shawnmendesbuddy · 2 years
💡 Christmas Light Show💡 (Day 6 of 12 Days of Christmas Series)
Summary: Shawn, his family, and Y/N drive thru a Christmas Light Show
Warnings: Fluff
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Day 6
💡 Christmas Light Show
“Aaliyah, your father, and I wanted to go to the Night of Lights down in Toronto. We’re wondering if you wanted to come.”
The Night of Lights was a Christmas tradition that the Mendes family went to every year. Shawn vividly remembers that being one of his favorite things to do around Christmas time. Shawn hadn’t gone to it last year because he was so busy with tour, but he was excited to be able to go this year. He couldn’t wait to sit on top of Manny’s car as they drove through the colorful light displays, Y/N sitting next to him, her head on his shoulder.
“Can Y/N come?” He shyly questioned. He knew his family loved her, but he didn’t know how they felt about her joining in on all their Christmas traditions. Y/N’s family lived in the States, so she couldn’t see them or do anything with them for Christmas. He could tell how much she wanted to see her family because she would talk about it every day. He always felt bad going over to his family’s house to watch a Christmas movie and not inviting her. He was just worried about making either party feel uncomfortable.
Karen chuckled on the other side of the line. “I think Aaliyah would kill me if I said she wasn’t joining us this year. She adores her, we all do. She’s always welcome to all our family things, I hope you know that, and she knows that.” Shawn smiled softly. That was all he wanted for Christmas; his girlfriend and his family to be together.
“Thanks, mom, love you.”
“Bye sweetie.”
He heard the phone line hang up and Brian shoved him lightly. “You’re so smitten bro, it’s insane. You’ve only known her for like a month and you’ve got it really bad. I mean, just listening to you write this song about her, the devotion. Gosh, I hope I find someone like her.”
Shawn glanced around the studio at all the other people nodding their heads at Brian’s statement. Shawn felt his cheeks turning red. “I don’t know how I got this lucky.” He paused thinking about Y/N and everything he loved about her. “Let’s finish this song, yeah?”
Shawn took Y/N out to dinner later that night because they hadn’t been on a date in a week, and they were craving some alone time together. They held hands on top of the table and Shawn stroked his thumb along the back of her hand.
“And then, my boss was like, ‘Y/N, this is one of the best written articles I have ever seen. You’re promoted. I want you to write all the front-page articles for our company!’ And I wanted to scream and shout and jump for joy, but I was still in the office, so I asked for a bathroom break, then I went outside, and I probably looked like a maniac to the people walking down the street, but it was one of the happiest moments of my life.”
Shawn was grinning from ear to ear, listening to his girl talk about her achievements in the work force. “Baby, I am so incredibly proud of you, that’s amazing! You’ve worked so hard for this, and I know you are the best fit person for the job!”
Y/N curled into herself, embarrassed that her boyfriend was giving her so much praise. She didn’t like to be in the spotlight all that much. “You really think so,” she cringed at how insecure she sounded.
He nodded his head, bringing her hand up to his mouth and kissing it, “I know so.”
The big, fluffy snow in the Toronto sky made Aaliyah jump up and down in her seat. She loved the snow, and she also loved the Night of Lights, especially because Y/N was sitting in the back of the car, next to her brother, as they waited in line. They had brought Manny’s truck because Shawn and Aaliyah’s weight had bent the roof of the car the last time they had come.
As soon as they had the go ahead from the workers, Shawn, Aaliyah, and Y/N jumped out of the car and into the bed of Manny’s truck. Shawn sat down in the far-left corner of the truck and beckoned Y/N to come sit in his lap. She slowly sat down, trying to be careful not to crush Shawn. She had never sat in his lap before, and she was a little nervous. She laid her head against his chest and shudder as she felt his breath on her neck.
“You cold babe?” He whispered.
“You two are gross,” Aaliyah said, as she sat down next to Shawn and was sticking her tongue out at him. He lightly pushed her, before giving Y/N a kiss on the cheek.
He wrapped a fluffy blanket around the three of them as they drove through the colorful lights. Sleigh Ride was the first song to come up and the lights danced around them to the song. Shawn patted Y/N’s thigh to the beat. She shot him a look before intertwining her hands with his.
