#ngl i got a little nauseous drawing this lmao
verawhisk · 2 years
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rory macdonald before round 5 with robbie lawler
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franeridart · 7 years
I'm not trying to say your opinion on the hard of hearing Bakugou is wrong or unjustified or anything, but there is proof that quirks can hurt your body, even though they come from your body. Ex. How aizawa's eyes get dry v easily or how AOYAMA gets nauseous by using his Lazer Once again, not trying to force your ideas in a different direction, I'm just putting this out there
I dunno why you guys are so set on trying to convince me Bakugou could become deaf through normal and safe use of his quirk, but okay - what you’re talking about is the quirk’s drawback, explicitly stated in every quirk description and, specifically, in the UA File. It’s like, to keep up with the walking analogy, when you run too long and your legs begin to hurt because you pushed it too far. It’s nothing irreversible, usually, and comes from crossing the line between safe use and overdoing it. Anyway, this is Bakugou’s UA File
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More specifically, the part we’re interested in is this one
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So, if we’re equating the possibility of him becoming hoh as a natural consequence of his quirk to Aoyama or Aizawa’s drawbacks, we actually know from canon that that’s not something that’s about to happen to Bakugou - the only drawback (or hindrance, really) his quirk has is that it takes a bit for him to reach full power when it’s cold
Guys, I’m telling you, I’m not here to change anyone’s opinion on this headcanon. You want Bakugou to become deaf before he can make it as number one hero, all the power to you! I wouldn’t even have brought the topic up if my opinion on it hadn’t been directly asked, and all I’m saying is that the headcanon isn’t my cup of tea - I got my reasons to not like it, you got your reasons to like it, that’s okay, that’s great, that’s what being different people with different tastes is all about
Anon said: Oh no, I understand better now, thank for explaining n for not thinking that I was trying to be rude!! Have a nice day!
It’s okay, you didn’t come off as rude at all, anon! :D
Anon said: I think what other anon might be overlooking is that while yes there are hoh/deaf people who can still walk that is because their hearing is damaged by something that only damages their hearing. Bakugous quirk has the possibility to damage multiple body systems, so like you said just one being damaged would be a little strange without special circumstances. (Like they said I'm just trying to respectfully join the conversation not come off as rude ^^')
You don’t sound rude at all anon, don’t worry! But yeah, as I said it comes off as hard to believe for me, but it’s not like headcanoning is serious business that needs to have a logic all the times always, if people enjoy it there’s no reason anyone should stop them from thinking about Bakugou as becoming hoh in the future. It’s just headcanons, after all
Anon said:You don't have to answer this one at all because I'm just responding to the HOH stuff and I don't want to force you to spam your blog with these questions for all of eternity lol. I just wanted to say that I personally could ONLY see Bakugou having hearing damage if he frequently overused his gauntlets to make unnaturally large blasts. Like using it occasionally like he does wouldn't cut it. He'd have to often be using them to create blasts outside his bodies normal limit
I do think, considering Bakugou’s personality, that the risk of him overdoing it exists, and that could make him end up with permanent damage caused by his own quirk, but I’m also of the opinion that he’s clever enough to stop pushing it if he realizes overworking himself is endangering his future, you know? And he has tutors and friends that would stop him in case he didn’t stop himself anyway, but that’s just my opinion haha
Anon said:Um????? Thank you for drawing Mina the way you do!??????? She's my fave chara and I just love how u make her both fluffy and muscly like I'm shook I luv my girl omg T-T
You’re welcome!!! And thank you for liking her!!!! I sort of latched onto those few times she’s been described as athletic and agile and ran with it ngl haha 
Anon said:I just realized that deathstar is a ship name and not a star wars reference
LMAO it’s a cool name isn’t it? A cool name for a super cool ship, I love it haha
Anon said:Opinion on mineta?
