#missing pomme hours
salty-lemonss · 6 months
Manzanita in a basket!
What will she do?
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"Wait is that lore?" moments in Antoine's return stream
These ones are likely jokes, but (you can use it in your headcanons):
With Tubbo, explaining his absence by saying "I was dead, I think, but not anymore, I was tired of being dead"
"I couldn't explain to you, it's out of my understanding how I'm dressed. The human mind cannot comprehend how I'm dressed and so the human brain shows it that way, but it isn't exactly like that. It's not powerful, it's just weird"
"You know me well!" "Heh, I know you as if I made you!" *silence* (closest to maybe serious)
These ones are more serious:
He isn't romantically interested by Cucurucho, he just likes his ass (that totally a human is aro that's what I mean)
He really missed Pomme, he stopped coming because without her it wasn't interesting anymore (this one is just cute)
Very invested in knowing what happened to the eggs while they were away
Accidentally gave Pomme one of the books Ourson (I think it's this one?) gave him, immediately panicking when he realized. When Pomme asks what it was, he first tries to pretend not to understand, and is pretty serious when he tells her that it's nothing; he'll tell her about it one day, and it's his little secret garden, everyone should be allowed to have secrets, don't she think? she isn't against secrets, right?
Certain that the eggs went to some kind of other dimensions/got doubles?? I mean there was a theory inspired by Stranger Things but despite what Pomme is saying he's not letting go of the idea
After asking Pomme if she met dark Cucurucho and she talks about the Watcher: "Je crois pas qu'on parle de la même chose. Là tu me parles de l'oeil, et moi je pense que je te parle de quelque chose d'autre. Je pense que tu me parles du Watcher... là où moi je te parle d'autre chose." ("I think we're not talking about the same thing. Here you're talking about the eye, and me I think I'm talking about something else. I think you're talking about the Watcher... when me I talk about something else" again how does he know the name "Watcher".)
Knows that Maximus is dead, when all the other players seem to have decided to play the "don't know if he's alive or dead" card (bonus: Antoine and Pomme talking about telling Aypierre, and Pomme thinking she won't be able to find the right words "I don't think there are right words..." ok im sad now thanks). Since we're at it, when reading Pomme diary where she worries about Baghera and Antoine being dead, saying they can't be dead, he doesn't share that worry in the slightest, as if he knows Baghera's not dead (this one's dubious and I am very willing to put it as cc!Antoine not thinking rp)
He and Pomme are talking about what she remembers of the Watcher and honestly the whole conversation deserves to be clipped and transcribed. To go with him name dropping the Watcher, he is now only calling it the creature with one eye because that's how Pomme calls it
Pomme explains that the Watcher was observing her and Richas and there was a threatening aura to it, so they immediately fled. Antoine in a very serious voice "You were right to, you were right to, you were right to. Because I think it's this person who was at the origin of your disappearance."
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rhiaarrow · 2 months
With Bad joking about preparing to go live as a hermit if the eggs are gone for a long time it really got me thinking about how important the eggs and their eggy actors have been to him.
Not that they haven't been important to everyone, the eggs are such a huge part of the server but tonights ramble is about Bad.
To the shock of absolutely no one! I'm a Ghostie first and foremost, with a hyperfixation and a penchant for writing novel length rambles. This is just the usual atp :')
Before the Qsmp Bad was not a daily streamer, not even close, just check his vods channel. Hell, even when he joined the QSMP he didn't stream every day of the start of the server. He only streamed one or two days for a handful of hours...but then he got Dapper.
And with him being a single parent Bad had to log on every day to do Dapper's tasks.
(Yes, Q was also a single parent but he had ppl babysit Tilin, also she died within the first 2 weeks of her being around soooo yeah, different circumstance)
Then because Bad was on every single day he took up a position of babysitter for most of the eggs since their parents couldn't be on as frequently.
To begin with it was mostly just Tallulah, she could've been taken care of by Philza but her schedule didn't originally line up with Phil's so it was easier for her to wake up for Bad to do her tasks.
