#nix doorman
devastator1775 · 2 months
Experiencing the joy of being new parents, but your baby won't go to sleep
Summary: Uzi and N need sleep, but their baby daughter Nix has different plans. Also found on AO3!
Uzi stirred in her sleep as something was rousing her from her dreams. Uzi groaned as she groggily opened her eyes. Was their daughter crying? She buried her face in her pillow. She’d just done a double shift at the clinic and had been so exhausted when she got home. She had greeted her husband N, hugged their pill baby Nicole and gone straight to bed to recharge. She literally didn’t have enough energy to deal with their newborn right now. She’d happily spend the entire next day with Nicole playing and being a mom after she’d had a full recharge cycle.
“Babe, your daughter is crying…” Uzi muttered in her pillow as she reached out to slap her husband face to wake him up …only to slap a whole lot of matrass and nothing much else. She lifted her face from her pillowy goodness and raised an eyebrow as she saw that N had already left. Without making any noise? She blinked in confusion. “N is quick, but not that quick. And certainly not that quiet…”
With a bit of effort, she pushed herself out of bed, grabbed her dressing gown, putting it on as she walked out the bedroom toward their daughter’s room. She already could see a dim light through the crack of the door. She quietly pushed it open a bit so she could see through it. The sight inside brought a smile to her face.
Sitting on a chair, holding their daughter and smiling brightly, was N. Little Nicole was in his arms, giggling and chirping at her father while he was singing a lullaby at her.
N sang softly as he gently rocked their baby around. “Are you sleeping, are you sleeping My Nicole? My Nicole? Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing.”
“Ding-ding-dong, ding-ding-dong.” Uzi finished softly as she walked into the room.
N looked up with a soft smile. “Oh-oh, mommy is awake. Now we’re both in trouble.” He looked down at his daughter, who giggled, making little chirps as she rocked around.
“Oh, my little angel is never in trouble and neither are you …if you’re gonna be a good boy.” Uzi greeted N with a kiss on the cheek as she sat down on the armrest. “You got here quick…”
N cocked his head with a mildly confused look. “Quick? I’ve been here for …” A timer appeared on his screen, showing [19min23sec]. “-almost 20 minutes.”
A question mark appeared on Uzi’s visor screen, making N chuckle. “Hadn’t she been crying just now?”
“She was earlier. You needed the sleep, so I took care of it. ” N admitted. He looked down at Nicole with a grin. “Just a widdle exhaust buildup that was bothering her, wasn’t it, Nicole?”
Uzi giggled as Nicole replied with chirps and whistles.
“And for the past 20 minutes I’ve been trying to get her back to sleep.” He tickled Nicole’s belly. “But she hasn’t been quite cooperative, haven’t you? No, you’ve been having too much fun laughing at daddy’s face, haven’t you?”
Nicole let out a long chirp, the eyes on her tiny visor showing delight.
“Well, you’ve got a very laughable face, N. But, I could’ve sworn …” Now that Uzi was thinking about it, she hadn’t really heard anything. She’d just …woken up and instantly thought her daughter needed her. “I swear, I heard her crying. I must’ve imagined it.”
“Seems to me that someone’s motherly instincts were ringing.” N said with a grin. “Guess you felt that someone needed her momma. Speaking of which, wanna take a crack at getting her to sleep?”
“Always.” Uzi held out her arms, smiling as N promptly handed over their daughter. “Hi there, little Sparkplug.”
She giggled as Nicole’s eyes became angry and a disapproving buzz emanated from her tiny frame. “Oh, still not liking that nickname, Nicole?”  
“Actually, I’ve been trying out some pet names for her and –“ He leaned in closer to Uzi’s audio receivers and whispered something.
Uzi’s grin grew, giving N a soft look. “N, that’s perfect!” She looked down at her little girl. “Little Nix…”
The pill baby let out a series of delighted chirps and thrills, little hearts flowing on her screen.
“I think she likes it.” N commented. “Hiya, Nix.”
Another series of chirps came from the droneling. Uzi giggled, resting her head on her husband’s shoulder as she gazed lovingly at her little Nix. A flurry of warm feelings fell over her as she looked into her daughter’s eyes. That same warmth she felt whenever N was with her.
She never knew she would ever experience that warmth. When she was young, she was certain she’d go offline alone and unloved …or dismembered by a Murder Drone. Who knew she’d ended up marrying one? Having a child with him? Being happy with them?
Especially after …
Her thoughts drifted to hers and N’s shared past; to the things they’ve gone through. The horrors, the discoveries, the pain ….
“She doesn’t have it, Uzi.”
Uzi let out a soft gasp, roused from her dark thoughts. She looked up at N, who was giving her a stern, but reassuring look. “I didn’t say anything…”
“Your eyes say it all.” N caressed her cheek, grinning as Uzi leaned in closer to his touch. “After …everything, Tessa gave our codes a thorough examination, twice. She didn’t find any trace of Solver strings in our coding. She didn’t find any in Nicole too.”
“I know, I know. It’s just ….” Uzi sighed wistfully, clenching her eyes shut. “I don’t want her to go through the same shi- ….things we went through. I don’t want her to have to deal with eldritch being, evil AI, corporate sects, mutations and powers. I want her to have friends, go to parties, become the very best at school, find someone that will love her. I want us to be her parents that love and adore her.”
“Well, I don’t know if we can do anything about those first things, but …” N cupped Uzi’s cheek and planted a kiss on the other. “That last part she will have for certain.”
“It’s just …” Uzi looked down at Nix, who stared back at her with big eyes. She took a deep breath. “What if we mess up? What if we – I – can’t be the parent she needs us to be? It’s not like we have many good role models to take examples off. I didn’t have a mom and while I know my dad loved me and wanted the best for me, but his sense of duty towards the protection of the colony didn’t leave much sense of duty for raising his daughter. I mean, you know how I was…”
“I believe you called yourself ’an angsty, teenage rebel with crippling daddy issues’?” N replied with a grin, chuckling as Uzi stuck her tongue out at him.
“And you saw how Tessa’s parents treated her.” Uzi continued, her thoughts going back to the memories she had seen of Tessa’s and the Disassembly Drones’ collective past. “They were …awful!”
“So, we have clear examples of how not to raise our child.” N said. He wrapped an arm around Uzi’s shoulders and pulled her against him. “Listen, I get it, Uzi. Never in my wildest dreams I could imagine that I, of all drones, would end up having a family. Sure, we’re new at this. We’re learning. Chances are, we’re gonna mess it up from time to time. But you know why I know you and I can make this work?”
“Because we are the ‘dapper buddies’?” Uzi answered with a smirk.
“Precisely!” N replied with a big grin. His eyes darted down, his wide grin changing to a warm smile. He looked up at Uzi, giving her a reassuring smile. “You know, there’s no doubt in my mind you’re gonna make an amazing mom, Uzi.”
“How can you be sure?”
N’s eyes darted down again and brought his voice down to a whisper. “Because I’ve been trying to get Nix to fall asleep for over 20 minutes and you’ve held her for less than 5.”
Uzi looked down and the sight beholden to her filled her core with warmth and other motherly feelings as she noticed that Nix had fallen asleep in her arms. The little visor showed the message [Sleep Mode. Maximum adorableness enabled.] and little ‘Zzzzz’s drifting up and down her screen.
“Uzi Doorman, you are a natural parent.” N reaffirmed, planting a kiss on his wife’s cheek.
Uzi giggled softly as she hopped of the armchair and walked over to Nix’s charging cradle. She hummed a lullaby as she gently plugged her into the charging port. She planted a gentle kiss on the top of her baby’s head. “Good night, little Sparkplug.”
Her core purred as she watched her N pull Nix’s wolf-adorned blanket over her and kissed her goodnight as well. They tiptoed it out of the baby room and back to their own. The moment the they closed the door behind them, Uzi jumped up in N’s arms, wrapped her legs around his waist and proceeded to passionately kiss him, which the latter eagerly accepted.
“And what did I do to deserve such a sweet treat?” N asked when Uzi finally released her hold on the former’s lips.
“For being an amazing husband and an amazing father.” Uzi giggled as she played with the buttons of N’s PJ vest. “So …you wanna play around with each other for a bit, hmm? Like we used too?”
N grinned and kissed her with the same passion she had shown earlier. “Very tempting, but …I think we better catch up on some sleep. You look like you really need it.”
“Oh, thank Robo-God….” Uzi let out a sigh of visible relief and buried her face in N’s shoulder, making the latter chuckle as he patted her back. “I think sleep deprivation has my reasoning subroutines on the fritz….”
“I’m keeping that offer in my back pocket, though.” N half-joked as he carried his wife to their bed.
“You better…” Uzi mumbled tiredly as she kissed his cheek. “And when we do, it’s gonna be awesome….”
“Undoubtedly, Uzi.” N chuckled, gently placing his wife into the bed and crawling in next to her. He lifted up an arm so Uzi could snuggle up against him. Uzi wrapped one arms over him, resting her head on his chest.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Soon, the two young parents drifted off to sleep.
Until they were woken up a couple of hours later by Nix crying, who felt like she had slept enough.
Oh, the joy of being new parents.
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educationalporpoises · 5 months
Before the Fall of Rome
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Merry Christmas @blood-mocha-latte from your Secret Santa! (me) Hope you enjoy this fic, and your moodboards totally gave me the bug so I made one to go with this fic too :)) Rie, I had a blast writing this fic for you <33 Also here on AO3 Before the Fall of Rome, Luztoye, 2.2k, M June, 1949. There's a reunion on the fifth anniversary of D-Day. George and Joe meet again for the first time since Bastogne.
June, 1949
George was outside smoking, leaning up against a plaster column in the shade. He was on his second cigarette when a busted cream-colored Willys pulled up in front of the hotel and Babe Heffron got out of the front seat, opening the door for a lady in the passenger seat. The lady in turn pulled open the back door and held out an inconspicuous arm for Bill Guarnere to pull himself up to standing. On the other side, Babe did the same with Joe Toye. George recognized him, but the set of his shoulders, the way he carried himself, had changed from the man George had jumped with. 
Joe had a suitcase in one hand, a cane in the other, and walked purposefully towards the entrance to the hotel. George flicked the butt of his cigarette into the gravel drive and stepped into line with him, passing by the doorman holding the big door to the hotel.
“Hey Joe.” 
Joe grunted.
“Ballroom’s down to the right. We’re all staying on the second floor mostly, and there’s an elevator back here,” George said, trotting alongside Joe. At the elevator Joe set down his suitcase and waited for Babe and the Guarneres to catch up after checking into the hotel, shifting his weight to one side and smoothing out a crease in his pant leg where it caught above the knee. 
George remembered suddenly that this was the first time he’d seen Joe since Belgium, since the snow and the blood and as his throat tightened he smiled, wide, and said “I’d probably get you lost trying to find the room.” 
He left Joe standing in the hallway with his shoulders slumped and his mouth a thin line and went to help set up the ballroom. It was still mostly empty, only the guys that organized the reunion had arrived. George was only there because he’d caught a ride with Winters, who was chronically early and terminally helpful.
Winters was different in civilian clothing, his hair just beyond regulation length, his shoulders and his smile looser. George had stopped by his house in Nixon, New Jersey, a hulking, empty brownstone with a shiny Cadillac parked in the garage. Nixon (the man) had driven in from the city and cooked them dinner both nights, pouring George and himself liberal glasses of vintage wines and retelling the same stories of his childhood they’d all heard through Toccoa and the war. He’d fallen asleep in the back of the Cadillac as Winters drove them to Pennsylvania and told George about the different farms they passed by. 
“We’ve heard enough about cows, Dick,” Nix said blearily from the backseat, “Luz, what are you doing next?” 
“I liked hearing about the cows, sir,” George deflected. He’d told them about the last four years, taking care of his little siblings and the seasonal jobs around town he’d been picking up. But Nix had his number and knew George had no idea for his future. “I was thinking once Molly is in school I’d look into one of those job programs they have for soldiers. Learn a trade.” 
“Trade work is good, Luz. You know, I put myself through college wiring telephone poles. I must have wired half of Lancaster County by the end of it,” Winters said. He glanced in the rearview mirror at Nixon, and George watched his face twist briefly before he looked back at the road. 
In the ballroom Winters was directing Popeye and Tab in putting up a banner that read “506th PIR E Company” in a big red script, with “Currahee” underneath. Nixon was standing by a big table of food, some of it catered by the hotel, some of it brought by the wives and fiances of the men that had arrived. Nixon had made lemon icebox cookies the day before they left. 
“Luz!” Someone behind him called out as George tried to filch a cookie from under Nixon’s nose. He turned around, wiping powdered sugar on his pants, and saw Lipton, smiling around his scar.
“And, well, we’re not telling people yet but Angie is expecting,” Lip said in an undertone, after he’d filled George in on the weeks since their last letter. 
“Well tell her Uncle George is always available for babysitting. Lord knows your rugrats will be easier than the little Luzes.” 
“Everyone’s easier to manage than Luz kids. That’s why they keep you around at home,” Lip joked, “You keep them out of trouble and they keep you busy enough you can’t get into trouble either.” 
Lip made him promise to visit the boarding house before Angie gave birth, “Or we won’t have time to see you until the baby is in school,” and they made tenuous plans for the fall, before Lip went to talk to the other officers. 
George chatted with Popeye and Moore when he arrived, and pulled Johnny Martin into a hug when he arrived. The light grew into sunset, and eventually Nixon officially opened the bar, everyone yelling over each other which drinks they wanted. 