Do I have to be 100% honest? Like, totally and utterly? I have zero (0) opinions about Mineta. I just. Really don’t care about him. And usually forget he exists until someone brings him back to my attention. He’s just. Insignificant and dull. Even less worth of my time than the usual perverts you find in every single shounen manga ever. He’s just... he’s just Mineta.
I still wish there would be an occasion for Bakugou and Todoroki to launch him in the middle of a fight they don’t have the license to take part in and yell at him that “it’s the new heirarchy, Mineta” though, not gonna lie lol that’s... sort of a thought that’s been making me laugh since chapter 114 first came out haha
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demonialex · 7 years
1-100 😘
omfg ok under the cut cuz yeah long af
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify!
is your room messy or clean? uhhh it’s in the middle i guess lmao a little messy but not complete chaos imo?
what color are your eyes? dark brown
do you like your name? why? i hate my given name so instead i named myself alex and now i rly like it ay B) 
what is your relationship status? single
describe your personality in 3 words or less caring, impatient, lazy
what color hair do you have? brown
what kind of car do you drive? color? i dont have a car
where do you shop? uhhhhh i dont really shop much cuz im broke? but sometimes in various stores it depends on what im getting?
how would you describe your style? “i don’t have enough money to dress in the style i actualyl like so this will have to do”
favorite social media account ngl it’s probably this hellsite
what size bed do you have? queen
any siblings? nah, only child
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? hmmmm probably canada? cause they seem rly chill with lgbtq ppl and they are rather safe? plus i speak the language sooo
favorite snapchat filter? ...the dog one (well out of the current ones cuz i rly miss the “greek goddess” or whatever the hell was the name of that one)
favorite makeup brand(s) kinda rly dont care tbh? i kinda of go with whats cheaper lmao and also it varies on what it is (foundation, eye shadow, etc)
how many times a week do you shower? usually every day tho im ngl today i was so exhausted (im super sick) that i forgot to shower
favorite tv show? currently? probably the magicians
shoe size? varies between 7~8 US
how tall are you? 162cm
sandals or sneakers? sneakers
do you go to the gym? ok i tried going this year but then i got drowned in homework and now i have the flu dont judge me
describe your dream date honestly i have no idea? as long as im with someone i actually like and am attracted to, and that the conversation flows, im good.
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? my go-to wallet? 0. my savings wallet? i think around 1k or 1.5k i cant remember for sure? as i said, it’s a /savings/ wallet 
what color socks are you wearing? im not wearing socks
how many pillows do you sleep with? one under my bed and one on each side of me so i can throw my leg over it when i roll
do you have a job? what do you do? nah, not allowed to work ;-; 
how many friends do you have? uhhhhh... 3? 4? idk mate i lost A LOT of friends in the past few years :/ I have quite a few “acquaintances” now and ppl i wish were my friends but who dont seem to want the same, but actual friends i think probably just 4
whats the worst thing you have ever done? depends on who u ask, on ur morals, etc
whats your favorite candle scent? i like too many, i cant pick!! D:
3 favorite boy names guilherme, alex, leonardo ? i guess? idk
3 favorite girl names carolina, camila, alex. again, i guess lmao idk
favorite actor? dont rly have one
favorite actress? again dont rly have one oops im boring
who is your celebrity crush? fck i have way too many tbh
favorite movie? probably DEBS tbh
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?not rly... it’s not that i dont /want to/ it’s just that i constantly forget to read. my fave is probably little brother or my girlfriend is a geek
money or brains? for myself? money! on a potential partner? brains tho idc that much abt academically smart yadda yadda
do you have a nickname? what is it? Zu
how many times have you been to the hospital? uhhhh for actual important shit and not just casual check ups probably.... 4 or 5 times? i cant remember. i had pneumonia and i fractured bones quite a few times
top 10 favorite songs !!! i cant choose fam
do you take any medications daily?ye anti depressant and anti anxiety
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) always thought it was oily but apparently it’s mixed/combination
what is your biggest fear? ooo boy i have too many fears idk if i can choose a main biggest one
how many kids do you want? none thanks
whats your go to hair style?  “i woke up and was too lazy to brush my hair plus if i dont brush it it looks extra fluffy and slightly curled”
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) small-ish apartment
who is your role model? dont have one tbh
what was the last compliment you received? deadass cant remember
what was the last text you sent? “thank you~”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? no clue tbh i was still a child haha 
what is your dream car? I rly dont wanna drive tbh but i find lamborghinis so fckin gorgeous
opinion on smoking? idc as long as u dont do it next to me cause it tends to make me cough a lot. tho depend on what ur smoking and the brand and if we are in an open space for some reason i dont smoke so ye
do you go to college? yup!!