Then Ramon started joining them some nights so he could hang out with Dapper.
Then Bad became closer with the French and started to watch Pomme for them when they logged off for the night since Pomme was a night owl.
Then Vegetta stopped logging in as often and Leo kept barely missing Foolish so Bad started taking care of Leo's tasks when Foolish couldn't and she started spending time with him as well.
Then Richas started hanging out with Dapper and Pomme, so they formed the late night trio and hung out almost every night which eventually became Richas just hanging out with Bad whenever he felt like it.
Then Pepito arrived and since Roier wasn't on as often late last year Pepito would hang out with Bad and Foolish most days.
Then Em immediately decided that Bad was her favorite Uncle and would hang out with him when Bagi went to bed if she wanted to stay up.
When the eggs disappeared, rather than his usual 6-10 hour streams Bad was streaming 3-5 hours because his entire time on the server was usually spent hanging out with the eggs.
I've rambled before about how qBad and Tio Bad are two separate things because Tio Bad isn't rp, it's just ccBad atp but I feel like some people don't realize the extent to which ccBad spends time with the Eggy actors.
Every single stream, from 5-12 hours, he's only ever without an eggy companion for a couple of hours maximum.
I mean there's the probability of each egg just showing up to hang out with Bad at any point in the day,
Obviously you've got these 3;
Dapper, Pomme, Richas - highest probability
Then these 3;
Empanada, Pepito,Tallulah, - high probability
Then these 5;
Ramon, Chunsik, Sunny - low probability
Chayanne, Leo - lowest probability
There is no egg that has never shown up randomly to hang out with their Tio Bad (and yes I am counting the Ghostie streams in this, it was still ccBad so yknow)
ccBad spends so much time with them.
Not counting all the stuff he's done on stream with all the eggs, he has;
built the snowman with Talluladmin and Pommin,
played battleship with Pommin and Ricardão,
worked on create farms with Dappmin,
worked on the signs with Pommin and Ricardão,
built decorations with Empanadmin and Pommin
Just to name a couple of the stuff we know, not even mentioning the nights they just spend together after stream doing nothing important
The server feels especially empty as a Ghostie because ccBad himself is just so used to hanging out with not just the eggs but the eggy actors as well.
His days are usually dictated by what one of the eggs wants to do, not even necessarily his kid.
If an egg wants to go on an adventure to find a particular thing but knows it's rare or could take a while, they know that the easiest thing to do (if they don't want to drag their parents to do it) is probably ask Tio Bad to take them to look for it. Em's done it, Tallulah's done it, Sunny's done it, Pepito's done it, Leo's done it, literally every egg except Chay and Chun.
His ass is always online and always willing to do anything for the eggs, unless it's ridiculously dangerous, then he draws the line.
If that man does go live as a hermit due to everything reminding him of the fact that the eggy actors are temporarily on break I will not be shocked.
ccBad spends so much of his time with them, not just their little eggy characters.
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mishapen-dear · 9 months
i keep thinking about bad's vacation outfit. mostly, i keep thinking about him not wearing armour.
bad is, fundamentally, not okay rn. his son got kidnapped. the code attacks are starting again. people keep going missing left and right and skeppy isn't here but he's been missing him from the start. he lost the election by a single islander vote. there's been a lot of pressure on him for a long time, and he's finally starting to crack.
the thing about bad is that he does NOTT talk about his emotions. he's silly about it. he plays games about it. he will never answer a straightforward question with a yes or a no, not unless he's lying. when forever asked him he was okay, he said yes.
i think... there's really something about him, repeatedly, saying he's on vacation. sure, yeah, take a break, but he keeps throwing himself into danger anyway, he's still taking care of the eggs. he's silly with it, but i don't think his "vacation" explicitly means "i'm taking a break." I think it means "i'm not someone you can rely on right now." what? not being at the top of the island/egg defence squad because he's falling apart at the seams? :D nahhh he's just on that vacation grind! look at him! he's so silly! he's building skeppies and he's being so silly !
