#my internet was down all day yesterday so unfortunately this is very late rip
waldorfhistoria · 1 year
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“It’s been nice not being friends with you.”
“Let’s not do it again sometime.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Do you have anyone you fully trust? Yes. I just don’t confide a lot to anyone for some reason. It’s not because I don’t trust them, I just... I have a hard time expressing myself and opening up. I know, shocking right? I ramble on and overshare on these surveys, but it’s not easy for me to do in person. I don’t like talking about myself (again, despite how it seems in these surveys) and having the attention on me. I don’t like burdening people with my problems. I also always feel like my problems are so insignificant and stupid that I feel no one wants to hear about. Which I know I could go to my mom with anything and tell her anything and she’d listen to me, but I still feel that way. I like that in these surveys I can just vent into the void.  What kind of pants did you wear today? Leggings, duh. How old is your television? I don’t know how old the TV itself is, but I think I’ve had it for almost 4 years. Do you have a laptop or desktop? Laptop. When did you last talk on the phone with someone? Yesterday when my mom called me on her lunch break. 
Are you currently sleepy? Of course I am. Have you ever deleted Facebook friends for a significant other? No. Have you ever had bad trust issues with someone? Yes. What accent do you think is the most attractive? Some southern and some British accents. Do you own any television series box sets? Yes. I have I Love Lucy and The Dick Van Dyke Show. Have you ever been in a fight with your best friend? Yeah. When did you last receive a hug and who was it from? Yesterday from my mom. Do you take any advanced classes? I’m not taking any classes, I’m done with school. What is your lucky number? I don’t have a “lucky” number, but my favorite number is 8. Was the last movie you watched a horror film? No, the last movie I watched was Freaky Friday yesterday. I watched 2 really good and creepy shows yesterday, though: AHS 1984 and Two Sentence Horror Story. Do you own a lot of tee shirts? Yes. I love graphic Ts and I’ve got myself a pretty good collection going.  Do you plan your outfits ahead of time? Only certain times like now cause I have a few Halloween shirts and sweatshirts, so I got those out.  Have you ever spent the night in jail? No Would you say you’re a bad influence on others? Definitely don’t look to me as an example right now. Describe your favorite jacket? I love all my hoodies, sweatshirts, and peacoats. List one word to describe your significant other? Non-existent.  Do you handle pain well? It’s something I’ve dealt with all my life. I used to be able to handle that and other health stuff better, but that’s changed these past few years. I’ve gotten so weak. :/ Have you ever been so nervous you threw up? No, but I’ve definitely felt sick. Where is your favorite place to go when you’re depressed? I spend most of my time in bed.  Do you remember the first survey you took? No, that was like back in 2005, I think. I’m sure it was your basic survey, though i.e name, age, location, birthday, etc. I wish I could access my Myspace survey posts and my Xanga account (RIP Xanga). Oh man, the memories.  How many friends do you have on Facebook? 100 and something.  Have you ever watched fight videos for amusement? No. I don’t find that stuff amusing at all. In high school, were you in trouble a lot? No, I never got in trouble in school. Do you enjoy your hairstyle? No. I badly need to get it dyed, trimmed, and styled. Do you have long hair or short hair? Long. How much make up do you wear on a daily basis? I haven’t worn makeup in quite awhile. I don’t think I’ve worn any this year... What is your favorite television show? I have several. Do you have a leather jacket? I have 2 pleather ones. Do you think anyone dislikes you for no reason? I’m sure if anyone dislikes me they have good reason. Do you have any children? Noooo. Have you ever been interviewed on television before? Yes. Do you have weak upper body strength? Now I do. :/ I use to have really great upper body strength. I’m a paraplegic, so it’s all upper body for me and I used to be active when I was going to school and had a social life. These past few years due to health stuff, I’ve become quite inactive and spend majority of my time in bed. I lost the muscle mass I used to have. 
