#no idea what I'd want the outer part of it to be but I'll figure it out
during the summer, I tried to get into machine sewing, but because of a combo of being frustrated with learning the maintenance and the Depression™, I stopped.
but I am feeling better these days, so I'm thinking about trying again.
and I did get an idea for a project, aka recreating that silly cape/cloak lucifer has for his tsl outfit. but I don't really plan on wearing it, it's going to be kind of a makeshift blanket honestly.
alternatively I could straightup just make a blanket that is based off the cloak. that might work better tbh, but hmm. or a shawl perhaps, that could be good for colder months especially.
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pomefioredove · 25 days
Hello! It's been awhile since I've gotten a matchup done from anyone, and I really like your writing, so I'd thought I'd ask for one!
Congratulations on 500 followers by the way!!
If I were to describe myself and my personality, I think it would overall be "quiet." I very much keep to myself and don't make much of an attempt at talking to other people, but that would be because I have lingering social anxiety from my childhood. I am actually very fond of talking to new people and making conversation, but I much prefer to do that alongside someone I know. I enjoy my space and my time to myself, but I also value anyone I call "my people" (whether it be friends or family) an incredible amount and love to spend time with them.
Another thing about me is the way I love. I, for a lack of a better term, do not love gently. Once I love someone (in any way) I will never, ever, stop. No matter what. This has hurt me before, and because of this, I guard my heart very closely, and it will likely take very clear intentions from someone to convince me to let them in.
As for my interests and hobbies, I can't say that I'm all that exciting, but I do love what I do anyway. I work in a greenhouse, and was raised by a mother who loves to forage plants and mushrooms to make medical and herbal tinctures out of them! (Or just to eat lol) My hobbies include reading, drawing, and a liiiiittle bit of writing (...of any kind, really. Small poems, mini songs, ficlets... the works). Recently I've gotten into sewing as well, and I'm really enjoying it!
My lifestyle is, like me, very quiet. I live in a very small village (yes an actual village) several miles away from any real towns, so not a lot goes on around where I am. Many would consider it rather boring, and I'm probably due for some change someday (I anticipate it, really), but I'm very content with what I have right now.
And last but not least, I'm female, around 5'8"-5'9" (173 to 175 cm), have several moles dotting around here and there, and... I suppose I like to dress rather nicely? It's something I've been doing lately and I'm enjoying it quite a bit haha. If I were to describe my current style it would probably be "elegant and comfortable." Nicknames are basically second nature to me, so I often call people "dear, darling, honey, love," etc. If they're special to me, I'll tag on "my" at the beginning; "my dear, my darling, my love..." You get the idea! A last tidbit is that my love language is primarily physical touch. It's practically the life blood of the way I show affection lol.
Thank you for letting me ramble! I kind of also took this as a chance to figure out how to describe myself again lol. Take your time answering this, since I know I kind of packed a lot in here. As for what kind of matchup I want, romantic would be wonderful, and anyone in your default list will be just fine! (I love the staff, but like, platonically, you know?)
I match you with 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭
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The First Impression:
Intentions don't come any clearer than from Rook. Oh, how your beauty makes him weep! Your appreciation of nature! Your love for his favorite arts!
How does he already know all that? ...Better not to question it.
Why He Fell:
Rook has an eye for beauty, which includes both outer and inner. Your elegant sense of style, combined with your natural kindness, you're the best parts of everything he loves all in one!
Perhaps it's your love of writing, or your knowledge around nature, or your shared affinity for terms of endearment, but Rook is simply drawn to you as if you're a part of him. It's a lovely, natural feeling to him, and once he's sure, he's more than clear about his intentions.
The Relationship:
Rook is truly just happy to be with you. He'll accompany you on a foraging trip through the woods, he'll indulge you in as much physical affection as you would enjoy, or he'll give you your much needed alone time when required (he understands that feeling perfectly, after all).
There is a shared sense of devotion between the two of you, one in which you know that he would never cause you any intentional harm. Rook is simply enamored with you, from your quiet disposition to the intense ways in which you feel and express love.
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dinnerbug · 2 months
Thought I'd leave my ao3 skin here because no matter how hard I tried I couldn't find one with a yellow background (other than one that was wayyy too bright for my liking) and I realised recently yellow backgrounds make it easier for me to read so I tried my hand at making my own with absolutely zero experience or idea of how to do so. It's a bit scuffed, (updated to fix it a little bit, yaaaay! Still scuffed tho). It's just a messily recoloured version of a skin I found on a reddit post (if I remember who's I'll come back and edit the link to it onto this) but I tried my best and it kinda worked lmao
The colour pallets I used are:
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So if anyone actually sees this and wants to fix the scuffed colours please do (I'm also quite certain the dodgy colour bits are the ones more towards the end since I kinda just filled the parts I couldn't figure out what they changed with dark brown)
Enough of my rambling now so here it is, my quite banana looking yellow background skin:
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hrodvitnon · 4 months
Godzilla, Abraxas, The Guardian Titans, and high ranking Monarch/Apex personal are in an meeting room at Castle Bravo. On a whiteboard, there's multiple crude drawings illustrating plans (of varying degrees of stupidity) to get the Titans to Gigan's Fleet. The latest one involves Godzilla firing an atomic blast at Mars from Earth to goad them into attacking Earth, making the journey much easier.