George had an Old Fashioned, in honor of the man himself, and another for confidence. By the time he was teetering between tipsy and drunk the sun had turned mellow and the room was hazy and dim. Men were dancing with their wives while others sat around talking. Winters made a brief statement standing on a chair, a glass of punch (miraculously no one spiked it) in his hand. 
“I was proud to lead you into battle five years ago and I am proud of all that you have accomplished in civilian life, and the futures you have earned. Currahee!” he said, and they all cheered, and afterwards all the men had toasted each other until George was pushed up on the chair and wished them all luck in their lives after the war in Sobel’s marching cadence bellow. He’d done Sink and Dike and a big German caricature, and then mimicked a couple of movie stars, yelling orders or repeating old jokes from the war, before he was let down from the chair and handed another drink. 
He watched Babe Heffron talking to Martin and his wife, a shadow hulking behind him. George went up to the shadow and tapped him on the shoulder. 
“Luz, can’t you see I’m in the middle of a conversation,” Joe grumbled, following George to an empty table.
“You hadn’t said anything in five minutes.” “You were paying attention?” Joe asked, his eyebrow quirked. 
“I just couldn’t see Martin with you in the way, wanted to get another look at his behind,” he said, and Joe smiled, a little. He tilted his head down when he did, as though it was a secret. 
He wasn’t sure how to approach the years of silence between them, but Joe cut through the awkwardness and asked, “So how many little siblings did you come home to?” and George got to tell him about Molly, who was three now, and his nieces and nephew, and being there to see baby Robbie walk for the first time. 
“You could’ve seen me walk for the first time too,” Joe said, the first time either of them made reference to the war, “Babe was there. He was trying not to laugh the whole time. Don’t know how he and Bill are friends, they never stop fighting.” 
“Philly’s still the same, then?” 
“Guess so. When I left the hospital I tried to go back to the mines, but I couldn’t stand long enough. They tried to give me a paperwork job but I don’t have a head for numbers,” Joe said, his shoulders up by his ears again. It was unspoken in the company that not all the boys could read as well as each other– Bull Randleman was the smartest man in the company, but he would dictate letters home to Martin. Joe had left school at twelve. George’s ma had made all of them finish high school, and he was glad for that now. 
“I’m um, I’m back in the city now. Taking some classes at the college. Bill’s wife helped me set it up, it’s free for GIs.” 
“That’s good, Joe, real good,” George tried to hide his surprise, “What are you learning about?” 
Joe spoke further into his beer, “History. When I got back I realized… We were part of something big. They’ll teach about us in school one day. I want it to be right.” 
George imagined Joe sitting in a lecture hall, arguing with the professor. 
“History is long. What’s the best part of it so far?” 
“We read a book about Roman generals. They led these campaigns across the continent– they wouldn’t’ve needed paratroopers. The soldiers just marched,” Joe looked up, “This one fella, well, I guess he was an opposing general, he marched his elephants over the Alps.” 
Joe’s laughter was low but bright, and George indulged another sip of his Old Fashioned, lest he think something untoward about his old friend. 
“Sergeant Toye, you will brush that elephant until he shines. Do you expect to go to war with dusty tusks?” George affected in Sobel’s voice, attracting the other men towards their table. 
Before Bill Guarnere and his wife (Frances, George reminded himself) went to bed he came over to shake hands with Joe and say goodnight. Joe took a minute for quiet words between them, while Frances politely invited George to visit them in Philly next time he was in the area. He got a sense that if she learned he’d been in Pennsylvania without gracing the Guarnere household he’d have a riot on his hands, and promised to call on them when he could. 
“G’night Toye, Luz,” Bill said, and took his wife’s arm as they went back towards the rooms. George looked away, and caught Nixon and Winters in the corner of his eye, standing close together. Nixon had his arm wrapped around Winters’ shoulders, and for a moment his hand cupped the back of his neck, thumb brushing the divot between his skull and spine. So it was like that, George thought, and wondered why an invite into their house had been so readily given. Nixon was not a cautious man, but he guarded the things he regarded as his– dogs, peaches, wine cellars. 
Joe caught him watching the officers, and he turned back to their conversation. 
“I hadn’t planned to come,” Joe said, “I haven’t talked to any of them since Bill and I were in the hospital together. But Babe showed up with Bill and Fran and they would’ve left me alone, but… My brothers weren’t in the war.” George nodded, Joe had told them about the various illness or necessary labor jobs that had protected the other Toyes. 
“I was lonely, I think. So when Babe showed up I went with him,” He said, and sat back, done with his piece. 
George said, before his brain could catch up with him, “Would you come with me now, if I asked?” 
Joe nodded, and pushed himself up from the chair. 
The prosthetic was easier to get off than he expected. Two buckles across his thigh, a snap connecting the harness to the wood, and Joe Toye was naked as the day he was born spread out across the floral pattern of George’s hotel bed. 
George liked to tease, liked to talk and bite and argue, and he hoped they would have time for that, in the bright, impenetrable future they now had, in this time after the war. But Joe was a simple man to please, and the noises he made when George put his mouth on his cock were almost as good as his growl when George teased him to a point of rage. And George liked it pretty fucking well when he let himself draw the blowjob out a little long, until Joe pushed down on the back of his head and said, “Suck.” 
Without speaking Joe curled himself behind George to sleep, his arm resting across George’s stomach. 
“Goodnight, Joe,” George said. Joe grunted. 
The next morning, after breakfast, George got back in Winter’s Cadillac, and went back East for the summer, waiting until Molly went to school and cleaning fish guts off his denim coveralls. He would receive letters in Joe’s stout, blocky handwriting, words scribbled out until everything was spelled correctly. In the fall he left again, and Joe Toye would pick him up at the train station. He would apologize for not having a car, and with his balance on the prosthetic he couldn’t take a bag from George either, but they walked together to the narrow apartment they would share until Joe got his teacher’s license. 
George would work for one of Joe’s cousins (he would come to learn there were always more cousins) in the back of an autobody shop, mopping floors and sweeping up the screws and bolts scattered around. Joe taught history, and at night he would read to George from the books he consumed rapidly, and George would tell him they were Achilles and Patroclus, even with Joe’s Achilles Heel and all. 
After the war, they continued.
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mercurygray · 8 months
Hii Merc, could I please request #10 — emerald — for Eileen? Thank you <3
He had a 48 hour pass and an absolutely clear idea of how he was going to spend it.
The train from Swindon was a stretch, three hours at most, but Lew had a better chance of a decent meal in London, and a decent whisky, too, even with the rationing. He wanted to be in a city again - the lights and the buildings and the bustle. He'd had enough of small town living to last him quite a while, and army food wasn't ever anything anyone asked for by name.
Maxim's, or Claridge's? The Ritz? The Savoy? The possibilities seemed enormous. The Waldorf was the American outpost - perhaps he'd go there.
There was already a flurry of activity at the door, a crowd of servicemen and press types with cameras, clamoring a single name as they pushed and shoved for a better view of whichever celebrity they were anxious to see.
Lew joined the press, trying to actually reach the door for his own dinner, until he realized he knew the name - and the face that went with it.
"Miss Hammond! Miss Hammond! Miss Hammond!"
And there she was, in all her glory - Eileen Hammond. The last time he'd seen her she'd been sporting a t-shirt and shorts and a bloody nose courtesy of Herbert Sobel, but she was wearing nothing of the kind now - an emerald green suit with some kind of fur stole around her shoulders, topped off with a hat that gave slight shades of Robin Hood and Sherwood. An absolute vision, with no evidence, at least from this distance, that her nose had ever been broken or that she had ever been anything but perfectly coiffed and dressed.
She turned to the crowd, obviously practiced with this sort of thing. "Boys, boys, boys. I'm so sorry to disappoint you all but I've got a date waiting for me inside." She gave her biggest smile and glanced beneficently around the crowd, her eyes finding Nix and almost immediately lighting up, like she'd been expecting him. "Oh, Captain Nixon. There you are. Shall we?"
Nix could only mutely offer his arm, Eileen settling her gloves around it like she owned him and beaming to the crowd as she steered the two of them inside, past the doorman and the lobby clerk into the waiting eves of the hotel's restaurant entrance. God, he thought silently. That's an actress.
Once they were well and truly inside she let his arm go. "Well, there you are, Captain. Now you're the envy of every man in town." She gave a little laugh. "What, no free and easy quip? I think this is the first time I've seen Lewis Nixon without something to say."
It was true - he didn't have anything to say. For the first time in a long time, he was well and truly surprised - and, more than that, almost embarrassed. It had been one thing back at Toccoa to make a joke about what he'd do, given a hotel room and half a chance, but he didn't have that kind of power here. Here he was just another guy in a uniform, just like all the other guys out front, clamoring for her like she was a commodity on the exchange. She'd plucked him out, made him worth the attention, when usually it was the other way around, with him doing the plucking. He didn't have the same kind of power here that he usually did. "It may surprise you to hear that escorting movie starlets isn't my usual Friday."
Again that smile - she could blind people with it. "But I'm not just a movie starlet, am I? You could call me Private Hammond if you thought it would go down easier."
Lew thought mutely of Annie Sutton's steely glare and nearly winced. "It wouldn't." He swallowed, tried to gather up more of his customary charm. "So, how does this usually work? You pick some kid from the crowd, give his rank like you know him, and then bring him inside?"
She shook her head. "No. Usually I say I have someone waiting inside and then I eat dinner alone and sneak out the back. The staff here's nice for that."
Lew didn't have a quip for that - only an honest observation. "Sounds lonely."
"It is. But easier to manage."
It felt awkward, now - the honesty. He wasn't honest much, and then only with a very short list of people. The last woman he'd been honest with was - well, Joan. (Joan, who'd have a few words to say about chivalry and helping friends out of tight spots, who had a lot of stories herself about eating alone.) "Well, since I'm already here, it…seems a shame to waste it. Can a fellow treat you to dinner, Miss Hammond?"
He got an honest smile back. "I think he can."
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bccfggffbgv · 2 years
(With the Shredder investigating the nearby area, Uzi and Azem went into action. After rushing quietly back to the Ruby Weapon, they got into position to deal with the Shredder. After the Shredder followed that little noise they did make, Azem did another crash via shield bash into the back of the altered drone, opting to chop off the acid tail. Though The Shredder did get on the attack, the acid container was broken enough to leak, which Azem exploited by getting it to be flung into trees (away from the booting up Weapon) to get rid of most of it. Uzi, though naturally feeing mixed about it for obvious reasons, soon fired up her upgraded Weapon, and joined the battle. The Shredder fought well, but the altered Doorman found himself unable to truly keep up with the otherworldly, upgraded-from-it’s-already-powerful-base-form Ruby Weapon AND the otherworldly hero that is the Warrior of Light. Heavily damaged, the Shredder was forced back into the fortress, which went into lockdown mode with all slaves and prisoners kept to their wards…which was exploited. As Uzi and the Ruby Weapon took the attention, she “deployed the plush”, pressing the remote to eject Plushtrap from the back of the Ruby Weapon and sic him on the enemy. The troops had the horror of a plush rabbit animatronic mauling them, too quick to easily hit. The massive red mech that was also there didn’t help out at all. With them distracted, Azem secretly broke out the slaves and prisoners, consisting of both humans and drones. After quickly guiding them to a universal pickup spot for allies to bring to the camp, The Shredder took notice, but Azem was prepared. The plan that made them so? Lure the altered drone to Plushtrap, having heard the shrieking of the plush rabbit. It was effective, as Plushtrap snapped into the head of the altered drone, leaving it vulnerable. Uzi, deciding to give the alternate, altered version of her “dad” a proper end, came out of the Ruby Weapon, and went to do the finishing blow, after chucking Plushtrap to the Ruby Weapon. She had trouble doing it at first, but soon she did the deed. She just hoped that this alternate version of Khan was going to be at peace now. Azem gave a soft prayer of respect for the altered drone, which Uzi soon mimicked, before they both went to give The Shredder a proper burial. Needless to say, Nix was also unhappy to loose The Shredder, an entire base, and a not insignificant amount of slaves and prisoners. She did get ideas from the Ruby Weapon, though she knew not how it would prove better than her copy anyways.)
(A.N. Intense stuff, this is)
*The heroes had returned and explained what had happened*
Eda, while concerned for the young drone: Are you gonna be okay kid?...
Uzi, a bit less like herself than before:...I'll be fine...I just...want to be left alone for a bit...
Luz, while also concerned: Do you think she'll be okay?...
Serial designation N, while trying to stay positive: Let's just hope for the best...
(Meanwhile with The Gray Horde)
Gray Monitor, after cackling in victory: Finally!! After the failure that were the original Nullcons, I have found a way to not only create genuine protoforms but actual sparks as well~! They can even now adapt and learn from their surroundings unlike the originals!!
*He smiled wickedly at the sight of the new Nullcons rising from their pods*
Gray Monitor: My master will certainly be very pleased by the results~....
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 Joker hadn’t told Nix about the arbor: birchwood wrapped in super-saturated pink and purple tulle crowned with round orchids and roses of the same palette. A pink satin runway stretches across the powder-white sand to protect Nix’s heels from sinking. Passionfruit-hued and purple petals sprinkled with bright orange sweet pea petals line either side of the makeshift aisle since the beach is private. High tide eats the wet sand beyond their far from modest setup. ICONA Diamond resort’s white facade stands like a sentinel to ward off any ambitious photogs beyond who’s been hired. Hollywood-style palms will guide the bride from Star beachfront restaurant’s glass doors once Evelyn emerges. Upon Joker’s request, the minister wears a bright orange waistcoat under his light grey suit to match the decor.
