#mr. barkin
kimmibear · 10 months
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“Your dad rocks! A plus!”
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bcbdrums · 26 days
Ron: *opening the cupboard* I can't find the smoked paprika, Mr. B. Have you seen it? Barkin: Uh... No, no I haven't. Ron: Guess I can use regular... You know, it's funny how we keep meeting like this. Barkin: Stoppable, stop breaking into my house!
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reina-royale · 11 months
Kim Possible: Episode Reviews
I don’t intend to comment on every episode, just the ones I haven’t talked about yet or the ones I feel need to be given more in-depth discussion. Let’s begin:
“Tick-Tick-Tick” - First episode, not much to complain about here, but I do have one thing that irks me; the detention gang are never seen or mentioned again, with the exception of maybe Mike, as a guy who looks just like him is seen on the football team in a later episode. He is not addressed by name, however, so I’m not going to assume it’s Mike. The point of the episode was that Kim learns the detention gang are not all that bad, but then they’re never seen or mentioned again. They’re not even in the background. It kind of defeats the purpose of the lesson.
I also feel like this episode would have been a good chance to play into Kim’s “driven to excel” traits and have her hate the idea of detention because she’s afraid of how it will affect her future, and she learns one detention won’t ruin her future. You know, a reason for thinking detention is for losers, instead of just her being a cheerleader.
“Bueno Nacho” - I did mention in a previous post that I hate that Kim forged an application for Ron before ever talking to him about it. Honestly, they could’ve just had Kim entice Ron to take the job by mentioning some kind of benefits i.e. employee discount, one free meal while on shift. There was no reason for Kim to unilaterally make the decision, and she seems majorly controlling for doing so. Your protagonist’s mistakes should come from a lack of knowledge, not a lack of consideration. You can teach people to communicate, you can’t teach them to care.
“Attack of the Killer Bebes” - I wish the creators had delved more into Kim’s feelings. She thinks Ron being a cheerleader would be mortifying, and she hates the idea of him as the mascot. But we never learn why. There’s a line at the beginning that would indicate Kim just wanted something for herself, but the creators don’t expand on that. Instead, we get Kim just insulting Ron for the rest of the episode. It would have been more interesting if it was about Kim struggling to keep something for herself without Ron, and learning that even with Ron as the mascot, cheerleading will still always be her thing. Your protagonist should have deep thoughts and feelings that get explored, not just hinted at.
“The New Ron” - One of my most hated episodes for the way Kim treated Ron, but my rewrite would probably fix it. Ron agrees to a new haircut to appease Kim, and tries to like it but he’s miserable and he stays miserable. Kim learns she can be too pushy sometimes and needs to lay off, and Ron learns his best friend cares more about his feelings than his appearance, so it’s okay to say no to her. Your hero shouldn’t be causing harm to others just because she wants to; that’s not a hero, that’s a villain.
“Number One” - A few options for rewrites; Kim actually tries to prove she’s the better captain instead of just expecting Bonnie to fail on her own, or Bonnie stays captain and we get to explore how Kim handles not being in charge. Your character isn’t skilled and talented if she has everything handed to her instead of working for it.
Also, it would be nice if Will was actually competent, instead of taking credit for the mission. Give Kim an actual rival. Seriously, a highly-trained government agent isn’t on par with an amateur? It’s ridiculous. Your female protagonist isn’t good if you have to dumb down the world to make her shine.
“Sink or Swim” - Minor change; with how big Barkin is, and his military experience, he should’ve made more noise while being abducted. We could’ve had a shadow drag him off while he tells Kim to warn the others. That would’ve played into the horror movie parody quite nicely.
“Crush” - I feel like instead of Kim ignoring a call from Wade that was definitely important because Wade doesn’t make social calls, she should’ve just not gotten a call. I mean, how would Wade even know Ron was trapped in the closet anyways? Ron doesn’t have a Kimmunicator. It wouldn’t change much to be honest, and it also wouldn’t have Kim ignoring an urgent attempt at communication.
“October 31st” - Kim should take more precautions with the bracelet. Maybe it gets stuck to her wrist because the tweebs grab it and it gets stuck to her wrist in the ensuing fight. There’s also the issue of lying, but we could just have her nervous about spending time with Josh and having that be enough to set off the armor. That way, it’s basically the same plot, but without Kim being thoughtless, reckless, and deliberately misleading everyone she cares about.
