#mass traffic blueprint
vacancy-virtues · 9 months
#2- "Nothing But Static"
It was just supposed to be another surveillance mission on Villain. Heros one goal was to search their newest hiding spot and Intel gave Hero a detailed schedule of their routine. Hero finally located precisely where in the expansive apartment building Villain resided so while Villain was out on their usual Thursday grocery run, Hero was tasked to search the apartment for their next plans of mass destruction.
Clothes stuck to the skin from how humid it was, making it useless in trying to stay dry with the opposing misty downpour. The setting sun against the smog-filled clouds gave the city a warm yet dingy orange hue as the light began to fade. The rain was as steady as the traffic below the high-rise Hero was climbing the stairs to, where the people look like ants scuttling about in the rain by the time they reach the sixteenth floor.
After taking a moment to catch their breath, they eventually found themselves at their nemesis' door. They looked around, ensuring no one would bear witness to the unsavory act of them breaking into the apartment before promptly doing so with ease.
The apartment was a pristine mess. While the contemporary flair of the furniture complimented the architecture of the apartment, papers remained scattered about the couch and boxes were piled high near the bar in the kitchen. It didn't even look like the kitchen was used often compared to the rest of the apartment. Hero gave a small huff as they looked around, unsure of where to start.
In the corner, by the large bay window beside the TV, was a small electric piano. It had struck the Hero as odd, because when did Villain ever play an instrument? It seemed impractical to them, but many of Villains actions Hero viewed as impractical. They maneuvered carefully around the mess, mindful not to crinkle a single paper, before seating themselves on the bench of the piano. It was the only clear spot to sit in, as the chairs were also occupied with various blueprints and schematics.
"Alright, now what are you up to..." Hero murmured, before carefully searching through a box.
To Heros surprise, the blueprints were from older missions they'd worked on in the past. As they sifted, it was only revealing mechanics of software Intel knew inside and out. Hero shuffled about to another box, and it was filled of past addresses they already met Villain at. Box upon box, nothing was proven to be useful. Hero was just about to get up, until they noticed a notepad atop of the keyboard. On the paper was a half-finished composition, which admittedly, Hero didn't know how to understand.
Hero eyed the boxes in the kitchen. Various labels like "bedroom" and "pantry" marked the boxes. The items Hero could see seemed to correspond, but it didn't make any sense. It had taken some time to find Villain this time around, which allowed plenty of time to craft something only their sickly brilliant mind could comprise. Hero reached for their mic, yet after a moment with no response, they called again.
Nothing but static.
They looked around at the apartment. Perhaps Villain bugged it, and was interfering with their reception? It had to be it. Before the panic could set in, there was the sound of metallic clicking coming from the front door. Hero didn't recall being there for long and it seemed too soon for Villain to return. Carefully, they maneuvered through the papers and into the linen closet near the hallway. The light barely missed the wood slats of the door, leaving the space dark. The door opened, and an irritated huff escaped Villain as they locked up behind them.
"Closed the day before the holiday and the day of? Now it's just excessive at this point..." They sighed and tossed their bag down.
Hero watched through the slats of the closet door as they moved about their apartment. They seemed to be in no hurry to get to any planning. They stripped their coat off and onto the couch before they took a seat at their keyboard by the window. It was a mere recon mission, and with no way to alert the team on how the mission was going, Hero would be on their own.
Their racing mind began to still once a smooth set of notes rung through the air, and pulled Hero from their thoughts entirely. The rhythm felt cool compared to the summer monsoons here. The notes paused a moment, before dipping into lower and higher ranges of experimental notes. While Hero never had the eye for music, they did have an ear for it.
'No, the last bit you had before worked.. go back to it,' they thought.
Almost as if Villain were in their head, they opted for an earlier set of notes before continuing on the song. The sheer coincidence of it made Heros heart race, and they worried Villain knew they were there. The way they played felt as if it were truly an extension of themself, an authentic side Hero hadn't the opportunity to know. To see their hands dance upon the keys pulled Hero like a magnet. Yet, they kept steady their breath, and listened with eager ears the song Villain was weaving together with their beautiful hands. Another pause, and instead of the familiar scratching of the pencil, there came a sigh from Villain.
"What do you think of it so far, Hero?" They asked, their tone even and collected. "I know you're here. The bench was warm when I sat on it and I didn't play before I left."
Hero looked to the door with wide eyes, yet said nothing. This was a bluff. All they had to do was lay low and the suspicion would die down. There was a beat of silence within the apartment. Only the hum of the steady rain outside offered any cushion to the quiet. The bench creaked, and before Hero knew it, the door to the closet opened. They looked at them with an amused, yet tired expression.
"The closet has never been your style before, why now?" They mused as they stepped aside.
Hero looked them up and down with suspicion, yet quickly realized the Villain they battled only a few months ago was not as spry as they once were. Their hair was grown out and dyed (which admittedly to Hero, looked very flattering), their sharper fashion sense was swapped for casual apparel, the sheer fire which burned behind their eyes was dulled. In all their years together, Hero never seen Villain this low. Hero moved out of the closet and backed up from them, careful of the boxes.
"What are you.." Hero stopped, and their brows furrowed once the concern broke through. "What happened to you?"
Villain shrugged and moved passed by Hero. They began to move some of the papers off the couch and into boxes. Villains expression was unreadable as they moved aside the plans they put together to bring Heros demise, only to be evenly matched in the end. It was always how it went. Always something to bring them back together, but never fully together. In all their years, so many altercations ended with someone on the end of the blade or barrel, but so many more coincidences prevented everything from ever truly ending.