What is the worst insult someone can call you? I don’t know, man. I put myself down enough. Do you write on your hands a lot? No. I used to sometimes when I was in high school. Are you good at sketching? Nope. I suck at drawing.  Do you think hugs are awkward? They definitely can be, yeah. Depends who I’m hugging. Do you think facial hair is gross? I wouldn’t say it’s gross, but I personally don’t like a lot of facial hair. I like some scruff on a guy, but that’s it. Would you ever dye your hair an unnatural color? I’ve dyed it red for the past few years.  What color was the last cup you drank from? It’s a clear glass with Disney characters and facts on it. Ever play Angry Birds? Nah, I never got into that. I remember when it seemed like everyone was playing that. That, and Farmland. Omg the game invites on Facebook used to get on my nerves until Facebook finally made the option to block those.  Have you ever been to the zoo before? Yeah, several times. What instruments do you know how to play? I used to play some piano. I regret not taking it more seriously. I wish I had kept up with it. :/ The last time I played was over 10 years ago. How late did you stay up last night? I went to bed around like 230. How late do you plan on staying up tonight? It’s almost 230 now and I probably should try to sleep after this. Whose wall did you post on last? It was a birthday post for someone. Have you ever done hard drugs before? The only drug I’ve done is weed.  Has anyone ever been weirdly obsessed with you? It kind of felt that way with my first boyfriend. Do you own a Snuggie? I do. What is your favorite band of all time? One of them will always be Linkin Park. Would you consider getting a tattoo any time soon? I’ve wanted one for several years, but I’m a big scardy cat. I can’t see myself actually getting one. Are you afraid someone might steal your identity someday? No. Are there any paintings on your wall? Speaking of which, what color are your walls painted? Yes, there’s a few. My walls are white. Do you have any talents that come naturally? I don’t feel like I have any talents. What is your favorite piece of jewelry? I have a few favorites. Is there a place you’d rather live right now? Yes. My family and I want to move. We’ve wanted to for a long time, but we just haven’t been able to yet, unfortunately.  What movie did you last watch with someone? The live-action Aladdin with my mom and aunt a few weeks ago. Do you go out often? No.  Are you afraid of airplane rides? Yes, but I’ve been wanting to travel via plane for awhile now. I’ve had this weird urge. I think probably because I’ve gone with my mom to drop off and pick up a family friend several times at the airport and just recently my dad did. It’s been 13 years since the last time I’ve flown and I’m like, okay it’s my turn to go somewhere now. How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Once. Do you consider yourself a sensitive person? I know I am.  Is there anyone who is overly nice to you? Uhh I don’t know about overly nice. What do you think is the best smell in the world? I have a lot of favorite scents that I love. If you’re reading a book, what page are you currently on? I’m not.  Do you think people are intimidated by you? Uh, no. Do you have a job you like? I don’t have a job. Have you ever lived with a roommate before? No. What song is your favorite right now? I have numerous favorite songs, but I don’t have a current particular favorite. Have you ever had a surprise at your doorstep? Well, like packages. Obviously I know what it is since I ordered it, but it’s still always exciting to get them. Ooh, but during Christmastime my family and I are all ordering stuff and the stuff they order for me is a surprise.  Do you like candles? * Ehhhh. I like them more in theory <<< Lol, same. I love many candle scents and Bath & Body Works has a lot I like that smell good and look cute, but I don’t actually light any candles. I have like 4 in my room that I never light lol. Would you prefer internet or television? The internet if I could only have one since I could watch my shows online as well. What is something you lose often? My patience and temper. Well, I don’t get angry very often, but I get frustrated and irritated all the time. :/ Do you enter a lot of sweepstakes? No. It’s been a long time since I’ve entered anything. What is your favorite possession in your room? Everything. I have it because I want and love it. What will you be doing in the next ten minutes? I should try and sleep. How old is your oldest sibling? He’ll be 36 next month. Do you consider yourself physically active? Nope. I’ve explained this already. How many scarves do you own, if any at all? Zero. It doesn’t get cold enough to where I’d need a scarf. Plus, I don’t like things around my neck. As it is I’m always pulling down my shirt cause they ride up. Do you have any cuts or scratches as of now? Yes. Where did you last sleep? My bed. Do you have Netflix? Yeah. Are you colorblind? Nope. Do you know anyone personally who is colorblind? Not anymore, but like I said in a previous survey recently I had a science teacher in high school that was. Do you enjoy dancing? My “dancing” is just me bobbing my head along to the music and maybe moving my arms/hands a bit. Have you ever considered writing a novel? Yeah, actually. I used to like writing short stories when I was younger, and I thought about writing novels.
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angioponder · 5 years
ultimately walking
Fandom: VIXX OT6 (Platonic/Friendship) Genre/Warnings: humor, crack, fluff  Word count: 1556w
author’s note:  also on AO3 (@angioponder) hb to my cuppycake.<3 hope this brought a smile to your lovely face. being your best friend and roommate over the years made me so happy. thanks for letting me love you with gifts like this. i miss you lots!
list of the songs referenced are at the end. enjoy~
Hakyeon awoke due to someone beating harshly on the door of his brand new apartment. He feigned sleep in hopes that whoever was outside would leave, thinking the flat to be empty. But after a pause of silence, the banging only came back louder and harder. 