“The Twin Factor” - Honestly, I would take out the whole “gag” about Kim using mind control on her brothers. The whole point of the episode is that mind control is wrong and bad, but the point gets muted when our hero is doing it to children. I’m not sure what gag I would replace it with, but nothing that jokes about mind control. I like that Kim’s parents were upset, but they should’ve been more upset. Outraged, even. And Kim should’ve faced actual consequences.
“Job Unfair” - I’m not sure this episode had a lesson. If it was meant to be “all jobs are important” then the lesson is pointless by having the “janitor” revealed to actually be a Canadian spy. Instead, we could have Kim decide to focus on her work-study anyways, and learn how to disable the weather machine by sheer coincidence, because the janitor is an actual janitor and not secretly a spy. As for Ron’s mentor, it could be revealed that the spy had been trying to get to Kim, but she was already taken by the janitor so he went to Ron instead.
“Grudge Match” - This episode had a scene where Ron mentions people might think he and Kim were on a date. Instead of using this as a moment to hint at Kim and Ron ending up together, Kim mocks and insults Ron for that statement. We could have Kim and Ron nervously discussing whether people think of them as a couple, before Kim (or Wade) brings them back to focus, but Kim mocking and insulting Ron for insinuating people might think they date is not a good way to hint at the endgame ship.
Also, I feel like instead of Kim “fudging” by telling Ron he might stand a chance with Zita, we should have her actually believe it could happen. This is a guy she supposedly develops romantic feelings for later, but instead of hinting at that, she apparently thinks he’s so much of a loser that even a girl none of them know anything about could do better.
“The Ron Factor” - I understand they had to change the ending of the episode because it was too sexist, but this episode chronologically takes place after “A Sitch in Time”, where we learn Ron is essential to Kim’s success (though no one remembers that timeline so I’ll cut them some slack there) and Ron defeated the villain this time. Not Kim, Ron. If they didn’t want it to seem like Ron was the secret to Kim’s success, they shouldn’t have made that a plot point of the movie, nor should they have Ron defeating the villain. Kim did almost nothing in this episode aside from telling Ron he was getting a big head (which he was) and complaining about GJ thinking Ron was the secret to her success (again, he was).
“Adventures in Rufus-Sitting” - I’ve talked about this episode before, so my rewrite is simple; have Kim take actual precautions with the microchip. We could still have Rufus accidentally eat it; maybe while looking for a snack he finds it and eats it. But Kim took no precautions with the top-secret microchip she was meant to guard, and that is seriously disappointing. If your female protagonist won’t take basic precautions with things she’s supposed to guard, she’s not a good guardian.
“Exchange” - When Kim decides she likes Hirotaka, she has Wade track his movements to arrange an “accidental” run-in with him to ask him out. She’s known him for less than a week and is already stalking him. It’s creepy and obsessive and this needs to not happen. Honestly, that whole scene could go like this; Kim returns from a mission, notices Hirotaka, panics, plays cool, decides to ask him out, continues as canon. If your female character is stalking her crush, it’s not funny, it’s creepy.
Interesting to note: Hirotaka looks a lot like Will Du’s original concept Ken Du.
“Queen Bebe” - Honestly, I do have complaints about this episode, and I’ve mentioned it in a previous post, but I’m not actually sure how I’d go about rewriting it. Kim’s inability to fulfill her obligations (that she volunteered for) is not only disappointing but also letting down her school. I can kind of understand her refusal to ask for help, especially from Bonnie, but at the very least, clubs and committees should be hesitant to let her join in the future because of this.
“Hidden Talent” - Not cool of Ron to sign Kim up for the talent show without talking to her about it first, but it definitely wasn’t cool of Kim to threaten Ron with physical violence over it. He might not have seemed afraid, but that doesn’t make it okay.
Honestly, it would be very in character for Kim to sign herself up because of anger and pride, so there was no need for Ron to do it.