"Am I a waste of time to you, Hero?"
"I... what?"
"You can be honest," Villain said while boxing up papers. "I'll still keep fucking you regardless. It's never been a problem for me in the past."
Heros face heated up as they observed the casualness of Villains quips. There was bubbling anger and confusion at the assumption of what they had going on. Where was Villain planning on taking all of this?
"Where is this all coming from, Villain?" They questioned carefully.
Villain smiled and shook their head before sitting on the couch, patting the spot beside them. "You didn't answer my question."
"I'd much rather like context for what I'm answering first, if you don't mind." Hero retorted, yet compromised by sitting on the couch. "Besides, you didn't answer mine..."
"Your question, Hero?" They asked pointedly, before taking a deep breath to rub their face in fatigued irritation. "I got tired, that is what happened. Tired of these excuses of plans which get us into whatever loft I happen to be renting at the time. I don't have another plan for you to take back. I get you're hot shot at the agency, and you have a sort of 'reputation' to uphold, but it's been years. Aren't you bored?"
This was no rouse Villain was trying to pull. Hero didn't consider how repetitive their routine had been. They would meet, one would compromise plans for the other, and would only barely 'get away' according to Intel. Once the mics were off, what they did remained between them and the walls of the many bedrooms they found themselves in.
"I didn't know you played piano," Hero softly said, glancing at the piano then to Villain. "I find all the years more... worth it, because after everything, I'm still learning about you."
It clearly hadn't been the answer Villain was expecting because their head turned to fully meet Heros, and they looked at them with a look of near disbelief and skepticism. Their hands found their way into one another, fitting together as if made to be two parts of one whole.
"But why does it always have to be through a mission?"
They sucked in their breath, their hand gripping Villains hand tighter. The hesitance was enough to tell them all they needed to know. They both wanted more than moments together, however, it seemed only one was ready to make the sacrifice to make it happen. Villain sighed and used the grip they shared to pull Hero into their arms, their eyes choosing to fixate on the rain outside the window.
"I thought you didn't like the city?"
"I don't- it's too noisy, polluted, and not enough trees," they huffed with a sigh, a leisurely hand rubbing circles on Heros back. "I don't mind the rain though."
"It made it harder to find you..." Hero mumbled, their head resting on Villains shoulder. "You're always doing something I don't quite expect."
Villain chuckled, and before they could think themselves out of it, they leaned down to capture Heros lips against theirs in the familiar pressed passion they were accustomed to. The couch was small, but accommodated the closeness of their sweating bodies, and the rhythmic pace Villain set for the evening. What they had wasn't enough for Villain, but what they had was better than not having it at all. They got their answer from Hero, one way or another, and even if they didn't like it, they understood what needed to happen for them to maintain what they had.
By the time Hero awoke, more tired and sore than when they initially fell asleep, they saw the apartment was completely empty, save for the furniture and basic decor items. The piles of boxes were nowhere to be seen and the piano was gone. There was not a trace of Villain, save for torn out piece of paper on the coffee table.
Autumn in Washington Square
A smile curled on their lips as they looked at the completed sheet music in their hands, but it soon faded and their hand fell to their lap. They got dressed after noticing their clothes neatly folded on the end of the couch. Hero pocketed the note, and left the apartment complex. The rain had let up by the morning. A voice finally came through on the mic as Hero walked down the street to their car.
"Hero! Thank god, you're okay! What happened?"
"The apartment was already empty by the time I got in there, and Villain never returned from their trip. When I left, my earpiece fell in a puddle and I had to dry it in rice overnight," They said casually, and their frustration helped in convincing intel. "The only thing they left behind was a note about Washington Square."
"The park in New York? Where do you want our people to start looking first, Hero?"
'I don't like cities'
'Too much noise and pollution'
'Not enough trees'
'I don't mind the rain'
"Start looking for Villain in the dense metropolitan areas. Near the power plants or chemical labs. There will be a dense population so it's best to take your time." They assured, before clicking off their mic.
Once in their car, sheltered from the rain, Hero pressed their forehead against the steering wheel. At least this would bide some time, like always. Hero was tired of this too, though they did not voice it immediately to Villain. With the eyes of the agency looking to the East, Hero sped towards the West. Their mind wracked at how they were going to make it up to them, for having thought they were a waste of time, but Hero had plenty of time during the quiet car ride to think about it.
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askthestans · 1 year
Dear Stanford Pines.
As Stanley has Stanleymobile as his own personal transportation, do you have any plans for vehicles of you own? Or, prefer using public transport? Rather come up with a completely different solution like portable portal?
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Stanford: Well, my real Earth driving license - before Stanley started getting ones made in my name - expired over thirty years ago, and my licenses to operate hoverboards, starships, mass relays, and teleporters are useless for obvious reasons.
Normally, I'd be fine just walking everywhere to keep in peak shape, but sometimes the occasional trip outside of town is necessary. I'd ask Stanley to drive me around, but ever since the Ireland incident...
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Stanley: Ford, that was almost a year ago! 'Sides, I was gonna rob 'em eventually anyway. Hittin' that stumpy drunken jerk with our car was just makin' my job easier. It's not my fault he looked like a traffic cone with all that carrot hair.
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Stanford: We went to Ireland to study leprechauns, Stan. Not steal from and turn them into roadkill.
Stanley: Maybe you went for nerd studies, but I followed along for the whiskey. And the pretty green hills to stare at during hangover recovery.
