maypearlss 1 month
馃帶 blog re-intro!
so i remade my entire blog, so what!
to freshly introduce myself, i go by may on here! i'm still a writer, just not as frequent of one. i like 90s grunge bands, weird fucking literature, and the color red. i like to get a little stranger every day, so if you want to help me out with that, this is definitely the place. expect general textpost absurdity and vague references to stories that only exist in my head.
i love receiving asks, but there are some things i'm not comfortable with having in my inbox, so please don't ask me anything related to...
1. overly personal information (like where i live, my real name, invasive questions about my identity, etc. if you think there's a chance i'll be uncomfortable with it, err on the side of caution and just don't send it.) 2. self-promotion鈥攊 love meeting new people, but i'm much more likely to check out your blog if you ask a question or something genuine to spark a conversation rather than just saying "check out my blog/work." 3. asking if we can be friends with no prior interaction. it's hard for me to consider myself friends with someone if i've never even talked to them before. if we're going to be friends, it'll happen naturally!
this all goes for dms as well, because i've gotten some really awkward dms. i love dms, i just don't like when they make me feel uncomfortable for no reason!
so, that's me! stick around, or don't :)
- may
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fortunatetragedy 1 month
hello hello!!!!!! i followed recently (this is my main blog but my writing blog is @maypearlss) and im kind of obsessed with the vibes of doom metal love story?? i have a really old weird western wip im hoping to revive sometime and i just love the genre so it immediately caught my eye. im curious what sorts of things inspired the intial idea for it?
Heyyy I'm sorry this took so long to answer. I wanted to give an intelligent response and was typing it in Notepad and we all know how that ends.
That said--thank you so much! I get way too excited whenever I see someone else is working on a Weird Western. I was talking to (I think) @/ashirisu (not tagging because I'm not 100% sure but I do want to give credit) and they mentioned it's the intersection of American Gothic and fantasy. That's been rattling around in my head for weeks.
So yeah, the inspiration for the vibes:
getting off the airplane in Oklahoma and immediately feeling like the land itself was telling me to leave
learning more about Oklahoma from people who live here and not my New York State high school history textbook
(learning that Oklahoma is a pretty bitching state with a diverse ecosystem and some breathtaking vistas)
philosophical pessimism
Lovecraft by way of the Call of Cthulhu TTRPG
the concept of writing the hero as an NPC who only shows up when the "main characters" have fucked up
asking myself "Is it possible to give these characters a Golden Ending?" after they earned a Bad Ending like three times in a row
w/r/t above: playing too many video games with branching narratives and alternative endings
w/r/t above: the Silent Hill series, the Alan Wake series, and the Pathologic series have seriously borked my vibes and my themes possibly for life
Sullivan (the hero) and Royston (his boyfriend) basically showed up handcuffed together and I had to be like "... oh. Hi. What's going on here?"
chronic pain
High Plains Drifter (but gay)
the "Darmine Doggy Door" sketch from I Think You Should Leave
And finally, this 80s music playlist that I had on repeat when I was writing the first draft trying to figure out what the hell a romance subplot was doing in an existential horror novel.
P.S. When you revive that wip I want on the tag list :3
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magscrane 3 days
hello!! this is @maypearlss on my main blog, you seem really cool! your wip sounds really interesting, what's it about?
aaaa thank you!! Okay so, on the most basic level it's a tragic fantasy about Iris (my mc) losing her humanity as she also makes connections and maybe even finds love while traveling around on a little quest!
The quest itself is to make sure the continent's Gods are protected after Iris' God is killed (which she blames herself for of course) Also! The gods are like giant bivalves (that don't need water) with magic lol
I've got a whole little world set up and everything with different Queendoms and stuff; a little bit of history to go with it, and a handful of major characters besides Iris!
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fortunatetragedy 20 hours
six sentence sunday!
Out of nowhere came @lychhiker-writes with lines from That's Not Davy Anymore and a tag! Then turned around and wrote two pages despite not wanting to, which is inspiring as hell. Thank you :3
I'm still revising this whole chapter from Doom Metal Love Story Book 2 and don't know where I am rn but I think it's six lines and I think it's from Chapter 6?
Knowing the man could not remember kind hands on his body, Sullivan had never asked for nor expected kindness from them. Yet Royston did try to emulate the warmth he felt when Sullivan touched him, and Sullivan felt loved when Royston touched him, if he did not feel kindness, or gentleness. If those things were not in his nature, regardless of how fine he was to watch, of how soft his skin was. If the man who loved him was ruthless and soulless, and had no idea what love even looked like, before Sullivan showed him. Royston loved Sullivan because Sullivan saw exactly who and what he was, and he did not ask him to be anything else. He never had. Not in any iteration.
Oh no look out I'm tagging everyone and it's open:
@amielbjacobs @astramachina @aintgonnatakethis @ashfordlabs @ashirisu
@cowboybrunch @dyrewrites @elsie-writes @finickyfelix @frostedlemonwriter
@grimmdivinity @gioiaalbanoart @luchadorbard @leahnardo-da-veggie
@maypearlss @mjjune @noturprobiem @noblebs @orphanheirs
@paeliae-occasionally @scribble-dee-vee @sentfromwolves @sapphicwizards @sunset-a-story
@thelittlestspider @the-golden-comet @transthadymacdermot @vickythestrange @wolgerrswraith
@words-after-midnight @xenascribbles @your-absent-father @zackprincebooks
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fortunatetragedy 13 days
head's up seven up!
Who tagged me... it was @sentfromwolves who tagged me!
Rules: Post seven lines from a WIP, then tag seven people.
For context, Hofer just joked-but-not-really that if things with Royston don't work out Sullivan should let him know so he can "help take care of the body."
"Jesus, Erik," Sullivan said, laughing though the thought wasn't funny at all. "I apologize. That was uncalled for." "No, it... you're not incorrect, if it ever came to that it would require both of us. Can we not make jokes about that, please? I don't want that. I want him to live."
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@aritany @autism-purgatory @deanwax @frostedlemonwriter
@lychhiker-writes @maypearlss @scribble-dee-vee
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maypearlss 1 month
URL CHANGE!!! wipsbymor -> maypearlss
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