Maia: Godzilla, we can't just shoot a hole into the surface of Mars…
Godzilla: Why?? No one's using it for anything!
Rodan: You'd never be able to hit that shot in a million years.
Godzilla: Oh, then perhaps you'd like to revisit the rocket idea??
Rodan: If you think I'm going to let myself be strapped to a giant rocket and get shot through the darkness of space to invade an alien vessel, you are fucking crazy.
Abraxas: Yeah… I know I made the 'Suicide Mission' joke, but this is something I'd rather not die trying to accomplish.
Godzilla: Well we need to figure something out! Apex, is it really not possible to make a ship big enough for us all?
Ren: It would take years. At the very least, 15.
Kong: You made Dagon, can't you just do that again but- bigger?
Dagon: I don't think there should be another one of me made, Titanus Kong. If the need arises- my thrusters would be able to make the round trip, provided they received a nitrous boost of 5000%.
Godzilla: …could you carry us?
Rodan: …
Rodan: There's like ten of us.
Shimo: Well… the ice I create crystalizes very rapidly, making it much more resilient than regular ice…
Mothra: Sooooo- big ice house that Dagon carries to Mars? That's the best plan we've got?
Godzilla: It's- certainly a plan.
Mothra: …
Kong: …
Dagon: …
Behemoth: …
Shimo: …
Barb: …
Abraxas: …I'll help him carry it.
Rodan: We're all gonna die.
(Damn, I need a giggle after getting my first SIGNALIS ending...)
Rodan: But what if it kills you?
Abraxas: I'm part Ghidorah, you really think Space Satan himself would let a little thing like the vacuum of outer space kill me, after all the trouble they went through to make me like this? I could literally slingshot myself to Mars and it would cost us NOTHING!
Goji: ...I'll allow a test flight, but I really do insist on being there when we interrogate Gigan.
Abraxas: From what I remember of Gigan, you do not want to be on the same celestial body as him when there's an "interrogation."
Mothra: I sense there's an awful lot about him you haven't told us.
Abraxas: For good reason! And I sense Goji simply isn't going to take "no" for an answer over this whole space rocket insanity!
Goji: Need I remind you what the sick bastard up there did to my brother?
Abraxas: ...you just want to be an astronaut, don't you?
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Clothing - Hoodies (Part 1)
The most obvious #1 thing that you need after surgery is some zip-up hoodies. I saw a lot of people on a lot of forums recommend "a huge size, like a 3XL"
Unfortunately, I wear a 3XL hoodie under normal circumstances, and the guys wear a 2X, so I needed to really look around and see what options existed that were substantially larger.
I will probably discuss putting these clothes on myself AT LENGTH over the course of this blog, even though I am not (currently, at least) slated for surgery. This is because:
I am taller (and wider) than both guys in question, so if it fits me, it will fit them and probably be the 'right' amount of oversized. I intend to post measurements for everyone when I get to it so you have a better idea, but keep in mind I intend to post measurements of clothing that fits the way we want them to fit after surgery, NOT body measurements, because that is the set of measurements I am using to buy clothes.
I will be the person who keeps these clothing items after surgery is done for the most part (though the guys are not afraid of wearing a super oversized shirt for funsies)
The very first thing I noticed is that Amazon is backordered on a LOT of 5X/6X men's clothing, especially their Essentials line. Not just a little backordered either, but using the same terminology they use for items that have been openly discontinued. I suspect it's supply chain issues combined with figuring nobody is buying them anyway, but I have to admit I'd buy Amazon Essentials 5X or 6X hoodies for some insane price like $26 and be very, very happy with it.
But it wouldn't have made for a very interesting blog post, either.
Fruit of the Loom, a perennial cheap favorite, only goes up to 4X, and Hanes stops at 3X for zippered hoodies. Dickies stops at 3X, and Carhartt, definitely nobody's cheap option, stops at a 4X.
In mid-weight hoodies, it pretty much left me with Champion, though not every style comes in larger sizes. I bought a Thermal Lined Hoodie in Heather Grey because it was dramatically cheaper than the other colors (though I paid 39.99 and it's going for a good bit cheaper than that now), but they also have a Heavyweight Hoodie without the thermal lining that's less expensive that I might buy in Olive so we have a second hoodie. There's other options, too.