“Return to Wannaweep” - Kim sabotages Bonnie, her own teammate, just because she wants a plastic stick painted gold. A stick she admits to only wanting so Bonnie can’t have it. Sure, Kim’s competitive. But this kind of competitiveness, sabotaging her own teammate to make herself stand out more, would get her kicked off the squad. Obviously, if they want Kim and Bonnie sabotaging each other, they should have Bonnie start it. Your heroine doesn’t get to be called a role model when she’s starting conflicts for her own personal interests.
Also, despite Gil having tried something evil before, Kim refuses to take any of Ron’s concerns about him seriously because she’s too preoccupied with her rivalry with Bonnie. A heroine ignoring potential danger because she doesn’t care is not a good heroine.
“Blush” - I can understand Kim wanting to go on a date with Josh, but he would’ve understood Kim needing to stay home for her own safety. She was at risk of literally disappearing.
“Oh Boyz” - Sure, everyone stopped liking the Oh Boyz, but the timing implies Kim stopped liking them specifically because Ron started liking them. I just feel like there’s too much of that in this show; Ron’s interests being “uncool” or “embarrassing”.
“Rewriting History” - This episode introduced interesting new layers to the characters and their relationships, except it didn’t because it was all a dream. I hate that. Honestly, I feel like the episode should have just ended with Kim saving Drakken and Shego and clearing her great-aunt’s name. No “it was all a dream” shenanigans.
“Showdown at the Crooked D” - Kim tricked Ron into going. He told her he wanted to laze about for the summer, she invited him to a place called The Lazy C, and then deliberately didn’t tell him until after they arrived and he had no way to back out that it was a working ranch. A lie by omission is still a lie. Your female hero shouldn’t be doing this to her friends.
"Emotion Sickness” - Another episode that could’ve hinted at Kim and Ron getting together, but instead Ron seemed uncomfortable with the whole idea. Nervous. Terrified. It didn’t seem like he wanted to be in a relationship with her. Having one character be uncomfortable with the idea of dating another is not a good way to hint at a ship.
"Bonding” - Mostly I hate that both Bonnie and Barkin were given character development, and then it’s gone for the rest of the series.
“Bad Boy” - Another episode to hint at a ship, and it didn’t do a good job. Having both characters be uncomfortable with the idea of dating each other doesn’t imply a ship either.
“Team Impossible” - As I mentioned, most of my frustration with this episode comes from the reason they gave for wanting Kim out of the business; profit. There are so many valid reasons, and Team Impossible could’ve been mentors. If you need to make the professionals incompetent for your character to stand out, your character isn’t good enough.
“And the Mole Rat Will Be CGI” - Honestly, my big issue here is that Kim, once again, is ignoring Ron’s feelings on something that will affect him.
“So The Drama” - I made a whole post about this, so I’ll be brief. Getting Kim and Ron together by introducing a “perfect” guy for Kim and then removing him as an option completely is lazy writing. I understand it was supposed to be the end of the series, but while we see a lot of Ron pining over Kim, we don’t see any of Kim possibly having feelings for Ron. The implication is that, if Eric were still an option, Kim and Ron wouldn’t be together. That’s not true love, that’s Ron being Kim’s rebound guy.
“The Big Job” - Kim complains about Ron using coupons to fund their dates, to high end expensive restaurants, but she never offers to pay. She is asking for more from Ron than he is able to give. And she, once again, has things literally handed to her. In this case, Monique literally gives her a job just so she could inspire Ron to get one.
“Fashion Victim” - I find it hard to believe Kim didn’t know she was risking Monique’s and Wade’s futures by trying to get them help her break the NDA Monique signed. She has worked on top-secret projects before; she’s definitely signed a few of those. Your heroine shouldn’t be risking others for her own gain.
“Grande Size Me” - The movie this episode was based off of has been proven to have been faked. This whole episode would need to be rewritten.
TW: This episode contains scenes that would be triggering for people with body image issues, eating disorders, or fears of Kaiju.
I did have more thoughts, but they felt too nitpicky. I tried to stick to the ones I had major problems with, and bolded the advice I would give on how to avoid some of those problems.
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warmchrysanthemum · 4 months
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Yes, this was in the show.
No, you don't get context.
Maybe Mr Barkin just likes to eat footballs.