“What?” He sounded so innocent, but he knew that it bugged the crap out of her when he patted her thigh to the beat of a song.
“Wow, Mendes. Very sneaky way to get me to hold your hand.”
He turned a light red before pointing at the light up reindeer above them. “Look, it’s Rudolph!”
“Shawn, we all have eyes that can see!” Aaliyah chuckled at her brother’s antics.
“You know, whenever you go outside, you’re nose looks as red as Rudolph’s. It’s adorable honestly,” Shawn whispered in her ear.
“Hmm, I’m glad that I’m being compared to a Reindeer,” she laughed along with him as he bopped her nose with his finger and then rubbed his nose against hers.
“You’re way cuter, I love you,” he gushed to her.
“I love you too.” She lay her head back down on his chest and in that moment, he had never felt more at home. Not with his parents, not with his sister, not in his condo, not even in his childhood home. Because Y/N felt like home to him, and the realization of that, stunned him for the rest of the light show. He watched the brilliant colors fly by, but he didn’t pay much attention to them, choosing to stare at the girl, his girl, sitting in his lap.
“You okay babe?” Y/N questioned when they had finally made it through the entire maze of lights.
His eyes were watery, and he could feel a tear about to fall, but he nodded his head. “I’ve never been better.” And that statement was the truest sentence he had ever told.
A/N: Thanks for reading this, sorry if it was kinda short. Day 7 comes out tomorrow!
Taglist: @mendesblurb
If you would like to be added to my taglist, message me, thx.
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livtries · 6 years
touring *part two*
Part One here
Summary - Shawn asked you to go on tour with him, and of course, you accepted, but also wanted to tell Shawn about your feelings for him.
Word Count - 635
A/N - Hope you liked part one, if your haven’t read it yet, I’ll link it again, here.
“Shawn, that’s not a question. Even if you told me I had to go, I’d not have a problem with it. You know I’ll support you with anything you do, including coming with my best friend on his tour.” You smile, looking at Shawn.
Shawn grins like you’ve never seen before. His cheeks flush.
“Is somebody embarrassed?” You question, his cheeks turning a darker shade of pink.
“Stahp it.” Shawn jokingly says.
You look at Shawn for a while, admiring his strong features, soft eyes, pink, plump lips.
“Shawn looks back at you, his expression growing worried.
“What? Why are you staring at me? Is there something on my face?” He questions, looking at you, breaking you out of your daze.
“Oh, nothing. No, you look… great. Like always.” You smirk, wondering if he’ll notice.
He blushes once again, realising what you said.
“y/n, can I ask you something?” Shawn says.
“Sure.” You say, looking back at him, much like you did before.
“Well, it’s not really a question, more like a confession.” Shawn says.
You just nod, waiting for Shawn to say what you’re thinking. ‘I love you’
“I’ve feelings for you.”Shawn says.
“Seriously?” You question. You’re completely shaken by the fact that Shawn had told you this. Never in a million years did you think Shawn felt the same way.
You looked at Shawn once again, wanting him to kiss you.
You decide to take it upon yourself and kiss him. You feel Shawn's hands wrap around your waist, pulling you in.
You and Shawn had so many good memories before you started dating, but everything just seemed to go uphill from there. Everything was going well, and you both couldn’t wait for tour.
Shawn was so giddy and happy to be traveling again. The first stop was in the Netherlands. You’d never been to the Netherlands before (a/n or maybe you have, idek) and you were so excited about it.
On the plane ride, you had napped most of the way, holding Shawn’s hand, and cuddling close to him. You’d not liked planes since you were a kid. There was just something about them that you didn’t like.
You arrived in the Netherlands. You felt a slightly nudge on your arm, waking up a few seconds later. You look around, stretching.
“We’re here.” Shawn says, grinning. You smile, yawning.
At the hotel, there were so many fans outside. You kind of felt bad… For Shawn, and them…
Shawn goes down, meeting the fans that were outside. Shawn finally comes back up to the hotel room, looking exhausted, stressed, and about to break. Shawn hugs you tighter than before.
He was so overtired and stressed. He starts crying because or all the stress.
“Shh, shh, shh.” You coo into his ear. “Everything’s gonna be okay baby.” You coo once more, he just nestles his head into you neck more, sniffling.
