goodlucksnez · 1 year
In sickness and health
So glommy and I voice this freelance but we liked it so much we decided to write it out
Fandom: BNHA
Words: 4622
Summary: Hito//shi has always done things on their own. Never needed anyone, never wanted anyone, until he found his forever family. This is uncharted waters, he doesn’t know how to act or behave. This becomes even more unclear when he gets sick for the first time with his new family.
All characters are adults and in their twenties! This takes place in a headcanon pro-hero timeline where Sh//outa and M//ic are married and are are employed at a hero agency, and living together. They adopted shin//sou and e//ri .Shin//sou is over 18 the class 1a and class 1b is in a college age so everyone is 18+
IN FACT GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!
Both Shota and Hizashi have been out on a war meeting and case for the past week. Hitoshi was given 3 jobs, to make sure Eri is safe, the cats are fed and the house doesn't burn down. They left on Sunday and today is Friday. On Sunday when saying goodbye Hitoshi swore he would do his best on catching up with classes and training even without Eraserhead teaching him. The week itself hadn’t been exactly hard in retrospect. Make sure every morning Eri ate breakfast as well as the cats. Then it was a quick drop at daycare and then a 5-mile jog to UA. Rinse and repeat.
 During the week it wasn’t like Hitoshi had time in the morning to make lunch so he mostly adopted the opportunity to work on classwork before he got home. After class picks up Eri, cooks dinner, and makes sure she and he does their homework and goes to bed on time, well for Eri he stayed up late working. The first few days they were working out the holes in the master plan but by Tuesday they got it down to a science. Wednesday a tickle started forming in the eldest throat, but that was fine some water or a hot drink and he would be good as new. As the days went on he grew worse and worse until the parents finally got home.
When Mic and Eraserhead walked in through the front door happily. 
“We’re home!” Sure the mission was tiring but all they wanted was to see their kids and be home with them. Eri got up from her spot on the floor giving her attention away to her parents instead of the current cartoon Hitoshi had put on for her. Hurrying over to the pair, Hizashi bends down and picks her up, and kisses her cheek.
“Hey, there sweetheart, nice to see ya again!” Eri giggles and smiles brightly at them, Eraser giving her some attention as well for a bit. Then they heard Hitoshi sneeze.
“Hep-Knngk! Welbcome home.” The congested eldest said from his spot on the couch. He had taken a small nap but when the front door opened, he tried to seem conscious. He smiled before sniffing back a thick strand of mucus. He picked up the book he was attempting to study and flipped to a normal page trying to seem normal. Unannounced to him the book was upside down, of course, the Pro’s saw through this weak excuse in a second or less!
“Hello, Hitoshi, what are you reading there?” The black-haired Pro asked before taking a few steps closer. The first thing that struck him was the completion of the adopted son. He was always a little pale but this was an absence of color. The bags under his eye are more prominent. His nose is a tinged pink and his eyes are watery. To put it simply, he didn’t look well and Shota had no problem pointing it out. 
 “Hitoshi, you don’t look well.” Of course, he wasn’t mean or harsh about it, actually quite gentle. This didn’t make Hitoshi drop his guard. He shrugged, brushed it off, and answered the previous question.
“It's the history textbook” Aizawa tried not to laugh at his teenager after he noticed the paper in his lap which was for his math class and questioned a little further to prove a point.
“So you need your history textbook for your math homework?” Hitoshi looked at his book, then his paper, back to his book, and came up with his best excuse.
“I needed to kndow the history of the quadratic forbmula” He ended his words with a wet yet thick-sounding snuffle and cough. He knew had been caught but still, something was there denying the fact he was unwell.
The Pro pointed at the book, “Even upside down?”. He went to say something before coughing wetly into his fist and Shouta could swear he heard a small whine from the student in front of him. “Alright kid, how about we keep talking in your bedroom, come on.” The purple hair kid drew in a breath from his mouth before swinging his legs over the side and standing up. The color seemed to drain more from his face and he swayed on his feet before taking the next steps down the carpeted floor to his bedroom.
Once they get to the door of the eldest Shouta places a hand on Hitoshi's shoulder. “Really what is going on, are you okay?” Shinsou takes a seat on the edge of the bead before running a finger under his redding nose.
 “As I said I am fide.”
Shouta takes a few steps to close the distance before sitting on the quilted fabric of the bed
 “Kid you don’t have to lie and act tough” he points at the door where a concerned long haired leather wearing pro is leaning, “we are here no need to be so tough.”
The kid sinks into himself more and musters a reply after a few more desperate sniffs. “Well you kndow the foster systeb,” he continued after coughing harshly, “if they see you as weak they take advadtage so you learn to hide weakdess pretty quickly.” He finishes the statement and then looks down at the carpet.
“I know I grew up in the foster system as well, but you have a family now and we all love you. Right now- '' he pauses when the kid sneezes harshly, “bless you, are worried, are you sick?”
Hitoshi recovering from the unexpected sneezes shakes his head admittedly, “d’No of course d’not it is probably just allergies or sobethig all I ne-hih sniff ugh sobe tea or sobething.” Shouta pushes further, “In the middle of winter?”
Hitoshi could see that he wasn’t fooling anyone but still didn’t want his fathers to think poorly of him. This time he couldn’t think of much to say other than.
“I dod’t wadt you guys to be dissapoidted, I’b already behind the others so I’b trying to do as bmuch as I cad.” Aizawa shook his head and folds his arms, he was not mad more so saddened.
“Oh Toshi, you won’t disappoint us, you’re doing the best that you can but. You can’t run yourself into the ground to catch up. You’ll just get worse and be even more behind. You need to take care of yourself. You are not a machine.” Hitoshi couldn’t look at his parents as he felt ashamed of himself for even getting sick in the first place.
“Hitoshi” Hizashi gently called out as he wanders over towards the bed, he sat down on the opposite side still giving Hitoshi enough room to stretch out. But he didn’t, Hitoshi sat in a rather curled-up and hunched-over position. Hearing his name, Hitoshi looked over at the green-eyed blond.
“We love you, okay, and as your parents, it's our job to take care of you. I know it's hard for you because you’re used to guarding yourself and being isolated-”
“But…I failed, I am barely passing classes 1-B let alone class1-A. I will never pass at this rate, I keep trying and everything I do, I do wrong.” He pauses to cough and regain a panicked breath. “ I push myself so hard and everyone is improving except me…am I that broken…if I am what did you see in me!!” He curls tighter into his ball and buries his head in his hands.
 Hizashi and Shouta hated to see their son like this. It truly hurt them knowing that all he wanted to do was prove himself worthy of being in the heroes course. With this, they got closer to Hitoshi and sandwiched him between them in a hug.  Wrapping their arms around his curled-up frame, both kissing him on the temple and softly reassuring him of his insecurities.
“You are not a failure Hitoshi, we will never view you as a failure.” “Yes, you are a very strong and capable guy, and you’re doing your best. You are not broken.” “What we see is a strong-willed, compassionate young man who’s willing to train his hardest to get to where he wants to go.” Rubbing his back soothingly in hopes of calming a teenager down. It broke their hearts to see Hitoshi so panicked. It reminded them of when he was younger and would have breakdowns because of the bullying.
The kind words and gentle affection did help Hitoshi calm down. He wiped his eyes on the back of his shirt before curling into himself and coughing harshly. He looked up into the loving and supportive eye of his adopted dads and finally admitted in a whisper. “Dad, I do d’not feel good.”
Shouta smiled and gave a reassuring shoulder squeeze. “It's okay kid, are you sick?”
With his eyes in a faraway gaze, he simply nods before directing a few half-sneezes into his shirt. 
“Hep-Knngk! Hih-hih Hep-Knngk!!”
“Bless you, I think you might have a cold, kiddo…so under the covers with you.” Shouta directs standing at the end of the bed. Hitoshi wobbles and then directs a cough into his arm before sliding under the patchwork fabric. “I’bm sick?” He looks heartbroken. 
Shouta nods. “Looks like it, kid, it could be just a bad cold.” He directs Hizashi to go get the thermometer from the hall closet. He turns on his heel and standing behind him is a wide-eyed white hair Eri. 
“Is big brother okay?” She asks with a voice pure and as soft as the first snow of the year. 
Shouta nods before adding “he is just has a cold.”
She tilts her head almost too far before she falls. Then asks “He has a cold, he looks hot.”
Shouta laughs before turning to face her. “No a cold, it is an illness.” Hizashi, who has returned with the thermometer, blocks her way. “Make sure to not play too closely with him.” 
Hitoshi pipes up “Hey Sunstar, can you do me a favor?” He pipes up and his voice is rough with congestion. She nods eagerly to help. “Great you are the man of the house now you need to make sure, the cats get fed, you get fed and you eat a green thing for me at every meal, can you do that for me superstar?” 
Hizashi gave Aizawa the thermometer while he gently ushered their little girl out of the room. Leaving Aizawa and Shinsou alone. He walked around the bed and held it out. Hitoshi looked down at the device confused before looking up at Aizawa. He sighed before saying ”Under the tongue for 3 minutes.” He nods and puts it under his tongue and leans against the backboard.
After a minute he starts to stir and mumbles, “sniff dad hih-”. 
“Yes, keep it under your tongue.” He turns back to his son and sees his eyes are closed and his nose is red and twitching…On no!
Hitoshi stammers out “hih- sneeze!!!”  Shouta grabs the tissue box on the nightstand and hands it out to him. “Can you hold it?”
He shakes his head before turning to grab 4 tissues and sneezes three times.
“excT'chEHHH! hii–excT'chEHHH!hih-hi excT'chEHHH!"
“Bless you! That should be enough time for the thermometer, let's see.” The screen flashed a red 99.9. “A small fever but with medicine, it should be okay.” He glances at the purple-haired kid in bed. Poor guy, he doesn’t look well.
Shouta hands him a small cupful of the dark liquid. “Okay kiddo, normally we would have DayQuill but right now we only have Nightquil, however, it should help with that fever of yours.” The shaking kid takes the capful but just looks at it as if wondering what to do.
“Have you ever taken medicine before?”  
“No,” Hitoshi sniffled after answering. “Okay, this is some medicine it should make everything a little better. I will get some soup in the meantime you just get some rest.” 
Again the kid looks confused before managing a strained “Soup? Why?” 
Eraser sighed before standing and heading to the light switch. “It is a good way to regain fluid as well as get you to eat.” The teen nodded before turning and stifling a set of sneezes.
The poor kid he’s going to give himself a headache or a sinus infection if he keeps doing that.
“Hey Hitoshi does not do that, you are going to make yourself worse.” Aizawa then gave the other a soft smile before saying. “Get some rest, I will be back later with some soup.”
Hitoshi laid down his eyelids, getting very heavy before darkness overtook him.
What seemed like hours passed in the blink of an eye and the next thing Hitoshi knew he was waking up feeling worse than before. The light was still on in the hall, so it could not be nighttime. What was he doing? Why was he in his room? With a sharp cough he remembered. Oh right he was sick at least that's what his adoptive father told him. He groaned as he got out of bed and slowly with a shiver touched his feet on the carpeted floor. ‘but he was stronger than this he could get through it he said to himself in a hushed manner, his voice congested and gravy. He stretched quickly ignoring the sharp pain that tickled his nose and throat before heading to the door gradually. 
As he entered the brightly-lit hallway the tickle manifested in his nose he quickly brought his hands to his face to try to combat it, but it was too late. As he breached the entryway of the living room he doubled over with some harsh sneezes that tore his throat and made him cough.
“excT'chEHHH!hih-hi excT'chEHHH!”
The dark-haired man who was sitting on the couch quickly turned before offering a rushed blessing. “What are you doing out of bed?” 
“Can't sleep anymore,'' he pointed at his face before sniffling wetly “congested.”The older man sighed before standing up with a groan and heading over to the swaying son. “I'm sorry buddy come on let's get you to the couch before you fall.” Eraser helps the oldest walk to the couch before sitting him down and grabbing another blanket off of the coffee table and putting it around the kid.
