I also have a huge daydreaming problem, it’s literally maladaptive daydreaming. So paired with my ADHD I don’t get shit done like ever.
• I have really high empathy levels I guess, like I always say hi to everyone I see on the street, especially if they look sad 😔 I’ve done it ever since I was a little kiddo.
• My fashion sense is very much a preppy/alt style. I wear those ripped tights and fishnets, I also have the MOST BIZARRE JEWELRY- like who allowed me to buy the gummy worm glittery earrings, hmmm???????? and those Mary Janes???????
• But I love crew necks and pleated skirts so I always obide by the National “hoes dont get cold” policy 🇺🇸😫🦅
• I wanna move somewhere someday, I don’t want to stay in America for very long
• I can speak Latin, French, and my native language which is English.
• My music taste varies, but my all-time favorite artists who all of their music they’ve ever put out has been my favorites are, Billie Eilish, Melanie Martinez, and Conan Gray.
• I no-joke have a sign in my front yard that says;
In ✍️ this ✍️ house we ✍️ don’t ✍️ worship Jesus ✍️ but instead ✍️ Melanie ✍️ Martinez
• My favorite shows are MHA (duh), The Promised Neverland, and Malcolm in The Middle.
• and I’m not going to tell you what I prefer in a partner, because that ruins the fun 😤
• but I will say I cannot be friends with someone who doesn’t really make me laugh. Like I’m used to doing most of the talking in convos but if you’re just boring I’m sorry it’s nothing personal but no thanks 😐✌🏻
• About my physical appearance, I have fluffy n curly brown hair, but when it’s in the sunlight it looks sort of brown but golden yk?? It’s shoulder length :) I have bleach blonde streaks in the front. I like wearing eyeliner most days, too. I’m pretty average size/ on the skinnier side. Kinda high key inscure abt my body bc I got flat shamed in elementary EVEN THOUGH I HAVE TIDDIES NOW- whatever 😤🙄. I also have crystal type blue eyes, and I do have fairly big eyes. But, like, not weirdly big. A good big. My cheekbones are ALWAYS PRESENT so sometimes I get called a Tim Burton character but it’s cool ig ☠️☠️ oh and I’m kinda short. I’m 5’3, even though my doctor said I’d be 5’7. I feel like I was either tricked by the doctor or someone just stole my destined height while I was asleep. It’s probably cause I didn’t keep an eye out for Selener 👁 😔😔
• I’m a definite night owl, like all of my energy comes at night which really sucks cuz I can’t do much since everyone else is asleep.
• My love language is touch starved so I’ve never figured it out ✌🏻😗🔫
• but I am an attention whore so idk 😏
• I’m a huge introvert with social anxiety. It isn’t as bad as it used to be cuz I used to not be able to like go to restaurants but now I’m much better.
• I’m a huge history person, mostly like sad history LMFAO. Uh but a lot of my hyperfixations have been on history. Some examples are The Roman Empire, Julius Caesar himself, Anne Frank, The Titanic, the Black Plauge, Helen Keller, Marie Curie, Slavery in the US, Joan of Arc, and just a lot more. I always love talking about these things if someone would let me ramble to them but no one ever does 😖 it also got to a point where for all these subjects I’d go to the library and try to find a book on them but usually I’d either have already read it or I’d read it and know all the information.
• I’m super into Greek Mythology, I have 7 books filled with the stories, I’m going to Greece maybe this summer to see it’s history, and named my hamster Aphrodite but we call her Aphie. I also will talk about this forever and ever if you let me.
• My favorite color is yellow, my favorite food is literally nothing I never have an appetite, my favorite planet is Saturn, favorite song is Tag Your It by Melanie Martinez atm but it changes like everyday.
• Music is a huge safe-space for me if I’m feeling down or having a panic attack. It calms me down n is overall my coping mechanism 💃🏻💃🏻
• Biggest fear is spiders, even looking at one gives me a panic attack and I cannot sleep at all for that night, adding to my insomniac ass 🧎🏻‍♂️🏌️‍♀️
• I’m mature for my age, I don’t exactly like hanging around kids my age and I get along better with older crowds.