In the morning, you found yourself in the same position as last night. You nudged Shawn awake, seeing as it was almost 11.
“Shawn.” You whisper into his ear.
“Hmm?” He responds, lifting his head from where it once was, in the crook of your neck.
“It’s almost 11.” You say, looking at the clock.
“I’m never asleep this late.” He says, rolling off of you.
“I’m not either.” You say, smiling.
The concert was absolutely stunning, and magical. Everyone was so amazing.
After the concert, you’re all back on the road again.
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awkwardstan · 7 years
Never Be Alone
You rushed your steps, instantly regretting your decision to walk back to your apartment alone. Usually Shawn would always walk you home at night, but this time he was miles away touring in America. You wouldn’t call yourself a very anxious person, but you certainly didn’t like walking alone at night. Not only did the dark scare you, but knowing how many disgusting men there was out there in the world raping women did not make you less scared.
You turned your head and noticed a tall figure walking far behind you on the street. It didn’t take you long to realize it was the same man that you had seen just minutes before at the club you and your friends had been to. He hadn’t dropped his gaze from either one of you for the entire night, which also was the reason you had left. You tried not to panic, thinking it probably was a coincidence, but deep down you knew it wasn’t true. Despite your efforts to rush your steps the gap between you two shred, and you quickly pulled out your phone from your pocket. You didn’t want to bother your boyfriend knowing he was probably asleep now and in need of the rest. Instead you dialed your best friends number hoping for her to pick up. When she didn’t you hesitated for a brief moment before you called Shawn.
“Y/N?” Shawn mumbled half asleep.
“I’m sorry” you said. “I shouldn’t have called, I tried calling Y/F/N but she wouldn’t pick up”
“Hey, no worries” Shawn said. “Tell me what’s wrong” he asked noticing the fear in your voice.
“I’m walking home by myself, and I think there’s a man following me” you stuttered. You could hear Shawn push himself out of the bed.
“How sure are you” he asked you worriedly.
“Pretty sure”
“Oh dear god” Shawn mumbled, and you could hear how he dragged his hand trough his hair like he always did when he was nervous. “Where are you?”
“About five minutes from home” you said, constantly looking back and checking on the man behind you.
“Hold on Y/N” Shawn said and you could hear him talking with someone in the other line. It was quite for a few minutes, and you almost thought he had hung up on you. “Andrew is tracking your phone right now” Shawn hissed. “Just take it easy, I’ll have a car come and get you” he said.
You nodded to yourself before realizing Shawn couldn’t see you. “That sounds good” you said, your voice croaking.  Tears were running down your face, you scared to death thinking the man might catch up with you before the car arrived.
“Hey baby” Shawn soothed you. “It’ll be okay. Everything will be fine”
“I know, I’m just scared” you said, still crying.
“I know baby” Shawn said. “Just keep talking to me, don’t hang up”
The two of you talked for a few minutes, or it was mainly Shawn telling you southing words, until a black car pulled up beside you. You recognized the driver as on of Shawn’s security guards and jumped into the car.
“Thank you” you said still talking to Shawn on the phone when you entered your apartment.
“Oh darling, are you okay? Please tell-” Shawn began until you interrupted him.
“Yes, I’m alright” you said honestly. “I’m okay”
“Oh thank god Y/N, I was so worried” Shawn said. “I promise that one day I’ll be around, I’ll keep you safe and sound darling, one day”
“Yeah” you began. “But today´s not that day Shawn, and I don’t want you to feel bad about that. I’ll always be okay, and so will you. We’ll make it, because we have to”
“But when the tour ends, I will be there with you Y/N. And trust me when I say I’ll never ever let go”
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rivaajminnesota · 4 years
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Who wants a PART 2 ✋🏼✋🏼 #mendesimagine #shawntexting
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shawnmendesbuddy · 2 years
❄️ Snowball Fight❄️ (Day 5 of 12 Days of Christmas)
Summary: It’s the annual Mendes Snowball Fight and Y/N has a cheeky strategy to beat Shawn.
Warnings: Swearing (is that even a warning anymore?)