Stanford: Really? Because I seem to remember that somebody had the chutzpah to not only steal the dead leprechaun’s wallet, but drop it in front of his family while I was trying to apologize to them for your first thievery attempt at their pot of gold, and because somebody dropped my pistol into the ocean while drunk the night before, we had to desecrate a historical castle by stealing old bricks from it to fight said leprechauns off with. 
And then, when we ran out of those, you tripped me so that they could maul me instead because, as you so eloquently put it, “Sorry, Sixer, but you’ll be thankin’ me later!” as you hurried towards the ship with the gold and not me.
Even better, we then spent the night in jail when the authorities realized who’d disturbed a castle wall, the cell of which just so happened to have a resident banshee who screeched for hours.
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Stanley: Oh, Mebh! Minus the creepy wailing, that gal sure knew how to spin an entertainin' story! Too bad she didn't get to marry that medieval Lord McCrane or whatever his name was. But I liked her gumption. Best prison buddy I've ever had, and that's includin' Rico. Was the first time I realized maybe not all your supernatural creep buddies are so bad.
Stanford: She murdered that lord’s wife in cold blood, Stan.
Stanley: Yeah, reminds me of when I drove that hippy's van - y'know, the one who swiped Carla from me - into a ravine. She agreed that I was perfectly in the right for that. Asked me if I wanted her to find him and finish the job, even. I had a hard time sayin' no, but I did the right thing and said-
Stanford: You merely shrugged. Merely.
Stanley: Hey, if that jerk gets his soul sucked out, serves 'im right.
Stanford: Also, would you like to tell our internet friends what you sacrificed me to the leprechauns for? Why I got covered in bite marks, and why my sweater was ripped away in tatters and I had to run back to the ship shirtless with a leprechaun hanging off my rear with his teeth that left a rainbow imprint there for a week afterwards?
Stanley: It was for the gold, we already covered that.
Stanford: What did you spend the gold on, Stanley?
Stanley: *shrugs* I promised Mabel I’d get her some fancy yarn made of real wool. What’s wrong with that?
Stanford: Yes, two coins of the gold went towards that. The other hundreds of pieces went towards you buying rounds for a whole tavern the next night. You got drunk again. You puked. On my... trench coat.
Stanley: Pfft, you had tons more anyway-
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Stanford: Nobody defiles my trench coat!
Stanley: Yeesh, I did you a favor, Ford. You’re lucky nobody barfed on it before that just lookin’ at it.
Stanford: *sighs* Anyways, I’m never trusting Stan behind a wheel ever again. I’ve been working on a mini-portal device based on some blueprints I sto- I mean, borrowed from my good friend Rick Sanchez. Once that’s up and running, I’ll have to test it. 
What do you say, Stan? Want to help your old brother out by testing a teleportation device? I’ll make sure it goes right to Ireland, to a very specific spot where a very angry family of leprechauns are still waiting, and have already gotten a taste for Pines gluteal meat.
Stanley: Oh, come on, you wouldn’t actually do that to me, would you? I apologized, like, a million times!
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Stanford: Of course not, Stan. I am a man of science, and I understand that petty, precisely planned and enacted at the most inconvenient of times revenge is a silly human folly that one should strive to surpass.
Stanley: Oh. Well, good. Oddly, specific, but good.
*Stan is walking down the Shack hallway towards the kitchen. Dipper, Mabel, and Ford are already there, Ford having made them breakfast.*
Stanley: Tell me you made some for me, too? 
Stanford: *turns around from the stove* I’m afraid not, Stan. You’ve got a big day ahead of you. You won’t have time to eat, remember?
Dipper: Is it shoplift-for-Summerween day already?
Mabel: Wait, I know! It’s National Grunkles Day, isn’t it!?
Stanford: No to both. Stanley, care to take a guess? It involves a certain show of yours.
Stanley: *face scrunches in fear* Wait, I thought The Duchess Approves’ reboot wasn’t ‘til next week?
Stanford: No, it’s today. Which is why I made sure to finish this last night.
*Ford pulls out a small device and, with a pistol-quick draw, causes a swirling teal portal to open up in the floor. Through it, rolling green hills and a group of red-haired, gnome-like creatures can be seen a little ways off.
Ford trips Stan as Stan looks to peer inside. Stan’s yelling can be heard as he falls in and hits ground.*
Stanford: Wait, Stanley! Look back up! Take my hand and I’ll get you out.
*Stan reaches up back to the portal, but just as he almost reaches Ford’s hand, Ford pulls it away.*
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Stanford: My trench coat is beautiful.
*Stan screeches as a horde of leprechauns catch sight of him and take chase. Ford stands back up with a cat-like smile as he looks down upon sweet, sweet revenge, then takes his current trench coat by the collar and pops it out smugly.*
Hey, kids?
Dipper and Mabel: *look on in stunned silence*
Stanford: Now that I know this portal gun works and we have a few hours until Stan’s favorite show is done airing, care to help me find the Mothman? I have a particular dimension full of acid-vomiting, murderous bear-scorpions I’d like to send him to.