Amazon sucks, but they're the only place I found carrying some of these sizes and styles (not even on Champion's own website), and they're carrying them for about 60% of the price of anywhere else. If you absolutely cannot do it, King Size catalog has a single Champion style in the right sizes for a lot more.
After all of that, how is it?
I have two big issues, both of which I'd say are solidly my fault
first, I was (somehow) unaware that a "thermal lined" hoodie would have a plastic-y lining in the sleeves to protect your arms from water and wind. Very useful as an outer layer (and I wish it was an options more places) but it'd SO loud and crinkly. So this hoodie is probably fantastic for running errands in the spring and fall, but it's less great when you're laid up after surgery.
second, my hoodie arrived with a zipper that's busted. The tab of the zipper is metal, but the teeth are plastic, so I have some missing teeth and some badly bent teeth, and now the zipper pull is bent as well from trying to get it unstuck. We'll have to replace the zipper to get much use out of it. If I had caught it sooner, i might have been about to return it, but the return window closed about a month ago.
Past the zipper, I have no issues with the quality of it, and it seem like a nice, fairly heavy hoodie otherwise. So once I replace the zipper, I'll be quite pleased with it, even if it's not ideal for recovering from surgery.
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korpikorppi · 3 years
The Untamed costumes extra
Wei Wuxian's iconic red underwear
Before I continue the actual series of posts looking into the character costumes, I thought I'd take a quick look at Wei Wuxian's signature red underwear. He wears this combo with so many of his outfits that it is easier to have a separate post to link back to than repeat these things each time (I am being lazy 😁).
Ok. Let's first repeat my very limited, Wikipedia-stolen knowledge on hanfu underwear. The innermost layer (inner garments, the actual underwear, I guess) typically comprises the zhongyi (中衣) or zhongdan (中單): a pair of underpants and an undershirt. Like you can see Wei Wuxian wearing here:
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Even though here he is wearing a white undershirt that is most likely one of Lan Zhan's ❤. Anyway, moving on.
A separate, typically pleated skirt, chang (裳), seems to be standardly worn over the shirt and pants, under the middle layer (the inner robe). According to the Wikipedia article, the skirt can also be considered as part of the middle layer (or one of the middle layers), but in these costume posts I have always clumped it with the underwear, the inner(most) layer.
So onto The Red Underwear (I've also seen this called The Red Robe of Sin, which is quite adequate), of which we of course get the first proper view in the cave of the Xuanwu in episode 13.
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So, a full-body view (unfortunately quite blurry in this blow-up). A red shirt, and a red skirt (some of the pleats can be seen below his hand), all good. A nice hole above the heart (I'll get back to that).
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Black underpants, typical of Wei Wuxian. Poor Wangji, the hardships he has to endure 😁.
We get another good look at Wei Wuxian in his underwear Wei Wuxian's underwear in episode 23, when he is recuperating in Lanling from his use of the Jin Tiger Seal during the Sunshot Campaign.
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The first thing to note is his figure the fact that what he is wearing is not a shirt, but actually a full length robe! The second thing to note is that Wangji has clearly gotten used to the idea of Wei Wuxian in his underwear. The third is that Wei Wuxian is demurely holding the neck of his robe closed, awww. Now compare this to when he was talking with shijie a bit earlier:
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Lan Zhan is making him feel a bit self conscious ☺. Here we can see that he is clearly not wearing a separate undershirt; the same is true for the Xuanwu cave, I think, because there is nothing visibe either at the neckline or at the hole made by the branding iron. So he seems to be wearing an underrobe instead of an undershirt. And just a note that the colour is an exact match with his hair ribbon, nice.
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The red robe really is full length, with a beautiful drape (material is silk satin, perhaps). And he is wearing black underpants again (if he wasn't, he probably wouldn't be sitting like that... ok, moving on).
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A side view. From this it looks like there might be splits at the sides, but I really cannot say for sure. Those would add freedom of movement.
I also started thinking if he actually does wear a separate skirt on top of this robe. It looks like that from the Xuanwu scenes, but I wanted further confirmation. So I took a sidestep to bts material. This material, particularly:
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Poor me, the hardships I have to endure 😶. And yes, he is definitely wearing a pleated skirt over the robe. The upper edge of the skirt is clearly visible at the waist (that waist 🥵!), as are the pleats.
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I also think that it is possible to see both the skirt and the hem of the under robe in this shot, draped over his right boot, with a slight difference in the colour and sheen of the fabrics. So it seems Wei Wuxian is wearing two long undergarments (plus the underpants!) beneath his middle and outer layers (at least with some of his outfits). No wonder poor XZ was suffering from heat!
