#modified spiderman meme
mt10lt20 · 1 year
Ace Combat Z/6/7 AU - Threat level down, Cleanup costs up
Also, Bandog needs a raise...
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... and six pairs of hands to strangle them. He secretly likes flying with them though. But they would never hear him admit it.
Couldn't help it. Had to sketch this modified version of the spiderman multiverse meme. The arsenal bird, XB-O and Aigaion that are now stuck in the space elevator are not drawn to scale XD
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clockwork---heart · 1 year
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Just copying this from my other blog and lightly modifying it boys!
🎃 NAME: Sock
🎃 PRONOUNS: He him + they them
🎃 NAME OF MUSE(S): On this blog; Ozpin, Salem, Oscar, Tyrian, Yang
🎃 EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): I WANT to say somewhere near 17 years but I'm bad at time and counting.
🎃 PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Deviantart, Skype, Chatango, Tumblr, Facebook, Discord
🎃 BEST EXPERIENCE: It's honestly gotta be encountering people I rp with in other fandoms. It's ALWAYS the spiderman meme. Found a fucking Zelda rper in the Sonic fandom once and we BOTH recognized eachothers writing styles.
🎃 RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: I don't think I really have any dealbreakers because I'm usually willing to at least try.
🎃 FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: i like fluff and angst most, mostly because I'm ace so my energy for smut comes and goes
🎃 PLOTS OR MEMES: I'm a mixed bag, I have a bad attention span so plotting and sticking to it is hard, but I LOVE plots so it's like... hrmmm. So I usually reblog memes so that people can poke me.
🎃 LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I like long replies but I can always match my partners length so it doesn't matter.
🎃 BEST TIME TO WRITE: fucking anytime, show up in my inbox or dms and i am always down to clown. i just have severe anxiety and get scared about reaching out :( I've been told I don't shut up
🎃 ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): i am a system like Oz but thats about all i got for similarities.
Tagged by: @flightofaqrow
just steal this if you wanna do it!!!
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bluueejay · 5 years
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Mutants get introduced into the mcu, a trilogy:
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lazywitchling · 4 years
Dabbler’s Week - research proposal edition
I say “Research proposal” because this isn’t so much going to be what I’d ACTUALLY use as a guide, it’s just the STRUCTURE I’d use to write the guide, and why I chose what I did. For a little background on what the hell is going on, see @asksecularwitch‘s post here.
Monday - Spellwork
What: A simple candle-and-petition-paper spell. Dabbler chooses what they want, but with the instruction that it is straightforward, specific, and tangible. The Drake-Meme format would be: “I want to increase my wealth” ✋ - “I want ten bucks in the coming week” 👈 The spell is written out exactly as performed, really hand-holdy, Do This, Then This, Next This, Finally This.
Why: Look, if I were brand new and gonna pick a “dabble in witchcraft for a week” thing, I’d want to start out doing some effin’ witchcraft. So we’ll start with casting a spell. It’s written super hand-holdy because at the beginning, you really just want some step-by-step instructions on what to do. Also a week is a good time frame to give a spell, and casting it at the beginning gives it a chance to manifest by the end of the week. And FURTHERMORE, it’s a surprise tool that will help us later...
Tuesday - Cleansing a Space
What: Dabbler picks out a space to cleanse, told that the space they choose will be made into a sacred space tomorrow. They will play music of their choosing (with a few suggestions to get them started, just so nobody’s floundering, aka “relaxing yoga music, or something loud and peppy, your favorite childhood song, a meme song that makes you laugh, etc.”) while they also mundanely clean the space.
Why: Cleansing is one of those Cornerstone Witchy Things that everyone talks about offhandedly, like “cleanse your space after this spell”, and giving the Dabbler a simple way of doing that is a good first tool to have in their bag. Music is freely available, and it’s customizable, and playing music while doing a mundane cleaning associates the Magical Cleaning with the Mundane Cleaning in their mind, so they get a sense of “clean vibes” as related to “clean space”. Sidenote: the space can be a shelf, a box, a corner of the room, whatever. Might have some notes in there about other things they can add to their cleansing, like the usual magical washes or sprays, lighting a candle, or whatever. Nothing too complicated at this point, though, we’re still taking baby steps.
Wednesday - Creating a Sacred Space
What: The Dabbler picks out items they already have on hand to create a sacred space in the area that was cleansed the day before (the shelf, box, corner, whatever). Sacred here meaning “Set apart; special”, not necessarily “holy; religious”. Dabbler is encouraged to decorate and arrange things until they feel it has the proper vibe.