and. god. the way he's absolutely clinging to skeppy right now. i get the sense that he takes a lot of comfort from skeppy, just from the existence of him. can you imagine being alive has long as bad has? losing and losing and losing and losing, and then you finally find someone you can't lose? skeppy is bad's emotional support diamond and he is Not There to emotionally support him. bad keeps throwing tantrums when people ignore him, and he keeps building skeppies.
he's never going to say he needs help. he's never going to say he's not okay. he's going to say "i'm not crazy" and "i don't have an obsession" and "yes i'm fine" and "i'm on vacation" and not wear his most protective armour. the ARMOUR. bad boy halo the most paranoid parent on the island keeps running around with several eggs at his heels when he's wearing only enchanted sunglasses and boots. WHEN THERE ARE ACTUAL CODE ATTACKS. WHEN THE CODE HAS THE ! SWORD. if "i'm on vacation" means "i can't help" then the lack of armour is a physical, visible reminder. it's the closest he can get to saying "no, i'm not okay."
and man.manm an man. the whole thing with dapper right now. dapper is the only one who really knows the extent of bad Being Weird right now. pomme has a good idea of it, but when she asked about bad "is he going insane again?" dapper's response was "he never stopped." i've seen lots of talk about bad needing dapper more than dapper needs him (and its TRUE. god. it's so true.) but dapper is also! not doing okay! kiddo was very recently kidnapped! he takes after his dad and doesn't overtly express his distress, but the way he was scared of getting too close to elquackity at the talent show... the way he and pomme huddled together when bad left them alone for an hour... he's watching his dad fall apart in front of him, and there's nothing he can do about it.
from a roleplaying perspective too i LOVEE how bad is slowly, slowly ramping up the skeppy obsession. he's clinging to sanity so he can be a good dad to his kids, but his kids are so mortal. so fragile. bad isn't; bad isn't wearing all of his armour. and skeppy isn't; bad is placing more skeppies around the island. i adore this man's roleplay i hope he gets WORSE
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thesmpisonfire · 8 months
Wait. Wait. I went check a recap about what I missed about the last hour and...
Richas said Pomme was already in the wall, in her little jail, before he was adopted
When the Brazilians arrived, she was already in there starving, she was already prepared for when the French would be there, she'd be almost dead and they'd pity her and be easier to bond
This is another proof the Brazilians weren't supposed to be there and Richas is an incomplete experiment, the Federation really weren't ready for the favela five and instead of letting them have Pomme, who had been all prepared for the french, the Federation decided to let the poor girl starve for their future plan and just give away Richas
This added to the fact Richas is the only one that seems not to have a single memory of the time before being adopted (all the other eggs have something they'd rather not tell) and the only one dealing with the extra memories to the point of deep psychological trauma just makes clear the eggs are fake (which we already knew) and the Feds didn't expect the Brazilians to keep an egg for long
And that the Feds don't fucking care for the eggs, they care for the bond the eggs create. This can be shown in egg A1 doomed to die, Tallulah and Pomme starving on purpose by the Feds, the cracks on the eggs and the trauma they went through, and WHATEVER THE FUCK is going on with Richas bc he is just gathering traumas at this point
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dance-like-an-idiot · 4 months
i wish i knew how to post more often because i have so many ideas about how we actually KNOW how both q!forever and q!bad held each other to the same level they held the eggs (which they both clearly consider their top priority)
cause @v@ didn't attack/harm many people unless they started it. no, she went after the eggs and bad. and while both have their private motivation, with her line about "you're special to him" you can tell she is doing this to harm him as well.
and for bad, he has only ever acted that depressed when the eggs were missing. and im not kidding, bad spent So long sitting in his own silence when he heard the eggs were taken. people would talk to him and he couldn't respond. then when the conflict fully died down and his adrenaline had worn off, he was silent for at least 30 minutes. not to mention cc!bad played the sad music. which he'd only ever played when the eggs were taken. plus bad lost his memory because of the idea of losing forever before, which had only happened with pomme and dapper anyways im not a badboyhalo main trust me.
i have been thinking about them for so long. i have been looping once more to see you for over an hour. send help.