The kid looked miserable, his nose was red and chapped, his eyes dull and glazed over and his complexion was that of a very ill person. Shouta felt his heart twinge a small moment of regret and pain. He thought to himself ‘how can I help then’ , he remembered on some of his bad allergy days what Mic had done for him and I thought it sprang to his head. 
“I know buddy this sucks hey I have an idea that might help I want to go get a few things okay,” He says as the kids slowly nod he wasn't a hundred percent sure he actually heard him but he went up anyway to the medicine cabinet grabbing both a Neti Pot another box of tissue as well as some Vaseline.
When he returned he sent the items he carried on the coffee table and Hitoshi just looked at him confused. “What the hell is that,” he replied, his voice congested. Eraser replied by filling the Neti Pot with saline solution. “This is a Neti Pot. I am going to try to help your congestion. Tilt head completely over to one side. This relies on gravity to work.  While breathing through your mouth, I’m going to gently pour water into one nostril.  The solution will then begin to drain out the other nostril.” 
The kid looks at him dumbfounded. “I know this sounds scary but it should help.” He points at his face.” I use this during allergy season when my sinuses are all clogged but don't worry it is sterile. It should help clear you out a bit.”
The kid replies with a wet sniff before wiping his nose on his hand. The poor thing looked so worn out. 
Shouta grabbed the small bucket to catch the water and told the kid to turn his head to the left. “Now this is going to feel uncomfortable but you will be fine just keep breathing.” 
He tips the neti pot up so that the water begins to flow into his nose. Hitoshi begins to feel the water moving through his sinuses, which is a strange sensation for him. He thinks to himself “Don’t panic. Focus on breathing through your mouth.” Eraser keeps reassuring him. “That's right, great job, almost done.” As he finishes with the right side he hands a few tissues to Hitoshi. “Blow” he commands. He does it with a wet disgusting sound. They repeat this on the other side which ends with Hitoshi coughing a little of the salt water up which he spits out quickly before turning to Eraser with pleading eyes as if to say not to do this again.
Eraser pats him on the back “you did so well we don't have to do that again. One more thing then you can rest before the soup is down in an hour.” He takes a small Q-Tip and the vaseline and holds them out to him. This is like lotion. It should help with the soreness as well as any chappedness. I am going to put this around your nose okay.” Hitoshi nods before wiggling his nose and sniffling. Eraser opens the scent-free bottle and dips in the Q-Tip before exiting with a Big glob of Vaseline on the end he starts around the corners of Hitoshi’s nostrils which are slowly becoming redder and redder by the second before slowly going around the nostril and the septum. Almost immediately his nose reacts and he takes a few hitching breaths before stammering out, “Dad…Himbguh hhhdahh…HDTSSCHH! Hehhkisshhhue! HxxSCHHhiew! Hehh…hihhdtSSHHh! Ihdtshh! Hehh…HEHSHHHhih!”
He pants before covering his face with his hands. “I’mb Sorry I did- Hih didn’t mean to, Oh…oh fuhh- fuck. It hehh-ehhH…EhhhtSHHhue! HghhhSCHhiew! KSSSHh! Hh-hehhh…hehhdtCHHiew! guhh…it… heh… it tickles so mbuhhh…hahh…HihhhTSSCHhiew! Isshiu! Hehishhhu!” 
Eraser grabs a handful of tissues before wiping Hitoshi's nose. “Bless you sorry I didn't know you were so sensitive”, he paused when Hitoshi started hitching again, “got any more in there?”
ihh’IHHSHH! Hehh…Fugk…HEH dtx SCHhu!” He finishes with a stifle and covers his face before blowing his leaking nose with the tissues Shouta is handing him. “I have never sneezed so b’much in’d b’my life dad, sorry.”
Shouta feels his heart break “No, need to apologize you are sick it happens, you feel any better?” He asks while putting the vaseline down. He rubs his nose which is going to become raw at this rate, he replies with a very congested no before continuing, “Can you put the lotion on, it feels better.”
Shouta nods before asking, “Are you sure that was a pretty intense reaction?”
Hitoshi nods so Shouta takes the Q-Tip gently as he can quickly go around the poor inflamed nose. It does twitch but Hitoshi does not sneeze. ‘Thank god’ Shouta thought to himself before helping the both of them stand and walking back to his room. “I will wake you for some soup but just rest. That was a lot and I'm sure you are tired”. He nods his eyes already closed, Eraser can hear a small snore by the time he shuts the door. 
The next time Hitoshi wakes up is by Shouta carrying a bowl of steaming liquid on a tray. Hitoshi feels himself tense up as Shouta comes over with the soup. Maybe he’s gotten hungry enough to eat or he is worried after he does Shouta will realize what a pain he is and want to get rid of him. He nods and slowly moves to start eating it. The hot broth is soothing on his throat. He can feel his nose threaten to run again and he’s sniffling even more as he continues to eat.
  “When’s the last time you ate kid?” This question made Hitoshi think for a second and that made Shouta sad. 
“I think like Tuesday” Now the raven-haired man was rather shocked, it was Friday! 
“Toshi it's Friday” “I d’know” Sighing, the teacher shook his head knowing the other didn’t truly need to be lectured. So he let him eat the soup without fuss. 
“It's good,” Hitoshi commented, Shouta smiles before continuing.
 "'It's homemade soup. After dealing with All Might and his immune system you pick up a few things." 
Hitoshi nods again, finishing about half the bowl before setting it down on the tray. The heat and steam feel good, but it’s started to have another undesired effect. He sniffles hard against the back of his hand before the tickle becomes too much. And it’s going to be a mess. Fuck. He pinches his nose shut as he succumbs to a sneezing fit. “ihh…gXT…huh. ndh…hh…H’gt…nXt’shh huhh…” He lets out a shaky breath, ears popped and congestion crackling behind them. “Ow”
When he opens his eyes Shouta is handing him some tissues. “Bless you, you shouldn’t do that, it will make you worse. Let them out, no one here is going to be upset with you. In fact”, he continued while pulling out a purple half piece of cardstock, “you already have some mail” He winks and Hitoshi looks at the child drawing of him and Eri holding hands.
In the Foster home he never got along with other stereotypical males but he never had a younger sister before, this was something entirely new when he came to this household. Very quickly he realized he would do anything to protect her.  As tears came to his eyes and he sniffed back congestion he looked at the picture of the two of them. It was a poorly drawn stick figure messy with crayons and glitter but still, this was the nicest thing anyone had done for him in a long time and he fought back tears. When he opened the folded card, what could only be described as a mountain of glitter spilled out all over his lap and the tray of soup. 
The inside is covered in glitter, ‘Eri must have used a whole tube’ He thinks as he runs his hand absentmindedly across his face. The card reads ‘my big brother, I feed the cats, and daddy and papa brushed my hair, they did not do it the way you do it, so get better so you can brush my hair again. Love Eri’. He smiles and wipes his nose again. He smiles and looks up at Shouta before a strong tickle overtakes him and he finds himself being thrown forward by the force of the sneeze. 
“HehhISHHhue!! Hrshh'Hhuu!” He did not have time to cover so the pile of glitter from the card in front of him exploded out not only onto the bed covering not only him but the man who adopted him. He looks up bracing for a slew of curse words and maybe some pain but is met with laughter. Shouta Aizawa is laughing. It takes a second for him to realize that he is staring. The image in front of him is pretty unbelievable.
Shouta Aizawa, who can disarm a classroom with one glance, and can erase the quirks of anyone he sees, is covered in a fine layer of pink glitter covering his face, beard, and half his torso. And who is now laughing softly at his son of course with no mal intent more so he just found it funny. 
“Bless you that one snuck up didn't it.” He says laughing. Hitoshi can't help but smile. Shouta begins wiping his shirt and then he pauses and a blank stare crosses his face. His hand comes up to his nose and tries to wipe away the glitter that is plastered to him. His eyes blink a few times before he quickly takes his shirt and directs a harsh fit of sneezing into it. 
“HiHH! Hig’xxshHIEEW! h-hUuh huusshhhTCHuu! HiiihHDShooo! Mnng bless, snFFF!” Shouta lets out a set of strong, wet sneezes, quickly soaking the top of his shirt before he grabs tissues and tries to blow his nose while speaking. “Whew sorry, Hitoshi I'm okay.”
Hitoshi feels his stomach drop. Did he get his dad sick? Surely that had to be the case in all the years of knowing Aizawa he had only heard him sneeze a handful of times mostly due to allergies or Hizashi playing too rough. Hitoshi finds his voice after another set of harsh sneezes from Shouta arrives. “HiHH! Hig’xxshHIEEW! h-hUuh huusshhhTCHuu! HiiihHDShooo!”
 “Bless you dad... Did I get you sick?”
Shouta pauses, his eyes watering, and quickly shakes his head causing more pink glitter to fall. “No, no .no I am fine, some glitter caused this, you did not get me sick.” He notices the frightened expression on his son. “Even if you did, I would never blame you, don’t beat yourself up.” standing up he shakes off a good handful of glitter onto the ground before yelling to Hizashi to get the vacuum. “You did nothing wrong kiddo, your only job right now is to–Hih -hi-hold on,” he turns and directs a few sneezes over his shoulder. “Hihh KSSHH! Mnnff~ Hidsshhhhiiiew! Issh- itshh- hisshhh! Hnnn~ H-huhhh hiiizZZDSHhh!” He sniffs before continuing “Ugh sorry I will have a word with Eri about the glitter next time, your only job right now is to rest, we do not want you to get worse and we have to go to a doctor.”
Hitoshi’s blood runs cold. He stammers out “Doctor?” Shouta nods
“If it gets worse  we might have to.” Hitoshi shakes his head vehemently. “d’No d’no doctors, please d’no.” “Woah kiddo calm down, breathe.” 
He did everything in his power to keep himself grounded, but every time he tried to grip the blankets or pillows, his body suddenly felt weak and the shaking got worse every minute. He hated the audible whines that came from his mouth when he tried to keep himself from panicking, but he couldn't help it. He knew that, yet he hated it anyway. 
“Easy, breathe I’m not going anywhere.” Hitoshi struggled but took a breath. Over the next few minutes, they sat together and eventually he calmed down. And sank against his pillow exhausted. 
“Good job kid that’s it, rest. I won’t leave till you're asleep. Okay”
He went to move and Hitoshi asked: “Can Mic come in, I’bm sniff okay but I have a question for him.” Eraser nodded before grabbing Mic, filling him in quickly as they walked back to the room.
Hizashi walked into the room. “Hey little listener, not feeling too great. He said as he sat down and rubbed his arm. “Can you sing to me?” Hitoshi asked in the softest voice. Mic sat up straighter “Oh course little listener at least someone appreciates the arts in this house. Ahem…” he begins to sing softly. As big of a personality as he has he knows what the situation calls for and begins to sing a lullaby from one of Eri’s TV shows. 
Calma, Calma,
Calma mi nino,
Everything's alright,
The thing you fear is no longer near,
No need to be so frightened!
Calma, Calma,
Calma, ¡Calma!
With that Hitoshi fell back to sleep with ease. Snoring softly from the congestion in his nose.
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goodlucksnez · 2 years
Ceasefire of the senses
When a strange outbreak sweeps through Japan, can the heroes find the cause before they succumb to the illness as well...or is it too late. for @kushami-hime  thank you, friend-i am better for knowing you WARNING this is a sneeze kink story if that is not your jam then don't fucking read it. ALL CHARACTERS ARE 21+ AND THIS STORY IS POST CANNON
Words: 9703
The rain pelted down on the glass balcony doors, and the AC unit hummed to life, Izuku sighed. It was a perfect day off; one he had not had in over 5 weeks. The unpredictable time of the rise of villains along with himself being named the new symbol of peace; which of course he was happy the public knew, but all the meetups and interviews and costume designers banging at his door and blowing up his social media had taken a toll on the young hero, so a day where he could just relax and check up on podcasts and maybe do some gaming, he was over the moon. As he stretched on the soft sofa his furry friend Emily FancyWhisker perked up from the blanket resting on his lap. As he smiled and reached to pet her, she yawned and jumped down off the blanket. ‘Well, that is just how a cat is’ he thought to himself before turning his attention back to the screen of his phone.
