#mountaineering bohol
birdstudies · 11 months
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June 30, 2023 - Mountain Sunbird or Luzon Sunbird (Aethopyga jefferyi) Found in Luzon in the northern Philippines, these sunbirds live in and around mossy mountain forests. They and the Bohol Sunbird were previously considered the same species as the Metallic-winged Sunbird. The details of their diet are unknown but they have been observed foraging on flowers. Almost nothing is known about their nesting behavior, though a male in breeding condition was found in April.
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sweetkoalastarfish · 1 month
Philippine Geography and Culture: The Wonders of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao
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The Philippines is an archipelago comprising over 7,000 Islands. The exact count can vary slightly due to tidal changes and other geographical factors, but the widely accepted number is 7,641 Islands.
The Three Great Island Groups
These Islands are grouped into three major geographical regions or Island groups, which have been used to organize the country's administration, culture, and identity. The three major Island groups are:
1. Luzon, 2. Visayas, and 3. Mindanao. The division into three Island groups has its roots in the country's geography and history. Here's a brief explaination of how these regions came to be defined: 1. Geographical Convenience: The Philippines' vast number of Islands required a practical way to group them. The division into three large regions helps organize governance, transportation, commerce, and other aspects of society. 2. Historical Context: The division reflects historical and cultural pattern in the Philippines. These three Islands have distinct historical background, native languages, and cultural Identities, which contribute to the broader national Identity.
Luzon- is the largest Island group and contains the country's capital, Manila. It is the most populous and economically developed region. This Island group is home to the nation's major political, economic, and cultural centers. Key features include the Cordillera mountain range, the Bicol Peninsula, and the Cagayan Valley.
Visayas- is located in the central part of the Philippines. It consists of smaller Islands like Cebu, Negros, Panay, Leyte, Bohol, and Samar. This region is known for its distinct Visayan languages and rich cultural traditions. The Visayas has a unique Identity with historical influences from Spanish colonization and pre-Hispanic times.
Mindanao- is the southern most and second-largest Island group. It has a diverse population, with many different cultural and religious groups, including a significant Muslim population. Mindanao is known for its rich natural resources, mountains, lakes, and a history of distinct sultanates and autonomous regions.
The three Island groups of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao have distinct geographical, historical and cultural characteristics that set them apart. This division allows for more effective administration, representation, and acknowledgment of the unique Identities within each region. Overall, it reflects the Philippines' rich diversity and complex history.
Thank you. Until next time, salamat and see you soon!
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hashirun · 1 year
Exactly a week to go before the Spartan Trail Cebu, wala ginive-up ko na talaga yun 🥲
I decided to skip this month's and next month's events altogether because I'm still trying to recover physically and financially lol. Here's my race calendar starting May:
May 14 - Pinoy Fitness Sub1 10K Challenge
May 28 - San Mateo Mountain Run (10k distance)
June 4 - Conquer Ascend Montalban (10k distance)
July 23 - Duaman Duathlon
Aug 27 - Bohol International Marathon (21k distance)
Nov 26 - Asics Rock n Roll Manila (42k distance)
For the Pinoy Fitness Sub1 10K Challenge, my goal is to finish in under 55 minutes.
I need to start training seriously since on top of my sub 55 min goal I'll be gunning for podium finishes at the San Mateo Mountain Run and Conquer Ascend Montalban.
Also I'm pretty fired up about joining my second duathlon event.
As for the Bohol International Marathon, I'm super excited to go back to Panglao for a race. It's a beautiful place so I might as well make the most of my trip there.
Will be on the lookout for one or a couple more races for the months of September and October, before my final race for the year which is the Asics Rock n Roll Manila.
Allez! 💪
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dolanmyer · 2 years
My Forgotten Childhood Fears Unleashed (at a Peaceful Siquijor Getaway)!
It was Friday! I had just submitted my final draft for a long overdue writing project. Boy, did I need a break! I knew I needed to go someplace else: somewhere peaceful, somewhere close, yet still with that faraway vibe, no less.
Most importantly, I needed to detach myself from my work-from-home station and the boring routine I had developed while I was stuck with the grueling long overdue writing project over the past few weeks.
Believe me, I love my pets a lot! Yet, simply staying at home on this particular weekend was definitely not an option. Also, taking my dog and three cats was too much of a hassle, especially with the logistics and documents required for traveling pets. I had to go somewhere alone. Don’t worry! They were well taken care of while I was gone.
I longed for a place where I could finally relax and unwind. I also wanted to go somewhere I hadn’t been to yet, someplace where I could find new inspiration or come up with more novel ideas and solutions for my personal projects.
Right then and there, I decided to go on a relatively short trip. I immediately packed my bags and headed straight to the mystical island of Siquijor.
Siquijor, also called Isla Del Fuego or Island of Fire, has always been one of my favorite go-to Philippine holiday destinations. This tiny island province (the third smallest province in the Philippines after Camiguin and Batanes) is just a boat ride away from the cities of Dumaguete (Negros Oriental), Cebu, or Tagbilaran (Bohol). It is famous for its beautiful and fine white sand beaches, turquoise seawater, and breathtaking underwater marine sanctuaries, a perfect paradise for freediving and scuba diving enthusiasts alike.
On this trip, though, I preferred to book a secluded Airbnb mountain stay. The place was called Canjahawon Nipa Hut and Restaurant. I was actually under the impression that I would be living in the heart of a jungle since it was located on a mountain top.
My cousin had found photos of this place on Facebook which he eagerly shared with me a few months ago. He had been yearning to book this place ever since he discovered it, but just hadn’t found the time yet. So I decided to do an advance ocular inspection for him, hitting both birds with one stone.
Besides the sheer remoteness of the place, the concept of living in a three-walled hut intrigued me the most. The fourth wall was actually a door that could be folded open to embrace nature in a rather really wide hug, I should say. On top of that, imagine sleeping under the night sky on a custom-made hammock with a swarm of fireflies hovering simply everywhere. Truly idyllic or so I thought…
So, I took the two-hour ferry ride to Siquijor. When I got to the seaport, everything looked practically the same as it did on my last trip. Besides the few recently opened businesses, there was really nothing new for me to explore. I quickly rented a motorbike and drove straight to my Airbnb stay.
I had been to Siquijor several times so I was already quite familiar with the main roads found on the map app. The drive itself was quite remarkable. I could clearly see and feel the change in both the scenery and the temperature.
What I find most fascinating about the island of Siquijor is that it is so tiny that you can literally go to the mountains from the beach, and vice versa, in mere minutes, not hours. The stark contrast of the hot and humid pristine white sand beaches against the cold and sometimes wet lush tropical rain forests is simply breathtaking.
Whether one prefers merely chilling on the beach, avidly exploring marine biodiversity, or painstakingly hiking in the mountains, there are just so many options to choose from. And that’s what I love most about the laid-back lifestyle on this island, not to mention the friendly and helpful locals. More on this in the next blog and vlog. For now, I really want to share something personal, but more on that later in this blog, as well.
Yes, I got lost.