A barely open, one-eyed peek at the phone he dragged out from under his pillow told him it was ten in the morning—quite a bit later than he usually got up due to all the unpacking he had to do the night before.
Wondering who it could be, he begrudgingly left the comfort of his warm bed, lugging the sheets over and around his body as he tried very hard to send messages from his brain to his foot to move in front of the other, and vice versa. At some point, it didn't really matter how he got to the door, as long as he could keep himself upright and moving forward to open the damn thing and send whoever interrupted his sleep far, far away.
When Hakyeon reached his destination, he leaned—more like ungracefully banged his forehead due to sleep deprivation—against the door to peer through the peephole. As soon as his eyes adjusted to see past the lens properly, he threw his sheets off to the side and practically ripped open the door to reveal his bandmates standing out in the hallway. Now fully awake, he was about to hug them all happily for following through with visiting him in his new home, but that died when he saw how visibly apprehensive they were.
“What? What what is it? What?” Hakyeon did a sweep across all of them really quickly.
Taekwoon was sporting coffee stains on his white sweater, Jaehwan was holding Special K under one arm and a bowl of milk in the other, Hongbin was wearing that god-awful green scarf that made him look like your gossipy neighborhood auntie, Wonshik was sleep-standing until he woke himself up with a snore, and Sanghyuk was, well, he was big. So, really nothing out of the ordinary.
Hakyeon relaxed a smidgen, crossing off the possibility of them being physically harmed in some fashion. Something was still off, but he couldn’t figure it out at the moment. He pointedly looked at Taekwoon, who was chewing on his pale fingers.
“I take it you you're not here to visit your most favorite hyung just because you realized your undying love for him and miss him very, very much ever since he moved out.”
“Oh, honestly!” Hakyeon mocked a shocked gasp, “Humor me a little bit more than that. I'm hurt.”
“Yes! I mean yes! Definitely all that—yes, yes but also,” Taekwoon glanced to his side at the other four who have a mixed array of emotions on their faces, all their lips held tight in a line. “I don’t really know what happened but,” he seemed like he was trying to come up with an explanation but settled with, “something’s wrong with them.”
“O-kay?” Hakyeon tilted his head. “Something’s always wrong with them, but I have a really bad feeling that’s not it.”
Taekwoon clapped his palm over Jaehwan's general face without missing a beat. Unsurprisingly, Wonshik did the same to Hongbin and Sanghyuk, reducing whatever retort all of them were making into muffles. When it looked like their protests directed to Hakyeon were over, Taekwoon and Wonshik retracted their hands.
“It’s not the usual thing this time just—” Taekwoon shoved them all forward towards the doorway, “we might want to be indoors for this.”
Everyone shuffled inside towards the bare living room, past the stacks of empty boxes that have been tetris-arranged inside of each other. It was a good thing too, Hakyeon thought as he watched them try to fit themselves on his couch in vain, limbs spilling over the armrests and all over the carpet on the livingroom floor of his one bedroom apartment.
“So, what’s this about?”
Nobody replied. Taekwoon nudged Hongbin with his elbow and pointed his chin towards Hakyeon. Hongbin sighed deeply then opened his mouth.
“I'm singin' in the rain,” he sang with heavy dread, “Just singin' in the rain. What a glorious feeling,” he drawled in disdain, “I'm happy again.” The whole room watched Hongbin continue his song as he dragged his body listlessly around, with a few half-hearted heel clicks here and there. By the end of his… performance of sorts, Hongbin was clenching his whole body in what one could only describe as mortifying agony. Jaehwan and Sanghyuk was, laughing at him, as is expected.
“That was… a great rendition,” Hakyeon clapped slowly, hesitantly. “So… what I got from that was Hongbin’s been practicing for a musical he got casted in, and he wants my feedback? Well, I’d say you need to fix your face a little. You look incredibly sour for someone who’s supposed to be happy after a great date with your lover.”
“No, no, you don’t get it,” Taekwoon tried, “he’s—”
“—running for his life, from Shia LaBeouf!” Wonshik launched himself off the couch and burst into song. “He’s brandishing a knife, it's Shia LaBeouf! Lurking in the shadows,” he bellowed, “Hollywood superstar Shia LaBeouf!”
