#max and nev
versacethotty · 2 months
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gregs-spam · 2 years
i didn't have buzzfeed unsolved when i was younger
they were my bfu
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they were my ryan and shane
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cloudjumpervalka · 10 days
i think a silly life dream of mine is to be on an episode of catfish but like as a third party whos photos are stolen or something. i just want to have a phone call come in from nev ? id cry laughing
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velocitytimes2 · 11 months
rating: m pairing: max/nev
Max regrets the first time he kisses Nev Schulman. He regrets the fingers that scramble for purchase against Nev’s still too small frame. He regrets it most while his hands now search for the folds of Nev’s shirt to pull them together in a darkened hotel room. If he hadn’t kissed Nev back as early morning sleet stung his skin, he wouldn’t be here, ten years later, begging for Nev’s body to slam into Max’s orbit and stick there.
gratuitously ten years late to a fandom as always
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purplecatgurl234 · 4 months
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Who else wanted them to be gay & in love as a child
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seriouslysnape · 2 years
(and would you ever consider writing for it)
Catfish is my guilty pleasure TV show. Nev, Max, and Kamie are my television best friends. Like, I’m so addicted to this show.
(If there was a market for it, I’d be pumping out Max Joseph fics like no other.)
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likesnowatthebeach · 1 year
I love it when Max gets mad at the catfish to defend the person getting catfished
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robotpussy · 1 year
is max really gone from catfish?
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barrywhelk · 6 months
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juanitasupreme · 7 months
Nev and Max were so salty about the reveal when she has done them a favour
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roseorbs · 10 months
i’m rewatching catfish rn and this shit was quite literally deranged actually like wdym you flew across the country to grill me in my face on tv for ghosting you 😭
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onboardsorasora · 4 months
I went to the dentist today for my post op and there’s something about going to the dentist and having your praise kink stroked when they’re working on you.
So naturally Max is a new patient at the dentist in his new city. Everything is great and fine, the sign up was easy, they took his insurance (an important reason for why he chose them of course) and the wait to get in an exam room was negligible. 
Everything changes however, when his new hygienist walks in all sunshine and bright honey eyes. Max can’t see all of his face because he’s already wearing his mask but his eyes are beautiful and crinkly when he smiles. And Max knows he's smiling because the edges of his mask lifts with his cheeks. 
His name is Daniel and his voice is lovely, happy and his accent is taking Max for a ride. His dark hair is curly and a little messy, as if he runs his fingers through it often and Max could see a few tattoos peeking out from the sleeve of his bright blue scrubs.
It's lovely, he details everything he’ll be doing for Max today. It's just an intro appointment to get a lay of the land so they can plan his dental journey with them.
“We’re not gonna get into anything too intense today, just a few x-rays, and pictures of your pearly whites and then the doctor will be in to go through his recommendations. And then you’ll be outta here in no time.”
Max can’t help but smile because he can hear the smile in Daniel’s words. Daniel claps and does some finger guns before starting to set up. He puts the radiation vest on Max’s chest, Max does not catalogue the feeling of his gloved fingers when they cup the back of his neck to make sure the vest wasn't digging into his skin.
Daniel tells him how they're going to x-ray and he puts the little device in Max’s mouth. 
“You have beautiful teeth, Max.” Daniel says offhandedly, he was looking behind him at a screen. Max clenched his fingers underneath the heavy vest. 
“That's it, perfect. I’m gonna move this to your left upper…bite down for me? Beautiful love.” Daniel murmured under breath as he worked. Max dug his fingers in the meat of his thigh.
The torture continued, punctuated with the beep of the x-ray machine when it went off and the fresh smell of Daniel’s cologne mixed with his own natural scent. 
“There we go, I just need you to– good boy.” 
Max clenched his toes in his sneakers. 
“You’re doing so well for me Sweetheart.” 
Max wondered what the maximum pressure the little x-ray device could take before the stem snapped in half.
“Perfect baby, just perfect.” Daniel breathed, typing on the computer off to the side with one hand and stroking Max’s cheek unconsciously with the other. Max inhaled sharply.
Daniel looked back at him quickly, worriedly. 
“Let me get that out for you, your jaw must be a little sore.” Daniel sounded a little sheepish as he pulled the device away, Max watched the line of spit that still connected them thin away to nothing. He wondered if Daniel saw it too, if he maybe wanted to taste it. Taste what Max tasted like.
He was hard in his shorts.
Thankfully, Daniel took his time with putting back the x-ray extensions and taking off the radiation vest, Max was able to calm down a little. He was further able to refocus when his dentist came in, an older gentleman with shrewd eyes.
They discussed treatment plans and Max heard Daniel making notes whenever the doctor called out certain things. Daniel eventually left the room and his dentist continued to speak to Max about short term and long term goals. 
He was out front in the waiting room when he heard a loud honking laugh. While the office assistant scheduled his next appointment, Max’s eyes strayed to a lithe man in bright blue scrubs that turned the corner. He eyed him appreciatively, hearing his voice as he teased another hygienist and they laughed together.