I don't know photo editing, or else I would have used my skills here.
Can you repeat the throw, Mr Stoppable?
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yoshimickster · 1 year
Barken: My GRANDMA,runs faster than that Stoppable! Adequate result though.
Now that is some classic constructive criticism,tells him he could've been faster WHILE saying he still did a good job.
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sharperthewriter · 2 years
Top 50 Kim Possible Moments - #46
#46 - Dishelved Barkin - Fashion Victim
While Barkin was trapped in a crate with Ron from Smarty-Mart bound for Milan, he grew a beard rapidly fast and got crazy with cabin fever. XD
And this was the end result! XD
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Neither will I Barkin. Neither will I.
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Okay but if Ron once wrote a romantic poem for Wade to read to Monique as a backup plan in his attempts to play matchmaker between them and the result was good enough for Mr Barkin to give it an A+ when he accidentally turned it in instead of a biology report... Just how many of these super-sweet poems has he personally written to Kim? Does he slip them into her locker between classes for her to find later? Does he recite them to her on dates???
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Kim Possible
Tick-Tick-Tick Episode #1
Hi! My name is Deanna Winchester mulitfandom (more then one fandom) blogger I decided to
create my very first blog post review of Disney’s Kim Possible.
My author block delayed this long running pop culture review.
This is actually the first episode to ever aired but of course it aired out of order on the Disney Channel.
It first aired on the Disney channel USA on June 14, 2002. Toon Disney premiere: April 11, 2005.
Kim Possible was and is my childhood show it amazing to review all episodes. This is a fun rewatch that I actually enjoyed.
Kim Possible is one of my favorite Disney animated character, it exciting to watch this show and revisit it.
I rewatch this show i never thought though to do an episode review. This is a good idea this is also my comforting show when adulting goes too far.
The episode Disney plus synopsis is I insert a screenshot down below
We first introduced to Kim Possible our heroine, the main character but also a spy.
She also has normal life as a high schooler but has no alter ego. She is a cheerleader.
She describes as she can do anything!
Anyway let begin the first episode!
The episode start with Kim Possible anxiously being late as she rush past several people as she went to her locker as she waiting for her assignment to be printed. She is anxiously like come on print please.
Only you think it her assignment to her confusion no it just her best friend Ron Stoppable printing cheat codes for a video game. Kim rightfully so is overwhelmed she has 30 seconds to print her History assignment she is annoyed by Ron. Ron was a comedian in this episode. Ron was so entertaining.
Course as the real paper was about to print there is a paper jam, Ron is nothing to fear Rufus. The viewers are like who the hell is Rufus, it turned out Rufus is Ron’s pet naked mole rat. Kim had doubts until Rufus did his magic, the paper was saved. Yay! Kim is excited and happy that her paper is saved.
Until Kim’s luck was put to test. Kim is stressed and is under lot of pressure she can’t afford to be late.
Unfortunately she rush into the school grumpy staff member Mr Barkin.
It turned out revealed by the audience Kim has been not late for third time she is also on this guy bad side a recipe for disaster. Kim much to her dismay, is ordered detention.
Cut to the badass theme song opening. Christina is such a good singer.
Meanwhile at Possible house we are introduced to Kim family. Her younger mischievous geniuses twin brothers Jim and Tim are introduced her parents are introduced Kim herself revealed the facts her parents are brain surgeon and rocket scientist. Kim told her parents the truth she is not happy she got detention what she is good at. Kim you are good at being a spy badass!
One of her catchphrase no big was introduced
We are introduced to the first time of Wade and the communicator.
Wade assign her to her mission in South America much to her parents dissatisfaction however she gave her puppy dog eyes which be a running gag for the series
She can go yay!
New details are revealed the villain characters Shego all in the first episode.
Kim is not aware who she is yet like who is that she is good.
Kim and Ron visit the professor lab I assume it was emergency. 🚨
Kim ask what was stolen even the professor does not know
Something is fishy. Kim and Ron will solve it. Kim suddenly has an idea she saw on the footage of Shego stealing the device.
The device project is revealed to be the Tick. Course Ron screamed it brought back bad case of summer camp memories which you believe it or not will be foreshadowing for later Season one episode.