For the number 1 hero, he did not have many applications on his phone just the bare necessities. Messages, photos, camera, notes, as well as a few social media platforms, Bakugou forced him to download. It's not like he knew how to use most of them anyway. But he had a guilty pleasure of a few podcasts and gaming channels he liked to watch that he kept on the second page just in case someone took his phone mostly Bakugou and he didn’t want him to judge him.
As he clicked on the headline of a news story called flu season, he heard the familiar click of the front door to the apartment and the sound of jingling keys. As the blond-haired man crossed the threshold Izuku called out in his cheery demeanor. “Heya Kacchan, how was the office?”
He heard the rustling of bags before a loud huff reached his ears. “It was fine, nothing has changed since the last time you texted me 20 fucking minutes ago,” Bakugou replies as he shut the door behind him and locked it. He then preceded to take off his coat and boots throwing them across the room a behavior Midoriya disproved of and smirks when Izuku looked at him knowingly.
“Nothing Kacchan” and Midoriya went back to half-reading the report as Bakugou marched over and dramatically laid across the sofa practical crushing him in the process.
As Midoriya laughed in protest at the weight of Bakugou lightly crushing him Bakugou exclaimed. “Man, we need to get a new sofa this one is all lumpy.” He stated before poking Midoriya in the elbow and knee. “But certain parts are hard what shitty place did you get this from.” He said laughing.
Midoriya who is trying to push Bakugou off of him exclaimed out. “You sitting on me not the sofa get off,” he said laughing.
Bakugou ignoring his comments simply took the blanket and covered himself with it and laid down now with his ass in the face of Deku. “Ahh now after a long day of work I can finally relax without any—in-hh inter—hheh-interruptions…uhh.. Hh’U...h! uhhhCHUSH’oo! Oh…fucking hell.”
With a final push, Midoriya pushed his way out from behind Bakugou and looked at his partner who was rubbing his nose annoyingly.
“Bless you, you ok- “
“I’m fine the damn furball was laying on this,” he said as he tossed the pink blanket across the room as Emily strolled into the room. “Speaking of the brat, why did we even adopt her again you know I am a—aller—allergic... Hhh’ihhh…. heh-ETCHishhh!” he quickly catches the sneeze in his hands before cursing.
Deku reaches behind him and grabs a few tissues and extends them out to the sniffling pro. “Bless you, and you promised you would take your pills so this would not happen, that is why we adopted her.” He said as he strolled over to the feline and picked her up in his arms. “That and because she is so cute.” He said rubbing his face against the light fur.
Bakugou just sniffed and grunted as he stood up and made his way over to the side table where all the medicine they took were laid out before popping 2 purple pills and swelling them dry.
“Happy now,” he said rubbing his nose on the corner of his sleeve.
Midoriya smiled before going to the sofa and pulling out his phone trying to enjoy the last 5 hours of his day off.
Bakugou went to the shared bathroom to shower after work so Izuku had at least 25 minutes before he had to get up and prepare dinner. As he punched in his password, he saw a flashing of red before the screen went back to normal. ‘That is a weird glitch’ he thought to himself before continuing to the article he had up. The title read increased flu-like symptoms cause panic among populous.
Midoriya sighs to himself of course in these uncertain times everything made the public tense about the only thing that seemed to not take a toll was the dumb TikTok dances Kirishima kept sending him.
As he continued to read the article taking note of areas of infection and increased spread, he was interrupted by a surprise text message but this was unlike any other he has received. It was from an unknown number and it seemed to almost move as he looked at the message.
Hello, Deku. Before he could block the number, another text came through enjoying the article… some of my best work.
He immediately turned around and scanned the outside and confirmed no one was watching him before he was brought back to his phone with a vibration.
As one last text came through. See you soon, ウイルス as his phone glitched out and shut down. Midoriya jumped back in surprise and scrambled to catch it from falling on the floor, sadly it did and a nice crack formed on the screen.
‘Shoot now I will have to repair it’ he thought to himself. That was weird he thought but it was probability some prank his friends thought of he would have to talk to Denki tomorrow. He pocketed his phone before heading to the kitchen to start working on dinner.
When the rice cooker was ready, he poured in the rice, and then he heard the soft footsteps of his partner approaching him. He pretended not to notice and went back to cutting vegetables so when the taller blond bent down and whispered in his ear “hey sexy” he pretended to be all scared “Oh Kacchan I didn’t hear you scared me” he said sarcastically and giggled a little.
“Pfft you are lucky your Number 1 your acting skill as shit Deku,” he said as he kissed the messy hair of his partner.
“Feel better mister grump after your shower”? Midoriya said turning back around to prepare the nori.
“Yea I do shitty deku, I got roped into fucking babysitting the damn extra since some of the major pros were out sick. Fucking idiots like I swear if I have to tell Duracell the definition of a pencil shaper again, I am going to punch a hole in his head that the brain damage he has makes sense.”
“Aww doesn’t be mean to him, everything is hard right now, with the changing times and uncertainty, and besides I think with the disappearance of Shinsou it got him a little on edge.”
Bakugou scoffs before going to the table and pulling out his phone and going through the notification. It was quiet just the sound of cooking and rain hitting the window Deku wished it could be like this all the time.
“Hmm?” the green hair boy replied taking out the rice and beginning to form the sushi rolls.
“See the fucking headline about the illness.”
“Yea for a moment…why what’s up?
“The damn public freaking out over a case of the sniffles fucking pathetic.”
“Kachhan if I remember correctly, it was because of a small case of sniffles that you were out of work last year for 2 weeks.”
“Deku that was different and you know it, work send out a reminder to be care and all that shit.”
He trailed off as Midoriya plated his creation and took out the soy sauce and the hot sauce for Bakugou.
“Let’s forget about work we will deal with it in the morning…let’s eat.”
Usually, Izuku waited until at least six a.m. before going on his morning jog, but he hadn't slept much that night. So, after an hour of stubbornly staring at his ceiling in an attempt to get back to sleep, he rolled out of bed and changed into his jogging clothes. As a last-minute thought, he turned off his clock’s alarm, ignoring the cheery green “5:34” that laughed at him from its screen.
The air outside of the dorms was chilled, causing puffs of grey to appear with every breath taken. Izuku liked the cold- it was refreshing and helped him wake up, even as his nose and cheeks reddened. Outside the entrance of the apartment building, he jumped in place and briefly stretched. Usually, he planned his jogging routes but he took off at a light jog, deciding to go wherever his feet took him.
He'd been jogging for a good ten minutes before he caught sight of anyone. Izuku became curious, then. He rarely saw anyone on his usual morning jogs, and today he'd started even earlier than usual. ‘Who else could be up this early to exercise?’ he wondered.
Izuku looked at the figure ahead of him It was hard to tell who it was in the pale morning light, but the figure seemed familiar. He upped his pace slightly, gaining on the person ahead of him. As he got closer, the person’s purple-blue hair became obvious, and a smile came easily to Izuku’s lips.
Izuku sped up further, easily catching up with Shinsou.
“Hey Shinsou we have been looking for you, can’t disappear for like 3 days, even if you are on a mission!” he called out his breathe hanging in the air.
Shinsou stumbled, whipping his head around to stare at Izuku in surprise.
Izuku laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his head as he matched Shinsou’s pace with ease. “Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you…. hey you look sorry for the foul language like shit what happened?!”
Shinsou composed himself quickly and turned back to focus on the path before him. “M.. fine,” he said awkwardly. His tone betrayed him because after a moment he was bending over to cough roughly.
“Woah breathe there what happened?” Izuku asked beginning to look him over for any signs of injury.
“I’m not hurt, just ugh head is killing me, think I might have got some entail on my way to the office now…” he paused before coughing again. “If I can make it.”
Deku helped the struggling man regain his posture “hey I don’t mind going in early I probably have a lot of work to catch up on anyway…would you like some help?”
Okay, that was the wrong thing to say, Izuku thought, watching Shinsou cringe slightly, now looking even more unsure of himself. Before Izuku could apologize and change the subject, Shinsou responded quietly, “I guess.”
The shorter boy’s smile returned to his face full force, and they walked side by side for a few minutes in silence. When Izuku’s burning curiosity became too much to bear, he broke the comfortable silence with a statement; “So Denki will be happy to see you, info or not”
Shinsou nodded, “yeah would have told him where I was, but he would have tried to follow. He winced as his voice caught in his throat. “And being stealthy isn’t his strong suit.”
Izuku wanted to ask where he had gone- surely it must have been a tiring journey if he came back this exhausted but he didn't want to push. The question must’ve shown on his face, though, as Shinsou let out a little sigh and explained.
“You know the increased movement of the league well my team and I realized it isn’t so unpredictable as we thought. They seem to be going to the same kinds of abandonment places-medically facilities. The team set me up with some locations that might yield in some information being useful” he paused as he coughed thickly into his sleeve. “They were right. While I did not have the chance to stay extremely long, I did find a hideout for one of the gangs working with lov I was outnumbered but I did manage to get some info and I think maybe we can figure out their next plan.”
The last part came out muttered under his breath, probably not meant for Izuku to hear. Even so, Izuku was excited to hear his friend was working hard.
“Ah, I see! That is incredible work shinsou wow, Aizawa did a good job teaching you huh, do not worry when we get to the office, I will make you some well-deserved coffee and maybe I can ask Bakugou to bring a thermos of something hot to help with that cough-oh shinsou?”
The purple hair pro had stopped walking and was staring at the newly rising sun before Midoriya could say anything help the pro was pinching forward with wet sneezes.
"Heh'KIIHHPT'shht! Hihgg-NNXXT'choo!" Out of habit, he had yet cupped both hands over his nose, and they were now unpleasantly wet. He grimaced, reaching for his sleeve to wipe his now running nose.
"Bless you…and maybe some meds too," Midoriya replied before reaching into his pants and pulling out an extra travel size pack of tissues, and handing it over.
“That might be nice, thanks,” a self-deprecating smile appeared on Shinsou’s lips, “I started feeling like this soon after leaving the hideout.” The smile disappeared, and his jaw set determinedly. “But this also might be a good thing, if my hunch is right this is a good sign” he explained. They walked the rest of the way to the agency in silence except for some sniffling.
Once they entered the building Shinosu excused himself to the showers to clean up while Deku took out his cacked phone to try to type a message to Bakugou who would be waking up any minutes. However, before he could the phone glitched again and the text reading “it is already too late” flashed before it shut down again.
‘Crap he thought to himself so this isn’t some prank’ as his mind began to do calculations and he began muttering to himself he was brought out of the moments when it made his nose burn with a strong itch, he hoped that if he scrubbed at it again it might help to tame the itch, but it did nothing of the sort, in fact, it only made it worse. He felt the sneeze creeping up so he quickly turned away burying his face in the crook of my elbow
“Heh… iehh…ah- ah’TSSSHHHuu!”
A surprisingly strong made him surprisingly sniffly and as he went to his office to call Bakugou the worry and anxiety began to rise in him.
As he dialed the number and waited as the dial tone rang, he bit his lip. After the third ring, a gruff voice answered. “Do you have any clue what time it is right now?”
“Morning kaccan I know it is early but hey I need you to bring a few things before you come to the office.” As he listed the required items, he could hear Bakugou groan and finally spit out fine before saying a quick I love you and ending the call.