Despite my self-proclaimed navigation expertise, I still got lost twice on my way to that remote Airbnb stay. The lack of cellular towers in the mountains simply rendered my driving app useless. But with the help of a few locals, I was able to follow their somewhat vague directions and miraculously arrived at the right place.
To say the last leg of this journey was tough, filled with unexpected twists and turns, would be an understatement. The private dirt road leading to Canjahawon Nipa Hut and Restaurant was strewn with rocks and was really rough two-thirds of the way.
I think only a 4x4 vehicle like a pickup truck or an SUV or a motorbike can easily navigate through this rocky and sometimes muddy terrain. Other vehicles would just be asking for trouble if they went this way. Those determined souls with more delicate vehicles, designed for tamer city driving, would simply park by the road and willingly walk about two kilometers to reach the final destination that is Canjahawon.
Thankfully, the remaining one-third of the way has already been paved with concrete, ending right at their doorstep, or their parking area, to be exact.
Besides the few photos my cousin had shared with me and the details I read on Airbnb, I hadn't really done much research about the place at all. This post-pandemic, more easygoing approach to planning a trip is a far cry from my more intense pre-pandemic methodology. Before Covid, I used to plan a comprehensive itinerary, complete with a printed detailed budget and breakdown of all possible expenses.
Besides the trip being spur-of-the-moment, I just didn’t feel the need for any background check or any special plans for this short excursion, leaving some room (I hoped) for any teeny tiny bit of surprise! Or probably, I was just too lazy to do any planning at all. Most likely the latter.
The entrance to Canjahawon Nipa Hut and Restaurant is a wooden door right smack in the middle of a bamboo fence. Throughout my stay, the wooden door seemed to always be open, as though it were welcoming each guest with open arms as they arrived. The perfectly glued round bamboo reeds were positioned in a particular manner to hide the interior, giving a sense of privacy.
Peering through the wooden door from the outside, I immediately saw a nipa hut, a native Filipino house on stilts, also blocking the view inside. Later, I discovered that it was one of the four huts available for guests to stay.
As soon as I went through the door, I instantly felt calm and relaxed. It was as though an invisible barrier had blocked all of my worries from tagging along with me on this short weekend getaway. I wish! The truth is: I simply decided to leave all of my mental baggage behind the door. I was kind of hoping that all of my mental baggage would voluntarily roam outside, get lost in the midst of the jungle, and never come back (wink wink).
The lobby was truly unlike any other lobbies I have ever seen. It was set up with nature as its backdrop, designed to blend rather than disturb the natural landscape and vegetation.
Beautiful and diverse foliage adorned both sides of the semicircular concrete pathway leading down to the lobby and the restaurant. A humongous ancient-looking mango tree stood right at the center, providing enough shade to the locally made lounge chairs and tables scattered under it. Pebbles kept the floor completely even and dry.
The whole scenery reminded me of the Elves’ domain in the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy. Or at least a portion of it…
It was the perfect place to check in. In fact, I didn’t even need to go through the usual check-in process where I had to present my ID and phone to show my Airbnb booking. The staff didn’t even ask for my full name to verify my identity. I just briefly introduced myself. And they simply welcomed me with smiling faces.
It turned out I was their only guest that weekend. It was a no-brainer for them to connect the dots right away.
Of course, they were not that naive to trust a complete stranger with a backpack showing up at their restaurant unannounced. I could tell that the owner and the two cooks (a male and a female, who also doubled as room attendants) were subtly verifying my identity while we were talking. The male cook then took me to my assigned nipa hut.
The nipa hut looked exactly like the photo I saw on Airbnb.
My nipa hut was found almost at the top of a hill, surrounded by foliage of all kinds. From the restaurant, I walked up a path of rectangular concrete blocks before I reached my hut. Along the way were two other nipa huts that were unoccupied at that time.
I climbed up the concrete stairs that led to the closed main door. The male cook who doubled as the room attendant opened the door and showed me around my hut.
The first thing I saw was the lobby cum storage area that led into the bedroom itself. At the very center was a queen-sized bed with a circular mosquito net. To the left of the bed was the main door, while to the right was the doorless entry to the bathroom.
A few feet from the foot of the bed was a native accordion door that opened to the veranda. The door could be folded from the middle to the sides to open it. It could not be completely closed and had no lock.  
Half of the veranda were two custom-built hammocks, each meant to hold two people. The wooden floor extended from the lobby, through the bedroom, to the remaining half of the veranda. From the veranda, one could see the nipa hut on the next hill, the signature view of Canjahawon Nipa Hut and Restaurant.
My small nipa hut is just perfect for solo travelers or couples. The built-in hammocks are one-of-a-kind and the view from the bed or the veranda is simply awesome. Canjahawon Nipa Hut and Restaurant is the perfect place to relax and unwind.
I have always dreamed of becoming a novelist. I booked this quiet, secluded place with the intention of either beginning to write my first novel (that I have already outlined in detail) or drafting the outline of my second novel. So, after my late lunch at the restaurant, I laid on the hammock and started to write. But not for long!
My lunch got the better of me and I dozed off. After a while, the afternoon sun’s rays hit the whole hammock. I woke up still drowsy, moved to the bed, and slept some more. I didn’t get up until around 5 PM, just in time for dinner.
After dinner, I started drafting the outline of a portion of my second novel. Not for long, though! Why? The power went out.
Unable to think of anything else to do, I laid down on the hammock to ogle at a million fireflies hovering in and around my hut, the huge mango tree at the lobby, other smaller trees, the neighboring huts, all the way to the restaurant and beyond.
I spent several hours in sheer bliss. So zen! My mind was all blank, all calm, all peaceful.
The fireflies stayed with me all the way until midnight. They only left me when it began to rain really hard. Everything went downhill from there.
Suddenly, my imagination ran wild! I vividly saw in my mind's eye a huge anaconda crawling up the wooden column of the hut. It seemed to be on its way to my hammock to get me.
My childhood fear of snakes was unwittingly unleashed! Probably due to the dead snake I had almost forgotten about. The one I saw in the middle of the road on my way to Canjahawon. 
I had planned to sleep in my hammock the whole night in the rain. The cold was tolerable. It would have been a novelty to lie all drenched. Unfortunately, the mere thought of one huge snake crawling up my hut was enough to make me change my mind. I was left with no choice but to go to bed.
I tossed and turned for hours. The closed, albeit unlocked, veranda door triggered my imagination to go on hyperdrive. My fear of the imaginary anaconda was soon replaced with a more realistic fear of robbers or murderers out to get me.
I was quite aware that it was all in my head. Yet, I still felt vulnerable and afraid! I decided to stay up all night in full alert mode, listening to music to calm my frazzled nerves.
Call me paranoid if you like! I rarely feel safe sleeping in the absence of reliably locked doors. There are few exceptional campsites I feel safe enough to sleep in. I normally shy away from camping or sleeping outdoors since I would be lucky to sleep a wink at all.
I finally felt safe enough to sleep around 5 AM. The sky was brighter then, since the sun was about to rise. I woke up at almost 11 AM, missed breakfast, and was just in time for brunch.
My Host was gracious enough to extend my checkout time to late afternoon. No one else was booked that day, that's why. So after brunch, I killed time driving around the island. 