Why: This is to encourage the Dabbler to think about the mundane things around their own home, and how those things can be magical just by Deciding That They Are. The idea is not necessarily to create an Altar, though it can also work as practice for that should the Dabbler later choose to have one. In my own practice, I don’t have a permanent Sacred Space, because it doesn’t really fit what I do or how I live. But I tried making some when I first started, and I think it was an important learning point. Now, when I feel that I DO need a sacred space, I’m able to whip one up with whatever is around, and I think that’s a great skill to have. It’s helpful to know and feel what “Sacred” or “Special” feels like to the individual, what it takes for you to really vibe with a space or setting. My spaces are more about reining in my hyperactive brain and creating a boundary for it to focus on, not about creating a holy circle of ground, but I know what that distinction feels like BECAUSE of the times I dabbled in creating sacred spaces. This is when your brain gets to learn what It’s Witchin’ Time feels like.
Thursday - Herbal Correspondences
What: The Dabbler goes to their own kitchen or garden and picks out three spices, herbs, and/or flowers (that they 100% know what they are). At this point, it isn’t necessary to actually gather them, just to write down what is easily accessible at that moment. They then check out the Wikipedia article on their chosen herbs, and build their own correspondence list from that article.
Why: “Whoa whoa whoa, Jes, why are you suggesting Wikipedia??” Oh easy. Because it’s accessible, it’s free, and it’s not witchy. Wikipedia gets a bad rap as a resource for a variety of reasons, but for what it does, it does well. It’s an encyclopedia, so it is by nature a surfacey resource. That’s okay. That’s all we need right now. Instead of googling magical correspondences of cinnamon and finding 1000+ lists that all copied from a copy of a copy of a copy of Crowley and then not knowing WHY that thing has that correspondence, the Dabbler is going to learn to make their own by starting a (very basic) relationship with that herb. Example: I was trying to research magical correspondences of base oils, but everything I found was one-word answers, most of which was “fertility”. Which was... entirely not helpful. So I set out to make my own. Specific example: I looked into castor oil (according to “magickal” sources, it’s correspondence is simply “protection”), but my mundane research taught me that it’s been used for hydraulic and brake fluids, used in food preservation, sold as a laxative, and historically has been used as torture and humiliation (with the laxative effect, I’m sure you can figure out exactly how). Well NOW we’re getting somewhere, because now I associate it with “getting things moving”, whether in a negative or positive way. Having the Dabbler learn to do mundane research like this helps strengthen their relationship with what they use, teaches them that they can research their own materials without needing another Witch (or an Amazon Lisa) to do it for them, and teaches them that they can use what they have on hand rather than consulting a magical list of things they don’t have and wondering where the hell they’re supposed to buy white willow bark.
Friday - Divination
What: The Dabbler will gather small trinkets that they already have and collect them in a box or bag. They then ask questions (possibly with the aid of a list of suggested questions?) and draw a trinket (or cast a couple, if they’re feeling adventurous!) and interpret.
Why: I love Tarot as much as the next witch, but it’s not always practical for the starting witch. And in my experience, I can be dragged just as hard by my trinkets as I can by my traditional tarot decks. Gathering trinkets is (again, as you’re starting to see a theme, I hope) a way to use what is already on hand. And after the Wikipedia exercise from the previous day, the Dabbler should have a little bit of practice in thinking about associations. The action figure their nephew left at their house can mean “lost” but it can also mean “found”, or it’s Spiderman and means “responsibility” or Wonder Woman means “truth”, etc.
Saturday - Crafting a Charm
What: The Dabbler will create a simple charm (most likely a protective one, but I’m not married to the idea). They’ll use their own skills to hand make something tangible, however simple it may be. Could be crafting a keychain using their beading skills, or embroidering a small design onto their jeans pocket, or as simple as wrapping a colored thread around a ring they wear. Whatever it is, it will be a thing that they make with their hands.
Why: We’re falling away from the railroad guidelines at this point in the week, and encouraging the Dabbler to start thinking on their own about what they can do. There’s still suggestions so they don’t get totally lost, but it’s far less hand-holdy than the first spell of the week. With two whole exercises about thinking through associations of things, hopefully they can start to come to conclusions on their own (”You know, I think I’ll hang a safety pin from the keychain, because that just Feels Right to me” or “This string should be blue, because that’s the color of my protective gloves at work”). And the second purpose of the charm is... it’s a tangible thing. It’s a souvenir. If at the end of the week the Dabbler decides that they had fun but witchcraft isn’t for them, cool. But maybe three years down the line, they find that keychain they made during Witch Camp Week, and they think “Oh hey, I remember doing that...” and perhaps it comes to them at exactly the time they need it and they decide to pick it up again. (Or they find it and go “lol that wasn’t for me” and chuck it in the trash. Failure is always an option!)