“ …What? Is going on?” Hakyeon shivered as Wonshik, wide eyed and distressed, climbed on top of the coffee table and proceeded to bust out some very dramatic, interpretive dance moves. “What’s happeni—Wonshik are you biting my thigh!?”
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out! Ever since you left, it comes out like this whenever they try and speak as if—”
“If you were gay,” Jaehwan chimed in harmoniously, “that'd be okay. I mean 'cause, hey!” he pranced on over to Taekwoon, “I'd like you a-ny-way. Because you see,” he locked arms with him, “If it were me! I would feel free to say that I was gay, but I'm not gay!”
Taekwoon pried himself out of Jaehwan’s tight grasp and tried to cling on to Hakyeon while confetti and glitter magically rained down on them—wait what?
“They won’t respond in anything but singing and dancing,” Taekwoon said, “I even looked up their symptoms on the interne—”
“The internet is for porn!” Sanghyuk sang enthusiastically. “The internet is for porn! Why do you think the net was born? Porn! Porn! Porn!”
“You're joking, right?” Hakyeon said as Sanghyuk continued screaming porn repeatedly while holding his hands in a recitation handclasp and bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet to the melody in his head. “Taekwoon, come on. This can't be serious.”
Then out of nowhere, Jaehwan, Wonshik and Hongbin—almost escalatory and frantically so—resumed singing and dancing their own respective songs on top of each other in a jumbled mess, all at the same time.
Hakyeon was starting to feel slightly delirious.
“I seriously think they're cursed or something, Hakyeon.” Taekwoon said as chaos ensued right before their eyes. “Wonshik wouldn’t be doing all of this out of his own volition, especially not Hongbin,” he commented as they watched all the self-loathing radiate from Hongbin’s body. “Though I'm not sure I can say the same for Jaehwan and Sanghyuk.”
While that seemed to be true, Hakyeon couldn't ignore the red tiredness under their swollen eyes. Maybe something actually happened, then.
“So, what now?”
“Come home,” Taekwoon said, trying not to make too much eye contact, “with us?”
With us. Hakyeon paused. Come home.
His eyes drifted next to Taekwoon, where a group photo from the night of their debut five years ago was hanging—the only decorative item on display in the whole apartment aside from his favorite family portrait.
“You think it might ‘break the curse’ they're under?”
Taekwoon looked at him with those eyes and shrugged. “Worth a try.”
Truth is, watching them take up what was once a large amount of space in his one bedroom flat made him feel almost suffocated, that is, if it he didn't adore them all so, so much. But it was a familiar, loving type of suffocating, where it was difficult to not feel loved when it surrounded him from corner to corner. Moving out was such a bittersweet thing. Hakyeon may not necessarily enjoy every single moment of living together, but he does miss them—all the time.
Real curse or not, he’d do anything for them at the end of the day. Unfortunately for him, he wouldn’t be able to leave them die in a ditch, even if he tried. And they’d do the same for him, probably.
“Fine,” Hakyeon groaned. “I'll pack enough for the weekend and go.” He stomped into his unmade bedroom, pretending to be irritated. “I must be cursed to be bonded with you all forever.”
On Sunday night, the main door of their dorm finally shut after saying goodbye for roughly an hour, leaving the living room a little colder and quieter than it was. Jaehwan, Wonshik, Hongbin and Sanghyuk turned to Taekwoon.
“Should we play pretend again so hyung will come back and stay over next weekend?”
“Or, or maybe play it up a little more so we can extend it to weekdays too?”
“No, no we might make it too obvious!”
“Hyung can be dense as a humidifier, what are you talking about?”
“Yeah, I miss him too.” Taekwoon shook his head and laughed to himself. “Now go research more musicals for next week.”
author’s note:
a wee bit late but we realized it was april fool's yesterday right before posting this ahahahaha so fitting!
Singing in the Rain by Gene Kelly Shia LaBeouf by Rob Cantor If You Were Gay by Avenue Q The Internet is for Porn by Avenue Q
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keywestlou · 3 years
Most people think the incense in eh cost of food is because the supermarkets are ripping off the public. To a degree, yes. Not that much however in comparison to some other businesses/reasons..
Some find a way to benefit from a crisis such as the pandemic.
In this instance, food producers. Those who manufacture the canned goods, meats, and anything else sold in a supermarket.
Notice how certain food stuffs are absent for weeks on the shelves. The items always return. However at an increased price.
