#mca: comparisons
autisticeducator · 1 year
It’s very interesting what the perspective of hindsight provides.
Like I spent the past ten years with a doctor that by my current standards, is very toxic for me. Might work just fine for other people but not for anyone who has experienced medical gaslighting.
But when I started in 2013, the concept of regular medical care was still very foreign and the other doctors I had before were much worse. So in comparison, she seemed good.
But after the pandemic started and I got completely fed up with the pulmonologist I had and hired a different one (who is fantastic). Then I needed a cardiologist for suspected POTS, and a gynecologist to help with my MCAS/POTS flaring from the whole cycle thing.
Then because they were all highly compassionate, highly knowledgeable people with great communication with my autistic brain, I got really turned off by the primary care provider I was seeing.
Then she announced she was leaving the practice and I jumped on that opportunity to find someone better for me, ideally in the same practice as my specialists.
And find I did. The new one could tell from that ridiculous mental health screener the practice forces upon everyone that I have ADHD and correctly speculated that I am also autistic (somehow neither were on my chart). The joys of seeing a family medicine doctor is they are much more up on ADHD and autism presentation across age ranges since they see everyone. They also have nurses that can find blood off an EDS patient given if you can draw blood from a squirming infant or a toddler trying to fight you, you can find it on an adult EDS patient.
I don’t hate myself for not leaving sooner. I needed the time to figure out what I wanted out of a doctor and what traits I would best work with. The pandemic kinda pushed that along like it pushed a lot of other things along.
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doberbutts · 1 year
I just saw your post about how testosterone has helped your disability tremendously, which if I remember correctly is hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (but maybe I’m wrong). I’m agender and have been considering early menopause to help with my abundance of menstrual health issues, but if t helped your hEDS too that makes me really want to consider it further. If this is too private you absolutely don’t have to answer it but I’d love to know more as a fellow disabled person.
It's POTS actually :) though POTS is highly comorbid with hEDS and I *am* hypermobile, to a degree that I made my physical therapist wince with how easily I can assume positions that should noooooot be possible without pain when I was in recovery due to my car accident. She actually asked me if I have EDS and I said well I have POTS so... not officially but is it possible sure I guess.
So no, I do not have hEDS. But also yes I might have hEDS. Schroedinger's diagnosis.
No, testosterone helped my POTS symptoms disappear to almost nothing. This is at least partially because POTS does not get along with estrogen ans menstrual cycles, and taking testosterone lowered the estrogen in my body and also stopped my menstural cycle. Don't get me wrong, I still have some symptoms, but they are dramatically improved. I can do all sorts of things I used to not be able to.
There is... a bit of debate whether I have POTS at all. But I do have MCAS and, as said, I'm hypermobile, so very likely yes POTS is very likely. But with my NCAH diagnosis, it's equally possible that I *do not* have POTS, because NCAH also causes weird changes to your vasovagal response and your autonomic nervous system. In other words, do I have POTS AND NCAH... or do I just have NCAH?
Personally I don't really care because adding testosterone fixed the symptoms way better than anything the POTS meds were doing so w/e, if it works it works.
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It's "makes you intersex and sometimes gay disease but also you faint a lot and your body *really* sucks at handling stress disease". To be fair the classic form of CAH can just outright kill you if not well controlled. Nonclassic CAH by comparison sometimes still tries really hard but is less likely to do more than give you some serious medical trauma.
So like. Am I fainting because my body doesn't know how to handle stress which triggers a response of my autonomic nerve and because my adrenal glands are too busy making androgens to give me some fucking cortisol to communicate with my autonomic nerve, the thing guesses wrong and I hit the ground as my body attempts the biology version of "have you turned it off and then back on again"? Or am I the unluckiest fucker on the planet and I have two annoyingly underdiagnosed but much more common than we thought disorders which both hate estrogen and make me faint a lot?
Or, bonus, since POTS joins PCOS in the "disorder named for a symptom that's not even diagnostuc criteria and no one actually knows what causes it" family, is what we're calling "POTS" actually a group of symptoms that has a wide range of causes and my cause for my own symptoms IS NCAH? Who knows 🤷‍♂️
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jitendra030 · 6 months
Manipal University Online MCA
Conquering the Digital Frontier: Unraveling the Manipal University Online MCA Program
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In the whirlwind of the digital age, a Master of Computer Applications (MCA) degree has become the gold standard for aspiring IT professionals. If you crave the flexibility of online learning while seeking the prestige of a renowned university, Manipal University Online's MCA program might be your perfect launchpad. Let's delve into this innovative program, examining its curriculum, eligibility criteria, fees, and the key factors that make it stand out.
Unveiling the Course Structure:
Manipal University Online's MCA program spans across four semesters, meticulously crafted to equip you with cutting-edge knowledge and hands-on skills. Here's a glimpse into the core areas you'll conquer:
Foundational Semesters (Semesters 1 & 2): Laying the groundwork, you'll master programming languages like C++, Java, and Python. Data structures, algorithms, and operating systems will become your playground, while subjects like computer networks and web technologies open doors to the digital world's infrastructure.
Specialization Semesters (Semesters 3 & 4): This is where you carve your niche. Choose from specializations like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Software Development, or Cyber Security. Deepen your expertise in your chosen domain with advanced electives and capstone projects that put your skills to the test.
Eligibility Criteria: Unlocking the Gateway:
To embark on this journey, you must have:
A Bachelor's degree in any discipline with Mathematics or Statistics as a compulsory subject at the 10+2 level or at the graduation level.