That camp and Ron are connected my dear readers. Camp Wannaweep and Ron are sinisterly connected.
The tick was not alive according to the professor it was a digital blue print it was a cyber genetic Tick will be in comparison to the real thing. The professor created a robotic tick. Ron ask why
Professor say he have lot on his time fair enough.
Who will need a robot tick? The key to your question Kim is your arch nemesis villain DR. Drakken
Cut to his evil lair
Shego fell from a trap door. Cut to Shego and Drakken dialogue which is the best banter ever.
Kim say she has wrap up the conversation soon due to detention. Wade keep teasing her until Kim say to Wade can we continue the mission. Wade was like okay.
Then Wade revealed more information about Shego to Kim i forgot to add
Drakken is furious that he reveal his evil plan to Shego to build a robotic tick.
Course Kim was interrupt by Barkin. Kim found herself in detention shenanigan ensures.
Funniest moment in this episode the clock is messed up, Kim had good dialogue herself.
Course leads Rufus to the rescue who causes a distraction. Kim managed to escaped.
She thanks Ron for rescuing her with the best plan out letting Rufus out! Course he gave credit to Rufus who was the hero,
Wade access more information about Drakken and Shego that lair is in the Caribbean. Wade say myth say the island is haunted. Much to poor Rufus who hide in the soda cup. Ron was excited about new gadgets. Ron get blasted by the gadget that disguise as lipstick for being nosy. Rightfully so.
Banter between Kim and Ron, Ron is now scared of spy gadget. Kim assures him it just regular makeup
Cut to Drakken lair. Shego shouts intruder alert course Drakken is in his own world.
Kim and Ron get captured course Drakken heard of the teen heroine Kim Possible,
Not Ron. Poor Ron. Chum is friend it least they know you and Kim are team Ron. Course Kim literally does not know who these guys are. Now it started to rang a bell. Kim say you something that does not belong to you
Course cut to Kim and Ron threatened by villains threats to be shark food. Course Ron is a comic relief he has good one liners. Kim saved the day and use the spy gadget on the shark. Kim escaped much to the villains dismay.
Shego does not know what nano technology is.
Course Shego found out they escaped cut to her and Kim fight sequence, Kim saved the day by using her spy tech the lair exploded, she and Ron jump. Mission Impossible vibes. Kim is in her cheerleading uniform. Once again Kim speak to the professor, the professor thank her. She say no problem course Barkin is not stupid another round of detention. Kim is not pleased. The nano tick somehow appeared on Kim nose. Kim escaped because it emergency
Course Drakken is on her trail, Barkin is on her trail. They leave on Ron’s scooter who is not fast. It chaotic sequence. Kim saved Barkin because Drakken is trying to get her with this evil genius ray. It a mess.
They end up at Bueno nacho. Kim has the best sarcastic dialogue at Ron who is focused on food.
Ron plus food who is shocked. Course Drakken and Shego argued like a married couple.
Course Shego and Kim have their first real fight, Wade trying to get nano robot off Kim.
Kim got the upper hand Shego end up on Barkin.
Stakes are high. It intense. Kim nose will blown. Wade is problem solving except Ron has an idea. Diablo sauce he put on Kim nose which finally is off her nose. She threw tick at Drakken device which go Boom!
Which lead to Drakken iconic villain phrase quote. The police capture Drakken and unconscious Shego long story got knocked out by Kim detention associates.
Kim is back at detention which lead to most iconic moments tough but fair call back from early scene go.
Funny moment assures , Kim is getting her detention associates now friends a manicure and Barkin get outnumber. Ron say Kim factor is not a rule for detention. The episode end cut to iconic end credits of the closingcredits.
The episode was really fun I enjoy it i rate it 10 out of 10.
The cartoon Kim Possible rules!
Seen you all next time for episode two review.
Enjoy! I hope you all have a great afternoon.
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Below the cut is the contestants and their matches!
Each poll will be 1 week long, and they'll go out 10 at a time. The exact date and time polls will start going up is a little up in the air right now, because I'm going out of town over the weekend. So they might begin as early as Monday 18th, but probably not later than Wednesday 20th. I'll let you know the night before.
Anyway, just think of this delay as time to write propaganda ahead of your dog's poll going up!