The wind plays with his hair. Joker’s chin is inclined to keep the long green waves from roping over his eyes. His tuxedo’s sharp, albeit forgettable. Black. Same as virtually every other groom. It’s bought new and tailored so Nix won’t be able to poke fun at his ankles awkwardly baring on the breeze. Lilac tugs at the blush satin bow attached to her headband: the same as her dress, which matches the flower girl’s. Lilac’s gown lacks sleeves…and she’s forgone shoes since her father secures her bottom. He appears more seed pearl-garnished tulle than man with the bundle on his arm. The giant satin bow on the back of Lilac’s dress drapes over it. She tilts her crown against his jaw, then babbles nonsense while tugging at his sleek black tie.
“What do you think, Lily…?” Joker whispers in the infant’s ear, bouncing Lilac once in his arms. Then he shelves his face alongside hers so sand doesn’t blast into her eyes. “Is Mommy gonna strand us?” A small chubby hand latches onto a lock of green hair and stuffs it in her mouth. He winces at the first tug, then rolls his eyes and holds his mouth against her temple. He harnesses head voice to deliver a cartoonish, albeit glum, “Understood.” Joker kisses her cheek. Sunset augments the vibrancy of every decoration. There are no spectators, no friends and family save for the minister and one doorman with four-hundred bucks in his pocket to help Nix onto the runway and serve as a second state-required witness to the ceremony...and the photographer-videographer team since Nix is into tangible keepsakes. They could’ve been witnesses, too. Hindsight thinking. 
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Star’s spangly doors spring open after what felt like a century, though it isn’t Nix that makes her grand entrance. In a dusty rose dress matching her sister, Evelyn trots out with a giant magenta basket. Her long blonde hair bounces around a seed pearl headband that accentuates her tulle sleeves. She doesn’t need shoes either. Gloaming’s cooled the pavers enough not to scorch her little feet as she makes her way down the palm-flanked path, smiling at her father and sister and flinging petals that match the arbor, cascading accent arrangements crowning birch columns also wrapped in purple and pink, and the runway. She stops walking to hop and toss handfuls of flowers over her head like confetti. Joker bites his knuckle till it stings, crinkling his nose at their toddler making her way down the aisle and checking over her shoulder for her mother. Joker holds his free hand out as a mean to encourage her. Evelyn hops every few steps, pouncing on some of the petals that have already hit the ground and giggling when her bare feet first graze the satin runway.  
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☻ @banschivs​ ⋆˚✩
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pollylynn · 5 years
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“It’s like she was never even here.” —Richard Castle, A Murder is Forever (6 x 08)
Title: Particle and Wave Rating: T WC: 850
She does not want to fight over Linus the Lion. Not that they’re really fighting over it. They’re bickering. They bicker, and that’s fine, and she would happily drop the subject of Linus and where in the loft he lives if he’d drop it. She’s registered her objection, she’s suggested a solution, and he’s nixed it. It’s his place, his lion, his stuff. That’s the end of it, or it could be if he’d stop explaining his position on an issue that’s already closed.  
The stupid thing is it’s not Linus at all. Not that it is really anything to speak of. She’s just had some on and off trouble sleeping lately. She’s been restless and easily roused and she’s kind of indignant about it. It’s been a year and change since she’s had any real trouble on that front, and  Linus just got caught in the crossfire. An imaginary glint of light on his glossy surface, and she was convinced—in the way only a true insomniac can be convinced—that it was Linus and Linus alone that was keeping her up.
It’s ridiculous that he even caught her on that particular morning. It’s simple happenstance that he woke up early and he noticed her glaring resentfully at a lion who has a name and has a backstory and who is staying right where he is, and that’s fine. If he’d happened to wake up some other morning, he’d have caught her drawing her gun on the infernally loud clock he has on the bookshelf in his office, or maybe on the doorman with his stupid whistle down at the cab stand. And as far as Linus goes, she’s not about to start peeing in the corners of the bedroom forcing him to hold her purse outside dressing rooms while she tries on swimsuits, or whatever weird fear he’s harboring about her plot to invade his lair and steal his identity.
Not that he’s really afraid of any of that, any more than he’s really afraid she’s serious about staying at her own place on the regular. They’re just bickering like they do sometimes, and that’s another stupid thing about it all. Even if he were afraid of that—of identity theft or nocturnal abandonment—he knows he’s gotten his way. He knows that at this point, with sleep deprivation pounding between her eyes and her ears and in every single one of her tooth sockets, the last thing she wants to do is fight about Linus or anything else. The last thing she wants to do is try to sleep alone in her vastly inferior bed.
So it would be good if he shut up about Linus, and he—even he—has to know that. And still, he doesn’t shut up about it. He doesn’t let it drop. He quotes from Alice “Not Actually a Therapist” Clark’s sloppy, pop-sci nonsense. He messes with her elephants and she calls his bluff. He makes pointed comments and gives her significant looks, and just when she’s about to give him the fight he apparently wants to have, there are seashells on the wall where she’ll see them first thing when she was up in the morning, where she’ll see them if she’s having trouble sleeping. There are seashells and Linus has a new home.
It’s a sweet gesture. It’s a thoughtful gesture in the most literal sense of the word, and damn him for seeing through the impulsive, irrational thing she’d asked for on a bad morning after a sleepless night. Damn him for finding instead the thing she now sees has really been on her mind and keeping her up at night now and then.  Damn him for knowing things about her she can hardly put it into words, even now.
She doesn’t have to put it into words, though. She spends the night on his side of the bed. The only trouble she has sleeping is the good kind of trouble. She makes sure to wake early. She’s off today and she knows what she wants to do with her time.
She’s quick about it. She’s a little haphazard—at least by her standards—but she fills the mid-sized box she’s chosen with things from her place that are very much her, things that are very much him, and things that are very much them. She trots to the subway with it and shoulders it through the revolving door into the lobby of the loft. She races up the stairs with it, and bursts into the bedroom. She wakes him up with a bounce on the bed and the clatter of hastily packed things in the box.
“I brought stuff,” she announces as she coasts alongside his body. She runs her fingers through his wild morning hair. “From my place, so we can find places for it here.”
“Stuff,” he mumbles. He’s grumpy with sleep at first, but even through the pre-coffee fog, a smile spreads across his face. “Oh, stuff! Good.” He reaches for her, burying his face against her neck. “I like your stuff.” 
images via homeofthenutty
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Highway to Hellsite
Because @abalonetea low-key encouraged me to finish an AU scene despite not knowing what it was, and @idreamonpaper and @drabbleitout actually encouraged this weirdness at one point, and I have no willpower when it comes to both spoiling and embarassing the hell out of Jackson Alistair Lewis. A short non-magical AU about blogging and your obvious crush on a celebrity going viral.
Jackson Alistair woke to the sound of his phone obsessively buzzing in his ear. He moved, stretched, felt something pop in his back and slowly lowered himself back onto the pillow, blinking at the ceiling for far longer than he supposed he really needed to. He had some things to consider, though nothing so much to worry about, he thought. He had survived the gala, uploaded a decent number of shots, and, overall, not completely flopped at his first press event. Good. It all faded out, a little, in comparison to the real reason he was even invited. Being the administrator of the first known DawnShadow fan page wasn’t much for a marketing resume, but damn if it wasn’t good for getting in close with DawnShadow’s marketing team when the band reformed and started catching on. So, maybe his interests hadn’t been one hundred percent professional.
The event certainly had been, at any rate. A fundraiser, a big deal. He hadn’t actually known much about the organization up front, just that it was run by the founder of a network of medical facilities. He knew who that man was, though. And he knew who that man’s second-in-command on his medical staff was. And if there was one thing that was bound to get Nathaniel Ettonridge out into the world, it was his crazy-genious daughter. Even if the band hadn’t been contracted to perform at the more public part of the event (which, thank whatever powers, they had), Nat would be sure to make an appearance. And what an appearance it had been, though the tailored coat was nothing compared to the guitar god on his arm. There had always been rumors, but this was…Well, whatever it was, it felt important. Maybe just because he'd spent so long looking at ancient pictures and wondering, but...maybe not that, really.
The phone buzzed again, and he finally bothered to look at it. A lot of new notifications, more honestly than he’d expected – in fact, suspiciously many. And a few messages from Sydney, who hadn’t dragged herself clear across the country just to watch him snap pictures at an event she wasn’t actually invited to. Understandable. The messages were about what he expected. How was the event, was it exciting meeting everyone, how did he end up getting on stage? And then, a little bit of a different one.
“Did you bring anyone back with you? ;)”
Of course not, and what sort of strange question was that? He asked her as much.
“I’m just teasing. But we’ve talked about this. You can tell me anything. I did figure it was probably a joke, though…” A joke? What was a joke? After a minute of him not answering, another alert snapped him back. “…” And then another. “You haven’t seen it yet?”
He flipped on instinct back to the notifications. A lot of new traffic, likes, reblogs, retweets, notes from all over the series of pages he’d been maintaining across their different platforms. And then, before all that, the ominous truth of the matter.
“Kim ‘at’ed me in something?” he asked, out loud, and then paused to consider the odd sensation of trying to say “@” out loud. What was more, it was a post from another blog, someone he had met the night before. He paused, thought about it before he even attempted to open it, and couldn’t recall anything that had occurred between him and Sarra being interesting enough to go viral. Finally, he went to her account, and stared for a long moment at the odd gradients that served as placeholders for what must have been a completely unreasonable amount of pictures. He glanced over his shoulder to his laptop, and wondered if it was worth another attempt to connect to the hotel’s terrible wifi. Finally, after far too long, the images began to materialize. He scrolled around a little, not looking, just moving the screen up and down, and wondered in an aggravatingly sincere confusion how someone else’s hellsite post had managed to send that much attention to him not just on said hellsite, but across the board.
He scrolled back to the top.
It had only one line of explanation. “The most interesting thing that happened all night.” And the first picture under that wasn’t one she had taken. It was a screenshot of one of his. And so were a few of the ones after that. And there were a few of her pictures, of him, usually of him taking pictures, of…Well, until he saw them all in one place, he hadn’t realized just how many pictures he had taken of the same person. The first large swath of reblogs were all Sarra, adding more pictures to the string.
People, at first. It was just a very striking image, one he couldn’t possibly pass up. The fact that Dr. Orion Lourandera’s other main celebrity contacts were royalty in the fashion industry, and his own siblings, was too good to be true. At first glance, the twins were almost indistinguishable from each other. Jackson wasn’t totally sure if the garments they were wearing would be considered gowns or coats, but the long gauzy material, all blue and green and teal with glints of gold, trailed to the floor like peacocks’ feathers. The sister was the one with her hair swept up and pinned, the one who never took her sunglasses off. The other, with short hair swept back and impractically high heels, was the brother. At some point, his outermost layer – apparently some sort of jacket – was discarded, to reveal that the rest of whatever sort of couture clothing item that was, was open down most of the back. Intricate scrolling tattoos of very small text ran from the base of his neck down his spine to the small of his back, and Jackson remembered wondering just how close one would have to get to actually be able to read it. He did not, on the other hand, remember just how many pictures he'd tried to get of it. Or how long he'd actually stared while wondering, though that was apparently long enough for Sarra to notice and snap a few pictures of Jackson frozen like a statue with his camera half forgotten as the rest of the guests moved around him. It was a decently long exposure, if the motion blurs on everyone else were anything to judge by.
He finally managed to scroll past the vast swath of his pictures of Anderson Lourandera, with its handful of pictures of himself, before the next section started. This one was all pictures of Jackson, posted by an instagram account he'd never heard of before. Something private maybe? The first one had managed to clearly catch the moment the doorman had IDed him, and how much taller everyone else around him was, and was simply captioned, “Whose baby is this??? Why is he here alone???” with a teary-eyed emoji and a random selection of hearts. The one after was Jackson, as well as a few other camera-wielders, and based on the small lock of blonde hair in the corner of the image, this was a picture that Anderson had discreetly taken over his own shoulder while leaning dramatically on the bar. “These media boys think I'm posing for them. They must never learn the truth. #too drunk for these heels #i will literally fall over #no srsly #someone #stop ogling and help me #dammit."
The captions weren't all exactly coherent, but there were…Well, there were a lot of pictures of Jackson. Including a very zoomed in one of him showing his ID to the bartender. His info had, thankfully, been blurred out, but based on the small excited-looking key smash, whatever had been seen was exciting. Oh, Jackson realized, thinking back to the first picture, the fact that this man had thought he was a child, my age I guess.
And then, there was one of him talking to Sarra, who was pointedly side-eyeing the camera. “Askfbsi I've been caught,” and then a very distraught little emoji.
Then, there were the concert shots. A couple of Jackson in the crowd, looking particularly giddy, and captions pointing it out. Then, a few posts with no pictures, just black, with very over-excited and unspecific captions. And finally, the part where he ended up on stage, himself.
Jackson still remembered the feeling of awe, like a coronation, when the strap of the PRS was lowered over his head, the feeling of the strings under his finger, the mother-of-pearl inlays glinting under the stage lights. Nix, with the same ancient red Fender, cluing him in on the set, testing his knowledge on a couple things. No problem. That's why Jackson was here – he was the guy who knew it all.
It was only screenshots but it was clearly a series of videos. When he got to tear into his favorite solo. The moment of shock he'd hoped nobody had noticed when Nathaniel hit that note in Firebird. Nathaniel daring Jackson to do the vocals for Twilight Angel. People cheered, good-natured but egging him on, until he agreed. Sarra had interjected in the next post to add the link to the full video, with a struck-through comment of “no but for real he was amazing go watch it.”