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To Dapper and Pomme
As someone who was simply a watcher of the QSMP, to someone who spent hours engaged in your world, I want to thank you both for the work you did.
The eggs were the reason I started watching the QSMP. To this day, I still can recognize all the early cries from the nightmares that happened when the eggs died, and still cry at them.
Though I have been much less active recently, and probably will remain as such, I want to just say thank you if you ever stumble upon my silly little blog. Thank you for the amazing work you did, the characters you played, the work and time you put into them with every other egg admin.
As a fellow roleplayer, as someone who admired your work and still does, I will take this "see you later" to mean everything. To see you later, the characters you play, as we both hide behind this veil of the internet. I hope you two only have the best and get the chance to spend time with the people you've met, as in the end this server did it's job of breaking these boundaries set by languages.
From a silly ghostie who will miss your characters like hell,
Obrigado por tudo, merci, and hasta luego! Love, The QSMP Community, and me.
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bonesandthebees · 1 month
It's fine I perservere through everything bc I am just that cool
Also yeah, wtf has happened since I've been gone??? Like? Last I new was the Wilbur stuff and know there's talk of the French Union threatening to sue Quackity (I think? I'm a little confused on the whole thing)
oh god sammie you have missed. so much.
um. ok. nutshell summary. this is gonna be long. (tw: talks about more abuse and SA allegations being brought against other ccs)
other mcyt cc allegations after wilbur:
you know what happened with wilbur. after all the support shelby received, another streamer caitibugzz (another brighton cc) came forward with her own story about being sexually assaulted by a cc at vidcon while she was 18 and he was 26. she didn't name him but like with wilbur it didn't take long for people to figure out she was talking about georgenotfound. anyway, uh, that spiraled into a thing. george said a lot of shit, dream involved himself way too much, it was a mess.
immediately after that, punz's ex girlfriend, andi, came forward and discussed how toxic their relationship was and detailed a time they had sex while she was blackout drunk, which is SA. punz did respond insisting he didn't realize how drunk she was, it turned into a whole thing, andi's response basically boiled down to read both sides of the story and form your own opinion.
also then punz jumped in on whatever the hell was going on with dream and george with george's own allegations and discussed how in his entire friendship with dream he's felt very intimidated to speak out against him and often thought of him as a boss more than a friend. along with that he also brought up a point regarding his ex girlfriend andi, but I'm not going to go into too much detail on that because I don't believe andi wanted all that information to be made public and punz later deleted the posts.
at the same time another thing happened. another cc in the brighton group, lexie marie, had spoken out multiple times about how her ex was emotionally abusive to her and the day before wilbur posted his 'apology', she and shelby even did a whole stream together discussing abuse and their experiences. anyway, lexie's abuser was publicly named as wisp, so yeah he responded with an 'apology' of his own.
like a week or two after wilbur's 'apology' was posted, a former admin of one of the qsmp updates accounts came forward on twitter and discussed the terrible working conditions she and all the other admins have been having to deal with working for quackity studios. we learned that the updates accounts and the egg admins were unpaid, and were often pushed to pulling more hours or doing extra work they shouldn't have. this blew up in the community and quackity ended up doing a stream to say he basically has to do an entire restructure of the server because the finances for the server were being severely mishandled and he was under the impression most of these people were getting paid when they were not. (also, during this stream quackity made a quick aside to say that wilbur was going to be removed from the qsmp)
since then, more admins have left the team (agent 18, ramón's current admin) saying they haven't received communication and aren't sure what's going on.
one of the issues the initial whistleblower brought up was that pomme's admin had just recently been removed from the whitelist for the server and kicked from the discord server without being given much of an explanation. the french cc's all collectively said if pomme was not given back her role they would not continue on the server. today pomme's admin revealed herself and made a post saying she still hasn't received any communication with the team and is quitting entirely. dapper's admin resigned in solidarity with her.