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And this picture? No more reason than him being very pretty and there still being room for one more ❤. But I can perhaps point out that there is some extra length in the sleeves, possibly so that when he wears his armguards, the sleeves can be pulled up a bit leaving some extra fabric and more room for movement at the elbow. There.
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jjmaybanksbaby · 3 years
Where It Leads (Rafe Cameron)
Summer II
Part 04: I Should Just Tell You To Leave
series masterlist | previous part
summary: Against your better judgement, you seek out Rafe to talk about the Fourth of July party but things inevitably spiral. 
a/n: I don’t really have anything to add!! Enjoy the angst! :))
word count: 2.2k words
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The warm Outer Banks sun streamed into your room waking you from your sleep like a subtle alarm clock. The sounds of the air conditioning whirling away in the background was the only noise filling the mostly quiet house. You rolled over in your bed and finding a cool spot drifted back to sleep.
This time the loud chimes of the front door bell pulled you out of your slumber. You sat up onto your elbows curiously. No one ever ringed your door bell except for the delivery person and never this early in the day. A pair of footsteps padded across the foyer to the front door and your mom’s familiar voice echoed through the house moments later.
With your door closed, the conversations was muffled and you could only make out pieces of it.
She didn’t just say “Cameron,” did she? You wondered.
You were surely just being paranoid. It had only been two days since everything that had happened on the Fourth and your brain felt scrambled from overthinking just about every detail of that night.
Your curiosity officially got the best of you and you slipped out of your bed, quietly as not to make any of the floorboards creak in the old house. You cracked open your bedroom door just enough to hopefully steal a glance at the front door but your mom's figure was blocking the face of whoever she was talking to.
The voice though. It sounded so familiar, like you should have been able to place it.
You watched from your bedroom as your mom stepped forward and gave the other person a hug, bringing their face into perfect view.
It was Ward Cameron. What was he doing here?
You watched your mom exchange a few more worlds and close the door behind him. You slide your feet into a pair of throughly-worn through slippers and stepped out of your bedroom.
Your mom was still standing at the bottom of the stairs tapping away at her phone. You wanted to ask her about Ward but you couldn't give away that you had been eavesdropping.
"Morning mom," you said, kissing her cheek, your eyes fluttering down to her phone screen. Her text with your dad were pulled up but it didn't look like anything important. "What’s for breakfast?"
"There's some bagels on the counter,” she replied, not looking up from her phone.
"Okay," you paused. "Was someone at the door?" You asked, hoping your mom missed the eagerness of your question.
"Oh, just Mr. Cameron." She said.
"What did he want?" You pushed.
"He's helping us with Midsummers,” she replied.
Midsummers? You thoughts. Isn't that usually in June?
"I thought Midsummers already happened this year."
Your mom sighed and you could pick up on her slight annoyance with your questioning.
"It was. He's helping us with next summer. The board sends out invites the August before."
The bulk of your mom's statement went over your head except for two words: next summer. As in you would for sure be back in the Outer Banks next summer.
"Isn't Nonna already a member of the Club?"
“Yes, she is. But Midsummer is put on through the Island Club which an even more exclusive part of the Club. Our family used to be a part of it when I younger. Ward's helping us get back in."
"I thought our family didn't like the Camerons?" The words were out of your mouth before you realized how it might sound.
Your mom finally looked up from her phone at you. "Why would you think that?"
"Oh," you paused, unsure how to proceed exactly. "Nonna said Mr. Cameron broke your heart your senior year of high school," you said hesitantly. "She said you were so upset you didn't talk to her for like two years.”
Your mom scoffed. "Your Nonna is always so dramatic. That's where your older sister gets it from. My mother told me she wouldn't pay for my college if I followed Ward to UNC. I guess she didn't realize I wanted to go to the west coast for college anyway and was going to break up with Ward when he was home over Thanksgiving break. Things with Ward didn't end with any bad blood, contrary to my mother’s belief. She’s never liked the Camerons for some reason but that's just her."
"So then we're going next summer? To Midsummers?"
"That's what I'm trying to make happen." Your mother went back to typing furiously on her phone.
"And the Camerons go ever summer?” You asked. Your mind defied you, conjuring up an image of Rafe waltzing into Midsummers in a perfectly tailored suit with a matching baby blue bow tie that made his eyes pop.
"What's with the sudden interest in a party?" Your mother asked back.
You forced the corners of your mouth up into a casual smile. "No reason. I'm going to eat breakfast." You quickly disappeared down the hallway before you gave yourself away.