what is your dream job? no clue
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs. the more things to do the better
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? i usually forget but my mom always takes them for me so :^)
do you have freckles? not the standard “a bunch of tiny ones around ur face”, but i have the classic brown ones here and there. does that make sense? :v (i hate that u guys have the same word for both kind of freckles smh)
do you smile for pictures? not usually? at most a close mouthed smile more like a smirk lmao
how many pictures do you have on your phone? i dont wanna do the math but over 1k
have you ever peed in the woods? who hasnt??
do you still watch cartoons? if animes are considered cartoons then sometimes, if not then not really
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? cant remember how the wendy’s ones taste like so i will go with mcdonalds
Favorite dipping sauce? depends on what im eating. usually blue cheese, if not then bbq
what do you wear to bed? depends on how hot it is lol
have you ever won a spelling bee? never even been to one
what are your hobbies? watching tv shows? idk mate
can you draw? kinda i guess
do you play an instrument? nah :(
what was the last concert you saw? i think it was demi lovato lmao
tea or coffee? i dont really drink either tbh. loved the tea my friend made me, and loved the coffee my grandma used to make me. alas both live too far away now
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? i deadass think i only went to dunkin donuts ONCE and i dont remember shit abt it so i will go with starbucks
do you want to get married? hmmm idc either way
what is your crush’s first and last initial? dont rly have a /major/ crush rn, just smol ones
are you going to change your last name when you get married? if their name is cooler maybe
what color looks best on you? black
do you miss anyone right now? i constantly miss too many ppl but i try to avoid thinking abt it
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed!! i hate sleeping with open doors
do you believe in ghosts? i guess?
what is your biggest pet peeve? idk fam i have too many haha im blanking rn
last person you called` probably my mom or my grandma. i hate calloing ppl so i usually just call them lmao
favorite ice cream flavor? hmm probably half baked from B&J. in general i like peanut, chocolate, vanilla, bubblegum... i have a rly sweet toothe lol
regular oreos or golden oreos? regular!
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? chocolate!! the rainbow ones taste like plastic imo
what shirt are you wearing? it’s not rly a shirt? it’s a.. camisole? i think that’s how u say it? my mom got it for me, it’s from that the despicable movie or whatever it was called
what is your phone background? lock screen is julia wicker, home screen is julia and marina
are you outgoing or shy? generally shy but id depends on who i am with i guess
do you like it when people play with your hair? if i like the person (even as friends, just as long as im comfortable with them) then hell yes i love it! if it’s a stranger or someone i rly dont like then no obvs
do you like your neighbors? i dont rly know them tbh
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? ye usually once when i wake up and once before going to bed.
have you ever been high? nah i was able to take like 2 drags and then i died coughing
have you ever been drunk? nope:( not from lack of trying lol but the taste is so gross it makes me feel a bit nauseous
last thing you ate? bread with requeijao
favorite lyrics right now the lyrics of “trem bala”. deadss considering getting part of it tattooed cause it’s so... deep? and good? and it’s sigh it’s rly good if anyone is interested i can translate is lol 
summer or winter? winter
day or night? night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? white tho milk is a close second
favorite month? hmmm idk? maybe november cause mah bday?
what is your zodiac sign scorpio
who was the last person you cried in front of? i rarely cry and even more rarely cry in front of others so i dont rly remember but if i had to guess probably my mom?
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