Ruff Ruffman (Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman) vs Muttley (Wacky Races)
Snowy (Tintin series) vs Dog (Columbo)
Maliketh, The Black Blade (Elden Ring) vs Wolfie (Until Dawn)
Unnamed Dog/The Imitator (The Thing) vs Whisper the Wolf (Sonic IDW comics)
Queen Teatinu (Healin Good Precure) vs Nigou/Tetsuya 2 (Kuroko no Basket)
Melody Amaranth (Super Lesbian Animal RPG) vs Pappy van Poodle (Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball)
Sunkist (HLVRAI) vs Dog that can Drive (Drawfee)
Hylian Retriever (Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom) vs Wolf (Minecraft)
Bee/Bay (Dragon Ball Z) vs Shadow (Homeward Bound)
Blue (Blue's Clues) vs Ein (Cowboy Bebop)
Snoopy (Peanuts) vs Clifford (Clifford the Big Red Dog)
Argos (The Odyssey) vs Barkspawn (Dragon Age)
Diogee (Milo Murphy's Law) vs Winston (Hannibal)
Good Boy (DuckTales) vs Bear (Person of Interest)
Daisy & Winnie (The Mistholme Museum Podcast) vs Heidi & Jackie (Hello from the Hallowoods) 
Missile (Ghost Trick) vs Sparky (Frankenweenie)
Bond (Spy X Family) vs Goddard (Jimmy Neutron)
Scratch (Baldur’s Gate 3) vs Iggy (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Cujo (Danny Phantom) vs Cujo (Cujo (1983))
Momiji Inubashiri (Touhou Project) vs Tequila/Ernesto Salas (Arknights)
The Hound of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes) vs Scooby Doo (Scooby Doo media)
Shrimp (The Upturned) vs Holidog (Holiday World)
Rapunzel the Corgi (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency) vs K9 (Doctor Who)
Blue (Wolf’s Rain) vs Shiba-Warrior Taro (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Annoying Dog (Undertale) vs Old Dan & Little Ann (Where the Red Fern Grows)
Chou Chou (Shoujo Cosette (Les Miserables anime)) vs Porthos (Star Trek: Enterprise)
Pompompurin (Sanrio) vs Krypto (DC)
Sorry-oo (Moomin) vs Tau (Palia)
Jake the Dog (Adventure Time) vs Lesser dog (Undertale)
Noodle (Nona the Ninth/The Locked Tomb series) vs Nina Tucker/Alexander (FullMetal Alchemist)
Lucky the Pizza Dog (Marvel Comics) vs Seymour (Futurama)
Wishbone (Wishbone Series) vs Angelo (Final Fantasy VIII)
Ox (Dimension 20: Unsleeping City) vs Hewie (Haunting Ground)
Bingpup (The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System) vs Elena (Spiritfarer)
Barnaby B. Beagle (Welcome Home) vs Charlie B. Barkin (All Dogs Go to Heaven)
Polterpup (Luigi’s Mansion) vs Gromit (Wallace and Gromit)
Santa’s Little Helper (The Simpsons) vs Slink/Slinky Dog (Toy Story)
Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog) vs Twig (Hilda)
Zosimos/Zozo (The Glass Scientists webcomic) vs The BTS Wolves (Midnight Burger)
Unnamed Dog (Teletubbies) vs Shigure Souma (Fruits basket)
Dachsbun (Pokemon) vs Hector J. Peabody (Mr. Peabody & Sherman)
Inuyasha (Inuyasha) vs Frank the Pug (Men in Black)
Sam (Sam and Max) vs Barnabas (The Sandman)
Duck Hunt Dog (Duck Hunt) vs Mira (Silent Hill 2)
Fairy (Mo Dao Zu Shi) vs Shiloh (Shiloh series)
Makkachin (Yuri!!! On Ice) vs Becquerel/Bec (Homestuck)
Rush (Mega Man) vs Dogmeat (Fallout 4)
Dog (Good Omens) vs Zamazenta (Pokemon)
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legendary-guest · 1 month
My secret crack pairing is Motor Ed/DNAmy.
Amy already has great taste in men, there's nothing that needs to be altered on her end to get her to find him attractive. Well, what about Ed?