Midoriya then signed and pulled out a whiteboard it was better to write on it since notepaper was not everyone cup of tea. In red markers he put the schedule on and wheeled it into the common room just as the first person clocking in at 8 am. Kirishima always punction and always perfect.
“Heya number 1 how was your day off?” He inquired taking off his bag and heading toward the coffee machine and breakfast corner.
“Kirishima, we talked about this just because I am number 1 doesn’t mean you need to refer to me as much. I’m still just your friend and coworker.”
Kirishima laughed a hearty chuckle before filling his bowl with lucky charms a trait he picked up on his first trip to America and now had an unhealthy obsession over. “Yeah, but come on it is a pretty cool tile if I was anything that manly, I would love to have people call me it.”
“Yeah, well I don’t…people should not treat me any differently just because I am number 1.”
Kirishima laughed before taking another bite of cereal. “Oh yeah what about that fancy place you got, think they just give those out to anyone?”
Deku shook his head “there is no winning with you is there?”
“Nope get used to it number 1.” He turned and looked at the schedule “hey what is the meeting at 9 about. He inquired mouth full of marshmallows.
“Oh, I ran into Shinsou he was investigating some things and I think he might have a leg up on the next move of the lov.”
Kirishima fist punched the air “oh man that is awesome where is the insomniac I got to give my thanks.”
“In the showers, I don’t think he is feeling too well though, looked pretty run down when I talked to him.
“Ah that is too bad but nothing one of my patented best man hugs can fix.”
Midoriya signed before heading back to his laptop to catch up on email. “Just be careful Bakugou will have your thrown out if you catch something.”
“I will man, hey take it easy number 1,” he said before turning the corner and heading to the showers throwing the now-empty bowl in the trash.
It was now 9:27 and he could hear the elevator door open and the grunting footsteps of Bakugou even before he saw him.
“Good morning ba- “
“Shut it I got your damn stuff next time just get this shit yourself,” he said before emptying the supplies of tissues, a thermos of hot soup, as well as some cough medicine onto the next.
Midoriya smirked “Thank you nurse I'm sure Shinsou will appreciate it.”
“Tsh whatever just don’t get what he has.”
As 10 o’clock rolls around and everyone is gathered in the press conference meeting Shinsou is at the podium looking better since he has showered and Midoriya next to him ready to take notes and add any information.
“I will skip the pleasantries and get right down to the bottom of it I believe the league of villains has infiltrated the grid market and is using it to target pros as well as the general public.
“Based on what I've seen there seems to be an underground organization that specializes in digital attacks if any of you have seen or heard of anything of the sort come talk to me after.” He continues after coughing. “However, that isn’t the only thing. The reason that they are infiltrating unused medical facilities as I believe they are trying to make a virus. A virus that will first hack the grid network and then slowly its users. As you all probably heard the increased number of flu-like symptoms in this region has almost doubled in the past five days however an uncommon statistic that they don’t tell you is that all these people were between the ages of 23 and 36 that demographic as per usual is addicted to their phones and other online sources. I believe they have figured a way to hack the grid and somehow infiltrate your body to produce flu-like symptoms…Well, this is just a theory…I believe my symptoms are the start of it.”
“I will be working with the lab as well as other techies” he winks at Denki “to try to determine if there is an antidote or antivirus or something but first let’s not cause any more harm than there already is, all this information stays close to the chest as we will continue to investigate and send scouts to these various locations. Now questions or any additions.”
Deku then steps forward earning a glare from Bakugou.
“I believe I was targeted by one of these cyber-attacks yesterday my phone seemed to glitch out and I got unnerving messages and then this morning another glitch appeared and soon after…” he kind of mumbled to himself… “I sneezed.”
“I don’t think I am infected. I do believe that they are targeting pros we need to stop this immediately. We need to know if it is a quirk-based virus or something else. All other work is to be put on hold until we figure out what is causing this and how to put an end to it. I will be going to one of these facilities with a team as well as others you will be informed later today of your locations and what you are to inquire but I do believe we should keep this a private matter. We don’t want the general public already so close to protests and rioting to become any more agitated. Let’s keep the peace and let’s find what is ever causing this and end it.”
He ends with his former mentor's favorite catchphrase “go beyond plus ultra” before concluding the meeting and heading off to his office Bakugou following in suit.
As he sat down in the chair his mind racing with preparation as well as notes to make and meeting to schedule and items to bring, he is brought back to the present when a hard glove-covered hand smacks him across the face.
He recoils and looks at Bakugou stunned, as go goes to rub his cheek and looks at him dumbfounded “Ow what was that for?”
“What the hell Deku why didn’t you tell me your phone was glitching?”
“It didn’t happen a lot and I didn’t think it was anything phones glitch software malfunctions it’s part of life it didn’t start to worry me until this morning.”
“What’s this shit about you getting sick.”
“I like sneezed once. I feel perfectly fine nothing is wrong with me but if I am infected, I should be monitored to determine what is going on.”
“Have the fucking purple hair mimic guy do it. We need the number one the public needs it and I need it.”
“Oh, that’s so sweet kacc-”
“Oh, shut it come on let’s get down to the lab, have Denki look at your fucking phone, and have that half and half bastard look at your health.”
“OK but just so you know I am still going to go on the patrol” he starts to hitch through the ending of that sentence. “as well as the new location to try to fight villains” His voice speeds up trying to end the sentence before sneezing and it became a higher pitch before he finally succumbs to the urge and sneezes twice openly.
“hHH-en'gSHOO! hHH-en'gSHOO!”
This earns him another slap to the face as well as a stern look as Bakugou states “if you are sick don’t fucking spread your shit to others and cover your mouth idiot.”
He sniffs and grabs a tissue from his desk before blowing his nose softly. “I don’t think that is how this virus works I think it has to do with screens and tech but let’s get Denki he should know more.”
“With any luck maybe, he has not fried his brain yet he says he plants a small kiss on the top of his head before practically dragging him out of his office and down the stairs.
As they entered the basement layer of the agency it is filled with all types of bodies and movements. Lab equipment, as well as programming and special repair and support items, are being rushed around while certain area things are being marked off so it is a lot of activity.
Bakugou quality heads over the neon sign that says electronics and pushes the sliding glass door open.
“Oi Duracell got something for you to look at.”
From around the corner, Denki walks up to both of them before crossing his arms. “Hey, how many times do I have to tell you, don’t call me that…. ever hear me call you caramel?” The blond inquired.
“No cause if you did you would be 5 feet in the ground.”
“Yeah, that threat has lost its vigor over the years” he turns and looks at Midoriya “I swear I do not know how you live with him.”
Deku chuckles before handing over his phone.
“I think there might be a virus on this think you can work your magic and determine if that is true and how it got there?”
He cracks his knuckles and smiles “hey if I can fix a tractor with a piece of gum and a toothpick this should be no issue you are welcome to hang out around here” he says right before Izuku hitches and direct soft sneezes into his arm.
“hH-! hhuhdt’hptsSSCHhuhh...!”
“On the second case may be, you should go see Todoroki he might be able to help with that.”
“Finally, you said something smart, let's go” and dragged Midoriya out of the room.
As they arrived at the emergency health station, they saw more business than usual pros were being taken into a private room and the nurse's station was full of ringing phones. Bakugou sneered before hauling Midoriya to the private office of Todoroki.
“Hey half and half you busy?” he said already opening the door.
The room flickered as the fluorescent lights turned on, behind a wood table piles with papers and files sad Dr. Todoroki. After getting his Pro Hero license he decided to enroll in a medical program. While his quirk was one of the most powerful ones, he decided that after many years he decided to do what he wanted; and he wanted to help others as much as possible so he went into the medical field.
He became a first-class doctor and many pros sought out his expertise Midoriya agency had hired him about three years back and has been a useful member of the team.
As the pro lifted his head from behind a stack of files, he smiled warmly. “Good morning, Bakugo pleasant as always.” he said before standing up out of his rolling chair. “And Midoriya” he pauses as if he was thinking of something nice to say “always a pleasure to see you again.”
Bakugou shut the door behind him before practically pushing Midoriya forward.
“So, there’s this virus thing I’m sure you read the news half and half bastard but we think it’s being transmitted through tech or some crap we’re having Duracell look at it now, however….” He pauses as Deku begins to hitch. “It seems like someone might have something.”
He finishes his statement before quickly wrapping his hand over Midoriya face as he sneezed a wet triple into his hand.
“etCHUSHoo! ehhhUSH’oo!” …. eh… heh… huhCHussh!”
“We don’t think it’s contagious through direct contact,” he said looking at his hand in disgust and wiping it on his pants “but it is transmittable through screens maybe you can find something wrong.”
Throughout this entire time, Todoroki had been writing things down on a notepad before circling his desk and approaching Izuku now sniffling.
“Don’t worry I’ll take a look at him but you should go and plan the stealth missions. you’ll be in good hands with me.”
Bakugo huffs but before leaving delivering a kiss and then stomps out his voice echoing as he leaves.
Midoriya finally talks and when he does it is horse and congested. “Thank you Todoroki I didn’t think he would finally leave Sniff.”
Todoroki nods in sympathy, “he has a good heart but sometimes his anger gets in the way he cares about you and is worried even though he won’t have the decency to say so upfront.”
Midoriya blushes before running a finger under his nose and sniffling back congestion.
Todoroki motions for him to step further into his office and soon he’s at his private examination room.
As he jumps up on the table a situation, he has been in far too often Todoroki smiles.
“So, what seems to be the problem number one.”
Deku blushes before responding “well it started this morning with some congestion and” he clears his throat a little before continuing “sneezing…but I think it’s moved to my throat.” He winces as he’s talking as if his voice hurts him. “So, I guess general flu-like symptoms the strange part it happened quickly.”
Todoroki nods and scribbles a few things down before continuing “yes it seems that this” he motions for a word that he doesn’t know “virus seems to quickly attack and cause symptoms although the spread is something we’re not sure of.” He continues. “We have examined Shinsou and the other member who seems to have taken ill and he reports the same symptoms as you first having a glitching phone or other media and then generally feeling ill. It’s logical to conclude that they are related but let’s get some test done before we jump to any conclusions.”
Todoroki let out a small laugh at his old friend's rambling as he prepared the blood test and nasal swabs. "Still the same Midoriya I know. You haven't got rid of that habit, have you?" He said, letting a small smile form on his scarred face. “Still scared of needles old friend.”
"Yeah, you're right. You know...it is a quite common fear around Pros." The green-haired male said, then let out a chuckle.
Todoroki smiled at the words that came out of his old friend. "My fears are still the same since I graduated UA. I guess the trauma fucked me up." He let out a pained kind of smile on his face.
"S-sorry for bringing that up. I-I didn't mean to." The current number one hero said, stuttering.
The heterochromatic male let out a heavy sigh. "It's okay. I'm good now."
Before the pro hero could say another word, the doctor started to clean the area of his arm with wipes. "As I said before, let's get yourself checked up. Lay down on the bed so I can check your health."
The pro hero did as he said. He laid his body on a bed. The younger male put on his stethoscope and checked his old friend's heartbeat. Then he checked the pro hero's blood pressure, body temperature, and any kind of check-up.
"Now I will warn I do have to do a nasal swab so that might trigger a reaction. Just let me know if you feel…. anything so I can stop.” He said grabbing the long stick.
Midoriya nodded tilting his head back. “Don’t worry I will be clear.”
“Alright let’s begin.”
The test seems simple right insert a swab into the nostril and swab the back and then send out the contents to a lab. However, the human body is good at preventing things from entering unwanted holes. If the body is already on red alert because a virus is attacking it makes this process even harder to do. As the green hair pro squirmed as Todoroki inserted the swab, he could see the eyes of the pro well up and a few tears escape.