Secured a valid score in national entrance exams like NIMCAT, MAT, or ATMA.
A passion for technology and a thirst for continuous learning.
Admission Criteria: Demystifying the Selection Process:
Once you meet the eligibility criteria, your merit score in the chosen entrance exam forms the basis for selection. Shortlisted candidates are then invited for an online interview where your communication skills, technical aptitude, and career aspirations are assessed.
Financial Considerations: Unmasking the Fees:
The program fee for the Manipal University Online MCA program is currently set at around INR 2.5 lakhs per semester. However, scholarships and financial aid options are available for deserving students, easing the financial burden and making the program accessible to a wider pool of talented individuals.
Beyond the Classroom: What Sets Manipal Online MCA Apart:
While a robust curriculum is crucial, Manipal University Online goes the extra mile to elevate your learning experience:
Renowned Faculty: Learn from industry experts and academic stalwarts who bring real-world experience and a passion for teaching to the virtual classroom.
Interactive Learning Platform: Engage in live online sessions, access comprehensive study materials, and collaborate with peers through a user-friendly learning management system.
Industry Connect: Gain an edge with industry internships and mentorship opportunities that bridge the gap between theory and practical application.
Placement Assistance: Leverage the university's strong industry network and dedicated placement cell to land your dream job in the booming IT sector.
Embarking on Your Digital Quest:
The Manipal University Online MCA program is not just a degree; it's a passport to a rewarding career in the ever-evolving IT landscape. If you're driven by ambition, possess a curious mind, and yearn to make your mark in the digital world, this program can be your stepping stone to success.
Spotlight on Specializations: Dive deeper into each specialization, highlighting the specific courses, industry trends, and career prospects.
Alumni Success Stories: Feature interviews with successful alumni who have carved their niche in the IT world after graduating from the program.
Comparison with other Online MCA Programs: Briefly compare Manipal's program with other online MCA offerings, highlighting its unique strengths and value proposition.
Student Testimonies: Include quotes from current or past students about their experiences with the program, its challenges, and its rewards.
Career Outlook: Discuss the job market for MCA graduates, highlighting growth trends, in-demand skills, and potential salary ranges.
Q&A Section: Address frequently asked questions about the program, admission process, and career opportunities.
For further information and updates ,please visit on:-
Top MCA colleges in india with low fees ,visit on :-
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randomvarious · 1 year
Ted Taylor - "Something Strange Is Going on in My House" Super Blues Legends, Volume 1 Song released in 1970. Compilation released in 1998. Soul-Blues
Plays: 81.7K on Spotify // 13.4K on YouTube
Ted Taylor was a terrific, label-hopping soul-blues vocalist who unjustifiably flew under the radar throughout most of his three decades-plus career. He possessed such a powerful and distinctly high-pitched voice that had this charmingly slick southern pastor's drawl to it, even with a natural whistle appended to the ends of certain words. And I really hate to make this comparison, but it's unfortunately true: at a certain point in his career, he sort of sounded like if Herbert from Family Guy—yeah, the old pedophile—could sing. Taylor tragically died in a car accident in 1987 at 53 years old, but I wonder if the guy who voices Herbert, Mike Henry, drew any inspiration from Taylor's music, because there appears to be an irrefutable similarity there between the voices—and only the voices—of the character and singer.
Anyhoo, Taylor's music career began after moving from his home of Okmulgee, Oklahoma to Los Angeles in 1952. After joining a couple gospel groups and one of them turning towards secular R&B and doo wop, he decided to go solo, and would bounce around a whole bunch of different labels throughout the rest of his career, from Laurie, to Okeh, to Atco, to Epic, and to MCA, to name some of the most popular ones.
But where he wound up finding the most stability was on the Shreveport, Louisiana-based Jewel Records' subsidiary Ronn, for whom he recorded a steady stream of 7-inches from '67 to '74, and then returned in '77 and '81 for a couple more.
Taylor managed to chart a bunch of his singles onto both the Billboard Hot 100 and R&B charts, but neither showings were particularly impressive. His biggest commercial successes were "Push Push," which he released in 1960 as Austin Taylor on Laurie (#90, Hot 100) and "Stay Away From My Baby," released in 1965 on Okeh (#99, Hot 100; #14, R&B).
But his second-most commercially successful single on the R&B chart was the great "Something Strange Is Going on in My House," a fun and playful sub-3-minute, lightly funky soul-blues tune sung from the perspective of Taylor that was released in 1970 on Ronn and managed to hit #26. In 1998, Jewel included it on their Super Blues Legends, Volume 1 compilation, which is where I first came across it.
On this song, Taylor recounts a couple highly curious situations that lead him to suspect that his wife or girlfriend is cheating on him. But the song actually has a lighthearted nature to it, with his full backing band supplying some neat tricks to accompany his narration. For example, the bass, and then the piano, emulate a creeping tiptoe on the chorus to represent the unwelcome person that’s likely in Taylor’s house. And in the second verse, he mentions a weird scratching noise coming from the room next to him, and as he does this, the funky guitar, for an ever so subtle split-second, speeds up, which symbolizes that scratching noise. Cool!
In the end, Taylor resolves two things: one, he's going to lay out a trap to catch his lady and her side-piece together, and two, he's not going to end his relationship, but he's going to find his own side-piece in order to get even. Spicy!
Fun and overlooked early 70s single from this pretty underrated soul-blues singer who possessed such a unique and enjoyably high-pitched voice. 