“Alright Max, your next appointment is–” Max doesn’t know when his next appointment is because at that same moment Daniel turns around and sees him and smiles. Max has never really been bowled over by a smile before, by a face. But Daniel’s is gorgeous. Max wanted to kiss him, feel his nose bump his.
If Max was an artist then Daniel would be his muse. As it was, he was simply struck dumb by the man walking over to the desk.
“Georgie, are you treating Max here nicely?” Daniel teased, Max saw George roll his eyes fondly.
“Of course I am Daniel. He’s your favourite patient after all.” George grinned teasingly and Max saw Daniel’s eyes widen a fraction before he settled into a grin of his own.
“That’s right.” Daniel murmured and Max watched the way his lips formed his words. He wished he hadn’t worn his mask earlier so he could have seen how beautiful, sweetheart, and good boy had looked coming from those lips.
Max couldn’t help it. He blushed.
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apomaro-mellow · 8 months
The funny part of it all was that there had been a single, solitary moment, where Steve entertained the thought that this was all a joke. After all, in what universe did Eddie actually love him? But every touch was so natural. His smiles all looked genuine. He had really convinced Steve it was real.
Unfortunately for Eddie, his little game got revealed when Steve overheard him talking to his friends.
"I can't believe you've actually been dating Harrington for this long. I bow to your acting prowess", Gareth had said.
"What're you gonna do when time's up?", Jeff asked.
"I don't know...dump him...I guess."
Steve's heart had shattered but he forced himself to stay and listen. This had to be a mistake, a misunderstanding. Eddie would nev-
"Are you gonna make it brutal?", Craig asked.
"Naw, he doesn't deserve that. We had a few laughs and now we're moving on. And I'll be 60 bucks richer", Eddie grinned.
Steve felt like he was falling. He still was, even now as he stood in front of Eddie, confronting him when they met up at Skull Rock for a 'date'. What would've been their last date, had Steve not caught on.
"You...heard all that?"
"$60. That's all I'm worth to you?"
"Steve I-"
"Shut the hell up Munson. I'm done. You can get your money. Just don't ever talk to me again."
"I'm not-"
"Oh my god! Just give it a rest. I don't care if you feel guilty, or if you're trying to convince me this wasn't a game. I heard everything. I know it's fake. And I know you're an asshole." Steve turned to the side, not able to look at him all the way.
It was very easy to remember all the sweet nothings Eddie whispered to him. How it felt when he held his hand. But it was like Gareth had said, he was a good actor.
"We had a few laughs right?" Steve let out a watery chuckle. “Who’s laughing now?”
“…Clearly not you. You’re crying, dear God.” 
Steve turned back to look at him just as he reached up to touch his face. It was wet. He hadn't cried when he and Nancy broke up, or when he was beaten within an inch of his life, or when he nearly saw Max die right before his eyes.
But of all things, of all people, THIS was what brought on the tears.
Happy Ending here
Send me a dialogue prompt
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talesofesther · 2 years
Learning with the fall
Max Mayfield x Reader
Summary: Max figures out her feelings.
A/N: A little idea that I had while writing these headcanons, and had to elaborate.
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It was the end of August and the sun was setting, the skate park was partially crowded with kids and teens laughing and talking loudly. Deep green leaves swirled with the wind around the area, molding the place into one of a summer dream.
Max's red hair took on a golden shine, the sun kissed her freckles the same way you wished you could.
She walked beside you, skateboard held under her arm whilst you held onto the shoelaces of your rollerblades.
"Ugh, I hate it when there's this many people," Max complained, bright blue eyes scanning the cement slopes and watching a boy fall off his skate and into his butt. She scoffed, amateurs.
You sat down on the edge of one of the ramps, taking off your shoes to replace them with rollerblades. "Well, with a day like this, no wonder everyone's out."
The red-haired girl looked down at you, her lips pursed. The rips in your jeans revealed a healing wound, one you earned the first time you set foot on top of her skateboard.
The memory made Max's heart tingle. Your hands had been holding on to hers strongly, bodies almost touching before she inevitably let you go.
You only learn if you get it wrong first, if you get hurt first.
Max didn't enjoy the crimson red of the blood on your skin, her heart rate spiked when you collided with the ground. That kind of feeling for you was new, she hadn't given it much thought since then.
"Let's see if we can find a place." Max decided once you got up.
You did find a place, a secluded part of the park under a huge willow tree. The cement was covered in leaves and there were fewer ramps here, but also fewer people.
Max stepped up on her skateboard, getting over a small slope on the ground before settling her speed to match yours.
You stretched your arms, gazing down towards your feet with the ghost of a smile as you moved with the small wheels.
"When are you going to try again?" Max quirked an eyebrow, raising her arm beside you as well. The tip of her fingers brushed yours, goosebumps ran over her skin.
There was no movement from you to break the contact, your rollerblades moved in tandem with her skateboard. You turned your palm up, fingers curling around Max's. "Maybe when the repercussions of my last attempt are healed."
Max giggled, wind bringing strands of red hair over her eyes; the sun on her face making her squint. "You're such a wimp."
