markaris · 5 months
Me curar de você vai ser como me curar de um ferimento grave e profundo. Claro, o tempo vai curar, mas o tempo não apaga a cicatriz.
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patiencx · 5 months
lindo dms esse blog, parabéns é pouco. s2
aaai, obrigada 🥹
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robertosolbiati · 2 years
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#libroletto iniziato e finito in un sorso. Quando si inizia una storia del commissario #Charitos si sospendono le altre letture e la si finisce. Inutile resistere #Markaris #consigliato https://www.instagram.com/p/ChnXdlvLX_R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Το βλέμμα του Οδυσσέα, 1995
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shiroxix · 2 years
I have a couple of OCs that start with M, but I think the one with the most interest is Myeira, who is a Paladin and a main NPC in the D&D campaign I run. I think the only person I have art of is Markari, but she doesn't have much going on in the way of a backstory/she didn't get developed. She was just desert planet cat burglar (lol) who was created to fill my "need silly anime girl oc" void ahaha-- You can look at her, though!! She's cute!!!
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But I think I am going to talk about Myeira!! She's been Kind of A Big Deal recently! I just actually got to play her backstory reveal in the campaign for the first time. She's a super bouncy, super excitable Viera Oath of Glory Paladin! She's who initially invites the party to the big tournament being held in one of the cities, and introduces them to some of the other NPCs in the game that lead to a bunch of... B-Side content? Like you don't have to do these quests, but they give you a lot of world building and insight into history and things.
She's fun because she's a blend of all of the worldbuilding I've done for the campaign while also trying to keep a lot of Square Enix/Final Fantasy's Viera lore in place. She's very much rooted in the lore connected to FFXII and a lot of her backstory evokes that-- with some FFXIV lore thrown in because I like what they did with them. However, I know some of my players follow me on tumblr, so that's really all I can say about her. Maybe I'll draw her soon. I've been wanting to get back into art recently.
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arcimboldisworld · 1 year
Petros Markaris - Verschwörung.
PETROS MARKARIS - VERSCHWÖRUNG. #Kriminalliteratur #Lesen #DiogenesVerlag #KostasCharitos #Rezension #Griechenland #Pandemie #Buch #Bücher #Krimi
Im Sommer 2022 erschien bereits der vierzehnte Band um den griechischen Kommissar Kostas Charitos aus Athen: “Verschwörung” – was für eine unglaubliche Produktivität von Autor Petros Markaris (*1937) und es ist kein Ende dieser Reihe abzusehen… (more…) “”
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coffeenewstom · 1 year
Griechisches Kaffee-Tagebuch - das nächste Kapitel: im Flieger
Ich sitze also wieder im Flieger. Schon wieder? Bin ich nicht erst unlängst von Samos zurückgekommen? Und schon im November geht es wieder in den Urlaub? Da kam einiges zusammen. Zum einen war mein Samos-Trip so sparsam, dass ich mit Geld nach München zurückkam. Mit meinen Urlaubstagen war ich ähnlich knickrig und mein Chef lag mir in den Ohren, ich sollte doch etwas davon nehmen. Den Gefallen…
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genderfcker · 10 months
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“La violenza è esplosa nelle nostre scuole. Del governo apprezzo la tregua con Erdogan”
dall’inviata ad Atene Lo scrittore greco Petros Markaris sta pubblicando un nuovo romanzo del commissario Charitos e della nuova capa della squadra omicidi, la commissaria Antigone, sempre con La nave di Teseo e «la mia adorata Elisabetta (Sgarbi, ndr)». Si intitola La violenza del fallimento». Ma a metà aprile inizierà già a scriverne un altro. Si dice «molto preoccupato» per un fenomeno che in…
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markaris · 5 months
Me conte algo que eu ainda não sei, tipo, se você me ama.
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eutyloveforever · 4 months
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Me curar de você vai ser como me curar de um ferimento grave e profundo. Claro, o tempo vai curar, mas o tempo não apaga a cicatriz.