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     In 1989, Ace Records issued a box set on Little Richard titled The Specialty Sessions. The box covered Richard’s five-year span on Art Rupe’s Specialty label from 1955-1959. It was released at a time when the record industry was flooding the marketplace with box sets. Bob Dylan’s Biograph set, Eric Clapton’s Crossroads box, and Bruce Springsteen’s Live 1975-1985 box had all done big business in record stores, and the labels began combing their vaults trying to put something together for every major artist whose masters they owned. Little Richard didn’t look to be the best choice for the box set treatment, however. His reputation as an innovator, and an influence, and a key figure in the history of Rock ‘n’ Roll rested mainly upon a couple of dozen of the wildest rock ‘n’ roll 45s ever recorded, but what Richard had done before and after those records mattered little in comparison. On the other hand, artists like Chuck Berry or Fats Domino had had longer chart runs than Richard, and appeared to be better subjects for the box set treatment. After all, Richard’s most important and influential records could be contained on a single LP or CD, while EMI, for example, could issue a box of 101 of Domino’s recordings for the Imperial label without apologizing for its quality. Chess could do a nice set on Berry just by including all of his hits and several quality rarities, and barely scratch the surface of his success.
     Nevertheless, Little Richard got the box set treatment. Now while I’d purchased the 6 LP Complete Buddy Holly box set when MCA issued it in the U.S. in 1981, not to mention Chuck Berry’s Chess Box in 1988, the Little Richard set was one I decided to pass on because I couldn’t imagine really needing any more than the Richard singles that were collected on Specialty’s 1959 17 Grooviest Original Hits which had been in my collection for years.
    I went to work as an assistant manager at a Camelot superstore in 1995 for several months following the demise of the independent record shop I’d managed for seven years that had recently closed. This was a big, beautiful, very spacious chain record store that, judging by the lack of foot traffic on any given Saturday afternoon, was already well on its way to extinction by the time I got there. Before it closed, though, that Camelot store had a massive clearance sale – presumably the first concrete evidence of its, and the chain’s coming demise. Boxes of clearance product began arriving daily, and we were also instructed to begin taking markdowns on specific product already in-store. We had a blowout on sheet music, laser discs, cassettes, CDs, and, yes, even some vinyl records that were still lying around the Camelot warehouses unsold, and no longer returnable.
     We set up tables we’d rented to hold all the boxes for what would be the biggest clearance sale in my nearly 30 years working in record stores. One of the perks of working in record stores – as anyone who’s ever worked in one can tell you – is getting a first look at the bargain records that get shipped to the store – not only on special occasions like this one, but on a regular basis in the form of cut-outs – deleted records drastically reduced in price, but in very limited supply. That’s what a record collector lives for, and that’s why the smartest collectors always tried to get gigs in record shops. What gems you’re able to score, however, largely depended on being in the right place at the right time. So even though I only worked at that Camelot superstore for four months, I was lucky enough to get the best bargain I ever got in all my years of collecting records. There, in a box of mostly junk clearance LPs that weren’t worth even the 50 cents or a dollar we were charging for them was a single copy of The Specialty Sessions by Little Richard – a five record box set – a vinyl box set – marked $2.88. I got so excited "my big toe shot all the way up in my boot" (as Little Richard once said). What a steal! So what if I already had all the hits! Five records for just $2.88 by one of Rock ‘n’ Roll’s greatest performers – that was too good to pass up. I stashed it and then bought it later that day when my shift ended.
     When I got home, I peeled the shrinkwrap and opened it to find a beautifully packaged box set of five records, and a stunning 12X12 booklet full of liner notes, and classic photographs of Richard in his prime. Each record sleeve told the specific history of the songs on that particular record. And the remastered mono recordings sounded so good it was if you were in the studio watching and listening to the songs as they were being cut.
     Out of the speakers came track after track after track of classic sounding R&B, gospel and rock ‘n’ roll. Who’d have ever imagined the depth and breadth of Little Richard’s talent? There was far more to the man than just those 17 groovy hits. This was a history lesson in the coolest classroom you could imagine. The 73 tracks in the box showed me the real Little Richard and why he matters so much.
     When I recommend records to people, I always tell them which record in an artist’s catalog they must have if they never buy another. If an artist matters at all, there’s always at least one classic set with which you begin. There aren’t very many artists whose one essential set is a box, but in Little Richard’s case, The Specialty Sessions is the first stop. But in 2023, this box on vinyl (in the condition mine is in) will set you back anywhere from $150 to $300. There’s no question, then, that the best bargain I ever found in all my years collecting records is Little Richard’s The Specialty Sessions vinyl box set for $2.88, bought at a chain store that is now just a memory. Right place, right time? Uh, yeah. In hindsight, this box set – one I’d passed on when it was first issued – is a textbook example of how to do a box set on a major artist, and along with The Complete Buddy Holly box, is one of the cornerstones of my entire collection.
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Which do you think is worse, MCA or 2nd Manga Route?
HELP ME i wouldn't say one is worse than the other because they're pretty unrelated and there is no point of comparison to me. objectively the answer would obviously be mca, since it is a bad adaptation while second manga route stands on its own and is pretty good (objectively)
but i can answer which one i dislike the most instead! that would be second manga route. make takane ooc and i sentence you to 1000 years in the dungeon. I HATE second manga route FUCK THAT SHIT
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collegetour54 · 2 days
MCA or MBA which is better
Are you struggling to decide between pursuing an MCA or MBA which is better ? Look no further! Our comprehensive program comparison will help you determine which is better suited to your career goals. With a focus on technical skills, MCA may be the right choice for those interested in computer applications, while MBA offers a broader business management perspective. Make an informed decision and set yourself up for success with our guidance.