then today quackity did another stream discussing how things are taking time because they have to work out a lot of internal legal issues and because it's legal stuff he can't give that many updates. he's also been hesitant to update people because he doesn't want to make false promises, as right now the qsmp does not have enough money to pay the egg admins and they won't return unless he finds funds for that because he's ending all unpaid positions. also, as people have left the project, some have been posting private screenshots from the qsmp discord or from communications with the qsmp team and quackity has said these leaks have been causing issues with the legal stuff they're dealing with, and also what's going on has been misconstrued as a result of these leaks, so that's another reason he's been keeping quiet about things. but he's determined to work this all out and to keep the qsmp going, but he completely understands if people don't want to stick with the project or if people who have worked with it wish to leave.
as far as the union goes, the initial whistleblower was a french admin for the updates account and so when she left the studio she contacted a french union about the unfair working conditions. the union has posted on twitter calling out quackity studios saying they're in violation of french labor laws and that if quackity refuses to communicate with them they will pursue legal action. except today we also learned from one of the union guys on twitter that they have not attempted to email him at all. they made their posts on twitter and said it's quackity's responsible to contact them. for the record, quackity deleted twitter a while ago so he's not on that platform right now. as you can see this raised some eyebrows.
so uh yeah. I'm missing a lot of details I know but I was trying to give as much of a summary as I could hitting all the major points. you have missed literally the most insane past few weeks.
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comradeboyhalo · 10 months
Badboyhalo QSMP Lore Masterpost
Disclaimer: Heavily used q!Bad’s wikipage to make this, so I recommend reading through it if you're short on time! Not included is his backstory lore which I’ve summed up here. 
Most of Bad's streams are 6-8 hours long, so I've tried my best to include timestamps. Heavy lore usually occurs early in, but Bad is in-character 90% of the time, so many of his character developments happen naturally and slowly. 
He also has these vods archived on Twitch, so just head over to his channel if you prefer to watch there.
☆: Most important vods in my opinion for q!Bad’s lore if you’re really short on time.  
updated 8/23/2023, summaries updated to include less spoilers
Finding the Ticket
☆ First Day: The first day of the QSMP
☆ ☆ Adoption Day: The first day of the egg event, in which Bad adopts Dapper. This also is the start to his daily QSMP streams.
Save the Baby Quest // JuanaFlippa Trial: 
After JuanaFlippa dies, Slime goes on a rampage and tries to kill Dapper. You can watch the murder attempt on this vod from 3:56:00 and onwards.
The next day, the eggs are kidnapped. Bad tries to rescue Dapper and is unsuccessful because the server is down, so not linking the vod.
Finally on the day of the trial, Bad tries to save Dapper again and is successful. Then, he goes to represent Slime at the trial as one of his many lawyers. 
☆ First Encounter with Code: Around two hours in, Bad and Foolish talk with Luzu and see his supercomputer. He drops lore and the Code attacks Bad for the first time.
Second Encounter with Code: Bad, Foolish, and Maxo go adventuring and are attacked by the Code multiple times. Quackity discusses his nightmare with Bad at 4:30:00. This is also the start of Theory Bros, and Bad and Maxo’s theories. 
☆ ☆ Dapper’s Nightmare: Dungeon raid starts around 7 hours in. Dapper’s first death. 
Brazilians Join // Second Egg Kidnapping: The eggs are kidnapped the day the Brazilians join. Bad goes to save Dapper at 1:55:00. 
☆ Theory Bros First Base: Max shows Bad and Cellbit his investigation room at 1:45:00. Starred because it’s a good section to watch for a quick recap of the current lore. 
☆ Ramon’s Nightmare: After the egg graduation, the Code attacks 4:18:00. I recommend watching the entirety of its attack, until the vod ends. 