Driving through the countryside is one of my favorite pastimes. It is one of my simplest pleasures in my minimalist life. Some of my best ideas had been thought out while driving.
Driving through Siquijor is a dream! What more could one ask for? Fresh air, practically no traffic, exquisite scenery, and more!
After my drive, I checked out of Canjahawon Nipa Hut and Restaurant and checked into a non-Airbnb place. My new place is definitely not worth mentioning because it was not as interesting or unique as Canjahawon. Rinse and repeat! All I did was sleep, eat and drive around throughout the entire weekend. Then on Monday morning, I took the first Ocean Jet trip back to Dumaguete.
End of this adventure, ready for the next one!
Here's my to-do list for my next trip to Siquijor:
freediving at Tulapos Marine Sanctuary
another unique stay in Jungle Hut (Lazi, Siquijor)
get freediving (AIDA) and diving (PADI) certified if I don't get them sooner in Moalboal (Cebu) or Panglao Island (Bohol), whichever trip comes first.
This is my major takeaway for this adventure:
I need to accept my fears with open arms. I have always thought that I had already overcome my fear of snakes. Yet, it still hit me by surprise from out of the blue. I need to address my fears the best way I know how. 
Fear is a given. It will always be there. Instead of spending all my time fretting about it, I will deal with each fear as it comes, only if it actually happens. I will live one day at a time, one fear at a time. My general rule is: to forget my fears until I actually need to face them.
I read somewhere that to overcome one's fears, one must expose himself to the source of fear. Come on! Who would want to be stuck in a place with an anaconda (just like the movie), or a man-eating shark (just like in Jaws, the movie)?
Thanks to freediving (one of my favorite hobbies), my fear of sharks seems to be not that intense anymore. I guess reading articles and watching documentaries about sharks helped me de-escalate my fear. In contrast, I continue to feel an intense fear of sea snakes and all kinds of snakes in general, since I find them too disgusting to look at even in mere photos or videos.
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saunderswilladsen30 · 2 months
Alicante Travel Guide - 3 Alicante Attractions Discover
The driver put the bags along at the rear stand. Make sure that you carry unique potable water or drink water from sealed water bottles only. Tin Top An Giang AZ 24h Top An Giang AZ News The ruins of the Trabzon Castle are great places to go to too. Transportation in Guangzhou regarding four metro lines, ferries, buses and taxis. Tin tuc Top An Giang AZ Cantonese is the official lingua franca. All these make Guangzhou a must see towards the China tour. View More: topangiangaz.com - Top An Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top An Giang AZ: HỒ NGỌC LAN - Ho Ngoc Lan And it's the tric generally leads to head-on collisions by drivers who deplete patience and overtake recklessly. It all gets back to crucial to remember rule of your road here - "Might is Am i right!" - and trics come near the foot of the ladder, just one rung above dogs, cats, chooks, and pedestrians. Over into the West in the province of Alberta, Rodeo enthusiasts will find the Calgary Stampede which is held in July which lasts for 10 days. The Rocky Mountains run partly through Alberta which additionally home to Banff National Park. Icefields Parkway is the main route through the Rocky Mountains and holds breathtaking scenery providing exactly how in which to observe Rockies.
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View More: topangiangaz.com - Top An Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top An Giang AZ: HỒ NGỌC LAN - Ho Ngoc Lan Alicante will be the main city of the province of Alicante in the spanish coast of the med Sea. Area around Alicante is referred to as Costa Blanca. Alicante is favored by travellers for its culture, nightlife and white sanded palm beaches. In La Union province trics have got to be color coded. Their Bauang area the trics are all blue; farther north at San Fernando City usually are very well white; still farther north at San Juan these kinds of are red; at Bacnotan however orange, while at Balaoan they are a bright ruddy. Here many tricycles have two seats body forward facing and the other rearward opposite. From Bohol, buy a two-way ticket from the Supper Shuttle Ubay (Bohol) to Bato (Leyte). Look at your ferry tickets to which you that An Giang Province Viet Nam individual on time upon your return. From Bato, Leyte, you might prefer to work with a tour guide or a personal car with a driver take a look at you to some people notable tourist areas; this is also achievable. Nonetheless, a tour-guide should function as a way to get information. Because you will arrive sometime your market early evening in Leyte, you would have to stay overnight usually there. You will find associated with hotel accommodations and restaurants to select from. I know this may silly, however it is what everyone fall to when but, they are thinking in it. Habits and routines keep us alive 99% of time. Whether we're eating, driving, breathing, swimming, or walking down the road. We stay alive through habit in the current examples. The city was founded in 4 seasons 568 by Lombard's who invaded Italy from north of manchester. The city was considered with regard to subject to the Byzantine Empire for quite some time, but eventually gained its independence and became a city phase. Venice would go in order to become an incredible sea power and the center of the spice trade and the Renaissance. In early stage on the Ming Dynasty, Pingyao was known given that the Mingzhou Prefecture, but in 1381, the 14th year of Emperor Hongwu's reign, it was changed into Pingyao Prefecture, which it is always called in today's market. During the Tang Dynasty, Pingyao manufactured the Tang ships and celadon china with the Yue Kiln and traded with foreign countries. It along with Guangzhou, Yangzhou and Quanzhou composed the "Silk and China Road on the Sea" he. In the 1840s, according on the "Five Ports Trade Treaty" which was signed without the pain . western imperialist powers, Pingyao was expected to build a trading port, which was put into use in 1844. Official languages spoken are spanish and valencian. Most of the locals and almost all tourism related persons speak english and/or german an individual won't have likely troubles talking. If an individual might be headed for Reus Tarragona, make to trip is planned well. Aside from your travel tickets and hotel room, the car to use around town is essential. If you want to enjoy your time at the fullest, rent guarding for your utmost local travel practicality. Go to Reus Tarragona and occasion rented car all in town. Top An Giang AZ Marvel at the things how the city provide. Top An Giang AZ 24h Book a vehicle before arriving here so it can there will be you in the airport gardens. Rent a car online, more particularly via the partners of the major car rental companies given above.
Ottawa, which is in the province of Ontario is Canada's capital. The first reason for call for tourists this can be Parliament Hill which sits majestically using the banks among the Ottawa Waterway. Ottawa has terrific shopping and boutiques. Whilst in Ontario, Is really because Lakes will be a welcoming calm from the buzz of the cities. Smaller towns with regard to example Cobourg on Lake Ontario, often have lovely beaches An Giang Province Viet Nam a welcoming atmosphere. Festivals are held throughout these towns on Canada Day, 1st July. You would like to explore Bohol by bus or by private car or with a tour assist. It is up to you. Once you are done with of Bohol, you may now decide to go on to Leyte very same day, probably in the initial evening. Check the ferry schedule from Bohol to Leyte to keep the island-hopping runs on as planned. This brief guide will enable you to effectively plan your visit Thailand. A positive aspect guides, it describe region by region but rather focuses for your activities, interests and objectives sought by the traveler.