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efiletax · 2 months
Which is Better, Trust or Section 8 Company?
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Deciding between establishing a trust or a Section 8 company (under the Companies Act, 2013) depends on various factors, including the objectives, scope, and operational requirements of the organization. Both structures have their advantages and considerations, so it's essential to evaluate them based on your specific needs. Here's a comparison to help you make an informed decision:
Ease of Establishment: Establishing a trust is relatively straightforward, typically requiring a trust deed that outlines the objectives, trustees, and operational guidelines. It involves fewer regulatory formalities compared to incorporating a Section 8 company.
Operational Flexibility: Trusts offer greater operational flexibility in terms of management and decision-making, as they are governed by the trustees appointed under the trust deed. This can be advantageous for organizations seeking agility and autonomy in decision-making processes.
Tax Benefits: Trusts may be eligible for tax exemptions on income derived from charitable or religious activities, subject to compliance with relevant tax laws and regulations.
Perpetual Succession: Trusts can have perpetual succession, meaning they can continue to exist irrespective of changes in trusteeship or membership, providing long-term stability and continuity.
Section 8 Company:
Legal Structure: Section 8 companies are incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013, as not-for-profit entities with the objective of promoting charitable or social causes. They offer a distinct legal identity separate from their members or trustees.
Limited Liability: Members of Section 8 companies enjoy limited liability, protecting their personal assets from the company's liabilities. This can provide a higher level of risk mitigation compared to trusts, where trustees may have personal liability.
Credibility and Recognition: Section 8 companies often enjoy greater credibility and recognition due to their formal incorporation and compliance with corporate governance norms. This can enhance the organization's reputation and facilitate fundraising efforts.
Regulatory Oversight: Section 8 companies are subject to regulatory oversight by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) and are required to comply with various statutory requirements, including filing annual returns, maintaining accounts, and conducting regular audits.
Fundraising Potential: Section 8 companies may find it easier to raise funds from donors, philanthropists, and institutional investors due to their formal structure, legal recognition, and transparency in operations.
Ultimately, the choice between a trust and a Section 8 company depends on factors such as the nature of activities, governance preferences, tax considerations, fundraising goals, and long-term sustainability objectives. It's advisable to consult with legal and financial experts to assess your specific requirements and determine the most suitable legal structure for your organization.
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masonsystem · 8 months
ive seen a few people say that they like shaft's abstract visual style in mca but i must be the contrarian and say i extremely disagree....... kagepro has a large emphasis on 'the ordinary' and the 'regular, everyday life', because it serves as a sharp contrast to how the mekakushi dan are clear outliers to this standard way of life:
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Children Record Side -No.7-
but nothing that shaft studio depicts actually feels like 'real life'; this is because the trademark of shaft's animation style are shots that jump from being abstract, cartoonish close-ups, to more distant compositions that often have the subject matter near the center.
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^shots from ep 4 of Mekakucity Actors compared to ep 2 of Erased. both are from scenes where two characters of similar distance are having a conversation with each other, but notice the difference in camera placement and shot composition between the two. (of course the emotional atmosphere of the conversations are different, and will affect the composition of the shots, but i just want to contrast the compositional preferences that these two animes have)
shaft's manner of composing shots is useful because it manages to depict a lot of information (character expressions, location setting, etc) while actually having very little animation, and not needing to spend too many resources figuring out the positioning of the characters:
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giancarlo volpe's post on screen direction
because of shaft's animation style, the complexities showcased in these pictures above often dont have to be dealt with, bc shaft instead prefers to jump between close up shots, distant shots, and top down shots:
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this manner of camera placement gives off an unnatural and staged feeling. there is a lot of negative space, and its very effective when used in more uncanny and unnerving parts of the narrative, hence why moments like hibihiyo's kagerou daze and kano turning into haruka are very impactful.
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however, its less effective when used in more ordinary scenarios, like moments in a school hallway, or when momo meets with kido:
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^notice the abundance of negative space in momo's meeting with kido in the anime, in comparison to the Kisaragi Attention mv. this negative space paired with shaft's inclination towards symmetry makes for a jarring and unnatural atmosphere. again, good for more creepy parts of a narrative, less so for more mundane and ordinary scenarios.
which goes back to my original point about kagepro's theme of 'the rational everyday' vs 'the fantastical imagination': that shaft's animation style fails to capture this 'standard, everyday life' that the mekakushi dan is meant to contrast against. because shaft is incapable of capturing the mundanity of everyday life, the more unnatural parts of the narrative doesnt stand out as strongly as it possibly could.
i strongly feel that mca wouldve been more effective if shots set outside of the kagerou daze, in the normal world, had much more natural and more asymmetrical compositions, like so:
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and so when we see more unnatural and unnerving compositions, which are the trademark of shaft's visual style;
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it would be a greater visual contrast between the 'rational' vs the 'fantasy' dichotomy that kagepro makes a big note of.
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microvista · 11 months
Microvista XBRl Software - India's #1 Best XBRL Filing Software for MCA
In today's digital age, businesses, and organizations must submit financial reports and statements in electronic formats to regulatory authorities like the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) in India. XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) has emerged as a standard format for such financial reporting. This article delves into the significance of XBRL filing for MCA and introduces Microvista XBRl Software, the leading XBRL filing software in India.