You hummed along softly to the music coming from your phone as you ran a straightening iron through your thick hair. The summer humidity made it a disaster to deal with. You knew two minutes outside would send it right back into looking like an untamed mess but most mornings you still stood in front of the mirror straightening it anyway.
Your phone which was sitting on the counter to your right buzzed with a new notification. You picked it up and unlocked it. There were two unread text sitting in your messages: one from your dad and another from an unknown number. You opened the second one.
Hey y/n! It's Cleo. Have you heard from Rafe recently? He's been acting weird and ghosting on our plans. I realized I had your number so I figured I'd shoot you a text and ask!!
You reread the text from Cleo before switching to your messages with Sarah.
y/n: Do you know where your brother is?
s: he's in his room moping i'm guessing for the same reason i couldn't find you after the fireworks
y/n: Sorry about that. How about I'll buy you ice cream this week and make it up to you?
You paused for a moment before typing out your next message.
y/n: Do you think I could come talk to him?
s: go for it
s: and i like mint chocolate chip with sprinkles :)
You stood on the Cameron's front porch, not sure if you should knock or just walk inside. You settled on knocking and seconds later the door swung open revealing a younger-looking blonde woman holding a stemless wine glass with thick gold hoods hanging from her ears.
"Hi," you said, feeling like coming here might have been a very bad idea. "Um, is Rafe home?"
She glanced over her shoulder. "Yeah, yeah he is. Who are you again?"
"I'm y/n, one of his friends. Sarah said I could stop by."
She stepped back opening the door wider. "Sure, come in. I'm Rose. Rafe's in his room."
"Thank you," you said, stepping into the house. A sweeping staircase climbed up to the second floor. "Up here?" You asked.
"Mmmhmm." Rose nodded, bringing her wine glass up to her lips.
You walked slowly down the long hallway, most of the doors were closed except for one at the end.
You saw Rafe before he saw you. He was sitting in his unmade bed pushed into the corner of the room, only the light from the video games on the tv illuminating the space. You raise your first and knocked lightly on his doorframe, his attention snapping up to you.
You lingered in his doorway. Crossing into Rafe's room felt like it should mean something, you wanted it to mean something. His eyes were glued to the floor, watching your hesitant movements. You took a small step forward. He went back to the game, unpausing it, his fingers flying across the controller, no longer focused on you.
“Hey, I think we should talk,” you said as you crossed the room until you were just few feet away from him. When he didn’t move his gaze from the tv, you glanced around his room looking nervously, unsure where to rest your own eyes. The room was so distinctively his. Everything fit together in a way that made sense and the years he had spent growing up in it were obvious.
“Does your boyfriend know that you’re here?” He snapped back.
You ignored his comment, pressing on. “Sarah said you were moping.”
“Sarah says a lot of things.”
“Jesus, why are being such an asshole? Are you even gonna look at me?”
You expected your comment to earn you at least a glance in your direction but his head stayed firmly facing forward.
You stepped in front of the tv, forcing him to meet your stare.
“I’m sorry Rafe. I should have told you about Evan earlier. Or made it clearer.” You stumble on your words. The air in the room was hot. The words in your throat felt sticky like it was taking everything in you to get them out.
Rafe stood up from where he was sitting on his bed. Before you realized what he was doing, he was standing in front of you, his arm slipping behind your waist, pull you in until you had to place a hand on his chest to keep some distance between you. God, you cursed the way your body instinctively arched against his, the two of you fitting together like you were perfectly shaped for each other.
“I’m not an asshole,” he growled, his voice lower than you had ever heard it. “Because an asshole would kiss you right now even thought you’ve made it very clear you’re not available to be kissed.”
He looked down at you, his lips no more than two inches from yours. If you tilted your head up anymore your lips might land on his.
He lowered his head to whisper in your ear.
“And to be very clear, I would fucking love to be kissing you right now,” he paused, not moving his mouth from next to your ear. “Actually, I’d like to do a little more than just kiss you, sweetheart.”
A deep blush spread across your face. You whole body responded to his words.
Rafe took a sudden step back, releasing you from his grip. “So you can either call up your boyfriend and tell him you’re over and kiss me like I can tell you want to. Or don’t and leave.” Rafe crossed his arms in front of his body, his tshirt straining against his biceps muscles. How had you never noticed just how built he was? You tried to shake off the feeling of being pressed against him, held in place by his strong arms.
Your phone felt heavy in back pockets, weighting you down. “Rafe, you know I can’t do that. I can’t just pick you or him.”
“I’m not gonna be some side piece y/n. And I’m sure as hell not gonna share you with some kid who probably doesn’t deserve the time of day from you, much less to be your boyfriend. You have thirty seconds. Make a choice.”
“We’ve been together 6 months...7 next week.” You blabbed, practically pleading with him. You hated to hear the words Rafe was saying because you knew they were every bit true. You couldn’t have both boys. But if you were being honest with yourself: you didn’t want them both.