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(Credits to whoever made this edit)
Day 5
❄️ Snowball Fight
Shawn held Y/N’s hand as he backed his car into the snow-covered parking lot. “So babe, this is the last time I can be seen associating with you till after the fight. It gets pretty serious in our family. If they even think that I’m telling you any strategy or revealing our secrets from past years, we will both be eliminated, got that?”
Y/N nodded, chuckling at her boyfriend’s seriousness. He placed his lips on hers for a quick kiss then said, “Alright, I love you! Good luck, but you’re so going down.”
“I don’t think so Mendes. Have you seen your mom and your sister? They are feisty!” He laughed at her then opened his car door, running to the other side to help Y/N out onto the icy parking lot.
When they both reached the park, Shawn walked towards the large group of boys congregating around the playground. Y/N walked towards the girls. Out of nowhere, she tumbled to the ground as Aaliyah jumped on top of her.
“Sorry Y/N, I’m just so excited that you’re here. The boys have one the past two years, and I’m confident that with you here, we can finally take back our winning streak. Before the boys won two years ago, we had one five straight years in a row. We have to win this year; we just have to.”
Y/N slowly sat up, a little dazed, but she laughed at Aaliyah’s antics. She glanced across the field to Shawn who mouthed an ‘Are you okay?’ to which she sent a thumbs up at him. He winked and went back into the heated discussion that the men were having.
Every year, the Mendes family got together for their annual Christmas Snowball Fight. Apparently, it was a huge deal, and the boys and girls had a huge rivalry that had been going on for nearly a decade. Y/N felt honored to have been invited, and she was even more excited to get to spend some time with Shawn’s family.
Y/N stood up, brushing the snow off her butt. Aaliyah grabbed her hand, tugging her towards Karen. “Hey Y/N. We were just discussing our strategy. Shawn explained the rules, right? You get hit two times and you’re out. It’s essentially dodgeball, but with snow.” Y/N nodded her head. “K, each team gets five minutes to prepare for the fight and the timer is about to start, you ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s go kick some Mendes men’s asses.”
“I like you’re thinking.”
Y/N lay in the snow behind a tiny mound her and Aaliyah had made. They had a go stock of 15 snowballs each, but Y/N didn’t know how long that would last.
“On your mark, get set, go!” Someone shouted.
The men, with handfuls of snowballs came charging towards the women, being careful not to step over the invisible boundary line. Y/N peeked her head over their fortress only to see one of Shawn’s cousins with a mischievous look on his face. He stepped one of his feet over the boundary line, then two. He was now three feet over the stated line. He threw a few snowballs towards Y/N’s direction, but all of them missed.
“Hey! He can’t do that! He’s over the line!” Y/N shouted.
The kid rolled his eyes and went to stand on the side to observe the game.
Y/N gathered three snowballs in her hand and threw them at some of the people who were distracted on the other side. One missed, but the other two hit the men dead on in the chest. One of the guys walked off to the side and the other prepared to throw a snowball at Y/N. It must’ve only been his first hit.
Y/N didn’t have any other snowballs handy, and she started to stress when she saw another snowball hit the guy. It was Karen. She smiled fondly at Y/N. “You’re doing magnificent!”
Y/N blushed at her words before getting more snowballs and throwing them across the line.
After a while of this, it came down to the last ten people on each side. Y/N had been hit one time, once more and she would be out of the game. Shawn was also a part of the other ten people on his team.
“I’m so going to get you Y/N!” Shawn shouted, raising his hand to throw the snowball. Y/N ducked out of its trajectile just in time and threw a few snowballs towards Shawn’s team. Two guys got out. Karen was still in the game, and she eliminated three of the guys, before Shawn hit her in the stomach with a snowball.
Pretty soon, it came down to just Y/N and Shawn. They were both equally good at dodging and throwing snowballs so Y/N thought of the only tactic she could. “Hey Shawn, you look really sexy right now. I love you so much and I…I’m pregnant!” Y/N mustered up some fake tears as she slyly looked at Shawn.
The look on his face, and his family’s face was of pure shock. He dropped the snowball in his hand and Y/N took the opportunity to throw it at him. “Gotcha!”
Shawn looked down at the spot where white snow painted his coat. A contemplating look came over his face. “Wait a minute, there is absolutely no way that you could be pregnant. I hate you!” He jokingly yelled to her.