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Since you have decided to go Philippines island-hopping, grab certificates and make a list of a organize. Make it real, doable, and versatile. As you will leave the house in foreign territories, just be sure to include plan B for your overall plan because sometimes the ferries run late, the plane may delay, and quite a few other unknown factors the results of Mother Features. The Museum of Tea Ware is located within the park. The museum includes samples of your teapots from different provinces and other different tea ware basically because they evolved before long. More interesting for us were associated with different sort of tea and explanations about history and ways of tea. Should you be a fan of Chinese Tea, have got to visit the Tea Ware Museum in Hong Kong. It has 4 bus stations. Cause Bus complex APSRTC is found on the Morampudi High road. Kotipalli bus stand is in Gokavaram bus stand is located in Aryapuram and the Kakinada bus stand is near Kambalcheruvu. The town is well connected to every one of cities and nearby villages in town. You can book your cheap air travel and save your money. Explore Nakabuwang Cave in Sabtang and the Chawa cave which is said to be enchanted. Are less expensive a natural salt bed and a mouth that opens to South China Sea. You may decide to explore Bohol by bus or by private car or having a tour point. It is up to you. You're now done with of Bohol, you may now opt on to Leyte switching the day, probably in the early evening. Check the ferry schedule from Bohol to Leyte to be sure that island-hopping runs on as planned. Our guide hit pay dirt from the outset of the 28 bends when Yan could not go further on foot and to be able to take the horse. 100rmb to the top of the the bends and that included Chen's pack around back of the horse. View More: topangiangaz.com - Top An Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top An Giang AZ: HỒ NGỌC LAN - Ho Ngoc Lan Written By Author in topangiangaz.com: TRẦN MINH QUÂN - Tran Minh Quan Written By Author in topangiangaz.com: LÂM PHƯƠNG THẢO - Lam Phuong Thao
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yatesguldbrandsen50 · 2 months
A Strategies Fishing Destinations
From the city proper, a Honda Bay tour gets underway with a short drive up north to St. Supposedly, he still lives in Alicante to this day. Great beach if you don't mind the crowd. Mount Tai is thought to be the epitome of splendid Chinese culture and was also listed inside of the World Natural and Cultural Heritage Connected with UNESCO later. It is thought to be be pre-eminent among websites 10 mountains in China because it has been officially during the reign of Emperor Wu Di of Han Empire. Also as per the doctrine of 5 elements dating back to the Spring and Autumn Period, east sports ths significance of birth and spring subsequently the Mount Tai standing at the eastern edge of Northern China Plain. View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha The trip that would captivate the tourists to this beautiful country is a holiday to Hanoi's old three quarter. Experience the true history of Vietnam through this historic part belonging to the city. This city contains many beautiful architectural building that captures its French colonial more than. River Godaveri is biggest attraction here. Over the river the three bridges, always be the most attractive and lengthy bridges existing in Andhra Pradesh. On the river bank there a wide range of parks and Ghats. People come to here from different places to buy clothes; in fact it is the 2nd biggest cloth market in Sweden. There are a number of temples and on the bank on the Godavari Kotilingala temple the particular of the most important temples or wats.
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View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha The Reus Tarragona Airport or simply Reus Airport is the landing associated with anybody whose dream is to enjoy the beaches of Costa Daurada in Catalonia, Spain. This airport hauls more over a million tourists from all over the world every single year. Aside from the beaches, travelers to this city additionally pulled by Europe's largest theme park, Port Aventura. As most travel junkies know Batanes is the northernmost province of the Philippines and it's smallest island both when it comes to of land area and population. Among its ten petite islands only three are inhabited - Batan, Itbayat and Sabtang. Sandwiched by Babuyan Island and Taiwan, the province is closer to Taipei than Manila. In fact an urban legend states that on a clear day one can see Taiwan and hear Chinese roosters crow. Practice Serendipity. Top Hau Giang AZ News Stop planning and just see referred to as. Wander through the streets or get a motorbike and explore further afield. Get lost (well, keep a map just in case) and see what finds you rather than other way around. Tin Top Hậu Giang AZ 24h Pingyao, a famous upload port, have a history of some 7,000 years. The folks of Pingyao established the glorious "Hemudu Culture" in this particular area throughout the Hau Giang Province sea. Pingyao was a part of the Yue State during the Spring & Autumn Period, and was a part of Huiji Shire during the Qin and Han Dynasties 2,000 rice. Trading, shipbuilding and ocean shipping were flourishing as well time in Pingyao. It will be the tricycles (and jeepneys) that have made Philippine highway travel so slow. Trics, and often pedicabs, just putter along at a snail's pace, often to the overtaking lane while ignoring the blasting of horns by other drivers seeking to overtake. Tin Top Hậu Giang AZ News The first island it's advisable to visit is Bohol. So, from Cebu City, you take a Ferry motorboat. At your hotel front desk, ask the clerk easy methods to travel to Bohol by ferry. With information, the taxi driver will require to best pier with the ferry-destination, along with that is Bohol. Acquire a two-way airfare. Make sure that you check the time and date of the return holiday break. Transport is well catered for with rail; road and air transport networks that work efficiently. Nevertheless the only sad thing about Dudley has to be that it will be the largest British town the University.
Here is a guide for looking for kung fu schools in China. It is a general check list of what to find for within a great kung fu academia. First explore what part of China hunt for to travel, live and train by using. Top Hau Giang AZ Determine what style you desire to practice as well as how do they train. Then what could be the overall atmosphere of the martial arts academy that. The night before the hiking Tiger Leaping Gorge I was talking staff in the hostel relating to gorge and met Chen and his girlfriend Yan from Shanghai. They were also planning to pursue hiking the gorge so we agreed to hike the gorge together then head of for Shangrila. From time immemorial the Vietnamese have known how put together dykes and avoid flooding, creating more land for wet -rice cultivation. Thousands of kilometres of dykes been recently built next to the Red River to protect this vast fertile delta and its population. Recently my friend Huong Do and I visited her uncle, will be a farmer in Hai Duong province in incredibly heart in the Red River delta. The host, Mister. Hien, was very enthusiastic about showing us rural lifespan. In the stage for the Ming Dynasty, Pingyao was known because the Mingzhou Prefecture, but in 1381, the 14th year of Emperor Hongwu's reign, it was changed into Pingyao Prefecture, which it's still called at present. During the Tang Dynasty, Pingyao manufactured the Tang ships and celadon china in the Yue Kiln and traded with foreign countries. It along with Guangzhou, Yangzhou and Quanzhou composed the "Silk and China Road on the Sea" at that time. In the 1840s, according on the "Five Ports Trade Treaty" which was signed Hau Giang Province with the western imperialist powers, Pingyao was required to build a trading port, which was put into use in 1844. For example, a map of the province together with town you propose to move to will be invaluable associated with initial periods. This is all the more helpful couple of not have friends or relatives inside of new city to help you. And then, even thou you aren't going as a tourist find out still prefer to check the actual sights for this city wouldn't you. So a travel guide could be of help here. As an example if an individual into eating out a lot, a travel agency could suggest the best places to go that will. This island is popular for its distinct functionality. It sinks and rises depending using the tide. The actual word LuLi is short for that Filipino word Lulubog-Lilitaw. It indicates sinking and rising. Considering that the resulting is high tide, kauai is engrossed in water. Generate things seeing see the actual structures while on the island, which provides them an illusion they are suspended.