He reassured Midoriya. “I know it is uncomfortable just a few more seconds” he said as he turned the swab resulting in a small hitching breath of the pro. Todoroki could tell he was doing his best not to cough or sneeze but this was a losing battle. As he twisted the swab again it was the lats taw and Midoriya flinched and it’s was too late to stop the sneeze now. “Ih…KSShh! HX’SChh! huh…KX’Shhh!” Shit-sniff so-hhh sorry hhh ii-ihh-ii’shiew! huh-eh’chIEW!! oh sniff! sorry snuff!”
Todoroki rubbed his back as he continued to cough and sneeze and handed him a tissue from the desk next to him.
When Midoriya seem to slow Todoroki offered a small blessing to which Midoriya thanks him.
“Well, I think I have all I need here so you can go. The lab results should be done in about 5 hours.”
Midoriya turned to leave before turning back to him. “Thank you, Todoroki sniff I know things, have not been the best since I passed…him...but I swear I will be stronger and better than him”.
Todoroki smiles before walking over and embracing him. “I know and don’t worry you already have. You surprised him even before you were a pro back in UA because you survived everything. Everyone is so proud of you. I know that man upstairs doesn’t say it enough but he is proud. I am proud. You are what this world needed.” He exits the embrace before smiling “just try not to forget that it is okay to ask for help you don’t have to be the number 1 all the time. And take care of yourself.”
He reaches into his lab coat and pulls out a lollipop. “Enjoy and I will see you soon with the results feel better was the last thing Midoriya heard before he closed the door took the wrapper off the lollipop and proceeded to head toward the exit back to the main office.
However, that was short-lived as soon as he exited the doctor's wing a bolt of electricity whipped out in front of him. luckily Danger sense came in handy and he quickly dodged it. He turned to see Kaminari looking surprised before his face contorted all almost like he was going to…and then another bolt of lightning-sparked from him as he doubled over and sneezed harshly.
Once the beeping from all the machines slowly lessened Midoriya saw Denki recovering before holding his phone up to him. Through the blinking emergency light, Midoriya could read the glitching message that flared on the screen, and then before he could blink the room adjacent to where Denki was standing all the monitors and tv and glitched and began to pulse with the same message.
“Already too late hero, my disease spreads soon I will control all.”
This was going to be a fight like he had never had before
It was a few hours later when Bakugou and Deku as well as Kirishima and a few other pros were on a train that the seriousness of the situation came in to play. In a matter of hours anyone who had come in to contact with the glitched phone of the number 1 Shinsou, Denki, Deku himself as well as Bakugou had all began to develop signs of illness.
The location they were heading to is one they believed using database from the dissected phone the location of where these texts were being sent from hopefully, they can find another clue and/or be ready for a fight.
As is the train swayed side to side Bakugou cursed silently before bringing up his shirt and sneezing openly into his chest below.
“Hh-! Hhih-!! HheESCHY'hUuoo!!”
A harsh sound that echo throughout the train car causing others to look at him in pity to which he answered back with a glare that would scare even the strongest of pros.
“Let’s just go over the plan again.” he said sniffling.
“All right I’m sorry you feel bad I just wanted to help you feel better-” Kirishima exclaimed. To which Bakugou exclaimed “I will feel better” he said as his breath started to hitch “when we- hhiH-! sniff get this fucking villain delt with… Hhhih-! Hahh. Hh-! Hhih-!! HheESCHY'hUuoo!!” rubbing his chest afterwards.
They are to enter the facility using the underground tunnel system which will put them on the right corridor of the abandon hospital. They are then to make their way to the security office, before activating the security protocols and locking all of the doors and wings. Therefore, if anyone is in the building they will be trapped along with the heroes. Then it becomes a search and rescue mission as well as gathering info or a fight.
It sounds simple enough but with a team of five and two of the strongest pros currently battling whatever they have it is going to be difficult… But they’ve handled worse before, right?
As the three of them look at the blueprints and the map each of them memorizing the locations the train slowed and eventually came to a stop indicating they are at their location. It was still a 10-minute walk to the man hole cover where the entrance to the underground tunnels were.
As they exited the train a light rain shower had begun and Kirishima put up his hood and Deku brought out umbrella they looked at each other in annoyance before continuing on.
The walk seemed longer than usual as they dragged their feet. The puddles on the street began to increase in their size. Soaking the clothes and pressing their hair against their face as they continue to walk. Every once in a while, one of them would stop do us perimeter check to see if they were being followed and/or cough or sneeze
Each one hurting their chest and voice but eventually they reach the manhole cover. Before Kirishima could even suggest he use his strength to pull it up, Bakugou bent down concentrated his quirk and blew the manhole cover into the raining sky.
Midoriya looked at him and surprise. “We were supposed to be stealthy about this” he said with congestion thick in his voice.
“These damn villains are going to get my fucking wrath” he said “I don’t give a shit about a manhole cover the city will bill me later” he said as he began climbing down into the tunnels.
Kirishima and Deku exchanged a look. “Sorry Kirishima he’s always like this when he is sick.” before following suit down the ladder. Kirishima was the last one using his strength to put the man hole cover back on and as they descended down into the underground tunnels, he tried to hide his smile.
As the team began walking down the abandoned tunnel their footsteps echoed over the musty concrete floor Midoriya who is in the front of the line put up his hand the others immediately stopped.
Bakugou rushed to his side, he couldn’t see anything in front of them but if Deku had stopped maybe his quirk was going off that indicated danger he looked at the face of Deku and then growled at what he saw.
The damn nerd's eyes were closed his breath spasming as his breath was hitching wildly like a mad dog.
He came to two realizations very quickly. 1) if he were to have an outburst and might work against him as they are trying to have an element of surprise and 2) no matter what he did he wasn’t going to stop.
Midoriya was doing everything in his power to stop the sneeze from happening but it was a losing battle. He suddenly found his face being smashed into the chest of his partner as the tickle overtook him and he spasmed against him.
Spasm after spasm rocked him against the chest and Bakugou began to feel wetness seep through his shirt and onto his skin.
When Bakugou was sure he was done and his shirt had been thoroughly soaked he whispered a quiet blessing in his ear as Midoriya looked up that him. His eyes watering and his nose running and tinged a light pink Bakugou could swear his heart almost melted, he quickly regained his composure and continue down the tunnel.
About another five minutes in the tunnel and it was Bakugou who stopped this time, however unlike Deku he didn’t get a warning.
His breathing hitched for two seconds before he was jolted forward in a series of unsatisfying stifled sneezes which left him hitching is Kirishima and Deku ran up to him to try to stop him from making too much noise.
Kiri began instructing Bakugou on how to breathe while Deku pinched his nose. Even with a combined effort of both of them, it was barely keeping the sneezes at bay and Bakugou was actively whining.
“I think I’m-Hhih-I’m g-hahh…gonna s-Hhuh-! Snee-Heeeehh…please…hahhI cahhhi can’t…stop it-!!”
One thing about Bakugou is he didn’t do anything quietly. He woke up loudly, he went to bed loudly, he brushed his teeth loudly so it is reasonable to imagine his sneezes are loud. As they were even closer to the entrance of the hospital now there’s no doubt that if anyone was in the building when the ‘explosion’ was going to take place they were going to hear him. They needed the element of surprise now more than ever, but Bakugou was going to ruin it…so Deku did something he never thought he would do.
He activated black whip the tendrils of energy gathering on his arms and shooting out, he created sphere-like imprisonment around Bakugou. He was working on this move in secret for about two months now. Theoretically could be a sound dampening maneuver. The pulsing energy encapsulated the hitching man and he saw Bakugou open one eye and then all went still.
Kirishima and Deku held their breath waiting for the ‘explosion’ they knew was going to happen but I never did. Bakugou was left rubbing his nose like a madman cursing although it was very muffled.
Midoriya had seen this too many times, when Bakugou desperately wanted to stop showing weakness he would force himself to not sneeze or even cough when he was sick this resulted in what Deku called stubborn sneezes.
He would hitch but never fully release until some irritant caused him to fall over the edge. His sneezes stuck and now he was surrounded by massive radiating energy.
Deku did the only thing he thought of shot one tendril of black whip into the sphere and brought it right under the twitching nose of his partner.
Through the semi-translucent pulsing energy of the sphere, Midoriya could see. The tendril was circling the rim before slowly inserting and circling the inside. “Hhhih-! Hahh …hhiH-! …Close…” The way Katsuki hitched was so violent, Deku was afraid he might activate his quirk by mistake however no sneeze happened so he continued to tickle that special spot he knew Bakugou had, until Katsuki reared back, his nose aimed at the ceiling.
“Hh-! Hhih-!! HheESCHY'hUuoo!! Aaahhn… Dhehh..” Katsuki sniffled, keeping his head down and being to hitch more urgently. “Hhigh..I.. ih-..hEHDISSH’uh!.. eh’KIZSCH-!.. fuck-HH-…...hAHJZZISH’IUH!!-fuHH- tih-HH!.....hD’KZSSCHT-!! Ugh, dabbit, -h-HH-!.....HIH’EHZZSHH’IUH!- fuc’gk!”
In short, the explosion was nuclear, the results were undoubtedly messy. Snot thoroughly coating and soaking the middle down to the bottom of their shirt. The amount of glistening snot and spray that erupted from the volcano of a nose was rather shocking to Bakugou who was left coughing and panting.
After a few very rough sounds nose-blowing filling the travel-size tissues Bakugou signs ‘I’m done'. Deku nods and lowers the barrier and walks forward and stammers out. “Bless you, umm. that sounded bad, are you sure you can fight?”
He sniffs wetly and coughs his voice almost completely gone. “I’m fine let’s just go and get this over with.”
As the three found the hatch that connected the underground tunnel to the west corridor of the hospital soon after. They opened the heavy metal door and began silently walking on the dusty pattern floor to the hospital wing.
They kept their eyes and ears out for any signs of movement and any sound besides the rattling of wind and rain against the shattered windows.
In their notes, they knew that this place has been abandoned for about five years. The hospital fell through due to a financial crisis and was left unaccounted for. Weeds and vines and overgrown foliage pushed through the broken windows and floor.
‘Almost an eerie display of nature overtaking something so modern’ Deku thought to himself before sniffling back congestion.
Empty beds and other medical equipment littered the floor and the three had to be careful not to step on any broken glass. As they neared the security office still no sign of any human the three of them heard a buzzing sound enter their ears. As they looked around for the sources, they could not see anything so Bakugou exclaimed. “It is probably an old wire, let us keep moving.”
However, they took a couple more steps Deku saw something moving along with the ceiling. He called out to the group to wait and dug out his flashlight shining a light up.
As the light illuminated the ceiling above them, they saw a dull purple ooze-like substance pulsing as if it had a heartbeat. When the light illuminated it scrambled out of the light and into a nearby crack on the adjacent wall.
Kirishima decided to harden and an unspoken agreement was made and he ran into the wall battering it with all his might while the other two prepared themselves for an encounter. Now with a larger crack and the rattling of drywall slowing, a new sound emerged. A distant voice could be heard speaking in a whisper.
“So, you’ve come home.”
An eerie voice called out that sent shivers up their spines. Bakugou called out “show yourself don’t make this any harder than it needs to be.” he said in a low growl his voice still horse and rough sounding.
A snake-like laugh filled the hallway around them before the purple ooze-like substance began to spill out of the wall as if a pipe had burst. It surrounded the three of them encapsulating their feet and as they try to move, they realized that this substance was much thicker than they had originally thought.
A spider-like arm emerges from the large crack in the wall followed by another and another and another before finally emerging was a… Human?
They are tall almost 7 feet in height. The skeletal creature with a purple armor-like shell emerged smiling? They had limbs similar to grasshoppers and hands like a bird's foot. They also had many long thin tentacles with curved blades hanging from their bodies and long claws.
As the three of them stared at this thing in front of them Bakugo already making small explosions in his hand called out “Are you the one causing this?”
“My young hero. How naïve I’m the savior of this world soon all will be my subjects.”
“Not if we have anything to do with it,” Deku said.