Rafe Cameron was intoxicating. He made your brain swirl and held your whole damn emotions hostage. You should have known after he’d gotten you into a car crash the first night you’d met that he’d end up tearing you apart in every way. Not to mention your own grandmother had quite clearly warned you to stay away from him. But something about his beautiful face made you cling to him and welcome your downfall.
Your eyes danced from Rafe’s lips up to meet his glare. You could see him counting down the seconds behind his stare.
It was all moving too fast. You couldn’t think. You couldn’t breathe.
But hadn’t you known coming here would lead to this? A part of you did. You knew the second you walked into the big Cameron house with the shiny marble floors you weren’t gonna leave it any bit the same.
The voice in your head was screaming at you to walk away. You didn’t hurt people and Rafe was right: staying here would hurt Evan and it would hurt you just as much, maybe more. The voice yelled at you to get out. Run away from trouble back to Evan who wouldn’t ever hurt you. Back to your perfectly nice boyfriend.
But no matter how loud or persistent that voice telling you to leave was, it couldn’t shut up the part of your brain pushing you to take what you really wanted. The boy you really wanted. The boy standing in front of you.
You spun on your heel and kept your eyes down as you across the threshold of Rafe’s room back into the hallway.
Rafe’s door closed behind you with a definitive click. That was it. He’d told you to pick and you had. There was no going back. No do-overs.
You stood frozen in the Cameron’s hallway, blinked away the tears threatening to spill down your face, trying to reassure yourself of your decision.
Your life would be easier without Rafe Cameron crowding your thoughts, you told yourself. Evan was the safe choice, he was good for you.
You let your legs carry you down the grand staircase and out of the front door of the Cameron’s house. There you were, for the second time in a week, fleeing from Rafe Cameron with your heart in the kind of pain that just might actually kill you.
taglist! @oreoenthusiast13 [drop a ☀️ in my inbox or messages if you want to be added]
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chaososha · 3 years
First part of my story,
(Name a work in progress, drop ideas in the notes please as I want to hear your thoughts on this story)
(From words 1-1,051)
Author's Note
I am genuinely sorry if you do not find this entertaining. I am writing this with intentions of showing this to people who know me in real life, so if it doesn't seem like something I'd write, good.
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Sol wasn't a normal girl. She never was and never would be. She never could be, because she was Sol Mavol, sole heir to her kingdom's throne. There were so many things deemed wrong with her, that many found it laughable that she would rule her kingdom alone. So, her parents decided that she wouldn't rule alone, and when she reached 16, her parents sent the word. Their daughter needed a suitor. Sol never disagreed, until one strange day, the day before her 19th birthday.
Sol stared out her window into the night sky. It was midnight of April 10th. "This is it." She thought. "Only one day left, Clementine. Then I'll be 19.. and married." She said to her particularly disinterested cat. Sol sighed as she watched Clementine roll over and bat at her own tail. After Sol watched the siamese for a bit longer, she figured she might as well write in her diary. She went to the left middle section of her bookshelf and grabbed the eighth book there. The seven before it were filled, and the eighth was about to be aswell. Sol opened the diary to her latest entry, 5 days before, and read it back over.
"Dear Diary, my 19th birthday is only a week away now, and I'm not excited in the slightest. I'll probably be wed to a man 10 years older than me. In a week, I'll sign away my freedom. But what if I don't have to?"
Sol stopped reading. She had almost forgotten about her idea. What if she didn't have to stay here? What if she wasn't here in the morning? Sure she'd love to rule the kingdom, but why did she have to be married? Sol thought about the answers her parents gave her. "You can't protect the kingdom alone." Sol threw her diary at the wall. "Lord! What am I even protecting against!?" She yelled. Quieting down, she made her decision.
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The next morning when Sol's maid arrived at her room to help Sol get dressed, she found a note, ripped out of a diary. "To whomever may read this note, I have decided I will not, in fact, be getting married. And mother, I will not be 'protecting this kingdom' until I know what I'm protecting against." Mae dropped the note. "Oh no." She said under her breath. Running towards Sol's private bathroom, the maid slammed the door open. A knife was haphazardly thrown on the floor. The floor which had light auburn hair clippings scattered about.
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7 miles away, in the outer middle of the kingdom, Sol was panicking in a dead-end alleyway. "Why did I do that I'm an idiot! Mother will be so mad.." She whispered as she paced back and forth. Her hair was choppy and her bag which held her clothes, diaries, and dagger was set on the side of the alleyway. Sol knew she shouldn't be regretting her decision, but she worried about all the things that could go wrong.