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affascinailtuocuore · 5 months
Care amiche di Girolibro, scusate, ci ho provato, giuro! Sono arrivata fino a pagina 218 su 326. Mi basta. Non è il mio genere, o meglio, forse questo  non è il romanzo giusto per iniziare a conoscere Petros Markaris. Ho apprezzato il racconto in prima persona che,  strada facendo,  si è purtroppo trasformato in una specie di rapporto poliziesco, burocratico e decisamente poco avvincente. Passo a…
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Το βλέμμα του Οδυσσέα, 1995
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kimayers · 11 months
Detective greece
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Greece, a land rich in history, mythology, and culture, has also contributed significantly to the world of detective greece fiction. From the ancient tales of crime and punishment to the modern-day detective novels set in picturesque Greek landscapes, the country has fostered a captivating detective tradition. In this article, we will delve into the intriguing world of detectives in Greece, exploring the unique characteristics, popular authors, and iconic settings that make Greek detective stories a delightful exploration of mystery and suspense.
The Greek Detective Tradition
Detective fiction in Greece has a long and storied tradition. It draws inspiration from the country's ancient mythology, rich historical backdrop, and contemporary societal issues. Greek detective stories often incorporate elements of drama, philosophical musings, and an exploration of the human psyche. These narratives delve into the complexities of Greek society, reflecting its values, challenges, and aspirations.
Popular Greek Detective Authors
Several Greek authors have left an indelible mark on the detective genre. One notable figure is Petros Markaris, who gained international acclaim for his series of crime novels featuring the Athenian detective Costas Haritos. Markaris weaves together intricate plots with social and political commentary, offering readers a multifaceted view of Greek society.
Another prominent author is Yiannis Maris, known for his Inspector George Zafiris series. Set against the backdrop of Thessaloniki, Maris's novels explore the city's history and its impact on contemporary crime. His evocative descriptions and well-crafted mysteries have captivated readers both in Greece and beyond.
Iconic Greek Settings in Detective Fiction
The Greek landscape, with its breathtaking islands, ancient ruins, and vibrant cities, provides a vivid backdrop for detective stories. Athens, the bustling capital, often takes center stage, with its maze-like streets and contrasting neighborhoods offering a rich tapestry of settings for investigations. From the historic Acropolis to the vibrant Plaka district, Athens becomes a character in itself, reflecting the dichotomy of modernity and tradition.
The Greek islands also feature prominently in detective fiction, with their idyllic charm juxtaposed against the darkness of crime. Crete, Corfu, and Mykonos have served as captivating settings for mysteries, with their picturesque landscapes and hidden secrets adding an extra layer of intrigue.
Unique Characteristics of Greek Detective Fiction
Greek detective stories often possess a distinctive blend of mystery, drama, and philosophical introspection. These narratives explore societal issues, political corruption, and the complex dynamics of human relationships. They delve into questions of morality, justice, and the nature of truth, reflecting the philosophical underpinnings deeply rooted in Greek culture.
The detective tradition in Greece has flourished, offering readers captivating stories that blend history, mythology, and contemporary themes. From the bustling streets of Athens to the tranquil shores of the Greek islands, Greek detective fiction invites us to unravel mysteries while immersing ourselves in the beauty and complexity of Greek society. So, the next time you seek a thrilling read, delve into the world of Greek detectives, and embark on an unforgettable journey of suspense, culture, and ancient allure. Read more
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miss-mesmerized · 2 years
Petros Markaris – Verschwörung
Petros Markaris – Verschwörung
Petros Markaris – Verschwörung Die Pandemie hat Athen fest im Griff, der harte Lockdown legt das öffentliche Leben lahm. Kommissar Kostas Charitos beginnt schon fast sich zu langweilen als ein Selbstmord Fragen aufwirft. Im Internet wird ein Abschiedsbrief veröffentlicht, der auf eine bis dato unbekannte Gruppierung hinweist, die Bewegung der Selbstmörder. Wer soll das sein? Bald schon folgt ein…
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coffeenewstom · 2 years
Kaffee-Kommissare: Kostas Charitos
“Jeden Morgen um Punkt neun starren wir einander wortlos an. Er steht vor meinem Schreibtisch. Sein Blick scheint ungefähr in Augenhöhe, irgendwo zwischen meinen Augenbrauen und Wimpern, hängenzubleiben. ‘Ich bin ein verdammter Wichser”, sagt er. Nur mit seinem Blick sagt er es, er spricht es nicht aus. Ich sitze hinter meinem Schreibtisch und schaue ihm geradewegs in die Pupillen. Denn ich bin…
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