Sunday - Spellwork Redux
What: Get in losers, we’re casting the same spell again. Well, not the SAME spell, but the same sort. That candle spell from the beginning of the week? The Dabbler will now repeat it with similar purpose. BUT, this time they are to modify the spell somehow. Even less guidelines here now. Maybe they want to perform the spell in their sacred space. Maybe they want to cleanse before performing it. Maybe they want to sprinkle some herbs on the candle, or steep some herbs in hot water and use a brush to write on the paper. Whatever they do is theirs to decide.
Why: EXPERIMENTATION. Really, how often do any of us see a cool spell and then perform it EXACTLY AS WRITTEN? I don’t know about you, but I always always always have to modify it somehow, whether it’s to fit what I have, fit my paradigm, or just because personalization is important in my craft. Redoing the spell with a little bit of tweaking means the Dabbler gets to close off the week with a little more of that Witches Casting Spells stuff that they probably expected, but with a chance to see how they can change it now, how they can make it more suited to them, or how they think it might work better. Maybe it will work better. Maybe it will be worse. Either way is a result.
Conclusion - or the TL;DR
Guidelines at the beginning of the week, transitioning to more creative freedom by the end of the week. Heavy encouragement of using what’s freely on hand and easily accessible, rather than buying specialty materials that may or may not be helpful or ever used again (not to mention could be hella expensive). Some spells, because let’s be honest, some people just really really want the spellz. And mundane research, because it’s too often neglected even among the veteran witches.
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sanderssideswriting · 4 years
Youtuber Life chapter 3
Ships: familial sleepxiety and eventual Prinxiety
first  last  next
Summary: Remy Sanders is a famous beauty vlogger and just moved to LA with his teenage son Virgil after their location was leaked by fans. Remy AKA CoffeeAddiction has several million subscribers. Virgil also has a secret Drama channel, where he doesn’t show his face and uses a voice modifier. He just hit a million subs and grows more everyday because of the level of production his videos have, the mystery around who he is and the fact that he ALWAYS has the latest information regarding youtube drama.
“INTERN!” Remy called.
Virgil looked up from his laptop where he was currently editing his next video. “Yeah?”
“I’m going to take some of those ‘what youtuber am I’ quizzes who do you think I’ll get?”
“I’d say James Charles but ultimately Cristine from Simplynailogical.”
“Why her? She’s a wonderful youtuber, maybe someday I’ll get the privilege of doing a collab with her.”
“Because I personally relate to Ben on  a spiritual level.”
Remy laughed “because you get me coffee?”
“Of fucking course it’s because I get you coffee.” Virgil said with a smirk. He was happy he was off camera.
“Do you think we’ll see her at the next streamy awards? Or Vidcon?”
Virgil shrugged “probably.”
Remy turned to the camera “Cristine if you see this I’d fucking love to do some sort of colab.”
The video continued as normal with little input for Virgil apart from laughing whenever Remy got James Charles to his dismay.
Remy called Virgil while he was hanging out with Logan, Roman and Patton getting lunch off campus.
“Intern! Where did you put the pallet! That pallet you used on Halloween.”
“I used like 3 different ones, which are you talking about?”
“The one with that really nice purple color you like.”
“In the closet.”
“Stop being a smartass, what shelf?”
“Uhhhhh, back wall middle shelf where it’s supposed to go.”
“No it’s supposed to go on the left wall.”
“I was the one who did most of the fucking organizing! I know where I put it.”
“No it’s no- oh wait never mind I found it. Also pick up some coffee for me.”
“We have an espresso machine! Also no! I’m with friends.” Virgil hung up with a sigh.
“Who was that, your mom?” Logan asked.
“No my dad, he wanted to know where I put something and also wants me to get him coffee later, even though we have an espresso machine,” Virgil said rolling his eyes.
When he came home his dad was still filming.
“What are you doing?” Virgil asked halfway down the stairs.
“Motherfucking James Charles made a challenge and I HAVE to do it. Mostly because he fucking said that only the best could. And gurl, I am the best motherfucker!”
“Oh my god we get it your gay for James Charles.”
Remy turned around “What is this slander? In my house? I am not gay for James Charles, I’m trying to out gay him. There’s a difference babe.”
“Sure Jan.” Virgil said going back up the stairs to his room.