Sol sat down on the cobbled road, pondering her situation. On one hand, she could go home, be punished, and have more secrets kept from her. While on the other hand, she could at least try and find out what she is protecting the kingdom from, or at the very least avoid being married off. Sol stood back up once she calmed down, she grabbed her stuff and made her decision once again. She wasn't going back to the castle.
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Back at the castle, things were slowly descending into chaos. Once Sol's maid, Mae, had found the letter and hair clippings, she ran straight for the Queen. "Your Highness you must look at this!" She said when she threw open the dining hall's doors. The King and Queen were furious when Mae first barged in, but upon seeing the note, the rulers dropped everything.
At first, the rulers sent the lowest ranking knights to search the palace area for their daughter. The King and Queen weren't too surprised when they couldn't find her. However, they were quite worried when none of the knights found her. After they sent the maids to look, with no success, the King and Queen decided to look for their daughter themselves.
It was over. The King and Queen had searched everywhere. Behind every door, whether it be public or secret, in every secret passage, and every tiny hiding spot they had checked, but the worried King and Queen had no luck. By this time, it was evening, so the King and Queen retreated to their room. Standing on their balcony, watching the sunset, they looked into the kingdom, as if their child would suddenly appear and come home. "Oh love... what are we going to do?" The Queen asked. "I don't know Aria.. I really don't know." The King worriedly replied.
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Sol didn't have much trouble her first day out of the castle. There were a few refugee homes for those who lost their house in the recent fire. Sol figured she could find one and stay in it for the night. At first, she thought about sleeping in one that was virtually empty, so she would have more room. She quickly dropped that idea when she realized that her parents were definitely looking for her, and she'd most likely be spotted in an empty refugee house. So the night of April 10th, she found herself in the corner of one of the smaller refugee houses, which had quite a lot of people in it.
That night, in the corner of the house, Sol couldn't sleep. Neither could a woman who sat next to her. "What are you doing up at this hour Child?" The woman asked her after noticing she was stil awake. "It's almost midnight." Sol said in response. "And what does that have to do with being awake?" The woman questioned as she sat up fully. Sol looked at her, blue eyes staring at the lady. "At midnight I'll be 19... didn't think I'd spend my birthday here." Sol answered honestly. The woman's gaze saddened. "Oh.. Well, promise that when it's midnight, you'll sleep?" She asked. Sol thought about it, "Sure." Was her answer. The woman smiled. "Alright then kid. Happy Birthday." She said, then turned over and went back to sleep.
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rose-riot-johnson · 4 years
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Hi everyone👋😃 I figured I'd post this sexy character x reader story and it's about Bakugo as you can see😁👍 The most sexual character x reader story I've posted about so far.....😁👍💕 Enjoy 💕💕💕💕
Should I be worried?(Katsuki Bakugo x reader- +18)
Genre:Smut and sex
"Do I have anything to worry about (female reader)?", Bakugo asked nervously. you said, "I'm sure you got nothing to worry about sweetie. I promise, Bakugo.". Bakugo is still nervous tough.
It started with the night of the Christmas party (which was a week before Bakugo asked me if he needed to worry) where you introduced Bakugo and some1else you met once before at the same place of the Christmas the year before. Then you told Bakugo about the guy you introduced Bakugo to and you told the same guy about Bakugo. As Bakugo is still nervous, you asked Bakugo in concern,"Are you jealous Bakugo?"
The next thing he did was put his mouth on your neck and went to hickey my neck up, and while he was doing so you started moaning. So while this is happening he put his hands underneath your shirt so he can caress your breasts, nipples included. It definitely made you moan louder than you were. Bakugo stopped attacking your neck then said while holding on to your breasts,"So what if I am? I just wanna makesure you don't go to anyone else and that includes the guy you introduced me to, so I'm gonna makesure to make you cum quite often enough where I will know and ensure you don't go to anyone else where I would end up worrying. So I'm gonna make both of us feel good."
After Bakugo said this he went underneath the front top part of your shirt with his right hand he ripped your shirt right off. Then went for the bra to rip it off you then he went to caress your breasts more and suck on your nipples, one at a time (two minutes per nipple) as you moaned more. After he got done sucking on both of your nipples, he moved his hands to your nipples to play with them and as you moaned more Bakugo whispers with a smile, "See how good I made you feel, so far? And I'm just getting started too", then he stopped caressing your breasts, then he told you,"I will let you start your fun with me now", as he grinned.
So you went for his neck to give darker hickies on, then you went pinch and lick his nipples to make Bakugo moan, then you started sucking on his nipples (three minutes per nipple) as you put your left hand on his cock and your right hand on his ballsack to play with both to make him moan more. "Damn. I knew you're good, but I didn't know you'd be this good", he moaned loudly with a grin. When you got done with his nipples, Bakugo said,"You know what to do next, Amber. Now put your head lower", as he petted your head while grinning still.