What is XBRL?
XBRL is a standardized language designed for exchanging business and financial data in a computer-readable format. It allows companies to prepare, publish, and exchange financial statements seamlessly across various platforms and regulatory bodies. XBRL simplifies data interpretation, analysis, and comparison, making it an indispensable tool for modern businesses.
Importance of XBRL Filing for MCA
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs mandates that certain companies submit their financial statements and other business data using XBRL format. This move is aimed at enhancing transparency, accuracy, and efficiency in corporate reporting. XBRL filing streamlines the process of data collection, analysis, and presentation for regulatory authorities, investors, and other stakeholders.
Introducing Microvista XBRl Software
Microvista XBRl Software stands out as India's #1 best XBRL filing software for MCA compliance. It is a comprehensive solution that simplifies the otherwise complex task of XBRL reporting. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Microvista XBRl Software has gained immense popularity among businesses of all sizes.
Key Features of Microvista XBRl Software
Easy Data Import and Validation: Microvista XBRl Software allows users to import financial data directly from their accounting systems, spreadsheets, or other software. The software automatically validates the data, reducing the chances of errors and ensuring compliance with XBRL standards.
Customizable XBRL Templates: The software provides a wide range of pre-built XBRL templates to choose from. Users can also customize these templates to match their specific reporting requirements, ensuring accurate and tailor-made financial statements.
Real-time Collaboration: The software provides a wide range of pre-built XBRL templates to choose from. Users can also customize these templates to match their specific reporting requirements, ensuring accurate and tailor-made financial statements.
Automated Error Detection and Correction: To maintain accuracy and compliance, the software employs advanced algorithms to identify errors or inconsistencies in financial data. It offers suggestions for corrections, ensuring the final XBRL report is error-free.
Secure Data Sharing and Storage: Microvista XBRl Software prioritizes data security. It provides encrypted data sharing and secure cloud storage options, safeguarding sensitive financial information from unauthorized access.
How Microvista XBRl Software Streamlines MCA Filing Process
The seamless integration of Microvista XBRl Software with MCA's reporting system streamlines the filing process. The software automatically maps the data to the required MCA taxonomy and generates XBRL reports ready for submission.
Why Choose Microvista XBRl Software Over Other Solutions
While several XBRL filing software options are available in the market, Microvista XBRl Software offers distinct advantages. Its user-friendly interface, robust features, and exceptional customer support set it apart from its competitors.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Customers who have utilized Microvista XBRl Software have shared positive feedback about its ease of use and effectiveness in ensuring accurate and timely XBRL filings.
Pricing and Plans
Microvista XBRl Software offers flexible pricing plans to accommodate the diverse needs of businesses. The pricing is competitive and provides excellent value for money, given the software's performance and capabilities.
In conclusion, Microvista XBRl Software stands tall as India's premier XBRL filing software for MCA compliance. Its user-friendly interface, powerful features, and seamless integration with MCA reporting systems make it the preferred choice for businesses seeking a reliable and efficient solution for their XBRL filing requirements.
Is Microvista XBRl Software suitable for small businesses?
Yes, Microvista XBRl Software is designed to cater to the needs of businesses of all sizes, including small and medium enterprises.
Is Microvista XBRl Software suitable for small businesses?
Absolutely! Microvista XBRl Software enables real-time collaboration among multiple team members working on XBRL filings.
Is data stored in Microvista XBRl Software secure?
The software ensures secure data storage and transmission through advanced encryption measures.
Can I customize the XBRL templates according to my company's reporting style?
Yes, Microvista XBRl Software offers customizable XBRL templates to match your specific reporting requirements.
How does the software help in error detection and correction?
The software uses sophisticated algorithms to automatically detect errors in financial data and suggests corrections for accuracy.
Remember, when selecting XBRL filing software, choose Microvista XBRl Software for a seamless and efficient reporting experience.
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internset · 1 year
Which MCA specialization suits you better - Data Science or Machine Learning?
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Which university is best for an MCA, Chandigarh University or Lovely Professional University?
Choosing the best university for an MCA program depends on several factors such as faculty, curriculum, research opportunities, industry partnerships, campus facilities, placement opportunities, and alumni network. Here's a brief comparison of MCA programs offered by Chandigarh University and Lovely Professional University (LPU):
Chandigarh University: Chandigarh University is a relatively new private university in India that offers an MCA program. Some of the potential advantages of pursuing an MCA at Chandigarh University are:
Curriculum: The MCA program at Chandigarh University is designed to provide students with practical skills and knowledge in computer applications, programming, software engineering, and database management, which can help students in their career growth.
Faculty: The faculty at Chandigarh University includes experienced professors and researchers with industry experience, which can provide students with valuable insights and networking opportunities.
Infrastructure: Chandigarh University has a modern campus with state-of-the-art facilities such as classrooms, computer labs, libraries, and sports facilities.
Industry partnerships: Chandigarh University has partnerships with many industries and organizations, which can provide students with opportunities for internships, live projects, and placements.
Lovely Professional University: Lovely Professional University is a private university in India that offers an MCA program. Some of the potential advantages of pursuing an MCA at Lovely Professional University are:
Curriculum: The MCA program at Lovely Professional University is designed to provide students with practical skills and knowledge in computer applications, programming, software engineering, and database management, which can help students in their career growth.
Faculty: The faculty at Lovely Professional University includes experienced professors and researchers with industry experience, which can provide students with valuable insights and networking opportunities.