And, in glorious conclusion, a picture Sarra had taken herself, a panoramic view of the scene, of the over-dramatic rapturous look, head tossed back, laughing out loud, of Jackson killing the last solo in the outro of Visions of Midnight on one edge of the image, and, on the other side, Anderson Lourandera, gaze locked on the stage, skin tinted with a faint alcohol-induced blush. One shining with energy, and with the aid of stagelights, the other a vibrant beacon standing out of a sea of dark suits and satin and velvet winter dresses. It was, Jackson concluded, a very odd scene, and it suggested that people had shown up with the image of a more political event in their minds. That seemed like it should have been important, but he couldn't place why. Couldn't quite care. Found himself forgetting, failing to notice, a little more every time he looked back at the picture. He did manage to notice that the artistry of it put every one of his shots to shame.
A few other comments came up under that, a lot of people gushing about various aspects, and a few repeating the demand to know who this kid was. And then, the conclusion, which had been reblogged back to Sarra's page as well. A screenshot of a select few of the posts from Jackson's “house of light" tag, which had existed long before the gala but which now included a couple of last night's pictures, and a screenshot of part of the House of Light's official blog, including a couple of shots of Jackson walking out in a long-hemmed vintage velvet coat that, now that he thought about it, was actually from HoL. The tags underneath included the phrase “#if you see this #call us.” And that was where the “@” appeared. Kim's commentary read, “Admins for @visionsofdawnshadow and @houseoflight-courtofshadow need to quit being horny on main.”
Jackson stared at it for a long moment, then took a screenshot of the whole thing and, after another minute if hesitation, sent it to Sydney.
“Is this what you meant?” he asked.
“Don't freak out,” Sydney answered. “Besides, like I said, I was already pretty sure nothing happened…”
“Well, I know who you are so…I called? The west coast shop. Mostly talked to Eva. (Cuuute accents, by the way).”
Jackson's brain failed to formulate more than “…,” so that was what he sent her.
“It's no secret they work a lot with the band, so he's heading back east with them.”
“Aaand it wouldn't hurt to have an assistant/photographer/model/killer musician on board for that kind of project?”
. . .
“…We sort of figured…you might want the job. She thought maybe you could meet with them before you leave? If you don't want to I can totally call her back!”
Jackson switched back to the page of Sarra and Kim's pictures, stared at that panorama for a minute. Saved it. Looked again. Reblogged it to his own page, added a relevantly embarrassed-looking gif. Wrote back to Sydney, “Just tell me where to go.” Then, a second later, “Also, I love you.”
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carmenlire · 6 years
Higher than the Big Trees Ch. 30
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read chapter one
read on ao3
Alexander, what do you say to meeting on campus and I can whisk you away for our date from there?
The text comes through as Alec finishes his morning run and he can’t help the immediate grin that overtakes his face. It’s early and Alec has to admit that he loves starting his day talking to Magnus.
Sounds great! Just send me the address. I assume we’re meeting at your office?
I can’t wait for this mysterious date tonight :)
“What-- or who-- has Alec Lightwood smiling down at his phone?”
Alec looks up, that smile turning into an instant scowl at the intrepid reporter. He distantly hears the rapid shutter of a camera a few yards away and sighs internally. Damn.
“I was reading tweets from a few fans,” Alec says, the lie falling from his mouth smoothly.
Close to his apartment, Alec starts walking down the block. He sees the doorman and they share a subtly annoyed look. They’re old hat at intrusive press and it’s nice to have someone to commiserate with, however quietly.
The pap tries to engage him in conversation but Alec’s just not in the mood. Not when he has Magnus in his head. It’s less than a minute until Charles is holding the door open for him and Alec ducks into his building with a cheery wave at the pap.
He strides over to the elevator and once he hits the penthouse button and slides his key in, Alec leans against the wall, taking out his phone to see a new message from Magnus with the address.
Just like that, Alec’s back to grinning wide enough to hurt. He can’t help but feel like this is a step-- seeing where Magnus works, being invited into another sphere of his life.
Distantly, Alec thinks about what it would be like to show Magnus around a studio. It’s ridiculous, but he wonders what Magnus would think of his tour bus. Would he hate being on the road or get a kick at the adventure wrapped mundanity?
Alec goes through the rest of his morning routine thinking about Magnus and how it seems like their lives are meshing effortlessly. Alec likes Magnus’s friends and Magnus hadn’t ran away from Simon yesterday.
It bodes well for the future. Their potential future.
Alec scoffs to himself. Forget that he shouldn’t even be thinking about their future. They’ve only been on one official date and he’s already thinking about what it would be like to bring Magnus out on the road with him for a week-- or longer.
He’s just biting into a banana when he freezes at the sudden realization that he hasn’t even thought about another man since he met Magnus. He hazily remembers an old hookup of convenience texting him last month and he had summarily shut him down.
As Alec thinks back over the summer, he can’t remember being genuinely interested in another guy since his first night back in town, before he ran into Magnus that first time. He knows that it’s too soon to be having those thoughts but now that he’s realized it, Alec knows that he’s content.
He doesn’t have the urge to go out for a one night stand. Just the thought leaves him hollow. It’d be hilarious if it wasn’t so ground shaking.
Alec Lightwood, king of staying unattached, loves being off the market. It’s only been a week but there’s comfort in it, a security that he had never considered.
Continuing to eat his breakfast, Alec decides to leave it at that for now. It’s too soon for anything else, anything more. For now, it’s enough that Alec doesn’t feel stifled in this new relationship.
He really likes Magnus and that’s all that matters.
Alec goes through the morning playing back the demos, making notes at his piano for any mistakes or ideas for alteration. It’s a quiet morning, Jace and Izzy both out of the apartment, and he’s glad to have the place to himself.
He’s also happy that he doesn’t have anything heavier on his slate today, not when the thought of seeing Magnus this afternoon is all he can think about.
They’ve been texting all morning and Alec pauses where he’s in the middle of practicing the piano for Angel-- he thinks the song could really pop as a stripped version on tour-- when he sees a reply from Magnus. Talking about favorite foods, and Alec decides to cut to the chase.
Care to give me a hint about what we’ll be doing tonight? I need to plan accordingly.
Magnus responds less than a minute later with an infuriatingly blase answer.
No, I don’t think so. It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you as soon as you asked, now would it, darling?
Alec groans, though his mouth tilts up at the brusque reply.
For the millionth time in as many minutes, Alec rolls his eyes at his own behaviour. Christ, but he’s already whipped and he just hopes that no one else picks up on it because he’d never hear the end of it from Jace or Simon.
He’s set to meet Magnus at four and once it’s time, Alec heads to his bedroom where he spends twenty minutes trying to pick an outfit. Magnus still hasn’t given him an answer and Alec has no idea what to wear-- formal or comfortable, outdoor or indoor.
He takes a picture of his closet-- roughly the size of some New York apartments-- with a frowny face and How am I supposed to decide what to wear when I don’t know where you’re taking me?
Alec shoves the phone back in his sweats and mulls over two outfits. He’s torn between slacks and a button down with an open throat or chinos with one of his Tombolo shirts.
He’s weighing the pros and cons of letting Magnus see one of his favorite shirts-- covered with flamingos and other exotic birds-- when his phone buzzes. Alec hurriedly takes it out of his pocket, and scowls.
All I’ll say is we’ll be outside for the majority of the evening :)
Okay, he can admit that he’s intrigued. Most of Alec’s dates are dinner and a party afterward. No thrills and definitely not exposing the two of them to the elements.
At least that gives him something to go on, though. Alec nixes the idea of formal wear. It’s late July and New York is downright miserable in the summer. Wearing a button down would make him melt.
Decision made, he quickly changes into the pants, rolling them to expose his ankles and throws on his flamingo shirt. He slides his feet into plain Nikes-- they could be walking for miles, who knows-- and snags his sunglasses.
With one last cursory look in the mirror, Ale shrugs. This is as good as it’s gonna get and he gets a little laugh at his shirt. He loves the punch of character and hopes that Magnus can appreciate it, too.
Campus isn’t terribly far, so Alec sets out to walk, pausing at the doors to his apartment to slide his sunglasses on.
It’s a beautiful day, sunny with giant puffy clouds overhead and overall not a bad day for an outdoor date. Alec takes his time and relishes the fact that no one stops him or stares at him a touch too long. He’ll never understand it but some days Alec can’t go anywhere without a mob collecting behind him but other times, it’s like he’s well and truly anonymous.
Once he reaches the edges of campus, Alec takes out his phone and enters the building information into Google Maps. It looks like Bowman Hall-- where the history department is located-- is almost all the way across campus, because of course it is.
Alec’s thankful that it’s a Tuesday during the summer because if it was during the regular school year, then there would be no way that he would be able to walk without interruption. As it is, Alec catches one or two heads snap up to him, incredulous.
He doesn’t stay in one place long enough for anyone to say anything and makes a concerted effort to stare straight ahead or down at his phone. He reaches Bowman Hall, a several story building made of stone with floor to ceiling windows along one section, and reaches for the door handle as a trio is walking out.
Holding the door open for them curiously, he throws them a smile. They ignore him and it sounds like they’re arguing passionately about robotics of all things so Alec waits until they’ve all passed before swinging around and entering the building.
It takes him a few minutes to find the third floor-- there are a billion staircases that only go up one floor at a time-- but he finds the history department offices with five minutes to spare.
Shoving his phone into his pocket, he walks into the main area and sees a letter board that lists the faculty and their office numbers. His eyes scan down the names until he sees Dr. Bane and he doesn’t try to repress the shiver that travels up his spine.
His boyfriend is smart as fuck Alec thinks proudly.
He goes down one of two corridors and slowly passes each door. As he rounds the corner, he passes a man and they share perfunctory nods without speaking.
Magnus’s office is the furthest from the main area, and as Alec walks up to the open door, he smiles at the sight. He leans against the door jamb for a minute, just watching Magnus in his natural habitat.
To his delight, Magnus is wearing a pair of black framed glasses that are slipping down his knows as he reads over something. He’s holding a red pen and spins it around his fingers before bringing it to his mouth to chew on absently. A second later, Magnus is writing something on the page he’s reading, eyes narrowed.
Alec’s mouth goes dry at the sight and he clears his throat, shifting.
Who knew that professors really did it for him, apparently.
Magnus looks up from his desk at the noise, expression immediately easing. “Alexander,” he greets warmly.
Taking a step into the surprisingly small office, Alec smiles. “Hey there. Did I catch you at a bad time?”
Magnus waves that away as he stands and motions Alec closer. “Of course not, we agreed to meet at four and I do love punctuality in a partner. Did you find the building okay?”
“It was a breeze finding Bowman but it took me longer than it should have to find your actual office.”
Laughing, Magnus winces. “I should have given you directions once you got here. This building was built in the 1890s and they just kept adding to it as they needed more space. It’s a mash of eight buildings rolled into one. There are some seniors that don’t know their way around this place.”
Alec steps closer until he’s behind Magnus’s desk. He leans against it, one foot still on the floor, and pulls Magnus in between his splayed thighs. Magnus goes willingly, wrapping his arms around Alec’s shoulders and ducking in for a quick kiss.
“I’ll always find you,” Alec murmurs, gaze fixed on Magnus’s mouth.
Magnus grins as he leans forward, kissing along Alec’s jaw. “My knight in shining armor,” he replies before Alec brings him back up, pulling him in for a scorching kiss.
This isn’t the first time they’ve done this but it just keeps getting better. That’s never been the case for Alec before and he wants to sink into the feeling. Usually after the first time-- the first kiss, the first fuck-- Alec’s over it. No one’s been interesting enough to return to for seconds unless it was sheer convenience and boredom.
With Magnus though, Alec just wants to dive deeper. Kissing Magnus makes heat sear through him while there’s an undertone of comfort and increasing familiarity. He can’t explain it and as Magnus slips his tongue in his mouth, Alec decides handily to stop thinking all together.
Alec’s hands fall to Magnus’s hips and he urges Magnus even closer, both of them gasping as they find a fit together that makes heat build. Alec loses himself in a kissing jag while desire taps insistently at his spine.
One of Magnus’s hands shift to Alec’s neck, thumb pressing down, and Alec’s helpless to contain the low moan that escapes him. Magnus presses down just a touch harder at the noise, tilting Alec’s head to deepen the kiss and Alec gasps even as his hips buck, pressing him more firmly against Magnus.
Magnus doesn’t seem to have an issue with that as he groans against Alec’s mouth, hand sliding from his shoulders down to his thigh, stroking roughly before lifting it so that Alec gets the hint, hitching it around Magnus’s hip.
From there, it devolves quickly into lazy grinding as Alec settles against the desk, Magnus surrounding him. It’s been days since he first tasted Magnus and already Alec knows that he won’t ever get enough.
Minutes pass in the quiet of Magnus’s office. Alec never thought that he’d find himself making out on top of a professor’s desk but here he is and he has the definite thought that he didn’t know what he was missing.
It’s hot and intense and as Alec tastes the lingering hints of tea on Magnus’s tongue-- something dark with a hint of spice-- he feels almost drunk on it.
He doesn’t hear the footsteps coming closer. They’d neglected to close Magnus’s door and anyone walking past would get quite an eyeful.
Alec’s just started distractedly pulling Magnus’s shirt out from where it’s tucked into his dress pants-- Magnus’s hands buried in his hair-- when they break apart for breath, breathing harshly.
Alec’s gaze immediately drops to Magnus’s mouth, delightfully red and swollen, when he feels Magnus’s focus shift.