Raccoon: Conspiracy theory: My dad is gay for James Charles hiss hiss motherfucker: oh fuck not this again Dukey: Why not? hiss hiss motherfucker: Didn’t they have a huge feud awhile ago because of you? Raccoon: LOL you can’t prove that hiss hiss motherfucker: I have screenshots of you telling us that you did it. Raccoon: Ok so I MAY have done that. but I DID tell my dad, he wanted an excuse to challenge James Charles to something anyway hiss hiss motherfuker: I take it back, your dad might be gay for James Charles Raccoon: Remus is in this chat hiss hiss motherfucker: yeah, you know that Virg Raccoon: he could start a rumor hiss hiss motherfucker: is it that big of a deal though? Raccoon: you’re right, besides your both sworn to secrecy hiss hiss motherfucker: more like a lifetime of middle school blackmail you could release at anytime Raccoon: What? I make sure to keep my bases cover Raccoon: I’m basically SpiderMan Raccoon: but with less morals hiss hiss motherfucker: so Batman Raccoon: no, SpiderMan hiss hiss motherfucker: we get it, you haave a rush on Tom Holland Raccoon: ...
Princey: Hey, want to go see a movie with me, Patton and Logan? Emo Nightmare: What movie? Princey: Knives Out Emo Nightmare: I love that movie, sure
While waiting in line Jack Paul was walking around along with some friends and walked right up to Virgil and the others.
“Got any movie recommendations?” he asked Virgil shoving the camera in his face.
“Parasite. If your not a pussy about having to read subtitles that is. Also blur out fucking faces the four of us are minors,” He said without missing a beat.
Jake was clearly not expecting to hear what Virgil had said and neither had anyone else around them.
Jake walked away with his friends looking shocked, clearly trying to play it off as he left.
“What? It’s a good movie. Also I consider LA youtubers and vloggers to be an invasive species and parasites. I doubt any of us want to be caught dead in a Jake Paul vlog anyway.” Virgil said shrugging it off.
The movie went fine and they all liked it, for different reasons.
Virgil got home and while scrolling through twitter saw it. He’d become a meme once again.
Remy started laughing “what was it this time?”
“I basically told Jake Paul to fuck off and called him a parasite.”
“GURL! NO. FUCKING. WAY! I have to see it now!”
“He didn’t even blur our faces. Which is fucking bullshit since I told him to because we’re minors,” Virgil said.
He still had Twitter open but missed the comment.
That kinda sounded like CoffeeAddict’s intern.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
New Peter Parker Actor in Spider-Man: Miles Morales Trailer Mocked by Fans
As you may recall, we recently talked about how Spider-Man Remastered recasts Peter Parker’s facial actor as part of Insomniac’s extensive attempt to update the PS4 game to take advantage of the PS5’s capabilities. More importantly, we talked about how many fans were not happy with that change.
Well, that debate has been reignited thanks to the release of this new teaser clip for Spider-Man: Miles Morales that showcases the “new” Peter Parker and Miles Morales sharing a text exchange over whatever the Marvel universe equivalent of an iPhone is.
What do Super Heroes talk about? Enter a conversation between Miles Morales and Peter Parker. "Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales" arrives November 12: https://t.co/5m5FFce91D #MilesMoralesPS5 #BeGreater #BeYourself pic.twitter.com/OjXFSGsGKv
— Spider-Man (@SpiderMan) October 20, 2020
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
Before we dive into some of the more…passionate reactions to this teaser, I feel like it should be noted that this clip is actually a pretty effective showcase of not only Insomniac’s writing talent but how they’re portraying the relationship between Peter Parker and Miles Morales. Parker is technically Morales’ mentor, but they’re really just young guys trying to navigate some truly unusual circumstances and figure things out as they go along. Parker offers advice when he’s able to, but their relationship is closer to that of brothers than a teacher and a student. It just feels like a lovely take on those two characters and how they’ll work together.