• i don’t like conventional dates, (I PROMISE IM NOT TRYING TO SOUND ‘QUIRKY’ AHAHA) I kind of like having a best-friend type partner more so dates that aren’t as romantic as like the movies or a fancy restaurant suite me better. My dream date is playing Monopoly on my bedroom floor 🦧
• Also I hate getting gifts. End of story. If someone gets me a gift like awe that’s nice but never again, I’d prefer to get you one. Especially in a romantic partner 😐 i keep a journal of my friends’ interests and hobbies so I can get them the perfect gifts for their bdays and Christmas’s. Been doing this ever since 4th grade.
• Though I don’t have much actual experience with relationships🧍🏻‍♀️
• I’m a huge believer in ‘family isn’t blood, it’s who you make it’ because I have a pretty shitty family life and my childhood has been trash. My friends are my family to me.
• Also if my friends don’t like my romantic partner ✨ GOODBYE ✨. Sorry girlie, bros before hoes 🦨💨
I was going to put more but I’m so so sorry for how LONG AND COMPLICATED THIS IS- idk if this is a autobiography or a matchup at this point 🤦‍♀️ don’t feel pressured to do this and if matchups aren’t open IM SO SO SORRY LMAO uh yeah ilysm 🦎🎂🧃
🥺 i’m so sorry bby but matchups are closed ;-; my 100 follower event was over while ago (i guess i should’ve specified that in the asks i answered LKSAJHFLKJAHDS SORRY IT’S MY BAD) but you sound so cool?? i had a lot of the same hyperfixations interests (heLLO helen keller was badass AF and the roman empire was messed up but still v cool, anne frank was awesome too) i also may or may not have wanted to be a politician when i was younger alskdjfhalkdhj but now i’m just 🧍🏻‍♀️ lost and anyways you’re amazing >.< love u lots and don’t forget to drink water and eat a lil something hehe :p 
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bthump · 5 years
yk one thing that I really love about Femto is the way he pretends he doesn’t give a fuck about Guts
like, considering how Griffith’s story revolves around being in love with Guts, it feels like the expected route to go with Griffith’s ~inner darkness~ is possessiveness, creepily predatory interest, subtextual lust, etc.
But nope, Femto, and NeoGriffith later, is basically defined by refusing to show an interest in Guts.
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I’m obviously not going to say there aren’t giant offensive issues w/ how Miura wrote Femto lmao, including homophobic tropes (that eyeliner and lipstick makeover, man), I mean lbr I can rant all day about how bad the Eclipse rape is eg, but I will say that the fact that he won’t give Guts the time of day let alone demonstrate feelings for him, except when he lets Guts escape (ie a non-villainous, humanizing action) is a specific aspect of the story that I really dig.
Mainly because it just makes it that much easier and consistent to read repression as the real villain of Berserk lol. Griffith transforms into a demon and becomes the antagonist when he attempts to bury his feelings for Guts, and as that antagonist he refuses to acknowledge those feelings, and in fact this attitude specifically hurts and infuriates Guts because he still wants his attention.
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Like, I just love that Femto isn’t like, Griffith’s ~true buried feelings unleashed. Femto (like the Beast of Darkness) is more like a shell (or armour lol) Griffith creates throughout his life by being an emotionally unhealthy dumbass - he’s essentially a maladaptive coping mechanism personified. Repression, in Griffith’s case, while the Beast of Darkness would be more like sublimation imo, ie the way Guts turns to rage as an outlet for various feelings instead of dealing with them.
And it just fits my interpretation of griffguts so well lol. Tragedy and evil abound not when you have big gay feelings for another dude, but when you fail to acknowledge and act on them bc you’re both traumatized idiots who inadvertantly ruined your chances to grow as people through a mutually fulfilling and emotionally open relationship with each other. As symbolized by dreams and turning into metaphorical and literal monsters.
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