As the creature turned to look at him his eyes piercing. “Oh, but you’ve already fallen victim to one of my greater schemes…tell me a number one,” The air around him thicken as a smoky substance filled the air “how can you fight when your body is already betraying you?”
It was as if daggers had cut into Deku’s skin as he crumpled forward, a pain unlike he had ever felt encapsulated him. It felt like needles were piercing his skin. He coughed violently as if he was choking on air. The creature smiled.
“You see my friend, I control, I conquer and I overtake. You can call me Virus a pleasure to meet you…although it won’t be for very long,” he said before pulling out three blades each lined with a purplish colored hook. Quickly he began admitting purplish energy that soon encapsulated the ground. Three more similarly dressed creatures also emerged from the smoke and soon the battle began.
Bakugou pulled the pin off his gauntlet, the blazing torch and heat from the explosion was deafening. As he flung the white-hot burning flame at the face of the oncoming creature. The one who had spoken previously deflected it with his armor like a shield as cascades of sparks fell around him. He smiled and went after the sickly blonde “Is that all you got? no wonder my friends have taken refuge in your body…so weak.” To gain a brief respite, Bakugou pushed Kirishima into the creature on the right. The creature was grappled and was cloven in two with one swift stroke of the hardened exterior of the red-haired pro. Deku stepped over the slain creature, whirling his fists expertly as he pursued the enemy. Ignoring his unprotected back, Deku failed to see a shadow-like creature stealing up behind him. The shadow raised his arms a set of claws, but, before he could strike, Kirishima had hurled the net over him.
The creature struggled like a landed fish as the Kirishima picked up the net and swung it several times against the wall. Dropping the lifeless thing, Kirishima let out a terrifying roar before turning to the other creature.
Deku stood in the center of the room, his one eye-straining to catch sight of Bakugou in the belfry. Blood dripped from the dozen wounds the sharp tendril had inflicted upon him during their battle. But now he knew he had won; he would soon see the last of the virus. “Give up, Virus, Deku the number 1 is waiting for you,” he cried.
Virus stood up on the broken tile floor. He laughed “You have not won anything,” he says as he raised his hands. Almost immediately Bakugou and Deku freeze and their breathing started to hitch. “See even you are being victims of your own body,” He walks over to the hitching blonde and slashes him under the ribs as red crimson starts to flow down his chest and drip onto the floor. Deku cries out as his breath falters and he succumbs to harsh sneezes that rock his body forward.
““Suh- sdneeze….huhhh-ATSHHiew!..huh-ish! hishhiew! huh’TSHHeshooo!”
As he stumbled forward trying to catch his breath as well as secure footing, he felt a hand on his back and before he can do anything he is being thrown into the ground, the tile breaking as the impact. The creature stands over him smiling menacingly before taking one of his sharpened blades like tendrils and slashing down. Deku closes his eye and prepares for pain but it doesn't come. He opens his eyes to see Kirishima blocking the blow.
The creature frowns “Ah a pet who isn’t one of mine yet. Don’t worry you will be soon.” He raises his arm a dark purplish orb with little spikes appears and as he goes to thrust it into Kirishima a defeating sound is heard.
Bakugou lets of an explosion that throws the Virus off of Deku and against the wall. A crack is heard then a yelp of pain before the creature slides their knees buckling and sits on the broken floor unable to move.
Wearily, Deku stands clutching his chest. Together the three of them stood and stared at the creature where it lay. Blood seeping from beneath its bloodied claw and a smashed tail laying limply against the wall.
Deku spoke, “It’s all over now. We won.”
They then both noticed that did not feel any better. “Or maybe not”
As the investigation team was notified as well as everyone back at the agency. Bakugo and Deku were given immediate transport back to the agency, due to an intern Quirk that allowed teleportation.
The two partners were now driven home as they were told they were under quarantine until this flu passed. Of course, Bakugo didn’t take the news easily and tried to fight it although the argument was helped when he sneezed and it rattled the protective glass in the car.
As they get to their apartment and climb up the stairs and open the door, both of them completely exhausted, Deku makes a beeline to the couch while Bakugo sits down on the floor his back against the couch.
“Well, this suck.” the blonde exclaimed, “we don’t even know anything about this quirk or how long it lasts or anything.” His voice is thick with congestion and he’s irritated.
Deku rub his shoulders “I know but I think it’s for the best if we stay quarantined, we don’t know how long--” his breath starts to falter
He’s too preoccupied trying to fight back the immense tickle that he doesn’t realize the Bakugo was handing him tissues before he is being thrust forward and Bakugo catches him covering his nose and mouth.
“KSShh! HX’SChh! huh…KX’Shhh!!”
“Bless you” he grumbles before telling Deku to blow his nose while still holding the tissues against the sniffling pro.
As he does so Bakugo cringes at the sound before crumbling the tissues and throwing them in the trashcan.
“Should get used to you doing that, you’re always shitty at covering your mouth” he says flatly
Deku blushes before responding “well at least mine don’t rattle all the windows” he said taunting him.
“Hey” Bakugo exclaves “my sneezes are fine”
Deku rolls his eyes before responding “yeah sure I’m surprised Japan doesn’t put out an earthquake warning every time you get the sniffles.”
“Keep talking Deku and the only thing they will find is your hhhhi bones-”
Deku laughs “Oh going to sneeze already…well then prove it.”
“Prove what,” said the blonde whose hitching was slowing and he rubbed at his nose.
“Try to be quiet,” Deku said crossing his arms.
“I'm a pro. If I want my sneezes to sound quieter, I'll do it. Can't be that hard to stifle them, right? It's just a matter of pushing them to the back of my throat and holding the release in. I bet I can make mine even quieter than yours.” He wiggled his nose as if trying to invite a sneeze, though all it did was make Deku hot. Not the sort of hot you got when someone snuggled up to your side but the sort you got when someone with amazing sneezes threatened to sneeze right then and there. “Except... huh... hnnn... huh... No. Sniff! How can I practice when I can't... hah... huhhhhh... huh-hnnn! Eh! Hehh! Hnnn! Uhh...” He sighed, shaking his head. Then he buried his face against deku neck and spoke words that whispered against deku skin. “Deku... do you know a way to make me sneeze?”
Izuku nearly died. Just like that. All the training, all the adventures, all the battles with Bakugou over the years, and what nearly did him in were those little words and Bakugou warm, heavy body and slightly wet nose. All Izuku could do was nod. He feared any word out of him would sound like a whimper and reveal too much of his interests. He leaned to the side and grabbed a few tissues, twirling one into a sharp point a method he had only dreamed of.
Izuku held it up in front of katsuki face. “Do you trust me?”
He nodded and sniffed so that his nostrils flared widely, invitingly. Deku’s whole body wibbled and burned with need as he inserted the pointed tissue into his nose. Bakugou gave a sharp gasp and his eyes began to water. But it wasn't until Izuku started wiggling the piece around that the build-up started. “heh! Eh!”
“Now, when the sneeze comes, remember what you're trying to do.”
“Nngh!” Bakugou said, bobbing his head up and down in an attempt at agreeing. “Gonna... gonna sn-sneeze... ehhhh quiet-huh quietly. Heh! Hehhh!” Deku gave Bakugou beautifully twitching nose one more jab with the tissues and that was all it took. “hD’KZSSCHT-!! Ugh, dabbit, -h-HH-! HIH’EHZZSHH’IUH! - fuc’gk!”
It was, without a doubt, the worst attempt at reigning in a sneeze deku had ever heard. And, at the same time, he had never wanted Bakugou more.
“Didn't... hahh... didn't work that time. Sniff! Try again.” He rubbed two fingers boyishly at his nose to ready it, then tilted his head back, waiting for deku to tease his nose again.
Izuku did not hesitate. He switched nostrils, spinning and tickling, and this time the sneeze came faster. “hah-engg... ehh-ngg...HIH’EHZZSHH’IUH!- fuc’gk!” Bakugou gasped and moaned, rubbing his forehead and the bridge of his nose. “Harder than I thought,” he murmured. “Do it again?”
His hand almost shaking with his excitement, Izuku inserted a blade of grass and twirled it around, but he did not sneeze at once. His nostrils flared and his eyes watered. Then he tilted his head and his nostrils flared more violently. “I can feel it... heh! Feel the tickle way back in... hah! Back in my n-nose. Hah! Yes... that's.. hehh! That's it. Hah! Hah! Just... like that... heh-eh! Ehhh! Make me... hahhh! Make me sneeze h-HH-! HIH’EHZZSHH’IUH! - fuc’gk!!” Bakugou wiped his hand at his eyes and then his nose. “Was that any softer sniff do you think?”
Chewing on his bottom lip, Izuku shook his head. “I'm sorry.”
Bakugou huffed in frustration. “Show me how you do it?”
“It's just the way I sneeze. I can't help it,” Deku replied. He took another pointed tissue and invaded his own nostrils. Already sensitive from his flu, it didn't take a second to feel that tell-tale tickle rises. His tongue pushed against his bottom teeth as his mouth dropped open. “KSShh! HX’SChh! huh…KX’Shhh!” He caught the sneeze in his hand, but only just in time. His nose dripped and itched, and he rubbed at it as he noticed Bakugou staring longingly at him.
“I want to sneeze like that.” Bakugou practically pouted.
Izuku's heart raced hard and fast. He couldn't believe Bakugou might be able to hear his words above its thumping when he replied, “Your sneezes are perfect just as they are. You just... need to stay away from stealthy missions when you have a cold.”
This earned deku a sniffle-filled kiss. He nearly passed out a second time.
--the end--
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goodlucksnez · 3 years
a sky full of stars
Hello everyone so I wrote a er//aserm//ic fiction and it’s 5513 words I know right what the fuck I just kept writing and I didn’t want the story to end but it came to a lovely end
TW WARNING it deals with sui//cide depression,anxiety,panic attacks as well as medical surgery
TO NOTE In the story endeavor is not a hero and is a local tea maker and his wife is the surgeon which I just think it’s cute it comes together in the story it will make sense don’t worry
This is using my original AU with the Quirk flu
And lastly I hope you enjoy it I had a lot of fun riding and it has definitely improved since my last fic enjoy
you can read it on A03 or down below
How Shouta got here was anyone's guess. Sitting on the edge of the roof of UA looking at the shifting colors as night began to fall around him. As the shades of reds mixed with the blues and yellows, how they washed over the buildings and trees with a gentle golden glow, Shouta closed his eyes and smiled. The tear-stained face of the Pro was hidden from view under foundation and tired eyes. With the still night air, he heard the roof entrance unlock and movement behind him.
“Hello, old friend,” Shouta said not even turning to look at him.
“What the hell are you thinking, step away from the edge now.” Mic's voice boomed over the concrete and echoed in the tranquil night air. “Please, people need you…. I need you.”
Shouta took a deep breath and stood to face his old friend. Mic’s face was panicked and he could see the crumpled note in his hand. Shouta was glad to see his friend one last time. He shook with adrenaline as he spoke in a quiet voice barely louder than a whisper. Years down the road Shouta in the confession of therapy would say he said it this way because whispers make people listen while shouting just falls upon deaf ears.
“All my life, I have been in love with the sky. Even when everything was falling apart around me, the sky was always there for me. I’m glad to see it hasn’t changed. Goodbye old friend.” And he stepped off the roof Mic’s voice echoed in the night sky as Shouta plummeted down and down until darkness.
That was five years ago. Shouta had been getting better about talking about his depression and the struggles but the one thing he could not do was hurt Mic again. Hizashi also died that day, his cheery disposition of the world changed, and he hasn’t been the same since. He had improved but Shouta still had guilt deep down but would never admit it. Hizashi's confidence was always so fragile, like a child’s, it took him years to return to radio and music. He once in a foggy drunken state told Shouta that music died the day he fell and all the sounds of the world that created such unique and beautiful different melodies, fused into one agonizing wave of sound that made Hizashi hate music and his Quirk. He had gotten better they both had recovered from that day but if they were both being honest, they were still those scared little Pros inside.