“Love you too!” The entire family started to laugh at that. They caught on pretty quickly because they remembered Shawn telling them he was waiting for marriage, and they assumed Y/N either thought the same way or respected him.
“That was not fair!”
“Nope, we won fair and square, Shawn. You were just stupid enough to fall for that,” Aaliyah said grabbing Y/N’s hand.
After the girls rubbed it in the boys’ faces that they lost, the Mendes family pulled out two giant coolers full of hot apple cider. Y/N chugged her cup extremely fast, then plopped her butt into the snow and lay down.
“What are you doing babe?” Shawn sat down next to her, grabbing her hand in his.
“I’m about to make a snow angel, want to join in?”
And so, they lay there in the snow, making snow angels of two who are in love, holding hands.
A/N: This one is a really weird and bit of a shorter one, but I hope you enjoyed it. Feedback would be very helpful. Thank you so much for reading, I appreciate it! Stay tuned for Day 6 tomorrow!
Taglist: @mendesblurb
If you would like to be added to my taglist, message me, thx.
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livtries · 6 years
free - s.m
Summary- You and Shawn had been friends since you were both very little, and you both started developing feelings for each other but never told the other. You were going off to college and didn’t want to leave Shawn behind.
Word Count- 1353
A/N- This is my very first imagine/story. So please, bare with me. I promise I’ll keep trying to improve and work on my skills, and I also hope you enjoy!!
You had woken up at 6am, the usual. You practically rolled out of bed and crawled to your bathroom. Today was your last day of high school. There was the sinking feeling again. You’d felt it all week, and especially last night.
School didn’t particularly bother you. Yeah, it was stressful, but not torture. You’d gotten ready for the day, at least trying to look decent.
You arrived at school, seeing all of the “Farewell Seniors” posters up on the walls. You felt your stomach turn. There were so many feelings and thought running through your mind that you almost felt sick to your stomach.
About halfway into the school day, everything seemed normal and like any other day, but your stomach still felt queasy.
Before you knew it, your were done with highschool forever. You knew you only had a couple months until you’d leave for college, and you wanted to make the best of them. But there was one thing you couldn’t get over. Leaving Shawn.
Shawn had been in your life for the past 18 years, and you’ve never actually experienced anything remotely close to this before. You’ve never had a serious enough relationship/friendship with someone to feel this way about leaving.
About a month later, Shawn arrives home from his tour. Shawn had already been so successful and caught up in his music career that you doubted he remembered about you no longer being in high school.
“Hey Shawn.” You greet him at the door, hugging him like you always do when greeting.
“Hey y/n.” Shawn responds, hugging you back, his scent washing over you.
“How’s it feel to be out of highschool?” Shawn smirked slightly.
“It hasn’t actually hit me yet, believe it or not.” You smirk back, looking up at the towering giant that was your best friend.
“I missed you so much.” Shawn says, hugging you again.
“I missed you too.” You say, breathing in Shawn's scent once again.
The night before you had to leave for college, you were still packing some small things, like underwear and toiletries. You had looked over to your desk, seeing the one special framed photo of you and Shawn. You had to see Shawn before tomorrow. You had to see him now.
You ring Shawn, knowing he’ll still be up.
“Hello?” Shawn answers, sounding tired.
“Did I wake you?” You ask, sounding concerned.
“I’ve been asleep for 5 minutes. I’m fine. What can I do for you?” Shawn asks, probably smirking.
“I need you to come over.” You say.
“Okay. I’ll be there in 5.” Shawn says.
“Okay, thank you so much Shawn.” You say.
“No problem. Bye.” He hangs up.
You continue to gather all of your pictures from your bedroom walls, and some special ones that you had kept in the drawers.
You hear talking downstairs.
“Yeah, she asked me to come over. Probably is just worried for tomorrow.” Shawn says to your parents.
You look at your clock. 2am.
‘How are they still up?’ You think to yourself.
You had gathered most of your things until a suitcase and carry-on bag. You put the bag in the corner of your bedroom ,only to hear your door open.
“Hey Shawn.” You said, walking over to where we stood, wrapping your arms around his middle, holding on for dear life.
“Hey.” He responds, rubbing your back.