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adnanarnob · 7 months
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coursesfreedownload · 8 months
Gael Breton & Mark Webster Complete Courses – Authority Hacker Pro Platinum 2023 (Includes ALL SOPS) + The Authority Site System 3.0 Download
WHAT YOU’LL FIND INSIDE The exact editorial process & prompts we use to generate high E-E-A-T content with AI. Tools to build the exact site structure you should use for higher rankings with fewer links. Our secret keyword research tactics for high-intent keywords your competitors will never find. How to get white hat links to your site on top tier & highest DR sites. The anatomy of the perfect page that both ranks and converts. Our exact negotiation tactics for half-price link placements. The exact formula to steal your competitor’s Featured Snippets. How to implement one schema markup that steals traffic from your competitors. How to use AI to speed up and make high-end link building cheaper & more successful. Step-by-step site setup that will make your site load under 1s and pass all Core Web Vitals. How we hack search intent to leapfrog the competition. 5 things you can add to your title tags to double the CTR. The ONE on-page hack to bump your rankings up in less than 24h. The best way to structure your internal links for maximum rankings. The exact process, templates & prompts to organize the mass creation of all types of blog content (reviews, info posts, skyscraper, tutorials, roundups, etc…). Our foolproof checklist to analyze a keyword for ranking potential. One method to reach into the inbox of all outreach targets. The exact process we use to find & train new writers, from newbies to ranking content. How to 10x your email list opt-in rates. How to make bank from your email list and diversify away from pure affiliate & ads revenue. How to build highly profitable evergreen funnels that generate daily sales. Get Ahead of Your Competition WITH OUR MOST ADVANCED TACTICS Our blueprints are the ultimate training programs for advanced digital marketers. We don’t waste your time with basic concepts – that’s in The Authority Site System. Whether you want to grow your editorial team, scale your link building, upgrade your site structure, or monetize better, you will find the solutions to the advanced challenges most content creators never address inside Authority Hacker Pro. Advanced content only – no beginner fluff Training over the shoulder – no Powerpoint. The largest library of advanced content available anywhere. 100’s of Field Tests in Your Pocket WITH CASE-STUDY-BASED TEACHING All the teachings you will find inside The Authority Hacker Pro blueprints are based on real-life experience running sites in the field for 15+ years. So when you follow a blueprint and apply it to your website, you know someone has already ironed out the quirks, and you can expect quick results from your work. Over 15 years of field experience distilled into easy-to-consume video lessons. Advanced community members regularly contribute to the knowledge inside Authority Hacker Pro. Increase your success rates instantly when you apply Authority Hacker Pro Tactics. Download Now Read the full article
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Eco-Ride Revolution: Exploring the Power of Clean Transportation
Introduction: Unleash the Potential of Clean Transportation
Embark on a journey into the realm of clean transportation—a dynamic movement that propels us towards a sustainable, eco-friendly future. In this exploration, we'll delve into the active substances driving clean transportation, unveil its immense impact on the environment and society, and reveal why choosing this path isn't just a decision—it's a commitment to shaping a greener, healthier world for generations to come.
The Pillars of Clean Transportation: Paving the Way for a Greener Tomorrow
Electric Mobility: Discover the active substances of electric mobility. Embrace a world where battery-powered vehicles redefine transportation, drastically reducing emissions and diminishing our carbon footprint.
Public Transit Transformation: Immerse yourself in the active substances of public transit transformation. Revolutionize urban mobility with efficient, eco-friendly mass transit systems that reduce traffic congestion and promote cleaner air.
Cycling and Walking Infrastructure: Embrace the active substances of cycling and walking infrastructure. Create pathways for non-motorized transportation, encouraging healthier lifestyles while minimizing environmental impact.
Hydrogen-Powered Innovation: Uncover the active substances of hydrogen-powered innovation. Explore advanced technologies that harness hydrogen as a clean fuel source, revolutionizing transportation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Smart Transportation Solutions: Embrace the active substances of smart transportation solutions. Integrate cutting-edge technologies that optimize traffic flow, reduce energy consumption, and promote seamless, sustainable mobility.
Why Choose Clean Transportation: Advancing Our Planet's Future
Air Quality Enhancement: Choose clean transportation for air quality enhancement. The active substances ensure that our cities breathe cleaner air, benefiting human health and minimizing respiratory issues.
Climate Change Mitigation: Embrace clean transportation for climate change mitigation. The active substances contribute to reducing carbon emissions, combating global warming, and preserving ecosystems.
Reduced Noise Pollution: Choose the active substances of reduced noise pollution. Clean transportation minimizes noise levels, creating quieter, more serene urban environments.
Energy Efficiency: Embrace clean transportation for energy efficiency. The active substances drive innovations that maximize fuel efficiency, conserving resources and promoting a sustainable energy future.
Sustainable Urbanization: Choose the active substances that promote sustainable urbanization. Clean transportation revitalizes cities, making them more livable, walkable, and environmentally conscious.
Experience the Revolution: Choose Clean Transportation Today
Are you ready to join a movement that accelerates progress towards a cleaner, more sustainable future? Clean transportation isn't just a mode of getting from A to B—it's a way of living, a commitment to planetary health. Join those who understand that the active substances of clean transportation hold the key to a world where electric vehicles hum, public transit thrives, and our carbon footprint dwindles.
Wikipedia - Clean Transportation
Conclusion: Drive the Change with Clean Transportation
In a world grappling with environmental challenges, clean transportation emerges as a beacon of hope and progress. Its active substances—electric mobility, sustainable infrastructure, hydrogen innovation, smart solutions, and public transit transformation—merge to create a blueprint for a greener, more efficient world. Make the choice that aligns with your commitment to a cleaner planet—choose clean transportation and embark on a journey of impact, innovation, and a future where mobility is as sustainable as it is transformative. Your path to making a difference starts today.
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Take a gander at the dreams and genuine components about SEO and reality behind them before you require a SEO consultancy in Chennai.