It's her chassis. It's huge. Her assets. You know. She's so forward, too, it really doesn't take a lot from him to get her to go along with things.
I imagine a first encounter would induce such extreme second-hand embarrassment to anyone who happens to be around them. Here is one version.
Who approaches whom - Ed. He's busy 'window shopping' in that café in Graduation, since he attended the ceremony. He needs a pick-me-up after seeing Green and cousin Drew practically hook-up on stage. Yeah, yeah, more fish in the sea but, ugh, where's he gonna find another babe like that? She fought him with that green magic and had long, beautiful black hair and her bo - Whoa.
He spots her.
Seriously. She's not a 10, but she's enough - actually, more than enough - a rejection is unlikely. He's played this game before.
One of two things could happen - she reciprocates his advances, or she turns him down. Turning him down would mean that Motor Ed would, potentially, have to compete for her attentions with the petrified corpse of a genetically altered British man obsessed with monkeys. This is insanely funny, and would be awesome. The girl he really wants is with his cousin with a receding hairline, and being rejected by a woman he is settling for could hurt his ego enough, incense him enough to really, truly pursue her. Besides, what does that - what - thing have that he doesn't? He's tall, he's tan, he's smart, he's handsome, he has an awesome mullet. What, she likes hairy guys? He's a hairy guy! Just take a look, seriously.
Option two is she reciprocates. Now, she may be committed to pursuing Monty, committed to him emotionally, but now that she's got him...what's one more? After all, after she completed her collection of Cuddle Buddies, she felt the need to make her own! She openly flirts with Mr. Barkin and even lead on Dr. Drakken. There's no way this woman doesn't go astray every now and again (frequently). He's cute, sure, but is he smart? O, he's a mechanical engineer - maybe she has heard of him - best in the country! She's a geneticist, she says, which leads into Ed using a rather awful pick-up line about not having taken biology in forever and needing a tutor.
O, doctor, it would be my pleasure. Ending the sentence with a girlish giggle and a punch to his arm. The punch doesn't hurt, but she's got some strength to her! He makes a comment about how he likes a girl that can scrap - then she really comes on to him, hand on his chest, eyes half-lidded. She tells him, in as many words, she can be real bad if that's what he really likes.
Ed likes where this is going. Really, really likes where this is going. Seriously.
It's clear that this conversation needs a change of scenery. Before they run off, she mentions that they can't leave behind Monty. Who? O, this thing. He decides to show off, picks up Monkey Fist's statue in one easy gesture it's built weird, he thinks, and sure, it's on the heavier side of things he can lift for extended periods of time, but he's got that adrenaline in him right now and she's looking up at him in awe, in surprise, and then...well, they gotta get going!
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kimmibear · 4 months
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justiceamberheard · 2 years
Winona Ryder:
"The scene where I trash my dressing room was my last scene. I remember my first boyfriend used to smash everything - at 18 everything is dramatic.
Jennifer Grey:
He’d started missing his flights home to LA having overslept or, when he did come home, he’d be crazy jealous and paranoid about what I’d been up to while he was gone.
Ellen Barkin:
Mr Depp threw a bottle across the room in her presense. ‘’He is just controlling, jealous man.’’ Actress Ellen Barkin claims Johnny Depp always had 'an air of violence around him'   (page 6, paragrapgh 17)
Kate Moss:
On September 13, 1994, the actor was arrested for criminal mischief at New York's Mark Hotel for trashing his hotel room. Kate Moss was also there.
Vanessa Paradis:
At the same time, I know that when mon amoureux is impulsive and intolerable, I need to calm him down. But it's not like I'm the one who handles everything, we take turns. Sometimes I feel like screaming or throwing a plate at the wall. From time to time it is necessary to do so. But in the end, one of us needs to give in, if only we weren't always the same person. Johnny just needs a spark and he explodes. But he can also be very calm. He can control his inner demons. And then he's even calmer than I am.
Amber Heard:
But then Depp started "to disappear" for periods of time and was   drinking, she says. He started criticising her clothes and her work as   an actress.
This started with him throwing things, she says. "He loves to smash up a place."One time he "threw this glass across the kitchen" and it shattered behind her, she says.