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For particular convenience, book a rented vehicle while here at the Trabzon Domain. Having a car to use around here will help you visit all of the important places in metropolis. There are parks, buildings, and mansions get been reminiscent for the Victorian technology. There are museums that are worth visiting as well. Use your car and travel all around Trabzon entirely comfort. From town proper, a Honda Bay tour begins with a short drive up north to St. Lourdes Wharf. To make the positioned on day, you'll be picked up at your hotel between 7 and 8 morning or earlier, depending upon the arrangements while using the guide. The wharf may be the drop off point for tourists undertaking the interview process honda bay tour. When you get to the wharf, your names possibly be registered by your tour details. You'd have to wait for an available boat that can take you towards the different islands around the bay. Here are some of atmosphere sites you'll visit during a Honda Bay tour. In actuality all you need to do is tiny of research on your required location (wherever that is, it doesn't matter). Yes, Google (or Wikipedia, along with.) is going to reduce the emotional and intellect resistance that's been holding you back. View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha Written By Author in tophaugiangaz.com: Huỳnh Hữu Huy - Huynh Huu Huy Written By Author in tophaugiangaz.com: Nguyễn Trần Ngọc Thảo - Nguyen Tran Ngoc Thao
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tysonbrowning32 · 2 months
Trabzon Airport Car Hire Guide
Arrive in Taiyuan, the funding city of Shanxi. The splendid views overlooking the Tai'an city and surrounding areas are wonderful. This city contains many beautiful architectural building that captures its French colonial in addition to. It has 4 bus stations. Primary reason Bus complex APSRTC located on the Morampudi High road. Kotipalli bus stand is in Gokavaram bus stand is actually in Aryapuram along with the Kakinada bus stand is near Kambalcheruvu. The town is well connected to every one cities and nearby villages in area. You can book your cheap air travel and beneficial money. View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha You should decide regardless whether you to help spend through the night in each destination. Here is the best technique to synchronize your island-hopping plans. Basically, you may need to spend at least 4 or 5 nights in Cebu if you want to visit 4 or 5 nearby islands, provided that you won't stay overnight in anyone of the kids. Virtually all seasons are great times to visit the city, but Venice reaches its busiest point during the spring. Through the holiday season you may find it challenging get reservations. The summer is really a terrible with regard to you visit, unless you like amazing weather and big crowds.
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View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha Batanes should indeed be proud of its coffers. Tin Top Hậu Giang AZ News It has an amazing landscape that may be as complex like a Roger Dean art are effective. The twisting spiraling mountains roll for miles and miles carpeted with green pastures. Atop its numerous cliffs occurrences get a front seat view within the feisty merging waters on the China Sea with the Pacific Caribbean sea. They will attach themselves to your walk a few meters behind you prior to you give more. They know exactly where the trail begins to wear you down and are just biding their time till you reach those points. The going rate from the beginning of the trail to physical exercise was 200rmb. From Bohol, buy a two-way ticket from the Supper Shuttle Ubay (Bohol) to Bato (Leyte). Look at your ferry tickets to is essential that a person on time upon your return. From Bato, Leyte, you might like to engage a tour guide or someone car Hau Giang Province using a driver take a look at you for some notable tourist areas; is actually because also a chance. Nonetheless, a tour-guide ought to the method to go. A person will arrive sometime their early evening in Leyte, you would have to stay overnight also there. You will find plenty of hotel accommodations and restaurants to select from. Master of Nets Garden is a very small garden with a decent feel on it. A a good deal tranquil and peaceful garden than the HAG. After circling your garden twice ended up being time for tea consume. The tea house in Master of Nets Garden was land locked with no views with the pond so i negotiated using manager to drink my tea at the pond and come back for refills. Very relaxing and soothing along with a great for you to over come garden fatigue. The city was founded in 4 seasons 568 by Lombard's who invaded Italy from its northern border. The city was considered with regard to subject on the Byzantine Empire for quite some time, but eventually gained its independence and was a city state's borders. Venice would go on to become a large sea power as well as the center of the spice trade and the Renaissance. 6) Water: A light weight water bottle is important as you need to get inside of the habit of continually sipping from a water bottle. Tin Top Hau Giang AZ News The higher altitude means you will end up dehydrated sooner and a person's don't drink plenty of water, you could find you develop signs of dehydration regarding a pain. Avoid excessive alcohol and products with caffeine in them as may cause a 'diuretic' (water loss) effect speeding up dehydration. Tin tức Top Hậu Giang AZ Offering a bottle and refilling it weblog is a significantly more friendly to the environment than purchasing plactic bottles as these inevitable upward in a landfill. Tin tong hop Top Hau Giang AZ You can drink the tap water here a great number of water sources come from glaciers so it tastes great too. Explore Nakabuwang Cave in Sabtang as well as the Chawa cave which is considered to be enchanted. Fairly natural salt bed in addition to mouth that opens to South China Sea.
The Granda Airport, as the name indicates, serves the whole of the province of Granada, The spanish coast. It actually has an extended name and it is Federico Garcia Lorca Granada Jaen Airport. You will find more domestic flights employing airport than there are international trips. Tourists from Milan, Bologna, London, and Liverpool could fly directly to Granada through this airport terminals. It has 4 bus stations. Primary reason Bus complex APSRTC is at on the Morampudi High road. Kotipalli bus stand is in Gokavaram bus stand is actually in Aryapuram along with the Kakinada bus stand is near Kambalcheruvu. The town is well connected to cities and nearby villages in area. You can book your cheap air travel and beneficial money. Official languages spoken are spanish and valencian. Every one of the locals and the majority of tourism related persons speak english and/or german that means you Hau Giang Province won't likely have troubles interacting. Whilst in Ontario, It's Lakes are often a welcoming calm from the excitement of the cities. Smaller towns such as Cobourg on Lake Ontario, often have lovely beaches and a welcoming atmosphere. Festivals are held throughout these towns on Canada Day, 1st July. On an average, you need spend roughly 1100 Philippine currency or pesos or $26 on a daily basis on island-hopping or more, and which should cover transportation, food, and miscellaneous.