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There is no single methodology for enhancing your SEO. Perhaps it is a combination of different cutoff points and procedures that have been seen continually in a reasonable manner. Affiliations could demand business listing and update the receptiveness of the substance in the web search gadget ranking. It could maintain SEO yet to a specific breaking point It Best Seo Company in Chennai
Passed are links, Reference is the model
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Electronic Entertainment is intended for entertainment
This is a general doubt of business owners that online entertainment is coordinated solely to move pictures and recordings. This approach has had a hit on various affiliations surprisingly genuinely. They are indeed missing away something which has a fair conceivable reach.
The certain truth is virtual entertainment, for instance, Twitter and Facebook maintain an inviting beast number of web clients and this can oblige various destinations too which brings about the strategy of different backlinks. Facebook moreover has turned out to be a genuinely outstanding and leading reference stage that partners in turning the traffic towards the site besides helping with enhancing the blueprints of the business With the Best Seo Company in Chennai
The method for using is being dynamic, posting quality substance and being interactive to the visitors. These indicate that you are participative in nature with your forthcoming clients.
More Google notwithstanding Accomplices indicates Also made Results
Staying dynamic on Google as a matter of fact maintains SEO yet this prompts the battle among quality and total viewpoints. Web index can without a completely striking stretch destroy the chance of the posts - high or low. It deduces that you as a site originator ought to know something basically the same. It is continually endorsed to post interesting substance and invest your energy on that instead of counting the fans. Focusing on the gathering is more central than having a meaningless mass gathering.
Client Experience is discretionary
This is one of high tumult in SEO, particularly in present day's circumstance. Client experience is one of the fundamental parts in the ongoing site use. Sharing a decent responsive arrangement with your client chips away at the probability of gaining extraordinary clients and helps in understanding the necessities of your clients.
Include all that sounds amazing to your clients may it be recordings, picture or generally text based content. End-client is the final destiny for a site, so plan the substance considering the interest of the end-client.
Final word
So trust you have now some information about the riskiest dreams in SEO. Break these dreams and build extraordinary SEO strategies and lift your web search instrument rank. Pick the Best Seo Company in Chennai that gives you the best SEO strategies for increasing site traffic and gaining a fair position.
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madchatter · 1 year
The Growth and Evolution of the PR Industry in the Past Few Years
In honor of us and PR, our lifeblood, let's surf through the trends and headways in the past few years that have changed the PR industry for the better!
Until a decade ago, public relations was primarily carried out via phone calls with the media, with a press release being the sole means to reach the outside world. Fast forward to today, the PR landscape has changed radically.
Public Relations agencies now focus on the integrated marketing communications approach, which incorporates public relations, advertising, and social media to interweave the brand message across several media channels.
Traditional vs. Contemporary PR
PR is no longer about publishing press releases and articles and keeping track of the media. Today's PR organizations do more than just media relations; they create and design content and deliver integrated marketing and communication strategies. The adoption of the digital medium has led to a paradigm shift in the scenario.
Gone are the days when PR practitioners mass disseminated emails to journos. To walk pace with today's time, they need to research their media targets (journalists) before sending out a pitch to them.
PR professionals must incorporate information and insights in every pitch to make journalists' work more accessible, foster trust, and nurture mutually beneficial relationships.
Today, mass dissemination of press releases might elicit a response but could displease the paparazzi. Aloof emails can garner quality coverage for the world of Tatas and Ambanis. However, an engagement-focused strategy is better suited for startups and mid-sized brands.
Digital PR
Digital PR was a topic of debate five years ago. However, today, digital PR encircles marketing and content strategies that democratize the popularity of social media. New-age consumers are influenced by digital media, which makes content marketing more potent than ever.
Digital storytelling is among the most effective methods to emotionally engage with your audience. Online marketing strategies are tailored to increase brand awareness and positioning. The aim is to achieve tremendous targeted traffic conversion, revenue through search engine optimization (SEO), and higher rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs).
Whether brand positioning or crisis management, PR has come a long way from run-time to real-time.
Crisis Management
A PR crisis happens unexpectedly and spreads like fire through news and social media. The key is to understand how to respond when such a catastrophe occurs.
Every crisis needs a unique approach and response. Therefore, the first step for a PR crisis response team should be damage assessment and management. PR professionals help brands collaborate with the right influencers to share the right message through the correct/proper channels.
The next step is to evaluate the response to the PR statements and frequent media monitoring through analytics tools. Assessing PR crisis management can provide you with crucial insights into the scenario.
Key Takeaways
The public relations industry has seen tremendous advancements in recent years. As it is said, "change is the only constant in this world" being consistent in PR, and adapting to changing episodes, is essential to succeed. Modern PR efforts bear fruits as they get strategically incorporated into brand stories. It combines traditional PR and emerging digital PR techniques. Social and marketing blueprints enhance digital PR by leveraging technical developments to help your brand stand out and rise above the crowd.
We'd love to hear about the PR trends that have been most useful for you over the last few years. Please share your comments below.
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chuuchan11 · 2 years
What is a staging site? How do you set one up?
Uploaded by Erin Myers for WordPress. Last updated July 5, 2019. Websites may have many risks if they're not developed properly or are poorly managed. It is never fun changing something and seeing your live site crash. The staging site provides secure and safe environments for web-based projects and new ideas. This article will cover several types of development environment, in comparison to a staging system. We will also discuss various options for setting up a staging website. We'll start today. visit here
Is it possible to create a static site manually?
Manual creation and maintenance of WordPress staging sites are no particular challenges but they are a problem, especially for beginners in WordPress. Create a staging site by using such a method entails multiple steps—create an e-mail address, add an email address, and create another apk. You can import your database and hide your staging website. If a mistake was made on this step, a new feature would become available to a wider audience. Deploying changes in an automated staging website can also be difficult. You must create your staging website manually to make it more effective and safe to navigate.