“Professor Bane?”
It takes a heartbeat for Alec to register the new voice and what it must mean. He turns around to face the door and sees a student hovering at the doorway, looking uncertain. Magnus shakes his head a little as though to clear it before hastily stepping away from Alec. Alec, for his part, slides off the desk and moves to stand near the window, out of the way.
“Julia? What brings you to my office on a Tuesday?”
Shifting, Julia resettles her bag over her shoulder before saying, “I missed class this morning and just wanted to get a copy of the notes.” She looks between Magnus and him, biting her lip. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
Magnus waves that away as he looks down at his desk. His hands hover in the air, moving over the desk as if he’s looking for something and Alec has a feeling that Magnus is more affected by their kiss than he’s trying to let on. It takes him another moment to find the folder he needs and he opens it quickly, taking out a few paper clipped pages and handing them to Julia.
“Here you go, dear. This morning’s notes along with the assignment due Friday.”
Julia takes the packet, scanning over the pages before looking up questioningly. “Do I need to bring this back to you or is it a copy?”
“I have a file kept on my computer so don’t worry about returning it to me. Is there anything else you needed?”
“No, this is it,” Julia says as she waves the notes. “Thanks Dr. Bane. I’ll see you Friday.”
“Goodbye Julia. Make sure to make note of any questions you have for our tutoring session in the afternoon.”
Julia salutes, grinning, as she turns to leave the office, giving Alec one last considering look.
Alec smiles at her even as he grimaces. He knows that look and he just hopes to hell that she didn’t have the time to take a photo-- or god forbid a video-- of what she walked in on.
It’s silent for a minute after the student leaves and Alec waits for Magnus to make the next move. This is his space and Alec doesn’t want to make the wrong move.
After a second, Magnus rolls back his shoulders, clearing his throat as he throws Alec an amused glance. “Well, I certainly wasn’t expecting that.”
“The student? Or the groping?”
Laughing, Magnus takes the few steps over to Alec, wrapping his arms around his waist. “Either,” he says dryly. He smooths down Alec’s shirt, smile growing just a bit wider as he takes in the design. “Cute shirt.”
Alec smiles, pleased. “It’s one of my favorites.”
“Really,” Alec confirms. He looks down at the muted but whimsical pattern. “I just think it’s fun.”
“Well,” Magnus says, letting his hands wander over Alec’s chest, “I think it suits you. And it’s altogether too perfect for what I had planned.”
“Oh? Do I finally get to know where you’re taking me,” Alec asks.
Releasing a long suffering sigh, Magnus says, “We, dear Alexander, are going to the zoo.”
“The zoo,” Alec repeats, delighted.
“That’s right. We’re going to the zoo where we’ll spend a few hours walking around with families and senior citizens and more kids than we can count while looking at exotic animals. There might even be plans for ice cream after.”
“I love ice cream,” Alec cries, grinning down at Magnus.
“I thought it would be a good ending to the date. And then--”
“And then?”
“Well,” Magnus says slowly. “At first I was going to invite you back to my place to finish Twilight.” Magnus looks at Alec from under his lashes as he smiles faintly. “However, after what just happened, I think I’ll invite you back to my place and we can just see what happens.”
Alec’s breath catches at the invitation and he leans forward, nosing along Magnus’s cheek. “You don’t think you’ll be too tired after a day at the zoo to-- to watch Twilight,” he murmurs, ducking down to kiss the side of Magnus’s neck.
Alec feels Magnus laugh, hears it change to a low groan as he leaves an open-mouthed kiss over his pulse point, laving at the steady beat before biting down just enough to sting before soothing it with his tongue. He repeats the process a few times before moving back to admire his handiwork.
Magnus’s pupils are blown wide and his bottom lip is red from where he’d been worrying it with his teeth. The look he sends Alec makes him wish they weren’t still in Magnus’s office but with a sigh, Alec steps back, grinning at the look of betrayal that flashes over his boyfriend’s face.
“Ready for our date?”
Magnus glares at him for a long beat before he groans loudly, letting his head fall back so that he can stare at the ceiling. After a beat Magnus straightens, smoothing his shirt down and tucking it back in from where Alec had pulled it.
He sends Alec a dry look. “You’re a menace.”
Unrepentant, Alec shrugs, running his hands through his hair to give it at least a semblance of order. “It’s not my fault you’re so damn irresistible.”
Magnus shakes his head before reaching over the desk and opening the top drawer, snagging his keys and phone. “Ready,” he asks, turning to the door.
“After you.”
It’s appallingly obvious what they’ve been doing. Hurriedly setting their clothes to rights couldn’t mask the redness of Magnus’s lips or the way his eyes were just a hint brighter than usually. Alec was sure that he looked just as debauched if not worse.
He doesn’t really give a damn.
It’s a beautiful sunny day and his boyfriend is taking him on a date. There are worse things than looking like they were just caught in flagrante delicto.
Which, Alec thinks wryly, isn’t far from the truth.
“How were classes,” he asks as Magnus guides him down a flight of stairs.
“They were fine,” Magnus answers. They take the steps together, walking side by side. “I’m almost certain that a student showed up to class with vodka in their water bottle but I was too far away to tell and they didn’t cause a scene, so,” he shrugs.
Alec turns to look at him as they start on the next flight down. “A student was just drinking liquor?”
Magnus’s lips quirk as he sends Alec a pitying glance. “Oh, darling, no need to act so scandalized. That’s downright tame compared to some of the things I’ve seen. At least they had the common sense to put it in a colorful reusable water bottle and not the paper bag it comes in.”
“People are really that stupid,” Alec asks, incredulous.
“Alec, these are college kids and they think of me as their woefully out of touch professor who couldn’t find his ass from a hole in the ground. I may be more well-liked and respected than other professors on campus but I’m very much the them to their us. I’ve had students try-- and dare I say, sometimes succeed-- at much worse. Hell knows the antics I got up to in college,” Magnus adds thoughtfully, wry quirk to his mouth.
Alec laughs as they hit the front doors to the building. “Which zoo are we going to?”
They walk down a winding path that trails between buildings. They don’t hold hands or touch in anyway but Alec’s hyper aware of Magnus’s presence next to him. Alec shoves his hands in his pockets to keep from reaching out and when Magnus’s shoulder bumps into his for a brief second, he ducks his head, smiling at Magnus who returns it with an innocent look.
“There’s a zoo that’s within walking distance. That’s why I asked you to meet me. I thought I could show you around campus and it would save some time if I left straight from work.”
“Eager to see me,” Alec teases, nudging his shoulder to Magnus’s.
One of Magnus’s hands reaches up as he fiddles with his ear cuff. “It’s not my fault that you’re so damn irresistible,” he says, repeating Alec’s words from earlier.
Alec laughs and as they walk across campus, he listens attentively as Magnus describes the buildings and special places they pass. Magnus falls naturally into a bit of a lecture tone and Alec can’t help but think that he’d be a model student if he had Magnus as his professor.
They reach the gates of the zoo after a little walk and before Alec can reach for his wallet, Magnus is already handing the cashier his card. He send Alec a droll, satisfied smirk. “It’s my turn to treat you darling, put that thing away.”
Rolling his eyes, Alec acquiesces and Magnus grabs two maps, holding one out for him to take.
They start at the beginning with the elephants and quickly lose themselves in the meandering afternoon. There are tigers and monkeys and an arctic exhibit and when they get to the giraffes, Alec about dies of excitement.
Magnus watches fondly as he goes right up the the barrier, hastily taking out his phone to capture a picture-- or twelve.
“I didn’t know that you were so into giraffes, Alexander.”
“They’re my favorite animal,” Alec responds distractedly, watching as the giraffe reaches up the tree to tear some leaves from it.
He almost doesn’t notice as Magnus comes closer, leaning against his side companionably. Alec relaxes into the touch, turning his head to see Magnus staring resolutely in front of him at the exhibit with a faint smile on his face.
“What is your favorite animal,” Alec asks, curious.
Humming as he thinks about it, Magnus takes his phone out, unlocking the camera. “Probably snow leopards, though I do have a weakness for penguins,” he admits.
He sends Alec a look. “What do you say to a pic? A photo to commemorate the occasion?”
Grinning, Alec replies, “My boyfriend taking me to the zoo? Bet your ass we’re getting a picture.”
Magnus laughs, head falling back and Alec loses his breath for just a millisecond. He’s just so beautiful, Alec thinks, and it feels like something shifts.
“Alright, let’s do this then.”
They turn so that the giraffe is at their back and Magnus raises his arm, playing with the angles to get the photo just right. They take a few and luckily the giraffe perfectly framed in the background.
“Send those to me,” Alec says as Magnus pockets his phone once again.
Agreeing, they move on to the next exhibit. They spend a couple of hours at the zoo until their feet start hurting and it’s closing time, the sun low in the sky.
Exiting the gates, Alec ruminates that this is one of the best dates that he’s ever had. Wryly, he acknowledges that any date with Magnus is his favorite.
He’s just set to ask where the ice cream is at, when Magnus grabs his hand and pulls him in one direction, looking back with laughter in his eyes. “Ready for dessert,” he asks and Alec grins as he interlaces their fingers.
“Lead the way.”
It’s just a few minutes away and they’re stopping at the corner of an intersection where there’s a hot dog stand and a food truck that seems to specialize in sweets. Slowing to a stop, Magnus gives Alec time to look at the menu before saying, “They have anything you could want but I think their twist cone is the best I’ve ever had.”
“Then that’s what I’ll get,” Alec says easily. He lets Magnus order as he looks around. The after-work crowd is just starting to thin and it’s more couples out, heading to dinner now. In his periphery he sees the someone hastily lower their phone and sighs. Damn.
Magnus moves back until he’s standing next to Alec and Alec leans close to whisper in his ear, “I think someone just took our picture. Are you okay with that?”
Magnus is still for a moment, obviously thinking, before he relaxes against Alec’s side. He tilts his face up to meet his eyes and Alec internally releases a sigh of relief at the good humor in Magnus’s gaze.
“I think that we’ve been a little too blatant not to expect someone to see something. I’m okay with it,” he says firmly. “You?”
Shrugging, Alec replies, “Cameras don’t really phase me anymore unless I’m with someone who doesn’t like the public eye. I’m used to it. I just want to make sure you’re fine.”
“I’m more than fine,” Magnus says and his fingers brush Alec’s as the food truck employee calls out their order.
They both step forward and grab their cones, piled high with vanilla and chocolate soft serve. The first lick is the best and Alec gives Magnus an impressed look. It’s a classic, simple dessert but there’s just something really good about it. It’s creamy and sweet and Alec has to admit that Magnus knows his ice cream.
“Yum,” he says as he takes another lick, trying to keep the ice cream from dripping over his hand.
They start walking, enjoying their ice cream and it takes a while for Alec to realize that he recognizes their surroundings.
“You live close,” he asks, taking the first bite of his cone.
Magnus takes another swipe of his dessert before replying. “I’m just around the corner,” he confirms. He looks over at Alec with a hint of a smirk gracing his features. “Want to come up for some coffee?”
“I love coffee,” Alec says seriously and they both laugh as the turn the corner and Magnus takes his keys out.
Opening the door for him, Magnus follows Alec through the lobby toward the elevator where they don’t have to wait for entering.
In the suddenly small space, Alec is even more aware of Magnus than he’d been earlier this evening. He looks over and sees smudged eyeliner and hair a little messier than usual. There’s a smudge of ice cream along his low lip and Alec reaches out, swiping it up before making eye contact with Magnus and popping his thumb into his mouth, sucking the minuscule bit of chocolate away.
“Thank you,” Magnus murmurs, eyes glued to Alec’s mouth.
“Thank you for a really nice date. I had a great time,” Alec whispers into the air between them.
“I’m glad,” Magnus says softly. “I thought you might like an informal night out and I know that I prefer low maintenance evenings after a long work day.”
The two of them move closer together until there’s barely an inch of space between them. “I really like being with you,” Alec admits.
Magnus’s lips tilt at the corners as he says, “I really like being with you too, Alexander.”
He’s just set to close that last bit of distance when the elevator dings and the doors open. There’s a moment of breathless stillness in the elevator before they both break into laughter, shaking their heads at their behavior.
“We really need to settle down,” Alec says.
Looking over his shoulder as he inserts the key into the lock, Magnus grins. “Now what’s the fun in that?”
“I’ll show you fun,” Alec murmurs and Magnus turns as Alec moves forward, leaning against his front door as Alec comes to stand in front of him. There’s a beat, an electric pause before Alec leans down even as Magnus rushes up, mouths meeting in a searing kiss that’s hot as soon as it starts.
Magnus’s back hits the door with a thud as he pulls Alec closer, widening his stance so that Alec can settle more firmly against him.
Alec breaks away from Magnus’s mouth with a muttered curse as he starts mouthing along his neck instead. He licks over the place he’d left an almost imperceptible hickey earlier and he’s rewarded as Magnus releases a moan right into his ear, tugging on the short hair along his nape.
“Please, Alexander,” Magnus breathes and Alec pulls back to see that Magnus’s cheeks are already flushed, color riding high.
“Maybe we should move this inside,” Alec says, raising a brow. The last thing they need is one of Magnus’s neighbors seeing them like this.
Nodding, Magnus fumbles with the door knob, cursing under his breath before it opens and they all but fall into the loft.
Alec immediately resumes kisses Magnus, kicking the door closed haphazardly behind him. Magnus buries a hand in Alec’s hair while the other starts unbuttoning Alec’s shirt, messily slipping a button at a time until it’s hanging open. Magnus pulls back, letting his gaze fall to Alec’s chest with hungry eyes.