Infrastructure: Lovely Professional University has a modern campus with state-of-the-art facilities such as classrooms, computer labs, libraries, and sports facilities.
Industry partnerships: Lovely Professional University has partnerships with many industries and organizations, which can provide students with opportunities for internships, live projects, and placements.
In terms of the MCA program, both universities appear to offer similar advantages. It is recommended that you research and evaluate the specific MCA program at each university, including looking at the program's reputation, rankings, accreditation, curriculum, faculty, placement opportunities, and alumni network. Talking to current students and alumni can also help you gain insights into their experiences with the program.
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ampuesto · 1 year
Types of Business Registration Available as per Indian Laws
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In Today’s scenario, there is lot of confusion amongst Prospective Entrepreneur, New Business Owner, and Students regarding what type of Business Registration is suitable for them to start with. In the article, we will help you to understand what exactly Business Registration is and how many types of Business Registration options are available in India.
This is the most common Business Registration available in India for small Business Owner or single business owner who do not want any transparency or sharing in their business with anyone. This is the type of registration in which the owner have limited capital and resources and do not want to indulge itself in compliances. There is no such department or law which governs it or provide any certificate for registration but to register it, one will have to register in either MSME or GST. In proprietorship, the owner cannot apply for the new PAN Card but his/her individual pan card will be used in all compliances. The tax applicable in case of proprietorship will be the tax slab available for an individual.
This is one-step ahead of Proprietorship as it is the type of Business, which can be started between two or more partners. As such, there is no such compliances in this form of business except annual Income Tax Return and GST Returns (if taken registration). There is no compulsion on partners to register their partnership with Sub-registrar of their city but it is preferable in case of any dispute between partners and it is governed by Partnership Act. Unlike Proprietorship, a new PAN Card will be issued to the partnership from which they can start their other compliances and it comes under highest tax slab of 30% of Income Tax Act.
One Person Company
This is not such a popular type of Business Form as it is a combination of Pvt Ltd Company and Proprietorship. A single owner/Proprietor makes OPC by registering in MCA as a Pvt Ltd Company. As far as compliances are concerned, OPC is governed by Companies Act and all the compliances mentioned in Companies Act will have to be met by OPC including Compulsory annual Audit by a Chartered Accountant.
Limited Liability Partnership
This is the extended version of Partnership. To register the LLP, one will have to make application in MCA with all the documents and details of partners. It is governed by Limited Liability Partnership Act so all the annual compliances mentioned in the said act will have to be met by LLP. It comes under highest tax slab of Income Tax, i.e., 30% (thirty percent)
Pvt Ltd Company
This is the most popular or recognized form of Business Registration amongst Banks, Investor, Entrepreneurs. This is the most preferable business form in context of Startup seeking funding from Investors. It is governed by Companies act like OPC and all the compliances including Annual Audit will have to be met by the Company. In terms of Compliances, this is the most difficult form of Business in which every event or task is performed by filling form to MCA but considering a long term view for the Business, tax benefit is allowed to them in comparison to other forms of registration which makes it more beneficial for the entrepreneur.
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collegebuddy07 · 1 year
India's 7 Top-Rated Distance MBA Colleges
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Higher education is a requirement for career development and growth in today's world. Distance learning is becoming increasingly popular for those who already work and wish to continue their education. In the last few years, distance education has become a very popular method of education. Distance education offers flexibility, convenience, affordability, and accessibility for students who are unable to attend regular classroom sessions. Students can study anywhere, at any time.
There are many institutions in India that offer distance education courses. Students should be careful when choosing an institution as not all institutes offer the same quality education. We have compiled a list of the top-ranked Indian distance MBA colleges.
Here's a list I pulled from My College Buddy:
Indira Gandhi National Open University, (IGNOU):
IGNOU is India's largest distance-learning university. It offers a variety of courses including MBA, PGDM, and MCA. UGC and AICTE recognize the IGNOU MBA program. This course provides a solid foundation in management principles. The course lasts two years. Eligibility criteria include graduation from any discipline. The course fee is approximately Rs 37,800.
2. Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning:
SCDL is one the most renowned distance learning institutions in India. The institute offers a 2-year MBA program with specialized areas such as Finance, Marketing, and HR. AICTE and UGC have approved the course. Eligibility criteria for the course are graduation in any discipline and a minimum 50% mark. The course fee is approximately Rs 37,000.
3. ICFAI University:
ICFAI University offers two-year MBA programs in various specializations, such as Marketing, Finance, and HR. UGC and AICTE recognize the course. Eligibility criteria for the course are graduation from any discipline with at least 50% marks. The course fee is approximately Rs 65,000
4. Amity University:
Amity University offers two-year MBA programs in various specializations, such as Finance, Marketing, and HR. UGC and AICTE have approved the course. Eligibility criteria for the course are graduation from any discipline with at least 50% marks. The course fee is approximately Rs 1,50,000
5. Annamalai University:
Annamalai University offers two-year MBA programs in various specializations, such as Marketing, Finance, and HR. UGC and AICTE have approved the course. Eligibility criteria for the course are graduation from any discipline with at least 50% marks. The course fee is approximately Rs 40,000
6. Bharathidasan University:
Bharathidasan University offers two-year MBA programs in different specializations, such as Marketing, Finance, and HR. UGC and AICTE have approved the course. Eligibility criteria for the course are graduation from any discipline with at least 50% marks. The course fee is approximately Rs 40,000
7. University of Mumbai:
The University of Mumbai offers two-year MBA programs in various specializations, such as Marketing, Finance, and HR. UGC and AICTE recognize the course. Eligibility criteria for the course are graduation from any discipline with at least 50% marks. The course fee is approximately Rs 30,000
You can also get detailed information and comparisons on distance MBA programs, admissions, and costs in Delhi and other states by visiting My College Buddy. This search engine is available to parents and students as well as anyone who would like to find out more about colleges.