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reina-royale · 1 year
The Adults of the Possible Universe
The villains are bad in obvious ways, but the civilian adults have issues too, theirs are just more subtle.
James Possible:
Almost no concern for the dangerous things his boys build because he was just like that at their age.
Doesn’t usually know about Kim’s missions until after she gets back, and is okay with it as long as she’s not out with some boy.
Threatens to launch Ron into a black hole if he breaks Kim’s heart in “Emotion Sickness”.
Ann Possible:
Like James, doesn’t know about Kim’s missions until she gets back, and is okay with that.
Expressed concern over Kim forcing Ron into a haircut in “The New Ron”, but did nothing else, not even when Kim made it clear Ron didn’t get a say in the matter.
I understand these two have careers that keep them occupied, but it doesn’t really excuse neglecting their children. I understand normal teenagers don’t save the world, but even if they did, parents would still want to know where they’re going.
Mr. Stoppable:
Adopts a girl and turns Ron’s bedroom into a nursery, moving his things into the attic, in the time Ron was at school, and doesn’t tell him ahead of time.
Mrs. Stoppable:
Adopts a girl and turns Ron’s bedroom into a nursery, moving his things into the attic, in the time Ron was at school, and doesn’t tell him ahead of time.
Doesn’t tell him he’s going to Camp Wannaweep until the bus gets there.
Stops taking his calls while Ron is at Camp Wannaweep.
We don’t really see enough of them to know if they’re okay with Ron going on missions, but they certainly have a bad habit of making drastic life changes for Ron without telling him.
Mr. Barkin:
Power-tripping; admits in “Bonding” that he’s hated Ron since the ninth grade because Ron gave him a “funny look” and gives Ron extra homework just because he can. (Here’s an interesting question; If Barkin wasn’t the one grading most of Ron’s assignments, do you think Ron’s grades would be higher? It makes sense that Barkin would grade Ron more harshly just because he could.)
Does not inform high school students of changes made to field trip plans until the last minute. Examples: “Return to Wannaweep” and “Cap’n Drakken”. Though I might believe he also didn’t know until the last minute, he still shouldn’t be taking the students to places they hadn’t previously agreed to go to.
Approaches running a high school likes it’s a boot camp, and really shouldn’t be in charge of teenagers.
Not much else needed to say about Barkin; he approaches everything, including running a high school, like it’s boot camp, so the fact that he’s still there is amazing. Middleton High needs more teachers.
I’m not saying they’re all bad people, but these issues are pretty serious and should’ve been addressed in the show. The only time any of them is addressed is within the context of how it affects Ron, and so those concerns aren’t taken seriously.
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flowery-laser-blasts · 4 months
Out of context tipsy comments on the KP live action
"Take a shot for every salto flip anyone doe- well, here we go!" "FLOWER NO!"
"Oh no! A teenager..."
"We made better dangerous glitter slime themed movies-- wait it's getting a musical this year?"
"He secretly wants to become a cat." "That's why his name is mr. Barkin" "...But that's a dog sound????"
"WHY DOESN'T ANY COMPANY PAY WADE TO BE THEIR GO TO BRAIN MAN IF HE'S THAT SMART?!" "child labour laws." "But he can work for Kim for free?" "Her life is his personal action drama show."
"Drakken is mad because Shego bought Zakadamium Q-46 from wish dropshippers."
"Is the cheese CGI?"
"You wouldn't download a brain..."
"Shego, are you really losing to a teenager?" "Do you think we could stand any chance against teenagers?"
"Why is she still cleaning that stuff? Just throw it away..."
"Why does Nana have a secret japanese fighting dojo in her house?" "'Cause they're white and rich."
"NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT!! I'm the main character!!"
"The D in Dr. D stands for Dilf." "Dr. DADDY!!"
"Oh no, he's lactose intollerant"
"Nana should've been deepfried, just saying."
"Geez, I wonder what Athena's surprise will be." "The surprise is death."
"Can't she just... walk up to the switch and switch it off?" "Can't he just take off the brain band????"
"Worse than a teenager... a child."
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yoshimickster · 1 year
Also, we all collectively agree Mr Barkin suffers from PTSD right?
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