He lays a hand over Alec’s heart, dragging it down slowly down until Alec’s stomach tightens at the touch. “Christ,” he says dazedly.
Eager to return the favor, Alec shrugs out of his shirt before getting to work on Magnus’s, unbuttoning the row easily if not quite fast enough to suit him.
He wishes distantly that he had magic so that they could just instantly lose their clothes, though he can’t deny the anticipation that’s thrumming through him at every inch of newly exposed skin. He pushes Magnus’s shirt off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor and he takes in Magnus, losing his goddamn breath at the set of abs that he’s mild jealous of.
“Nice,” is all he says and Magnus barks out a laugh before Alec’s back to kissing him. It’s just as intense even if the pace has slowed down a little. The frenzy has, at least temporarily, left them and Alec indulges in slow, deep kisses as he follows wherever Magnus is leading him. They kick off their shoes somewhere along the hallway, and Alec laughs a little as they trip over one of Magnus’s shoes.
He has enough wherewithal to know that they’ve just passed a doorway but then Magnus rests his hand against the placket of his jeans and Alec gasps, bucking into the hold. They break for much needed air as Magnus runs a thumb over his length and Alec bites his lip to keep some embarrassing sound down.
“Oh no,” Magnus says, turning so that he’s pushing Alec further into the room. “I want to hear you, darling.”
The back of Alec’s knees hit Magnus’s bed and he tumbles back, Magnus following him much more gracefully until he’s leaning over Alec, looking like a tiger about to pounce.
“This okay,” he asks, fingers trailing over Alec, playing along his waistband. The light touch makes him dizzy and he just wants more.
“Definitely,” Alec says, and tries to ignore just how breathless he is already. Magnus has barely even touched him and he already feels like a teenager, too close to coming at the mere thought of Magnus on him.
Magnus takes his time, leaning down to kiss along Alec’s neck, biting before soothing, moving further down to nibble along his collarbones.
Alec’s tense in anticipation and when he feels Magnus unbuttoning his jeans-- and taking his damn time doing so-- he reaches for him, pulling Magnus back until their lips can reconnect. The kissing now is slower and Alec hums as he feels Magnus’s tongue along the seam of his lips, opening without thought.
It’s a lot. Alec can’t quite remember the last time he felt so immersed in pleasure. His hookups were always more perfunctory than feeling-- in the back of his head he was always thinking about how quickly he could make his escape after things concluded-- but as he lets his legs fall open so that Magnus can have easier access, he feels like he’s totally at Magnus’s mercy and he loves it.
Magnus keeps kissing him as he finally undoes the final button and Alec hopes are desperately dashed as Magnus doesn’t immediately wrap a hand around him. Instead, he pulls back, urging Alec to shove his jeans down, out of the way.
Which he does with alacrity.
Once he’s just in his plain black pair of boxer-briefs, he pulls his knees up, giving Magnus more room to work with.
Magnus doesn’t do anything at first, just stares his fill and Alec knows what he must be seeing. He feels a little fucked out already, heat pooling in his cheeks, that flush sweeping down to his chest. His hair must be a bird’s nest from the way Magnus was handling him earlier and his cock is an obscene length tenting the front of his underwear.
Magnus finally moves but it isn’t where Alec wants him most. No, instead he trails a hand along Alec’s thigh, over his chest, nails scratching softly at his stomach.
“Aren’t you a vision,” he murmurs and Alec feels coveted.
He lets himself drift as Magnus touches his fill, those lingering sensations enough to ground him while still sweeping him higher, closer.
When those touches stop, Alec opens his eyes, frustrated, and glowing with hunger. Magnus hushes him as he leans over him, reaching for the nightstand.
When he takes out the small bottle of lube, Alec can feel himself relax against the golden sheets. Finally.
Magnus must read his expression easily, for he laughs as he clicks the bottle open, pouring a generous amount into his hand. “I need you naked, darling. We’ll talk about your tragic lack of patience later.”
Alec huffs out a laugh as he discards his underwear. He reaches a hand down but Magnus intercepts him, chiding. “I’ll be taking care of that, thank you very much.”
Alec’s retort disappears as Magnus wraps a hand around him, firm and warm and altogether too goddamn good.
His hips buck up, already begging for more, and Magnus gives it to him in slow, sure strokes that make Alec feel the fire licking up his spine. Magnus takes a few minutes, leisurely getting him off and watching the show before he leans over Alec, kissing him as he continues.
Alec moans into his mouth as Magnus rotates his wrist, squeezing more firmly for a beat or two before returning to his regular rhythm. Alec feels completely surrounded by Magnus and as he feels his orgasm growing steadily closer, he’s helpless to keep the small noises from escaping. Magnus’s hand moves to the head of his cock, paying it special attention and Alec swears as he thrusts into Magnus’s hand, seeking that heat.
“Tell me what you like, Alexander.”
Magnus whispers into Alec’s ear and he almost comes from the combination of Magnus’s voice so close and the hand wrapped around his cock.
“Slow,” Alec gasps. “Harder.”
Magnus heeds his direction and as Alec grinds into Magnus’s hand, relishing the warmth, the friction, Alec groans, long and low.
He’s still missing something, though, but goddamn if he knows what. He reaches a hand up tugging at his own hair and pulls Magnus to him for a messy kiss that’s more tongue than anything else.
It isn’t until Magnus carefully, lightly scratches a nail down the vein running along the underside of his sock that Alec sees fucking stars, coming with a hoarse cry. Magnus rides him out until he’s too sensitive and shies away.
Still breathing harshly, Alec briefly contemplates never moving again before he opens his eyes and sees Magnus watching him, pupils blown and lips bitten red.
“C’mere,” he murmurs and Magnus moves until he’s straddling Alec as Alec reaches for his pants, unbuttoning them expertly with one hand while reaching for the lube in the other. Magnus shoves his pants down until his cock is freed, hard and leaking at just getting Alec off.
He doesn’t waste a moment before reaching for Magnus, wrapping a hand around him and he shivers as he feels the hot length, as Magnus shudders and buries his head into Alec’s neck.
He varies his tempo until he reaches a rhythm that elicits these deliciously choked off groans and whimpers from Magnus.
“Yes, fuck, Jesus Christ Alexander,” Magnus mumbles and bites down, hard, on Alec’s neck as he comes, spilling over Alec’s fingers.
It’s a few moments before Magnus raises up to his elbows, gaze roving over Alec’s face with a grin. “Well, that was certainly fun.”
“It was,” Alec agrees and steadies a hand against Magnus’s waist as he straightens up. With his other, come still dripping over knuckles, he brings it up to his mouth and waits until he sees that he has Magnus’s undivided attention before delicately swiping at the mess with his tongue. He’s pretty sure that he can physically pinpoint the second Magnus’s brain goes offline as he licks his hand clean.
“Fuck me,” Magnus says dazedly, eyes scorching hot.
“Not yet,” Alec says easily and laughs as Magnus shoves at his shoulder.
“We should probably clean up,” Magnus says with a sigh and Alec hums in agreement.
Magnus doesn’t climb off of Alec right away, though. Instead, he brings Alec up until he’s sitting, raising his head up for a deep kiss.
It spins out for long moments, the heat banked for now. When Magnus pulls back, they’re both breathless and sporting smiles that light up their faces.
Magnus clamors off Alec and Alec follows, taking in Magnus’s bedroom while his boyfriend heads to his dresser.
The bed is covered in rumpled gold sheets and the room itself is huge with rich brocade and exposed brick. All in all, it looks like how he would imagine Magnus’s bedroom to be and something flutters in his stomach at the thought that he has an idea of what Magnus’s preferences are.
Magnus pushed the drawer closed, turning around with two pairs of clothes in his arms. “I thought you might not want to put your jeans back on so I have an extra pair of sweats. Unless, of course, you weren’t figuring on staying?”
Alec takes in Magnus’s expression as he slowly says, “I didn’t come up here just to get my mind blown, Magnus. I believe I was promised a continuation of the Twilight movies.” He raises a brow. “Unless you’re not a man of your word?”
Magnus laughs, pulling Alec close to place a lingering kiss against his lips. “Of course not, darling. Let’s change and then we can start-- Eclipse was it?”
Alec shrugs-- he honestly has no idea-- and takes the close Magnus gives him, heading to the bathroom where he washes his hands and changes into the surprisingly well-fitting clothes.
They’re on the couch soon enough and Magnus slides the dvd into the player as Alec takes out his phone, scrolling through notifications.
He opens Instagram, choosing a photo that Magnus had taken of him eating his ice cream earlier with the caption The company was sweeter.
He posts it a minute later and as Magnus settles against his side, pulling down the blanket from the back of the couch and throwing it over them, Alec sears this moment into his memory. This is the first time he’s ever lingered after a hookup-- the first time he’s ever wanted too-- and he feels so much that he absently wonders how a body can hold it all.
Magnus takes out his phone and Alec sees that he’s opened Twitter. It’s quiet as the opening credits begin to play before Magnus’s voice breaks through.
“You’re hot news today, darling. And apparently, so am I.”
Alec looks over, raising a brow in question as he sees Magnus holding his phone up so that he can see a picture someone must have taken of them at the zoo. Alec throws a quick glance at Magnus before taking the phone, scrolling through the trending tag and seeing a dozen photos of him walking on Columbia’s campus solo along with pictures of the two of them at the zoo.
He has a brief moment to thank that TMZ hadn’t picked up on yet before he scrolls through the tweets and sees the accompanying hashtag. “Malec,” he asks, looking up to see if Magnus knows what’s going on.
Smiling softly, Magnus moves imperceptibly closer. “I think that’s our ship name. Magnus and Alec-- malec.”
Alec rolls his eyes, though he can’t help but smile at the insinuation. He likes his name linked with Magnus’s.
He sees a few fans speculating and looks up again. “What do you want to do?”
Magnus hums, narrowing his eyes as he thinks before looking at Alec. “I say go for it.”
Grinning, Alec likes a few tweets.
Omg, isn’t that Magnus guy a professor? What if that’s why Alec’s on campus???
They look so cute watching the lions together!!!! It’s what he deserves!! #malec
I bet Alec lost his shit at the giraffes ksdjfgkdfg but look how Alec’s looking at Magnus instead of the exhibits:’) when will your fave ever!
Magnus watches as he likes the tweets before turning to watch the movie. The room is dim as the tv plays and when Magnus softly asks, “Want to spend the night? It’s getting late,” Alec doesn’t even think of refusing.
15 notes · View notes
kittyrredden · 6 years
How it ends...
Hey guys, sorry it took so long to get this to you. I’ve had zero creative drive lately. But yesterday and today, it just flowed. Originally, LAR was going to go on for years with a wedding and kiddos and junk. But after the breakup with my ex, this is how I rewrote it. It’s mostly just an overview, with some more specific scenes in there that I’d already written. Anyway, this is the rewrite I did…
TL;DR- The end.
 The act five side story was going to be a shortened version of act zero. Originally, it was planned to be a whole act following Jaska from leaving Nix Velox (his village), through to the beginning of act one when they were thrown onto the boat. It would cover his journey south, meeting Catlin, his transformation, and the torture he was put through while waiting for the ship that would take them to Paello Isle. Instead, I shortened it down to a 7 page side story.
  Here is the overview:
 Child Jaska
Chases hawk
Uses powers
Sees through the hawk’s eyes
A little older
Watches father skin an animal
Asks why they kill animals
Teen Jaska
Thanking recent kill for its sacrifice so that his people may live
Journey to Vinea
Joking with companions
Teasing his little brother
Saving Yannick from the bear
The change
Jaska wakes from his dream
  Over the course of the next few acts, Jaska would run into Torin more frequently, even to the point of meeting her wife. When he is out with Tonya and they meet up, Tonya gets easily angry and jealous of how flustered both Torin and Jaska are around each other.
  Torin on the Bridge
Cast: T=Torin; W=Wife
T- -waiting on a footbridge in the park, staring down at water; thinks about Jaska; flashes back to dreams; grips her hair- Get over it, Tor! It was just a stupid dream! W- What about? T- Oh, nothing. Just a nightmare. Been bugging me all day. W- Wanna talk about it? T- No, I’m fine. W- -frowns-
  One day, when out with Presley and Summer, Jaska runs into Torin and Summer invites her to their next dinner party.
At the party, it is obvious that Torin’s wife is not well. She seems extremely tired and Torin takes her home early, but she is pleasant to be around.
 Jaska gets on well with Lana and Brandon at his new job. Brandon (being in a wheelchair) mans the monitors while Jaska and Lana do rounds. With absolutely NOTHING happening on the night shift, the pair get up to mischief. Here are a few examples:
L=Lana J=Jaska B=Brandon
  The Race
L- -standing in doorway of security office- Bran, tell us who passes the door first. B- K… -Jaska and Lana take off running- -speedwalk thru science lab as not to break anything- -Jaska runs thru basement; Lana noes the fuck out- J- Hey! That’s cheating!! L- -on stairs; jumps banister, cuts J off- Twelve years of gymnastics, bitch! -both run past security office door; walk back panting- L- So, who one? B- Unlike you two, I was working. -J and L stare at monitors for a moment- L- There is literally NOTHING happening! You couldn’t have looked away for two seconds? B- Nope L- -throws hands in the air; walks away-
  The Basement
B- -into radio- Hey, need one of you to check the basement. Something fell over. L- -thru radio- Not it! J- -thru radio- Okay, I’ll do it. J- -enters basement, looks around, comes to a set of doors chained and locked; shines light on doors, illuminating the words painted on them in red- Don’t dead… Open inside… That makes no sense. -over radio- Hey, what’s up with the writing on the doors? L- Oh… that’s… don’t worry about that. That’s just the furnace room. Charlie, the last night guard, he did that. Big zombie movie fan. J- -thought bubble- The fuck’s a zombie? B- Keep going, over by the old computer stuff. J- -stares at door for another moment, then continues on. Finds downed item. Nothing else is out of place, no one else in basement-
  Brandon warns Lana about flirting too much (in her own way) with Jaska. She denies it, then admits that she is flirting, but it’s just harmless fun and that she doesn’t like him like that.