The producers have learned to play the gouging game.  They intentionally hold on to goods they produce so as to manipulate prices. The game again is to keep a product off the shelve for several weeks and then have it return at a higher price.
Then there is the cost of shipping/delivery of goods.
Shipping prices have gone out of sight! Which of course increases the final cost to the consumer.
Tucking rates have soared despite a demand below prior years.
Diesel #2 prices are up. Twenty percent from November 2020 through February 15, 2021. A big jump in a short period of time.
Crude oil is up 64 percent during the same time period. Wild!
Shippers, such as retailers and manufacturers shipping goods to the customer, have experienced a 20 percent hike from January 2020 through January 2021. The steepest increase since 2011!
Only a few examples contributing to increased transportation costs have been provided. The statistics/data involving the increases in various types of shipping were too much for me to understand. Wow! The only thing clear was that there is an increase in every area. Reasons generally different. My opinion is do not blame everything on the supermarket. They are responsible to some degree. The examples set forth herein are responsible to an even greater degree.
Texas. A disaster!
Hopefully Texas has learned a lesson. The lesson also is a warning to other states not to go the “independent” way Texas did.
There are two national grids. The East and the West. Then there is Texas standing alone. Texas knew how to provide power more efficiently and cheaper.
They bull shitted themselves.
If you are going to run your own business, it must be run properly to avoid something as has occurred in Texas.
Once set up, Texas failed to do the necessary to keep structures up to date and failed to pay attention to anticipated wild weather developments.
“Once in a hundred years” has become common in everything involving weather.
However, if you have a neoliberal austerity State which has spent 40 years deregulating and privatizing public infrastructures, and downsizing public service into incapability, you end up with a gigantic bad situation. A problem where people cannot depend on the State for water, food, and power during emergencies.
There are adverse weather events to prepare for. Texas did not prepare.
Set aside State damages for which Texas is responsible, most of which probably are not insured. Another way to save a buck.
Home owners and businesses normally are insure. I m confident many Texans are insured for the damages wrought by the snow and ice. Note however that insurance companies are a business. They claim they are available to protect their insureds. No! Most are corporations and worried more about their bottom lines.
So insurance policies are written with various exceptions. Happenings where coverage is excluded. Take for example water driven by wind. The insurance companies will play with that one big time. How about an act of God? Can one argue the cause of snow and ice other than an act of God. Insurance companies try and do.
There are numerous other examples. The poor homeowner and businessman is going to have a hard time getting paid actual damages incurred or getting paid at all.
And what of the time factor involved between the time the claim is made and the insurance company pays. Could be a year or two or more.
Billions of dollars are involved.
The news keeps saying Biden definitely is not in favor of an increase in the minimum wage to $15 in this stimulus package. I sense it is something he will consider at another time. Biden cannot be expected to do everything at one time.
Biden is in favor of a $15 minimum wage for federal employees. Evidence he is aware of the problem and is working on it.
Joseph Anthony Pizzo died recently. He was 88.
I first met Joe when I came to Key West some 30 years ago. He and his wife Beth wee already here. We became friends.
Joe was a happy person. Always a big smile when he saw you. Beth likewise very personable.
Joe was into things that grew from the ground. A botanist/horticulturalist.  He taught life science classes for 30 years at Chicago City College. In addition, he and Beth opened Floral Consultants, a business they were able to expand to multiple Chicago locations.
Rest in peace, Joe!
Key West has had many citizen who have been responsible for what Key West has become. Good, bad, or indifferent, Key West would not be what it is today without their genius and hard work.
One of those persons is David Wolkowsky. David died a few years ago.
On this day in 1967, David began construction of the Pier House Motel. On that Motel site, today’s Pier House sits. Developer over the years by David.
David was my friend. I unfortunately met him in his later years. I enjoyed his company. He was respectful to all. Everyone loved him.
Enjoy your day!
DAY 26…..Greece the First Time
Posted on June 22, 2012 by Key West Lou
Not easy to communicate via internet from the middle of the Aegean Sea. Equipment here all old. Connections not dependable. Things keep getting lost. I spend more time looking for lost material than writing.
None of the above is intended as a complaint. I expect no more nor no less from an island so remote as the one I am presently on. Amorgos. It is almost nowhere. Access is by boat only. The boat comes and goes. The boat arrives two times a week.
I share the preceding with you for a particular reason.
Recent blogs have contained many errors. Paragraphs repeated, misspelled words, capitalizations missing, etc. I cannot help it. I reach a point where I have spent 4 hours doing the blog, 2.5 of which were spent finding the blog when it has disappeared.
