#miroslav antic
pisemdaklepostojis · 2 years
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ponekad tako sebe damo za oči jedva upoznate ✨
Samo ću ovo ostaviti ovdje. #Mika
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beastofwant · 1 year
every time I reconsider Ascendant it, unfortunately, becomes more sorrowful! alas!
I’m sure I can input Funny Knight Antics, I genuinely don’t want it to be a grimdark swamp of Suffering and I have plenty of fun action-y things planned on top of the Misery. Like fighting awful plant-bug monsters! and looking for the holy grail, but if jesus were a plant-bug monster!
This came about because I was considering the ending of Ascendant, and what it sort of.. implies.
Innogen’s whole fight against Miroslav is.... basically self harm. I mean, he’s become a fucked up little god-thing for Reasons at this point, but it’s a process that is actively borne from and prolonging his suffering. He doesn’t need to confront Miroslav anymore, he is literally above him. It physically pains him to see his face, let alone hurt him, even in his (completely justified) rage. Like, revenge just isn’t for you, buddy...
the wings bursting from his wounds (wow this is abstract to describe, especially out of context. this is a weird story. sorry.) are symbolic of how him clinging onto his dreams and desire for freedom (which is essentially identical to power, to him) is ALSO causing himself needless pain, and how those dreams are themselves borne of those deep traumas he possesses.
he actualizes his dream- he’s able to not only kill his abuser, but dismantle the entire system that enabled him to exist and enact abuse upon another person from the roots, Restore Magic To The World (*magic is communism, btw), right some (perceived) wrongs, etc... But he’s also still ultimately feeding into his martyr complex and self-destructive nature, because this is a process he cannot survive nor come back from.
A wounded god borne from a wound will bleed until dry.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Ivana Karbanová and Jitka Cerhová in Daisies (Vera Chytilová, 1966) Cast: Jitka Cerhová, Ivana Karvanová, Julius Albert, Jan Klusák, Marie Cesková, Jirina Myskova, Marcela Brezinová, Oldrich Hora, Václav Chochola, Josef Konicek, Jaromir Vornácka. Screenplay: Vera Chytilová. Ester Krumbachová, Pavel Jurácek. Cinematography: Jaroslav Kucera. Production design: Karel Lier. Film editing: Miroslav Hájek. Music: Jirí Slitr, Jirí Sust. Girls just wanna have fun. The adjective usually applied to Vera Chytilová's Daisies is "anarchic," but that doesn't quite apply to a film so cleverly staged, photographed, and edited. To be sure, the impish young women whose adventures the film chronicles are in some sense anarchists, in that they try to break all the rules they can find to break. And if you're looking for the conventional beginning-middle-end narrative structure you won't find one. But Daisies is not just Dadaist nose-thumbing. It's framed by images of the mass destruction of war, against which, the film seems to be saying, the sheer mad hedonism of its two uninhibited sprites should be viewed as trivial. Chytilová takes her cue not only from Dada but also from the Marx Brothers, whose antics would be appalling in real life but are liberating to the spirit when viewed in the context of a work of art. Daisies is akin in this sense to an apocalyptic comedy like Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove, made only two years earlier, and its spirit and some of its techniques come from Richard Lester's A Hard Day's Night, also from 1964. They reflect an era when youth thought it could change the world, only to be put down, as the Czech filmmakers like Chytilová would brutally be put down, by the establishment it so gleefully mocked. That Daisies can be grating as often as it is giddy suggests an awareness that the road of excess may lead to the palace of wisdom, but not without paying a price.
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sacredwhores · 2 years
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Miroslav Antić - Breakfast with the Devil (1971)
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ambrosia-sweetness · 2 years
Bosonoga pesma
Ovo je pesma za tvoja usta od višanja i pogled crn. Zavoli me, kad jesen duva u pijane mehove.
Ja umem u svakom novembru da napravim jun. I nemam obične sreće. I nemam obične grehove.