 Catlin goes through a string of jobs, not making it past the training period.
 Both Tonya and Arthur express jealousy and suspicion regularly about Catlin and Jaska living together. Neither are pleased that Jaska is supporting her. Arthur never offers to help.
 Between Jaska’s protective nature around Catlin and how flustered he gets around Torin, she ends things with Jaska.
 One evening, Jaska and Catlin are hanging out on the fire escape and Jaska kisses Catlin. Unbeknownst to them, Arthur is on the street below and sees them. Arthur gives her multiple openings to tell him what happened, but she acts oblivious.
 Arthur gets a job offer back in his hometown. He invites her out to dinner, but keeps hesitating all night. The following morning, he finally tells her about the job, then invites her to go with him, then he offers a ring.
 Catlin is stunned. She doesn’t know what to think and at 19, she definitely isn’t ready. She doesn’t want to leave her friends. Arthur accuses her of being in love with Jaska, of seeing her on the balcony with him. Finally, he tells her to get her stuff and get out and he storms out of the apartment.
 Catlin gathers her things, leaves her key with the doorman and goes home.
 Jaska returns home from work to find a note from Catlin saying that she needs time to figure things out. Her room is empty, but for the furniture. [/end act]
 The next side story opens with Catlin waking up in bed with Gypsy. What was supposed to be a few nights on the couch that turned into a one-night rebound turns into a full-blown relationship. Catlin falls for Gypsy hard and Gypsy adores her.
When a job opening comes up at the coffee shop, Gypsy recommends Catlin to her boss, but like all the jobs before, it doesn’t go well.
 One day, Jake (rabbit) asks Summer how Catlin is doing and she says “Last I heard, she hooked up with a girl at the coffee shop.” He furiously blushes at the idea.
Catlin chances to run into Jake in the market. Coffee becomes a regular thing between the two.
 Being single and still very possessive of Catlin, the more Jaska thinks about her out there being happy with another girl, the darker his thoughts get.
 Summer comments that they haven’t seen Torin in a while (with a joke in there about how she can never remember Torin’s wife’s name – hint: she is never given a name).
 At Gypsy’s urging, and an invitation from Summer, Catlin and Gypsy attend a dinner party. The evening goes well, everyone enjoys Gypsy and Catlin is encouraged to spend more time around her friends again.
 Exposed to this new version of Catlin, Jaska doesn’t like who she is becoming. He confronts her about her behaviour.
 A season goes by.
  The Breakup
Cast: G=Gypsy, C=Catlin
G- I love you and I know you love me but I think there’s someone else. C- What? No! Of course not! G- Sweetie, it’s the same person it’s been since day one. You just need to see that. C- So… you’re breaking up with me? G- Yes. I love you so much, but I’m not the one. I’m just your rebound. Now you need to figure out for yourself who it is and go get them.
Catlin goes to Summer and Presley with all her stuff.
  Winnie tells Catlin of an opening at the library. Catlin imagines that scene that takes place in every movie with a library where the bookshelves domino, but she’s trained to reshelve books and run the front desk. It’s not enough to afford her own place, but it’s enough to live off of. She moves back in with Winnie.
 Two more seasons pass. Shows Jaska and Catlin in everyday life.
  Jaska and Torin
Cast: J=Jaska, T=Torin Jaska has a prophetic dream, wakes up confused, looking at the empty space beside him. Gets up, throws on clothes, runs out into the rain. Finds Torin standing on the other side of a bridge railing. J- Torin! T- Just go away! J- No! What the hell are you doing? T- I can’t do this. She’s gone. I can’t… J- What? T- She’s dead! J- Torin, don’t do this! What about everyone else? Everyone you’ll leave behind? Don’t you know how much that will hurt them? T- I don’t care. None of that matters. J- What about me? T- -looks at him- J- If you do this, do you have any idea what that would do to me? I know it hurts. It will never stop hurting. You’ll always miss her, and you don’t feel like it now, but you will learn how to live without her. You’ll get stronger everyday so it will hurt a little less. Torin, please. You are so important to me. T- -lets go of the railing to cover her face and cry- J- -grabs her and lifts her over the railing to safety-   Jaska sits with Torin through the night until she falls asleep, carries her to Catlin’s old room
T- -wakes, goes to Jaska’s room- J- -wakes at the sound of the door- T- Sorry, I’m gonna… J- -pulls back the covers- Come on. T- -sniffs, hurries to the bed and climbs in, falls asleep cuddled up with him-
J- -wakes to find Torin watching him- Hey… T- Hey. You must think I’m crazy. J- No, I think you’re hurting. When my mother died, I was lost. My father didn’t know how to help. He had my little brother and a new baby to see to. He didn’t know how to help me. Mom was the only one who understood me and life without her was impossible, but I got wrapped up in helping my dad and learning my trade and one day I realized… it didn’t hurt like it used to.
T- -strokes his cheek, kisses him- J- Torin… I don’t think… T- -climbs on top of him- You’re important to me too.
  Things begin to wind down at this point between characters.
  The End
Cast: C=Catlin, J=Jake Cy=Cyrus (SOL), R=Romy (SOL)
Catlin walking through the market. Sees Jaska with Torin out shopping. Sighs. Bumps shoulders with Cyrus. Cy- Oh, sorry. C- -watches him go- R- Hey, are we going to the Valkyrie tonight? Cy- Still hoping to figure out what that was in the shark head?
Catlin continues to the cafe. C- -mumbles- He’ll be in a pink shirt… pink shirt… -sees Jake in a pink shirt- J- -spots her, straightens- C- Jake, you’re not… -blush- J- -sigh- Damn Summer and her meddling. C- -sits- Yea, but this time, I don’t mind so much. J- Yea… yea. Maybe she got it right this time. -turns to waitress to order-
   The End
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maddiesplaybills · 7 years
Hi friends!
I’m seeing the Matilda tour in Minneapolis next week and I’m getting excited and feeling quite generous and I’ve realized that I have a bunch of audio masters from the past year that I’ve yet to share... so here they are, as a gift to you.
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical National Tour 11/28/2015 | Minneapolis, MN (full show) Cast: Abby Mueller (Carole King), Liam Tobin (Gerry Goffin), Becky Gulsvig (Cynthia Weil), Ben Fankhauser (Barry Mann), Curt Bouril (Don Kirshner), Suzanne Grodner (Genie Klein), Ensemble: Ashley Blanchet, Sarah Bockel, Andrew Brewer, Britney Coleman, Rebecca E. Covington, Josh A. Dawson, John Michael Dias, Paris Nix, Noah J. Ricketts, Salisha Thomas, Delaney Westfall, Dashaun Young
Newsies National Tour 02/13/2016 | Minneapolis, MN (full show) Cast: Joey Barreiro (Jack Kelly), Steve Blanchard (Joseph Pulitzer), Morgan Keene (Katherine), Aisha de Haas (Medda Larkin), Stephen Michael Langton (Davey), Zachary Sayle (Crutchie), John Michael Pitera (Les), Ensemble: Mark Aldrich, Josh Assor, Bill Bateman, Joshua Burrage, Kevin Carolon, DeMarius R. Copes, Michael Dameski, JP Ferreri, Sky Flaherty, Kaitlyn Frank, Michael Gorman, Melissa Steadman Hart, Stephen Hernandez, James Judy, Devin Lewis, Nicholas Masson, Alex Prakken, Jordan Samuels, Daniel Switzer, Andrew Wilson, Chaz Wolcott, Iain Young
The Book of Mormon National Tour 05/29/16 | Minneapolis, MN (full show) Cast: Ryan Bondy (Elder Price), Cody Jamison Strand (Elder Cunningham), Candace Quarrels (Nabulungi), Daxton Bloomquist (Elder McKinley), Sterling Jarvis (Mafala Hatimbi), David Aron Damane (General Butt Fucking Naked), Ensemble: Kevin Clay, Eric Geil, Jacob Haren, Daryn Whitney Harrell, Antwaun Holley, Eric Huffman, Kristen Jeter, Oyoyo Joi, Kolby Kindle, Ben Laxton, Will Lee-Williams, Melvin Brandon Logan, CJ Pawlikowski, Dereck Seay, Marcus Terrell Smith, Nichole Turner, Edward Watts
Fun Home National Tour 12/16/16 | Minneapolis, MN (full show) Cast: Kate Shindle (Alison), Alessandra Baldacchino (Small Alison), Robert Petkoff (Bruce), Abby Corrigan (Medium Alison), Susan Moniz (Helen), Pierson Salvador (Christian), Lennon Nate Hammond (John), Karen Eilbacher (Joan), Robert Hager (Roy/Mark/Pete/Bobby Jeremy)
Matilda Broadway 01/01/17 I figure that most people that want this audio already have it, but if you don’t, here’s mine! (full show) Cast: Willow McCarthy (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), John Sanders (Mr Wormwood), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Joseph Medeiros (Michael Wormwood), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Karen Aldridge (Mrs Phelps), Michael Minarik (The Escape Artist), Jennifer Bowles (The Acrobat), Michael Fatica (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Geoff Packard (Doctor), Evan Gray (Bruce), Serena Quadrato (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), Brooklyn Nelson (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Trey Middleton (u/s Tommy), Ensemble: Colin Isarel, Marisa Kennedy, Travis Waldschmidt, Wesley Faucher Final performance of Matilda on Broadway
Sweet Charity Off-Broadway 01/02/17 (act 1 / act 2) Cast: Yesenia Ayala (Betsy/Panhandler/Daddy’s Assistant), Darius Barnes (Thomas/Marvin/Doorman), James Brown III (Man with Dog/Daddy’s Assistant/Barney), Sutton Foster (Charity Hope Valentine), Asmeret Ghebremichael (Nickie), Shuler Hensley (Oscar), Sasha Hutchings (Elaine/Rosie), Donald Jones, Jr. (Ice Cream Vendor/Philip), Nikka Graff Lanzarone (Carmen/Ursula), Emily Padgett (Helene), Joel Perez (Charlie/Herman/Vittorio Vidal/Daddy Brubeck), Cody Williams (Walter/Maitre D’/Manfred)
Falsettos Broadway 01/03/17 (full show) Cast: Stephanie J. Block (Trina), Christian Borle (Marvin), Andrew Rannells (Whizzer), Anthony Rosenthal (Jason), Tracie Thoms (Dr. Charlotte), Brandon Uranowitz (Mendel), Betsy Wolfe (Cordelia) This performance of Falsettos was filmed for PBS and includes a brief pre-show speech by the director
Dear Evan Hansen Broadway 01/04/17 (full show) Cast: Ben Platt (Evan Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi Hansen), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck)
Waitress Broadway 01/05/17 (full show) Cast: Jessie Mueller (Jenna), Joe Cassidy (t/r Cal), Caitlin Houlahan (Dawn), Charity Angel Dawson (Becky), Dakin Matthews (Joe), William Popp (Earl), Henry Gottfried (u/s Dr. Pomatter), Christopher Fitzgerald (Ogie), Cate Elefante (Lulu), Ensemble: Thay Floyd, Molly Hager, Aisha Jackson, Anastacia McCleskey, Jeremy Morse, Stephanie Torns, Ryan Vasquez Joe Cassidy’s first performance as Cal
Matildapalooza 54 Below 01/06/17 (full show) Featuring Sophia Gennusa, Oona Laurence, Bailey Ryon, Milly Shapiro, Paige Brady, Ava Ulloa, Eliza Holland Madore, Tori Feinstein, Brooklyn Shuck, Fina Strazza, Mattea Conforti, Rileigh McDonald, Mimi Ryder, Alexandra Vlachos, Ava Briglia, Willow McCarthy, Aviva Winick
As always, let me know if there are any issues with the links and please enjoy!
Side note: does anyone have any idea of how the rotation works for the Matilda tour? I’d love to see all three girls in the role but since I’m completely clueless as to how the rotation works I’m not sure if I’ll be able to. Thanks in advance for any info!
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devastator1775 · 3 months
Now, I know we all fear the kind of ending we're gonna get with episodes 7 & 8. So ...have this fluffy alternative!
No, I'm not using the upcoming episode angst as an excuse to post my own work again. If that was the case, I'd post these as well!
and this one!
Or this one too!
Or my latest, which is an introduction to a character I will use in a big AU project I'm gonna write someday!
I'm crafty, but not that crafty.
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devastator1775 · 2 months
Turns out I was lying about not writing a fic this weekend.
Baby Nix oneshot coming your way, fellas and felletes!
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devastator1775 · 2 months
Do you have some uhh murder drones on ao3?
I do. <-Link
They started out as a few fluffy oneshots, but they now have become the basis of an AU multichapter story I'm gonna write, that will also involve my Nuzi fanchild Nicole "Nix" Doorman.
All stories I post on AO3 will also be posted right here on Tumblr.
EDIT: Message for anyone reading this. If you haven't already, consider leaving a kudos and a comment. I always wholeheartedly enjoy reading those.