☆ Dapper’s First Death: There is a LOT of lore in this vod. The French arrive in a plane crash around 1:25:00. Code attack 3:05:00. Bad learns about Sofia 5:15:00. Dapper dies 6:44:00. Bad goes to destroy the supercomputer 7:00:00 and I would recommend watching until 8:24:00. 
Bobby’s Dungeon Event: The entire server helps Jaiden and Roier see Bobby again. Later, Bad and Cellbit spy on Quackity. Would recommend watching up until 4 hours. 
Cellbit “Traitor” Arc: Cellbit goes missing and returns different. The comment section has timestamps. Cellbit’s wiki should explain the situation fully from his perspective.
Pomme Attack: Occurs 40 minutes in. Pomme is attacked by the code.
Black Box Recovery: Talk with Sofia + the discovery of the plane black box around 2:55:00. 
Cellbit + Felps Rescue: Timestamps in the comment section. Honestly not that important for Bad’s personal lore.
Train Tracks Investigation: Bad, Forever, Baghera, and Cellbit walk to the ends of the train tracks at 2:22:00.
 Grim Reaper Lore: Around 3:15:00 Cellbit wants to resurrect Roier’s grandfather. Bad is uncomfortable with this, and continuously warns against it.
I honestly don’t know how to categorize the election arc because its spans a long chunk of time. But links to Bad’s two debates are here and here. 
Day 101: The Code returns at the beginning of the vod and is acting strange.
The Code Threatens Leo: 4:40:00 for a Bad and Foolish dungeon raid that’s fun to watch. The code appears 1:18:00. 
☆ Blue Bird Mission: Bad, Foolish, and Cellbit assist Jaiden on her mission given by Cucurucho, and Bad is an absolute beast in the dungeon. The mission starts very early into the stream and ends around 3 hours in. 
☆ The Timer Runs Out: The timer discovered in Jaiden’s mission runs out. This occurs around 30 min into the stream. 
The Secret Room:  3:27:00, Bad finds a book that leads to a secret room in the dungeon, and investigates with Cellbit. I didn’t star this yet, but it could become very important information in the future. Edit: Important for Cellbit lore. Read his wikipage or watch his vods for more info. 
☆ ElQuackity Assassination: Movie night (animatics are shown in the theater) and the Theorybros put in motion their plan to assassinate ElQuackity (around 2 hours in).
Mr. Mustard Goes Missing: The start of Foolish’s mission to find Mr. Mustard. Included because it’s a good kickstart to Foolish’s Federation lore, which you can learn more about on his wiki. Also includes Bad and Foolish’s 3 hr contest of wills.
☆ Election Dinner: Pre-election dinner and speech, and more code lore. 
Cucurucho’s Survey: Cucurucho gives Bad a task 30 minutes in, and collects it 4 hours in. The Federation responds on this stream, time stamp in the comments.
☆ ElQuackity Assassination #2: Bad formulates a plan to eliminate ElQuackity from the elections, and then goes to execute it. 
☆ Dapper’s Kidnapping: Quackity’s POV goes more in-depth on Dapper’s end, but Bad has a nice monologue afterwards. 
Elections: Aftermath of the elections, stream of the results is on Quackity’s channel. 
Nether Escape: Forever’s nether escape plan. Also the start of Bad’s “vacation arc” where he tries to “rest” (read: cope with alcohol and Skeppy) after the elections.
Dapper's Death Day: Bad celebrates Pomme and Tallulah's birthdays, but notices Dapper is missing. He finds a message from Dapper an hour in.
Quackity Returns/Skeppy Call: Quackity returns and Bad questions him a little. He also succesfully calls Skeppy and, afterwards, drops lore on his backstory. 
Please tell me if there’s anything I should add or if any of the links are broken/wrong! I tried to condense this as best I could and I’ll try to update as frequently as possible.
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sweetsmalldog · 11 months
I think part of the reason so many people think something should explicitly happen to q!Bad to explain his eventual vidcon disappearance is that the man just doesn’t log off. He streams for a minimum of like 6 hours a day on the server, the one time he didn’t stream he was still on the server, I don’t think he’s missed a day since the eggs were introduced, and him suddenly disappearing without a trace before coming back like nothing happened would be jarring.