“Are you nervous?” He asks, looking down at you.
You just nod, unable to speak, afraid you might burst into tears. A single tear rolls down your cheek. You quickly wipe it away before Shawn could notice, or so you thought.
Shawn picks you up, which he’s never done before, but you don’t protest. This was really what you needed.
Shawn slides down the wall, sitting with you in his lap. Shawn rubs your back, hugging you every once in a while. You had started crying, thinking of everything that has happened between you and Shawn.
The memories. Every possible thing that has happened with you and Shawn, everything you can remember is going through your head.
You think of many reasons why you shouldn’t go, but you know Shawn wouldn’t want to get in the way of you going to college and fulfilling your dreams.
“Shawn?” You sniffle.
“Hmm?” He says.
“I’m gonna miss you so much.” You says, another stream of tears rolling down your face.
“I’m gonna miss you too hun. But, get this. In a few months, when you get back for Christmas, I’ll be right here waiting for you. No ifs, and, or buts about it.” Shawn says, looking at you smiling.
You look at him, smiling.
You put your hand on Shawn's cheek, wondering if he felt the same. He puts his hand on your waist. You leaned in to kiss him.
Everything seemed to slow down, feeling like it was just you and Shawn. Your lips move together in sync.
The next morning, you find yourself in bed, your eyes puffy from last night.
You were curious to where Shawn had gone, hoping he didn’t leave.
You were still kind of tired, seeing as you only got about 2 hours of sleep. You roll over, seeing that the other pillow on your bed was gone. You then notice that the blanket that was always on the end of your bed was also gone.
You look on the floor, seeing Shawn sleeping.
He looks so precious that you didn’t want to wake up.
“Shawn!” You whisper-shout. Nothing.
“Shawn!” You gently throw your pillow at him.
He jolts awake, smiling up at you.
“Today's the day.” You say, sighing.
“Yup.” He says, his voice a few octaves deeper.
“Could you sing for me, just one last time before I leave?” You asks.
“Of course hun.” Shawn says, getting up.
Shawn sang you your favorite song of his ‘Life Of The Party’ his first ever released song.
The second Shawn finished singing, your mom had popped her head in the door.
You smile at her,
“Hey mom.” You says, smiling.
“Hey hunny.” Your mom says.
“We ready to go?” Your dad asks, popping his head in the door. Everyone nods.
You grab your suitcase, Shawn grabbing your carry on. You get a few last minute things, like toothbrush, phone, phone charger and earbuds.
On the way to the airport, which was 2 hours that you fully enjoyed, sitting next to Shawn,and napping on his shoulder.
You arrive about an hour earlier than expected. You all sit together, waiting until 8:30.
You keep checking your phone, wondering how time can go so fast. You had been holding Shawn's hand since you left your house, and you didn’t want to let go.
It was 8:15, and you were getting jittery. You didn’t want to leave your family, hometown, Shawn or your world back home. You had such a good life, and you weren’t ready to leave home.
Shawn checks his watch, 8:29 it read.
“Hey.” Shawn speaks softly, looking at you. You weren’t ready to leave, but you had to.
“Come here.” Shawn says, standing up, hugging him tighter than ever before. You hug your dad, then mom. Hugging Shawn one more time, walking away, fighting the urge to look back. You couldn’t help it. You turned, running back to Shawn, kissing him one more time before leaving.
“I love you so much.” You said, hugging him one more time, walking off before he said anything.
And with that, you were free of the battle that was highschool, and also free of a very special person in your life. One you were happy about, the other tore you apart.
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livtries · 6 years
Ghost Of You - s.m
Shoutout @tomsh0lland !! I read her version of this, but it was with Tom Holland, and thought I’d make one with Shawn. I’m not entirely sure if she still has it posted. I’ve checked a few times and haven’t seen it. But either way, check out her other stories. They’re all gems! (In no way am I trying to copy hers, I just thought it’d be a fun idea)
Summary - Shawn had been broken when he found out about your passing. You had been his everything, and without you, he felt lost, broken, and hopeless.