You theatrically raised a hand over your chest. "You wound me, Maxine."
As you moved, your head blocked the sun, highlighting your profile with a golden glow.
Max's smile faded slowly, her gaze never leaving you. She watched as a halo of beauty formed around you, capturing her heart with a strong grip. Max watched your eyes meet hers, a huge smile on your lips that brought sweat to her palms. She watched, as the fog lifted and her feelings came into focus.
The skateboard's wheel got caught up in a bigger leaf. It should be no big deal, but Max's mind was numb with the image of you under this new light.
She stumbled forward with force, certainly earning a bloody nose if it wasn't for your quick reflexes.
You were in front of her in a matter of seconds, both arms around her waist and saving her from the fall. One of them at least.
Max's chin rested against your shoulder as she caught her breath, both her hands squeezing your biceps. Your perfume invaded her senses and she became oh so aware of the way her body was glued to yours.
You pulled away to catch a glimpse of her eyes. You brought a hand up, pushing stray, messy hairs behind Max's ears. "Hey, you alright?"
Heat crawled up Max's cheeks, the brush of your fingers against her skin made a shiver run down her back. The air left her lungs when she raised her head and her nose almost brushed yours.
There was a moment of silence, a moment where your eyes locked with hers and Max heard her own heartbeat.
"Yeah, never better."
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are very much appreciated. <3
Max’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242
Let me know if you wanna be added to her taglist.
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akashicrecord · 1 year
If Catfish & MTV cared about the audience they would have had Nev split Max's ass open like a coconut before he quit the show
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afunfunkytime · 1 year
mwah. kisses your forehead. slow blinks. ily.
have some juice<3
nebraska: sweetheart. hes so cute. everyone loves him. himbo to the max. nobody really remembers he exists but hes happy to be there. has a dried corn cob in his pocket. why? idk. the epitome of he's confused but he's got the spirit. drinks an unhealthy amount of koolaid.
nevada: cheer team. wears full makeup to school every day. how does he have time for that. literally flawless. cant count to 10 though. nobody knows how he can hold a pen with his long goddamn acrylics. uses shakira songs as motivational quotes. says a weird amount of words with ussy endings. nevs alarm is him singing about damn time but its just aesthetically yelling ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME TO GET THE FUCK UP. outfit is literally perfect every day. uses ridiculous amounts of hairspray. lush FIEND. uses an obnoxious amount of gel pens. failing math but his notes are almost as cute as him.
new hampshire: gay. pretends hes civilised and a functional member of society. actually unhinged. rich as fuck parents. reads textbooks for fun. has a fancy looking dog. dresses like an old money equestrian. probably plays polo. what a loser.
new jersey: greasy. part of the garden club. pretends he isn't. refuses to admit he likes flowers. a total fucking nerd even if he pretends he hates school. straight a's. gym bro vibes. smokes in the bathroom and sets off the fire alarm way too much. probably listens to andrew tate. uses an entire can of axe body spray every morning. its like tear gas as he walks down the hallway. contributes to 47% of greenhouse gas emissions.
new mexico: dude has a whole feast in his lunchbox. he shares with everyone except colorado. will fight people. very scrappy. we love him. fucks up all these other bitches in spanish class. likes acting as a wizard at any opportunity he can. he strikes me as a band kid. owns 14 pet chihuahuas and he loves them dearly.
new york: pretends he ain't a theatre kid. everyone knows he is. also has rich as fuck parents. hes giving wears designer clothes that look exactly like regular ones. he bursts into song when he's alone in his bedroom. its giving 2008 taylor swift vibes. wishes he owned a cape. tries to hit new jersey with his car. has a rattail.
north carolina: country boy my beloved. football is love football is life. has a secret love of pirates. can often be found rambling to random people, despite this he is horribly socially anxious and is rambling because he cannot make small talk. very friendly, nice guy, often shows new people around. he's trying to work on his social anxiety. brought an opossum to school in his bag once. south carolina acts like hes 12. southie thinks it's funny to tell him he has school on days off. north falls for it most times.
north dakota: hockey player. nerd. wears glasses. constantly dressed for cold weather. carries around his books like he's the main character. does a lot better in school than south dakota. quieter. nice guy though. pushes up his glasses a lot in that nerdy way. pretends he and south aren't related. despite the fact they are almost identical twins.
ohio: unfunny class clown. his jokes are oddly specific and mildly disturbing. the ultimate band kid. he plays everything. can often be found standing eerily at the end of dim hallways. does not know what homework is. blinks too much.
oklahoma: wears cowboy boots everywhere. claims he's not a cowboy. also pretends he's not a theatre kid. can't fuckin drive for shit. got banned from running track because he kept getting disqualified for running before the starting signal. smh oklahoma.
oregon: there are no books in his backpack. just monster cans. hasn't slept a day in his life since he started highschool. he does those tiktok interview thingies with random people. most are classmates. hes a tryhard. gay as fuck. drinks a Terrifying amount of caffeine.
keep SCREAMing, my feral little rats. ily all. we're almost done. idk what to do when I finish this.
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