Bad’s a constant of the server, he’s on every day for ages, always tends to know what’s happening, makes sure all the eggs are taken care of and safe, is everyone’s go to babysitter, and is honestly as expected to show up at some point as the sun is to rise. So for that to just stop while he’s at Vidcon with no explanation would be off putting.
Also to see the rest of the server struggle without his consistent presence would be interesting! Without him there to babysit and theorize and prank and safeguard everyone. He’s kinda like a watchdog, always the first to realize when something isn’t adding up or they’re being set up and prepared to do everything he can once it happens. Calling out the crazy amount butterflies and how those are probably to lure Pomme away, dropping the golem to kill the binary monster, using Waystones to get Dapper and Ramòn to safety when the code attacked. He’s possibly the only person trusted by near everyone, Forever, Baghera, Maxo, Cellbit, Phil, Fit, and the list goes on because even if you think (rightfully) that he’ll steal your furniture you also know he will do absolutely everything to protect your child and that he has the resources to do so. He’s constantly innovating and doing everything he can to protect the eggs and figure out what’s going on and to see them lack that constant support and strength would be interesting.
Anyways hope he gets kidnapped and experiences the horrors <3
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ludaroace · 2 months
okay thinking about it and the actual entirely unprompted leap fit made from tubbo saying he would adopt ramon for a couple of hours to whatever the hell he was going on about with marriage is insane where did that come from
like, outside of fit & pac there are other cases where people have parental rights over another egg without marriage ? baghera/bad with dapper/pomme, quackity & richas, bagi & richas, roier & leo, im sure theres at least one i'm missing ?
like - the only people who gained rights through marriage at this point have been cellbit and roier . there is less of an example to go off of for what he was thinking .
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starry-lemonaid · 1 month
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ITS DONE OMG (i could done more but i haven’t done enough digital art to figure out what to do 😭) 10 hours and individually drawing and coloring crayons because i forgot how to copy paste them later and here’s the eggs coloring from chapter 8 of @tastytoastz’s fic! live laugh love mermaids 🫶 random details i wanted to point out/talk about underneath :)
i wasn’t joking when i said this took 10 hours and most of it was done with me hunched over like a goblin at 12 am-
details i liked/you can’t really see but are there:
leo has pronoun bracelets! they’re wearing all 3 right now :)
richas has stickers on his leg and they’re from pomme and bobby (idk the state of bobby but i love him so i included him)
richas also has a bobby friendship bracelet and sunny and empanada have matching ones as well!
em and richas actually have matching boots but you can’t tell because of how richas feet are positioned (ems have cats while richas’s is mooshrooms, yes this was inspired by the post made about them)
i had to redraw ramons mustache 6 times because it just kept making his face look weird
all of the crayon drawings are made using the crayon pen on Ibis paint 😭
all of the crayons closest to the kids are the colors they used in the art even if you can’t see it
i couldn’t remember what the room was described to have looked like and ao3 was still down when i was making it so i just based it off an aquarium room i saw this summer lmaooo
sunny is missing her sunglasses because somehow i drew them on the wrong layer and they’re actually just behind her body 😭
i spent the longest of leo’s tail and in the playback of the speed draw there’s just a picture of a lion fish covering half the screen for like 3 minutes
i cannot draw eyes from the side. please help. what do faces look like.