Word Count - 554
A/N - I really hope you like this. I’ve been listening to 5SOS’ ‘Youngblood’ since it’s release and thought that this song would be perfect for a story (@tomsh0lland story also inspired me, so thank you to her! Go check out her stories, they’re all amazing)
It seemed like any regular day. You were going to work, leaving at your usual time. It was a little rainy, but no one thought anything bad would happen. You thought it was just going to be another day at work,
You left for work at 7am. Nothing seemed unusual.
That morning, since you didn’t need to be in until 9, you called Shawn to pass the time. You talked about many things that you guys would do when you got home from work. Shawn wanted to do something nice, but little did he know, he’d never be able to.
“Okay, I gotta go baby. I love you so much.” You says, waiting for his reply.
“I love you more honey. Bye babe.” Shawn says.
“Bye.” You says, hanging up.
You decided to play some of Shawn’s music in the car. You loved all of it, so you just put on a never-ending playlist.
Shawn was devastated when he heard the news. A car had ran a red light, and there was no chance you’d have lived anyway. You were hit from the drivers side, killing you instantly.
Shawn kept replaying your last words. “I love you so much.”
Shawn had trouble sleeping ever since your passing. You both had sides of the bed that you slept on consistently. Shawn kept to his side, knowing how much you hated to be restricted when sleeping.
Your coffee cup from the morning of your passing was still where you left it. Shawn didn’t have the heart to move anything of yours. Your laundry that you’d done the night before was still in the dryer, and everything else of yours Shawn didn’t touch for months.
He resorted to alcohol to try to cope, but nothing worked. His girl was gone, and was never coming back.
He’d no motivation to do anything. He didn’t go to the studio for weeks, and only ate and drank when he needed to.
Cleaning up one day, Shawn found one of your shirts that you loved. Your Harry Potter shirt that you wore almost everyday when you weren’t working, and sometimes, even to work. He missed your snarky comments, your smile, eyes, voice, you. Shawn was struggling with everything and didn’t know what he’d do without his princess.
There were times when Shawn wanted so bad to end it, just to be with you. But he knew that, even if he was going through a rough time, what would his fans do? They’d lose someone they love, and looked up to. Shawn was hurting, but that doesn’t mean that millions of other people had to.
Shawn kept thinking of everything that you’d done together. The first kiss, the first date, all of the firsts, and the second, and everything. How you’d crinkle your nose when you didn’t like something, and how you’d bite your lip when you were nervous.
Shawn missed you more than anything, and didn’t have the heart ot get rid of anything of yours. He didn’t even wash the sheets for weeks. Your scent was still on the pillowcase and sheets.
He needed something to help, but there was nothing.
(a/n this was honestly kind of sad to write, but I hope you liked it!! Should I do more songs by 5SOS or other artists? Let me know!!)
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livtries · 6 years
lifesaver - s.m
(a/n: this is actually really stupid, but it seemed cool at the time, okay?)
Summary: Shawn always had supplies for you when you were on your period. Extra pads/tampons, and it didn’t stop there. He always had a hair tie on his wrist, and a shirt for you to wear if you didn’t bring any other clothes.
Word Count: 222
Warnings: Some strong language in places, but nothing we haven’t all heard before, am i right?
“Oh, shit.” You mutter to yourself in Shawn’s bathroom.
You start cursing yourself out in your head for not listening to your head and bringing some tampons with you.
“Shawn…” You mutter, walking out of the bathroom.
“Hm?” He hums, looking at you.
“I need to go home to get some tampons.”
“There’s some in the cupboard underneath the bathroom sink babe.” He says, pointing to the bathroom.
You look underneath the sink, seeing 3 boxes, full of tampons.
“Jesus Shawn, how many do you think I need?” You say, smirking.
“Well, I wanted to be prepared… Y’know, just in case.” He says, looking at you.
“Well, smartass, i need new underwear, and pants. Did you plan that out?” I say, looking at Shawn.
“My boxers are in the top drawer, and t-shirts are in the third drawer down.” He smirks.
You come out of his room, wearing a pair of his boxers, and a shirt that he always wore.
You join him on the couch, cuddling next to him.
“You really are a lifesaver, y’know that?” You say, smiling.
Okay, i know this was super short, but it’s 9 at night, and my first day of school is tomorrow, and im super excited, but also wanted to post something on here because i haven’t posted i, for fcking ever, so enjoyyyyy!
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