Staging site tech audit
Fix a basic problem in a timely manner. It is recommended you have tech audits of staging sites in case there are problems. Problems that can arise from incorrect redirects or slow site loads are often video files that don’t play correctly or forms that don’t behave as they would like. Staged site crawls and technical audits are a good way to detect issues before a website is ready. Wait for a website to come live to check for technical difficulties like building a tower after a blueprint has been approved. The project will become complex and costly as the website becomes available.
Tell me the staging site?
A staging site essentially resembles your own live site. It lets you test new changes in a secured environment. Developers usually use a staging site to test changes before making a product release. You will be using the same staging site as a live site with essentially the same plug-in settings, the same widget, and many others. The main difference with an online site is that they aren't actually online. Instead there are some sort of sandboxes that show you how a site might behave in everyday situations. What occurs during staging does not affect your web site.
Mapping the redirects to ensure link equity is preserved
Then there are redirect links. It helps when you are creating a new website version. A mapping system can be used to create 301 redirects to protect backlinks vital to your website’s authority and traffic. A 301 redirect tells search engines that users must return to your site and that your new page has relevance and authority equal to that of their original site. While redirects can be implemented in mass form, they should be considered individually. It will be easier to check whether redirection is useful and efficient.
Whitelist. An IP address
Several clients also have used staging systems that redirect the client's users to an easy-to-use login and redirect the users to the specific staging server they'd like to access. Unfortunately many tools that support a simple digest authentication cannot be used here because redirects are in trouble. You can still request that the hostname on the staging server is whitelisted. Your customers can simply provide a specific IP address on the staging server and then encrypt that information for a limited amount of time.
Create a custom user agent
How does gsqiBot work? This is a user application which is used by my client crawlers. Using the most powerful crawler tools, you can build and distribute personalised agents that you can distribute directly into customers. This allows the user agent in question a whitelisting process and removing the other accesses. It's the same as IP Addressed methods except that it whitelists user agents against IP addresses. Configuring an individual UI agent on DeepCraw: Configuring your own user agent on Screamingfrog.
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switchflare7 · 2 years
No matter if you possess an on the web or offline business, developing a connection with buyers is very important. Thankfully, social websites internet sites are present and provide a way to lure site visitors to your website while making it possible to interact with those people who are already buying what you need to provide. Here are some great ways to do social media advertising for your personal benefit.
Produce a program before going forth in social media. Think about site control, the layout of your page and how much time to become put in with it. As with every marketing campaign in marketing, set up a tough date through which you aspire to achieve your particular effects. Try and stay with the blueprint you might have develop and you ought to be rather successful. Before creating a distinct social media advertising method, figure out which social media internet site you need to use. زيادة متابعين انستقرام performs differently, so it is crucial that your method will work with all the internet site you choose. As an example, on Facebook or twitter you can create a poll, as opposed to most sites. Keeping tabs on remarks, reviews, and blog sites associated with your company is an essential part of social media advertising. There are many instruments that one could benefit from to inform you when new articles about your company is placed. Keeping track of what others, specifically earlier clients, say about yourself is the best way to recognize places that your company could use advancement. Also, it is a sensible way to see which parts of your small business have already been powerful. For large companies, social media might be a labour intensive, complicated, and no-standard task exactly where performance could be elusive. Many advertising firms and social networking agencies continue to be trying to learn how to successfully market place for the masses and therefore are which makes it as they go. So be mindful where you commit your hard earned dollars and ensure you are acquiring quantifiable is a result of your advertising campaign. LinkedIn permits you to have a few back links in your account. Make excellent usage of this by publishing a web link to your site and also to your site, and perhaps in your Fb site or what you feel warrants more interest. Do not think twice to improve these backlinks should you not consider they are acquiring sufficient sessions. Once you publish a fresh YouTube video, constantly add hyperlinks to your website, and Twitter or facebook internet pages. Once you have Vimeo users subsequent you on Twitter or Facebook, they may almost certainly share your video clips with all of their buddies. Find bloggers within your niche market, and leave remarks on his or her blogs and forums. The great thing about comments is you can typically depart a web link together with the remark, providing readers of the website a means to get your blog or weblog. When adhering to blog sites with greater followings is more likely to make increased traffic for you personally, site visitors from smaller blogs can also add as properly. Take into account hiring a independent writer to produce interesting information to your tweets, Facebook or twitter pages, and blog articles. This will allow you time for you to focus your energies on expanding your company, in fact it is specifically significant if writing will not be your greatest skills. You need to nevertheless provide you with the topics and proofread every thing before it can be posted. To acquire a lower body high on the social media of competitors, take hold of all kinds of social networking. A lot of companies assume that social media marketing has matured and feel they merely require presence on Facebook or twitter, Flickr and Vimeo to protect their bases. Experienced social websites internet marketers keep in mind that MySpace continues to be on the market. Apply it additionally increasing newcomers like LinkedIn, SlideShare and Google+ to show oneself where other participants will not be. Should you send out occasional news letters, generally offer a backlink to your website's Fb webpage in it. This provides those individuals who receive your newsletter but may well not understand you're on Fb to "like" you or comply with you. The better opportunities you offer individuals to interact with you, the more likely they may. Location your advertisements in your social networking internet pages in which they are likely being clicked. You have to experiment with this to see which regions work most effectively, but it's well worth the time spent! When submitting on Facebook or twitter, take advantage of the 80/20 principle. Which means you must submit about 80Percent relevant info and 20% "exclusively for enjoyable" information and facts. Publishing this way causes you to feel less like a organization, and more just like a human being. This may be a good thing with regards to social networking. These recommendations are typical developed to help increase the quantity of potential clients any business has. Social media advertising is definitely an extremely effective resource when employed appropriately. Make use of those that are most suitable and you will definitely notice a razor-sharp boost in the number of individuals you may have inside your consumer data bank.