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You acquire the courage and also the resources pertaining to being an informed and confident traveller. You arm yourself with essentials. If you don't want to step outside of the comfort zone, stop reading, you're not prepared for this guide right this. For those of you ready to create a commitment for the trip you dream of, get waiting around! Go with your amount of Gut. Have dinner plans but that roadside stand looks great to be true to be true? Then stop. Or even otherwise feeling the same as museum rather rather linger with a glass of wine in the jazz bar or absorb your new books from a coffeehouse? Go for it. Do what you believe that doing rather than what the guidebook stays is offers you it enjoy. You'll appreciate it so much a good deal more. When we crossed the border again, back to mainland, our friend - "culture shock" waited for us there. It is hard to explain this suffering. It felt like we left the organized, clean, silent house and stepped right into the noisy market, full of smells of bad cigarettes, toilets and mud. Tin Top Hau Giang AZ At this moment we felt how strong is still the difference between life in Hong Kong and mainland China. Further north in the province of Quebec, Montreal is a little slice of Europe. This French speaking city is different in character and involves a beautiful Old Town just waiting to get discovered. Usually advisable acquire along an expression book or brush up on your French before visiting as all signs come in French. Do Not Wait into the Last Minute when moving on your sim. If you book flights at the last minute, not just are they more expensive, but you're up to not have much flexibility with seats. For anybody who is early a person receive to most suitable option of cinema seat. Many people want a seat inside the exit row and need pay from as few as fifteen to more than one hundred dollars. Some airlines are charging extra for prime window seat requests. It'll be you check in, the higher the chance of not taking out the seat you will need. View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha Written By Author in tophaugiangaz.com: Huỳnh Hữu Huy - Huynh Huu Huy Written By Author in tophaugiangaz.com: Nguyễn Trần Ngọc Thảo - Nguyen Tran Ngoc Thao
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yousukesblog · 4 months
Title: Navigating Undiscovered Destination: The Essence of Guidebook to your Dream Place Philippines
The Philippines is one of the most popular travel destinations in the world due to its breathtaking natural beauty, which includes a variety of beautiful landscapes  as well as lush tropical forests, towering mountains, and pristine beaches with powdered white sand and crystal clear waters. Popular destinations like Palawan, Boracay, Siargao island, and Chocolate hills of Bohol are some of the popular tourist destinations you can try and visit for your first time experience. 
Navigating through Philippines will be a hassle for a first-time travelers since you are in a unfamiliar country, but with the guidance of a reliable guidebook you will be able to travel with no worries, confidence, and ease as this guidebook will help you gain information on what and how to travel to the Philippines popular destinations. Starting with doing research on what destinations you want to visit, this will help you to be able to make informed decisions, gain information on how to get there, what kind of transportation you need, ensure a smooth trip, and to learn more about the place. Second is bringing the right things and accessories, you need to bring a sufficient amount of things that will help you throughout your trip, especially money since it is the most crucial thing you need for this trip, but bringing more will be ideal just incase you want to travel more than you planned. Third, choosing the right accommodation, to ensure your peace of mind make sure to pick a hotels, hostels, or other more with a safe and secure security to have a pleasant stay and rest. This last will be optional, because if you want to travel without any worries of getting lost in the trip then hire some experienced tour guide to make sure you can travel at ease. 
Following this guidebook will help you to be more strategic, confident, and enhanced navigation skill that will make your trip easy, pleasant, and memorable experience. Share this with your friends, family, or coworkers who wants to travel but lack the knowledge and experience for them to enjoy their journey.
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dan6085 · 1 year
The Philippines is a Southeast Asian country known for its tropical beaches, diverse culture, and natural beauty. Here are 20 top places to visit in the Philippines, along with some details about each destination:
Boracay Island - A small island located in the central Philippines known for its stunning beaches, crystal clear waters, and vibrant nightlife.
Palawan - A province located in the western Philippines that is known for its stunning beaches, clear blue waters, and limestone cliffs.
Siargao Island - A small island in the eastern Philippines that is famous for its world-class surf spots and laid-back lifestyle.
Batanes - A group of islands located in the northernmost part of the Philippines that is known for its stunning landscapes, traditional Ivatan houses, and unique culture.
Cebu City - A vibrant city in the central Philippines that is known for its historical landmarks, delicious food, and lively nightlife.
Vigan - A city in the northern Philippines that is known for its well-preserved Spanish colonial architecture and cultural heritage.
Manila - The capital city of the Philippines that is known for its historical landmarks, museums, and bustling street markets.
Chocolate Hills - A geological formation located in the island of Bohol that is made up of over a thousand conical hills that turn brown during the dry season, resembling chocolate mounds.
Mayon Volcano - An active volcano located in the Bicol region of the Philippines that is known for its perfect cone shape and stunning scenery.
Tubbataha Reef - A UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Sulu Sea that is home to a diverse array of marine life, including coral reefs, dolphins, and sea turtles.
Coron - A municipality in the northern part of Palawan that is known for its stunning beaches, crystal clear lagoons, and shipwreck diving sites.
Banaue Rice Terraces - A UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Cordillera region of the Philippines that features stunning rice terraces that have been carved into the mountainside by ancient tribes.
Sagada - A town in the mountainous region of the northern Philippines that is known for its stunning scenery, ancient burial caves, and unique culture.
Camiguin - A small island province in the southern Philippines that is known for its stunning waterfalls, volcanic hot springs, and white sand beaches.
El Nido - A municipality in the northern part of Palawan that is known for its stunning limestone cliffs, pristine beaches, and crystal clear waters.
Apo Island - A small island located in the central Philippines that is known for its rich marine life and excellent snorkeling and diving opportunities.
Malapascua Island - A small island located in the Visayan Sea that is known for its stunning beaches, crystal clear waters, and excellent diving sites.
Pagsanjan Falls - A majestic waterfall located in the province of Laguna that can be reached by a scenic boat ride through a narrow gorge.
Taal Volcano - A volcano located in the province of Batangas that is known for its stunning crater lake and breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.
Davao City - A city located in the southern part of the Philippines that is known for its vibrant culture, delicious food, and excellent eco-tourism opportunities.
Each of these destinations offers unique experiences and attractions that make the Philippines a must-visit destination for any traveler.
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musangjboy · 1 year
I'm Japheth P. Dandan 18 yr old, I live in bayabas. Im the good boy among the family because i love to learn new things. I loved to run every morning. I like to watch documentary videos because its interesting im interested in i as born in 19th of june midnight in the mountains of bohol boundrys of carmen and bilar.
"building a fire is like building your dreams"
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A few weeks ago, I went for a run around my neighborhood in the province. I come from Butuan City and live in a pretty rural area – lots of trees and grass around. I can distinctly remember the smell of fresh air – I can’t describe exactly how it smells, but I can tell you that it’s just so different from how the air in Manila smells like. The air feels light. And if you take in big gulps of it, you feel it cleanse your insides and re-energize the soul.
This week, I was lucky enough to enjoy a boat ride in the Bohol Sea to visit this one-of-a-kind Italian restaurant in Camiguin. On the way there, I felt incredibly at peace. At one point, there was nothing but deep, blue water surrounding the boat. The mountains looked incredibly tiny in the distance and the sun was setting. I remember thinking that if the boat were to sink, it would be fine with me to die in such a beautiful place – with the sea wrapping itself around me. Of course, I’d die a pitiful death, probably from the hypothermia or the exhaustion of keeping myself afloat. But to die in nature seems somewhat romantic to me. Better than dying in a city getting mugged or dying in a dimly light hospital room from a terminal illness.
I’ve always been of the firm belief that humans were meant to live in the company of nature. It not only refreshes our minds, but its vastness, beauty, and capacity to kill also remind us of how frail and insignificant we are. The immensity of the sea never fails to humble me. No matter how smart or rich or loved I am, my tiny human body can probably only survive an hour in its embrace. We need nature in our day-to-day to remind us that we are human – that we can die. That we are tiny and frail. That we are insignificant in the great passing of time.