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ebizfiling11 · 1 year
How Registering An LLP Is Better Than A Private Limited Company?
When a layman intends to start a business, it is often unclear to him which business form is best for the new business entity. The two most common business form an entrepreneur selects is Private Limited Company and Limited Liability Partnership. These are 2 different concepts governed by Indian corporate law.
A Limited Liability Partnership is a corporate body that is constituted under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008. The LLP enjoys perpetual succession and functions as a separate legal entity from its partners. The existence, rights, and responsibilities of the LLP partnership will not be impacted by the change in the partners.  The Private Limited Company is prohibited from transferring shares under the Companies Act, 2013. The Private Limited Company is a separate legal entity as LLP and also provides limited liabilities protection to the members. But most entrepreneurs get confused about which one is better and easy to operate. So let us see how registering LLP is better idea than registering a Private Limited Company.
 What is a Limited Liability Partnership?  
A Limited Liability Partnership is a business that requires at least two partners and there is no upper limit for number of partners in the firm. It is an alternative corporate business form.  
 What is a Private Limited Company? 
In India, a Private Limited Company falls in between of a partnership and a widely owned public company. A Private Limited Company provides its shareholders with limited liability and legal protection. It can be established with at least two people.
 How registering an LLP is better than a Private Limited Company? 
It is easy to say the registration of both Private Limited Company and a Limited Liability Partnership is simple. Thus, it is not the issue or question of ease of registering but the question here is the direction and future of business. Sometimes it is beneficial to incorporate as a Private Limited Company. But we will provide you with a comprehensive argument on why LLP is better than Private Limited Company:
LLPs combine both the characteristic of the flexibility of partnership firms with the limited liability protection to members of the Private Limited Company.
In comparison to the cost of forming a Limited Liability Partnership is substantially less than the cost of forming a Private Limited Company.
In comparison to Private Limited Companies, the requirements of statutory compliance are less for LLPs. If an LLP has not reached the threshold limit of INR 40 lakhs as the aggregate turnover or revenue contribution of INR 25 lakhs for the particular financial year, then there is no need of auditing the financial statement and accounts. However, a Private Limited Company must audit the financial statements and accounts of the company.
A company can only increase the number of owners in a Private Limited Company to a maximum of 200 shareholders due to its condition of restricted ownership. However, LLPs are not subject to any restrictions regarding a maximum number of members in the firm.
The need of holding meetings is substantially more in a Private Limited Company with the requirement of holding 4 Board Meetings. But if we talk about LLP, the firm must hold 1 annual Board Meeting for all the partners.
The incorporation cost of an LLP is very less as compared to the incorporation cost of a Private Limited Company.
In the case of LLP, there are many tax advantages.  Such as wealth tax, surcharge, and dividend distribution tax (DDT) are among the taxes that are not imposed on Limited Liability Partnership whereas all these taxes are imposed in Private Limited Companies.
There are some Private Limited Companies which fail to comply with the mandatory compliance such as filing an annual return, filing financial statements and insolvency etc. with MCA can lead to hefty penalties up to INR 1 lakhs. But if the LLP fails to comply with the compliances then the penalty is very low as compared to the Private Limited Company.
Similarities between Limited Liability Partnership and Private Limited Company
There are some similarities between an LLP and Private Limited Company:
Both LLP and Private Limited Companies require a minimum of 2 directors or shareholders to start the incorporation process.
Both LLP and Private Limited Company provide the limited liability protection to the members or shareholders. It means that the members or shareholders are only liable for the nominal value of shares they own in the business.
LLP and Private Limited Company are the body corporate and a separate legal entities from its members or shareholders.
There are more benefits of LLP over a Private Limited Company. In the light of these benefits, it is a wise step for entrepreneurs or early-phase start-up to choose LLP business form. Registering as an LLP will help you in many ways like less statutory compliance, low cost of incorporation, can have end number of shareholders etc.
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distancepathsala · 1 year
Why Online BCA Degree is Relevant in 2023?
Today as it opens multiple doors of career opportunities for even freshers in the IT industry. The IT sector is evolving at an unprecedented rate, cropping up new and better career opportunities every single day.
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There is no doubt that Computer Science professionals are one of the highest-paid in the world and that the IT industry is one of the most lucrative career destinations for millions of young aspirants across the globe. A degree in Computer Science is definitely your quickest option for a global career. The spectrum of job opportunities after pursuing a BCA is extremely wide.
BCA is just an undergraduate degree but it gives you a great kickstart very early on in your career in comparison to other corresponding UG degrees. This is a degree that proves to be a boon especially for freshers because you get decent jobs in the IT sector immediately after you complete the degree.
However, we are here talking about the online BCA program and that makes a huge difference! The online and distance mode of education has their own advantages. So, in this article, we will be discussing the top 5 reasons you should enroll for an online BCA degree course. You will also get to know other relevant info in this article like the best university for BCA distance education, BCA distance course fees, the jobs, salary, and career scope after an online BCA degree course.
So, let’s get started without further ado!