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Wes Morgan presents his check out of Claude Puel's 'blueprint' for Leicester CityThe Leicester captain thinks the Frenchman's information is starting to get throughout to the players13:00, one DEC 2017Get Day-to-day updates straight to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!Couldn't subscribe, test again laterInvalid EmailWes Morgan believes Leicester Metropolis's performances are beginning to reflect Claude Puel's blueprint for the club.Leicester attained their 2nd victory underneath the Frenchman's leadership that has a two 1 victory over Tottenham.Puel wishes his Town facet to play in a unique style to preceding professionals, with additional of an emphasis on retaining the ball and passing it extra properly.Club captain Morgan suggests the squad have taken to Puel effectively and believes the manager's awareness to detail will Enhance the side the for a longer time his reign goes on.(Image: OLI SCARFF/AFP/Getty Photos)"There exists a way he wants us to Enjoy in addition to a blueprint he would like to imprint on Leicester," reported Morgan. "We are attempting to do that."We're feeling our way as a result of it and I believe we will only recover or improved the extended it goes."The gaffer has come in, the boys have taken to him incredibly effectively.
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Labored intently? Never you mean "hand in glove?" Regardless of. The actual issue is you hardly ever mentioned the Pimp Ho tapes ended up Yet another selectively edited "balloon boy" rip-off foisted on an unwitting public and media by Breitbart. Nevertheless they did not Enable small information like insufficient evidence or factual verification stand in how of a good smear. Beck even threw the Obamas into it, even though also admitting it was pure speculation.
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The conditions have not been best mainly because tonight it is a bit cloudy, a little bit hazy. Carry off!.. On condition that small wages and lax environmental specifications in Mexico attract companies to relocate creation and Employment from The us, the top outcome for employees in all three countries from the ongoing NAFTA renegotiations is a different arrangement that raises criteria. In fact, elevating wages in Mexico is crucial to reversing American work outsourcing to its southern neighbor, in which typical producing wages are now nine % decreased in genuine phrases than ahead of NAFTA.
Not understanding is incredibly difficult and requires above my every waking imagined."I do not know the answers but I come to feel I someway have to hold on attempting to find Claudia I can't Permit her be neglected about."Once again I am appealing for any person who knows anything about what has occurred to Claudia to remember to remember to appear ahead."Even if you don't sense comfy conversing with the law enforcement, Get in touch with me I will always listen."I need to know what has happened to Claudia. I realise the latest police workforce have worked incredibly tough to test and acquire solutions, and I am aware they experience men and women are nonetheless lying to them, but I can't make it possible for Claudia's title to be neglected."I'll do anything in my electric power to make certain people maintain hunting for my beloved and important daughter.".
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coursesfreedownload · 8 months
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WHAT YOU’LL FIND INSIDE The exact editorial process & prompts we use to generate high E-E-A-T content with AI. Tools to build the exact site structure you should use for higher rankings with fewer links. Our secret keyword research tactics for high-intent keywords your competitors will never find. How to get white hat links to your site on top tier & highest DR sites. The anatomy of the perfect page that both ranks and converts. Our exact negotiation tactics for half-price link placements. The exact formula to steal your competitor’s Featured Snippets. How to implement one schema markup that steals traffic from your competitors. How to use AI to speed up and make high-end link building cheaper & more successful. Step-by-step site setup that will make your site load under 1s and pass all Core Web Vitals. How we hack search intent to leapfrog the competition. 5 things you can add to your title tags to double the CTR. The ONE on-page hack to bump your rankings up in less than 24h. The best way to structure your internal links for maximum rankings. The exact process, templates & prompts to organize the mass creation of all types of blog content (reviews, info posts, skyscraper, tutorials, roundups, etc…). Our foolproof checklist to analyze a keyword for ranking potential. One method to reach into the inbox of all outreach targets. The exact process we use to find & train new writers, from newbies to ranking content. How to 10x your email list opt-in rates. How to make bank from your email list and diversify away from pure affiliate & ads revenue. How to build highly profitable evergreen funnels that generate daily sales. Get Ahead of Your Competition WITH OUR MOST ADVANCED TACTICS Our blueprints are the ultimate training programs for advanced digital marketers. We don’t waste your time with basic concepts – that’s in The Authority Site System. Whether you want to grow your editorial team, scale your link building, upgrade your site structure, or monetize better, you will find the solutions to the advanced challenges most content creators never address inside Authority Hacker Pro. Advanced content only – no beginner fluff Training over the shoulder – no Powerpoint. The largest library of advanced content available anywhere. 100’s of Field Tests in Your Pocket WITH CASE-STUDY-BASED TEACHING All the teachings you will find inside The Authority Hacker Pro blueprints are based on real-life experience running sites in the field for 15+ years. So when you follow a blueprint and apply it to your website, you know someone has already ironed out the quirks, and you can expect quick results from your work. Over 15 years of field experience distilled into easy-to-consume video lessons. Advanced community members regularly contribute to the knowledge inside Authority Hacker Pro. Increase your success rates instantly when you apply Authority Hacker Pro Tactics. Download Now Read the full article
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rizvializa · 2 years
What I Learned Could Help You Save Your Time? If You Are a Learning Digital Marketer
How What I Learned Could Help You Save Your Time? If You Are a Learning Digital Marketer
In This Piece of Content, I Am Going to Share My Whole Week of Research and Knowledge Which Not Only Helps You Clear Concepts but Also Can Save Your Time to Research What I’ve Already Mentioned Here. This Article Will Be Useful for Bloggers, Professionals, Freelancers, Mentors, and Entrepreneurs).