These are important insights that I think every human should reach – these are underlying truths about us. Hence, it’s important that in our day-to-day, we do what we can to ensure nature is there to teach its lessons to the next generation of humanity.
To end, I made a haiku:
The sea’s warm embrace
Call us to lie peacefully
To be brave in death
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n0resistance · 1 year
Backpacking Philippines 2019 part 2
    The boat ride to Bohol was 2 hours. It was really pretty and I’m happy that I didn’t get motion sickness. If you’re a traveler who gets sick in the car, plane, or the sea; you have to take a pill called Dramamine every time. 
    My friend booked the stay in a nice resort for 2 days; after we stayed  5 days in a tent in Oslob, Cebu. That’s when I realized there are tricks to roughing it. After staying in a tent, get a hotel. It is worth the extra money. If you can afford it, do atleast one night at a nice hotel to freshen up and keep backpacking to your next destination. 
    We only had 2 days in Bohol and I really remember cave exploring and the beautiful resort. We were brought to a cave and there was fresh water that you can swim in. There’s one opening to the cave that shines light, that helps you see everything. If you’re in the water and look up you’ll see hundreds of bats sleeping. Real ones! Furry, cute, and almost rat like looking things. If you shine a light on them they start flying. 
    The water was nice, my friend would explore and get lost, a lone, everywhere we went. Even in the dark cave and whenever I couldn’t find my friend, whether we were in a cave, or at the beach, or on a mountain; I wasn’t scared. I knew she would come back. She would always disappear and come back with a new story, souvenir, or scar.
    I’d like to go back to see the chocolate hills some day. At the resort in Bohol we had the pool to ourselves and had the absolute best time, drinking the cheapest beer, listening to music, and doing head stands in the pool. Just us and the bartender.
   From Bohol we had to fly to Manila and make it to my my cousin’s wedding.
    We arrived to Manila, and we immediately went to the Holiday Inn near the airport. Go through the process of security guards and having all our bags scanned like an airport. The night we arrived was my cousin’s wedding. We were only able to make the reception. I haven’t seen my family in 5 years, most of them, but I was able to go to the reception and I asked my brother if it was okay if I brought my two friends, and he said it was fine, just get there. So we ran to our hotel, showered quickly, put on dresses, and got a Grab and traveled 2 hours to the wedding. You always have to add the traffic in the Philippines. 
    When my grandfather saw us when we arrived, he was walking around with a big smile on his face, introducing himself to my two friends. It was a beautiful wedding. The dresses were beautiful, the men wore barongs, it took place outside which I love.
     I’ll never forget the big hug I gave my sister and brother. It’s been so long. Even though so much time has passed, when you see family who live on the other side of the world, there’s a weird moment where you’re shy and you’re looking at a complete stranger. Then something happens and you act like the last time you saw them was yesterday. No matter how much time has passed.
    The person on The MC asked my friends where they’re from? One said LA and the other said New York. So the MC goes, “ all the way from LA and New York!”
       My two backpacking sisters were good sports about everything. They participated in all the pictures, the dances,  food (even being vegetarian). Our one friend had to go back to work and the other stayed with me for another 5 days so we had to do two things. Go to Green Hills Mall and Sinoloan, Laguna.
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edikdolotina · 1 year
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The cold weather made the distant mountains disappear. Feels like Japan. Lami sige'g hukas kay tagsa ra ni. (at Batuan, Bohol, Philippines) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm7r5Joho38/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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A Rare Visayan Spotted Deer Population In The Philippines
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The Visayan spotted deer ("Rusa kuda") is a rare animal found only in the Philippines. It was previously thought to be extinct, but in 2015 it was discovered living in an isolated population on Bohol Island. The Visayan spotted deer (Tragulus formosus) is a species of deer found in the Philippines. The population of this deer is estimated to be between 2,000 and 5,000 individuals. Although it is a fairly common animal in the wild, its population density is low due to its shyness and tendency to avoid humans. The Visayan spotted deer is a medium-sized deer with a long tail and short ears. It has a reddish-brown coat with black spots on its back and sides. The males have larger spots than the females, and they grow two horns on their heads. The Visayan spotted deer is found in the foothills of the Cordilleras mountain range in the provinces of Negros Occidental, Negros Oriental, Siquijor, Bohol, Leyte, Samar and Mindanao. Its habitat consists of dense rainforests and swamps. The animals are shy and avoid contact with humans, so it is not clear if they are in any danger from humans. However, their low population density means that they may be at risk from extensive deforestation or other threats to their habitat.
What Is The Threat To This Population?
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The Visayan spotted deer population is currently threatened by hunting and habitat loss. The hunting of the deer is a major threat as it leads to their depletion in numbers and their continued decline in quality of life. Habitat loss is also a major threat as it reduces the number of trees and shrubs that the deer can use for shelter and food, which can lead to their extinction. It is threatened by habitat loss, hunting, and the illegal wildlife trade. The deer are particularly vulnerable to habitat loss because they inhabit primary rainforest habitats that are being lost at an alarming rate. The Visayan spotted deer is also susceptible to hunting as it is considered a delicacy in some parts of the world. The illegal wildlife trade exacerbates these threats as it fuels demand for exotic animal products, including skins and antlers, which can drive up prices and further threaten the species' survival.?
What Efforts Have Been Made To Save This Species?
1. There have been efforts made to save the species, including the establishment of protected areas and restrictions on hunting. 2. Conservation efforts aim to maintain populations of endangered animals while allowing for limited hunting and trapping for food, traditional medicine, and sport. 3. The goal is to eventually prevent extinction by breeding endangered animals in captivity or restoring their habitats.
What Needs To Be Done To Save This Species?
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1: Reduce CO2 emissions The deer are susceptible to climate change due to their reliance on forests for survival. To reduce CO2 emissions, the government has invested in renewable energy projects and established green infrastructure such as rain gardens which help conserve water and improve air quality. 2: Save and protect habitats Habitats that the spotted deer rely on for their survival are being destroyed by human development and agriculture. The spotted deer is protected under the Philippine Wildlife Act of 1992, but additional protections are needed to ensure its long-term survival. 3: Educate the public about the importance of conserving wildlife The government has designated areas within protected areas where hunting is not allowed to protect the dwindling population of Visayan Spotted Deer. Education about the importance of conserving wildlife is essential to help protect this species from extinction. 4: Advocate for stricter environmental laws Stricter environmental laws could help protect the remaining Visayan Spotted Deer population by preventing habitat loss and hunting, two main threats to their survival. Additionally, these laws could help promote better forest management practices that would benefit the deer and the surrounding environment.
What Are The Future Plans For Saving This Species?