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devastator1775 · 2 months
I about figured out what little changes I can make to episode 7 so it makes more sense within my AU....
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devastator1775 · 15 days
Hope, Love and V - Chapter 1: What the hell happened while I was offline?
Summary: Weeks after the events of Cabin Fever Labs, V finally wakes up from her coma. Things have changed, in more ways than one and V finds it hard not to think she deserves this. Luckily, she can count on the love and support of her friends to get her through these hard times. (Nix Doorman AU)
Darkness. All she could see, was Darkness. Alone in the dark, while surrounded by creatures out to destroy her.
Her eyes closed; she could hear everything. Bullets roaring. Sentinels screeching and flashing of their boot-loop-inducing lights. Her blades swishing through the air. Her own frightened gasps. The lingering echoes of a loud impact at the bottom of the elevator shaft. The faint sound of someone calling out her name. Faint explosions.
Pain. She felt pain. No …agony. Another chunk bitten out of her arm. Out of her leg. Her gun ripped out of its socket. Claws tearing at her metal skin. Metal teeth sinking into her wings as she tries to get some distance between them. Tearing one out. More damage than her nanite healing can keep up with and eventually …even that stops.
She feels her body give out. Her thirst is unbearable. Her body craves oil and is unable to get it.
Then, more sounds. First, the Sentinels closing in on her, the scraping of their claws on metal floor, encircling her. Then, shouting, chaos, Sentinels screeching in pain.
She’s low on power. Everything is shutting down. She can’t even open her eyes. She can only faintly hear someone speaking to her.
She’s being dragged. She feels her back falling against something, maybe a wall.
More words. Sad words? She can almost understand some. ‘Forgive’… Something shuts close. She’s alone.
Silence again. For the longest time, just silence. She falls in and out of consciousness. Her healing nanites still haven’t kicked in.
The world rumbles. Something deep down is roaring. A desperate, frustrated roar.
Then, a jolt, deep inside her. Her core aches. Then…
Pain? An excruciating pain? Her insides are twisting and burning? She’s so low on power, she can hardly perceive anything around her.
Then it stops. A blissful feeling.
Silence, once again. Minutes? Hours? Days? She doesn’t know. Until finally….
Voices. Searching?
“I found her!”
“Seems the same thing happened to her as with the other one.”
“She’s in bad shape.”
“She needs med-technical attention immediately.”
“You grab her there. I’ll hold her here. On three. One, two, …three!”
V’s eyes jolted open with a loud gasp. She bolted upright, but something pulled at her, making her fall backwards again. Something around her wrists. Restraints of some kind. Around her chest as well. She frantically looked around. She was in a room, in a bed. Looks like …an infirmary or a hospital-like room, or something? How long had she been here? While she was pondering on that, it was then that she noticed something …missing.
The thirst. The hunger. That unsatiable craving for oil …gone? That wasn’t possible. While she had made sure she’d ‘topped up’ before entering the labs, that battle had taken so much out of her. She should be starving. She should have gone in Auto-Hunt mode. The only feelings she now felt were …sleepy. And confusion.
She heard a door open, quickly followed by someone gasping and something falling to the floor. Her eyes fell on a Worker Drone in a hospital outfit, a nurse by the look of it. Judging by the clipboard on the ground, V’s sudden awakening hadn’t been something she expected. She looked frightened. Wait, no …surprised?
“Oh my gosh…” The nurse – V could read the name Ratched on her nametag – quickly ran to the door, sticking her head out. “I need a doctor here, STAT! She’s awake!”
A doctor? For what? Experiments? Torture? Taking advantage of an injured enemy? V pulled on her restrains, her anger growing. Why was she here? What had happened? What of N and Uzi? Tessa? The Absolute Solver?
Why wasn’t she dead?
A Drone in a doctor’s outfit ran in. “Miss V, I need you to calm down.”  “Please, don’t try to exert yourself. The state of your injuries are- “
“Release me!” V yelled, pulling on her restraints as hard as she could. Suddenly, without any sort of warning, she felt pain surge throughout her entire body as she completely cramped up. It felt like every single joint in her body tried to pull itself inwards. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t even open her mouth to scream in pain. On her visor flashed the [ENERGY SURGE] warning.
The doctor and the nurse rushed to V’s side as the former pulled a drive out of his pockets. “Quickly, undo her bindings.”
The nurse hesitated for a second, but after a stern look from the doctor she undid the bindings around V’s chest. They both lifted her up a bit as the doctor plugged the drive into a data port on V’s nape. She felt the pain gradually subside and her body relaxed again. She let herself fall on her pillow again, panting heavily. That had taken much more out of her than she realized.
“Wh-what happened to me?” V asked after a few moments of collecting herself. She slowly sat up. “What did you do? How did I get here?”
The doctor gestured the nurse to bring him the fallen clipboard, giving it a look as he walked over to the foot of V’s bed and dismissed the nurse with a wave of his hand. “I am doctor Steen. You may call me Francis. You’ve been under my care since you were brought in.”
“Didn’t ask that and I’m not doing that.”
“Fair enough.” The doctor adjusted his glasses. Heh, she used to have a pair just like those. “This might come to a shock to you, but you have been here for several weeks. Almost over 6 weeks, to be less than precise.”
“6 weeks?” V repeated softly. Had she been offline so long? She should’ve overheated and died by now, but …she didn’t feel any thirst at all. Questions for later.
“What you just experienced, Miss V, was a seizure brought on by a disruptive energy surge, triggered by excessive motion.” The doctor explained. “Simply put: if you don’t stay calm – in any every way possible – you unquestionably will trigger another attack. Do you understand what I’m saying, Miss?”
V bit back a sarcastic insult, the thought of going through that pain again the only thing being from doing so. She nodded slowly.
“As for what I gave you…” Steen held out the drive. “This patch tricks your system to ‘divert excess energy toward auxiliary components’, temporarily pacifying the damaged circuitry causing the surges. It’s – at the moment - the only thing we found that can bring you some relief.”
“Damaged circuitry?”
“Putting it …mildly.” Steen frowned, flipping over a page. “You were brought in with …well, you were on the brink of deactivation. Chewed up, as those in the rescue unit that brought you told me.”
Chewed up. The sentinels. V flinched as a vision of those beasts flashed before her eyes – and on her visor. She had tried to buy the others as much time as she could, held out as long as she could – as long as her healing allowed her. At one point …she just couldn’t anymore. She got boot-looped, unable to move …but still able to feel as those things started to feast on her.
“Miss V, still with us?”
Startled back to the here-and-now, V shook her head and turned back to the Doctor, who – to her dismay – looked upon her with concern. She scowled at him and judging by the shrug, got the message.
“Anyway …” Steen continued, unperturbed by the scowling murder drone under his care. He had dealt with more vicious patients in the past – most often Miss Doorman. “We tried to repair what we could, but ….there wasn’t much we were able too. Whatever you did that caused your damage, you exerted your systems beyond their advised parameters. I’ll spare you the tech-medical jargon, but in short: 45% your circuits are fused together, your wiring has melted and corrupted software is wreaking havoc on other systems and those are just a few on that list.”
“So why aren’t I repaired yet?” V asked.
“We are, but these repairs need be done in intervals. The extent your injuries require – “
“Not what I meant!” V almost yelled. She took a deep breath. She felt her patience was running low, but figured she wouldn’t get answers by yelling and being a nuisance. That was more Uzi’s style. “You know I’m a Disassembly Drone?”
“I’m aware.”
“You know I can heal myself? Head blown off, arms ripped off, things like that are nothing to me.”
“I know. I was chaperoning my son during prom.”
“So …why aren’t I regenerating?” V asked.
“If I had to take a guess, because of the same thing what happened to Miss doorman and her …companions.”
“They’re alive? Uzi? N? Tessa, I guess?” V asked, more surprised than relieved – even if that sensation was there as well.
“Heavily damaged, in shock and both in very critical condition, but …yes, alive.” Doctor Steen took a chair and sat down next to V. “Maybe I should start from the beginning. I guess, it all started when it felt that the planet was going to die.”
V listened as Doc Steen told what had transpired in the weeks before she had woken up. How the planet seemed to be turning against itself. Gravity got weird, there were tremors and storms. Real ‘End Times’ stuff.  Everyone in the bunker was naturally terrified, thinking they would – along with the planet – would die. This went on for several hours, until …it stopped. No storms, no tremors, no danger.
It wasn’t long after that that Khan returned to the bunker, bringing the injured Uzi, N – and to anyone’s surprise – J and a human named Tessa with him. So, they had managed to make it out as well. Uzi and N were heavily damaged, and in dire need of repairs. Tessa also was wounded, but it seemed J refused to let anyone but herself get close to her. Maybe for the best, since no Worker Drone doctor has any knowledge about how to treat human wounds anyway.
But V started to notice something weird about his story after that. It was something about what he said about the explanation that Khan had given the colony. He had told a story about ‘a rogue AI’, who – to her surprise – was also responsible for the destruction of Earth. This ‘rogue AI’ was also responsible for the creation of the Disassembly Drones, which was true.
But there were things in things in that story that just didn’t make sense. So, after Uzi and N had helped Tessa destroy the AI, the nanites in their bodies were deactivated and thus that ‘freed them from its control’? V had done many questionable things – both necessary and unnecessary – during her time on Copper-9, but she had always been in control of her own action – whether or not she liked doing them.
V wasn’t dumb. She figured that Uzi and N had withheld the whole story, but for whatever reason she’d need to ask them. V was so lost in her thoughts; she didn’t notice that the doc had finished his story until he snapped his fingers in front of her visor. She hissed at him in return.
“Back with us, Miss V?”
“Bite me.”
“Yes, you are indeed friends with Miss Doorman.” Doc said dryly, standing up. “But she’ll be pleased to hear that you have woken up. Your friends have been visiting you pretty much daily.”
“Oh, you allow your prisoners to have visiting hours?” V asked coldly. It was an unnecessary remark, but she was absolutely fed up with this man. Normally, she’d pop off his head and have his oil for supper, but without the constant thirst plaguing her and threatening her with overheating, the vey thought made her feel …queasy.
Steen chuckled. “Miss V, you are not a prisoner. You are my patient.”
“IF I’m not a prisoner …why these?” V gestured to the undone restraints. “Why bind me to my bed when I was out cold most of the time?”
“Those were for your own safety.” The doctor explained. “You were having extreme night terrors the first few days, and you were triggering your seizures by thrashing around. It was the only way make sure your system wouldn’t overload while we weren’t here to supervise. “
“Well, I’m awake now. Take the rest off.”
“The rest?” Steen seemed confused.
V was seriously on her last bit of patience. “My legs are still bound! I’m done sitting in this bed. I want to stretch my legs! If you’re scared I’m gonna bolt, I promise I-!”
The look in Steen’s eyes made her halt. Something was wrong.
“I …I’m sorry. I should have mentioned this could happen, but with this whole situation it completely slipped my mind.” Steen said softly.
An icy feeling formed in V’s chest. “Wh-what are you talking about?”
“You must understand, the damage you sustained was severe and despite our initial repairs there was always a change that-“
V’s eyes hollowed as she realized what Steen was talking about. She tore her sheet from her body …and her entire body went numb at the sight. It was clear that her legs had undergone numerous repairs. There were welding seams, pieces of plating, nuts and bolts holding things in place.
But what scared her the most…
Was that she couldn’t feel her legs. She had been so distracted by her situation that she never realized she hadn’t moved them at all. She grunted, trying to her knees to her chest.
Nothing. Not a twitch.
“My …my legs.” V looked at her legs, stunned, confused, angry, sad, …a plethora of emotions was running through her processor. She wanted to yell, to curse, to make promises of violence untold and cause unbridled harm.
She could only stare.
“Miss V?”
V looked up slowly at her doctor.
“I know this is quite the shock, especially after all you’ve been through already.” He smiled softly at her. “But I promise you we’ll do anything in our power to help. There are several courses of action we can undertake and improve your mobility. We can-“
His voice faded away as V stared at her legs again, slowly reaching out the give them a soft squeeze, as if they would spring back to life. All she could hear was her own core beating in her chest, a ringing in her ears. Tears were starting to form in her visor as the hard truth was dawning on her.
“I can't move my legs ...I’m paralyzed….”
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devastator1775 · 1 month
So Nix, what is she like?
In a way, she's a pretty good mix between Uzi and N, while still being her own person. In a lot of situations, she'll show more of N's side than Uzi. She's intelligent, kind, curious and a dry, somewhat sarcastic sense of humor.
Unlike her mother, she's more mellow, not easy to anger but when she does, the person that wronged her better run the other way. Even harder if that anger is directed at someone who has wronger her friends. She's fiercely loyal to her family and those she considers family.
Still, she's a teenager, thus she gets annoyed very easily. Digital hormones, eh? Even so, she's very close with her parents and loves spending time with them - even if she can get a bit annoyed when her parents start flirting with each other.
Nix is well-liked among her classmates, but tends to keep a rather small circle of friends, which includes her honorary cousin Avery Casio-Sharp, the daughter of V and Lizzy. Avery has their own backstory, so feel to ask as well.
She's a bit of a dreamer and often fantasises about flying and exploring space. She longs to venture out on her own and discover who she will be in their vast universe.
Bit of trivia: while not directly stated in the story she first appears in, Nix has recently started figuring out her sexuality (she's lesbian), but hasn't told her family yet. Not that she's afraid of how they'll react, she's figuring out how she's gonna tell them. Uzi and N already kinda know, though - she's an open book to them - , but they're waiting for her to come out on her own time.
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