I reach a point where I say I must publish before I lose the blog in its entirety for good. So I publish. I must admit when I am at that point, I am also very tired and say screw it.
Forgive me. The substance is good, even though the form may be lacking on occasion.
Which brings me to my present abode. A small white cottage with blue trim. Trim includes windows, shutters and doors. Sitting about 12 feet from the ocean. Yesterday I described the area between me and the water as a road. I was mistaken. It is a stone foot path.
Amorgos is one of the far out of the Greek islands. Off the beaten path. Few visitors. Not on the tourist routes. No big fancy hotels. Nothing but you, a couple of neighbors, and God.
If 2,000 people live on this island, I would be shocked.
My little house sits at the end of the path previously described. After that, nothing but water.
Sunsets terrific. Like Key West. Across the water from me. Over the peak of a mountain. Glorious!
I bought a bottle of Beefeaters yesterday. Enjoyed a couple of drinks from my terrace watching the sunset.
I was shocked I could buy Beefeaters. It has been almost non existent at my previous stops. Not only was it available on Amorgos, it was also cheap. About half the cost compared to the U.S. I suspect it is the taxes. If the Greeks taxed alcohol as much as it is in the U.S., it would dramatically help their financial condition.
Cigarettes. I took 4 packs with me. I have been gone 2 days shy of four weeks. Just finished the fourth pack yesterday. I am not doing bad in smoking little. I know. I should not be at all.
I bought a pack yesterday. $4.10! No way in the U.S.A. Another example of where Greece might help alleviate its financial problem. Increase substantially the cigarette tax.
There is a Chora on Amorgos. You will recall there was one in Mykonos. Chora is also referred to as Hora. It means old place. The old places on most islands are federally protected in Greece. Much like our historical buildings.
The Chora here is a large number of buildings constructed during the middle ages. Most at least 1,000 years old. Typically Grecian. One to 3 stories. Small terraces. White. Blue trimming. Narrow walkway, 3-4 feet wide.
Whereas Mykonos’ Chora was full of people, stores, bars and restaurants, the one on Amorgos appeared deserted. I saw no more than a dozen visitors.
Every 200-300 feet there is a restaurant or coffee house. Few or no customers.
Stairs. To the sky! Just what I love! Steps everywhere. Up, up and more up! Each one a stress test for me.
Chora was six miles away. On the top of a hill. The cab ride was straight up. The return trip straight down. How these cars do it, I will never understand. I consider it physically impossible for a car to keep its wheels on the road under such conditions.
Somewhere along the way yesterday, I found out what the windmills were for. There are many here as on Mykonos.
Olives were and still are big. The windmills were used to crush the olives. Where there were vine yards, the grapes were likewise crushed by the windmills.
Last night the wind returned. Cold. Very cold. I had to wear a sweat shirt.
I had a late dinner. At Demetrius’. After dinner there the night before, I could eat nowhere else. I was not disappointed.
Eggplant is big here. I had a warm appetizer of eggplant, tomatoes and onions. All cut up and cooked together. To die for!
My entre surpassed everything! My friends in Utica will especially enjoy that which I am about to share. I had lamb chops. Thin. The bone intact, not cut from the chop’s body. Fatty and juicy.
Just like Pelletieri Joe’s.
I got up with the sun this morning. Walked down the road a bit to buy coffee, a loaf of hot bread and butter. Then back to the cottage and my terrace. I watched the sun and water move a bit. Nothing else.
A bit later I was playing around with my tablet. A very lovely young lady walked by. Ann. Swiss. 18. Blond hair. Trim body. White blouse. Short jeans.
We talked. She was back packing it. Was looking for a cheap place to stay. Elini’s was too expensive for her. She moved on to continue her quest.
By the way, I think Elini’s is dirt cheap. Everything on this island costs next to nothing. For example, my dinner last night cost 11 euros. About $14 American money. Tip built in. Tip is 16 per cent of a bill.
I had another visitor while sitting outside.
I heard clinging bells. Saw nothing. Got up and looked over the terrace wall. There were three ducks walking along. Each had a bell around its neck. Looked like a family. Two big ones, one little one. Obviously house pets out for a stroll.
I have no idea at this point what today will bring. Maybe a trip to the monastery. Maybe nothing.
Enjoy your day!
  THE INCREASED COST OF FOOD NOT WHAT YOU THINK was originally published on Key West Lou
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