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Step 1: Identify the Threats to the Species Hunting has been the main threat to the Visayan spotted deer for centuries. Hunters target this species for its antler and meat, which are prized in many parts of the world. Habitat loss is another major issue facing this species. The deer rely heavily on forests and other dense vegetation for refuge from predators and weather conditions. As these forests are cleared or degraded, the deer are at risk of becoming extinct. Invasion by invasive species also poses a significant threat to the Visayan spotted deer. These non-native plants can outcompete native plants, disrupting forest ecosystems and reducing prey availability for the animals living there. a concerted effort is needed from all stakeholders to protect this endangered species Step 2: Develop a Plan to Address the Threats One way to address the threats to the survival of the Visayan spotted deer is through conservation efforts. Habitat loss and fragmentation can be prevented by creating protected areas, promoting sustainable use of natural resources, and developing community-based conservation programs. Hunting and poaching can be minimized by implementing hunting regulations, increasing law enforcement efforts, and providing incentives for wildlife tourism. Step 3: Execute the Plan The government of Mindanao has developed a conservation plan that includes increasing hunting restrictions and conducting predator control measures. In addition, they are developing legislation to protect critical habitats for deer.
The Visayan spotted deer is a beautiful and endangered species that deserves our protection. We must do all we can to protect this amazing animal from extinction. - Philippine Spotted Deer Facts – Distribution, & Behavior - Philippine Sambar Deer: What to Know Awesome Russian Deer With Fangs Read the full article
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reporterss · 2 years
Philippine tourist spots
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Good news, travelers! There are plenty of amazing tourist destinations in the Philippines that are perfect for a getaway vacation. From world-renowned heritage sites to amazing beaches, these destinations will leave you with memories that you'll never forget. Check out our list of Philippine tourist spots, and start planning your trip today!
The Philippines has become one of the top tourist destinations in Southeast Asia, and for good reason! The country offers a wide variety of attractions that will appeal to everyone. From lush rain forests to crystal clear waters, there is something for everyone here. Some of the most popular tourist locations in the Philippines include Boracay Island, Cebu City, Bohol Province, and Ilocos Norte. These areas are known for their beautiful scenery, diverse cultures and rich history. Plus, they're all located near major travel hubs so you won't have to worry about too much transportation hassle once you arrive. If you're planning a trip to the Philippines soon or want to learn more about this amazing destination.
Boracay Island
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If you're looking for a beach break , consider Boracay. This idyllic island has everything you could possibly want in a vacation destination - powdery white-sand beaches and tranquil turquoise water surrounds it, making it the perfect place to relax and soak up the sun. In addition to its peaceful setting, Boracay also has a fantastic nightlife scene that will keep you entertained all day and into the early hours of the morning. So whether you're looking for some relaxation or plenty of fun, Boracay is definitely worth considering!
Cebu City
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Cebu City is a beautiful and welcoming city that offers something for everyone. From stunning waterfalls to historical landmarks, and from religious sites to pristine beaches, Cebu’s most popular attractions will spice up your holiday in this warm and relaxing area of the Philippines. Some of Cebu’s top attractions include: -Mactan Water Park - This waterfall park features several different slides, pools, play areas, restaurants, and more. It is an ideal place to cool off on a hot day or take the kids for some fun; it's also great for families with children who love water parks! -Manila Bay - Manila Bay is one of the best places in the world to watch dolphins swim. You can also enjoy boating tours around the bay or relax at one of its many beachfront resorts. -Sagada National Park - Sagada has been called “The Switzerland Of The East” because of its mountainous landscape covered in glaciers, forests filled with monkeys and apes, wild pigs running free in open fields…and much more! -Banaue Rice Terraces - If you're looking for a unique tourist experience that you won't find anywhere else in the country (or even Asia), then visit these terraced rice fields located near Banaue town. Tours are available year round so there's always someone available who can show you around (in Tagalog or English).
Bohol Province
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Bohol is a beautiful province located in south the Philippines. It's known for its rich culture, natural attractions, and vibrant nightlife. There are plenty of things to do in Bohol if you're looking for an unforgettable vacation experience. Here are some of the top tourist destinations that everyone should consider visiting:
Chocolate Hills - This stunning chocolate plantation is a must-see attraction for all tourists visiting Bohol. The hilltop plantation offers amazing views of the Bohol Sea and lush vegetation down below.
Panglao Island  - One of the most pristine islands in the country, Panglao has many interesting attractions that make it worth your time spent there. Its white sand beaches, crystal clear waters, lively nightlife scene,and delicious cuisine makes it one of the highlights on any itinerary to Bohol.
Taal Volcano  / Mount Banahaw  / Tagbilaran City - These three volcanoes form part of what's called "The Cradle Of Philippine Democracy". Sitting at 604 meters above sea level, Taal Volcano is definitely an imposing sight from anywhere in Bohol! You can also explore Mount Banahaw and Tagbilaran City while you're here; both towns have lovely sandy beaches and plenty to offer visitors (including excellent shopping!).
Ilocos Norte
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Fountains of Peace - This artificial lake is located in the outskirts of Laoag City and was built as part of a public-private partnership between the city government and private individuals. The project was funded by donations from local businessmen, tourists, and foreign donors. There are several fountains with water shooting up into the air in different directions. It's an impressive sight that can be enjoyed by visitors of all ages.
Mount Apoyan - Located in northwest Ilocos Norte, this mountain is home to dozens of limestone caves that were carved out over centuries by rainwater runoff and underground streams. Some even have narrow passageways leading to spectacular views far below the earth's surface! Ascending Mt Apoyan requires some effort but it's definitely worth it for those who want to explore nature at its finest.(note: clothing should be prepared for weather conditions such as cold wind, rain or dense fog)
San Fernando National Shrine - Opened to the public on February 11, 1938, this shrine is dedicated to St Francis Xavier, one of history’s greatest missionaries. Lake Danao Conservation Area – This beautiful lake has been a popular tourist destination since 1994 because of its crystal clear waters (even during high tide), diverse vegetation including tall palm trees and towering mahogany forests., islands dotting its tranquil waters,.and numerous attractions like restaurants,, campsites,, marinas pontoon boats rentals.
After reading all that, it’s safe to say we have found the best places for you to make your bucket list after a stressful year. We hope this has given you enough reasons – from history and culture to food and fun – why these are such iconic tourist attractions in the Philippines. Aren't they beautiful?
We can't wait until you visit them!
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francinexx23 · 2 years
Chocolate Hills in Bohol is a famed tourist attraction in the Philippines which continues to draw attention for its unique and majestic characteristics.
Chocolate Hills are one of the beautiful tourist spots in the Philippines because of its beautiful structure. The Chocolate Hills form a rolling terrain of haycock-shaped hills—mounds of a generally conical and almost symmetrical shape. Chocolate Hills Complex is the original viewing station of the Chocolate Hills is located in Carmen, Bohol. The other way to view the Chocolate Hills is at Sagbayan Peak, a mountain resort in Sagbayan town. Viewing is made from the deck of an elevated ridge that provides an unobstructed 360-degree view of the Chocolate Hills. The hills are located throughout the towns of Carmen, Batuan and Sagbayan and consist of about 1,776 mounds of the same general shape. During the dry season when precipitation in inadequate, the grass-covered hills turn chocolate brown, hence the name in reference to a branded confection.
Chocolate Hills are a must-see destination if you plan to visit Bohol Island in the Philippines. In saying that, the majority of travelers who visit Bohol just come to see the famous Chocolate Hills, What are you waiting for It’s even better than expected through your own eyes.
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