Before Jumping to the Main Piece of Information Here Are Some Basic Tips You Should Remember if You Are a Leaning Sapience
Writing Is Very Important for Nervous System Whether It Is on Notebook or on a Digital Software It Not Only Helps You to Remember the Concept but Also Give You Multiple Perspectives to Think for
Always Do One Thing at a Time as It Is a Practice to Stay Away From Distractions Like Mobile, Phone, Tv, Etc.
Always Share Your Knowledge With Others, It Gives You More Confidence in Your Area of Knowledge.
Take a Hardcopy of Your Dream and Always Keep That in Front of You While Doing Your Work. As It Reminds You Why You Are Working for
In Today’s Article, I Am Going to Give a Clear Idea of These topics -
The Fundamentals of Marketing
Digital Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing.
Catt Marketing Funnel
Integrated Digital Marketing
Personal Branding: Masstrust Blueprint
What is Marketing?
Marketing Starts Before Creating the Product, It Starts With Understanding Customers’ Needs That Leads Creators Creating a Product That Fits the Individual Need, Although Marketing Is Not Just About Selling a Product or Service, It Basically Means to Retain Your Customer for a Long Time by Providing What Is Helpful for Them and Trying to Make Them Happy.
“ In One Line Marketing Is About Sending the Right Message to the Right People at the Right Time.”
Basically, Marketing Is Building Trust in a Mass ( Group of People ), but a Great Marketer Is One Who Can Make the Masses Happy by Giving Them What They Really Want and Not What the Marketer Is Selling.
Why Invest Time & Energy learning marketing?
Marketing Education Has a Long Shelf Life Because It Is Rooted in Human Psychology and Understanding the Market.
Marketing as a Topic Has Existed Since the Dawn of Civilization — Since the First Market Square Appeared in the Villages.
Marketing Is the Most Valuable Investment in a Business Because It Gives Direct Return. Everything Else Like Production, Manufacturing, Hr, Accounting, Administration Is an Expense That Doesn’t Give Immediate ROI.
Marketing Cannot Be Outsourced Completely to a Marketing Agency. The Founder Should Be a Marketer
If You Know How to Market & Sell, You Are in a Safe Career.
Digital Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing.
The Main Difference Between Digital and Traditional Marketing Is the Medium Through Which an Audience Encounters a Marketing Message. While Traditional Marketing Uses Traditional Media Like Magazines and Newspapers, Digital Marketing Uses Digital Media, Such as Social Media or Websites.
If a Product Is Generic With a Very Wide Targeting — Tv Ads Can Reach Millions at a Low Cost. (Ex: Apple Iphone0)
India Has Tvs in 197 Million Homes Out of 298 Million Homes. With an average of 4–5 Members Per Household. TV Has a Reach of 800 Million to 1 Billion People. The Reach of Digital Marketing Is Nowhere Close to Tv Based on Numbers Alone. (Source: Wikipedia )
Digital Marketing Is the Best Medium to Reach the Affluent English-speaking Population in India With Spending Power. ~ 100 Million Users.
Radio Has a Reached 65% of Indian Population Source Financial Express
The Newspaper Has a Reach of 465 Million People ( Source Business Standard )
CATT Marketing Funnel
Wealth = n^CATT
[ n ] Niche: Your success & wealth depends on the niche you choose
[ C ] Content: Create useful content that attracts people from your niche. Blog posts, videos, lead magnets, live webinars, etc.
[ A ] Attention: Drive attention (traffic) to your content using SEO, Social Media, Paid ads, and referrals
[ T ] Trust: Build trust with your audience with trip wires, marketing automation, and retargeting
[ T ] Transaction: Convert your leads into customers with natural sales methods.
Integrated Digital Marketing
Personal Branding: Mass trust Blueprint
Learn: Learn a New Skill Through Concepts, Facts, and Procedures. Understand the Concepts. Remember the Facts and Practice the Procedures.
Work: Put Your New Found Skill to Work. Go From Practice to Implementation.
Implementing It in the Real World Will Give You Better Understanding ( Work = Job/ Freelancing / Own Projects )
Blog: Write What You Have Learned and Experienced Through Your Work, When You Write, You Understand It Better, but You Will Also Start Building Your Personal Brand.
Consult: Now That You Have a Personal Brand Through Your Blog, Have Work Experience, and Have Learned the Fundamentals, Start Consulting Other Businesses Instead of Working for Them
Mentor: Mentor Others Who Want to Become Like You. Mentoring Will Help You Scale Your Understanding to a Whole New Level.
Startup: Start Your Own Products or Service Business With the Understanding That You Have Developed About the Market, the Problem, and Your Own Skills.
To Become a Professional Marketer You Need to Learn Many Other Things Which Includes Niche and Selected Niche Competition and Market Reach, the Economics of the Country Where You Want to Market Your Products, Your Communications Skills, and a Lot More.
If You Want to Go in Depth on This Topic, Follow Our Blog to Expand Your Knowledge in the Marketing Area.
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rockitnrebel · 4 years
1:9:19 Rolling with the punches
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