Moja je sreća srneća, a grešno mi je smešno Ako me neko čačne u ove oči plačne, nije to neutešno:
ja umem od suza da pravim klikere lepe, prozračne.
Podeliću sa tobom sva moja šašava zdravlja. Zavoli moju senku što se klati niz dan.
Sutra nas mogu sresti ponori ili uzglavlja. Ludo moja, zar ne znaš: divno je nemati plan.
Izađi iz tog detinjstva kao iz starih patika. Zavoli moj osmeh,dubok kao jezerske vode.
Evo, i ja sam se izuo. Pod vrelim tabanima rastapa mi se asfalt.
Budi uz mene kad odem.
Miroslav Mika Antić
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treperenjesunca · 3 years
"Morate već jednom shvatiti:
ja samo na sebe podsećam,
ovako mamuran od mašte
i proklet od poverenja."
Miroslav Antić
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yevrosima-the-third · 2 years
"Usuđujem se da govorim sa vaseljenskom sigurnošću ludaka i prvosveštenika..."
- Miroslav Antić, Izdajstvo lirike
[tr: "I dare to speak with the cosmic assurance of madmen and high priests..."]
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tajnadzemaodmalina · 3 years
Biti do kraja sveta
sve što se doseći može.
Nikada ne ostati mali.
Biti miris i boja,
biti tišina u vetru,
i biti okean zvezda
što se u večnost pali.
- Proročanstvo, Miroslav Mika Antić
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slovopletilja · 4 years
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1. Pesma ženi, Jovan Dučić
2. Đuzepe Gradela
3. Breza na mesečini, Duško Trifunović
4. Đuzepe Gradela
5. Brzo se sakrij u mene, Enes Kišević
6. Poljubac, Gustav Klimt
7. Ekspres za sever, Mika Antić
8.  Losapardo
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parisko-plava · 4 years
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Zapisano u sredu - Miroslav Antic
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“Gospođo, ja sam u vas neizlečivo zaljubljen..”
- Mika Antić
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cogn-dis · 4 years
"... I proneseš moje oči kroz tišinu tuđih očiju i stanova, i moj oktobar kroz sve tuđe aprile..." 🌹
Miroslav Mika Antić - "Epilog"
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sloboda62 · 4 years
Posmrtni marš klovnova
Kad umrem
bar sam siguran:
niko se neće dovući da mi pljune u lice.
Svi ćete mi odjednom biti prijatelji
i ko zna kakvo izmisliti priznanje.
Potpuno vas razumem:
mrtvi ljudi nisu zločinci,
nisu gadovi,
nisu ubice.
Smrt je – pomilovanje.
- Miroslav Antić
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advitamaeternam123 · 5 years
Gospođo,ja sam u vas neizlečivo zaljubljen.
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sacredwhores · 2 years
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Miroslav Antić - Breakfast with the Devil (1971)
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ambrosia-sweetness · 4 years
Besmrtna pesma
Ako ti jave: umro sam, a bio sam ti drag, onda će u tebi odjednom nešto posiveti. Na trepavici magla. Na usni pepeljast trag.
Da li si uopšte ponekad mislio šta znači živeti?
Ako ti jave: umro sam evo šta će biti.
Hiljadu šarenih riba lepršaće mi kroz oko.
I zemlja će me skriti. I korov će me skriti. A ja ću za to vreme leteti visoko… Visoko.
Zar misliš da moja ruka, koleno, ili glava može da bude sutra koren breze il’ trava?
Ako ti jave: umro sam, ne veruj to ne umem.
Na ovu zemlju sam svratio da ti namignem malo. Da za mnom ostane nešto kao lepršav trag. I zato: ne budi tužan. Toliko mi je stalo da ostanem u tebi budalast i čudno drag.
Noću, kad gledaš u nebo, i ti namigni meni. Neka to bude tajna. Uprkos danima sivim kad vidiš neku kometu da nebo zarumeni, upamti: to ja još uvek šašav letim, i živim.
- Miroslav Antić
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