Having said that, it’s clear that many fans’ biggest takeaway from this footage is the fact that reinforces the idea that the new Peter Parker is here to stay. As many were quick to note, that realization’s impact hits particularly hard when you realize that the photo of Peter Parker showcased in the teaser might just be a modified version of a similar photo featured in the PS4 game:
Mary Jane, Peter Parker in-game 'Spider-Man' PS4 photo kept the same model for MJ in 'Spider-Man: Miles Morales' 📸 pic.twitter.com/kJbLrpeQWB
— Fandom (@getFANDOM) October 20, 2020
Of course, as is usually the case, the final word on this subject is seemingly being written by the meme makers who can’t help but try to top each other when describing just why this new Peter Parker is so unsettling to them:
I hate that new Peter Parker looks like a games journo now pic.twitter.com/7E7jhCpZ52
— Lewis White – MSPoweruser (@Lewis_D_White) October 20, 2020
The new peter parker face model pic.twitter.com/sHHMmXoUfg
— Dr. Jonathan Crane 💀 (@cell_0801) October 20, 2020
Love the new Peter ‘Buttigieg’ Parker design!! @SpiderMan @PeteButtigieg pic.twitter.com/Ru7HD6BIEE
— dük (@Duke_Jar) October 1, 2020
To be fair, the folks at Insomniac got in on the meme game themselves by including this genuinely funny image at the end of the Peter Parker/Miles Morales text exchange that we’d honestly love to see as an alternate retail cover for Spider-Man: Miles Morales:
They did it. They actually did it. pic.twitter.com/nIAVtF7nED
— King Hoss (@King_Hoss7) October 20, 2020
Just as before, though, the most noteworthy reactions to the new Peter Parker design come from fans who are not just upset by the alteration but those who feel that this new design contradicts the messages and events of the previous game.
So.. you're telling me all the experiences I had in the first game.. the emotions, the thoughts, the feelings, the enjoyment and memories.. That face above represent all of what I've went through? I'm sorry. No. It felt like my experiences were invalid.
— JaggerBone (@JaggerBone_YT) October 20, 2020
While we strongly suspect this change won’t negatively impact Miles Morales‘ sales in a meaningful way, it’s still worth pointing out that there’s a section of Spider-Man fans out there who are not only unhappy with the new design on its own merits but feel that the explanations they’ve received so far regarding the character’s new look don’t satisfy their questions regarding this somewhat impactful decision.
My thoughts? You’re never going to find a character design that satisfies everyone, but this doesn’t feel like a conspiracy as some fans are vocally suggesting it may be. Besides, everything that we’ve seen of Miles Morales so far suggests that it won’t just be a worthy follow-up to one of our favorite PS4 games ever but a game that looks to give Miles Morales the adventure that he deserves.
The post New Peter Parker Actor in Spider-Man: Miles Morales Trailer Mocked by Fans appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/37sAVYS
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ashacsm-blog · 6 years
Creation, Distribution and Understanding of memes.
1-   A meme. What is a meme? By dictionary definition it is “an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by Internet users, often with slight variations.”For me? A reaction. A way to express yourself. But where did the term meme come from? A man called Richard Dawkins. The root of the word meme comes from the Greek word “mimeme” which means to replicate things. Memes are constantly replicated and modified so that it becomes an advantage to the person who is using it and the audience it is intended for. It becomes evolved.
2-   But how do you create your own meme? In most instances the creation of a meme is purely accidental. For example, the dancing baby meme. It is literally that. A dancing baby. It was originally created in 1996 using character studio. One of the workers that worked in the company that created this test found the dancing baby to be humorous and then emailed the dancing baby to other colleagues which was then spread even further and even out the office.
3-   The dancing baby was then edited and modified to include music. The most popular song that was edited onto the meme is “Hooked on a feeling” by Blue Swede you know the one that goes OOGA CHAKA OOGA OOGA OOGA CHAKA…yeah let me stop there. Then it was once again spread further and further. The editing process of the meme itself can be considered creating the meme. When a meme is created, it is created with the purpose of it becoming viral. If your meme hasn’t been spread, then it isn’t a meme. That is the cycle of a meme.
Distribution & Understanding:
4-   Now moving on to the circulation of memes. What’s interesting about this is the way a meme tends to now be used. In the last few years, it has become a sort of coping mechanism for the younger generation. When a video goes viral or a dire situation, the internet takes that and creates multiple memes for it. A recent example of this being from the film Avengers: infinity wars, okay massive spoiler warning ahead, a specific scene towards the end of the film where spiderman disappears which was heartbreaking if I do say so myself, was created into multiple different memes HOWEVER it could only be understood if you had watched the film. A key thing to understand and remember is that a meme is not always understood. You have to directly understand the context of the situation to understand the meme that follows it.
5-   As a graphic designer why is this topic important to me? Easy. Because of the communication memes create. Memes have started to take a place in vocabulary. It is constantly being used as a way to show our emotions almost as if no words can describe what you’re feeling or thinking. But the problem lies in being able to understand the meme being presented. As I touched upon earlier, not everyone understands the reference of a meme. But can you expect everyone to always understand every meme? No of course not. There’s many factors that stop someone from getting a meme and it can be something as simple as a generation gap. I mean you probably won’t expect your mum to understand a meme related to the latest internet trend, would you?
Memes are unique but also recycled. The lifespan of a meme isn’t very long. It’s easy for it to go popular and then just as …disappear.
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