Multi-Faceted & Lucrative Career Prospects
An online BCA degree allows you to venture into various domains because you can be employed in several sectors apart from IT like finance, banking, trading, healthcare, education, and transportation. All these sectors are always looking for experienced professionals in the field of Computer Applications. BCA is a great choice if you’re looking for diverse career opportunities.
Now, when you talk about monetary benefits, then you should know that IT professionals are some of the highest-paid today. Computer engineers in any sector today are among the best well-paid freshers out there in the industry. Online BCA graduates enjoy a lucrative base salary of approx INR 5-6 LPA, which is a great number to kickstart your career as this number only grows further with experience.
Great Networking & Global Career Options
Online BCA is an undergraduate program that opens up various great career opportunities quite early in your professional career. As a fresher, it is a great opportunity for you to build a good professional network as you will get ample chances to interact with experts, veterans, and leaders from the industry. Online BCA is really helpful in building this network because during the program your university will conduct several webinars and interactive sessions to help you network more and better.
This networking is really important if you wish to grow faster in your career as it will help you build from the ground up and in situations when you switch jobs. A career after BCA with a good network can even lead you to various global career opportunities as well as you are open to so many different industries. You can get even better global opportunities if you pursue an online MCA degree after your online BCA degree.
Many Job-Oriented Specializations are Available
Computer Science and Computer Applications are vast subjects and there are many specializations within them that are separate subjects of their own. Some of these specializations are so much in demand that there is a lack of professionals in these sectors as there are not enough experienced individuals to fill the vacant spots.
Some of these top specializations are Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Data Science, the Internet of Things, Cloud Technology, Blockchain Technology, Full Stack Development, and Information security. All of these are highly innovative and in-demand specializations and even help you in your career at a global level.
Affordable & Flexible
When you pursue BCA in the online and distance mode, the greatest advantage that you get is the extremely affordable fee structure and the flexibility with which you can pursue the course. The average BCA distance course fees is less than INR 2 lacs which is a lot less than the fees of regular BCA which will cost you around INR 2-5 lacs. Along with affordability comes the flexibility of how you pursue the course.
Since this is an online course, you do not have to go to college, you can attend online classes from anywhere and at any time as the video lectures are recorded. This saves you a lot of time and you can utilize this time to enhance your knowledge and hone your skills. You can pursue additional skill development courses, or you can look for internships or a job. The flexible mode of education helps you balance both studies and work to let you make the most of your time.
Paid Internships with Top IT Corporations
The online BCA course is a versatile one and shapes individuals into expert professionals in their fields. The course not just equips them with technical knowledge but also with soft skills required in today’s corporate world. This is why top IT companies hire promising BCA students for paid internships and train them professionally so that they can later hire them full-time after they complete their graduation. The internship already makes them aware of the work that is expected of them.
Best University for BCA Distance Education
There are several good universities all over India that offer online and distance BCA courses so it is difficult to just choose one best BCA distance education university as all of them are good in one aspect or another. We have listed below some of the best universities that provide online and distance BCA courses.
Amity University Online
Online Manipal University
Lovely Professional University (LPU) Online
Manav Rachna Centre for Distance and Online Education
Hindustan University CODE
Chandigarh University Online Learning
Chandigarh University Distance Learning
SASTRA University
MMU Online
Uttaranchal University Online
Vignan University
BCA Distance Course Fees
The average BCA distance course fees range between INR 1.2 to 2 lacs for the entire duration of the program. The exact fees vary for each university. The following table lists the semester-wise fees for the online BCA program at different online universities in India.Semester-wise BCA Distance Course Fees University NameSemester-Wise Total Fees Amity University OnlineINR 26,600/-Online Manipal UniversityINR 20,000/-LPU OnlineINR 29,000/-Manav Rachna CODEINR 26,000/-Hindustan University CODEINR 17,500/-Chandigarh University Online LearningINR 27,500/-
Jobs, Salary, & Career Scope After Online BCA Degree
The scope of a great career has already been iterated in this article several times. There is no doubt that a career in the field of Computer Science/Applications is secure for a long long time to come. The industry is expanding and there are new inventions every other day creating more and more room for IT professionals in the industry.
After pursuing the online BCA program, you are eligible for jobs in both the private and public sectors. For government jobs, BCA graduates can join the IT departments of public corporations like BHEL, SAIL, and NTPC.
There are a lot of top IT companies that hire BCA graduates at decent packages. The average starting package offered by such companies is around INR 5-6 LPA. This package grows quickly as the demand for experienced experts is a lot and there are very less professionals to fill this gap.
Following are some top job roles and their respective salaries that you can expect after pursuing the online BCA course. Job Roles & Salary After Online BCA Program Job Role Average Annual Salary Web DeveloperINR 4,50,000/-Software EngineerINR 6,50,000/-Full Stack DeveloperINR 7,00,000/-System AnalystINR 6,50,000/-Software TesterINR 3,50,000/-System AdministratorINR 5,00,000/-
Summing Up
By now you must have understood why you must enroll in the online BCA program. It is now time for you to find the right online university to pursue this course from. It is really important to find an authentic one because there are many online universities out there that are not approved by the government of India to offer online degree courses and so their degrees are not valid.
The university that you choose for your online BCA program must be UGC-DEB approved for the degree to stand valid. You must also check for other important things like the facilities offered, the digital infrastructure, the fees, the faculty, etc. You can easily do so at Distance Pathshala without the hassle of going from one website to another. Here you will find all the information about any online and distance university you want. You can even compare different universities based on some important characteristics using the comparison features at Distance Pathshala and then choose only the best one because you deserve it!
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