When winter came the vows of in sickness and in health were tested. Hizashi got sick first and Shouta played the role of nursemaid and helped him get better therefore it was no wonder Shouta got sick. When he was a child Shouta would hide under his bed to avoid being seen as sick, he had enough of name-calling at school he did not need it at home too. This continued into his adult life even after the accident 5 years ago.
The next time he had woken up he almost suffered acute heart failure from the number of stress hormones that were immediately pumped through his system as long-term best friend and husband Hizashi better known as Present Mic had busted through the bedroom door with a shout of “Shouta” with his remarkably deafening voice. “Wow were you sleeping?”
As if it would be a shock that he was. He has been up most of the night coughing and generally feeling ill. Shouta was having trouble getting out of bed today as a dull pain racked through his body pulsing through every limb. He merely grunted in response and the strawberry blonde-haired man sat down and rubbed his back.
“Shouta,” he asked his voice worried with concern and suddenly Shouta was back on that roof. He shut his eyes and winced at that memory and shook his head. The movement of his head caused the room to spin and he reached out to grab onto something stable the only thing near him being his husband.
The pressure in his cranium had built itself up to the point where he knew he had to get away to get checked out. Somehow, he had to take a trip to get medicine, the question was how would he succeed with such a mission when Hizashi worried about his every movement.
Mic continued to rub his husband's back. After receiving no answer, his usual jovial expression continued morphing into one of pure concern. “Hey, Shouta are you okay?”
The tired pro sighed but when he went to open his mouth the tickle which had been prominent in his sinuses flared to life and he quickly turned his head to the side gripping the side of the bed as the sneezes ripped through his body.
Hizashi jumped in surprise. “Woah, many blesses,” he said. “I’m going to pick you up some meds, okay?”
Shouta grabbed his arm and said, “no you barely over being sick, I can get some.”
As he went to put on his shoes, he sniffed back the congestion that was threatening to flow. Hizashi watched him gathering his wallet and keys before hugging him tightly and whispered in his ear.
“I know how you get with these things; I call you in a few hours and you better pick up or you’re in trouble. I love you Sky.”
Shouta hugged him back and said, “I love you to songbird.” And he left the house with the sound of thunder in the sky boomed over him.
His feet hurt.
It was a stupid thing to focus on. Stupid because Shouta was still heavily limping his way through darkened alleyways and shuffling through crumpled up newspapers and puddles of...something. His breath came out in ragged gasps, the medicine still clutched close to the chest. Shouta had no idea where he was going. He just kept moving- one hand drifting along chipped brick walls and graffiti-stained cement, something to keep him steady. Focused. Home was the mission but it wasn’t the goal. The goal was-
Freedom from the pain.
His knees buckled and Shouta couldn’t stop himself from tumbling forward. He smacked into a dumpster; the weak thump of a body against rusted metal ringing in his ears. The stench of rotten food clawed its way into his nose; the pain now liquid fire in his veins. Get up Shouta told himself even as his eyes started to flutter close. You have to get up. His fingers twitched; they landed in a puddle of something gross. “Please,” Shouta whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut. “Please~” Thunder rolled off in the distance- a heavy, almost shuffling sound. Maybe- maybe he could get clean in the rain? Maybe-----
“Ah, your awake!”
Fuck! Shouta started, brain a sluggish mess. He- the last thing he remembered with solid clarity was collapsing against a dumpster. Rain pattered against the rooftop- a strange melody that did nothing to put the Pro at ease as he stared at the old man before him. He was heavyset, a long red beard neatly trimmed and a topknot giving him off an old school look. Shouta glanced around the room, just a little more awake now. He still felt like shit, wet from the clothes he had when-
“My shoes,” Shouta rasped, gaze falling to his feet. They were bare, his socks neatly placed on the floor with his shoes beside this...futon. A sad, threadbare thing on the floor. It took all he had not to run his hands over himself-no. No injuries. The only thing Shouta wasn’t wearing was his shoes. Shouta inhaled congestion thick and he wiped his nose on the back of his hand. An oven mitt was sitting on the floor between them, a teapot gently clutched in the old man’s hands. “You put band-aids on my heels?”
“I did,” came the quiet hum. “You’ve traveled quite a way. Those blisters are impressive.”
Shouta’s gaze flicked to the two clay cups- one by his feet, the other next to the old man’s knees. Steam started to curl out of the teapot; a fire Quirk perhaps? “...You’ve got a fire Quirk.”
The old man smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “You’re very observant. Yes, I do. Would you like some tea? I have some delicious Herbal Spring at the moment it might help with that cold you got.”
Shouta eyed the teapot in question- the steam was barely more than a little trickle of a cloud. Could he have poisoned it while I was out? He shrugged, looking away.
“Ah good!” The old man leaned forward to pour tea- Shouta first, then himself. “Herbal Spring is a very fragile tea, you know. Raise the temperature too much and you’ll ruin it. Keep the water too cold, and it loses its flavor.”
Shouta didn’t reach for his cup. He heard the soft clink of China being set down on the oven mitt. He- he saw the near-empty room he was in. “Where am I?”
“My tea shop! Aaah well,” the old man smiled again as he reached for his cup. “Soon to be my tea shop. This is a storeroom of sorts.”
Shouta watched the old man drink first. A happy hum, a deep sip that made the Pro finally reach for his cup. He brought it to his lips, taking a tentative sniff. Even with his blocked nose, it smelled sweet. Shouta took the tiniest of sips; the warm liquid sliding down his parched throat with ease. It had a soft note to it; sweet and almost fruity, enough to make Shouta …breathe. “Who are you?”
“Just a simple tea maker.” Another calm sip, the old man closing his eyes for a moment. “Who are you?”
It...it lacked the same venom that Shouta’s question had. The same cautiousness, an almost feral edge to it. The old man’s question was simple. Calm and steady; Shouta bit the inside of his cheek before he took another tentative sip. “No one.”
“It is an honor to meet you, No One.” The teapot was held out like a porcelain olive branch. “More tea?”
Was this...a joke? Shouta bit the inside of his cheek before he held out his cup. There was still plenty of tea left in the small cup and it took all the Pro had not to wince at how hands were still shaking. Hot liquid sloshing about, threatening to go right over the dull rim. Yet...if the old man was going to say anything, he didn’t. He merely poured Shouta more tea, careful to keep the liquid from the rim.
Shouta brought it up to his lips, taking a bigger sip. “You’re,” this time he winced. His throat was still a raspy mess. “You’re not going to ask me why I was outside?”
“Mmm, you’ll tell me when you’re ready.”
Shouta watched the teapot be set gently on the oven mitt, the old teamaker once more quietly enjoying his cup. The two sipped their drinks in relative silence- only broken by the steady drumming of the rain overheard and Shouta sniffling. An odd sort of silence, almost peaceful; Shouta wasn’t bombarded with questions. The old tea maker was content to drink his tea; he’d already downed three cups by the time Shouta had managed to finish one. He sneezed 3 harsh sneezes and drank more tea hoping to soothe the throat. The teapot seemed to rise without being asked; a second cup poured, a second cup that Shouta found himself willingly drinking. “Aizawa,” he whispered, staring down at the amber liquid. The Pro’s voice was painfully loud in the quiet. “My name is Aizawa Shouta.”
The old man gently smiled; callused hands curled around his cup. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Aizawa Shouta.”
“What-” Shouta shifted on his futon; the tremors had finally left his hands. “Who are you?”
“Just an old man with wisdom and regrets,” came the happy reply. “You can call me Enji if you wish.”
Enji? It was a familiar way to address someone he’d just met. Right. “...I’m not calling you Enji.”
“Fair enough,” the old man chuckled and there was something warm in his voice that begged the Pro to relax. Maybe he has another Quirk? Can someone have two Quirks?
Shouta glanced down at his cup, his thumbs brushing the rim. “Why are you doing this?”
“Sharing tea with a fascinating stranger is one of life’s true delights~”
That...was not what Shouta was expecting. He frowned; was it too late to make a run for it? He was pretty sure he had strength in his legs now, even if he still felt awful. “That’s some bullshit,” the dark hair huffed, settling on something solid. Something he could trust. He attempted to rise to his feet and he wobbled for a moment. Pain that rolled through Shouta, begging for him to plop his ass back down. “You’re crazy, old man.”
The old man didn’t move from his spot on the floor. He merely hummed, a red eyebrow rising at the uptick of rain against the roof. “You will need a proper raincoat then. You’ll be soaked if you leave now.”
“...You’re not going to stop me?”
“I cannot stop you from your long journey, Shouta. Just as we cannot stop the fire from burning the log or ice freezing a pond.” Shouta watched the old man set his cup down; empty. “But please,” he groaned as he lumbered to his feet and Shouta was pretty sure he heard joints pop. “Let me get you an umbrella at least.”
His chest hurt. Shouta’s throat was stupidly tight. Painfully tight as he stood there, watching Enji dig around in the storeroom for an umbrella. “...You,” Shouta tried to clear his throat. To stop himself from crying like the idiot he was. “You don’t have-”
He shouldn’t have wasted his breath.
The umbrella was pressed into his hands with care. It was an old thing that had seen better days- a raggedy blue thing with a few frayed strands and a scuffed handle. It was old and worn and the most precious thing Shouta had ever held in his life. “Thank you,” the Pro whispered, clutching it close to his chest.
“Of course,” Enji hummed, bowing in return. “Please stay dry.”
Shouta descended the step of the tea shop, his body aching with every step. The medicine still clutched to his chest. The words still echoed in his mind. “You tell me when you’re ready.” He found himself walking the feeling of cool water running down his wet body was quite unpleasant. The wind blustered and the rain pattered on the antique umbrella and the way home seemed twice as long as usual. His mind raced, how could a stranger see so clearly into his mind was it that transparent to everyone that he was broken. As his feet hit the sidewalk a single thought crossed his mind. Hizashi. His songbird. His love. He was probably worried sick. As he pulled out his phone, he saw the screen was broken and as the light lit up his face, he could see 54 unread messages. Fuck. He ran, he didn’t even notice the tightening of his chest and the pain in his limbs, as he rounded the corner almost slipping on the wet pavement. He saw the lightly tan building of his home; the outside light was still on. As he unbolted the door and took a step inside, his heartbeat deafening in his ears, a pair of arms wrapped around his torso and pulled him inside.
As Shouta panted, Hizashi's grip gets getting tighter and tighter. No words were said but the silence spoke volumes. Shouta felt tears spring to his eyes and choked back a sob as Hizashi guided him to the living room sofa and sat him down. Wordlessly Hizashi began to take Shouta's shoes off, gently searching his dark eyes for some kind of answer of where he was. Shouta could not meet his gaze, and just shook from the wet clothes and clutched the sofa tighter. Hizashi nodded and went off down the hall. He returned a moment later with fluffy towels and the first words were spoken.
“Out of those clothes.” Shouta blushed but did as he was told and as each soaked article of clothing was removed from his body it was replaced with a warm fluffy towel. However, it didn’t stop his shivering and Hizashi started rubbing the frozen skin of his lover. After a few minutes, Hizashi suddenly stopped and stood up, turning his back from Shouta.
Suddenly the blond jolted forward. “heh… ehh…. heh'ISSShooo!" and went into the kitchen to grab a box of tissues.
As he sheepishly returned and met the gaze of his husband, he muttered an apology. “Sorry.”
Shouta was at a loss for words. Why was he sorry? It was not his fault Shouta got sick, not his fault he was broken. He had done everything right, Shouta was wrong. He blinked in rapid succession before finding his voice. The voice of Enji filled his head ‘When you’re ready. He spoke with a voice broken and small.