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valictini · 8 months
So glad q!BBH and q!Aypierre got to have a little mental breakdown session together today <3 he doesn't really show it but q!Aypierre DOES miss Pomme a lot too and I'm sure that evacuating some of the inner turmoil by digging holes everywhere and passive aggressively bitching about the federation for a few hours helped, somehow <3 and who cares if having giant holes everywhere makes it less safe for everyone? It's not like the people with limited lives are around ahahaha <3
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kadextra · 4 months
missing dapper hours…. my son is so eepy (busy) but I feel so deprived of their sass, dapper and pomme brother and sister moments…. he’s got zero cookies in the bar for this week but that’s no cause for worry, I know we will definitely see her log in tomorrow to eat them all :3
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bee-dot-exe · 2 months
I knew I would go to bed and miss something. Bad had a conversation with Tallulah and she was scared of him dying and said she can't lose another person she loves and he said he's fine and won't go anywhere for a while at least and she said pinky promise and he told her it would be fine. And Pomme told him she promises to stay by his side and protect him no matter what happens and how much she loves him. And Lulah asked him to pinky promise again and he said he promised her he won't die die he'll just be gone for a while. And Pomme hesitated before saying it's inevitable isn't it. And Lulah is still calling Wilbur her safe person and said she broke her promise of being there for him when he needed her when he came back while she was missing and she called him her best friend. And he said don't worry because you'll keep all the memories forever and also make new ones and stared at us. And Pomme asked how much time is left before you know and he was trying to guess when the sunrise is. And he pulled out the bright light he found and said it reminded him of something it was kinda like the sun. And he sang Sunshine and remembered all of it this time. I was only gone for an hour. It's fine.
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anonymous-dentist · 2 months
sorry to bring up the qsmp admins situation (i don't know what else to call it) but imo, i think the qsmp will be like, 80% better after this. and not just from the whole admin perspective but also from the story perspective.
the biggest problem i had with the story was the lack of communication between the streamers and the admins (baghera and cellbit were forced to finish up their purgatory arc stories in about 2 hours with no warning beforehand. and thus we didn't get a stream with richas and pomme going to save them like we thought we would.) (pol and slime have basically been blacklisted from the server for ''lore'' preposes for about a month) (the whole egg going missing fiasco not having an outline/plan according to Lea) now that we know that the reason behind that was because of the higher ups not letting admins talk to the streamers (their co-workers btw)
i definitely think that the qsmp will come out better from this. even if it's a hard process now it's definitely going to be better after this. i'm actually pretty excited for the changes since there will most definitely be more communication between the teams and it will be a good change overall.
it's easy to look at the situation now and say ''qsmp is over'' or ''qsmp is never coming back from this'' but imo, this is a good thing from all perspectives :D as somebody who has been ''following'' q for some time, it's clear that he cares about this project and with the union and the french streamers' statements there is no way he's not going to intact the changes he said he would. i just think for now we need to be patient and hope for the best :)
feel free to delete this btw. this is just me rambling.
Nah, I completely agree with you. It’s absolutely horrible that these changes have had to be made in the first place, but the fact that they’re happening is a good sign that the server is going to bounce back.
One of the biggest problems with the server up to this point- and it’s a problem everybody’s been noticing since Purgatory started- has been a manufactured over reliance on the admins for any stories to be pushed forward. Like, the ccs stopped being able to have any impact on the story starting in October with the Mini-Me event changing overnight from a Cellbit-exclusive lore mission to a server mission that a lot of people were very unhappy with.
And then November happened, and Purgatory forcibly cut off so many individual stories, and admin lore streams started being the only way new discoveries were made. Cucurucho and Elena essentially replaced the roles of the players, and I can only imagine how stressful it would’ve been for the admins playing them to be streaming that whole time if they had no experience with streaming and were just told to do it “for the lore”. Like, that kind of sudden spotlight could NOT have been in the job description.
This change in approach to the lore? Bad, almost nobody liked it, borderline ruined the server for a majority of serious lore heads like me.
The server slowing down now and moving the focus back to the ccs- the people it should’ve been about this entire time!!!- is a REALLY GOOD MOVE! It’ll bring back people who left because of admin interference, it’ll make people more invested in the server because their povs of choice finally get to do stuff on the server. And, more importantly, it’ll allow the remaining rp admins to rest after they’ve been forced to carry the server on their backs for month with no warning. Preventing burnout on their part, and reigniting a passion for the server in both the ccs and the audience
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