So you went to lick both his cock and ballsack at first. Then Bakugo then petted your head then said while only slightly moaning, "C'mon babe. You can do better than that." So you started sucking his cock and ballsack at the same time, then Bakugo moan a little more saying, "Impressive, but you still can do better sweetheart.", as he petted my head, so he pushed your head to get his cock deeper in your throat. You ended up deep throating his cock constantly, and that made him moaned louder and he came inside your throat.
"You know just because I came doesn't mean I'm not hard anymore. My cock still wants more so we're not done yet", Bakugo said then he commanded,"But before we both can have our fun with eachother I wanna have more of my fun with you first, because I wanna make you cum at least a little if not plenty" So you laid on the bed as Bakugo was pulling both your pants and thong down at once. "Now I'm gonna show you my mouth can do more than what I did with you neck and nipples.", then he went to caress your thighs then said, "So I'm gonna show you what my mouth is capable of down there", as he slightly uses both of his thumb to lightly thumb your outer pussy to make you lightly moan.
Bakugo growled, with a grin"Now I'm gonna have some real fun with you before I can put my still hard cock down there!", then Bakugo started tonguing your outer and inner pussy as you moaned. "And my mouth is good for more than just licking you down there", Bakugo growled as he grinned more, then started sucking and continued licking (both) your (outer and inner) pussy, and you really moaned loud. "Now I'll let my fingers do the talking!", Bakugo growled louder as he started with using two of his fingers on his left hand playing with my outer pussy. You moaned as he kept rubbing both of his fingers, then Bakugo growled more, "And that's not the only thing I can do!", so he shoved his two fingers of his right hand inside your pussy and began fingering you with his two fingers of his right hand and playing with my outer pussy with two of his fingers of his left hand as you moaned louder.
So Bakugo kept playing with my pussy until you got close to cumming. "Maybe I should switch my left hand with my mouth", Bakugo flirted as he was licking and sucking on his two left fingers, so he started sucking and licking your outer pussy while still fingering inside your pussy, and you kept moaning until you came. "Not bad.", Bakugo said as he's licking and sucking your cum off his fingers, "Even the taste of your cum tells me you're great, but we're not done yet and my cock is still hard. Besides think your pussy could use plenty of feeding time from my cock just to ensure you only come to me and nobody else." Bakugo then barked,"My cock is gonna give your pussy the best pounding niether of them nor us will ever forget! So I hope you and your pussy both are ready for me and my still hard cock, because until I'm done I won't stop even if your pussy is sore and I plan to to ensure your pussy to be sore before I'm done!", as he smiled devilishly.
As he put his still hard cock inside your pussy you moaned right away and moaned out, "Uh! Bakugo!". "Look at that!", said Bakugo then he moaned,"I knew you couldn't resist hard cock of mine!" Then when Bakugo began to start thrusting inside you, "Oh fuck yeah!", you moaned, "Harder, Bakugo! Harder!" Then as Bakugo began to thrust inside you harder and harder, he moaned with a smirk, "Damn, (female reader name)! I knew you liked it rough, but I didn't know you enjoyed me making you see stars that much!",he laughed lightly.
He kept thrusting inside you for what felt like another thirty minutes. "I can tell you still have some fight left in you dispite of you seeing stars and your pussy being this sore!", Bakugo laughed and moaned cockily. "Well you have some fight left yourself," you laughed and moaned back. "Is that a challenge, Bakugo?!" "I can makesure this sex better you know!",Bakugo moaned as he kept thrusting,"Here! I have another idea!"then he pulls his cock out of your pussy,"Stay laying down like you are!"he commanded with a grin,"I wanna try something different with you!"
So he set his cock between your breasts then he holds both of your breasts between his cock, then he started thrusting between your breats. You ended up moaning right with Bakugo and he said,"(Female reader name)! I think I'm about to cum soon", then he kept thrusting between your breasts as you and Bakugo kept moaning until he came in your mouth,all over the chin, in the front of the neck,all over the breats, and all over the belly. So Bakugo took you in the bathroom to clean you up.
After you and Bakugo left the bathroom Bakugo then asked," are you overly satisfied now, (female reader name)?". "Yes, I'm much more than satisfied, now." You answered still panting. "And are you more than one hundred percent sure I have absolutely nothing to worry about, right?", Bakugo asked wanting to be more than one hundred percent sure. Then you said,"I more than one hundred percent assure you that you have absolutely nothing to worry about", then you gave Bakugo a kiss and evensince that day, Bakugo felt more secured and he more than one hundred percent knew he had absolutely nothing to worry about, since then.
The End
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