“The day that the rain smelled like ice cream, my cat went to heaven in front of my eyes. The day that the copper pipes in the old building smelled like burnt food, my best friend... went to heaven in front of my eyes. I couldn't save them. It's sad. Neither one had the chance to become an adult. They should have become adults. They should have had children of their own and loved those children. And I want to make that possible for other people. So don’t be sorry. You saved me. I love you.”
He had never expressed that amount of raw emotion in his whole life, not even to his therapist but it felt right. The nerves he felt flowed out of him as his tears decorated his face. As he sat covered in the towel he sobbed, all the emotions he had been holding released like the steam from that teapot that brought him warmth not a few hours before.
Hizashi cradled him, as his body racked with sobs, gently like how a mother would cradle a baby, pausing to kiss him and repeat gentle nothings. As Shouta began to wind down, all the strength he had been pretending he had disappeared and he slumped against Mic and closed his eyes and soon unconsciousness took him.
Shouta slept for hours it seemed like. Each dream he had was confusing and odd as if he had two brains competing for the dream. His tired muscles ached and the dull pain between his eyes had increased to a dull migraine. Truth be told he felt awful. But soon his body had had enough and he felt the being of a sneeze. He tried to hold back for a while longer but found it futile. He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling as the tickle reached its climax.
“Eschht, Eschht eh ugh sniff heh hhh AET’SCHHH!”
The last sneeze ripped through him with such force all the blankets and towel that had kept him warm fell off of him and he was left sniffling chest exposed to the room and his husband who look just as surprised as himself.
“Goodness bless you Sho, you have caught my cold.”
The tired man just groaned and said with a voice still raspy and strained “Not a cold, it's probably the flu, I should have told you sooner, I just- ugh sniff again heh hhh Hit'choo!! Hih-tschh!! Hihh…hih-tsCHEW!”
With the last sneeze, he felt his Quirk go haywire and soon his hair was floating above him and his eyes had turned a red hue. Luckily for him, no one was in the radius but he still felt awful. A hero could only depend on two things in this world, their Quirk and the one they loved. If Shouta could take one of those away without realizing it, it could mean trouble.
Mic had knelt in front of the laying down Pro and gently cupped a tissue around his husband's nose. “Bless your hon, come on blow for me.”
Shouta did a wet gurgling blow and groaned as the Quirk deactivated his dry eyes yearning for water. Mic dabbed at Shouta slowly being red nose and stood. He made his way over to the linen closet and grabbed the warmest winter sweater and returned to his sick husband.
“Arms up you know the drill.” As Mic helped the Pro get dressed, he called out to Siri.
“Hey, Siri, text Doctor Green we are coming in an hour.” As Shouta's head came through the sweater hole he simply frowned. This Doctor had treated him after the accident but was a close friend of theirs. As Siri confirmed the appointment Mic sensed Shouta's discomfort and replied to him. “I know sweetie you don’t like the doctor but you know he can help better than over-the-counter drugs. He continued and I will be there the whole time.”
Shouta shook his head. “Together,” he said in a small voice
Mic helped the sickly Pro stand and guided him to the mirror next to the door and kissed him on his flushed skin. “Forever Together.”
The train ride for the first leg of the journey was uneventful. The hum of the fluorescent lights and the moving subway train was distracting enough to distract other passengers from Shouta's constant sniffling. Mic was stood holding on to the overhead bar while Shouta was sitting with his head in his hands. Mic was constantly asking if Shouta needed anything even though he would not be able to provide much relief besides encouraging words. As the overhead speakers announced their stop Mic helped Shouta stand as the train came to a hard stop be cursed in English as Shouta stumbled forward again him.
The misty afternoon after the rainstorm was heavy in the air but still, Shouta shivered a clear sign of a fever and the couple picked up the pace to the doctors. As they rounded a corner a few blocks away they were met with the flashing blue and red of a line of police cars. As heroes, they knew a situation was happening. Mic half dragging Shouta went to them who seemed to be in charge of the crowd of citizens and asked what was happening. The short man with light brown hair replied with the normal answer for any citizen. “Nothing to worry about Sir heroes will handle it.” Mic frowned and dug in his pocket and grabbed his Hero license and flashed it at the man. Taken aback the man quickly responded. “Oh, um sorry, a Jewelry store has been taken hostage, he paused before continuing “my chief might need an extra few hand…he paused and looked at the struggling man Mic was holding up “is he also able to help.” Mic didn’t have time for this and he ducked below the police tape and began walking to the line of cop cars. Shouta followed but sluggishly. As he neared the chief of the police, he quickly scanned the street. He could see the jewelry store in question had a broken window and was heavily surrounded by local heroes as well as other members of the police task force. As Shouta caught up his eyes were half-closed and looked like he was going to pass out any second. Before Mic could attend to Shouta a round of gunshots filled the air and out of instinct he grabbed both of them and they hit the pavement hard. After a few moments, he helped Shouta lean against a cop car tire and checked over his body. ‘No wounds’ Mic thought ‘I don’t have time for this we need to get through this street.’
Mic looked at the task force and saw the numbers had decreased whoever was in the store had an amble firearm. As a local hero approached the car Mic asked what the status was and what they know. The local hero stating that the man inside the store had a bullet-type quirk and could shoot many rounds of ammo and was demanding everyone to leave and no one would get hurt.
Mic thought ‘a bullet type quirk, like Pro hero Edgeshot’ Mic continued to question. Did they have any other people with them? The local hero shook his head no they are alone. Mic could work with this. He waved over the chief, a man he had worked with a few other times.
If they could stop the man quirk do, they have enough to help the hostages and defeat the villain. The chief simply nodded his head and Mic set to work.
He gently shook the arm of Shouta who barely raised his head. “Hey love I know you are exhausted but we need you Quirk right now can you aim your Quirk over to the storefront.
Shouta tried Mic had to give him credit for that, but as soon his hair started to rise it quickly fell. Shouta mumbled a response thick with congestion. “I. Can’t…tired”
Mic rubbed his arms in understanding and replied “What about if we use your illness as an advantage, you can’t control when it happens right, what if we use that.”
Shouta turned to look at Mic. “What are you suggesting?”
Before he could reply another round of gunshot shot at them and he quickly covered Shouta's body with his. He immediately felt the sharp pain as a bullet entered him under his ribs, and he could feel the blood start to spill. With an adrenaline-filled body, he quickly pulled Shouta into a somewhat kneeling position and aimed his head toward the storefront. “I’m sorry about this love this isn’t going to be big on dignity.”
He grabbed the end of his ponytail and brought the split ends to the underside of Shouta's nose. The already irritated organ began to twitch as the strands of hair slowly twisted around.  
Shouta tried to ignore the incessant prodding of the frizzy hair against his sensitive nose, but with each swipe, the tiny hairs that shook loose were soon sucked up into his twitching and quivering nostrils.  He shuddered and froze in place a tear slowly trailed down from his eye to his cheek as his nose began scrunching and wriggling from the irritation.
“Come on Shouta you can do it,” Mic said. Shouta’s chest heaved and he couldn't help but give in to the itchy and tickly urge to expel those irritants from his nostrils.
“H...hhih...” The beginnings of a sneeze showed as his eyes began to droop. His chest expanded further “Haaahhh! Aaahhhh!”  His eyes fully closed, head tilting back and signaling the oncoming release.  Mic aimed his face toward the storefront and sent a silent prayer that this would work.
“Hit'choo!! Hih-tschh!! Hihh…hih-tsCHEW!”
As Shouta sneezed his hair lifted with ease and soon the storefront was temperately Quick free. Mic activated his Quirk and told the task force to go. Shouta was still panting from sneezing but his eyes were open however Mic didn’t know how long he could keep them open. As the task force ran in the subject found his Quirk would not activate and soon found himself being put in handcuffs and a medical device being placed that would stop his Quirk without the help of Erasure.
As Mic received the thumbs up, he spoke to his shaking husband who was struggling to keep his eyes open. “Bless your hon you did it, you can relax now.” As Shouta did all the energy slipped from him and he lost consciousness and slumped over on the wet pavement. Mic grabbed the fragile man and began to walk to the nearest ambulance, as he stepped into the back of the ambulance the medic and himself helped Shouta into the gurney, and soon the siren wailed and they were finally off to their destination.
As they entered the hospital fast lane and the medic was ready to receive both of the ProS, Mic was insistent to be placed near Shouta as he wasn’t comfortable around hospitals. The medic nodded and escorted them to their joined room. Shouta was seen to first. They took blood and gave him fluids; they also provide pain medicine and sadly they had to wait until he woke up.
Mic surgery was quickly scheduled. He met with the surgeon while sitting next to Shouta and rubbing his arm. The female was fairly tall and had blue tint to her eyes and white hair. She explained the surgery before Mic consented.
“Upon examination, we identified 1 cm diameter entry wound at the left lower abdominal wall, Sir. The images we took showed the bullet in the peritoneal cavity but no injured intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal viscera. We decided to remove the bullet laparoscopically.” Mic nodded. She noticed the band around his finger and smiled. “How long have you two been together?”
Mic smiled and replied “4-year next month, but I have known since we were 14 that this is what we both needed.” He paused before swallowing hard “We've been through a lot but I can’t imagine life without him. He is my whole life, my Sky. He bent down and kissed the sleeping man's hand.  The surgeon smiled and spoke “I see, well that must be hard with both of you rushing into battle all the time,” she looked down at her clipboard before continue “I have treated a lot of patients in my day but never have I seen a love quite like your, it’s very special.”  A monitor beeped and the surgeon motioned him to follow. “Well, shall we take care of the bullet Mr. Hizashi. Mic kissed Shouta’s hand before leaving the room.
Shouta was hot. It was too bright wherever he was. His mind was foggy. He groaned as he sat up, he immediately recognized the smell of a hospital. What happened. The last thing he remembers is the sound of gunshots and Hizashi…Shit Hizashi he jerked into a sit-up position and looked around. The nurse that had been changing his fluid jumped back. “Calm down you’re okay! Just relax.”
“Where is he…what happened?” He asked rage filling his croaky voice. The nurse replied, “Sir he is in surgery he will be out soon don’t worry he is okay.” She laid him back against the pillows before continuing “We need to make sure you’re okay Sir make sure you don’t have a concussion. He pulled out a light and shown it in his eye without much warning. The tickle flared to life and he turned his head.
“Issh’iIEWW!....hhh..heh… “TSCHTIEW” Thankfully his Quirk did not activate he wiped his nose on the back of his arm as the nurse apologized.
“Sorry Sir, but the good news is you don’t have a concussion so you will be out of here as soon as we can get some medicine and your husband is awake.”
Shouta relaxed slightly and closed his eyes and tried to keep the panic from getting too much to handle. Within the next 2 hours, Shouta tried to not be a bother to any of the staff but his flu had proven a little too much for him to handle.
As a nurse with a gravity-type quirk was walking down the hall with floating plates of dinner, he groaned as another tickle forced him to sneeze and he felt his quirk activate and he heard the crash as the dinner plates fell and crashed on the floor. Many of the nurses were understanding but he still felt awful. When his husband was wheeled into his room Shouta's eyes began to water and he had to fight back tears. The surgeon explained the surgery was a success and he would be discharged later today. She told Aizawa in a voice soft and comforting. “He loves you so much, you are a very lucky man.” She sat on the edge of his bed and looked into his eyes. “I know you feel broken but he is trying so hard to make sure you are taken care of. The world is a cruel place and I know you have suffered more than most. But know this, he loves you and has sworn to protect you. You might be a Hero to the public but he is your Hero, let him save you. She wiped a tear from her eye and turned to leave. Before leaving the room, she said “Oh and you have a gift make sure to grab it before leaving.” And placed a small box on the counter next to the door before leaving him.
When Hizashi woke and passed all the discharge tests and Shouta had his medicine they left the hospital holding each other’s hand and holding a box of tea that they would use for the rest of their life.
The end.
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